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Shamanic Writing

Did our brain evolve to tap a pre-existing field of consciousness? Imagine that our
brain creating our conscious mind is actually tapping into a much older and larger
Universal mind via our subconscious, here is a model of that relationship:

Murakami's Model of Synchronicity, quote:

"The "Law of Attraction" or LOA works by the concept that whatever we

think in our minds will be projected into the universe and the universe
will cause those thoughts to attract like events, people, object and
anything else that is similar back towards the person thinking the
thoughts. So, what is really happening? The model as described in the
illustration above is based on a conscious thinking mind, a subconscious
mind and the collective unconscious mind. The conscious thinking mind is
the thinking thing that we use to actively think thoughts. The
subconscious mind is an automatic mind that takes input and
automatically does thinking on its own in order to make reason out of the
input data. It is also the go-between for the conscious and unconscious
minds. The collective unconscious mind is the infinite mind that contains
all information in the past, present and future everywhere"

Does our brain sense something greater than the self?

The brain and god

The brain circuit has evolved to tap a larger field, this is discussed in
another essay (search internet phishna "brain as a sense organ"). Just as
the eye evolved to tap light waves, the brain evolved to tap mind, a
Universal Mind that we mistakenly call god. This Universal Mind is now
being called a field of consciousness and some quantum physicists are
suggesting that it is a fundamental force as it pervades everywhere like

In my New Theory of God (

s-New-Theory-of-God-.html) I propose that what we have been calling god
in religious terminology is actually this field. All of the attributes of the
classical god are explained by this theory. For instance, god knows
everything (omniscience) because god is the Universal Mind. God knows
your thoughts because your mind is connected to god. Humans are made
in the image and likeness of god because humans can create. Humans can
create because humans are hard wired to the Universal Mind which is the
Universe operating system.

Additionally as we learn more about this field we might discover that this
conscious field of god is helping evolution along, a proposal I've made after
shamanically communicating with god on a vision quest. God is connected
to our self, through our subconscious and we can interact with it, we can
talk with it, and I have done so.

If this sounds crazy then your frame of reference may be strict materialism,
but modern quantum physics supports this idea that everything is
consciousness, including matter.
I highly recommend listening to this epic Red Ice Radio interview:

Anthony Peake & Tom Campbell - Consciousness Creates


Everyone can talk to "god", for "god" is this greater consciousness. The
mistake people have made is thinking that god only talked to a few
characters in the Bible, god is talking to everyone all of the time but
because of our myths we have cut god off. God is not what the Bible says,
that is the problem with the Bible, the false perception of god that actually
drives people away from authentic spirituality. The earth is in mortal peril
because of our mistaken god beliefs, we must redefine god to save the
planet and to make better sense of our world and how we interact with

Faith as a Precursor to Knowingness

First, let us examine why humans have faith. In my other essays I suggest
that self awareness is the evolutionary threshold that made us aware of
god. When we became self aware we also became god aware. Self
awareness leads to the fear of death, thus religion was created to cope with
this unknown. Faith is the ingredient we use to cope in life while we live
with the awareness of our own mortality. Faith only exists with the human
specie, no other animal or plant has faith because only humans have self

People have faith in god, why? Faith is being driven by this awareness.
People sense this higher mind, they know it is there but their perception is
clouded by the explanation offered by the theist. Every person interacts
with the greater mind all of the time, but only a few are consciously aware
of this connection. If we are taught that psychic phenomenon is wrong
then our subconscious mind keeps this informational flow suppressed from
our waking rational mind. Religion keeps us in the dark, it is time we find
out what is really going on.
Prayer is focused thought, but you do not need to pray. In order to attract
we only need to cast intention and clarify our thoughts, you must pay
attention to your intention, you are automatically attracting all of the time
but since your thoughts are scattered what you attract seems random.

