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Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13


Two‑dimensional finite element model to study the effect of periodic

physical exercise on temperature distribution in peripheral regions
of human limbs
Babita kumari1 · Neeru Adlakha1

Received: 24 June 2019 / Revised: 9 December 2019 / Accepted: 30 December 2019

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2020

The human body regulates the body core temperature at a uniform temperature to maintain the structure and function of vari-
ous physical and physiological processes. The physical exertion causes thermal stress which can disturb these mechanisms
of thermoregulation under various environmental conditions and can lead to impairment of physiological functions. In view
of the above, a finite element model has been developed to study thermal stress in peripheral regions of human limbs during
periodic exercise and rest. It is assumed that the subject is doing exercise periodically by taking rest at regular intervals. The
human limb is assumed to be of cylindrical shape. The peripheral region of a limb is divided into three natural components,
namely epidermis, dermis and subdermal parts. Appropriate boundary conditions have been framed based on physical con-
ditions of the problem. Finite element has been employed along radial and angular directions, and the finite difference is
employed for time variable to obtain the solution. The numerical results have been used to obtain temperature profiles and
study the effect of light-, moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities on thermal distribution in human limbs under moderate
and hot climatic conditions. The results obtained by the present model are in agreement with the physiological facts and can
be employed to predict the amount of acclimatization and rest required to cope up with such thermal stresses. Such models
can be developed further to obtain thermal information in human organs involving physical exercise. This thermal informa-
tion can be useful for developing strategies for the time period of different intensities of physical exercise and rest required
for optimum performance of sportsman, labourers, workers and military person. Also the thermal information obtained from
such models can be useful for developing protocols for heat stress required for therapeutic purposes during infection and
physical exercise prescriptions for healthy lifestyles.

Keywords  Metabolic heat generation · Blood mass flow rate · Thermal conductivity · Finite element method · Periodic

1 Introduction regulation of body core temperature at 37 °C is necessary for

maintenance of structure and function of the body organs. A
The thermosensitivity, thermoregulation and thermoprotection deviation of 3.5 °C from the resting body core temperature of
are the key features which give the capability to human beings 37 °C can cause damage to the various organs of the human
to sense and regulate body core temperature and protect the body (Lim et al. 2008). The physical exertion due to any physi-
inner parts of the body from the external environment. The cal work or exercise can cause a substantial increase in meta-
bolic heat generation, leading to heat stress which is a challenge
to human thermoregulation system. Under thermolytic range,
* Babita kumari the thermoregulation mechanisms can cope up with the heat stress caused by physical exertion, but beyond this thermolytic
Neeru Adlakha range the heat stress can lead to decrease in the performance, fatigue and damage to the organs of human body (Lim et al.
1 2008; Folk et al. 1998; Gisolfi and Mora 2000). Therefore,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Humanities, S.V.
National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat 395007, it is of vital importance to understand the thermoregulation
India of human body at rest and during exercise to protect human

