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collection storage
E.Verner Johnson
and Joanne C.Horgan
Protection of the cultural heritage
Technical handbooks
for museums and monuments 2
Titles in this series :

1 The guarding of culiural property

by William A. Bostick
2 Museum collection storage
by E.Verner Johnson and Joanne C.Horgan
Museum collection storage
E.Verner Johnson
and Joanne C.Horgan
Published in 1979 by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization,
7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris
Printed by Union Typographique,
ISBN 92-3-
Q Unesco 1979
Printed in France

Unesco has long shown an interest in and concern United States. H e has been concerned with m u -
about the problems of museum collection storage. seum planning, design and research for the last
In December 1976, it co-sponsored the first Inter- sixteen years. During this period he has done
national Conference o n M u s e u m Storage, held in extensive research into museum systems, including
Washington, D.C., where E. Verner Johnson collection storage facilities, and has been involved
joined twenty other participants interested in find- with the planning or design of over twenty mu-
ing solutions to the complex problem of protecting seum projects. Joanne C.Horgan is also a principal
the valuable objects housed in museums through- of E. Verner Johnson and Associates, Inc., and
out the world. The conference recommended that has been involved in all of its museum planning
a technical handbook on museum collection stor- and research projects over the past thirteen years.
age, based on current research and technology, She has researched,photographed and documented
should be prepared so as to identify the major many museum storage facilities.
problems and offer some solutions. A draft of a This handbook is the second in a n e w series
manuscript summarizing the results of this five- which aims to give practical and technical guid-
day meeting of experts was prepared by the ance on the conservation and restoration of
authors, and it was presented by Mr Johnson to cultural property. Intended to contribute to the
other members of the ICOM International C o m - international spread and exchange of professional
mittee for Architecture and Museum-Techniques knowledge and experience, the series is destined
at their first meeting in Cologne, Federal Republic in particular for museums and monuments ser-
of Germany, in October 1977. This committee vices whose resources are limited and which must
shared the opinion that there was an urgent need find solutions to their problems of conservation
for this kind of handbook. Its publication is indeed that are more in line with locally available means
overdue, for museum professionals throughout the and resources. It is hoped that the information in
world have been concerned about the inadequate this handbook will succeed in providing practical
attention given to the complex problems of collec- information in this sense. It should be noted that
tion storage. Ideal storage systems can be prohibi- a second handbook dealing specifically with stor-
tively expensive, but with some application and age in the light of local conditions in developing
imagination a range of intermediary solutions can countries will be prepared for publication in
be devised, provided that knowledge and ideas 1980-81.
can be exchanged and compared among specialists The authors are responsible for the choice
in this field throughout the world. and the presentation of the facts contained in this
E. Verner Johnson is a principal of the archi- book and for the opinions expressed therein,
tectural and planning firm of E. Verner Johnson which are not necessarily those of Unesco and
and Associates, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, in the do not commit the Organization.

The preparation of this handbook would not have in the Costume Institute; and John Davis at
been possible without the co-operation of staff Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia, for
members of many museums, whose storage areas showing us the extensive storage areas housing
have been visited, researched, measured and pho- the museum’s fine decorative arts collections.
tographed over the last sixteen years as part of Some information and ideas for storage systems
an ongoing research effort related to our museum came from participants at the Washington Confer-
planning and design projects and the preparation ence, particularly information on high-density
of this handbook. It is impossible to name all mobile storage systems.
of the persons w h o have helped, or to give credit W e also would like to thank William R.
for many of the storage-system ideas and concepts Leisher, Assistant Paintings Conservator at the
that are shown or described in this book. Many National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.,for
of the storage systems were first constructed in the use of his listing of ‘Humidity/Temperature
one museum and then refined in others. Author- Requirements for Museum Collections’, and our
ship is not nearly as important as the dissemination friend and colleague William Bricken for the
of knowledge about the systems. We would like excellent illustrations included in this handbook.
to mention a few of the people w h o have been These illustrations were developed from photo-
most helpful in supplying information about spe- graphs, slides, in many cases our memories, and
cific systems: Jon Ericson, Curator of Collections an occasional creative inspiration. Finally, we
at the Heard Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, w h o would like to thank Paul Perrot, Assistant Secre-
has developed several innovative storage systems tary for Museum Programs at the Smithsonian
built by the museum staff; at the Metropolitan Institution, and Luis Monreal, Secretary General
Museum of Art in New York, John Buchanan, of the International Council of Museums (ICOM),
Registrar, for his assistance in ‘opening the doors’ for their support and encouragement in taking
to the museum’s storage areas, Cynthia Lambrose on this task.
in the print and drawing area, and Anne Seebach E.V. J. and J. C.H .

Introduction 9

I Planning 11
Museum roles and how they affect
the planning of storage systems
and areas 12
Planning relationships between the
collection storage areas, collection
support areas and other museum
facilities 13
Determination of the amount of
collection storage area required 16
Planning storage areas for collections
growth 17

I1 Records, accessibility and retrieval 18

Records 18
Accessibility 19
Retrieval 20

I11 Security 22
Security aspects of physical planning 22
Protection against theft and vandalism 23
Fire protection 23
Other hazards 26

IV Conservation 27
Air-conditioning 27
Lighting 31
Fumigation 32
Vibration 32
Conservation factors that affect
selection of storage systems 32

V Storage systems 34

The preparation of a handbook on museum stor- lems without the use of expensive or sophisticated
age is long overdue. The storage and conservation systems. These solutions have much to offer in
of many museum collections have received inad- the light of rising energy costs, power cut-backs,
equate attention in the past, and in most cases and occasional power failures. Finally, a better
are still receiving inadequate attention. In fact, communication between industry and the museum
probably more harm has been done to museum profession will add important technological input
collections through improper storage than by any to the effort of solving these complex problems
other means. It is crucial for the future of all that confront all museums.
museums, as the custodians of a substantial part Collection storage involves more than a phys-
of mankind‘s natural and cultural heritage, that ical facility. It reflects the museum’s roles and
steps be taken to improve storage practices and programmes in exhibition,education and research.
facilities. Most problems of inadequate collection Section I, devoted to ‘Planning’,describes how the
storage can be traced to a lack of funds, know- museum’s roles affect the planning of the storage
ledge, or resources, or any combination of these systems and areas. The physical relationships be-
causes. Many museums lack the funds to provide tween the collection storage areas, collection sup-
adequate storage for their collections, or they port areas and other museum facilities are illus-
spend their funds on other things because of ill- trated and described. This section also deals with
defined roles. Many also lack the technical know- methods for determining the amount of area
ledge about conservation, storage systems, record- required for collection storage and planning of
keeping, or security needed to care properly for storage areas for collection growth.
their collections. And, finally,numerous museums Section I1 on ‘Records, Accessibility and
lack the technical and human resources necessary Retrieval’describes how the protection of cultural
to provide adequate care for their collections. property involves the need for registration and
It is apparent that there are major differences cataloguing, and how these records can influence
between the needs and resources of museums in the types of storage system that can be used.
more technologically advanced countries and those Recent and continuing advances in computer
in developing countries. Such differences often technology offer enormous potential for the rapid
exist between large and small museums anywhere.’ retrieval and exchange of information about
Steps must be taken to increase co-operation be- museum collections. The use of such technology
tween different types of museums, and to accel- can enable scholars and museums to co-operate
erate the open exchange of ideas and knowledge more closely and aid the mutual enrichment of
about this critical problem throughout the museum cultures. Such technology can also increase the
profession. The publication of this handbook is efficiency of the way the collection storage areas
an attempt to initiate this vital exchange of infor- are used. Examination of specific accessibility and
mation about collection storage practices. In the retrieval requirements for each group of objects,
past, when such exchanges of information did artefacts or specimens helps to determine the best
take place,they most commonly occurred between system for its storage.
museums sharing the same discipline.Our research Section I11 on ‘Security’deals with the threat
has shown that there are many innovative storage to museum collections from theft, vandalism, fire
systems being used in one discipline which could and other hazards.
be used in an entirely different type of museum- Section IV on ‘Conservation’ deals with the
some with minor modifications and some with no influence of air-conditioning (temperature, humi-
modifications at all. Some of the creative storage dity and filtration), lighting, fumigation, and
systems which have been devised by museums vibration on museum collection objects.It includes
with too little capital and a very resourceful staff a tabulation of recommended humidity temper-
might profitably be emulated by large museums
with substantial budgets. Some museums in devel- 1. Unesco is now preparing, as a follow-up to this
oping nations have come up with creative solu- publication, a handbook devoted specifically to small
tions to conservation and collection storage prob- museums, particularly those in developing countries.
18 Introduction

ature requirements for a wide range of materials and illustrated, including fixed, mobile, simple,
and a check-list of the conservation factors which complex and sophisticated systems. In a few in-
should be evaluated before selecting a storage stances, simple modifications and variations to the
system. systems are also shown. Both commercially manu-
The last section deals with the design of stor- factured systems and systems that can be made
age systems to house museum collections. M a n y by museum staff are included.
different generic types of system are described
I Planning

M u s e u m roles and how they affect museum’s comprehensive master plan, all of its
the planning of storage systems roles can be grouped into the traditional cate-
gories: exhibition,education,research,collections,
and areas etc. At one time all museums were considered
to have identical roles in each category, and each
A museum’s storage facilities cannot be planned museum would,in theory, differ only to the extent
in a vacuum. Too often museums view their each role was pursued. Each institution was judged
storage areas as if they were an isolated unit, on the merits of how well it performed in each
unaffected by, and having no effect on,the other of these universal role categories. The possibility
museum activities. This kind of approach cannot of a museum limiting itself to only one or two
result in satisfactory and workable collection stor- of these roles was not even considered. In more
age facilities,since most museums have other roles recent times, however, it has been recognized
beyond that of a repository and preserver of that different museums can emphasize different
collections. Other typical areas within which most roles. In fact, one or more of these roles can
museums have roles are exhibition,education and be eliminated completely so that a museum with
research. The museum collections may, in fact, limited resources can present quality programmes
exist primarily to serve these other roles rather which fulfil its chosen roles, This role selection,
than existing as an end in themselves. and the extent to which each role is pursued,
It is obvious that the collections must be will have a significant effect on the museum’s
preserved in good condition, good records must collection storage programme. Since each museum
be maintained, and both the collections and has unique roles, each also will have a unique
records must be accessible if they are to be of storage programme.
value in serving the needs of the museum’s other In order to develop an appropriate collection
roles. However, each museum will emphasize its storage facilities programme the following factors
various roles differently. It is the way in which must be assessed:
these various roles affect the storage of the collec- What kind of museum is it? Art,science,natural
tions that is significant when planning the collec- history, cultural history, or a combination of
tion storage facilities. these disciplines?
Comprehensive planning is the process by What are the museum’s roles within these disci-
which a museum determines its individual roles plines? These roles will determine the types
and the emphasis each will have with respect to of collection that will be used.
the others. Ignoring the interrelationship of a How will the collections be used in the museum’s
museum’s various roles is a common but very exhibition, education, and research program-
significant mistake made by many institutions.All mes? These determinations establish how
museums have finite resources with which to visible the collection must be, its accessibility
carry out several different but interrelated roles, and retrieval requirements, and its frequency
and planning is the method by which a museum of use.
determines how much of its resources can be If there is an existing collection, how much space
spent on each of these respective roles. The is required to store it adequately?
amount of resources allocated to the collection What is the museum’s acquisition policy, and how
role directly affects the type of storage systems will this policy affect the future expansion of
the museum can afford and the extent and quality the storage facilities?
of space which can be made available for storage. What is the ideal physical relationship of the
Because comprehensive planning is not widely collection storage facilities to other museum
practised, many museums find they cannot ad- areas?
equately fulfil all their selected roles. Unfortuna- In the broadest sense, a museum’s collections
tely, in most cases it is the collection storage exist primarily to meet the needs of the other
facilities which suffer most. roles. As such, the collection role is the last role
In order to establish a clear framework for a to be defined. With few exceptions, a museum’s
12 Museum collection storage

collection programme is determined by what is used in education programmes range from real
needed to carry out the exhibition, education and objects to be used as examples for lectures and
research programmes. For instance, if a museum classroom programmes, to expendable materials
has decided to limit its exhibition and education for classroom projects. Artefacts used in the
roles to a certain period of history and to eliminate education programme m a y be quite different from
research altogether, then ideally the collection objects used in exhibitions. Again, it is clear that
programme should be limited strictly to objects the museum’s education programmes must be
relating to that particular period of history which defined before a suitable storage programme can
can be used in either the exhibition or education be formulated for the artefacts to be used in these
programmes. A museum which allows its collec- programmes.
tions to expand without control will,in the end, Collections used for research vary greatly from
compromise its conservation standards to a point museum to museum, depending on the type of
where the entire collection will suffer, including museum and the extent of research to be carried
the objects that are necessary to carry out the out. The w a y the collection will be used by
museum’s programmes. Admittedly, it is difficult researchers, h o w visible and accessible it must
for museums to limit their collections in this be, and its frequency of use in research are all
rational manner: h o w can a museum refuse major factors affecting the criteria for the collec-
artefacts which are irrelevant to its collection tion storage programme. M a n y different and
programme and still meet its ethical mandate to conflicting programme criteria can be developed,
preserve and protect artefacts of historic, scien- depending on h o w the collection will be used.
tific, or artistic value? There are no easy solutions The following examples illustrate h o w the
to this problem. It is up to the individual institu- research programmes can affect collection storage
tions to decide h o w they can best deal with this areas.
dilemma. The way each museum handles this A n anthropological collection can be arranged
particular problem will,of course, have an effect in cultural groupings, which allows the researcher
on the collection storage programme, so it is to browse in one area containing the entire
best to deal with this issue at the same time as collection related to a single culture. Since
all the other planning issues are being considered. most researchers study within a single culture,
A museum’s exhibition programmes can affect such an arrangement creates a more efficient
collection storage in the following way. Artefacts information retrieval system for this type of work.
that are temporarily housed before being installed However, because of the great range in size of
in a permanent exhibit require a different type of collection artefacts within a single culture, some
storage to those which are used occasionally in difficult storage problems arise. These problems
temporary exhibits. In the first instance, a sophis- are further complicated when museums group
ticated storage and retrieval system is unnecessary, single collections together rather than integrating
whereas objects to be used in temporary exhibits artefacts from a single collection with similar
require a permanent home, good retrieval systems, artefacts from other collections or cultures. An
and accessibility. T h e practice of rotating artefacts alternative solution is to arrange the collection
within a permanent exhibit, which enhances the artefacts strictly by size and type, regardless of
interest of repeat visitors and helps to protect the their cultural source, as in commercial storage.
collection artefacts, also creates a need for more Although this is less efficient for the researcher,
efficient storage and retrieval systems. Sometimes it greatly simplifies the storage system and it
the rotation of exhibit materials is the only also allows for artefacts with similar environ-
practical conservation technique that is available mental requirements to be stored together, a
to museums, as the lack of funds precludes the decided advantage from the standpoint of conser-
possibility of providing a satisfactory environment vation. T o some extent, most museums find this
in all areas of the museum. In some museums course of action necessary, at least in some areas,
utilizing historic houses for exhibition, it m a y in order to utilize more efficiently their constantly
not be possible to create ideal environments for shrinking storage space. These types of storage
the collections because of the construction of the problem do not exist with scientific collections
buildings. Therefore, the rotation of the artefacts (biology, botany, mineralology, etc.) since these
is the only solution. In this instance, the decision kinds of collection are grouped more logically by
might be made to exhibit more valuable artefacts size and preservation requirements.
only during winter months, when they are less Research programmes that require frequent
likely to be damaged by excessive heat, light and removal of objects from storage create n e w criteria
humidity. Museums should always balance the for other areas as well as the collection facilities.
protection afforded to objects through rotation For instance, the efficiency with which an object
of display against the increased risk of damage can be located and retrieved from the storage
by handling. area can greatly influence the usage of laboratory
The museum’s education programmes will and research space. In some institutions, the inac-
also affect the type of storage that will be required. cessibility of collection artefacts results in the
For instance, collection artefacts which might be creation of secondary storage areas within the
Planning 13

laboratories.The size of the laboratories is affected age facility unit. Perhaps the most critical area
by this. If it is easy to locate and retrieve objects shown in this diagram is the registration and
from a central storage area, the laboratories will holding area (7), which serves as a control point
be smaller-only the artefacts being used in for all artefacts and people entering or leaving the
current research need be kept there. collection storage facilities. It is here that all
Once basic research has been completed on museum artefacts are accessioned,where out-loans
a given object, it may be stored in more compact are handled, and where artefacts on loan from
and less accessible storage space. The required other museums are processed. Large work-tables,
frequency of access should be determined as part
of the programming process. If it is determined
that after this basic research an object will not
be needed for many years, it can be considered
to be a dead storage item and treated accordingly,
that is, stored in very compact systems where 15
accessibility is not a critical factor,although even
‘dead’items should be examined periodically lest
they decay away unnoticed.
The accessibility and visibility requirements
of a museum’s collections, which are determined
by how the collections will be used, will affect
how efficiently the volume within the storage
areas can be used. The possibility of using above-
eye-level volume in the storage areas, the use
of a high-density mobile storage system, or the
use of mezzanines within the storage areas all
can be evaluated on the basis of access and
retrieval requirements.
In summary, it is clear that the museum’s
roles in exhibition, education, and research all
have a direct effect on the planning of the storage
systems and areas. Therefore, the clear definition
of these roles should be an initial step in planning
for good storage facilities. In the final analysis,
the collection artefacts or specimens are being
preserved for a reason,be it exhibition,education,
or research. If the storage facility is not designed
to satisfy the needs of these programmes, then it
will not be satisfactory.

