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Bridget Hanna

Professor Carter

English Comp II

28 October 2020

Why are People Choosing Alternative Remedies Rather Than Taking ADHD Medication?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Medications require time in

order to draw conclusions and generalizations on how a drug impacts its users. Over time, the

side effects of ADHD prescription medications have become clearer, and the best treatment for

ADHD and the use of prescription medications for the disorder have become quite

controversial. Many people are finding that alternative

methods rather than the typical ADHD prescription

medications are a better option for them due to their

many side effects.

ADHD medications can drastically impact one’s

mood, reduce one’s appetite, or even trigger dependency

on the drug.

ADHD can seriously limit one’s ability to learn. Lack of focus can also contribute to lack

of memory, organization, and time management. There are many other aspects of ADHD that

impact everyday components of people’s lives. Impulsivity is one major aspect of ADHD. The

inability to fully think through the consequences before you choose to act can be very

dangerous. Especially when considering some decisions you make have the ability to impact the
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rest of your life. Other aspects of ADHD include feeling withdrawn, anxiety, low self-esteem,

etc. ADHD is often seen as merely an inability to focus, when in reality ADHD can really impact

one’s quality of life. Understanding how impactful ADHD can be for a person with the disorder

helps to illustrate why treating the disorder is of such great importance. Unfortunately, treating

the disorder isn’t always easy.

The diversity of ADHD is a very important aspect to understanding why treatment for

the disorder can be so difficult of a decision. ADHD doesn’t impact any two people in the same

way. ADHD can drastically differ in terms of children versus adults. The disorder can have major

differences for boys and girls. The A.D.D Resource Center explains that males are more than

three times as likely than females to be diagnosed with the disorder. ADHD in girls is easier to

overlook. Boys tend to display symptoms externally where girls display symptoms more

internally. Thus, boys are more likely to receive medication for their disorder because it comes

off as more severe.Additionally, the severity of the disorder varies from person to person. All of

these factors must be considered when people choose a treatment or medication that helps

them best manage with the disorder. Thus, the diversity of ADHD and the way it can impact

people contributes to much of the controversy over treatments for the disorder.

There are many things to consider when choosing how to treat ADHD. As with all

medications, there will be side effects and the severity of those side effects will vary from

person to person. The side effects may affect the user to a greater extent than that of which

they are benefiting from the medication. However, to other users the medication may be

effective and benefit them enough that the side effects are worth the overall effect of the

medication. Side effects of any prescription drug are especially considered in a situation where
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a parent is choosing to medicate their child rather than when an adult, who is already

developed and has an understanding of their body, is choosing to put themselves on


ADHD medications can be either stimulant or non-stimulant medications. A stimulant is

something that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body. The most common

stimulant prescription medications are amphetamines and methylphenidate, so Adderall XR,

Concerta, Dexedrine, etc. Non-stimulant medications are more newly available. Non-stimulant

medications are known to have less or less severe side effects than the stimulant medications.

However, stimulant medications have proven to be much more effective, so non-stimulants are

more popular with those who have mild ADHD rather than moderate to severe ADHD. There is

so much variation in the types of medication because different drugs work better for different

people. Just because one medication doesn’t work well, doesn’t mean that you should rule

medication in general as an option for treatment. However, medication in general may not

work for some people and they may have to find other sources of treatment.

ADHD medications have a long list of side effects. It is important to understand that

these are potential side effects however. Some recipients of the prescription drugs may

experience little to no side effects at all. Some may experience a side effect, but for them it is

manageable and causes little to no adversity. In contrast, some people experience side effects

that are so severe that they impact their entire mental or physical being. Thus, it is

understandable how some people have come to find that finding alternative ways to manage

their ADHD is a better option for them than trying to manage the side effects of ADHD

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While ADHD already impacts one’s mental

well-being, ADHD medications can further impact

the user’s mood. ADHD medications can increase a

patient’s risk of depression and anxiety. Mood

swings and irritability are often increased through

the use of medication. This is very important when

you consider that a person’s mood can impact their

relationship with themselves and others as well as their outlook on the world around them.