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subjects from heat injury due to physical exertion and develop case. Khanday and Khalid (2017) developed a model to study
strategies for managing heat stress and physical performance of the cancerous tissue on heat therapy. Gurung et al. (2009)
the human body. Also the therapeutic value of heat during infec- used quadratic shape functions in variational finite element
tion and exercise prescription for healthy lifestyles are reported approach to study the temperature distribution in human
in the literature (Lim et al. 2008). The human thermoregulation dermal parts for one-dimensional unsteady-state case. Some
system maintains the body core temperature at a uniform tem- models have been developed by Pardasani and Jas (2000)
perature of 37 °C by maintaining balance between heat genera- for temperature variation in human limbs for one- and two-
tion within the body tissues and heat loss from the body surface dimensional steady-state cases under normal physiological
to the environment. The human peripheral regions, namely skin and environmental conditions. Makrariya and Adlakha (2013,
and subdermal tissues (SST), being the medium of interaction 2015, 2019) developed a finite element model to study the
between the body and the environment play an important role thermographic patterns in women’s breast due to uniformly
in this thermoregulation. The heat generated within the body perfused tumours and menstrual cycle in dermal tissues of
tissues is transported through this SST region to the surface spherical organs of a human body. Makrariya and Pardasani
of the body by conduction and perfusion of blood. The SST (2019) studied the numerical effect of non-uniformly perfused
region consists of three layers, namely epidermis, dermis and tumour on heat transfer in women’s breast during menstrual
subdermal tissues. The epidermis consists of dead cells and cycle under cold environment. Kumari and Adlakha (2013,
is devoid of blood vessels (Agrawal et al. 2011; Saxena and 2016, 2017) have studied temperature distribution in human
Bindra 1984; Saxena and Pardasani 1987). The blood flow and peripheral regions due to physical exercise for a one- and two-
metabolic activity are negligible in epidermis, and the density dimensional unsteady-state case. Torii et al. (1992) studied
of blood vessels and metabolic activity increases as we go down the effect of exercise on fall in skin temperature during initial
the dermis and becomes almost uniform in the subdermal part. muscular work in ten healthy men. Lim et al. (2008) have also
This gives us the idea about variation of physiological param- studied the human thermoregulation during exercise and the
eters in the different layers of SST region (Mitchell et al. 1970). measurement of body temperature in clinical and exercise set-
The physical exercise leads to increase in the blood flow and tings. But no attempt is reported in the literature for the study
metabolic activity. The metabolic activity varies between 1 and of effect of different intensities of periodic physical activity
2.9 times of the normal metabolic activity during light-intensity on two-dimensional thermal dynamics in human body organs.
activities like sleeping, watching television, writing, typing and Here, a finite element model is proposed to study the ther-
slow walking (2.5 mph). At moderate-intensity activities like mal stress caused in peripheral regions of human limbs due to
bicycling, home exercise, walking (3.5 mph), etc., the metabolic light-, moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities being per-
activity varies between 3 and 5.5 times of that in normal condi- formed periodically with rest at regular intervals. This study
tions at rest. For high- and vigorous-intensity activities like jog- is performed at moderate and high atmospheric temperatures
ging, running, roping and jumping, etc., the metabolic activity for a two-dimensional unsteady-state case. The human limb
varies from 6 to 10 times of that in normal conditions at rest. In is assumed to be of circular cross section. The outer surface
the same way, blood flow is 1–2 times for moderate-intensity of the limb is assumed to be exposed to the environment, and
activities and 2–4 times of that at rest during vigorous-intensity appropriate boundary condition is incorporated.
activities (Lim et al. 2008).
Earlier, experimental investigations were carried out by
Patterson (1976) to determine temperature profiles in the 2 Mathematical model
human peripheral regions. Some theoretical investigations
have been carried out during the last few decades by Cooper The heat flow in human body tissues is governed by the fol-
and Trezek (1972), Chao et al. (1973), Saxena and Bindra lowing partial differential equation (Perl 1962):
(1984) and Saxena and Pardasani (1987) to study temperature ( )
distribution in the SST region using analytical and numeri- 𝜌c = Div(K.gradT) + mb cb (TA − T) + S . (1)
cal techniques. These investigations were performed under
normal environmental and physiological conditions. Also The first, second and third terms on the right-hand side of
attempts have been made by Pardasani and Saxena (1989), Eq. (1) are, respectively, the Fick’s law of diffusion, Fick’s per-
Pardasani and Adlakha (1993, 1995) and Agrawal et  al. fusion principle and rate of metabolic heat generation. Here,
(2011, 2015, 2016) to study problems involving abnormali- 𝜌 , c , K and S, respectively, denote the density, specific heat,
ties like tumours in SST regions of human body. Naik and thermal conductivity and rate of metabolic heat generation
Pardasani (2018, 2019) have applied finite element method in tissues. T and TA denote the tissue and arterial blood tem-
to study the calcium distribution in oocyte cell for two- and perature, respectively. Also, mb and cb are the blood mass flow
three-dimensional cases. Kumar et al. (2018) have studied the rate and specific heat of the blood, respectively, and M = mbcb.
calcium distribution in T lymphocyte cell for one-dimensional

Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13 Page 3 of 13  13

Equation (1) for a two-dimensional unsteady-state case in

cylindrical polar form may be written as:
( ) ( ) ( )
𝜕T 1 𝜕 K 𝜕T 1 K 𝜕2T
𝜌c = + + mb cb (TA − T) + S .
𝜕t r 𝜕r r 𝜕r r r 𝜕𝜃 2
The boundary condition at the outer surface due to heat
loss at outer surface by conduction, convection and radiation
is given by (Agrawal et al. 2015):

