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Car Accident?

Here is Your Shocking Report from an Auto Accident Industry

Insider That Blows the Whistle on the Latest Insurance
Company Tactics to Derail Your Auto Accident Case and
Prevent You From Receiving the Medical Care You Need…
Please be warned that this is a hard hitting, no punches pulled report. The information is
definitely controversial. It may even upset you, but it is an absolutely true behind the scenes
look at auto accident cases.

What You Will Learn by Reading This Report:

• You will learn what to do right now to protect your rights as an auto accident victim
• You will learn about a conspiracy by the insurance industry designed to bilk you out of
fair settlements
• You will learn why your current doctor and/or lawyer may be ruining your case
• You will learn the truth about whiplash injuries and how damaging they can be
• You will learn about a professional who has developed a strategy to take on the big
insurance companies and secure your rightful treatment and compensation
• Much more…

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
Before You Do Anything Else, Make Sure to Read this Entire Report…TWICE!
Dear Friend,

Read this report immediately because what happens in the 72 hours after your accident are crucial and can be the
difference between a smooth and easy settlement versus a drawn out nightmare lasting months to years.

Listen to this, it’s important…

What you don’t know you don’t know will cause you grief. Read that again.

Your problem is that you don’t even know the right questions to ask following an accident. And guess what, neither
does your doctor or lawyer.

I realize, you might have been in an accident 5 or 10 years ago and it went just fine. You went to your medical
doctor or chiropractor, got treated and then your lawyer negotiated a settlement. The settlement covered all your
car repair bills, medical expenses, attorney fees and you pocketed a fair amount for pain and suffering. Simple.
The trouble is…

Things have changed.

See, in the last few years the auto insurance companies have slowly and methodically perfected a system by which
they can reduce claims. They have conspired to limit how much they will pay out on settlements and also how
much they will pay your doctor…even if it is your own insurance policy!

What I am going to reveal will seem utterly fantastic. I mean, it’s right out of a John Grisham novel….but what I
am going to tell you is ALL TRUE. The length these companies have gone to, to derail your case and alienate you
from your doctor is amazing. It is nothing short of criminal…

But first, tell me this: what were the first three things that
popped into your mind after your accident?

If you’re like most accident victims you thought;

1. How am I going to fix my car?

2. How am I going to get to work without a car?
3. Do I have to call an attorney? And whom do I call?

Notice that your own physical welfare did not enter into this thought process. Unless you are carted away in an
ambulance with blood stained clothing, your health is usually the last thing on your mind. Instead, you worry about
all the financial things.

That could be a very BIG mistake.

Of course you should be concerned about repairing your car. And certainly if you work for a living you need to
arrange for transportation to get there and back. And in many cases you should have an attorney represent you.

All of these things will be arranged in due course, but when it comes to your health, you only have 72 hours to
make a very important decision. Understand this, the conspiracy against you, which I will explain in detail later,
begins the moment your vehicle is struck. The clock is ticking. And after 72 hours if you have not taken a specific

…your case is seriously jeopardized.

With that said, here’s part of the conspiracy against you…

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
The person in charge of your case at the other party’s insurance company, the claims adjuster or examiner, is
instructed to discount any claims that do not seek medical treatment within the first 72 hours following the

But here’s the deal…not just any medical treatment will do. The claims adjuster looks for very specific types of
treatment and it must be identified with the proper language.

Which brings me to the second part of the conspiracy…

They have created an entirely new language. If your doctor or lawyer do not know this language and do not
incorporate it into their practices, your case is sunk. It doesn’t matter if your physician, chiropractor or attorney
have years of experience in auto accident cases.

If they have not bothered to uncover this ground-breaking information…and trust me few have, then they will
continue to do business as usual. And this “same old, same old” mentality hurts you, the auto accident victim.

How do you think you’ll feel when at the end of your auto accident case, your attorney says to you, “…sorry, I
know you were injured, but the insurance companies aren’t offering much these days and your case is not worth
going to court over.” And just think of how you’ll feel when you receive a mere pittance as compensation and still
have to worry about future medical bills because you’re still in pain.

All because your doctor and your attorney do not know the “secret” language.

I’ll tell you how you’ll feel…you’ll be angry. And you should be.

But therein lies the next part of the conspiracy against you …

Turning you against your own doctor and/or lawyer.

They are working behind the scenes to make it appear as if your doctor or lawyer haven’t a clue. And also that you
really aren’t hurt that bad and really shouldn’t have gotten so much treatment, and your doctor really did charge
an awfully lot and you really don’t deserve that much as a settlement…

With they’re sneaky manipulation of the facts, you will eventually see your doctor and lawyer as greedy adversaries
and you will align with the insurance company and settle for less than you should…much, much less.

