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[color=lightgray]Hello there again! For those of you who don’t know me, I am Alexandar, in-game Iqui.

I’ve been playing priest since early Molten and pretty much experienced every inch of the game features
WotLK expansion offers for priests. When my previous “guide” – post on discipline priest in 0% buff LK
encounter was released I had so many questions about holy priest role, some of them are about basics
of holy priest but most of them are about end game raiding tips in a holy priest role, so, I’ve decided to
share some of my knowledge. I won’t be covering the basic facts about holy priest like stats and
complete talents overview, also there won’t be any formula or any other mathematic coverage on my
words cause I find this useless to talk about while playing on private server. The idea is to give you guys
practical tips so you can test and and impletement it in your own gameplay. This guide will be based on
a practical analysis not mathematics or in depth theorycrafting.

However, way before I decided to write this guide, I’ve done some in-game tests with my friends who
also play holy priests since the beginning of the expansion (Tutantlakon and Foks) and pretty much excel
as holy priests, and in the end we came to a solid conclusion about stats/talents and gear composition
on how should a holy priest be set up to cover all the aspects of end game raiding content so it only
makes it easier and efficient for players.

As mentioned above, this guide is based on end – game raiding only, so to narrow it a bit, I will be
focusing on holy priest role on some bosses of Icecrown Citadel 25 Heroic (with and without 30% Aura)
with emphasis on Lady Deathwhisper, Deathbringer Saurfang, Professor Putricide, Blood Queen,
Sindragosa and Lich King and Ruby Sanctum 25 Heroic – Halion.

So, following my previous words, this guide will be divided into five sections:[/color]



[*]Talents and Glyphs overview

[*]Gear setup and item variations

[*]Talents and glyphs

[*]Tactics and healing output in different boss encounters

[*]User Interface and Addons

[*]Practical demonstration and videos

[color=lightsalmon][size=+2]1. Talents and Glyphs overview[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Holy priest is, from my point of view and Wotlk experience, one of the hardest classes
to master if we’re talking about healer mechanics. Since the Wotlk was released, there were different
talent solutions for holy priest throughout the game which were covering either tank healing or raid
healing, so people had to rely mostly on those 2 specs which basicly only depends on the raid
composition and raids needs. Holy priests were rarely asigned as tank healers due to inferiority in single
target healing to holy paladins or resto shamans, but most of the time they were fitting as raid healers
due to strong AOE healing output and variety of spells to keep the raid alive. I won’t be covering these
two specs I mentioned above, since you can find them in the guides Mercy, Noella and Boonsbane wrote
but I will focus on the one I found to be best relying for end -game raiding which is unique and offers
both to the raid: strong single target heals and AOE healing. After few tests made during end game
raiding with Foks and Tutan in the past 2 years, this spec seems to be giving the best healing output
soultion both on tanks and raid group with coordinated and efficient mana management. According to
this, the talent tree and glyph solution should look like this:[/color]


[color=lightgray]As I mentioned in the starting paragraphs, I will not be explaining every talent in this
tree cause I would be repeating myself after people who did it in the past few years. Explanations can be
found on Mercy’s or Noellas guide. But, before you ask any questions I want to explain why I chose some
specific talents:[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Why did I invest into [url][/url]

when we’re not playing discipline here?[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]During boss fights like Halion 25H or Lich King 25H we are supposed to use shield on the
tanks during our healing “rotation”. Firstly, on Halion, there won’t be any discipline priest inside the
shadow realm (where the holy priest is mostly assigned to heal) and the extra shield on the tank inside
during cutters or before breath can help significantly. Also whenever someone gets the
[url][/url] debuff and
[url][/url] is not used properly on that guy, the initial dmg
after the dispel can be fatal, our shied creates a 1 second window for defensives in this case or instant
heals. On the other hand, while fighting Lich King on 25H where we actually have a discipline priest, we
will be using our shield mostly on Off – tank in Phase 1 whenever Shambling gets into Frenzy to minimize
dmg on him and on the Main tank in Phase 2 right before the first Soul Reaper hit so we can easely
continue healing the raid on Infest without wasting any globals. As for 0% buff LK25H encounter, we will
be using our shield right after first Soul Reaper tick to minimize the incoming damage from melee hits
and maybe save his life (Shield + Inspiration). While fighting Lich King, an experienced discipline priest
should never shield the tanks while his [url][/url] is not on
cooldown so we are using it as a filler and spending one point into this talent to increase its absorb
potential is a efficient and smart investment.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Why did I invest into [url][/url]

if I’m running a “hybrid holy spec”?[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]If the healer setup is good and experienced, tank healing will not be an issue so we will
be focused on raid healing with our instant cast spells like
[url][/url] and
[url][/url]. During short fights like bosses in TOGC 25 this
talent doesn’t play a big role but on Halion 25h or ICC 25H bosses where we receive a huge amount of
AOE dmg in the raid, that 10% mana cost reduction on the spells we use most of the time is really

