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Ms. or Mrs. Hung


Me & My
Educational Beliefs

Physical Environment &

Classroom Norms

Ways to Sustain
Our Class Community

I solemnly swear to ...

mrs. or ms.
Me & My
Educational Beliefs @ Santa Ana High School
First year math teacher.
About me
My Educational Beliefs 2.5 years old Chinese-American.
I was a data scientist for 5 years, specialized in additive
and multiplicative linear regression models.

at Home Fun Facts

Mr. Hung is a very NICE I love boba tea and
guy. We like to go hiking Nintendo games.
together. Growing up, I learned
I have four canine family British English. So, I may
members. One of them is a say dustbin sometimes.
Spanish speaker. I hope to design and build
I love reading literature my own house one day.
and baking. I speak Mandarin Chinese,
I have a vegetable garden. Japanese and English,
possibly canine. :)

Welcome to my Statistics Class!
Having graduated from Fudan University, Shanghai, I
developed a major interest in data science from
college data analysis project experience.
Having worked in Data Science field for five years, I
obtained expertises in applied statistics and
mathematics. I am proficient in R, SQL, and SPSS.
I hope to share my passion in applied mathematics
with her you, the future data scientists, statisticians, or
mathematicians. I cannot wait to explore and
investigate real-world issues with future statistician
and mathematicians!
My Educational Beliefs
Culturally Sustaining Classroom
I would like to hear from you.
Me & My Create a “culturally sustaining” classroom (Paris, 2012) that
Educational Beliefs acknowledge and value the differences among students. I
believe that the best way to know you is to listen to you and
About me learn about you individually.
My Educational Beliefs

“Teacher’s practices of cultivating criticality

should help students read the world.”
(Muhammad, 2019)
I would like to invite you to see the world through the lens of
My hope is to introduce math concepts through its application
in the real-world. For example, I would introduce how computer
language reflects fundamental mathematical reasoning, and
how does calculus promote the development of multiple science
disciplines. The goal of my teaching is to develop logical
thinking skills.

UDL(Universal Design for "Bilingualism is an integral part of students'

Learning) Principles
identities and should be respected and valued in
the classroom." (Ascenzi-Moreno, 2018)
English is not my first language as well.
I completed bilingual authorization program to develop the
knowledge of language acquisition. I would like to use UDL,
multiple modalities, in my lecture.

The Inclusive and Welcoming Space for Everyone

I would like to build this learning community with you.
I will collect your feedbacks on a regular basis to improve on my
design. The ultimate goal is to create an inclusive and
welcoming space for everyone. (Gray, 2019)
Please refers to "Ms. Hung's Class Map."

"Treating others as you want to be treated."
Mutual respect is earned. This old Chinese saying has an
equivalent form in English.

Be communicative and open about your problems

and issues.
I am here to help you succeed in math.
I am happy to make reasonable accommodations as long as you
communicate with me in advance.

Physical Environment
Co-constructing a Learning Environment
& Classroom Norms
(Philip, 2019)
Physical Environment Bringing in your personal motto(s) to decorate the classroom. It
Classroom Norms can be a poster, a painting, or an artifacts, etc.
Here are my motto(s):
As a data scientist,
“All models are wrong, but some are useful.”
- George E.P. Box
As a math enthusiast,
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”
-Albert Einstein

Let us focus on your personal growth, and learn

to trust the power word "YET".
Please refers to "Ms. Hung's Syllabus" for detailed information
on classroom procedures.

I will go through the syllabus with you on the first day of school.
Please read it throughly and ask me questions.
Get ready to be a Mathematician! I would include some
interesting and fun math topics in class on a weekly basis. For
example, the magic of √2.
Class participation and positive classroom behavior will earn
you Mathematician points.

Please ask me for a syllabus in another language.


Classroom Norms
Ways to Sustain Talk to me and reason your own behavior to me. I promise to
Our Class Community listen to your reasons before making any further moves.
My Expectations You will hear me say:
When accident happens - "Treating others as you want to be treated." -- unwanted
behavior/ language
- "5-4-3-2-1" -- focus on me and stop talking

A pass of homework can be earned if a student comes to me
and takes a customized quiz with me. The quiz would test
student’s knowledge about a single lesson topic, a chapter, or
multiple lesson topics. For example, I would ask you to
demonstrate your understanding of a quadratic function and
ask you multiple follow-up questions.

** P.S. Be prepared to be challenged. It is only fair to grant

homework pass(es) when you attained mastery in the content
I solemnly swear to ...

01 02 03
I promise to respect and I promise to create a I promise to cultivate
value the language you “culturally sustaining” critical thinking skills by
speak by: classroom (Paris, 2012) introducing lesson topic
- employing SIOP protocol to that acknowledges and through real world
promote English language values the differences examples and making the
acquisition. among students. The lesson relevant and
- designing and continuing to best way to know your interesting for students.
refine my assessment plan in students is to listen to (Muhammad, 2019)
order to better assess them and learn about I believe learning math is
emergent bilingual's learning them individually. a process of "co‑construct
outcome. (Ascenzi-Moreno, meaning with students".
2018) (Philip, 2019)

04 05
I promise to practice "racial noticing" I promise to include my students in the
(Shah & Cole, 2020) in our learning process of building an inclusive and
community by actively examine and intellectually challenging math learning
"concretely analyze" (Pollock, 2008) community with them.
my personal bias and privileges and I will "seek for lesson feedback" from
align my actions with my advocates. my students. (Wiggins & McTigue,



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