Planning relationships
between the collection storage areas,
collection support areas
and other museum facilities
The importance of the physical relationship be-
tween the collection storage areas, their support FIG.1. Area relationships for collection storage facilities.
areas, and other museum facilities cannot be For planning purposes, the areas that make up the total
collection storage facility can be considered as one unit.
overemphasized. Since the support areas function The collection storage facility unit includes: 1. Service
in a manner so integrally related to the collection yard; 2. Loading dock; 3. Receiving area; 4. Fumigation
storage areas, their requirements should be pro- or specimen washing area; 5. Crating area; 6.Crate stor-
grammed as part of the total collection storage age area; 7. Registration and holding area; 8. Records
facility.The successful integration of these spaces vault; 9. Reception and secretarial area; 10. Curatorial
offices or laboratories; 11. Collections research area; 12.
will allow the required processing of museum Photo area; 13. Conservation laboratory; and 14. Collec-
artefacts to be carried out efficiently, thereby tion storage areas.
minimizing the potential for damage or loss This entire unit has very specific and critical require-
through human error or a lack of adequate se- ments with regard to how it is connected to the other
curity (see Fig. 1). museum areas: 15. Outside night entrance; 16. Security
control station; 17. Public and staff entrance; 18. Connec-
Figure 1 illustrates the relationships between tion to exhibition preparation areas and exhibition gal-
the various areas that make up the collection stor- leries.
14 Museum collection storage

supply cabinets, shelving, hanging racks, storage through the reception and secretarial area, provid-
space for mobile carts to m o v e artefacts, and a ing an added security check of persons entering
sink for washing one’s hands should be provided the collection storage facilities. In small museums
in this area. There must be adequate space to this screening is done in the registration and hold-
hold temporaliry the collection artefacts awaiting ing area, in which case the space should be plan-
these kinds of processing, but care must be taken ned so that one person can have control over
to ensure that the registration and holding area people entering it. In addition, provision must
does not become a permanent storage area for be made for securing the area if, for any reason,
parts of the collection because of overcrowding in constant supervision is not possible. T h e space
the actual storage areas. This is a c o m m o n prob- must be large enough to accommodate all artefacts
lem in many museums. entering or leaving the storage area.
Off the registration and holding area there Generally, it is necessary to have a separate
should be a fireproof records vault (8) to store but secured access (18) connecting the registra-
the collection records. It is recommended that a tion and holding area (7) to the exhibition prep-
duplicate set of records be kept at a remote loca- aration areas and the exhibition galleries. Objects
tion so that in the event of a fire, theft, or some m a y pass from the collection storage areas (14)
other disaster, this valuable information will not through the registration and holding area to an
be lost. exhibition preparation area before proceeding to
A loading dock (2), preferably covered to the exhibition galleries. After an exhibition is
facilitate operations during inclement weather, over, these artefacts m a y be returned directly
should be provided, with truck height access through the registration and holding area to the
approximately 1 m above the service yard (1) collection storage areas, or they m a y need to go to
to allow for the loading and unloading of heavy an exhibition preparation area first for dismount-
objects from the back of a truck. In extremely ing or disassembly. In either case, the artefacts
hot or cold climates, the loading dock can be must pass through the registration and holding
enclosed within a completely covered and air- area before being returned to storage. T h e objects
conditioned area. T h e doorway connecting the should be checked carefully for damage, the con-
loading dock with the receiving area (3) should dition recorded and, if needed, conservation work
be large enough to receive the largest objects that undertaken before return to storage.
the museum’s collection might contain. The receiv- All museums should have a security control
ing area should be large enough to receive incom- station (16), where the security system is moni-
ing crated shipments and hold outgoing ship- tored and all alarms are received. It can be loca-
ments awaiting pick up. A large scale for weighing ted adjacent to the reception and secretarial
materials prior to shipment is useful. Large work- area (9) if such an area exists, or adjacent to the
tables should be provided, as well as sealed cabi- registration and holding area (7). T h e security
nets with adjustable shelving to hold contaminated control station should have an exterior entrance
artefacts awaiting fumigation or washing. where museum personnel can enter after normal
Off the receiving area there should be a crat- hours. The criteria for this area were covered in
ing area (5) for the crating and uncrating of a technical handbook entitled The Guarding of
shipments. Crating or uncrating should never be Cultural Property.’
done in the storage rooms because of the dust Other collection storage support facilities
and dirt generated by these activities. Cabinets to include the curatorial offices or laboratories (lo),
store the necessary tools for assembling and disas- the collections research area (1 11, the conser-
sembling crates should be provided in this area. vation laboratory (13), and the photo area (12)
Adjacent to the crating area there should be a used to photograph the collection artefacts.
crate storage area (6)to store the crates in which The curatorial offices or laboratories (10)
loaned objects were delivered, crates for the ship- serve as research areas for the individual curators.
ment of artefacts to other museums, and the mate- The size and furnishing requirements for these
rial required to make n e w or repair old crates. spaces depend on the discipline of the individual
S o m e museums require special support areas curator. The collections research area (11) is
such as a fumigation chamber or a specimen used by non-staff members engaged in research
washing area (4).If these facilities are necessary, using the museum’s collections. As a security
they also should be located adjacent to the receiv- control, persons using the collections research
ing area, since contamined items should not area must first pass through the registration and
be allowed beyond this point without having been holding area (7). T h e conservation laboratory
washed or fumigated. After uncrating and pos- (13) and the photo area (12) are also controlled
sible fumigation or washing, artefacts should then by the registration and holding area so that once
proceed to the registration and holding area (7). an artefact has passed through the registration
In large museums a reception and secretarial
1. William A.Bostick, The Guarding of Cultural Propere,
area (9) can be provided adjacent to the regis- Pans, Unesco, 1977 (Protection of the Cultural Hent-
tration and holding area. All persons entering the age. Technical Handbooks for Museums and Monu-
registration and holding area would first pass ments).
Planning 15

and holding area it can move to the photo area are often considered for the collection storage
(121, the conservation laboratory (13) or the facilities.
curatorial offices or laboratories (10) and still The advantages and disadvantages of using
be within the secured area controlled by the the basement for the collection storage facilities
registration and holding area (7). The movement should be carefully weighed. The load-bearing
between each of these areas should always be capacity of the basement floor will allow for the
recorded, and this information should be kept dense storage of collections not possible on upper
in the registration and holding area. The security floors of the building unless it has been specifi-
control that can be provided through proper plan- cally designed to take such an excessive loading.
ning and location of the registration and holding The basement’s relative inaccessibility to the gene-
area cannot be overemphasized. ral public is an advantage from the standpoint of
The conservation laboratory (13) and the security and control.
photo area (12) (if film development and print- There is another often overlooked advantage
ing are done here) are potentially dangerous areas of basement areas. In some climates it is neces-
because of the fumes generated in the perfor- sary to provide on other floors of the build-
mance of these tasks. Special precautions must ing a vapour barrier within the structure’s exter-
be taken to ensure that the exhaust systems from ior walls. This vapour barrier protects the build-
these areas are completely separated from those ing structure during the dry months of the year,
serving the collection storage areas or any other when the relative humidity within the building is
of the support facilities where artefacts may be artificially increased to protect the collection
kept on a temporary basis. This separation of artefacts. Without this vapour barrier, the added
exhaust systems also is critical for other dirty moisture will penetrate the exterior walls, causing
areas of the museum which are part of the exhi- damage to the wall itself and the outside finishes
bition preparation areas, such as the carpentry of the building. This problem exists in older build-
shop,a paint spray area, an exhibit finishing area, ings which have not included a vapour barrier
a graphic arts studio where silk-screening is as part of the building’s structure. The addition
done, taxidermy areas, fibreglass areas, welding of a vapour barrier to an existing building is
areas, etc. generally extremely costly. W h e n ancient palaces
There can be a direct connection between the and other buildings of historic importance have
collection storage facilities and other museum been refurbished to serve as museums, a special
areas if the entire museum is contained within problem emerges. Since the building’s architec-
one structure. A direct connection is extremely tural character cannot be altered,it may be impos-
desirable from a Conservation standpoint,since it sible to add a vapour barrier. However,the below-
greatly diminishes the potential for damage to grade masonry or concrete walls of the basement
collection objects due to excessive handling or do not require a vapour barrier.
movement from one building to another. W h e n Some potential disadvantages of using existing
a direct connection is possible, care should be basements for storage facilities include a lack of
taken to ensure that passageways are large enough adequate ventilation,excessive dampness, and the
to permit the movement of all objects and that potential for damage due to flooding. Another
there is a minimum of level changes from the major disadvantage of basement storage is its
collection storage facilities to the exhibition prep- undesirability as a space in which people must
aration areas and the exhibition galleries (18). work. All of the support facilities such as the
Adequate goods-lifts must be provided for the registration and holding areas, the curatorial
movement of artefacts from on floor to another offices or laboratories, the conservation labora-
if the collection storage facilities and other tory, collections research area, etc., are ‘people’
museum areas are located on separate floors. If areas, where a feeling of connection with the
very large objects are to be moved, these goods- outside environment is highly desirable.T o satisfy
lifts must be of adequate size, which is quite this requirement, it would be necessary either to
costly. These considerations are important when separate the collection storage area from its sup-
planning the museum. If the collection storage port facilities,a distinct disadvantage, or to find
facilities are located in a building separate from some way in which a connection with the outside
other museum functions, then artefacts entering environment can be established through the addi-
or leaving the facility would utilize the loading tion of light wells extending to the basement
dock (2). Wherever the collection storage facil- level,etc. In many of these support areas, such as
ities are located, they should have the same envi- the conservation laboratory or collections research
ronmental criteria as the exhibition areas. area, it is important to have some natural light
W h e n planning a new museum building, each for the work that is to be performed in that
area can be given a location best suited to its area.
use. However, existing buildings are often used
for museums and some of the less desirable spaces
must be used for museum functions. Areas less
accessible to the public, such as basement areas,
16 Museum collection storage

Determination of the amount artefacts will be stored, but consider also

access, retrieval, and visibility requirements.
of collection storage area required 3. Refer to Section IV, which illustrates many
different types of storage system and describes
The task of determining the amount of storage h o w they are used, to determine appropriate
area required by a museum is very complex. The systems for each category of artefact. Although
first step is to assess the extent of the museum’s this is only a representative sampling of storage
existing collections, and since few museums have systems that are available or that can be con-
finite collections, the rate of collection growth structed, most collection artefacts can be hous-
must then be estimated. T h e amount of the col- ed suitably in one or several of the systems
lections that must be stored m a y vary as a result shown. These examples should be thought of
of the different needs for long-term exhibitions, as a starting-pointor as generic types. It is pos-
travelling exhibitions, loans to other institutions, sible to make refinements or modifications to
etc. T h e size of the collections for a n e w museum create more suitable storage for the unique
m a y be even more difficult to determine because artefact that must be stored in a particular
of a lack of knowledge about the number of arte- museum. Since there are several options for
facts that m a y be made available to the museum systems in each collection category, some pre-
and because of an unplanned exhibition pro- liminary decisions must be made in order to
gramme. T h e best approach here m a y be to visit assess the extent of storage area needed.
other museums with similar roles, which are 4. Determine the extent of the storage systems
similar in size to the kind of facility planned, to required in each category to house the existing
see h o w m u c h collection storage space is required or initial collections. By making a layout of the
in these other institutions. This is not a comple- storage systems, with proper aisles and access,
tely foolproof method, since each museum exists the amount of space required for each type of
in very different circumstances.The best method object can be determined. W h e n planning for
for the n e w museum is to consult with people existing collections, it is possible that certain
experienced in this field, as expert judgements categories of objects will require less space
will have to be made. because of increased efficiency as a result of
In the past, attempts have been made to relate using a different storage system, whereas other
the size of the collection storage areas to the categories of objects will require less space
amount of exhibition space by using some sort because they are at present overcrowded,
of magical factor. There really is no basis for a accessibility to the objects is difficult, or the
standard factor. The extent of exhibition space existing storage conditions are unsatisfactory
depends on h o w the exhibits are designed, the in some other way. Therefore, before dealing
subject-matter of the various exhibitions, h o w with expansion needs it is important to deter-
m u c h area is used for temporary exhibits, the mine if existing storage is overcrowded and
number of visitors to the museum, etc., all of to estimate the amount of increase necessary in
which are related to the particular programmes each storage system in order to provide proper
unique to each museum. Since the area of exhi- storage for the existing collection.
bition can vary because of so many factors, its 5. Estimate the annual increase in the collection,
proportional relationship to the collection storage by category, and determine an estimated n u m -
areas also will vary from museum to museum. ber of objects in each category for a final target
Sound planning, which takes into consideration date. For planning purposes, ten years is a
the collections that are needed, makes a realistic reasonable time span to plan for unless par-
assessment of the availability of artefacts, and ticular circumstances indicate that a longer
evaluates all the ways the collections will be used, time span can be projected and accounted for.
is really the only way to judge h o w m u c h space This is an extremely difficult task unless the
is needed for the collection storage facilities. museum has a strict collection policy or has
T h e following steps should be taken in order experienced consistent growth within the col-
to evaluate h o w m u c h area is needed for collec- lections for several years. Generally, an educa-
tion storage. These steps can be applied both to ted estimate by the curators or outside experts
n e w museums with collections around which they will have to be relied upon.
are planning their facility, and existing museums 6. Following the procedure described in step 4,
experiencing collection storage problems or plan- determine the necessary space increase in each
ning for future needs. category to accommodate expansion of the
1. Divide the existing or contemplated collection collections.
into appropriate categories, i.e. furniture, cos- After determining the amount of storage area
tumes, paintings, textiles, invertebrates, m a m - required for both existing or initial collections
mals, etc. and the estimated expanded collections, the size
2. Determine the most important criteria for the of the collection support areas must then be deter-
storage of each category. Conservation and mined. Since these support facilities are just as
security will significantly influence the way the important to the conservation of collection arte
Planning 17

facts as the storage areas, they should not be expansion. Care must be taken to ensure that
overlooked w h e n an existing museum is to be these n e w storage areas will be integrated effi-
renovated or a n e w museum is planned. Plan- ciently with the initial storage facilities, and that
ning guidelines and criteria for these support the artefact processing flow and the security con-
areas, which include the registration and holding trols are not compromised by the construction
area, conservation laboratory, photo area, collec- of more storage area in a building addition. Care-
tion research area, etc., vary considerably from ful consideration with regard to site use also is
museum to museum depending on the discipline very important when planning for future building
covered, the roles, location, etc. For this reason expansions, since land adjacent to the building
they are beyond the scope of this handbook. If might be used for outdoor exhibitions, parking,
the museum does not have personnel expert in etc., which might be displaced by these future
these areas, they should use experienced consul- building additions. With this approach, although
tants to assist them in determining requirements the initial construction cost is lower, the long-
for these areas and in the planning and design of range cost of building in stages is greater, and it
these facilities. may be difficult to get funds at a future date
when additional space is required. Overcrowding
Planning storage areas and a compromised storage system can result when
these funds for expansion are not readily available.
for collections growth Another way to expand the storage space is
The problem of planning for the expansion of the by acquisition and conversion of other spaces in
storage areas for n e w museums, still in the plan- the museum. This method should be used only if
ning stages, and existing museums planning for the space to be appropriated is no longer required
growth can be approached from several directions. for its intended purpose, since the construction of
O n e method of providing for future expansion replacement space might be more expensive than
is to construct more area than is required at that the construction of n e w storage space.
point in time. This extra space could take the Yet another possibility is to expand the capa-
form of unused space adjacent to the storage city of the storage area by installing high-density
areas to be utilized initially. Another way to mobile storage systems, sometimes referred to as
gain extra space is to design the storage spaces compaction systems. This conversion will allow
with ceilings high enough to accommodate the for the elimination of most of the aisles that are
construction of mezzanines at some future time. required in conventional storage areas. By switch-
If the latter solution is chosen, provision for easy ing over to high-density mobile systems, a museum
access to these mezzanines is important to ensure can postpone and perhaps completely avoid any
that the use of this additional space will not be expansion of the collection storage areas. The
too limited. Storage spaces with high ceilings necessity of a high load-bearing capacity in the
also will accommodate both shelving and drawer building structure to support this kind of system
systems extending above eye level. Although this might present a problem, especially in older build-
kind of storage will require ladder access, this ings. The manufactured compaction systems can
drawback may be more than compensated for by be quite expensive, and if a simple building
the additional storage space that is gained, al- expansion is possible, the cost and advantages
though the increased risk to the artefacts due to of both approaches should be weighed carefully.
ladder retrieval must be considered. The cost of It is possible for a museum to build its o w n
providing excessive volume within the storage compaction systems, which would greatly diminish
areas should be weighed carefully, as it might be the capital investment required. Section V shows
just as expensive as building additional floor some examples of manufactured systems and some
area if the land is readily available to the museum. simple high-density mobile systems that most m u -
The major problem with the overbuild solution is seums could build. The use of a high-density
money. Sufficient funds are often not available to mobile system can increase the collection storage
build even the first necessary phase of storage capacity by approximately 50 per cent for some
area to house the collections adequately; it is categories of objects. However, most museums
even more difficult to raise enough money to build have several categories, and not all can appro-
for anticipated future growth. priately be housed in mobile systems; therefore,
Assuming that adequate land is available, it is unlikely that a 50 per cent increase in total
another approach is to plan for exterior future storage capacity will be achieved.
TI Records, accessibility
and retrieval