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Why I didn’t include [url][/url]

and [url][/url] into this talent setup? [/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Simple. The percentage of increased effectiveness of healing spells it almost

insignificant if we’re running a hybrid spec. If the raid is dropping under 50% during the fight that means
the healers are really, really bad or the raid setup is totally wrong ( no retris, no shadow priests etc)
which basicly means holy priest has to manage all by himself.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Why am I not using [url][/url]

talent? [/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Yeah, this talent looks and sounds cool but its totally useless in end-game raiding
content. Yeah, you could shield people before they get defile on LK to move faster, you can shield them
to get speed to move faster inside Shadow realm on Halion while affected with Consumption, but still, is
it really worth wasting 2 talent points so you could give legs to your raid members? End – game raids
require you to know every aspect of the specific raid, every mechanic boss does and so, you should be
able to manage your movement even without speed buff like this talent or nitro boots. In the end, I
would say: for progressing yes, for end game hardcore NO.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Magical question: Why is

[url][/url] excluded and
[url][/url] 5/5? [/size][/color]
[color=lightgray]Lets start with arguments and pros and cons. Damage taken in Wotlk is divided into 2
sources: Spell and Physical. [url][/url] 5/5 makes us receive
10% less dmg from Spells which is totaly useful considering the wide range of magical damage in end
game content. On the other hand, [url][/url] 5/5 decreases
the casting time of our Greater Heal. General logic behind all this, considering only serious end game
raiding, would be: is it worth sacrificing 5 points which increase your healing output for 5 points of your
own survivability. The talent tree I made represents my opinion on this so as the facts that in case of
heavy spell damage to raid priest can and SHOULD use Binding Heal to top himself and a raid member so
you won’t think about being killed and risking another raid member to die cause you wasted time for
healing yourself. Binding Heal, most of the priests on this server don’t even know this spell exists. Try it.
Also, some would say without this talent you can’t clear Infest on 0% buff with single
[url][/url] and
[url[[/url] precast, again false, and you can see the proof in
my videos below. As for Divine Fury, most people would say the small decrease in casting time of
[url][/url] means nothing since we have
[url][/rul] stacked but this is false. While solo healing LK 10H
on 0% buff you could see the big difference when tank drops cause and you need to heal him while
Serendipity is not up. Conclusion: If you want to take care of yourself in the raid more than you want to
care of the raid, take Spell Warding and waste 5 points.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]About glyphs:[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]The only glyph that is to be considered for replacement ,depending on the boss
encounters, is the [url][/url]. You could replace this glyph
with the [url][/url]. If there is less AOE damage in the raid
pick Flash Light, otherwise stick to Prayer of Healing. Examples: Halion 25 Shadow realm: Prayer of
Healing (constant AOE dmg) , Halion 25h Physical realm: Flash Heal (AOE dmg only on Meteor, strong
single target damage on tanks). Glyphs of CoH and GS should never be changed because they
significantly increase our output, both utility and healing wise.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+2]2. Gear setup and item variations[/size][/color]












[TD][url][/url] +























[TD][url][/url] +



















[TD][url][/url] + 2x





[TD][url][/url] +






[TD]2x [url][/url][/TD]



[TD]Ring 1[/TD]


[TD] / [/TD]




[TD]Ring 2[/TD]


[TD] / [/TD]




[TD]Trinket 1[/TD]


[TD] / [/TD]
[TD] / [/TD]



[TD]Trinket 2[/TD]


[TD] / [/TD]

[TD] / [/TD]





[TD] / [/TD]




[TD]Main Hand[/TD]






[TD]Off Hand[/TD]


[TD] / [/TD]

[TD] / [/TD]


[color=lightgray]As you can see in this build I did not include
[url][/url] and
[url][/url]. Reason for not including the wrist and the wand
is because these two items are not offering any haste rating which is essential for us if we run this talent
build. The amount of spirit we sacrificed is not that worth as the haste rating and constant increased
stats we get from [url][/url] and
[url][/url]. As for Ashen ring, if you go down deeply into
theorycrafting every single fight in end game Wotlk holy priest-wise, including this ring which gives
lower constant stats from start than [url][/url], after few
raids, you will realise that the spell power proc which this ring gives with its up/and downtime is totaly
wasted in some certain points of fights, especially the short ones. Going for constant stats is always
better in terms of high end game raiding and fast and efficient raids.

