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Preface to the second edition ix

Preface Xl

Acknowledgements xiii

1 Systems, objectives and strategies 1

Introduction 1
Control strategies 2

2 General characteristics of feedback 7

Modelling a feedback loop 7
Sensitivity of closed-loop gain to changes in parameters 10
Disturbance rejection 12
Linearization about an operating point 13

3 Modelling dynamic systems 17

The modelling approach 17
A first-order differential equation model 18
An alternative description of system behaviour: frequency response 25
An integrator model 31
A second-order lag model 35
Higher-order models 42
Time delays 46
System analysis and system identification 46

4 The freqnency response approach to control system design 50

Closing the loop 50
The Nichols chart 55
Stability 62
Integrating action 64
The proportional + integral controller 66
A design example 69
Non-unity feedback systems 75
A note of caution 76

5 The s-plane and transient response 81

The Laplace transform approach 81
Poles and zeros 86
Calculating system response 89
Standard models and the s-plane 97
Higher-order systems and dominance 100

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