Most believe god to be as framed by their myth, they imagine their prayers
as a conversation with their anthropomorphized god. People are imagining
god as themselves but haven't quite figured out that god is part of oneself.
The god we draw is the god we are, we just haven't admitted the connection
to ourselves. In our myths, the gods are pictured as humans with bright
auras that we are to emulate. We personalize god to our fancy, in many
cultures god has a human form yet is said to be infinite. God is infinite yet
looks like a human, these metaphors are attempts to describe what we do
not understand.
God metaphor: a divine human.

Because of the current myths, most believe god to be external from self, but
that is not the case. The higher mind is "hard wired" to your thinking brain
via your subconscious mind and this relationship can be proved by learning
how to recognize synchronicities. So called coincidences are generated by
our minds interacting with the Universal Mind. God is a bigger mind and
not separate from human mind. Religion has taught and reinforced the
separate god theory to gain control over us. Religion has put itself
between man and god and thus kept humans from their own creative
power. God is part of us because our mind is directly connected to the god
mind. Faith was the temporary mindset until we gain enough awareness to
operate in knowingness.
Faith is a prop used to manifest when the believer is lacking knowingness.

Summary: the big brain reaches threshold of self awareness self

awareness leads to "god" awareness, or of a higher consciousness, since we
have a hard time "knowing" our brain connectedness and the Universal
Mind we have "faith" of this arrangement, eventually we gain
understanding that our creativity is related to the Universal Mind (god)
and knowingness overtakes faith, faith was only a temporary state of
consciousness, once humans gain this knowledge they become godlike in
their creative ability. This is where we are now, our culture is on the
threshold of this new understanding, this is what the meme of the 2012
shift actually is.


The Law of Attraction combined with human intention creates

synchronicities in the physical realm. A good way of saying this is that the
higher mind answers your prayer by giving you what you attracted. But
you don't have to say a prayer, you only have to cast intention. I know that
to be true because I do not pray yet experience synchronicities caused and
matched by my intentions. That is why I am a shaman, not only am I
aware of how it works, I know how to recognize the return energy, in real
time, for myself and others. When I view a street full of people interacting
I am seeing these energy flows, not just people. Everyone needs to learn
that synchronicities are being generated by our minds interacting with the
greater (god) mind.

Consider that you the individual have a soul with specific intentions for this
life. The existence of the soul (a meme to describe our innermost desires)
seems very real to me because of the vast differences between persons and
siblings. The soul's longings can be actualized because humans have free
will and are able to create. Free will also implies that the higher mind can
suggest but not interfere. So it is extremely important to fully understand
what god is, god is a Universal Mind (god meme) interacting with our
individual mind and soul intention (memes of what we are), thus we have
the power to create (free will meme).

A fractal mandala could be a good metaphor to described what god is from an observer outside
the Universal Mind matrix, although it would be impossible to get "outside". We are unable to see
consciousness just like a fish unable see the water all around.

It doesn't matter if these memes are exactly a correct description of reality,

what is important is that the god memes serve us right now. For instance
many are uncomfortable with the term "god" so they are using a new meme
Universal Mind. We can not know exactly what god is because god exists
in a higher dimension, and because our minds are 3d we are limited in
perception. This perception limitation is discussed at greater length in my
Theory of God essay.

Later, with new information and understanding, we can simply make up

new memes. Everyone got that? Our anthropomorphized god is a fiction
we have created to describe a phenomenon. So don't get hung up with the
current god. As we go through the shift the old god will be revealed in your
mind as silly myth, this will force us to invent a more sophisticated god. In
another essay I discuss how in the early kingdom, the Egyptians worshiped
animals as god, then god became a human with an animal head and then
god shifted again into a human form, then a single deity that was invisible.
The progression of the god metaphor eventually lead to monotheism, all of
the god's are one in the same thing. Now we are discovering that this
single-external-invisible yet human looking-omniscient god is really us
tapping the Universal mind through our subconscious mind.