As for the wepons, it is obvious that [url][/url] gives better

passive stats than [url][/url] but considering the buff
[url][/url] provides, doing heals with it is way better,
especially on this build. On the other hand, after doing several solo heal/ solo tank 0% buff Banes, I
realised that using Val'anyr in this type of encounter is totaly useless because in each kill, the total
absorption of Val'anyr shields in the entire raid was never above 100k so its better to go with Terenas
since you already have increased stats from starts.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+2]3. Tactics and healing output in different boss encounters[/size][/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Lady Deathwhisper 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]In Phase one stand in the middle and heal members who get damaged by
[url][/url]. When adds spawn, keep a distance and keep an
eye on fury warriors and boomkins in your raid and keep healing the tank with
[url][/url] and
[url][/url]. When they start damaging the adds warriors and
boomkins tend to die really fast if they are not toped with heals because of the high amount of threat
they get (Hurricane, Whirlwind etc). To prevent their death make sure to call out a
[url][/url] on boomkin or if its on fwarr use your Guardian
Spirit. It is important that you monitor the behavior of those 2-3 raid members on mentioned classes so
you can react fast and maybe save a life, who knows. When some of the raid members gets
[url][/url] just dispel it and continue healing. Help the raid
while using [url][/url] on Mind Controlled members.
In Phase two, managing your movement while healing is really important. The healers positioning
should be sth like this:[/color]


[color=lightgray]Reason for this is that this way healers don’t need to move much when
[url][/url] are spawned and in case one of them is targeted,
that specific healer can move away from the raid without disturbing the rest of the healers. Like this the
only problem which can occur is melees triggering spirits in the melee range. To prevent melees from
duying, make sure you spam [url][/url] +
[url][/url] on the melee groups and keep
[url][/url] bouncing from the tank to the melee group. In this
situation, discipline priest should [url][/url] every slow from
Lady’s [url][/url] so melees can move fast while targeted by
spirits. If not, do the [url][/url] by yourself . In case you see
that spirits are about to eat the melees, make sure you precast
[url][/url] +
[url][/url] to save some lives. Apart from that, healing here
should be: [url][/url] on tank to keep
[url][/url] up, keep
[url][/url] on people (frostbolt dmg, death and decay dmg)
and keep [url][/url] bouncing around. For emergency
situations like spirits explosions you can precast few
[url][/url]s and
[url][/url] on the groups who are most affected so make
sure you pay attention the entire fight.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Deathbringer Saurfang 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Make sure you are spread with other ranged dps. Keep
[url][/url] on the raid members affected by
[url][/url] and keep using
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on the tank which is holding the boss. Apart from
healing [url][/url],
use[url][/url] on the tank to keep
[url][/url] up and running. When the
[url][/url] appears, place your
[url][/url] and spam
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on that specific raid member. Use
[url][/url] in case the target with
[url][/url] starts dropping low. In case you get the
[url][/url] instead of healing with
[url][/url], use
[url][/url] on yourself and start using
[url][/url] on the tanks or people with
[url][/url] . This way you take care of the Mark on yourself
and heal the raid members in the same time. [/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Professor Putricide 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Start by applying [url][/url],