The sad truth is, if your doctor and lawyer don’t know what I know
about the conspiracy against you, they are clueless.

I’m not saying that to be arrogant, alarmist or antagonistic. I’m merely stating a fact.

I too used to be ignorant of what was going on.

Here’s a brief story…

I entered practice in 1986 at the ripe old age of 24. I graduated young because I was ambitious enough to cram
the equivalency of 8 years of education into 6 calendar years. I was super motivated to enter practice because of
my experience at the hands of my first chiropractor when I was a teenager. I suffered a couple of severe neck
injuries racing motocross and could not be helped with traditional medical care. My first chiropractor was able to
unlock my neck and relieve my painful spasms in a handful of visits when others had failed after months of
medication and rest.

Upon graduation, I entered practice with my mentor and was thrown headlong into a very busy office. My mentor
and I would often see 80 patients in a given day! And most of those cases were trauma cases. Auto accidents,
work injuries, slip and fall, sports injuries, etc. By the time I was only 25, my mentor entrusted his million-dollar
practice to me to manage.

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
Seeing these cases made me understand early on that I needed specialized training. So within a few months of
graduating, I enrolled in a Post Doctorate Orthopedics program. For the next 2 1/2 years I gave up my free time at
night and on the weekends to study orthopedics. The training in this specialized field was priceless. It enabled me
to identify and understand injuries and conditions far beyond the scope of “regular” chiropractors. Soon I was
receiving referrals from other chiropractors, lawyers and insurance companies to give second opinions on their
difficult cases.

During my post-doctorate studies, I met a very famous doctor specializing in whiplash injuries. His book was
ground breaking and I soon began taking all the courses he offered on whiplash trauma and crash reconstruction.
In fact I’ve completed his training program many times over and am an Advanced Graduate in Whiplash and Brain
Traumatology from his institute.

For many years I enjoyed the fruits of a very successful specialty practice treating auto accident victims. My
patients enjoyed the best possible care and received very high settlements because of my documentation and
report writing. Again, I’m not bragging, I’m just restating what many attorneys told me over the years.

A funny thing happened though…

Over the past few years I began to notice certain insurance companies were becoming very difficult to deal with.
These few companies made up a large percentage of the cases I treated. What I noticed was that they began to
claim the accidents were all “minor” and didn’t require much, if any, treatment. Honestly, I had cases where the
car was totaled and they claimed it was a minor injury!

I also began to notice that settlement offers were low. Painfully low. Disgustingly low. Offensively low.

They began to offer checks of $500 to settle cases worth $10,000!

Have you been offered $500, maybe even as little as $250 for your case?

Do you now what that means?

It means they think you’re lying.

They think you’re a fraud… a cheat… a chiseler. I don’t know about you, but where I come from, those are fightin’

At first I shrugged these instances off as flukes. Eventually however, the majority of cases began to look like this.
If this continued, my patients would no longer be able to receive treatment for their auto accident injuries because
there would be no guarantee the insurance company would pay for them. Pain and suffering? Forget it. They
began to make the settlements not even large enough to cover the medical bills let alone pain and suffering.

Something was afoot and I needed to find out what.

Immersing myself in legal and medical journals, seminars and discussions with leading experts I came upon a
shocking discovery...

I attended a conference with some of the biggest names in auto accident research, treatment and law. One of the
presentations was by a former insurance company employee at one of the nation’s largest insurance companies.
He explained, but only vaguely how the insurance companies were systematically trying to reduce claims. Well
that’s nothing new. These companies don’t have huger skyscrapers with their names on them by paying out claims.
They get them by collecting your premiums and finding ways not to pay your claims.

Incidentally, the reason why this person did not make more specific information available was that he had his
Porsche blown up as it sat in his driveway! I told you this would shock you, but trust me, it’s true, every last word.

Then I met two different lawyers who corroborated the reformed insurance employee’s story. Only they gave more
details. One actually wrote a book about this new scam.

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
Now mind you, I have been in this business since 1986. I didn’t just fall of a turnip truck. My peers and others
noted me as an expert in auto accident cases. The information I learned terrified me. You know what else?

It pissed me off!!!

Sorry about the salty language. Please forgive me. But what these insurance companies have done should be
criminal. And its sole intent is to keep you from receiving proper medical care for your injuries and minimize any
payments for pain and suffering. They are trying to bankrupt the patients, doctors and lawyers so that they do not
have to pay out auto accident claims any longer.

It’s a conspiracy by any definition of the word.