Vishnu: combining all of the Hindu gods into a single deity. Monotheism was a stepping stone in
the process of understanding that the gods were all part of one thing, universal consciousness.
The Apocalypse of the Mind

We are it although most of us haven't realized this yet, since we are not
about to let the old memes go without a fight, the Apocalypse is our
creation to force us out of old consciousness. The Apocalypse is now, the
"Apoc-collapse" is like the freefall of the WTC into a heap of rubble, the
collapse of the old school paradigm of fear and judgment, the implosion of
the Bible spell in your mind.

After reading a few of my essays it should be perfectly clear that Judeo-

Christianity is what is causing the Apocalypse, Revelations is a vision of the
end of Judeo-Christianity, the end times is now, no one is going to get
"raptured" and miss it. After all, those that read and believe the Bible are
causing the Apocalypse, they are karmically trapped by their own energy.
Want to read more? Find these blogs of mine at this address:

Manifesting Revelations

God Spell

Apocalyptic Culture and the Evolution of Consciousness

666 Decoded

Calculating Antichrist Three

Death Cult Memes and the Future of America

Left Behind Madness

Overcoming the False Prophets of Mystery Babylon

By reading and understanding these essays you end the Apocalypse for
yourself, that helps others with your vibe transcend. Eventually we all
make it to the other side, shifted. By now you should be able to discern
that the wars are being caused by those refusing to shift, this is their last
act of desperation to revive old time religion, a Judeo-Christian-Muslim
fundamentalist crusade against reason, justice, freedom.

It's Your Soul that Wants to Self Actualize

Another big mistake is thinking god wants us to do something. By

definition, god wants nothing, if god is you then how can god have
intention that is not the same as yours? It is your soul that has an agenda,
not god. You will never be happy and satisfied until your soul is achieving
its longings, only by being free and exercising free will can you achieve
inner bliss. To get there you must avoid the pitfalls, the biggest trap is
organized religion.

The theist tricks the believer into thinking it's their job to get directions
from god. Then the theist becomes the self appointed mediator between
the devotee and god, misdirecting the believer into a box canyon. The
theist teaches that god wants "self sacrifice", "suffering", to "carry the
cross", and "blind obedience". Do you think god wants you to suffer? Why
would love want that? God wants none of these things, those things are
taught so that you stay in the church and do what you are told. Authority
of the text is used to mind control those indoctrinated and trapped by the
memes, to escape one must go into an emotional crazy state and run
without thinking, I mean literally run away from the church people, do it
without thinking. This is why churches are so adamant about reading and
memorizing the text, the text is a spell, they want you spellbound and they
want you to stay spellbound your entire life.

The devotee is being directed by the group mind, which isn't god, but is the
hive mind. Many fall into this trap, spending their entire lives working for
a church, a power structure hell bent on self preservation and self

This is how the hive/church becomes powerful, trapping devotees to their

cause at the sacrifice of individual soul intent. All churches have the same
intentions: self preservation, to get wealthier, bigger, more powerful, and
assert total control. Religions want power. They get power by taking
yours. Religions are not so much obsessed with god, they are obsessed
with dominating the psychic space. Once religions are established they
want to be the only political force, they pay lip service to god but god
becomes an afterthought. This is why hypocrisy piles high as religions age,
all religions violate their own commandments in order to rule, all religions
commit murder while asserting power. Eventually the abuse becomes so
great a devotee/monk will nail his reform thesis on the church doors,
starting a whole new line of churches that also become corrupt. The
lesson? Don't try to reform a power structure, abandon it for the self.

Rabbi Psychobabble

God isn't telling us what to do or giving us commandments. Religion is

claiming that to gain total control and gain power unto itself. It is amazing
that nearly everyone thinks god gave us commandments, if god gave us
commands then humans would not have free will, humans would behave as
robots. The Rabbi says we must follow the commands or his god will send
you to hell. The Rabbi's threats only have power if you believe.
Thousands of mindless Christian worshipers united as one mind like a
beehive. Notice the state flag in the top of the balcony, those that are
trapped in the worker bee matrix are begging for death. Soon they will vote
en masse for bloodthirsty queen bee Sarah Palin who will send them to the
Middle East killing fields.