[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on the main tank to proc
[url][/url]. When the raid starts getting AOE dmg start
applying [url][/url] and let
[url][/url] bounce around. When Abomination spawns put it
on focus and make sure you heal it with [url][/url] and few
[url][/url] if other resto shaman/ hpala slacks. When oozes
appear, make sure you monitor the targets of the oozes, apply renew on the member targeted by red
ooze and hard heal him with flash heals. As a healer make sure you are away from the target of the
green ooze so you can cast heals without disturbance and without getting knocked back. If you see the
raid member targeted by the green ooze is standing alone, make sure you use
[url][/url] on him cause otherwise he will die for sure. If
other members are stacked, the damage will be shared, it means you should use your
[url][/url] and do some
[url][/url] to top the knocked group. If one of the groups is
around 50% hp precast [url][/url] (you will have
[url][/url] stacked 3 times while previously toping the
knocked group) + [url][/url] to top them and continue
applying [url][/url] +
[url][/url] on the raid. The rest of the fight is pretty simple,
always position yourself the way you can heal the entire raid, to see and avoid maleabe goo and be
ready to heal the tank hard with single target healing after you reach the last phase. In the last phase if
the tank starts droping low you can use your [url][/url] to
increase the healing cause it will be off cooldown if it didn’t proc earlier to green ooze target. When
people are "dps whoring", especialy when oozes spawn and they continue tunneling the boss instead of
switching to oozes, the explosion and knockback from the green ooze can criticaly damage the raid if
people are not stacked properly to share the damage. In this case make sure your instantly use
[url][/url] and precast
[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Blood-Queen Lana'thel 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]This is the fight where holy priests and resto druids shine because of the AOE raid dmg
aura present in this fight. Position yourself left or right side of the room not too close to the melees so
in case you get [url][/url] you can move to the wall and
prevent the possibility of spreading it to the raid group. At start of the fight, use
[url][/url] on yourself and start healing by using
[url][/url] on the tank. Continue with applying
[url][/url] on the raid group and using
[url][/url] on cooldown on the most affected groups. This is
a fight where [url][/url] comes in handy so make sure you
have it before the fight starts. If tank starts taking heavy dmg use
[url][/url] on him and apply few
[url][/url]s to stack
[url][/url] and apply
[url][/url]. Inspiration should never fall from the tank. With
[url][/url] stacked you are able to cast
[url][/url] fast on the critical groups. On
[url][/url], make sure you run to the middle and precast
[url][/url]. Before she starts flying, there will be 1 raid
member with [url][/url] on him, when fear hits he will most
likely die on 25H mode if its not instantly dispelled. Keep an eye on that specific raid member and if no
one dispels him fast enough preapply [url][/url] just in case
it goes bad ways. The rest of the fight is same as mentioned above, heal the AOE dmg and cast some
[url][/url]s in case you get splashed and you need to heal
another raid member asap.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Sindragosa 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Before she lands make sure you cast

[url][/url] on the tank once or twice to apply
[url][/url] and use
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on him. When she lands, raid will start receiving
dmg from the aura. Start by applying [url][/url] to every raid
member and use [url][/url] /
[url][/url] on cooldown. When
[url][/url] debuff is applied on raid members, make sure you
keep [url][/url] on them and whenever you can, if you are
healing Sindragosa without disco, use [url][/url] on resto
shaman and holy paladin if they are high on [url][/url]
stacks. If you get the debuff, move away from the raid but make sure you are on the side where the tank
is so you can heal him also. When Sindragosa flies, if you don’t have unchained, apply
[url][/url] on the tomb marked raid members and if you see
at least 2 or 3 members from the same group are marked for tomb start precasting
[url][/url] on that group, you will top them even if they got
entombed, it works through tombs if you precast the healing spell before the tomb landed. Again, when
she starts flying down, make sure you have [url][/url] on the
the tank before Sindi hits him. Why? Parry haste. Make sure you have
[url][/url] up and running asap and all the time. Serve your

[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Lich King 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=red][i]Phase 1[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Position yourself with the ranged group and apply