Records storage systems should be coded and clearly

When an object enters the museum it should be The availability of pictorial records of collec-
given a unique and permanent code, typically a tion artefacts such as photographs, video tapes,
number, which will clearly establish its individu- or microfilm, etc. can diminish the necessity for
ality and link the object to its written collection browsing through the collections to find an object
records. Good museum collection records should which the searcher can identify only by visual
contain at least the following information: the means. Pictorial records also may affect the
name of the institution responsible for document- demand for access to the actual artefact, and this
ing the object; the name of the object; its classifi- in turn could influence the choice of an appro-
cation(s); unique markings; condition (i.e. good, priate storage system.
suitable for display, requires extensive conserva- Although few museums would be willing to
tion, etc.); physical description; history of owner- admit it, many have a relative lack of control
ship; date of collection (this applies primarily to over the objects that are stored in their collec-
natural science specimens and archaeological arte- tions. The word control, in this context, means
facts); precise geographic location of collection; any system of record-keeping that will locate a
method of acquisition (purchased, donated, etc.); museum artefact when it is needed. The sheer
date of acquisition; the last owner; registration numbers of artefacts found in large ethnographic
number; a history of use, and any restrictions with or history museums throughout the world present
regard to how the object can be used. A complete an almost overwhelming problem to be solved
description of the type of information that collec- using manual record-keeping systems. Computers
tion records should contain and the manner in may be the solution.
which it should be recorded is outside the scope Tremendous technological advances in compu-
of this manual. However, this kind of detailed ter techniques have been made over the last few
information is available in a book entitled Museum years, and there has been a gradual maturing of
Registration Methods? our knowledge of how to use them effectively in
A location register should be established as museums. A n increasing awareness of their amaz-
part of the collection records, so that the exact ing speed and versatility has stimulated a re-
location of any object in the collection can be evaluation of the kind of records museums should
determined. There are many places where collec- keep? The way that museums are using their
tion objects may be at any point in time-in the collections today is significantly different from
conservation laboratory, the research area, a cura- that of twenty years ago. Museums change their
tor’s office, the fumigation or washing areas, the exhibitions more often. The number of loaned ex-
photo studio, on exhibition in the museum, on hibitions travelling from one institution to another
loan to another institution, undergoing conserva- is continually increasing, and the demand for
tion outside the institution, in the collection access to the records and the collection artefacts
storage areas, etc. Whenever an object is moved, by serious researchers and an interested public is
whether the purpose be for exhibition, photogra- steadily growing. Even the expanding knowledge
phy, conservation,etc. a receipt should be filled about the conservation needs of collection arte-
out in duplicate giving the reason for the move, facts has had an effect on the extent of artefact
the new location, the dates involved, the name mobility, since the rotation of the display of
of the person responsible for the object during its delicate artefacts has become a common practice.
absence from the collection area and, finally, the Finally, one of the most significant factors
authorization for the move by the museum director
or a curator. If the object is in the collection 1. Irma B. Wilkinson and Dorothy H.Dudley, M u s e u m
storage areas, it is critical that its exact location Registration Methods, rev, ed., Washington, D.C.,
Smithsonian Institution and the American Association
be specified.In order to describe its exact location, of Museums, 1968.
the storage areas must be systematically arranged, 1. See in particular M u s e u m , Vol. XXX, No. 3/4, 1978,
and both the storage rooms and the individual ‘Museums and computers’.
Records, accessibility and retrieval 19

which point to the inevitable widespread use of served in alcohol probably will not attract as
computers in museums is the world-wide demand many curious museum visitors as a major deco-
for more information about our cultural heritages. rative arts collection. Often, the decisions about
Objects from many cultures are scattered among storage systems are strongly influenced by the
the thousands of museums throughout the world. number of visitors who wish to see the collections.
Information about these cultures and about where For instance, from a strict conservation point of
specific artefacts can be seen should be made view, the standard technique of rolled storage is
available to everyone-a task of staggering pro- better for bedspreads, quilts, etc. However, if
portions which could be handled only by the use there is a constant demand by researchers and the
of computer technology. public to see the collection, the continual rolling
All these indicators point towards the neces- and unrolling of these artefacts may ultimately
sity to change museum collection records so that by very destructive. By hanging them on sliding
when the inevitable switch to computer technol- racks, properly supported with interlinings, in a
ogy occurs, the change-over can be handled in a room with a carefully controlled environment,
smooth and efficient manner. they can be viewed easily and quickly. This solu-
The concept of visible storage, which is dis- tion is a compromise which addresses both the
cussed in more detail later in this section, is still issue of conservation and the demand for access.
very much in its infant stage. Should this type In Section V, Figures 16, 17, and 18 illustrate
of storage become a widespread practice, it will some examples of rolled storage while Figure 19
have a significant effect on the kind and amount is an illustration of the sliding rack storage.
of information which must be made available to The number of visitors to each museum also
the general public about the collection artefacts. will influence the demand for access to the collec-
It quickly became apparent at the Museum of tions by the public. A large museum located in a
Anthropology of the University of British Colum- metropolitan area which attracts large numbers
bia in Vancouver, one of the first major instal- of tourists will most likely receive more demands
lations of a visible storage system, that the more for access to the collection storage area than
the people saw, the more they wanted to know a small museum in a less densely populated area.
and, in some cases, the museum’s records have The proximity of other institutions of learning
not been adequate to meet the public demand. will increase the demand in a similar way.
A final note on the subject of collection re- Problems will arise if a clear policy is not estab-
cords: the historical or scientific significance of lished with regard to who will be permitted to
an object lies not in itself alone, but also in the visit the collection storage areas.
information relating to it.’ In fact,natural science It has been proposed by some museum pro-
specimens or archeological artefacts, without the fessionals that a uniform set of criteria be
availability of attributed data, are practically established in order to screen people who request
worthless. It is for this reason that the collection permission to visit the collection storage areas,
records should be stored with the same security and This may be too universal an approach,since the
conservation safeguards as the collection objects. frequency of requests would differ so greatly
They should be stored in fireproof filing cabinets depending on the institution and where it is
equipped with a locking mechanism,and a dupli- located. In addition, whether a museum receives
cate set of records should be kept outside of the its funding from a municipality or the national
museum so that in the event of a fire,vandalism, government as opposed to the private sector
or some other kind of disaster, the information probably will influence the manner in which
in the records will not be lost. these requests are handled. It also has been
suggested that some sort of additional fee be
charged to those who wish to visit the storage
Accessibility areas. This fee would help defray the cost of
The extent of accessibility to collection objects museum staff time, since visitors to the storage
that is required for each museum will help deter- areas should always be accompanied by either a
mine what kinds of storage system are appropriate. curator or some other museum staff member. It
Each museum has its own philosophy with regard might also discourage idle curiosity seekers from
to who will be allowed into the collection storage making excessive demands on the time of busy
areas. If only curators and serious researchers museum staff.If this type of control were applied,
accompanied by curators are permitted access,the some discretion would have to be used so that
use of simple storage systems,like open shelving, otherwise qualified people wouId not be kept
can be considered.However,if the general public out simply because they could not pay the fee.
is allowed into the collection storage areas, the As a result of the public’s interest or demand
collections must be stored in more secure systems. to view a museum’s collections, some museums
The kinds of object found in each museum’s
collections also will affect the public demand for 1. Carl E.Guthe, Documenting Collections: M u s e u m Re-
access. For example, row upon row of long gistration and Records (American Association of State
shelves holding jars of biological specimens pre- and Local History Technical Leaflet No. 11).
20 Museum collection storage

have adopted the conkept of visible storage, a Although some museums m a y feel they can do
radical departure from traditional collection stor- both-provide interpretative exhibits and still
age. Visible storage simply means allowing the have visible storage-this m a y be difficult to
general public total visual access to the museum’s achieve because of the costs involved.
collections or, in other words, the elimination of The increase in the museum of public space
collection storage areas which are out of bounds filled with valuable collection artefacts must have
to unauthorized persons. T h e application of this some effect on the number or security staff
concept of storage has been limited to museums required, and it obviously costs more to light the
with culturally oriented collections. Art museums entire collection area during museum visiting
generally must limit the total exhibition of their hours. Visible storage will influence the storage
works of art because of the amount of gallery systems from an aesthetic as well as from a
space it takes to exhibit them. For instance, the security standpoint, thus adding to their fabrica-
amount of space used to exhibit a painting in a tion cost. Yet another cost implication is the
gallery, where it can be viewed properly, m a y way the collection is documented and h o w this
take fifty times more space than would be used documentation can be made available to the
to store the paintirig with others on sliding museum visitor. The display of any cultural cot-
racks in the collection storage areas. It makes lection is of little educational value without its
little sense to store the collections found in natural documentation or some sort of interpretation, and
history museums in visible storage, since m u c h the kind of information that would be of interest
of these collections are comprised of hundreds of to the average museum visitor m a y be different
duplicate specimens used for research by serious from what interests the serious scholar. If all of the
scholars and would be of little interest to the information is offered, the casual visitor may be
typical museum visitor. overwhelmed by data that mean little to him.
The concept of visible storage is a contro- No matter h o w it is handled, this level of infor-
versial issue which has triggered m u c h debate mation dissemination will probably necessitate
over the past several years. Proponents claim that a change to computerized documentation.
the limited access to closed collection storage Museums have access to a limited amount of
makes research difficult for scholars and presents money, and their resources are rarely adequate to
a distorted view of the cultures that are represen- carry out their programmes in the way they would
ted in the exhibition are&. They feel that exposing like. Adopting a visible storage system could
the entire collection, and its documentation, can result in a major redirection of these resources
have a catalytic effect o n students, researchers and result in an imbalanced use of funds. If this
and artists, as well as on the general public, and happens, then the quality of the museum’s
that it is easier to compare regional styles and exhibition and education programmes could
investigate minute variations within a style. suffer. Therefore, it is essential to examine all
T h e opponents of visible storage claim that the museum’s roles in a comprehensive way and
the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. to assess what percentage of museum visitors will
Because this concept is so new, it is difficult to truly benefit from the adoption of the visible
judge what the impact will be on the conservation storage system.
of collections. All the collection artefacts are In spite of the seemingly overwhelming
exposed to light the entire time the museum is disadvantages of visible storage, the philosophical
open to the public, whereas in closed storage, the question of whether the public has a right to total
c o m m o n practice is to light the storage rooms access to their cultural heritage is one that m u -
only when there is a need to see a particular seums must deal with. For museums with limited
object. Opponents also feel that scholars have collections of certain types of artefact, the open
better access to materials when they are in closed storage system m a y be an exciting and viable
Storage, where the diskretionary handling of indi- solution so long as the disadvantages are carefully
vidual objects can be allowed. This kind of flexi- weighed.
bility is difficult with visible storage because the
general public m a y not understand h o w to handle
the objects properly, thus increasing the potential
for damage.

Whether or not a large percentage of museum
visitors are interested in seeing many examples The retrieval of objects from the collection stor-
of one type of artefact is also open to question age areas creates another set of criteria to be con-
and, in fact, it is possible that this kind of over- sidered when designing collection storage facilities
saturation m a y result in confusion as opposed to and selecting appropiate storage systems.
enlightenment.A few good examples of a type of O n e important consideration is the size of
artefact, integrated into a well-designed inter- the objects to be retrieved, because the movement
pretative exhibition, m a y be far more beneficial as of small objects and that of large objects present
an educational tool than row upon row of objects different problems. W h e n dealing with small
displayed without this kind of interpretation. objects, consideration should be given to the utili-
Records, accessibility and retrieval 21

zation of containers which can be stored within within an area, additional aisle space will be
the system. If the container holds many objects, necessary. In rooms where large heavy objects
it is desirable to be able to see its contents without are stored, the aisles must be wide enough to
unpacking it. Containers can be boxes with covers, accommodate not only the size of the largest
drawers which can be removed and carried with object, but also mobile pallets and the additional
ease, trays which can be stored on open shelving, space required to maneuvre a fork-lift truck if
or even jars containing specimens preserved in one is to be used. Sometimes flexible storage
alcohol. S o m e examples of containers commonly systems are used which accommodate both small
used in museums are solander boxes for the stor- and large objects. If this kind of system is
age of prints, photographs, or valuable docu- selected, the aisles must be planned for the largest
ments; clear plastic boxes, which allow for a object. Therefore, it is advantageous from an
visual examination of contents without having to efficiency standpoint to group the largest objects
open the box; plastic or wooden trays or remov- in one area. This will allow a hierarchy of aisle
able drawers with dividers to hold small arte- sizes to be developed, which should increase the
facts, mineral specimens, small biological spe- efficiency of storage space use. Finally, the main
cimens, pottery shards, etc.; and trays or remov- access passages to the storage rooms must all be
able drawers without dividers to hold samplers, wide enough to accommodate the largest object
small fabric samples, small retables, or virtually in the collections.
anything that can safely be stored in a drawer. Access aisles within the collection storage
If objects can be removed from the storage area areas should always be kept clear. Where sliding
inside their o w n containers, there is less risk of racks are used for the storage of paintings, mir-
damage provided the container is not overcrowded rors, spears, etc., adequate space must be provided
and it is handled as carefully as a single, delicate for the racks when they are pulled out. A problem
artefact. sametimes arises when conditions in the storage
Museums without containerized storage often area become overcrowded and the space that is
utilize carrying boxes for the same purpose. This necessary to slide out the racks is taken over for
of course involves additional handling, since the additional storage space. This makes it very diffi-
objects must be removed individually from their cult to use the rack storage and creates extremely
shelf or storage space, packed in the box care- hazardous conditions for the staff and for the
fully, unpacked at their destination, repacked for artefacts in that area.
their return to storage, and unpacked yet again T h e frequency with which collection objects
before going back on the shelves or in the are removed for exhibition, loan, conservation, or
drawers, cabinets, etc. T h e provision of mobile research is another important consideration. In
carts is extremely helpful when large numbers of addition, it is necessary to assess whether actuaI
small objects are to be removed. If these carts retrieval or visual access is the most important
are provided, space must be available for their criteria to be satisfied. Earlier, under the ‘Acces-
storage when they are not in use. sibility’ portion of this section, an example was
If the objects to be moved are quite large and given of a bedspread and quilt collection for
heavy, such as pianos, heavy furniture, architec- which there was a constant demand for visual
tural elements, etc. it m a y be practical to store access. In that instance this was the most import-
them on only one level. If they are stored o n ant criterion. If there are relatively few requests to
more than one level on open heavy-duty shelving, look at collection artefacts, then the expense of
removal may require the use of a fork-lift truck. ‘see-through’containers or unusual storage-display
Large, heavy pieces of furniture can be stored on systems is unnecessary. A good example of this
carpeted pallets, with wheels, so that the objects is rug storage. In a large rug collection, where
can be rolled out of the storage areas on their there is no frequent demand to look at the
o w n pallets. Figure 36 in Section V is an illus- individual rugs, they should be stored in the way
tration of this kind of storage system. that is best from a conservation standpoint and
The width of the aisles within the storage allows for their easy retrieval-in this particular
rooms and main access aisles to and from the case, rolled on long poles (see Figures 16, 17, 18
collection storage facilities must be adequate to and 21 in Section V).
allow for efficient object retrieval. In rooms where Although the museum should never make any
only small objects are stored, 1-mpassage aisles serious compromises concerning the conservation
should be adequate. This space will allow for the of its collections, all of the collection artefacts
use of small mobile carts if space outside the should be evaluated so that successful storage
aisles is allowed for them when they are not compromises between conservation, visual acces-
being used. If large mobile ladders are needed sibility and retrieval can be arrived at.
I11 Security

This section deals with protection of the museum extremely important that the collection storage
collections while they are in the collection storage areas be arranged in an orderly fashion, with
areas.The security hazards discussed include theft adequate space to house the collection artefacts.
and vandalism, fire and other major catastrophes.
Because of the extraordinary losses suffered
by museums through theft and misappropriation, Security aspects of physical planning
vandalism, fire and flooding, the International
Committee on Museum Security was established The physical planning of storage areas, their rela-
in 1974 as part of the International Council of tionship to other areas within the collection storage
Museums. The Committe produced a book entitled facilities, and their relationship to other museum
Museum Security in 1977.‘This book and T h e areas is critical to the control of theft or vandal-
Guarding of Cultural Propert$ deal with impor- ism.Visitors to the storage areas should always
tant security matters, such as the delegation of be accompanied by a curator and should pass
responsibility for security,establishing and train- through the registration and holding area as a
ing security staff, details about mechanical and control entry point, as shown in Figure 1 and
electrical security devices, etc.,which are beyond discussed in Section I on Planning. Building and
the scope of this handbook. fire codes require emergency exits, and it is often
Certain security risks increase considerably possible for unauthorized people to gain entry
when an object is in the storage area. Periodic if precautions are not taken. Alarm systems and
inspections of the exhibition gallery areas, a rou- television monitoring are two possibilities, but
tine task carried out by museum security staff they are relatively expensive solutions.
on a regular basis, affords a security protection Good planning and design of the physical
that is not readily available to objects in storage. facility can, in many cases, eliminate the need
W h e n an object is being studied or conserved, for these elaborate and costly electrical and me-
the person working on it is aware of where it chanical control devices. Some storage systems
is and assumes some degree of responsibility for can add another level of security. For instance,
its safety? That is, some person is paying particular many high-density mobile storage systems can be
attention to that object. W h e n collections are locked together, preventing access to the contents
being transferred from one museum to another, when they are not in use. Many cabinet or drawer
special precautions generally are taken to ensure systems also can be provided with locks. These
their safety. It is only in the storage area that specific storage systems are discussed and illustra-
security might possibly be taken for granted. Some ted in Section V.The philosophical departure from
storage areas are both vast and understaffed.They an ‘out-of-bounds’and ‘secure’ storage area
are examined infrequently, and such potential brought about by a desire for ‘visible’storage has
threats to the collection as a roof leak, air-condi- brought with it new security problems relative to
tioning failure,or fire could grow to considerable safe-guardingthe museum’s collection. This sub-
dimensions before being discovered. In addition, ject has been discussed in Section 11.
the loss of an object,possibly through theft,could
go undetected for months, or even years. For all
these reasons, periodic inspection of all storage
areas,the general security of the collection storage
facilities,and rigidly enforced policies on access
1. International Committee on Museum Security, M u s e u m
to the collections take on paramount importance Security, Paris, International Council of Museums,
in the preservation of museum colIections. 1977.
Overcrowded or poorly organized collections 2. Rostick, op. cit.
will compromise the effectiveness of this visual 3. A new Unesco technical handbook, Conservation
Standards for Works of Art in Transit and on Exhib-
inspection because the signs of tampering or miss- ition. deals in detail with this subject. It is also dealt
ing objects cannot be as easily detected by the with in Museums, Imagination and Education. Vol. XV
guards or the curatorial staff. Therefore, it is in the Unesco ‘Museums and Monuments’ series.
Security 23