The problem is they are so big and powerful, they have so much money, you and I can’t fight them…

Or can you?…

Look, I’ve spent over two decades now studying the scientific basis of neck injuries from auto accidents. I have
devoted my life’s work to this field. I have perfected my craft and made changes when I learned new things to care
for my patients. My office was one of the first in Orange County to use computerized diagnostic testing to locate
hidden injuries from whiplash. All so that my patients would recover more quickly, have less long-term impairment
and be compensated fairly for their injuries.

Over the years I’ve learned that

• Neck injuries can occur at extremely low speeds…as low as 2.5 mph 1
• Collision speeds of 6 mph can cause more damaging g-force to the occupants neck than in a 17 mph
• Accident speeds of over 20 mph can result in no visible signs of vehicle damage, but can cause severe neck
injuries 2
• 47% of side impact collisions cause brain injuries
• Upwards of 40% of all auto accidents result in permanent pain and stiffness 3

I’ve also learned that many of these studies were hidden from the public by the insurance companies. Worse, they
paid for their own studies to show whiplash didn’t exist. The McConnell study is an infamous one they often cite. It
was rigged to get certain results refuting whiplash. Despite the seats being reinforced with extra steel, the patients
being told when they were going to get hit and allowing the test subject to use a mouth guard to lock his jaw
closed, the subject still suffered neck pain! Of course they minimized it and said that it was merely transient pain.

So when I learned what the insurance companies were trying to do to you and me, I looked for ways to uncover
their tactics and devise a plan to defeat them.

You CAN fight these giants and win…

But you need to know how. What you need is an expert who knows how the game is played. Someone who knows
exactly how the insurance companies are trying to cheat you. Someone who can handle your medical problems and
make recommendations for your legal issues as well. Someone who will make sure you are treated fairly.

All modesty aside, I am that person. Here’s why:

• I have seen the computer program they are using to subvert your claim.
• I know how it works and the procedures the insurance adjusters go through
• I know what’s important to document and what’s not
• I know the language they speak and how to use it to your advantage
• I know what the proper format is for all medical notes and reports that results in fair claims settlements
• I know the precise treatment needed for the best recovery possible with minimal long-term pain and
• I have an incredible team in place that can handle any of your medical or legal needs. These are elite hand
selected professionals who know what I now.
Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
But before we go any further, I want you to know this…

“My entire reputation rests on the level of integrity I have exhibited for over 20 years. I am
only interested in helping those victims of accidents who are legitimately inured. I have no
room in my office for anyone who is trying to scam the insurance company. I can spot a fake a
mile away. So if you’re not truly injured, then put this report down right now and don’t even
think about calling me. I won’t be a party to fraud.”

But if you are injured, then I want you to know that I am here to serve you. The information I have is vitally
important to you. There are a mere handful of doctors and lawyers in the entire country who know what I know
about this matter.

Like I said before, things are different nowadays.

Here is what you need if you’ve been involved in an auto accident:

• You Need specific instructions on what to do within the first 72 hours of your accident. Failure
to do this jeopardizes your entire case.
• You Need a specialized examination to uncover any injuries suffered as a result of your
accident. This not your typical ER, HMO or Chiro exam.
• You Need special x-rays. Most doctors have never even seen these before.
• You Need specialized treatment that is specifically designed to repair the tissues that have been
damaged as a result of the accident to prevent long term pain and disability
• You Need a team of experts that all know how to handle your case for maximum medical improvement
and maximum protection of your rights
• You Need a representative that will go to the mat for you and achieve the level of compensation
that you are due fair and square

Did you know that many accident victims think that just because they didn’t suffer much vehicle
damage that their spine can’t be badly injured?

Medical research over the last several years have uncovered the surprising fact that a neck can become
inured with a collision of only 2.5 mph. I know it’s hard to believe, but trust me I’ve seen the research. It’s
true. In fact the study has been replicated by other researchers several times. 4

Did you know that you can suffer a concussion in an auto accident without hitting your head on

If you have a headache, feel dizzy, feel excessively tired, feel confused, forget names or numbers, feel
emotional or sad, or have trouble concentrating you are most likely suffering from a concussion. This is a
form of brain injury that many ER, HMO and general Chiropractors fail to recognize. It is treatable, but
your doctor needs to know what to look for and what treatment to deliver to protect your brain from
permanent damage.

Did you now that hearing or feeling a “clunk” or “clicking” sound in your neck after an accident could
mean that you have suffered a very serious ligament injury?

This injury can only be detected on special x-ray views that almost no doctors ever take. That’s because
most doctors that treat whiplash injuries have no idea what they are doing. I know that’s harsh, but it’s
true and this is too important to candy coat.