[url][/url] on the MT few seconds before the fight starts.
Also 5 seconds before the fights started use [url][/url] /
[url][/url] and cast few
[url][/url]s on the MT to proc
[url][/url]. Make sure you have enabled tracking for
[url][/url] on your healing addon so you can see which group
has to be toped after [url][/url]. After first wave of ghouls,
you can see which melees (mostly fwars/ retris/rogues) are receiving damage from physical hits of
ghouls and make sure you keep [url][/url] on them. Since
the discipline will not be shielding this group cause of his
[url][/url] procs, make sure you precast
[url][/url] on this group without shields so you can delete
the [url][/url] from them fast and continue healing the
tanks. In case there is heavy ghoul damage on warriors due to Cleaving and Infest hits,
[url][/url] followed by
[url][/url] would clear the damage problem while fighting LK
on 30% buff. Apart from monitoring the melee group, make sure you keep
[url][/url] on the both tanks and
[url][/url] bouncing from tank to melee group, also
[url][/url] on tank up and running with few
[url][/url] criticals. As in end game guilds, off tank, retri
paladins or discipline should be assigned to dispel the
[url][/url], if that doesn’t happen make sure you do it. After
the first [url][/url], off tank will start receiving heavy physical
damage and from this moment you have to monitor 3 things: Main tank and off tank hp and cooldowns
and raid group. Make sure the [url][/url] never drops from
the tanks by casting [url][/url] on OT and
[url][/url] on the Main tank. Since in most of the LK 25h
fights (non speed kill ones, and if BL/Hero is not used in p1 and considering the average dps in these
raids, ) second [url][/url] appears few seconds before going
out to transition, this is a breaking point where you need to monitor the hp of the OT as well as his
cooldowns so you can time your [url][/url] effectively by
tracking [url][/url] on Shambling Horrors. In most of the
cases off tank (in this situation prot paladin) will use [url][/url]
on the Frenzy of the first Shambling so he can minimize the damage done by both shamblings, so make
sure you use your [url][/url] right after DP ends so you could
help him survive the incoming damage from next Shambling Hits. Hopefuly
[url][/url] will not proc if the following heals on the OT are
good and you will have your GS cooldown reseted and ready for Phase 2.[/color]

[color=red][i]1st transition phase:[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]When you go out to transition, make sure you are not standing close to anyone in the
raid so you can monitor the raid situation clearly and react fast in case of emergencies. Since the
damage on transition mostly comes from [url][/url] and
slightly from [url][/url] (if you have greedy melees), your
healing output on both transitions should be: [url][/url] on
raid members by focus on melee group, [url][/url] on
cooldown and [url][/url] bouncing in the raid group. After 6-
7 secs into Transition use your [url][/url] since the damage
from [url][/url] is stronger now and most of the shields are
broken. Make sure you keep [url][/url] on the tank who is
assigned for Ragings ( in most cases scenario would be mostly MT and OT is taking the last Raging since
the MT will be focused on LK while entering into P2). From now there will be 2 breaking moments. First
one is if one of the melees gets targeted by [url][/url] and
second one is entrance to Throne at start of Phase 2. When one of the melees gets targeted by
[url][/url], he starts dealing damage to nearby melees around
him cause of [url][/url] effect. If he doesn’t move from the
group make sure you have [url][/url] stacked up and running
so you can react and precast [url][/url] on the most affected
melee group also followed by [url][/url]. On 30% buff, this
damage is significant but not fatal. On 0% buff, if that specific guy doesn’t move from the melee group,
after 2nd tick of [url][/url] the entire affected group will be
at 10% hp which pretty much means few people dead due to huge AOE dmg in entire transition. This is
where our [url][/url] comes in handy in case the group gets
smashed by Sphere dmg and you have to heal them. A powerful and well timed
[url][/url] precast can save the entire group and will leave a
HoT on them which is very useful on transitions with constant damage.[/color]

[color=red][i]Phase 2:[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Second breaking moment is the entrance to phase 2 followed by

[url][/url]. Before entering the Throne, make sure you have
[url][/url] on the people who got damaged by
[url][/url] so you can top them. While going in, use
[url][/url] +
[url][/url] +
[url][/url] on the main tank and a
[url][/url], so
[url][/url] will be applied before LK casts
[url][/url] and does the first melee hit. After that, since the
discipline priest will start preshielding few seconds before transition ends, and some of those shields will
probably break, make sure you precast [url][/url] on the
group without shields right before Infest hits so there won’t be any Infest tails left and you could
position yourself for the first wave of valkyrs. Phase two has has [u]2 critical points healing-wise.[/u]
First one is always about [b]managing Infest[/b] and second one is managing the [b]Soul Reapers[/b].