Protection against off collection storage areas from the other mu-
seum areas. Electronic and electrical systems that
theft and vandalism can be employed for interior protection include
The following is a general description of the magnetic contact switches on doors,built-inwires,
basic types of protection of collection storage vibration detectors, contact mats installed under
facilities using mechanical and electrical security rugs or carpeting, television surveillance, micro-
devices. The types of protection described are wave motion detection, absorption radar, ultra-
broken down into the following categories: peri- sonic motion detection, absorption ultrasonic
meter protection, interior protection, object prc- systems,photoelectric eyes, and passive infra-red
tection, trap protection and auxiliary systems. devices that are used to detect moving objects
Although w e are concerned here with protection emit thermal radiation.
of the collection storage facilities,many of these Object protection is generally used in the
devices must be used in other parts of the museum exhibition areas rather than in the collection
in order to provide protection for the storage storage spaces, although special circumstances or
areas. It is very important that the security of highly valuable objects may require this extra
the entire museum be considered so that the measure of protection within the storage areas.
security system for the collection storage areas Again, there are many electrical or electronic sys-
is co-ordinated with the systems for the rest of tems to be considered. Mechanical contact swit-
the building. ches, magnetic reed switches, vibration switches,
Perimeter protection is used to prevent access displacement sensors, electromagnetic induction
to the interior of the museum. Here, attention is devices, rate sensors, pressure sensors, proximity
concentrated on the doors, windows, roofs, venti- sensors, audio sensors, ultrasonic devices, photo-
lation ducts and penetrable walls. The exterior of electric eyes and built-in wires are only some of
the museum should be guarded against mechan- the systems that are available.
ical forced entry, and windows and doors should Trap protection systems refer to devices which
be made resistant to this approach. There are are used to give back-up-protection within a
many types of electrical and electronic protection secured area, while auxiliary systems include
devices for the perimeter of the building, most periodic inspection by museum guards, hold-up
of which are included in the list below: panic alarms, and telephone tape recordings.
Magnetic contact switches on doors and movable Each museum has different security require-
windows. ments and budgetary limitations,and the sophisti-
Metal foil tape which is glued around the edges cated nature of many security systems makes them
of windows or other openings. difficult to understand and evaluate. Therefore,
Built-inwires in glass windows or doors. it is recommended that each museum seek expert
Piezo-electric glass-breaking sensors, which are consultation on the type of system which would
sensitive to high frequency mechanical vibra- be best suited to its needs and budgets. In cases
tions generated by cutting and breaking glass. where experts on museum security are not avail-
Vibration detectors, such as piezo-electric devices able, the museum staff might contact the local
or contact microphones implanted in walls, police for advice.
ceilings, or floors,to sense mechanical vibra-
Inertial vibrations sensors installed on a wired Fire protection
Photoelectric eyes, where a field of active infra- Damage by fire is usually irreparable. For this
red light or laser beams is used to provide a reason, protection from such a disaster should
screen of protection. be considered to be the most critical part of any
Absorption radar systems. collection conservation programme. Whereas sto-
Pressure-sensitive underground cables used to len or damaged objects often can be recovered
sense pressure or vibrations caused by people and repaired, fire can permanently eliminate the
walking on the ground near-by. object from the museum’s collection.Most museum
Magnetic induction systems,which consist of two fires result from defective heating plants, unsafe
parallel cable loops hidden under the ground. handling of flammable liquids,faulty wiring, and
Access control by remote door control, where careless smoking.A fire can take place when three
sensory devices monitor the conditions of door conditions are present: combustible materials,
openings. oxygen, and a temperature high enough to cause
Interior protection systems are required in the ignition of the material. If one of the conditions
event that the perimeter protection systems have is missing, a fire is impossible. Fires are divided
failed to prevent penetration or if a potential thief into three classes. Class A fires involve ordinary
has concealed himself in the building until after combustibles such as paper, textiles and wood.
it is closed to the general public. Simple mech- Class A fires can be extinguished by cooling,
anical systems such as locks for doors are import- blanketing, or wetting. Class B fires involve oils,
ant devices which should be employed to close greases,paints and flammable liquids.These fires
24 Museum collection storage

can be extinguished by smothering or blanketing. Compartmentation, or storage of combustible

Class C fires are caused by energized electrical materials within individual cabinets, works very
equipment. Class C fires can be extinguished by well in conjunction with automatic sprinkler
means of a non-conducting extinguishing agent. systems. Although a sprinkler will not react to a
T h e amount of damage caused by fires in fire inside one of the cabinets, it will prevent the
museums has increased for a number of reasons. fire from spreading to another cabinet. Compart-
The use of electrical inStallations in museums has mentation also protects other materials near by
become commonplace, and these are potential igni- from water spray in the event of a sprinkler being
tion sources. Overcrowding of valuable objects is discharged.
another reason-even small fires can cause con- Where there are large amounts of combustibles
siderable damage when they occur in overcrowded stored, or where high-rack storage is used, it is
storage areas. There is a lack of fire protection necessary to install more than just ceiling level
engineering expertise, and not enough emphasis sprinklers, and it is c o m m o n in high-rack w a r e
is placed on prevention and responsibility. houses to install sprinklers within the racks them-
selves. A fire protection engineering consultant
FIRE D E T E C T I O N should be called upon if special problems exist.
With automatic sprinkler systems, the sprinkler
There are two basic system types of fire detection. heads are fused individually, and only those heads
O n e uses thermal detectors which respond to which are exposed to temperatures in excess of
heat. A fixed temperature heat detector triggers their operating point will be activated. Most fires
st signal or alarm when the temperature rises are controlled or extinguished by only a few
above a certain point. Another kind of thermal sprinkler heads. Of all fires in buildings with
detector reacts to a sudden increase in temperature sprinkler systems in the United States, 80 or 90
but does not respond When the temperature rises per cent are either controlled or extinguished with
slowly. These are called ‘rate-of-rise’detectors. less than ten sprinkler heads, and in many cases
Smoke detectors react to aerosols which are it is only one or two heads that operate. Sprinkler
released during combustion.A photoelectric smoke heads have the advantage of applying water only
detector uses a light source which directs a beam in the area where the fire occurs, as opposed to
into a chamber. T h e presence of aerosols within the total saturation technique employed by many
the chamber affects the light and triggers the fire departments. W h e n considering the possible
alarm. Ionization smake detectors measure the water damage that can be inflicted by sprinkler
concentration of particles by measuring variations systems, a comparison of the alternatives should
in electrical current caused by particles when be made. A n automatic sprinkler will discharge
they are ionized. Phatoelectric smoke detectors water at an average of about 571/min. W h e n the
are relatively sensitive to smouldering fires, but fire department must be resorted to, the hose
are slower to respond to smokeless flaming fires, streams they use have flow rates of about 750-
whereas ionization detectors respond quickly to 9501/min. T h e water is not always applied in
invisible products generated by flaming fire, but the immediate area of the fire, and it has tre-
react more slowly to smouldering fires. mendous force. The major concern of the firemen
is protecting near-by structures and preventing the
FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT fire from spreading; they are not always careful
about h o w water is applied in the area where
Three basic types of fire extinguishment will be the fire is occurring. It has been a long-time dream
discussed: sprinkler systems, gas systems and port- of fire protection engineers to develop a sprinkler
able fire extinguishers. Each will be described head which activates when there is a fire and
generally, and their advantages and disadvantages shuts d o w n when the fire is extinguished. N o w
examined. there are some sprinkler heads available which
have this capability and which have demonstrated
Sprinkler systems fairly good performance under carefully controlled
test conditions. However, their use in museums
T o date, the most effective method of minimizing should be considered carefully until more field
the probability of fire loss is through the installa- experience is obtained.
tion of a properly designed sprinkler system. There are special types of extinguishing sys-
However, there is considerable disagreement on tems which are referred to as pre-action, or dry
the advisability of its use in collection storage systems. The sprinkler piping is dry. A small
areas. T h e potential of water damage from these amount of air pressure is maintained in the
systems has been greatly exaggerated by the sprinkler piping, and the water is held back at
museum community, and this threat is generally a remote point by a deluge valve. T h e deluge
outweighed by the protection afforded. Each case valve is controlled by a smoke detector or a heat
should be investigated on its o w n merits, but all detector in the protected area. W h e n the detector
things considered, sprinklers probably offer the is activated, it causes the deluge valve to be
best available protection for the entire collection. released and the water enters the piping system,
Security 2S.

but no water is discharged at this point because small room, perhaps a stamp vault or something
the sprinkler head has not fused. All the heads similar. O n e system has been devised in which
are closed heads, just as in any other system, so a series of metal cabinets are connected internally
that even if a false alarm comes from the smoke to a Halon system. If sprinklers in that general
detector, water simply enters the piping, thereby area of the room are set off by a fire, the Halon
changing the dry system to a wet one. Because system is activated within the storage cabinets.
of the built-in safeguard of a dry sprinkler system, Halon is extremely expensive compared to
if someone is working in an area equipped with other extinguishing agents-in fact, it is about
this system and physically damages a sprinkler eighty times more than the cost per pound for
head, or the piping, water will not be discharged- carbon dioxide. An additional disadvantage is
it is being held in check by the remote deluge that its extinghishing potential is related to the
valve. T w o conditions are necessary to activate concentration of agent, and one cannot be assured
the system: enough heat or smoke to activate the that a class A fire (a fire involving textiles or
detector, and high enough temperatures in the paper), would be extinguished with a concentra-
area of the fire to fuse the sprinkler head, thereby tion of less than 20 per cent by volume of Halon.
causing water to be discharged. In addition, the It is commonly recognized that a point of concen-
pressure in the piping is monitored mechanically. tration above 7 per cent by volume is not safe
A loss in pressure due to a leak or damage in the for h u m a n occupancy except for an extremely
piping causes an alarm to be sounded, thus short period of time. Halon is a relatively clean
affording an additional safeguard. These systems agent, but in order to guarantee extinguishment
require a greater degree of maintenance and care of class A materials, it must be installed in higher
than do conventional sprinkler systems, and, like concentrations than those usually installed. The
any equipment, they are only as good as the effects of Halon gas on different materials are
maintenance procedures that are employed in their now being tested.
care. However, this type of system should be O n e can achieve some degree of control with
strongly considered when there is the potential low concentrations, say a range of 5-7 per cent,
of the collection being damaged by water. but at this concentration flames are merely
Sprinklers are inappropriate for some storage knocked down, and it is possible for glowing
areas, such as small rare book or valuable manu- embers to continue smouldering. Opening the
script rooms, print storage rooms, or rooms door to the storage area for investigation will
containing valuable stamp collections. In these deplete the agent concentration. T h e fresh air
areas, systems employing fire quenching gases are which rushes in m a y rekindle the fire, which
a better solution. will remain unchecked because the extinguishing
system has been discharged. This experience has
Gas systems occurred many times when Halon systems have
been tested.
T w o kinds of gas fire extinguishing system will Another negative feature of Halon systems
be discussed here. O n e is a carbon dioxide system, is a tendency to activate unnecessarily. In essence,
which is a total flooding system utilizing a supply they are false-alarm prone and should definitely
of CO2 in fixed pipes. T h e COZ, which leaves no be cross-zoned to two different sensors, one for
residue, reduces the oxygen in the air, thereby smoke and one for heat. They should also be
eliminating one of the three critical elements which wired to an abort switch with a delayed alarm
must be present to sustain a fire. Since this system signal. This feature will prevent unnecessary
depletes the oxygen content beyond that which discharging of the system, since a fire can often
sustains life, immediate evacuation of people from be controlled by the museum security staff using
the area is critical. Carbon dioxide is both in- portable extinguishers.
visible and odourless, and for this reason, some
CO2 systems include a fog agent to alert personnel Portable fireextinguishers
that the gas is present in the air. This fog reduces
visibility to the point of disorientation, which can The availability of unobstructed portable fire ex-
create a state of panic. It is important that every- tinguishers is critical in the attempt to stop an in-
one working in areas using this kind of fire cipient fire. Building codes specify the minimum
extinguishing system be made aware of h o w number of extinguishers for a particular area,
dangerous the gas is, that alarm signals are but these specifications are based only on the
installed to alert them before the gas is emitted value of the structure and the level of human
from the system, and that everyone understands occupancy, not the value of the contents. There-
where all the exits are in the event of disorienta- fore, it is clear that the number of extinguishers
tion due to fog. for collection storage areas should exceed the
Halon, referred to as a ‘special extinguishing minimum specified in the building codes.
agent’, has similar quenching properties but is not There are four basic types of fire extinguisher.
quite as toxic to h u m a n beings. It can be used Soda ash extinguishers have become obsolete
to protect objects of extreme value stored in a because soda ash is damaging to collection objects
26 M u s e u m collection storage

and the cylinders are too cumbersome. High the firemen may be more sensitive to the method
pressure water extinguishers are good for class A by which they attempt to stop the fire.
fires but can cause water damage.Carbon dioxide In summary, the first aim of any fire protec-
extinguishers do not cause water damage,but the tion programme is to prevent the fire from starting.
gas is a hazardous material and can damage glass. Detection and prevention from spreading is second
Dry chemical extinguishers can be used for class in order of importance and, finally, a way must
A, B, and C fires. Therefore, no time need be be devised to extinguish the fire with the least
wasted determining what kind of fire it is. The amount of harm being done to the remaining
dry chemical leaves a powdery residue that does collections.
not damage most collection objects. It is the best
of all extinguishers on the basis of its weight
versus extinguishing capacity. Other hazards
Cylinders range in weight from 0.9to 9 kg.
-The ease of handling is a critical consideration. The last type of security to be addressed comprises
The cylinders should be light enough to be used conflicts, war, or natural disasters. Some current
by any of the museum staff. opinions hold that wartime measures are a waste
of both time and money, because if a major war
should occur, rapid and total destruction will be
The local fire-departmentexperts should test the the result. However, in many countries collec-
available water pressure and provide assistance tions have suffered losses due to local wars, smaIl
with the museum’s fire protection training pro- civil uprisings,and lootings. Contingency planning
gramme. Ideally, fire detection and alarm equip- for this sort of emergency is necessary.
ment should be installed which is connected to In order to mitigate losses under such circum-
a central station that will automatically alert the stances,a list of the objects to be evacuated first
fire departement in the event of an emergency, should always be kept in the storage areas. All
since the possibility always exists that, in spite members of the department concerned should have
of the type of fire protection equipment employed copies of this list. In addition, drawers or boxes
by the museum, its help may be required. As containing the pieces of utmost importance should
stated earlier, water from fire hoses causes almost be clearly marked for easy identification in the
as much damage as the fire itself. By establishing event of an emergency. All of the museum staff
a good rapport with the fire department and should know the whereabouts of these especially
familiarizing it with the collection storage areas valuable objects so that,in the event of a disaster,
and the value of the collections stored therein. their help may be enlisted to save them.
IV Conservation