𝜕T ||
𝜕r ||r=r9 =5.8
= h(T − Ta ) + LE at r = rn , t > 0, (3)

where h is the heat transfer coefficient, Ta is the atmospheric

temperature, and L and E are, respectively, the latent heat
and rate of sweat evaporation.
The inner core of the limb is maintained at a uniform tem-
perature Tb. Thus, the boundary condition at the inner bound-
ary is given by:
T(r0 , 𝜃) = Tb r = r0 . (4) Fig. 1  Circular cross section and finite element mesh of peripheral
regions in a human or animal limb
Now the peripheral region of the limb is divided into eight
layers with radius r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7 and r8. The outer- ( ) ( )
𝜋 𝜋
most layer is the epidermis. Below the epidermis are the three s(t) = C3 sin t + C4 cos t, (6)
l l
layers of dermis followed by four layers of subdermal tissues.
The innermost part is the limb core consisting of bone, mus- where C1, C2, C3 and C4 are the constants, respectively.
cles, large blood vessels, etc. These layers have been further The assumptions regarding K, M and S are as given below:
discretized into 64 circular sectoral elements with two of its
sides curved along angular direction and 72 nodes. The angu- � �

Subdermal r0 ≤ r < r4 ∶
lar points of each element are the nodes as shown in Fig. 1 ⎪

(Kumari and Adlakha 2017). Ki = Ks = Constant, Mi = m(t), Si = s(t) i = 0(1)4 ⎪
� � ⎪
It is assumed that the human subject does a physical exer- Dermis r4 ≤ r < r7 ∶ ⎪
� � ⎬.
cise for some period of time and then takes rest for a period of Ki = Ks + Ke ∕2 , Mi = m(t)∕2, Si = s(t)∕2 i = 4(1)7⎪

time and again repeats the cycle of physical exercise and rest � �
Epidermis r7 ≤ r ≤ r8 ∶ ⎪

during alternate periods. Thus, the blood flow and metabolic ⎪
Ke = Constant, Mi = 0, Si = 0 i = 7, 8 ⎭
activity also keeps on increasing and decreasing in alternate
periods. In view of the above, as a special case the following
periodic variation of blood mass flow rate and rate of meta- Here, m and s are functions of time and given by expres-
bolic heat generation with respect to time has been assumed. sions (5) and (6). Ke and Ks represent thermal conductivity
m(t) = mmax, s(t) = smax, where t = nl, n = even integer, in epidermis and subdermal tissues, respectively. Also r is
l = period the radius between the layers, and values are taken as r0 =
m(t) =  mmin, s(t) = s min t = nl, when n = odd integer, 5 cm, r1 = 5.1 cm, r2=5.2 cm, r3 = 5.3 cm, r4 = 5.4 cm, r5 =
l = period 5.5 cm, r6 = 5.6 cm, r7 = 5.7 cm and r8 = 5.8 cm. The finite
( ) ( ) element mesh for circular region is shown in Fig. 1.
𝜋 𝜋 The discretized variational form of Eq. (2) along with
m(t) = C1 sin t + C2 cos t, (5)
l l Eqs. (3) and (4) is given by:

� � �2 � �2 � ⎫
1 𝜕T (e) 𝜕T (e) 𝜕(T (e) )2 −
I (e)
= K (e)
+ (e) (e) 2
+ M (TA − T ) − 2S T + 𝜌 c (e) (e)
drd𝜃 ⎪
2∬ 𝜕r 𝜕𝜃 𝜕t ⎪
⎬, (8)
𝜆(e) � (e) � ⎪
+ h(T − Ta )2 + 2LET (e) e=1 d𝜃 ⎪
2 ∫ ⎭