[color=yellow]1st crucial point: [u][b]Managing the Infest[/b][/u][/color]

[color=lightgray]Many healers, even non-priest ones, are understanding the concept of

[url][/url] totally wrong. Most of them, as seen through the
raids in past few years think that by leaving a HoT on raid members will remove the Infest with its ticks
and that’s it. This is partialy wrong since in order to remove it, that specific raid member needs to healed
above 90% hp, otherwise his hp will constantly drop due to increased shadow damage he suffers from
Infest ticks. Why partialy: Rdudu’s [url][/url] leaves a HoT
but the cast heals the target also by significat amount and the Infest is removed instantly. We are talking
about instant HoTs here. So the point is, from holy priest PoV, if the disco didn’t shield group 1 for e.g.
(which is mostly warriors grp) or the shields broke before Infest, you should: 1. In 30% buffed LK25h
fight: using [url][/url] instantly on the group right after Infest
hit and follow it by [url][/url]s on remaining Infest and 2. In
0% buff LK25h fight: Start pre-casting [url][/url] right on
Infest cast in order to clear the group from Infest since
[url][/url] will not remove it entirely cause the initial damage
is too big. There is no place for [url][/url] in these situations,
only for [url][/url] if only 1 target is left and affected by
Infest. Never [url][/url], don’t risk it. The goal is to clear it
and continue healing the tank, not fight it.[/color]

[color=yellow]2nd crucial point: [u][b]Managing the Soul Reapers[/b][/u][/color]

[color=lightgray]In order to heal the damage caused by

[url][/url] on the tank, first, you need to understand how
actualy [url][/url] works.
[url][/url] is a debuff that is applied on our tank after LK hits
him for 50% weapon damage. This effect deals xxx Shadow damage after 5 sec and increases the LK's
haste by 100% for 5 sec. When the LK hits the tank with his weapon that damage is considered Physical.
Five seconds after the Reaper is applied tank gets hit by shadow damage. After that LK’s melee haste is
inceased by 100% and the damage that tank receives at this point is combined Physical (cause of fast
melee hits) and Shadow due to Reaper damage. Since the damage tank receives is both Physical and
Shadow, we need to time our abilities perfectly in order to heal the Reaper properly and this is really
important since there is a difference while fighting LK with and without ICC buff aura.

From a holy priest player perspective, I find this way of handling the
[url][/url] as a most effective one:
[url][/url] +
[url][/url] on the tank 3 secs before the Reaper is applied to
apply [url][/url] before he gets hit by LK melee hit since its
pure Physical damage. [u]Note: Sometimes you have to cast Flash Heal 2 times if the first one doesn’t
crit but imo experience it happens rarely.[/u] Right after you placed
[url][/url], apply
[url][/url] on the tank and wait for the Reaper effect. On the
last second before the shadow damage comes in, start precasting
[url][/url] and with its application, tank will be topped to
100% hp.

[b][i]On 30% buff:[/i][/b] Use [url][/url] before the Reaper

hits. Why? You increase the healing done from all resources and since the LK doesn’t hit that hard on
melee hits as it does on 0% buff the cooldown will be set to 1 min and you will have it up and going for
3rd reaper. Also, using [url][/url] on first reaper is not that
mandatory on 30% buff as it is on unbuffed fight since even with proper tank cd usage followed by 2
perfectly timed holy lights from hpala, reaper is survived. Here we use our shield to [u]mitigate melee
swings not shadow damage.[/u]

[b][i]On 0% buff:[/i][/b] use [url][/url] right after the

[url][/url] is applied. Why? The physical hit will be lowered
enough with tank def cooldown combined with [url][/url] as
external so the the part where tank is supposed to die is the last melee hit combined with shadow
damage. We delay the usage of [url][/url] not only to
increase the healing on death-striking melee hits but to prevent his death since when GS procs tank
won’t die and we will only have it on cooldown by full duration. Utility above all. Here, we use our shield
to [u]mitigate shadow damage[/u], so we wait and use it 2 secs before shadow damage because we’re
precasting [url][/url] right after Shadow damage is appled.

The picture below reflects how [url][/url] works and and

how does not affect the Melee swing timer. Videos can be found in the last section of this guide.[/color]


[color=lightgray]The problem occurs when LK is casting something, Infest or Defile for e.g., cause each
cast is reseting his melee swing timer. That’s why healing the first Soul Reaper is easy cause its constant,
but for the next ones is tricky. When LK is about to apply Soul Reaper, his melee swing timer does not
reset. But when he starts casting Infest, his melee swing timer is reseted and his next melee attack will
be 1,8s after he finished casting the Infest. The problem occurs when Shadow damage from
[url][/url] comes in together with a melee hit and tank gets
roasted if he is not healed properly.