In the broadest sense of the term, conservation being renovated or is undergoing an expansion
of museum collections is the protection of objects programme, before the storage areas can be up-
against destruction by man of by the environment. graded or moved to a more desirable location,the
The conservation of museum collections in storage money runs out. Potential donors are far more
is only one part of their total care, but it is one likely to give money for a theatre,exhibition area,
of the most significant. Collection objects should or other publicly used museum area than for the
be in a proper environment at all times,no matter collection storage facilities.
where they are located in the museum. Conditions Poor storage areas also may be the result of
of erratically changing humidity and temperature, a simple lack of knowledge about what constitutes
as well as dust, pollution, stagnant air, and light a proper storage environment. This kind of
can contribute enormously to the ultimate destruc- inexperience often is found in small museums or
tion of museum collections.Therefore,the environ- museums in developing countries which may have
mental conditions of collection storage facilities limited access to technical information regarding
are just as important as those of the rest of the the conservation of museum objects.
museum. T w o major factors determine the criteria for
It is beyond the scope of this handbook to an adequate physical environment in the storage
discuss the conservation requirements for every areas-air-conditioning and lighting. First we will
type of artefact which a museum’s collections may address the issue of air-conditioning.
include. W e will discuss generally the factors
affecting the environment of the storage areas and
the possible effect of this environment on collec- Air-conditioning
tion objects.Later in this section there is a general
listing of materials with their tolerances to environ- Air-conditioning,in this instance, includes tem-
mental changes, and a list of questions which perature and humidity control, ventilation, and
should be answered before collection storage filtration to eliminate atmospheric pollutants such
systems are selected. as dust, chemicals and micro-organisms.
While it is unrealistic to expect a moratorium Energy conservation measures precipitated by
on collecting until all museum storage facilities the recent energy crisis have encouraged museums
have been upgraded technically, there are many to allow temperatures to rise in the summer
measures which can be taken immediately to months in order to reduce air-conditioning loads.
improve existing facilities in order to meet mod- This creates a less than desirable atmosphere for
erate conservation standards. These same con- the storage of museum collections. The on-off
siderations are important when new facilities are cycle of heating and cooling systems between day-
being planned. This section includes a discussion time use and night-time inactivity, a practice
of some problems which arise as a result of an adopted in order to conserve fuel, creates yet
inadequate environment and some recommenda- another problem-considerable and rapid fluctua-
tions for simple safeguards. tions of temperature and relative humidity twice
There are many reasons for the inadequate each day. In general, fluctuations or extremes in
physical environments found in museum storage temperature can cause damage in several different
areas. The collection storage facilities are usually ways. A n increase in the temperature accelerates
the only areas not accessible to the general public, the rate of chemical reactions (the rate of reaction
and since many museums are more concerned can double for each 10°C of temperature increase).
with the parts of the building seen by the public, Therefore,higher temperatures increase the ageing
collection storage facilities are often relegated to process of materials and can cause them to lose
the bottom of the list of areas to be improved. various mechanical properties. For instance,
When a new museum is being constructed, funds fibrous materials lose flexibility and become stiff
sometimes run out because of inadequate planning, and embrittled. Some materials such as waxes,
and when this happens the storage areas are often resinous coatings and some plactics will soften:
the first to be cut. Similarly, when a building is others lose part of their substance and become
28 Museum collection storage

unnaturally hard; metal and some other types of or in part, of materials which react to a change
plastics will expand at these same high tempera- of moisture content in the air. This reaction
tures. An additional result of high temperature is manifests itself by a dimensional change in the
a loss of viscosity, which results in seepage from object. Therefore, it is ideal from a conservation
otherwise sealed joints. Extremely low tempera- standpoint to maintain as constant a level of relat-
tures can cause materials to solidify and become ive humidity as possible. Extensive or rapid chan-
brittle, thereby increasing the danger of fracture ges result in deformation,cracks, flaking, splitting,
and cracking. Moisture condensation, which cor- etc. Too high humidity results in mould growth
rodes various metals, also m a y take place at low and corrosion. Too low humidity causes embrittle-
temperatures. ment and the possible accumulation of static
Slow and moderate changes in temperature, electricity which attracts corrosion-causing dust.
however, are generally of secondary importance, Objects which are composed of cellulosic
as long as the relative humidity is kept constant. materials (wood, paper, cotton, jute and linen,
Removal of cold-conditioned objects to w a r m areas etc.) experience great dimensional changes when
should be done after a period of slow warm-up the relative humidity changes. Other sensitive
in order to avoid condensation. The idea of materials include protein substances, which are
storing certain objects in a permanent deep-freeze found in animal, bird, fish, and insect collections:
environment has long been proposed. This type also included in this category are materials such
of storage would preserve some types of artefact as silk, wool, parchment, leather, fur, feathers,
longer and helps to reduce the insect population. horn, bone and ivory. M a n y m o d e m materials
If this storage technique is adopted, however, a such as nylon, polyester and polyethylene are
buffer room must be provided for the re-acclimat- quite stable and absorb very little moisture.
ization of such objects w h e n they are removed Metals, although they do not take u p moisture,
from their cold storage environment for study or can deteriorate when high humidity activates the
display. Usually, one day for 1°C of difference presence of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide,
is required. chlorine, etc., and acids that evolve from wood.
In the general storage areas the temperature Ferrous metals, for example, rust at higher levels
levels should be held within a range of 15" to of relative humidity. In the presence of airborne
22°C. For energy conservation, the temperature chloride contaminants, copper and its alloys can
and humidity can vary slightly with the season, develop certain conditions,such as bronze disease,
but they must be programmed to change gradually which are activated at higher relative humidities.
over the whole year, not abruptly. These factors Excavated bronzes commonly suffer from this
must be dealt with carefully when seasons change, disease. Silver will form sulphide deposits at high
when objects are moved from storage to other humidities. Gold and platinum are theoretically
museum areas and, particularly, when they are inert, but the alloys of gold m a y not be.
loaned to another museum. Stone objects are porous, allowing moisture
Every museum should have a plan to control to penetrate, so they too are not completely
the collection storage environment in the event impervious to environmental action. If excavated,
that energy curtailments or cut-offs occur. There both stone objects and pottery m a y grow salt
are many steps that can be taken to minimize 'whiskers'. S o m e ancient glass objects also respond
the changes in temperature and relative humidity to some extent to moisture levels, by either weep-
should this problem arise. S o m e of these steps ing or crazing.
include closing of all vents, doors, windows, or It is difficult to select a relative humidity
any other passages which allow an exchange of level which satisfies all the components of a multi-
air between the interior and the exterior: storing component structure. Paintings are subject to
objects in cases; bagging objects that cannot be stresses and strains, particularly paintings on
stored in cases; and making a priority list of wood. Furniture is likely to warp or crack. Ethno-
organic objects in terms of their critical responses graphic objects of complex construction are sub-
to environmental change. ject to deformation and breakage. Objects which
Change of relative humidity levels within the are made up of many different kinds of material
storage areas is perhaps the most complex problem are particularly difficult to protect. O n e solution
and, in most cases, it is the most important of is to apply moisture-barrier coatings to the
all the air-conditioning factors. It is well k n o w n hygroscopic parts of the object which are more
that fairly low or very high relative humidity susceptible to change. However, some curators
levels can have a disastrous effect on certain m a y object to this approach because it will alter
materials. Since the relative humidity is affected the object's natural state and perhaps diminish
directly by the temperature level, this adds to its value for research. M a n y objects have already
the significance of maintaining relatively uniform stabilized at some particular level of relative hum-
temperature control within all parts of the idity, and if this level is maintained steadily, they
storage area, sun-exposedor not, that are supplied will survive without additional stresses.
from the same source of air. In spite of the vital importance of environ-
Most museum objects are composed entirely, mental quality for the preservation of the collec-
Conservation 29

tions, it is often the most neglected of all aspects HUMID1 T Y / T E M P E R A T U R E

of storage. This is so because so many museums REQUIREMENTS
exist in converted buildings not originally designed
for this use. The collections generally end up in The recommended humidity/temperature require-
attics or basements, which often are the worst ments outlined in Table 1 represent the most
physical environments in buildings that are barely widely accepted standards. However, because
adequate even in their best areas. Too high a level there is some disagreement about certain recom-
of relative humidity in the building during winter mendations, the table is being reviewed at this
months,when the outside temperature is low,can time.
cause severe conservation problems-in time,the The standards listed should be used with some
destruction of the building itself unless suitable discretion since they describe optimum conditions.
precautions have been incorporated into the build- Safe environmental limits depend on the past
ing structure. Over a year’s time,a slow drift of history of the specimen, its structure and the
the relative humidity level is permissible in order conditions to which it has already become accli-
to accommodate the reality of the building. For matized. For example, if an object is fashioned of
instance,to maintain a stable environment natur- wood from an arid region (and has never left that
ally and inexpensively, a museum may allow region), its normal moisture content is much lower
indoor temperatures to fall as the outdoor tem- than wood from the northern regions of America
peratures fall, thus maintaining a steady relative or from Europe. It makes little sense to subject
humidity. that wood to the 50 per cent &5 per cent relative
There are many simple methods of stabilizing humidity required for northern wood: 25-30per
the object environment which are sometimes more cent relative humidity might be the optimum
foolproof than sophisticated engineering methods. humidity for wood from/in arid regions. Again,
In fact, these may be the only methods available stability is the most important part of environ-
to small museums and museums in developing mental control for the preservation of artefacts.
nations. Polyethylene sheets can be used to cover Filtration is often overlooked as a prime consi-
artefacts and protect them from dust or from deration in the air-conditioningsystems. However,
water in case of a leak. Care must be taken not fine particles of dust and other small particles can
to seal things too tightly. This practice also helps cause a great deal of damage to certain artefacts.
to stabilize the relative humidity levels surround- The number of air changes per hour should be as
ing the individual objects. A light covering of high in the storage areas as in the public galleries
polyethylene sheet, with cotton webbing between in order to protect both the objects and the per-
it and the artefact will maintain a more stable sonnel who work there,especially if the chemicals
relative humidity when the outside environment in sealed cases used to control insects or mould
changes drastically. The question of sealing arte- leak out into the air. Concrete walls,marine air,
facts in polyethylene and how polyethylene can dust, and dirt brought in by the public also pose
be used in the acclimatization of artefacts needs problems. Some materials, like plywood and cer-
further investigation, but so far this practice has tain paint layers, produce harmful vapours.
been successful. Airlocks should be provided at the visitors’
Attention also has been given to micro-climate entrances and between the service entrance and
control, i.e. selecting portions of the collection for the storage areas in order to minimize the amount
special environmental control. This method may of dirt and toxic fumes that enter the building.
be used to control more effectively and economi- The loading dock should be kept clean,and truck
cally the relative humidity of individual cases or engines should be turned off. Crating and un-
small rooms. This can be accomplished by utili- crating creates dirt. For this reason, this work
zing such substances as silica gel or some other should not be done in the storage areas, but in a
product which is conditioned to contain moisture. crating room. Another airlock should be provided
In Section V, Figure 11 shows examples of between the crating and storage areas to reduce
cabinets which can be sealed to control the inter- the infiltration of dust.Figure 1 in Section I illus-
nal environment. Figure 24 shows how even a trates the relationships between the various areas
sliding rack storage system can be enclosed to in the collection storage facilities. Marine air,
control its internal environment. The high-density generally rich in chlorides, is very destructive to
mobile storage systems shown in Figures 27-33 metallic objects. Therefore, special protection
also can be sealed when they are in a closed must be provided for these objects whenever a
position. If it becomes apparent when planning museum is located close to the sea.A good ventila-
the collection storage facilities that the environ- tion system should remove dust and dirt particles
mental control of the entire storage area is not down to 1 or 2 microns, and methods should be
practical, small rooms or vaults can be designed devised for easy and rapid monitoring of the
with separate mechanical equipment in order to quality of air within the museum.
control the relative humidity for vulnerable ob- As a supplement to airlocks and filtration, a
jects. daily cleaning schedule of floors and other un-
occupied surfaces should be established and
30 Museum collection storage

TABLE1. Humidity/temperature requirements for museum collections

Humidity tolerance
Material Dimensional response Susceptibility to mould
High Low

Paper 60 45 Rapid dryness and freezing cause loss of Extreme

(45 % optimum) flexibility

Stretched paper 60 45 Paper screens, drawings, pastels stretched Extreme

(critical low limit) on frames will tear from shrinkage in
dry atmosphere

Photographs,films 45 30 Rapid. Excessive humidity softens Extreme

(sometimes dissolves) gelatine.
Excessively dry, embrittlement of paper
and gelatine

Parchment, vellum Steady state Extremely rapid. Dryness causes loss of Moderate inherent
(55 %) flexibility alkalinity

Leather GO 45 Variable according to tanning process. Variable. Marked for

Very susceptible to shrinkage after wetting fine leathers

Fabric (natural fibres) 60 45 Inverted. Because of twisted fibres, fabrics Marked

shrink when fibres swell, relax when they
shrink. Silk and wool are more sensitive
to moisture damage than cotton or
linen. Painted textiles are most sensitive
to moisture changes

Bone, ivory 60 45 Very slow, except in thin sheets. Ivory is Negligible, except at
more susceptible to moisture damage than very high relative
bone or scrimshaw (outer bark left on humidity
scrimshaw providing buffer). Avoid hot
lamps in cases for emphasis lighting

Wood 60 45 Slow, varying with massiveness and Negligible, except at

(critical) moisture-barrier coatings. Affected by very high relative
weekly cycles, especially by seasonal cycles humidity

Painted wood 60 45 Dryness which causes shrinkage is Negligible, except at

(critical) especially damaging to objects in which very high relative
wood is the structural sqpport for other humidity
material, i.e. a painted wood panel.
W o o d sculpture,furniture, models, musical
instruments, and decorative objects may
also be coated with a gesso plaster, then
painted or gilded. These rigid coatings
are more or less unaffected by normal
fluctuations in humidity but if the wood
support shrinks, the coatings are
compressed, causing them to buckle or
blister and flake off. In extreme moisture
conditions (flood,condensation, wetting
of surface), gesso, glue joins, and some
paints m a y soften and dissolve

Manila, sisals feathers 60 45 In humidities below 30 per cent and Moderate

15 per cent relative humidity these
materials become very stiff and brittle.
They crush easily if handled. If left done
until normal conditions return, they will
absorb their normal moisture content and
reassume their normal physical character-

Plastics Not normally responsive to humidity Some plastics will sup-

changes. However, some do respond port fungus growth at
dimensionally to temperature changes high relative humidity
Conservation 31

Humidity tolerance
Material Dimensional response Susceptibility to mould
High Low

Metals (polished) 30, preferably lower No dimensional response to changes in

humidity. Metals can react dimensionally
to extreme changes in temperature.
United States Navy Department tests find
that no corrosion is present on steel
surfaces at 15 per cent relative humidity
or less. Corrosion does become evident
after nine months in 30 per cent relative
humidity. Corrosion is present after one
day in 90 per cent relative humidity

Brasses and bronzes do not tarnish at

15 per cent relative humidity or lower

Stone, stoneware, por- Generally most resistant to changes in

celain, lead, pewter relative humidity and temperature.
However, damage can occur in extreme
heat and in extreme cold and humidity

Glass 60 45 Generally resistant to normal environ-

mental change. Rapid rates of change in
relative humidity and temperature should
be avoided. Crizzled glass can be damaged
at very high and very low humidity

Archaeological m a - As dry as possible Archaeological objects which have been

terials:bronze, stone, long buried m a y have been infused with
ceramics, plaster, terra or corroded by salts which behave
cotta, low-fired earthen- hydroscopically. ‘Bronze disease’ can be
ware kept dormant in dry atmosphere

Source :The tabulation was prepared by William R.Leisher, Conservator, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.,
adopted in part from R. Buck, A Specificafionfor Museum Air-conditioning,December 1964 (Museum News Technical
Supplement No.5.)

strictly maintained. Maintenance of the storage ized, if necessary, and periodically treated with
area should be based on hygenic standards and, in appropriate insecticides.Here again, it is essential
particular, good isolation from the external atmo- that laboratory specialists be consulted to ensure
sphere. Before use, containers, cupboards, shelv- that the chemicals used are compatible with the
ings and even floors should be cleaned or steril- preservation of collection objects. Products hav-
ing harmful effects on human beings should be
TABLE2. Some critical relative humidity levels used with particular care.
Many storage areas are roughly built, with
Humidity tolerance inadequate finish. Concrete surfaces, especially
Material High Low
when new, can emit alkaline substances into the
atmosphere.This factor should be considered care-
Anatomical collection, apart from fully when collections are installed in newly con-
items embalmed 60 40 structed storage areas.
Archaeological specimens (hygro-
scopic items) 60 40
Ethnographic bark, cloth, basketry,
Botanical specimens
Insects 60 40
Lacquer 60 50 The effect of lighting on the conservation of
Painting, on canvas or wood 60 45 museum objects is a subject of ongoing research.
(50 optimum) This controversial issue has generated a great deal
Oriental screens 60 45 of disagreement among curators, much of which
(low is critical)
is based on opinion,not on empirical data. How-
Source :Leisher, op. cit.
ever, some general recommendations with regard
32 Museum collection storage

to use of light in the collection storage areas are fumes is essential when people are handling collec-
widely accepted and will be discussed here. tions in these areas on a day-to-daybasis.
Most curators agree that natural light should
be eliminated from the storage areas because of
the obvious conservation, air-conditioning, and Vibration
security benefits that can be realized using this
approach. The level of any kind of ambient light T h e potential damage caused to certain collections
should be low-around 100 luxor (10 foot-can- by vibration must be considered carefully. Short
dles) for collections which are susceptible to light and long-range conservation problems due to
damage. Ultraviolet absorbing filters should be vibration arise with any mobile storage system,
used when direct fluorescent lighting is present. including sliding racks, high-density mobile sys-
Because incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamp tems where large carriages containing many
ballasts emit heat, they should not be used inside objects are moved to gain access to the individual
cabinets or drawers. T h e heat from the light or objects, or any drawer system which produces
ballast will raise temperature levels and affect vibrations by opening and closing the drawers.
relative humidity in small enclosed spaces. Mobile systems must be chosen carefully. They
The solutions of using indirect, reflected light must be designed, constructed, and used in such
or ultraviolet filtered light to protect museum a manner as to minimize the effect of vibration
collections are commonly accepted practices, but o n collection objects.
not enough information about the effects of light Another important consideration is the effect
is available to be sure that either provides ade- on the objects of vibration from outside sources,
quate protection. It was recently discovered that such as subways, trains, automobiles, etc. This
during the first few hundred years of a painting’s is a subject where very little research has been
life, the layer of protective varnish actually be- done. It should be considered carefully when
comes opaque faster in complete darkness than locating and designing a n e w museum facility
it would if exposed to daylight which has been and when selecting suitable storage systems for
filtered to exclude the ultraviolet spectrum. This museums which are experiencing this problem.
discovery points out the need to continue in-depth
studies so that lighting decisions will be based
on empirical data, not custom. The fact that light Conservation factors
gives an object ‘life’ in the exhibition areas is that affect selection of storage systems
acknowledged. However, the effect of lighting in
the storage areas must be carefully monitored. The beginning of this section focused on the
ways that the environment of the storage areas
affect the objects, artefacts, or specimens stored
Fumigation within them, and the critical temperature and
relative humidity requirements for certain mate-
No object should be placed in storage without a rials. As stated earlier, it is beyond the scope of
preliminary examination and treatment, if neces- this handbook to list the critical requirements
sary, appropriate to both its nature and state of for each type of object that could be contained
preservation. Sometimes this treatment requires a in a museum’s collections. However, a check-list
laboratory analysis, cleaning, dusting, fumigation, can be used to determine the critical factors which
and restoration by laboratory specialists. Certain must be considered when selecting a storage sys-
types of collection must have regular checking, a tem for any group of objects. If the museum
factor that should be taken into consideration staff finds questions they cannot answer, then
when the decision is made regarding their location some outside help should be sought. M a n y of the
within the storage room. A special marking system items will not apply to specific types of collection.
would facilitate their identification and retrieval. An attempt has been made to compile a compre-
Almost all collections, even those assigned to hensive list so that factors that could seriously
‘dead’storage, need some form of periodic check- affect the storage of collection objects will not
ing until scientists can devise gas-chromatographs be overlooked.
sufficiently sensitive to ‘sniff’ the return air for H o w sensitive is the object to light? If lighting is
evidence of any hidden growth of moulds, cock- a concern, what level of light is acceptable
roaches, etc. and for what period of time? Is the object
Where periodic or continuous fumigation is more susceptible to certain areas of the light
necessary for a particular collection, storage spectrum?
systems should be selected that allow for this and For instance, prints and drawings are
at the same time prevent the fumes from entering extremely light sensitive. Studies have shown
the occupied portions of the storage area. Even that the bluer the light, the more harmful
very low concentrations of the fumes from certain it is and in theory light restricted to a colour
chemicals can be harmful to persons working range of yellow-orange to deep red m a y cause
within the storage room. T h e containment of these virtually no damage to pigments. Light also
Conservation 33