The Rabbi is like the Priest and the Preacher and the Imam, they are all
well paid liars working for the hive mind. They represent their group, by
joining a hive mind you will serve the hive and not your soul. Religion is
where your soul gets trapped. Bow down before the one you serve and
then you get exactly what you deserve, just as the song says. Some hives
serve others, this is the really big joke about Evangelical Zionist
Christianity, they think they are following Jesus but what they are really
doing is tapping Jewish power and serving Jewish supremacy. War
mongering "revengelicals" aren't really Christian but are crypto Jews, they
are the "end times" apostate church warned of in their own prophecies.
Evangelicals have abandoned the teaching of their Jesus god for Jewish
money and power.

We Change the World Because We Create Our Own Reality

God can not change the world, we change the world, we are creative beings
that have made our bed. Thus praying for peace doesn't work. A Christian
theist mistakenly prays to Jehovah, the Jew war god, for peace. God can
not make peace, god is very limited in changing the physical realm because
things change through us. War, peace, bliss, chaos it's our choice in what
we experience. We have created this world, we have to fix the world, god
can only make suggestions, get it? God can not make peace because we
have not yet learned our power. God is not all powerful because we have
yet to come into our power. Power to the peaceful, in order to get there
first you must take your power back from the Jewish parasites that use
power for war. Step one, turn off the jewtube. Step two, stop going to
church. Step 3, read on. As more and more people leave organized
religion, their thoughts and intentions will become a formidable force that
will reorder this world to their intentions.

God is not external, god is present throughout the entire universe and
since you are within the universe god is within you. You are within this
field of consciousness and your brain has evolved to tap this field no
different than your eyes evolving so that your being can see the visible light
spectrum. Here's the kicker though, your brain not only senses the field of
consciousness it directs it! You are the laptop computer WiFied into the
Universal Network. You are telling "god" what to do, sorta like rubbing the
magic lamp, the genie is "god" who grants your wishes. Your thoughts are
like a search engine and with the Law of Attraction you pull that which you
focus on. God is the genie who follows your commands, you get what you
ask for, you ask by focused thought and clear intention. The Law of
Attraction is automatic, you get what you ask for, you don't have to pray,
beg, kneel, plead, or engage in any form of self humiliation.
Atheists are on the Path of Self Salvation

You are within this field of consciousness and thus can not escape god but
you can put god out of your mind. The atheist says there is no god, that
way god is put out of the rational mind. It is a way to survive hive
mentality. The atheist usually starts off as a theist then learns of the
terrible hypocrisy and disavows the hive mind. That is a good start.

Atheists are naturally loners, because when you leave the hive you must
think for oneself and become an outcast. Shun the nonbeliever. LOL
The biggest favor they can do for you is leaving you alone, away from their
power, so that you may find your power. The atheist is correct in saying
there is no god, because there is no god like the one described by the

An atheist is on the path to self realization, first of all they are not being
programmed by weekly church service, their minds tabula rasa, ready for
new meme installation. An atheist won't have to spend years trying to
prove the Bible correct as they incorporate this new information. I don't
see atheism as a bad thing, I see it as healthy skepticism, and as a
transitional state.

The word "god" is so tainted that many New Agers refuse to use it, framing
the god experience in terms of Universal Consciousness. Many atheists
will choose to stay right where they are enjoying non belief, and it doesn't
matter what they do because it is all a choice. The Jew god is such an evil
meme that how can you blame anyone from being a hardcore atheist for
the rest of their lives? Like I always say, Judaism is the path straight to
atheism, over half of the Jews in the USA are atheists. No surprise there.

Prophets Tap the God Field

In this model, the universal mind is also the infinite god mind. God is
accessible to all and god knows everything just as the theist claims. This
universal mind is past, present, and future all rolled into one. It is the
place a seer gets a prophecy. All things have already happened thus the
Universe already knows the probable outcome. It has all happened before
as the saying goes. The future is a wave repeat.