Since we understand now how to predict damage and heal the Reaper properly, next thing we have to
worry about is Valkyrs. On Warmane, Valkyrs were bugged for a long time and healers didn’t have to
worry about its damage on the tank when they are dropped under 50% hp and airborne again. Now,
when its fixed it becomes a huge pain in the *** for healers, especially on 0% buff LK25h. Apart from
Melee hits from LK, Soul Reaper and Infest in p2, tank receives damage from another source after the
first wave of Valkyrs. It is from [url][/url] after each valk is
dropped under 50% hp and airborne again. Since there are 3 Valks in each wave, after each wave tank is
getting roasted by damage he receives and the damage in the raid has to be really satisfying so you
could push the LK to phase 2.5. Since the damage is increased, and now its constant shadow + physical
damage, we need to keep our [url][/url] up all the time as
well as [url][/url] on the tank on
[url][/url] downtime so we lower the damage he receives and
buy time so we can also heal the raid on Infests and the tank on each melee hit. On 30% buff the
damage the tank receives from [url][/url] is not that big and
its easely healable, but on 0% buff, each valk wave cleared is a timing death bomb on the tank. To heal
this damage, we should have our [url][/url] up and running
on the tank as well as [url][/url] jumping in the melee range.
When each Infest hits we clear the remains by precasting
[url][/url] and using
[url][/url] as a follow up. After that we just heal the tank
with [url][/url] and
[url][/url] and do the same as mentioned above on each

[color=lightgray] Phase 2.5 is same as Phase 1.5, spread around, heal with
[url][/url] and
[url][/url]. In case of heavy sphere damage use
[url][/url] and conserve your mana.[/color]

[color=red][i]Phase 3:[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Few seconds after transition has ended, Lich King will cast
[url][/url] which pulls the entire raid into Frostmourne
chamber. Right while you enter the throne, make sure you place
[url][/url] on the tank and start applying
[url][/url] on the raid members as many as you can. LK will
cast [url][/url] and you will be teleported in the center of
the chamber. Since the chamber has constant AOE dmg aura and you have to move a lot, use your
[url][/url] right when you get teleported and use
[url][/url] to proc it. After that start moving with the raid
and spam [url][/url] /
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on the raid. If the raid is getting huge shadow
damage, don’t hesitate and cast some [url][/url]s to top
them up, especially when entire group is having their hp halved. This is mostly painful on 0% buff where
our resistance is lower. One second before going out of the chamber place
[url][/url] on the MT and use
[url][/url] on him. After you get teleported to the Throne,
wait for [url][/url] and after that position yourself behind
the LK so you don’t get damage from [url][/url] and start
healing the tanks with [url][/url] /
[url][/url] and using
[url][/url] as explained above for each
[url][/url]. In case of solo tanking, use your
[url][/url] on the first Soul Reaper after the chamber so you
will have it up for 3rd. When the LK finishes his summoning of Vile Spirits , tanks will reposition and you
have a 4-5 secs gap to reapply [url][/url] on the raid before
you get pulled to FMC again. Repeat the healing rotation as mentioned above in the chamber.[/color]
[color=lightsalmon][size=+1]Halion 25 Heroic[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]On Halion 25h holy priests are mostly assigned as “inside” healers but in my own
experience, they are pretty efficient as “outside” healers also together with rsham or hpaladin.[/color]

[color=red][i]Phase 1: Physical realm[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Few secons before the tank pulls Halion, make sure you have
[url][/url] /
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on him. Since there is no ICC aura present, 2-3
[url][/url]s will apply
[url][/url] after that just use ur HoTs and shield. As a safety
measure, it would be really good and useful if the tank receives a external from paladins or in this case,
when holy priest is in the raid, using [url][/url] at start.

On pull, heal the tank with [url][/url] and

[url][/url] and stack
[url][/url] before breath. When Halion starts casting breath,
start precasting [url][/url] to top the tank right on Breath hit
and do a following [url][/url] to heal the next melee hit from
Halion. If the pets are well positioned (behind boss), he won’t be parry hasting and melee hits will be
regular. When somone gets [url][/url], wait for him to reach
the wall and dispel him, place a [url][/url] on him to top him.

After first [url][/url] , when you cross to the other side of the
boss, continue healing the tank with rotation mentioned above. When
[url][/url] appears and it moves to the MT, use your
[url][/url] on him and precast
[url][/url] to top him on next breath. Make sure you keep
[url][/url] on both MT and OT since both receive good
portions of damage. Heal the damage from Living Embers and Fire on the raid by using
[url][/url] /
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] in critical situations (bad spread of flames and
aggro from Embers on melees and huge AOE).