can be very harmful to many other collections m a y emit substances that are harmful to other
including,but not limited to, costumes, textiles, objects stored close by.
ivories, some ethnographic collections, paint- H o w often should the object be examined for
ings, and even to certain biological specimens conservation purposes to determine mould or
preserved in alcohol and stored in glass jars. insect infestation or the level of alcohol in
Each group of objects must be considered with specimen jars?
regard to its particular reaction to light. H o w sensitive would the object be to accidents
How sensitive is the object to different levels of involving water, excessive temperatures (both
relative humidity, or frequent changes in the heating and freezing)?
relative humidity? H o w susceptible is the object to insect or ver-
Relative humidity may be extremely impor- min damage? M a n y ethnographic or biological
tant to certain collections such as paintings, collections are particularly susceptible to attack
furniture, prints, drawings, silver (?), photo- from insects or vermin. T h e storage system
graphic films, metals, etc. T h e metal tops of may need to be designed to allow for periodic
glass jars used to store biological specimens or continuous fumigation.
m a y be affected by a high level of relative H o w sensitive is the object to vibration? All types
humidity, although the actuel specimens m a y of vibration should be considered, from exter-
not be. Optimum levels should be determined nal sources such as trains, subways, cars,
for each type of collection. etc. to the movement of drawers or mobile
H o w sensitive is the object to different tempera- storage systems.
ture levels or frequent changes in tempera- A n example is pastel drawings, which are
ture? W h a t are the acceptable ranges for extremely sensitive to movement and therefore
temperature (minimum and maximum, and cannot be stored in mobile systems which
over what period of time)? would cause vibration.
It m a y be necessary to allow the tempera- H o w inflammable or susceptible to fire damage
ture of the storage areas to drift over a long is the object? T h e inflammability of many
period of time as a result of seasonal changes. objects made of paper, wood, etc., is obvious,
It is important to determine a particular collec- but that of the alcohol used in the preserva-
tion’s tolerance to this change. tion of many biological collections should not
H o w sensitive is the object to dust and other be overlooked. T h e inflammability of the
pollutants in the air? Are there particular storage system itself should also be considered,
chemical fumes to which the object is par- even if the objects stored within it are not a
ticularly sensitive? Textiles and many other problem.
materials are harmed by dust that might Does the value of particular objects warrant
accumulate on them. This requires either well- additional security above that provided for
filtered air or protection from the dust by the general collection?
the method of storage. This might apply to jewellery or silver
H o w sensitive is the object to particular stresses collections or other collections that might be
that it might encounter in a stored condition, highly saleable or easily concealed.T h e overall
i.e. stress from hanging or folding textiles, level of security of the entire storage area,
or the crushing of delicate ornaments on along with the value of a particular collection,
dolls, etc? will determine whether or not additional
Are there certain materials to which the object security is needed.
is particularly sensitive and with which it Will the collection expand, and if so, at what
should never come in contact? rate?
Contact with certain materials should be H o w visually accessible must the collection be for
avoided. For instance, ivories should never examination by scholars, students, researchers,
come in contact with rubber pads, rubber designers, etc.?
adhesive, iron, copper alloys, or coloured H o w often must the objects be moved from the
materials. Even plastic coat-hangersshould be collection and taken somewhere else? In addi-
checked carefully when they are used to hang tion to answering the preceding questions, in
costumes. Each category of collection objects order to determine the best storage system,
should be considered carefully to determine the following factors must also be considered:
the substances or materials that should be H o w m u c h space is available for the storage
avoided so that they are eliminated by the systems?
choice of a storage system. It is even possible H o w m u c h money is available for the purchase
that certain objects in the museum collections or construction of storage systems?
V Storage systems

This section of the handbook deals with the design others are possible.Each museum will have unique
of storage systems to house museum collections. requirements for the storage of its particular
A number of factors should influence the selec- collection, and modifications to some of the sys-
tion of a particular type of storage system, many tems illustrated may suit its needs. The draw-
of which have been discussed in preceding sec- ings are intended to be used only as guidelines.
tions. The section on ‘Planning’ explained how The specific dimensions for wood or steel m e m -
the proportionment of a museum’s resources bers have been omitted, since they may vary
among its various roles determines how much of depending on standard practices of dimensioning
these resources will be available for the collection within a particular country or the availability of
storage facilities and the individual storage sys- different materials. The structural support mem-
tems. The funds that are available for the col- bers also may vary depending on the weight of
lection role will determine how sophisticated the the objects to be stored. The overall dimensions
storage systems can be, what materials they will of each system should depend on the size, shape
be made from, the type of construction, etc. The and weight of the objects to be stored and the
section on ‘Records, Accessibility and Retrieval’ availability of space within the storage area. Stor-
focuses on three major and related issues which age areas with high ceilings allow for higher
must be considered when selecting appropriate storage units. Most of the units can be modified
storage systems: how good collection records will in size to accommodate the storage require-
affect accessibility and retrieval requirements; ments of the unique materials found in a par-
how the need for visual accessibility to the col- ticular collection. For instance, a storage system
lections will affect the choice of a storage system; designed for rugs should be proportioned to suit
and finally, how the choice of the storage system the needs of a particular rug collection. The same
is affected by how often objects must be physi- is obviously true for many other types of collec-
cally removed from the collection storage areas. tion, such as paintings, furniture, archaeological
The section on ‘Security’ showed how certain and biological specimens,prints and drawings.
storage systems provide additional security within O n the surface it would appear that it is
the collection storage areas. In the section on always less expensive to make your own storage
‘Conservation’,the general conservation require- systems, but this is not necessarily true. Some
ments of different types of object were discussed, types of storage systems lend themselves so readily
and the way in which these special requirements to commercial manufacture that it is not reason-
relate to specific storage systems was explained. able for a museum to make its own. One example
For instance, extremely fragile objects should not of this is the simple steel rack and shelving
be stored in mobile storage systems. Objects that widely used in warehouses for industrial purposes.
are very sensitive to the environment may require This type of storage is both flexible and inex-
additional environmental protection,which can be pensive, and it serves very well for open shelf
provided by the use of certain types of storage storage.Some museums are located in areas where
system.The quality of the overall environment of commercially manufactured systems are not avail-
the collection storage areas should determine able to them. Because this problem exists, we
whether objects can be stored on open shelving have provided drawings and descriptions of some
as opposed to enclosed storage systems. If it is simple solutions for various storage needs which
necessary to place certain objects within a con- can be made locally, either by the museum’s car-
tainer before they are stored, this, too, will affect pentry staff or with outside help. A museum
the selection of an appropriate system, because it should investigate and compare the costs of cons-
is the container, not the object, which must be tructing the storage system using museum staff
accommodated by the system. versus using an outside firm.It is possible that the
There are many different generic types of stor- efficiency with which the work can be done by
age system illustrated within this section. In a few an outside firm,or the overhead of the museum’s
instances,some basic modifications and variations operation, may actually allow for cheaper fabric-
to the systems are also shown. Generally, many ation outside the museum.
Storage systems 35

Figure 2 shows variations of adjustable metal greater span, but few museum objects need the
shelving. There are many adjustable metal shelv- load capacity of these heavy-duty systems. Some
ing systems available which are appropriate for exceptions might be large stone artefacts, archi-
open-shelf storage. By placing the shelving units tectural fragments of buidings, large pieces of
back to back, and leaving access space on both furniture, etc. Since extremely heavy floor load-
sides, the depth of the shelving unit is doubled. ing will result from efficiently used shelving
This is referred to as a 'double-loaded' system. systems which store substantial artefacts, consid-
The upper sketch illustrates a double-loaded sys- eration must be given to the structural capacity
tem using two 60-cm-deepshelves, which can of the building. Generally, 70 kg/0.95 mzis ade-
create 1.2-m-deepshelving when the shelves of quate for most shelving systems extending to 2 m
both units are aligned.' The lower sketch shows heights, but higher systems,or systems containing
a double-loadedsystem using 30-cm-deepshelving. extremely heavy objects, may require floor load
The relatively narrow shelves are desirable when capacities in excess of 70 kg/0.95 m2.
small objects or medium-sized specimen jars are W h e n laying out a system of adjustable shel-
to be stored, because easy access to the back of ving in a storage area, several factors should be
the shelf can be achieved. considered. The minimum width of the aisles is .
The use of these two different systems in very important.Generally, a 1-maisle is adequate
combination would allow the museum to have for access and retrieval of small to medium-
shelving depths of 30 cm, 60 cm, 90 c m and sized objects stored in open shelving. However,
1.2m by lining up the individual shelves of these where large objects are stored on shelving up to
two types of unit. This range of shelf width 1.2m wide, the aisles must be wider to accommo-
allows for an efficient use of the shelf place. If date them.The perimeter of the storage room can
the shelves are too wide for the objects stored on be lined with shelving units 30-60cm-deep,or if
them, several objects may be placed in front of there is insufficient area in the room the walls can
one another, making it difficult to reach objects be lined with wire racks as shown in Figure 37.
stored at the back of the deep shelves. Using Shelving constructed of 2-cm plywood has
narrower shelves for smaller objects can eliminate definite structural limitations when heavy objects
this problem. are placed on it. Although there may be no imme-
Very small objects generally are best stored diate deflection,it will occur in time, and exces-
in boxes to increase the efficiency of the system, sive deflection may even pull a shelf from its
because a disproportionate amount of space is supporting brackets. Wood shelving that has too
required above a small object in order to see it long a span eventually will sag from its own
at the back of the shelf.Boxing small objects also weight. Plywood can emit harmful substances and
allows for easier retrieval, since many small should be sealed carefully before use. The struc-
objects can be removed from the system at one tural wood members, unless they are carefully
time. Many items put on the shelves require finished, may cause abrasions to textiles. An
special containers, such as biological specimens advantage of wood shelving is that it is more
stored in preservatives in jars or delicate speci- resilient than steel shelving, which is important
mens which must be stored in specially con- for the storage of certain types of object. In fact,
structed boxes or trays. The width of the shelves it may be necessary to add a layer of protective
and the vertical spacing between them must padding to metal shelving to prevent chipping or
then be planned to accommodate these special the movement of objects on the shelves caused
containers. by vibrations.With either metal or wood shelving,
Standard systems extend to approximately 2 m in areas which are particularly subject to earth-
in height, but systems up to 6 m can be used if quakes or urban areas where heavy traffic can
access by ladder is acceptable. Ladder-access stor- cause excessive vibrations, straps should be pro-
age may be adequate for items which must be vided in front of each shelf to prevent the objects
retrieved infrequently, but where the space is from falling to the floor.
available, it is always preferable to have all col- Open shelving places demands on the environ-
lection objects accessible without the use of a ment of the storage room, since all the objects
ladder, which adds to the potential for damage are subjects to this environment.Therefore humid-
through handling. Shelving that is visually acces- ity, temperature, lighting, and especially air fil-
sible also allows periodic inspection of the col- tration, must be considered carefully when open
lection objects, a decided advantage from a con- shelving is to be used, lest the objects suffer
servation standpoint. damage in their unprotected state. If humidity,
The vertical support members of most manu- temperature and lighting are adequately controlled
factured systems consist of steel angles perforated but air filtration is a problem, certain objects can
to receive bolts or brackets which secure the be covered with polyethylene film.Hanging clear
shelves in place. The spacing of these vertical plastic curtains in front of the shelves is another
support members generally varies from 1.2 to method of achieving dust control, although this
1.8 m, depending on the system. Heavy-duty 1. Measurements were given in feet and inches in the
industrial systems are available with a very much manuscript for this book.-Ed.
36 Museum collection storage

generally requires that an entire plastic sheet be

moved to gain access to a single artefact for in-
spection or retrieval.
Figure 3 illustrates shelving made from plastic
wire mesh. This system can be used to support
light-weight objects when air circulation is par-
ticularly important. Plastic wire mesh should be
used because contact with copper or other types
of metal screening m a y be damaging to the
objects. This is an economical shelving material
compared to metal or wood. The mesh shelving
can be supported by metal or w o o d vertical m e m -
bers. Straw artefacts such as baskets, etc. may
suitably be stored in this system.
Figure 4 shows a shelving system for film or
video cassettes. This is another variation of the
basic shelving system which has been adapted to
store film or video cassettes. T h e shelving consists
of two horizontal bars with U-shaped wire divi-
ders which separate the individual reels along the
length of the shelf. Other adaptations of this basic
shelf system are possible so that other types of
object can be stored. This kind of special adapta-
tion is usually confined to objects with the same
shape or dimension.
Figure 5 illustrates a shelving system consist-
ing of closely spaced metal shelving (approxi-
mately 10 c m apart) upon which solander boxes
containing prints and drawings are placed. The
prints or drawings are separated by acid-freetissue
FIG.2. Adjustable shelving. in each solander box. W h e n the solander boxes
are removed from an individual shelf, they are
placed on waist-high shelf extensions which can
be pulled out from under the shelf. The contents
of the solander boxes can then be removed from
the box for viewing, or one or more solander
boxes can be placed on a movable cart and taken
to another area. T h e shelves extend to about 2 m
off the floor, allowing access without the use of
ladders. Shelving depth varies from 48 to 66 c m
depending o n the depth of the solander boxes to
be stored. T h e width of each unit also varies from
60 to 75 cm. Although the metal system shown
in the sketch is a manufactured one, similar sys-
tems could be constructed of wood, using the
same overall dimensions. A less expensive but
FIG.3. Plastic wire mesh shelving. less convenient system also can be constructed
which contains fewer shelves. T w o or three solan-
der boxes would be stored on top of each other
on each shelf. This necessitates more movement
of the boxes if access to the middle or bottom box
is desired. In addition to being less convenient,
this increase in the movement of boxes is less
desirable from a conservation standpoint. The
strength of the individual storage boxes must be
sufficient to withstand stacking. Aisles should be
planned carefully to allow for the movement of
mobile carts carrying the boxes. Prints and draw-
ings on paper, manuscripts, etc. m a y all be suit-
ably stored in this kind of system.
Pastel drawings should not be stored in this
system because the kind of movement they would
Storage systems 31

be subjected to is extremely destructive to this

medium. They should be stored in a fixed vertical
position in the storage room so that they can be
examined without movement.
Figure 6 shows a shelving storage system for
prints, drawings and large books, consisting of
closely spaced metal shelving, approximately
10 c m apart. A shelf depth of approximately
80 c m x 1.2 m wide should work well for the
storage of most large prints or drawings.However,
the size of the shelves should be determined by
the demands of the individual collection. The
total height of the unit can be approximately 2 m
and still allow for complete access without the
use of ladders. The roller at the front edge faci-
litates the removal of wood trays or large books
which are stored on the shelving. The wood trays
contain prints or drawings so that they do not
rest directly on the shelves. This is a specialized
system because of the inclusion of the roller on
the front edge of each shelf. Similar systems could
be made of wood, but they may be difficult to
fabricate and may not work as smoothly as this FIG.4. Special shelving for film or video cassettes.
metal system.

FIG.5. Shelving storage for prints and drawings in boxes.

FIG.6. Shelving storage for prints, drawings and large

38 Museum collection storage

FIG.7. Combination open-shelving system and drawers.

FIG.8. Shallow wood open-drawer system.

FIG.9. Flat-drawer storage system.