The prophet is the crazy man living on the outskirts that taps the
information that is already there. The sack clothed, crazy haired, emotional
person who knows society is off course, is operating in a subconscious
realm most of the time, and thus draws the Universal mind template of
doom to foreknowledge. If you think about the rise and fall of civilizations,
toward the inevitable end the prophets will come out of the woodwork with
their doomsaying.

You can see this firsthand in any major city when schizophrenic homeless
persons will say relevant things as you pass by. The crazy man picks up on
your vibe, instantly shamanizes the information from the Universal Mind
and blabs it out unconsciously. Often the passerby is stunned by the
revelation. God is talking to you in that moment, you are hearing your
reflection in real time. I've seen Hollywood movies where they acted out
that exact scenario, the script writer knows it's a real phenomenon. As we
develop our channeling abilities we might soon be telling others the
solution to the problems they are working on.

The crazy homeless man with a fried rational mind might be channeling
Universal consciousness because he might be operating subconsciously.

Understanding this, if the prophet isn't crazy, manages to stay sane while
channeling through their subconscious, they might be legit. If that prophet
has a big ego, they might go into town and proclaim their divinity or they
might start a church and make millions because the followers sense the
spiritual vibe. In this age they might even write books.
Modern prophet Neale Donald Walsch, tapped the Universal mind, wrote best selling
transformative books like "Conversations with God". Everyone instantly recognized that he had
tapped the source.

People recognize those who have made the connection. The prophet might
even say "I am the way, the truth, or the light". The prophet may even
claim that they are god and in a sense they may be god or the light to god or
the way to truth because if they have tapped into this "god field" then
following them might be better than staying in darkness of that age. As
people heal from the injurious Judeo Christian memes they will read books
like CWG. Reading Walsch's books is how you get your power. Going to
church and reading the Bible is how you stay trapped.

Ritual Abuse of Animals Leads to Ritual Abuse of Humans

Now this god is the good and the bad, it is all, all of the information. It is
and informational field, what part of god you connect to is simply the
vibration you are holding. You can be as good as you want or as bad as you
want. The Bohemian Grovers are being as bad as they wanna be, and while
they are getting their power they are distracting you over the jewtube with
mindless materialism which keeps you from your power.
Channeling evil as a way to rule at Bohemian Grove, every year world leaders gather in the
redwoods north of San Francisco and perform ritual child sacrifice.

Orthodox Jews ritually kill chickens while reading a prayer, spilling blood during incantation is
powerful black magic. If compassionate humans actually knew what Jews do they might not
think of them as gods chosen. You might want to know that the Orthodox Jews view non Jews as
goyim, cattle to be killed. They hold you in contempt, especially Christian America. So happy are
the Jews to send Americans to war for Israel.
Jews tap into spiritual darkness by sacrificial ritual, killing animals to
appease the angry sky god is true barbarism. The Jewish ritual act of
cutting the sheep throat is exactly metaphorically to how Jews interact with
the Christian sheep. By doing these rituals the Jews can kill non Jews
without guilt which is exactly what they did on 9112001 and the wars that
followed. Judaism is a parasitical death cult and should be banned from
Universal Consciousness.

The Law of Attraction

(to get your power read the next part carefully)

It is the emotional field that is important, and this feature is not included
in Murakami's Model of Synchronicity.
Intention is the vector, emotion is the current, the more emotion the more
juice in the circuit. Remember that! The power of the flow is caused by
the intensity of your emotions.
Power is voltage times current, you personal power is directly related to
your personal emotional energy and openness to universal current flow.

Your "spiritual" power is related to the focus of your thoughts and the
amount of emotion you can generate pushing those thoughts. I've noticed
in the dating scene that the squeaky wheel gets the lube. The girl who can
focus her intent and emotion is the one who lands a date. In order to be
truly happy we must learn how to manifest exactly that which we desire.

If you want personal power then step one is not to give it to those directing
the religious hives. Pay no attention to religious cults that wants you to
give up your desires, they say that to control you. For instance Krishna
doctrine preaches abstinence yet Krishna had 16,108 gopi "wives". If you
are a Krishna devotee shouldn't you be like Krishna? The Hare Krishna
movement is ridiculous, they are preaching the opposite of what their guru
did while on earth.