At 75% of his HP, Halion will phase and open a portal to his Twilight realm. This is when Phase 2 starts.
[color=red][i]Phase 2: Twilight realm[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Before going into portal, make sure you place

[url][/url] and
[url][/url] on the tank who is going inside. Enter the portal
and position with the raid. After positioning, top the tank with
[url][/url]s or
[url][/url] if you are damaged also and use your
[url][/url] followed by instant
[url][/url] to proc it. Start healing the raid with
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] /
[url][/url] on cooldown. Before the
[url][/url] , make sure you have
[url][/url] stacked. When cutter appears, start moving and
healing with your instants as mentioned above. Since the raid is moving, and tank healers can’t heal the
tank constantly, when Halion starts casting Breath precast
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] him afterwards. The damage will be well
mitigated. If the raid is getting highly damaged, cast some
[url][/url]s to top the groups and continue with your healing
rotation. When someone gets[url][/url] debuff, give him
[url][/url], and right after dispelling apply
[url][/url] on him and heal him with
[url][/url] to prevent his death. Make sure that the guy with
[url][/url] has near full hp before dispelling him otherwise
he will die in most cases without any defensives.[/color]

[color=red][i]Phase 3: Both realms[/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Phase 3 start starts when Halion hits 50% hp and he summons a portal back to Physical
Ream. From this moment Halion exists simultaneously in both Physical and Twilight Realm and the raid
is split into 2 groups. As a holy priest, your true potential is released while healing inside in phase 3. The
healing rotation for phase 3 is same as for phase 2. Heal with your
[url][/url] /
[url][/url] and
[url][/url] and on each cutter movement heal the tank and
yourself with [url][/url] to stack
[url][/url] to top the tank with
[url][/url] if he drops. Since in phase 3 Halions gets a stat
called [url][/url], dps disbalans can make Halion attack
harder in one of the realms, so make sure you use your
[url][/url] in this situations. Other situation when you should
use your [url][/url] is while moving on cutter and tank has
no major defensives or when other healer gets Consumption and you have to heal the tank hard.[/color]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+2]4. User Interface and Add ons[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]Since the UI is a matter of choice of each player I won’t be discussing mine and why I
prefer it over ElvUI like most of the players. I only wanted to share it with you guys in case some of you
like it. Also the add ons and Healbot settings I use in-game. [/color]


[color=lightgray]List of Addons and download links:[/color]

- [color=lightgray]DBM by Afterlight:[/color] [url]


- [color=lightgray]Healbot by Iqui:[/color] [url]


- [color=lightgray]Weak Auras 2 with model paths:[/color] [url]


- [color=lightgray]InvisusRaidTools:[/color]

- [color=lightgray]CombatLogFix:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]Cooldowns:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]Dominos:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]HalionHelper:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]ParryHaste:[/color] [url]
- [color=lightgray]PlateBuffs:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]Quartz:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]RaidCooldowns:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]Recount:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]Skada:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]SnowfallKeyPress:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]TellMeWhen:[/color] [url]

- [color=lightgray]Xperl:[/color] [url]

[color=lightsalmon][size=+2]5. Practical demonstration and videos[/size][/color]

[center][color=lightgray][u][b]Solo tank/ Solo heal 0% buff Bane with Holy Priest [Afterlight guild][/b][/u]


[color=lightgray][u][b]Solo tank (ProtWarr) / 4 heals 0% buff LoD with Holy Priest [Afterlight guild][/b]


[color=lightgray][u][b]Halion 10 Heroic / Solo heal inside with Holy Priest [Afterlight guild][/b][/u]

[color=lightgray][u][b]Argent Defender run / Holy priest PoV [Pugs][/b][/u][/color]


[color=lightsalmon][size=+2]Final words[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]The goal of this guide is to help holy priests who still play WotLK to get better, improve
in healing and maybe experience something new. There are possible mistakes in this guide, as in every
other since I'm also a human being, but be realistic while commenting on them since I made this guide
for mostly practical use. Math ain't gonna help people get better or predict incomming damage. Only
practice and good teammates will.

P.S. Special thanks to my friends Teamstars, Foks and Tutan on the enomrous help they provided during
some tests, theorycrafting and practical analysis we did to prove some most of the things written in this

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