Storage systems 39

Figure 7 illustrates a combination of an open- front and at the back so that each drawer can be
shelving system and drawers.The vertical supports pulled out from either side of the unit. Drawers
for the shelves are 60-m-wide x 2.4-m-highsheets may be left out above other drawers to allow
of 0.3-cmtempered masonite spaced 1.2m apart for the storage of objects more than 5 c m high.
which are tied together at the top and bottom This is a simple, economical system to
with a wood or metal brace. Steel angles are construct and it is quite functional for the storage
attached to the vertical edges of the masonite. The of many items,including unmounted or mounted
closely spaced holes in the steel angles allow prints and drawings, flat textiles, etc. One
special clips to be attached which support ad- disadvantage of the system is that it is not air-
justable wood shelves.The backs of the units are tight, so that certain items must be protected
covered with a 1.2-mx 2.4-msheet of 0.3-cm individually.
tempered masonite. T w o units are then placed Figure 9 illustrates a flat-drawer storage
back to back to form a total unit 1.2 m deep. In system. This is a manufactured system, although
order to accommodate especially deep objects, the narrow wood drawers can be custom-made.The
backs of the units can be cut out,creating a shelf system consists of shallow drawers that vary gener-
1.2 m deep X 1.2 m wide. The 60-cm x 1.2-m ally from 60 c m to 1.2m wide and 46 c m to 1 m
shelves are made of 2-cm plywood. The shelves deep. Each drawer is approximately 7.5 c m high
can be covered with acid-free paper or padding, overall,with approximately 5 c m of storage depth
depending on what is being stored. In order to inside. Units approximately 76 c m high, with ten
accommodate drawers in this system, sheets of drawers, create their own work space on top.
2-cm plywood are attached to the masonite. The Manufactured systems have special carriages for
drawers slide in between 2.5c m x 2.5-cmwood the drawers so that they can be extended almost
runners which are attached to the plywood. completely out of the unit, which allows full
Drawer bottoms are 0.3-cm tempered masonite access to the drawer contents. W o o d systems that
and the 9-cm-highsides,backs, and fronts of the do not have this special hardware are difficult
drawers are made of solid stock. Items taller than to use because the drawer generally cannot be
9-cmcan be accommodated by leaving the drawer extended more than halfway out of the unit.
above out of the unit to allow for the clearance This makes access difficult where certain types
of these taller objects. of object are stored. Careful consideration should
The flexibility of this system allows for the be given to the size of the material to be stored
storage of many different kinds of artefact in so that the drawers can be sized accordingly.
the same area. Drawer or shelving units can be Large drawers can be divided into two or more
adjusted, added, or removed as the needs of a sections for the storage of small, flat objects. It
particular collection dictate. It is also an econo- is possible to stack these units for very efficient
mical system which can be constructed by the storage. However, access to the upper drawers
museum staff. Aisles should be carefully planned will require a ladder,which increases the potential
to allow sufficient clearance for the movement of for damage or soiling if an object is dropped.
large objects stored in these units.Since the width Unframed prints and drawings, small flat
of the aisles must be planned to accommodate the textiles, framed textiles, and samplers are among
largest item stored within a particular row of the kinds of artefact which may suitably be stored
units, this system may somewhat compromise the in this system.
efficent use of the storage space unless all the Pastel drawings should not be stored in this
large items are grouped within one particular area. system because the kind of movement they would
The system’s flexibility allows for very large be subjected to is extremely destructive to this
objects to be stored on the open shelves, with medium. This type of drawing should be stored
small related materials stored in adjacent drawers. in a fixed vertical position in the storage room
A wide range of collection objects can be stored so that the drawings may be examined without
in this adaptable storage system. movement.
Figure 8 shows a shallow wood open-drawer Figure 10 illustrates cabinet storage adapted
system consisting of vertical supports made of to store film cassettes or other small objects. This
1.2-mx 2.4-m sheets of 2-cm plywood. The is a shallow drawer cabinet with dividers. The
plywood sheets are tied together with a wood or system can be a steel manufactured unit or a
metal brace at the top and bottom.Attached to the custom-madewood unit. Plastic or wood dividers
plywood are 2.5-cmX 2.5-cmwood strips, approx- can be used to create small compartments for the
imately 0.6c m apart, which act as glides for the storage of small artefacts such as jewellery or
drawers. The bottoms of the drawers are 0.3-cm coins. In addition, shallow plastic boxes may be
tempered masonite, and the sides, fronts, and placed in the drawers to hold small objects. These
backs are made of 5-cm high solid stock. The individual boxes also may be divided into com-
masonite bottom of each drawer projects approxi- partments. An advantage of this approach is that
mately 2.5 c m beyond the drawer sides to fit be- the entire box can be removed during the retrieval
tween the wood glides. The drawers are approxi- process as opposed to removing the individual
mately 1.2m x 1.2m.The unit is open both in objects.Another advantage of this cabinet storage
40 Museum collection storage

is that the individual drawers m a y be equipped

with locks providing added security for small
items that are easy to lose or are especially
Figure 1 1 illustrates two types of cabinet with
drawers. The cabinet shown in the top sketch
is equipped with doors. The height of these cabi-
nets can range from 75 to 90 c m so that the
top of the units may by used for the examination
of the objects stored in the cabinets. Although this
is convenient for research work, it is not a space-
efficient storage system because the height above
90 c m is not used for storage. However, when
extensive research is done which requires frequent
access to the materials stored in the units, this
FIG.10. Cabinet storage for film cassettes or other small
objects. system m a y be appropriate. As many as three of
these units may be stacked on top of each other,
but the research space which is gained when only
one unit is used will be lost, and ladders will be
required for access to the higher drawers.
The bottom sketch shows a similar system,
but the cabinets are double height and the fronts
are removable panels. By using removable panels
instead of doors, it is possible to seal the unit so
that continuous fumigation can take place inside
the cabinet without vapours leaking into the
storage area. This type of unit is ideal for the
storage of objects or specimens which are espe-
cially sensitive to insect infestation.
Both of these systems can be made from a

variety of different materials. If the tops of the
units are to be used for research, the material of
the counter top should be suitable for the type
of research being carried out. The open drawers
in the cabinets, which slide o n metal angle-run-
ners attached to the sides of the cabinets, may
be made of wood or steel. The latter is more
desirable if heavy loads are to be stored.
There are many manufactured systems with
interior drawers similar to the ones shown in
these sketches. They come in a range of sizes to
accommodate many different types of material to
be stored. M a n y are made of steel, which elimi-
FIG.11. Drawers within a cabinet. nates the warping that sometimes occurs with
humidity changes when wood construction is used.
The steel cabinets generally are strong enough to
allow for double stacking, even loaded with heavy
specimens. The doors close against a polyurethane
foam gasket, which provides dust-tight protection.
Generally, the drawers are relatively shallow, but
when specimens extend above the top of the
drawer, it is a normal practice to remove the
drawer above to allow for the clearance of these
larger objects. Manufactured systems with double
doors, as illustrated in the top sketch, range from
90 cm-2 m high x 1 m wide x 60 c m deep. T h e
2-m height will accommodate about twenty-four
drawers. W o o d systems similar to these units can
be custom-made, but it is unlikely that they will
be as airtight, which may be an important consid-
eration for certain types of collection.
The large number of object types which may
Storage systems 41

suitably be stored in these units include, among

others, skins, small animal specimens, entomo-
logy, geology and palaeontology specimens, pot-
tery,prints, drawings,folded textiles,small framed
textiles, etc.
Figure 12 illustrates an open adjustable drawer
system constructed of wood.Wooden drawer run-
ners, spaced evenly from the floor to a height
of approximately 2 m,are attached to the vertical
supports of a wood frame structure.The drawers
slide on these runners. The drawer bottoms can
be made of plywood or masonite of a thickness
that is appropriate to the weight of the objects
stored in them and the size of the drawer. The
dimensions of the system can vary greatly depend-
ing on the kinds of objects stored in it. Because I
the drawers are made of wood and slide on wood-
en runners, smaller drawers are easier to handle,
especially when heavy objects are stored in them.
Drawer width and depth can vary from 60 c m to
1 m,while the height can vary from 8 to 13 cm,
depending on the design.
Flexibility for the storage of taller objects is
achieved by leaving out the drawer above to allow
for the clearance of tall objects. W h e n breakable
items are stored in a single drawer, dividers FIG.12.Open adjustable drawer system.
should be used to prevent them from bumping
against each other. Since the system is open,
objects particularly subject to damage from dust
should be covered,unless a very efficient filtration
system is used in the storage area. This is a very
flexible and economical system that can be built
by the museum staff.
Figure 13 illustrates a costume storage system
which consists of a cabinet to hang costumes on
top of a four-drawerunit to store folded costumes
and accessories. The costume hanging portion of
the unit is 1.5 long X 75 c m deep x 2 m high.
Steel is a good choice for this part of the unit
because of its strength, stability and rigidity.
Special care should be taken in the construction
of the units to avoid sharp edges which could
tear the costumes. The venetian blinds over the
front of the upper portion of the unit protect the
costumes from dust while allowing for air circu-
lation. The costumes are hung on specially con-
structed hangers. This is particularly important
for special types of costume to prevent creasing
and stress on certain parts. Because of the height
of the units, poles with fork heads are slipped
under the hooks of the hangers to remove the
costumes. A rolling ladder must be used to
remove the costumes by hand. Specially equipped
rolling ladders also can be used to work on the
costumes while they are hanging in the unit. The
wood drawers below are 15 c m high x 75 c m
deep X 1.5 m long, dimensions which are consid-
ered to be most useful for flat costume storage.
Because related accessories can be stored directly FIG.13. Costume hanging storage over drawer units.
below the costumes hanging above, this greatly
facilitates research work being carried out in the
storage area. Both of the units should be covered
42 Museum collection storage

inside and out with an inert plastic paint or plastic

laminate to protect the costumes from acid,
rust, etc.
Figure 14 illustrates a costume storage system
that consists of double units for hanging costumes
and for stacking a drawer units.The sketch shows
a row of these double-stacked units on the left,
and the stacking of three 4-drawer units on the
right. Each costume hanging unit is 1.5 m high
X 75 c m deep x 1.5m long.Although this height
is not adequate for full-lengthcostumes, it works
well for children’s costumes and somer other short
costumes. The units can be constructed of steel
which has been coated with a special paint that
protects the costumes from acid, rust, etc.
The wood drawers, which should be coated
inside and out with an inert plastic paint or
plastic laminate, are stacked to form twelve-
drawer units. Costume accessories, some folded
costumes, and some folded textiles can be stored
in these drawers. W h e n costumes or textiles are
folded, acid-iree tissue paper should be placed
in the folds to prevent permanent creasing of the
The combination of these two units shows the
advantage of modular planning within the storage
area. The same types of storage unit shown in
Figure 13 are combined in a different configura-
FIG.14.Costume storage in double-stacked costume hang- tion to adapt to the storage needs of the collection.
ing units and stacked drawer units.
This concept of using modular system to increase
the flexibility of collection storage can be applied
to many other storage systems. Although all of
FIG.15. Costume storage system with cabinets over drawer these systems are commercially manufactured,they
units. could be duplicated entirely in wood by the
museum staff.However,care must be exercised in
the finishing of the wood to protect the costumes
from damage either by physical abrasion or by
chemical substances given off by the wood.
Figure 15 illustrates a costume storage system
combining cabinets and drawer units. The upper
unit in this system is a cabinet with doors and
adjustable shelves for the storage of hats and other
similar costume items. The hats are mounted on
plastic cones for easier visibility. As shown in the
sketch, the doors can be double folding in order
to minimize unnecessary protrusion into the aisle
space. The drawer units below can be used to
store shoes and other accessories. Small acces-
sories such as jewellery, hair ornaments,etc. can
be placed in special plastic trays which are
stacked inside the drawers. These units can be
made of wood and covered with an inert plastic
to protect the costumes and accessories.
Figure 16 shows a fixed textile storage system
for small rugs or other textiles,consisting of wood
poles which are suspended within a wood framing
system. The poles may be round or square.
Textiles are rolled around cardboard tubs which
have been covered with acid-free paper, and
these cardboard tubes slide over the wooden poles.
Square poles generally are less expensive than the
round ones, and since the rugs or textiles are
Storage systems 43
-- __


FIG.16. Fixed rolled storage for textiles.

FIG.17. Mobile hanging slorage system for rolled textiles. --

~ .- ~.~

44 Museum collection storage

rolled around cardboard tubes, there is no real the frames with large staples. The frames, which
advantage in using more expensive poles. In fact, operate like drawers, slide out of the unit on metal
round poles are likely to roll in their support runners. Each cabinet can hold u p to six frames.
system, which is a disadvantage. Because the ends The textiles are not rolled directly on the square
of the poles support the weight of the entire roll poles. First they are rolled around cardboard tubes
of fabric or rug there is no damage caused by which have been covered with acid-free paper,
pressure to the material. From a conservation and these tubes are then supported by the poles.
standpoint, this is more desirable than placing The textiles are covered with plastic and loosely
rolled materials on shelves or on rack supports tied.
which come into contact with the material itself. The amount of storage space used with this
The rolled materials are covered with plastic and system is actually less than is needed to store
lightly tied to prevent dust from settling on them. rolled textiles on shelves. A n additional advantage
Certain types of costume also lend themselves to is that the rolled textiles are individually suspen-
rolled storage, as well as bedspreads, tapestries ded, thus avoiding creases that occur when they
and other similar items. are placed o n shelves. Since the textiles are stored
Figure 17 illustrates a mobile hanging storage in cabinets, they are not exposed to light, which
system for rolled textiles. The storage units are is a further conservation precaution. In addition,
hung from tracks attached to either the ceiling or a periodic fumigation can take place within the
a free-standing structure. T h e choice between cabinet with the door shut, which provides maxi-
these two types of support for the tracks depends mum protection from insect infestation.
on the ceiling construction in the storage room Figure 19 illustrates a mobile system to store
and the degree of mobility required for the entire flat textiles. T h e textiles are draped over horizon-
system. Since the weight of the hanging material tal bars spanning frames hanging from sliding
m a y be considerable in some cases, the structure tracks suspended from the ceiling. T h e double
of the ceiling should be checked carefully before horizontal bars allow for the hanging of two
the units are attached to it. A free-standing struc- textiles on each frame. The vertical spacing be-
ture for the support of the system may have an tween these two bars should be dimensioned to
advantage because the entire system can be relo- accommodate the sizes of materials in the col-
cated to another area in the museum. lection. For access or viewing, the individual units
The length of the units which slide back and are pulled along the sliding tracks into aisle
forth along the tracks should be determined by spaces. A 15-cm spacing between the sliding
the size of the textiles to be stored. Several units tracks is adequate for light materials, although
of different lengths can be joined together to approximately 20 c m should be allowed for heavy
form one sliding unit. T o gain access to any row or bulky materials. A space of approximately
of textiles, adjacent units are moved along the 60-cm should be left between the bottom of the
track until the desired aisle is open. Because there materials and the floor to allow for air circulation.
is no floor track, the units tend to sway back Adequate space must be provided in the centre
and forth when they are moved, sometimes b u m - of the room so that the racks can be pulled from
ping into each other. However, because of the their stored position for viewing. Before hanging
nature of the textiles stored in these units, and the the textiles, the bars are covered with acid-free
fact that the rolled textiles do not b u m p or paper to protect the fabrics. The tops of the
scrape against each other, it is unlikely that any draped textiles are covered with a small piece
serious damage is done to the textiles. There is of cloth to prevent dust from settling there.
no way of actually verifying this, however, and Figure 20 illustrates a mobile hanging curtain
the units should be moved as carefully as pos- storage system. The curtains are suspended with
sible to avoid unnecessary jarring. curtain hooks from a frame which can be raised
The individual textiles are rolled around card- for storage and lowered for access. W h e n the
board tubes covered with acid-free paper. The curtains are raised to the ceiling, the pull cords
tubes are placed over w o o d poles. The textiles are secured to hooks. The frames hang from slid-
are then covered with plastic and lightly tied. ing tracks suspended from the ceiling so that
Because the ends of the poles support the weight the entire frame can be pulled into the centre of
of the entire roll of textile, there is no damage the room for viewing or access. The spacing be-
caused by pressure applied to the material. From tween the tracks can vary from 30 to 36 c m for
a conservation standpoint, this is more desirable lighter sets of curtains. Spacing which ranges
than placing rolled textiles on shelves or on rack from 45 to 60 c m is better for bulky items with
supports which come into contact with the m a - heavy material linings and/or deep folds and
terial itself. gathers. Since the curtains are hung straight,
Figure 18 shows a cabinet storage system for wrinkling and crackling of the material is elimi-
small rolled textiles. The rolled textiles, which nated. Before storage, the curtains are lined and
are supported with square wood poles, are placed interlined. Antique textiles are tacked to the inter-
on wood frames. T h e frames can hold from four linings at intervals of 20 c m throughout the cur-
to six rolled textiles which are held in position on tain, which transfers the stress from hanging to
Storage systems 45

FIG.18. Cabinet storage for rolled textiles.