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where e = 1(1)64. ⎡ 0 0 0 0⎤
The following bilinear shape function for the variation ⎢
⎢ . . . . ⎥⎥
of temperature within each element has been taken as:
⎢ 1 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
T (e) = c1(e) + c2(e) r + c(e)
𝜃 + c4(e) r𝜃 , (9) (e) ⎢ 0 1 0 0⎥ �64
where M =⎢ ⎥ and I = I (e) . (17)
⎢ 0 0 1 0⎥
where c(e) , c(e) , c(e) and c(e) are constants for the eth element. e=1
1 2 3 4 ⎢ 0 0 0 1⎥
Expression (9) is rewritten as: ⎢ ⎥
⎢ . . . . ⎥
T (e) = PT c(e) , (10) ⎢ ⎥
[ ( ) [ ] ] ⎣ 0 0 0 0⎦
where PT = 1 r 𝜃 r𝜃 and c(e) = c(e) c(e) (e) (e)
c c  .
From Eqs. (9) and (10), we get
1 2 3 4
The integral I is extremized with respect to each nodal tem-
perature Ti (i = 1, 2……72). We obtain the system of ordinary
T (e) = P(e) c(e) , (11) differential equations as given below:

⎡ Ti ⎤ ⎡ 1 ri 𝜃i ri 𝜃i ⎤ dT
⎢ T ⎥ ⎢ 1 rj 𝜃j rj 𝜃j ⎥ U + XT = Y . (18)
where T (e) = ⎢ ⎥ and P = ⎢
j (e) dt
rk 𝜃k ⎥⎥
⎢ Tk ⎥ ⎢ 1 rk 𝜃k [ ] [ ] [ ]
⎣ Tl ⎦ ⎣ 1 rl 𝜃l rl 𝜃l ⎦ Here, X = Xij 72×72 Y = Yi 72×1 T = Tj 72×1 , U =
[ ]
From Eq. (11) we have Uij 72×72 .
The backward finite difference method has been used to
c(e) = R(e) T (e) , (12) solve Eq. (18).
where R(e) = P(e)−1 .
Substituting c(e) from Eq. (12) in Eq. (10), we get

T (e) = PT R(e) T (e) . (13) 3 Numerical results and discussion

Now, the integral I (e) can be in the form: The values of biophysical parameters like metabolic heat
generation, thermal conductivity, blood mass flow rate,
I (e) = Ik(e) + Im(e) − Is(e) + I𝜌(e) + I𝜆(e) , (14) baseline temperature, baseline fitness, etc. will vary from
𝜃k rj [ ( )2 ( )2 ] person to person based on environmental conditions and
1 𝜕T (e) 𝜕T (e) their demographic characteristics like ethnicity, gender,
Ik(e) = K (e)
+ drd𝜃,
2∫ ∫ 𝜕r 𝜕𝜃 age, clothing, etc. The particular values of these biophysical
𝜃i ri
parameters with respect to the environmental conditions and
𝜃k rj
demographic characteristics of the subjects under study can
Im(e) = M (e) (TA − T (e) )2 drd𝜃, be substituted in the model to obtain the numerical results.
2∫ ∫
𝜃i ri For the purpose of illustration, the computations have been
where rj performed for two cases of atmospheric temperatures:
[ (e) (e) ] ua = 23 °C and 33 °C. The values of M, S and E have been
Is(e) = S T drd𝜃,
∫ ∫ taken accordingly for a nude subject exposed to the environ-
𝜃i ri
ment based on data for a particular subject under study as
given in Table 1 (Agrawal et al. 2011, 2016; Kumari and
𝜃k rj
− 𝜕(T (e) )2
I𝜌(e) = 𝜌c drd𝜃, Adlakha 2013).
∫ ∫ dt
𝜃i ri Here, m and s are rates of blood mass flow and metabolic
𝜆(e) 𝜃 [ ] activity in tissues when body is at complete rest. The values
and I𝜆(e) = 2
∫𝜃 j h(T (e) − Ta )2 + 2LET (e) e=1 d𝜃 ,

dI (e) dIk(e) dIm(e) dIs(e) dI𝜌(e) dIz(e)

= + − + + . (15) Table 1  Numerical values of M, S and E (Agrawal et al. 2011, 2016;
dT (e) dT (e) dT (e) dT (e) dT (e) dT (e) Kumari and Adlakha 2013)
On substituting values of equations, we get Atmospheric s (cal/cm3-min) m = mbcb (cal/ E (× 10−3 Kg.m−2
temp Ta (°C) cm3-min °C) ­S−1)
dI ∑
(e) dI (e) (e)T
= M M , (16) 23 0.018 0.018 0, 0.24, 0.48
dT e=1 dT (e) 33 0.018 0.0315 0.24, 0.48, 0.72

Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13 Page 5 of 13  13

of other parameters are taken as given below (Agrawal et al. surface (r = 5.8 cm), the temperature profile starts increas-
2011, 2016; Kumari and Adlakha 2013). ing from t = 0 to t = 2.5 min and then starts decreasing from
h = 0.009 cal/cm2-min, L = 579 cal/gm, Ke = 0.030 cal/cm- t = 2.5 min up to t = 5 min, and the same cycle is repeated
min°C for epidermis, Kd = 0.045 cal/cm-min°C for dermis, again and again after every 5 min. This periodic cycle is
Ks = 0.060 cal/cm-min°C for subdermal part, Tb = 37 °C, observed due to the periodic exercise being carried out by
ρ = 1.090 gms/cm2, c = 0.830 cal/gm-°C. the subject under study. Also Figs. 2, 3 and 4 show that the
The graphs have been plotted for three cases of physi- amplitude of the periodically changing temperature profile
cal exercise, and accordingly, the values of blood flow and increases with the increase in the intensity of the physical
metabolic activity are taken as given below (Kumari and exercise. Also the surface temperature is higher in peripheral
Adlakha 2016, 2017): regions of human limbs for high-intensity physical exercise.
Case 1: Light-intensity physical exercise Figures 5, 6 and 7 show radial and temporal tempera-
mmin = m , smin = s ture distribution in peripheral regions of human limbs for
mmax = 1 × m , smax = 2.9 × s. Ta = 23  °C and E = 0.24 × 10−3  g/cm2-min θ = 0, period
Case 2: Moderate-intensity physical exercise. l = 5 min and for cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Figures 5, 6
mmin = m , smin = s and 7 show the similar behaviour of temperature profiles as
mmax = 2 × m , smax = 5.5 × s. shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4, but the results in Figs. 5, 6 and 7
Case 3: High-/vigorous-intensity physical exercise differ in their periods of each cycle and amplitude. This is
mmin = m , smin = s
. because in Fig. 5, 6 and 7, the subject does the exercise and
mmax = 4 × m , smax = 10 × s. rest alternatively for the periods almost double the periods of
Figure 2 shows temperature distribution in peripheral each cycle in Figs. 2, 3 and 4. Also the surface temperature
region of human limb with respect to time and radius when of peripheral layers of human limbs is higher in Figs. 5, 6
theta is zero and period l = 2.5 min for case 1: light-inten- and 7 than that in Figs. 2, 3 and 4.
sity physical exercise at Ta = 23 °C and E = 0.24 × 10–3 g/ Figures 8, 9 and 10 show radial and temporal tempera-
cm2-min θ = 0. Figure 3 shows radial and temporal temper- ture distribution in peripheral regions of human limbs for
ature distribution in peripheral region of human limb for Ta = 23  °C and E = 0.24 × 10−3  g/cm2-min, θ = 0, period
case 2: moderate-intensity physical exercise at Ta = 23 °C l = 5 min and for cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Compar-
and E = 0.24 × 10–3 g/cm2-min θ = 0. Figure 4 shows radial ing Figs. 8, 9 and 10 with Figs. 2, 3 and 4, it is observed
and temporal temperature distribution for case 3: high-/ that surface temperature is lower in Figs. 8, 9 and 10 than
vigorous-intensity physical exercise at Ta = 23  °C and that in Figs. 2, 3 and 4, respectively. This indicates that the
E = 0.24 × 10–3 g/cm2-min θ = 0. Figures 2, 3 and 4 show surface temperature decreases with the increase in the rate
that the temperature is constant at 37 °C at r = 5 cm, and as of evaporation.
we move away from inner core (r = 5 cm) towards the outer

Fig. 2  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.24 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
1, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

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Fig. 3  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.24 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
2, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

Fig. 4  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.24 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
3, period l = 2.5 min and θ  = 0