The way that ADHD medications can impact the user’s mental state is a very important

factor in deciding whether the medication is a safe option for them. People with ADHD are

already more likely to have co-existing conditions. The A.D.D Resource Center lists learning

disabilities, conduct disorders and difficulties, anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar disorder,

Tourette’s syndrome, substance abuse,and sleep disorders as possible conditions that can

coexist with ADHD. For example, when you consider people who suffer from both ADHD and

depression they are at greater risk when taking ADHD medications because it can increase the

severity of their depression as well as take a toll on their overall mental stability. Meanwhile,

behavioral therapy can actually help to teach people how to understand their emotions and

avoid getting overwhelmed by them. Being able to talk through and express how you feel can

help to relieve and release too strong of negative emotions. Behavioral therapy also gives you
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an outlet or someone to rely on, which medication simply can not offer.

Lack of appetite is another common side effect of ADHD medication. The Understood

Team describes how the lack of appetite as well as nausea can be very prevalent in the morning

and during lunch time, but hunger tends to return as the medication wears off. Lack of appetite

can become a very serious and dangerous issue, especially in children as it is very important to

fuel your body while it is still growing and developing. Additionally, proper nutrition plays an

important role in proper brain functioning. A feeling of fatigue as well as intermittent nausea is

commonly reported too. Additionally, lack of nutrition can cause a lack of energy which is

counterproductive to the purpose of the medication. The physical toll that ADHD medications

may take on one’s body are an important aspect to consider as your physical well-being can

determine one’s ability to do anything.

Many parents find themselves hesitant to put their children on ADHD medications due

to the idea of them becoming dependent on the drug or lifelong users. When you have

experienced the productivity and clear thought process that can come with ADHD medication it

can make it even more difficult to perform and complete daily tasks without the medication.

The Delphi Behavioral Group explains the warnings of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) over long-term Adderall use and dependence with potentially risky withdrawal


Misuse of ADHD medications has also contributed to the stigma behind ADHD and

ADHD medications. Adderall is sometimes referred to as the “study drug” due to the misuse of

the drug by high school and college students who are not diagnosed with the disorder. The

Delphi Behavioral Group explains how Adderall is “classified as a Schedule II Controlled

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Substance” by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) because it is commonly

diverted and misused. Adderall can be habit-forming, cause drug dependence and often

inevitably addiction. Selling or being in possession of non-prescription ADHD medications can

have many legal consequences. The regular misuse of the medications leads people to question

whether people that are receiving prescriptions are truly in need or using them to get ahead.

There has been an increased focus on natural remedies to help manage ADHD. One

popular technique is through physical activity. Rae Jacobson illustrates this with a recent study

that showed regular physical activity decreased the severity of ADHD symptoms and improved

cognitive functioning. She explains how there is a lot to suggest that exercise will be a more

prominent treatment for ADHD in the future. The Delphi Behavioral Group explains how

meditation or yoga can strengthen memory and aid in one’s ability to learn. Physical activity has

shown to be very efficient for people with ADHD and while it might not be enough to be one’s

only treatment for the disorder, Jacobson considers physical activity to be a “do-no-harm


People are also turning to natural supplements and holistic approaches. Zinc, an

essential mineral, is known to maintain many connections to brain function. Valencia Higuera

explains that zinc supplements can lessen the severity or ease hyperactivity, impulsivity, and

social problems. Another specific example of a natural supplement that is used to ease ADHD is

Omega-3. Higuera says, Omega-3 fatty acids can impact the movement of serotonin and

dopamine in the frontal cortex of your brain. This can be very beneficial as the disorder can

severely impact one’s mental well-being. There are extensive lists of supplements and herbs

that can aid people with ADHD. Determining which aspects of one’s ADHD have the greatest
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impact on them and their everyday life can help one find which supplements and herbs would

be the most beneficial for them.

Additionally, behavioral therapy is commonly used, especially with younger children.

This can help children who aren’t on medication learn to better manage in school and social

settings. Behavioral therapy can be performed with a therapist where one would undergo

therapy sessions and various management tactics. However, training and guidance is available

for parent training on behavioral therapy, so it’s not always necessary to contact a special

counselor. The overall goals for behavioral therapy are to strengthen and encourage good

behavior, limit disruptivity, and learning how to calmly express one’s feelings. Lastly, behavioral

therapy can be especially beneficial to children as it provides them with an outlet and comfort

that there is someone there for them which isn’t necessarily available to them with other

treatments for the disorder.

Some people still argue the importance of prescription medication in terms of treating

ADHD as it directly impacts your brain. An ADHD brain has an abnormally low level of

neurotransmitters, thus medication helps to balance the chemical imbalance in one’s brain.