FIG.19. Mobile hanging storage for flat textiles,

46 M u s e u m collection storage

FIG.20. Mobile hanging curtain storage.

the interlining. A clean material is placed on the examination of objects. Materials are hung from
floor to protect the curtain when it is lowered for the screen with simple hooks. The most efficient
removal. means of planning this system is to have the slid-
Figure 21 illustrates a mobile hanging storage ing racks on both sides of the room so that a
system for large rugs. The system consists of common space in the centre of the room can be
chains hanging from tracks which are suspended shared for viewing. If racks are stored only on
from the ceiling or from a free-standingstructure. one side of the room,the same amount of viewing
The decision about how the tracks should be area is needed as when they are on both sides of
suspended will depend on the structural design the room. The distance between screens can vary
of the building and whether or not the rug stor- depending on the type of material hung from the
age might eventually be moved to another stor- screens. Some units can be placed far apart to
age area. Rugs which have been rolled around allow for extremely big frames and others may
heavy wood dowels or metal pipes are suspended be much closer together for the hanging of con-
from the chains with S-hooks.The wood dowels ventional framed drawings, prints or paintings.
or steel pipes are first covered with cardboard The wire screens can vary tremendously in
tubes, which have been wrapped with a layer of size. Screens that are very tall require ladders to
acid-freepaper. After rolling,the rugs are loosely reach paintings or other items suspended from the
tied for secure storage.Several rugs can be suspen- screens near the top. The use of ladders in hand-
ded from one pair of chains. The chains holding ling paintings presents a very definite hazard to
stored rugs can be slid back and forth on the the conservation of the paintings. Smaller screens
tracks to gain access to a particular rug. Space can be used in areas with lower ceilings.
should be left in the centre of the room so that Figure 23 shows a sliding rack system to
the rugs can be spaced out along the tracks for store arrows and spears. Peg board is substituted
viewing or retrieval. Care must be taken that the for the wire mesh in the more conventional
strength of both the track and the support system system illustrated in Figure 22. The spears or
is adequate to hold the substantial weight of arrows are tied to the peg board with string.
several rugs. Heavy-duty chains should be used Because this system is quite compact and the
for the same reason. Space for rolling the rugs units fit closely together, a certain amount of dust
onto the tubes should be provided in the storage protection is afforded the objects.
area. Figure 24 shows a sliding rack system for
Figure 22 shows wire screens suspended from storing bulky materials such as animal skins,
sliding tracks which are hung from the ceiling or which might also require a low level of continuous
from an independent structure. Channels secured fumigation to prevent insect infestation. A wide
to the floor keep the hanging screens from swaying board at the end of the rack can be equipped
back and forth when they are pulled out for the with a gasket that seals against the face of the
Storage system 47

H 8 FIG.21. Mobile hanging storage for large rugs.

rack storage with wire screening.

FIG.23. Sliding rack storage with peg board.

48 M u s e u m collection storage

unit when it is closed. Clamps can be attached

to the front of the unit to hold each of the indi-
vidual racks tightly against the face of the unit
when they are not pulled out for viewing. Poles
are attached within the frame of the unit to hang
animal skins or other materials. T h e basic system
is made of wood. The dimensions can vary depen-
ding on the material being stored and the space
available for the system. Racks approximately
30 c m wide allow for storage o n both sides.
Other materials can be stored in a very simi-
lar system by modifying the interior of the racks.
For example, instead of having a vertical sheet
and horizontal poles for the hanging of skins as
FIG.24. Sliding rack storage with closed system. shown in the sketch, horizontal trays approxi-
mately 30 c m wide and spaced vertically approxi-
mately 30 c m apart can be substituted. These
trays can hold other objects requiring sealed
storage within a rack system.
Figure 25 shows a visible storage system for
costumes and textiles utilizing a sliding rack
system. Often it is desirable to have artefacts avail-
able for viewing by visitors, but at the same time
the artefacts must be protected and a compact
system is necessary in order to conserve space.
In the unit shown, the costumes or textiles are
suspended in a frame and covered on both sides
with glass. The container therefore protects the
objects from dust. W h e n the unit is closed, the
costumes or textiles are stored within a compact
FIG.25. Sliding rack visible storage for costumes and system, protected from light. W h e n a visitor
textiles. wishes to see a particular costume or textile, the
unit is pulled from the stack and viewing can be
achieved from both sides. Generally, in order to
see both sides of a costume or textile, a free-
standing case is required or a one-sided case with
a mirror o n the back. Both of these methods use
considerably more space than the system shown.
This system can be used with a variety of other
objects, including samplers, maps, photographs,
drawings, etc.
Figure 26 shows a variation of the sliding rack
visible system illustrated in Figure 25. The racks
can range in size from 50 c m x 5 0 c m to 75 c m
x 75 c m and should be high enough off the floor
to allow for easy viewing. The individual racks
are about 5 c m wide, which allows for a great
number of racks to be stored within a given area.
The system allows for items such as stamps to be
stored in a compact system and at the same time
be accessible to museum visitors. Because the
stamps are displayed behind glass, they are pro-
tected while on display. The ability to close the
racks when the stamps are not being viewed
prevents excessive exposure to light.
Figure 27 shows in three sketches a compar-
ison between the space utilization of a conven-
tional fixed storage system and that of a high-
density mobile storage system. T h e top sketch
shows a conventional storage system with four
FIG.26. Sliding rack visible storage for staqs or manu- aisles between five units of storage. The middle
scripts. sketch illustrates that the same five units in a
Storage systems 49

high-density mobile storage system will save I

40 per cent of the space in the area because only
one access aisle to the system is open at any given
point in time. The bottom sketch shows that by
using the high-density mobile storage system you
can add 50 per cent more storage capacity in the
same amount of floor area than would be pos-
sible using a conventional fixed storage system.
This type of system can be compared in a very
general way to a clothes closet. The garments on
the hangers are compressed together, but when
they are pushed aside, a space is left for access
and retrieval.
The essential element of the high-density
mobile storage system is its carriage. Some car-
riages are still made of wood, some of steel,but
structural aluminium is the best material because
it is light-weight and does not rust. The storage ,
carriages ride on rails installed on the floor. They
may be moved manually or they may be motor-
Manually operated systems are generally limi-
ted to 2.4-3.7 m in length, with a gross capacity
of 1.4-4.5tonnes because larger carriages would
be too difficult to move manually. Commercially
manufactured systems with typical loading require
a force of one-third of 1 per cent of the weight
of the system to start the carriage moving. For
example, a 1-tonne unit would require only 3 kg
of force to move. These commercially manufac-
tured systems generally utilize aluminium car-
riages, which reduces the carriage weight, adds
rigidity to the system, and reduces the number
of rails required.Non-commercialmanual systems
with carriages constructed of wood or tempered FIG.27. Comparison between the space utilization of a
masonite are generally not as easy to move as the fixed storage system and that of a high-density mobile
storage system.
commercially manufactured ones. Therefore, it is
a good idea to limit the size of the carriages and
the weight of the material to be stored in them.
If heavier carriages are used and a motor-
operated system is not possible, manual assist
systems are available which utilize a cranking
mechanism to move the carriages. This is much
less efficient, however, and this kind of system
should be used only when the demand for access
is relatively infrequent.
Electrically operated systems are now manufac-
tured for a variety of uses in lengths up to 18 m
and capacities of up to 27 tonnes of storage per
carriage. The carriages of these electrically op-
erated systems may be adapted to store different
types of object. Special provisions are made to
move the carriages manually in the event of a
power failure, and most systems include safety
devices to prevent an aisle from closing when
someone is standing in it.
The average high-density mobile storage
system requires about 70 kg/0.95 m2floor loading,
although it can go as high as 120-140kg/0.95 m2.
For this reason, problems may arise when these
systems are to be installed in an existing building. FIG.28. High-density mobile storage units for books and
If the building structure is inadequate to support manuscripts.
50 Museum collection storage

this kind of floor loading, additional beams can

be installed which are connected to the building’s
support columns. These beams should be located
in such a manner that they will support the rails
which carry the carriages.
Although it generally can be considered that
a high-density mobile storage system is more
expensive than a conventional system, its savings
in space and building construction when a new
facility is planned can many times make up for
the increased cost. The space savings must be
weighed against the degree of accessibility and
retrieval that is desired and the conservation of
the objects stored in the system. Although the
collections are protected from light and dust
when the carriages are closed, the vibrations
FIG. 29. High-density mobile storage units for film or created by the movement of the carriages are a
video cassettes. negative factor. The increased security these
systems provide because individual sections or the
entire system can be locked should also be consi-
Figures 28-33 show variations on the standard
high-densitymobile storage system adapted to dif-
ferent uses.
Figure 28 illustrates the use of a high-density
mobile storage system for the storage of books or
manuscripts. Carriages up to 4.6 m in length can
be moved manually. Carriages from 4.6 to 18 m
long can be moved with a motor-operated system.
When the units are closed, the objects stored
within are sealed off from dust and light.
Figure 29 illustrates a high-densitymobile stor-
age system adapted for the storage of film or
video cassettes. Special shelving similar to that
shown in the fixed system in Figure 4 is construc-
ted within the carriages.Manufactured electrically
operated systems will carry extremely long car-
riages. If relatively short carriages are adequate,
FIG.30. High-density mobile storage system for textile manually operated systems can be constructed by
storage. the museum staff.
Figure 30 shows a high-density mobile storage
system for the storage of rolled rugs or other
textiles. The textiles are wrapped around card-
board tubes covered with acid-free paper, which
are placed over wood poles suspended within the
carriage structure. Short carriages constructed of
plywood ride on rails mounted on the floor. These
units can be operated manually. With a motor-
operated system, larger aluminium carriages can
be connected end to end to form long units. The
length of the individual carriages should be sized
to accommodate the length of small rugs or other
textiles. Supports for the poles within the indivi-
dual carriages can be designed in several different
ways. Figures 16, 17 and 18 show different
methods used for other rolled textile systems.
In addition to rolled textiles, special kinds of
costume, shawls, etc. may also be stored in this
Figure 31 illustrates a high-densitymobile stor-
FIG.31. High-density mobile storage system for herbarium age system which has been adapted to the stor-
collections. age of herbarium specimens. The carriage holds
Storage systems 51

a horizontal bin system for plant specimen storage.

Each bin is approximately 12 c m high X 66 c m
wide, which is adequate space to store two stacks
of manila folders containing specimens or two
specimen boxes side by side of fruit or cacti speci-
mens. The manila folders can hold up to twenty
30-cm X 46-cm specimen sheets. They are stored
so that an open side of the folder is exposed to
view. The specimen sheets are heavy paper stock
to which specimens have been attached. Descrip-
tive information such as where the specimen was
collected,the colour of the flowers,the height of
the tree, etc. is included on each sheet and can
be seen by the researcher without removing the
folder from the bin. The world-wide standard
format for specimen sheets facilitates the storage
FIG. 32. Highdensity mobile storage system for costume
of loaned specimens.Because botanical specimens storage.
are so light-weight,they can be stored on shelves
made of one sheet of metal, which will achieve
the maximum number of shelves per unit.
Figure 32 shows the use of costume storage
within high-density mobile storage units. The
costume storage units are 22 m high overall. The
costume hanging space is 1.1 m wide x 1.8 m
high. One 30-cm drawer at the bottom is equip-
ped with supporting rails to hold a 10-cm loose
tray for accessories.Units for children's costumes
are 1.2m wide x 1.1 m high, which allows for
three drawers below for accessories. Venetian
blinds are recessed in the tap of the carriage and
are thus easily lowered over the wardrobe open-
ings to protect the costumes from light and dust.
The interiors of the units are protected with vinyl
so that the costumes do not come into direct
contact with wood, steel, or any other material
that could rust, corrode, splinter, snag, or in any
way harm the costumes.In manufactured systems, FIG.33. High-densitymobile storage system for geological
several carriages can be connected together and specimens.
electrically operated. Smaller units can also be
made that can be manually operated.
It is interesting to compare the fixed costume
storage systems, illustrated in Figures 13-15,to
this system, which has been adapted to high-
density mobile storage units. They all are quite
similar and illustrate how many fixed systems
can be adapted to mobile systems when there is
a need to conserve space. Potential problems
created by vibration in the mobile system and the
need for access and retrieval must be considered
before making a final decision about which type
of system is best in a particular situation.
Figure 33 illustrates a high-densitymobile stor-
age system which has been adapted to accommo-
date rock or mineral storage. The specimens are
housed in specially designed drawers on carriages
1.5m wide. Because of the length of the carriages
and the weight of the system, it must be electri-
cally operated.
Figure 34 illustrates a heavy-duty manually
operated mobile system for the storage of large
pieces of furniture or musical instruments. In FIG. 34. High-density mobile storage units for musical
this system, heavy-duty steel frames with wood instruments or large pieces of furniture.
52 Museum collection storage

platforms are built over a mobile carriage unit.

Each of the individual units can slide along a
track mounted on the floor. The individual plat-
forms and vertical distance between platforms
should be dimensioned to accommodate the type
of object to be stored. Heavy pieces of furniture
and musical instruments can be lifted onto their
storage platforms with the help of a fork-lift
truck. Special care must be taken when moving
these large pieces lest they be damaged in the
process. The advantage of this system is that a
great number of large pieces of furniture can be
stored in a relatively small area. Space must be
available to move the carriages to gain access to
the stored objects and to manceuvre the fork-lift
truck. Care must be taken that the structure of
the building is adequate to support the heavy
floor loading which results from this type of
storage system.
Figure 31 shows a compartmentalized storage
system for framed prints, drawings, or paintings
made with vertical wood posts and plywood shel-
ving. The slots are relatively narrow in order to
minimize the number of items that can be stored
in each. It is possible that the works of art may
FIG.35. Compartmentalized storage for framed prints, rub against each other when they are being taken
drawings, or paintings. out or put back into storage, or they may rub
against the structure of the storage system itself.
Storing only a few items in each slot reduces the
possibility of this happening. The slot height
should be varied so that different sizes of paint-
ings, etc.,can be accommodated without wasting
space. This system is easier to build and costs
less than the sliding rack storage system illustra-
ted in Figure 22. For this reason, museums with
very limited budgets should give it some consider-
Units can be made from a variety of different
/,,.q\ materials and can vary tremendously in size depen-
ding on the needs of the collection. The unit
1 shown is approximately 2 m high, which allows
someone standing on the floor to remove pictures
without the use of a ladder. Where high ceilings
are available, much higher systems can be con-
structed. Rolling ladders can be used to gain
access to the upper portions of the unit. If fre-
quent access is a requirement,very high units are
not desirable.
Figure 36 illustrates three different techniques
of storing furniture, all of which can share the
same storage area. Large pieces of furniture are
/ placed on plywood platforms, or pallets, with
,/casters attached. The tops of the pallets are cov-
ered with carpeting.W h e n it is necessary to move
a piece of furniture for examination,conservation,
or exhibition,it may be rolled out of its space in
the row and moved with ease to its destination.
Because the furniture is elevated off the floor,
storage areas are easier to clean and the danger
of damaging delicate furniture legs with cleaning
equipment is eliminated.
FIG.36. Furniture storage. The empty volume above the furniture stored
Storage systems 53

I o IH /I ”!I0 I


on pallets is used for the storage of light pieces FIG.37. Wall-mounted stationary wire rack storage.
of furniture, such as chairs and small tables, and FIG.38. Transparent storage containers.
items that normally are hung, such as chande- FIG.39. Special hanging system for large objects.
liers. This furniture is stored on light-framed
wooden platforms suspended from the ceiling
structure. These platforms should follow the same
configuration as the rows of furniture stored
below so that there is easy access from the aisles.
In some parts of the storage areas, where low
pieces of furniture are stored,the suspended plat-
forms can be low enough to gain access without
the use of a ladder. Higher platforms which
require a ladder for access are less desirable
because the potential for damage or accident is
greater. The chandeliers can be hung from simple
bar-like structures suspended over the rows of
Figure 37 shows framed wire mesh racks which
54 Museum collection storage

FIG.40. Cabinet storage for dolls.

are mounted on the wall.This kind of rack storage with acid-freepaper before placing any materials
system will increase the efficiency of the storage inside. Anything that can suitably be stored in a
rooms, and it works well in combination with box may be stored in this manner.
other storage systems,such as shelving, low cabi- Figure 39 shows a cradling and bracket system
nets, etc. Mirrors, frames, paintings, drawings, for the storage of large boats. Individual cut-outs
masks, swords,rifles,riding implements,and tools are made in the wood brackets to hold the boat,
are some of the many artefacts which can be and the brackets are suspended from metal angles
hung from stationary wire racks. They are parti- which are attached to the wall. Other large items
cularly useful for the storing of framed pastel can be stored in a similar manner to conserve
drawings which require visual access,because any floor space. A n alternative approach is to con-
movement of pastel drawings is very destructive to struct a free-standing framing system to support
them. similar units.
Figure 38 shows clear plastic boxes on open Figure 40 illustrates a cabinet storage system
shelving. This method of storage permits viewing especially designed for the storage of dolls. Holes
of the contents without having to open the box are drilled in the adjustable shelving, allowing
and, in some instances,without having to remove steel wires to extend from the top of the cabinet
the box from the shelf. This is a good solution for through the shelves to the bottom. The dolls are
items which are looked at frequently,particularly lightly tied to the wires in a vertical position.This
if the object is very fragile and likely to be dama- protects them from the kind of damage that could
ged by handling. One disadvantage is that objects occur if they were stored lying down in a drawer
stored in see-through containers are more likely or wrapped in plastic. The vertical wires are stag-
to suffer from light damage than objects stored in gered so that dolls stored in the back row are
opaque boxes. In addition, transparent boxes are accessible without disturbing the dolls in the
more expensive than opaque ones. A hand-made front row.The doors on the cabinet create a clo-
version of these storage containers can be sed unit to protect the dolls from dust accumula-
constructed by taking a strong box and replacing tion. The adjustable shelving can accommodate a
one face of the box with transparent plastic. If any wide variation in doll height, which increases the
sharp points are protruding as a result of the efficiency of this system.This system can be made
method of fabrication, they should be covered quite easily with wood and simple hardware.Also,
with adhesive tape to protect the artefacts inside standard metal cabinets can be adapted by dril-
the box. The bottom of the boxes should be lined ling the shelves and adding the vertical wires.
Select bibliography

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Roskilde Museer, 1973. (Holbaek, Naestved og Rm- Association for State and Local History, 1965.
kilde Museumslektorater, 4.) [KEITH, Hamish]. The N e w Picture Storage Racks. Auck-
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D u m , Walter S. Storing Your Collections: Problems and p. 248-52,ill.
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ERSFELD,Joachim. Das Folieneinschweissen-objekt- Texas State Historical Survey Committee, April-May
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de (Berlin), Vol. 17, No. 3, 1974, p. 184-92,ill., bib-
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GREENE, Candace S. Storage Techniques for the Con-
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56 Museum collection storage

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rB.181 CC.78/XXIX-Z/A
ISBN 92-3-101632-6

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