Once a truly spiritual culture forms in this new age then spirituality will be
taught so that you come into your own power. Soon people will be trained
on how to become powerful spiritual beings.

Put Judgment Behind You

Furthermore god is not judging you, it can't. This god is not better than
you, in fact I can look at my own life and say unequivocally that I am a far
better person than the Jew psychopath god Jehovah. Jehovah is an
asshole. In fact Jehovah is such an asshole we invented Jesus, and in my
opinion the gospel writers who reinvented god made Jesus their ideal man,
an outpicturing of who they wished they could be. I have no problem with
that Jesus, I do have a problem if you say your god is the only way to get to
heaven and then turn your monotheistic views into political fascism. Jesus
was a convenient invention, and we can invent any god we want and as
humans we have.
Jesus Robustus, from the movie Dogma. Jesus is a version of our ideal self, loving and
compassionate, the opposite of Jews who practice Judaism. Christianity is reformed Judaism.

Most ideas about god are just ridiculous. Some have imagined this all
powerful god of fearful retribution. Why? Personal lust for vengeance. A
wrathful Rabbi imagines a wrathful god, writes the text about the wrathful
god and then says the "holy" text is "god's word" so that it can't be
challenged, then the unthinking masses blindly follow regardless of
consequences. Judaism is a fear based religion, that alone is exactly why
no sane person should practice it.

That is where we are right now, the world is in mortal peril because we are
following Jehovah the psychopath. In my numerous essays I detail that
Jehovah is the outpicturing of the psychotic Rabbis who wrote the text.
Bow down before the ones you serve and you will get exactly what you
deserve. If you read and believe the Bible/Torah/Koran you are making
doom your personal template.

We are at the shift point in time, our invented god led us to a dead end. We
either shift or die. Those that follow the desert tribe god Jehovah will not
shift, they are a death cult, they are trying to take the whole world down
instead of confronting their beliefs. It is end times, end of time for the
Judeo-Christian-Muslim hoaxplex. It is time for authentic spirituality, one
that we will invent and all agree to.

Whether it's 2012 or not I do not know, 2012 is a meme of the shift. In the
future we will look back at 2012 and realize we were inventing memes of us
shifting during the shift. 2012 is the rope that we pulled to shift, when
2012 arrives we will focus on 2020, the next round number. We know we
are shifting because we are focusing on the shift, shifting is our intention.
Don't get hung up on 2012, it is just a meme of the shift.

The New Age

As we shift the old god dies. Astrologers tell us we are ending the Age of
Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. There have been thousands of
gods, the current gods are on the way out. We are going to invent a new
god meme and we are doing just that. That is what the New Age is, and it is
actually nothing new and not to be feared.
A self empowered New Age woman might imagine herself as a goddess, thus her higher self is her
highest ideal of her self and she might instruct her-self-goddess to watch over and protect her and
bring to her that which she desires.
We are seeking a more compatible meme, spirituality is being reinvented
by reason applied to metaphysics. People in the new vibration can not
believe in the god of the old vibration, so they let go of blind belief and they
are trying knowingness and meditation. Examaning Murakami's diagram
we can easily understand just exactly what the New Agers are doing with

A new age person is aware of this arrangement, so instead of blind belief

they are in a state of knowingness. They understand the relationship
between themselves and their higher consciousness. The practice of
meditation is used to facilitate the connection to "the source". What does
that mean? The source is the background field of consciousness that our
subconscious mind interacts with, it is the fundamental field of Universal
Knowledge that our brains evolved to detect. Our brains are a sense organ
just like our eyes, the brain field of consciousness is "eyeing" god.