I could go on and on with information like this, but the bottom line is this…

If you’ve been involved in an accident you need to call me right now. Not tomorrow or the next day.
You need to call my office now, even if it’s 2:00 am. Call (714) 938-0575.

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
Simply identify yourself as someone in an auto accident and ask to speak directly with me. I’m not joking. If it’s
during working hours I will immediately stop what I am doing and talk with you on the phone. It’s that important. I
will give you specific instructions on what to do to protect your rights.

Even if it’s 2:00 am, call (714) 938-0575 and listen for instructions on what to do. We will return your call by the
next morning.

Once you’ve called, and hopefully it’s within the first 72 hours, you are protected. It is then time to have a face to
face consult with me and a special computerized screening test to see if you are suffering from any injuries from
your accident. This simple 5-minute test is totally painless and uses no radiation. It can even locate hidden injuries
not detectable through conventional means.

My time and this test are valuable. In fact these services are usually billed out at well over $250. But
for a limited time, I will make them available to you absolutely Free of Charge.

That’s right, I am willing to give up my valuable time and give you a cutting edge computerized diagnostic test
valued at over $250, for Free. There is no obligation whatsoever. I just want to make sure that if you are injured
you know about it. And obviously if you are, I’d be honored to offer my specialized services to you. But you are
under no obligation and I will not put any pressure on you.

Listen if you’ve been injured in an accident, you only have one chance to take care of it the right way. I know how
to do that. Don’t waste your time on your family doctor or chiropractor. They don’t know about all this stuff. And
what they don’t know will definitely hurt you…medically, legally and financially.

Call (714) 938-0575 right now to protect your rights and also set up an appointment for your Free Auto Accident
Severity Consult and Computerized Spinal Exam. Call now.

Warmest regards,

P.S. Time is running out. You must call me right away at (714) 938-0575 to protect your rights. My expertise in this
field is unparalleled; this is your chance to get an expert opinion for Free. But you must respond by the expiration
date on your certificate.

P.S.S. There are two certificates enclosed. One is for you and the other is in case there were other occupants in
your vehicle. They too need to protect themselves and discover any hidden injuries in their spine.

P.S.S.S. If your accident was more than 72 hours ago, it’s okay. I can still help you. It will be more difficult, but I
know the tricks and secrets to overcome this obstacle. But to do that, you must call me (714) 938-0575.

Koji Kaneoka, Koshiro Ono, Satoshi Inami and Koichiro Hayashi (99-04-15). "Motion analysis of cervical vertebrae during whiplash loading." Spine 24(8):
German study?
Lord, Bogduk, et al
Panjabi MM, Cholewicki J, Nibu K, Grauer JN, Babat LB, Dvorak J, Bar HF (1998-12-01): "[Biomechanics of whiplash injury]." Orthopade 1998 Dec;
27(12): 813-9.

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation
What Other O.C. Car Accident Victims
Are Saying About Dr. Marks
"Before Dr. Marks there would be times that I would be laid up in bed due to muscle spasms and pain that
I was experiencing, in one instance taking muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medication to relieve
pain. Since my car accident 10 years ago I have not missed a day of work or had to cancel an activity
because of my lower back. If you ask me, I will tell you that I am a firm believer in chiropractic care and
especially thankful to Dr. Marks and his staff in Orange."
- Ken Rothman, 42, Salesman, Anaheim, CA

“After a car accident, "I visited Dr. Marks for lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain and headaches. I
was unable to play softball, play golf, ride my bike and working was very difficult. After two months of
treatment my headaches have gone away. My low back pain has generally gone away. The same holds
true for my neck and shoulder pain. I can ride my bike again and play golf. I also have an easier time

- Ryan Wein, 27, Financial Specialist, La Mirada, CA

“Due to a car accident, I had back, neck and knee pain on a daily basis. I was very skeptical when I first
came in, but I was amazed at how you were able to relieve my neck and back pains in such a short time.
Within 6 months, my whole life dramatically changed. I was feeling like my old self again…finally! Dr.
Marks you are truly a healer and caring person. Thanks so much.”

-Karen Johnson, 54, Receptionist, Lake Forest, CA


Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation

(Valued at over $347)

Your Free Evaluation Includes:

Consult with Dr. Marks
Computerized SEMG test
Recommended Action Plan

Call (714) 938-0575

OFFER EXPIRES: 10 days after receipt


2401 W. CHAPMAN AVE, SUITE 102 | ORANGE, CA 92868
(Corner of W. Chapman & Bitterbush, Near the 5, 22, 57 Fwy’s)

Call (714) 938-0575 for Your Free Auto Accident Severity Evaluation

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