Figures 11, 12 and 13 show radial and temporal tem- Figures 14, 15 and 16 show radial and temporal tem-
perature distribution in peripheral regions of human limbs perature distribution in peripheral regions of human limbs
for Ta = 33 °C and E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min θ = 0, period for Ta = 33 °C and E = 0.72 × 10−3 g/cm2-min θ = 0, period
l = 2.5 min and for cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Comparing l = 2.5 min and for cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The sur-
Figs. 11, 12 and 13 with Figs. 8, 9 and 10, it is observed that face temperatures of peripheral regions of human limbs
surface temperature is higher in Figs. 11, 12 and 13 than that in Figs. 14, 15 and 16 are lower than that in Figs. 11, 12
in Figs. 8, 9 and 10. This indicates that surface temperatures and 13. This again implies that the surface temperature
rise with the increase in the atmospheric temperature. of human limbs decreases with the increase in the rate of

Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13 Page 7 of 13  13

Fig. 5  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.24 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
1, period l = 5 min and θ  = 0

Fig. 6  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.24 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
2, period l = 5 min and θ = 0

evaporation. The thermal patterns obtained for different of human limbs for a two-dimensional case. The results
intensities of physical exercises under different atmos- were obtained for three cases of physical exercise, namely
pheric conditions give us the idea of thermal stress caused low-intensity, medium-intensity and high-intensity physi-
by the physical exercise. cal exercises, at moderate and high atmospheric tempera-
tures and different interval periods of rest and exercise. At
low periodic intervals of rest and exercise, the oscillations
4 Conclusion in temperature profiles are more as compared to those for
higher periodic intervals of rest and exercises. This implies
A finite element model was proposed and employed to that exercise has quite significant effect on temperature
study the effect of thermal stress due to periodic physical profiles in a subject doing exercise periodically. The
exercise on temperature distribution in peripheral layers results also indicate significant increase in the temperature

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Fig. 7  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.24 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
3, period l = 5 min and θ  = 0

Fig. 8  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
1, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

of tissues in response to the increase in the intensity of normal nude subject exposed to the environment. However,
physical exercise. However, the increase in the rates of these values of physical and physiological parameters will
evaporation decreases the effect of thermal stress due to vary with the subject under study depending on environ-
physical exercise. Thus, sweat evaporation plays an impor- mental conditions and their demographic characteristics
tant role in coping with the thermal stress due to physical like age, sex, gender, ethnicity, clothing, etc. The present
exercise and acclimatization of an individual to such ther- model can be used to predict the effect of thermal stress
mal stresses. The present model was simulated using the due to physical exercise by substituting values of physical
values of physiological parameters for a particular case of and physiological parameters based on the environmental

Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13 Page 9 of 13  13

Fig. 9  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
2, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

Fig. 10  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 23 °C and
E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
3, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

conditions and their characteristics. The results obtained by finite element discretization are quite useful to represent
the present model are in agreement with the physiological the realistic structure of peripheral regions of the human
facts and can be employed to predict the amount of accli- limbs. The finite element approach has proved to be quite
matization and rest required to cope up with such thermal versatile in the present study as it was possible to incorpo-
stresses. The coaxial circular sectoral elements used in rate the variation in the parameters in each subregion. Such

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Fig. 11  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 33 °C and
E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
1, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

Fig. 12  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 33 °C and
E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
2, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

models can be developed further to obtain thermal infor- sportsman, labourers, workers and military person. Also
mation in human organs involving physical exercise. This the thermal information obtained from such models can be
thermal information can be useful for developing strate- useful for developing protocols for heat stress required for
gies for the time period of different intensities of physi- therapeutic purposes during infection and physical exercise
cal exercise and rest required for optimum performance of prescriptions for healthy lifestyles.

Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13 Page 11 of 13  13

Fig. 13  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 33 °C and
E = 0.48 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
3, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

Fig. 14  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 33 °C and
E = 0.72 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
1, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

13   Page 12 of 13 Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (2020) 9:13

Fig. 15  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 33 °C and
E = 0.72 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
2, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

Fig. 16  Spatiotemporal
temperature distribution in
peripheral region of human
limbs for Ta = 33 °C and
E = 0.72 × 10−3 g/cm2-min, case
3, period l = 2.5 min and θ = 0

Acknowledgement  This work has been carried out under the Bioin- Agrawal M, Adlakha N, Pardasani KR (2015) Finite element model
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Agrawal M, Adlakha N, Pardasani KR (2016) Finite element model
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