A person doing meditation becomes still and quiets the rational awake
mind. Once the chatter is turned off, the god mind flows through the
subconscious and when the meditation or dream ends the new idea is
present in the rational mind. I postulate we have to do meditation because
the rational mind is a new evolutionary development, not yet integrated to
the older subconscious mind.
Shamanism, Using Willful Intent

The next level of awareness might be called shamanism. The shaman is not
only operating in knowingness, the shaman is extracting information
using will power. The best way to describe a shaman is that a shaman is
bending the Universe to his will to get information.

The modern shaman does not have to go into an altered state to do this. In
the old days the shaman might take plant extracts or become possessed by
a spirit to gain information. None of this extreme is needed. The
information can be had by simply getting into a willful emotional state.

A horrific shaman initiation, from the movie "A Man Called Horse". This
severe Native American Sioux Nation practice puts the mind in an altered
state so visions are induced.

Since our minds are already hardwired to the god mind, the shaman can
consciously gain information by holding a willful energy pattern and
intention for the information to flow. Emotion (energy in motion) is like
an electromagnet and the intention is like dialing the directory, holding
emotion with intention creates a field with unique vibe that attracts the
answer. The more you juice the circuit, the more powerful the attraction
because the "electromagnet" is more powerful. Everyone got that? Don't
suppress your emotional output, emotion is how your soul powers up the
"field" and brings to you that which you desire.

When the New Agers figure this out they could teach this as advanced
meditation, or meditation with emotions and intentions, or call it
"manifesting through intentional meditation" and they will teach it in
seminars for large fees. LOL.

Automatic writing is similar except there is no will, the circuit is open,

anything can come through including the hive mind. For instance a New
Ager might channel Abraham and download some new teachings. Abraham
is part of the Jew hive mind and thus the teaching will reflect the severe
judgmental Jewish mentality. So that's hardly "New Age". Much of the
New Age is actually respun Jewish Bible memes because they haven't
created something new. Remember that next time you pick up a Saint
Germain book or The Moses Code.

There is no Moses Code, Moses is a plagiarized fictional character of the

Old Testament. The really funny thing about Twyman is that his best
buddy Neale Walsch is a modern Moses. He should of called his book The
Walsch Code, for Neale's message is anti-fear and thus leads the people
away from mainstream religion like Judaism. Many of the New Agers are
putting a new spin on existing myth in order to maintain Jewish
supremacy. The New Age is ripe for fraud.

Is James Twyman another Jewish fraud? There was no person called

"Moses", the story of Moses was a plagiarized from the Sumerian Epic of
Gilgamesh. Oops. So how can there be a "Moses Code" if the tale of Moses
was taken from a Sumerian tale that predates the Exodus by at least 1,000
years? The Bible story of Moses is a fictional tale plagiarized from older

You should be aware of how Zionist Jews operate, they often weave their
political agenda into movies and books. In the Moses Code he also claims
Israelites slaves built the pyramids, something any scholar would contest,
Egyptians built the pyramids.

James Twyman, trust him at your own risk

Shamanic Writing

So exactly just how does the shamanic writing work? The shaman is
attempting to get something that can't be had by normal means. So let us
say the mass Christian mind was put into a black magic death trance. This
was the case following 9112001, the Jewish led Neoconservatives were spell
binding America with black magic. Just as Cathy O'Brien said, they were
tranceforming America into a police state. It's now post tense, I'll tell you

Every claim in this book came true. Mind control sex slave Cathy O'Brien's
tells all about the Bush family and Dick Cheney.

The masses are unable to respond, they are frozen like a deer caught in the
headlights. But not to a practicing shaman, this is just a mind game. I
know that I am all powerful because I can tap this higher consciousness, I
know that one person can change the world, I know that I am a free being, I
know that religion is a mind hoax, and because I am aware of the spell the
Neocon Rabbinic spell has no power within myself. So into action we went.

The shaman needs words to unbind the spell, to get these words the
shaman taps the Universal Mind with intention and will. This is exactly
what I and others did, we broke the spell and I was told by "spirit" the very
moment we turned the tide. I was told that because of the great love for my
country that I helped save America. One such essay I wrote was Death
Cult Memes, an essay I channeled and when read, undoes the damaged
cause by the spell.