People stress the importance of medicating a child with ADHD when they are still at the age to

be in an educational setting. They argue that an unmedicated child would not only jeopardize

their own education, but that of their classmates as well. They can be a distraction to both the

students and teachers. Additionally, this can put a strain on a teachers’ ability to work with

their other students.

However, dealing with a disorder and how you decide to treat it should be a personal

ordeal. No child should be expected to be medicated if it could potentially negatively impact

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their life maybe even more than the disorder itself. There are always going to be distractions in

the classroom. Distractions are realistic. Learning how to be productive no matter what your

peers are doing or your surroundings is an important part of life. Additionally, medication isn’t

the only way to maintain disruptive behavior. Behavioral therapy can help children understand

proper behavior or social interaction. Physical activity can help children dismiss the urge to

participate in distracting behavior.

In many ways, schools have become more attentive to helping and providing a more

personalized plan for their ADHD students as they would with any learning disability. Whether

that be by allowing them to take assessments in a quieter room or granting them a longer time

frame to complete their given task. However, many parents often worry that their child's

teacher recommended for them to be put on the medication with the idea of maintaining the

child rather than working with them, especially in cases where the child is recommended at

such a young age. The A.D.D Resource Center explains that the average age that children are

diagnosed is between the ages of 5 and 8. Additionally, many parents question whether the

behaviors that would qualify the child as having ADHD may have more to do with their age and

lack of social development. In Edmund S. Higgins explains that doctors diagnose children

moderate to mild inattention with ADHD even though they have a normal ability to focus. This

may be because there is lower tolerance in society for mild behavioral or cognitive problems.

Thus, a child that might not have necessarily needed to be put on medication can become very

dependent and reliant on it at a young age. Misdiagnosing a child can be much easier than

misdiagnosing an adult, which is another factor that can weigh on parents when deciding

whether or not to medicate their child.

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ADHD in adults is often overlooked in contrast to ADHD in children. This disorder can

just as well limit an adult’s ability to work. Unfortunately, society tends to be less

understanding when it comes to adult ADHD and workplaces don’t have resources or the

willingness to adhere to their ADHD workers. ADHD medication isn’t always an option for

adults. Doctors are less likely to diagnose one with ADHD as an adult rather than as a child.

Thus, it is much harder to start receiving prescriptions for ADHD medication. Additionally, not

all insurances are as willing to cover the cost of ADHD medications for adults. Many adults that

were not diagnosed with ADHD as a child find that it is more convenient for them to try to

manage their disorder with treatments other than prescription medication.

ADHD is a very complex disorder, and no two people have the same experience with it.

Deciding whether or not ADHD prescription medication is the best option for treatment should

be evaluated on a person-to-person basis. More and more people are finding that the side

effects that come with ADHD medications such as the mental impact, loss of appetite, and risk

of dependency are too great of a cost for the benefits of the medication. Fortunately, an

increasing amount of research is being done to find natural remedies that increase brain

function and one’s ability to focus and concentrate.

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Works Cited

Brown, Dawn. "Where Did the ADHD Stigma Originate?" Medium. Medium, 29 July 2019. Web.
01 Nov. 2020.

Higgins, Edmund S. "Do ADHD Drugs Take a Toll on the Brain?" Behavioral Disorders, edited by

Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context:

Opposing Viewpoints,

u=dayt30401&sid=OVIC&xid=1f446b62. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020. Originally published in

Scientific American, 22 July 2009.

Higuera, Valencia. “Herbs and Supplements for ADHD.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 9 Sept.

Holland Kimberly "ADHD Numbers: Facts, Statistics, and You." ADD Resource Center. 24 Oct.
2017. Web.

“Guide to Over-the-Counter & Natural Alternatives to Adderall: Delphi.” Delphi Behavioral

Health Group, 25 Nov. 2019,

Jacobson, Rae. “ADHD and Exercise.” Child Mind Institute, 18 Jan. 2019,
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Mitchell, Corey. "Many Children with ADHD Are Not Taking Medication." Gale Opposing
Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2020. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,
u=dayt30401&sid=OVIC&xid=47877f81. Accessed 18 Oct. 2020. Originally published as
"Many Children With ADHD Aren't Taking Medication, Study Finds," Education Week, 11
Feb. 2020.

Team, The Understood. “ADHD Medication Side Effects.” Understood, Understood, 16 Oct.

“Treatment of ADHD.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 21 Sept. 2020,

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