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Science Education Matters in Protecting our Planet

LT4 Living Discipline Photo Essay: Science

CDPD 500
Ambrose University
Jenn Bergmann
Our world is a fascinating place, full of uncharted lands that exude a raw and
wild beauty, providing humankind with opportunities to explore, inquire, learn,
wonder, and better the place we call home.
The science curriculum invites us to explore and interpret the world around us,
using our skills and knowledge to adapt to new challenges, opportunities, and
societal issues that arise in our rapidly changing world.
Inquiry and problem-solving play a crucial role in how we respond to
science-related social, economic, ethical, and environmental issues...
While continuing to grow our sense of wonderment for the Earth and
all who inhabit it.
Human creativity and inventiveness is limitless, yet we are all bound by and
fully reliant upon the finite resources of the natural world.
As stewards of the Earth, we need to use our knowledge and skills in a responsible
manner to foster sustainable practices that protect the environment.
Today, less than 15% of the world’s wild places remain untouched by human activity.
And due to poor planning and human error, some places have
become truly uninhabitable.
Plastic pollution, deforestation, and extinction are just some of the issues we are
faced with in an increasingly interconnected and consumerist world.
In Alberta, we too are faced with challenges that threaten the long-term
health of our ecosystem and economy due to unsustainable practices.
We need to
find new and
innovative ways
to improve
quality of life,
not only for
ourselves, but
for all species
on our planet.
To do this, we need to create spaces that allow for inquiry by knowing
how to ask relevant questions and accurately define problems.
We need to establish places where there is room to observe, test, and
experiment with new practices and products in a safe manner.
And draw upon traditional knowledge that has existed for generations, about
our relationship to the land and responsibility to care for it.
Utilizing our ever expanding understanding of technology to generate new
knowledge and solutions…
And invent creative solutions using collaborative and cooperative processes
that enable carefully constructed plans to come into fruition.
We must ensure that the future of our planet continues to provide new
opportunities for discovery, learning, and wonder – and ultimately leave the
Earth in a better condition than we found it.
Slide 1. Photographer: Jenn Bergmann
Slide 2. Photographer: National Geographic. Retrieved from:
Slide 3. Photographer: Unknown (screen shot). Retrieved from:
Slide 4. Photographer: Holly Williams. Retrieved from:
Slide 5. Photographer: Chris Fenwick. Retrieved from:
Slide 6. Photographer: National Geographic. Retrieved from:
Slide 7. Photographer: Iberdrola Technologies. Retrieved from:
Slide 8. Photographer: Jenn Bergmann.
Slide 9. Photographer: Efrem Lukatsky. Retrieved from:
Slide 10. Photographer: Randy Olson. Retrieved from:
Slide 11. Photographer: Syncrude Canada LTD. Retrieved from:
Slide 12. Photographer: Flip Nicklin. Retrieved from:
Slide 13. Photographer: Unknown (screen shot). Retrieved from:
Slide 14. Photographer: Unknown (screen shot). Retrieved from:
Slide 15. Photographer: Unknown. Retrieved from:
Slide 16: Photographer: Unknown (screen shot). Retrieved from:
Slide 17. Photographer: Andrea Steffen. Retrieved from:
Slide 18. Photographer: National Geographic. Retrieved from:

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