Be Aware of the Gatekeepers

Think of it this way, the evil Neocons were stampeding America into a
police state post 9112001. The internet writers found a way to turn the
herd, now the actual Jewish perpetrators are being exposed. The problem
is many patriots, because of their affinity to the Judeo-Christian meme
won't say the word Jew.
By saying the word "Jew" we could get our country back in 10
years instead of dragging it out for the rest of the century.
When you say Jew you break the spell put on us by the parasite
trying to hide its identity. When everyone says the word "Jew"
then the Jews will have lost their power over us. Saying the
word "Jew" mortally wounds the parasite, that is why they
scream when you say it!

Those modern thought leaders who refuse to say the word Jew, like David
Icke, Jeff Rense, and Alex Jones, they are false prophets, shills who are
maintaining the spell. I'm not sure if any of those three are doing it
intentionally or if they are limited in there perception and coloring their
world due to their myths they still hold dear.

What we need to do is heal those inflicted by religious brainwashing. Look

at our world, look at how we make war and destroy, then see clearly that
the cultural myths are causal. So why should we hang onto Christianity or
Judaism? Christianity is how the Jews hang us.

The person ready to be healed will magically find the essay on the internet,
as they read it of their own free will and accept the information the words
transform, breaking the spell. Contrast that with the endless forceful
propaganda spewing out of the Jewtube. The media pukes Jew supremacy
all over America everyday, so proud of their latest bombing raid on some
hapless villagers. Fox news maintains the spell, reading Phishna or
Kaminski breaks it. That's the game, as we go down and things become
more painful, more will seek the cure. We are in the Apocalypse and it is
changing us. Maybe when you lose everything you might actually start
talking openly about the Jews.

The reader can tell when an essay has a transformative effect, they are
forever changed. I remember that after reading Atlas Shrugged, I was
forever changed. That was my intention, to save myself, I was attracted to
that book and I read it with putting it down. I was responsible for
transforming my own consciousness.

If you read certain books or essays then you can change also. Because of
my email exchanges with you, your input stimulated my emotions that
drew the information from the Universal Mind into the essay. It's your
emotional energy being channeled. That is the role of the shaman. The
shaman writer helps the group evolve by channeling the group's emotional
energy of distress into the light of understanding.
America, Death Cult Central

America is now a bad place with bad people who will experience bad
things. What we did to Iraq and Afghanistan is happening to America. A
big circle of karma, the chickens coming home to roost.

America preyed upon the world, now America is preyed upon. Christians
conspiracy theorists cry it's a New World Order plot when plain as day
obvious the conspirators are Jewish. In the meantime, churches are
booming, the fear of the police state is driving new members through the
front doors of the death cult, exactly as intended. Can you see that
fundamentalists are making life shit so as not only survive but thrive? It's
boom times for Evangelicals.

Fear rules. Death is everywhere. Welcome to Hell.

Megachurches = mega black magic = megadeath = mushroom cloud

The Way Out

Stop believing and start knowing. Follow yourself, trust yourself, let
yourself be your guide. Trust no one but yourself, decide for yourself what
is true, learn how to recognize truth by the feeling within. Salvation is
through the self because it is your soul that knows the way.
Stop watching the Jewish controlled television and stop reading and
believing in the Bible. Remove the Bible from your household and put it in
the trash, see the Bible for what it is - Jew trash, Jewish mentality that kills
love. In order to save society one must first save their own selves and
break the gospel godspell. One must gain control of their own mind from
the hive mind.

Read a blog that breaks the spell, here's some good ones:

Print this essay out, a personal hard copy. Re-read this essay over and over
until you fully incorporate these new memes into your being, this is the
path to your independence and power, to your personal freedom from
religion and state. By owning yourself and taking your power back from
the crazy makers you save yourself and help save the world. The power of
love is going to save us not some dead Jew on a cross.

07 April 2010
rewritten 15 Jan 2011,
rewritten again on 09/10/11 Feb 2011

more essays on this blog:

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