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Seshadri Rao Knowledge Village, Gudlavalleru-521356
Bioassays and Toxicology Practice Bits
Date: 22-04-2020
Unit- V

1. The major reason for decreased production of erythrocytes are -----------.

Ans. Decreased folic acid & vit. B12 and bone marrow depression
2. ---------- is due to intravascular fragmentation of erythrocytes.
Ans. Microangiopathic anemia
3. Left side shift of oxygen dissociation curve indicates -----------.
Ans. Decreased delivery of oxygen to tissues
4. Increase in the number of WBC in pathological conditions as a normal protective reaction
is called -------------.
Ans. Leukocytosis
5. Clotting factors II, VII, IX and X are dependent on -------------- for their complete
Ans. Vitamin K
6. Accumulation of abnormal amount of lipids within hepatocytes is called ------------.
Ans. Steatosis (Fatty liver)
7. ------------- is an irreversible damage result mainly from alcohol induced fatty liver.
Ans. Cirrhosis
8. ----------- is characterized by decreased volume of bile formation.
Ans. Cholestasis
9. ----------- causes cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation and lack of inflammation.
Ans. Apoptosis
10. --------- and -------- are chronic types of liver injury.
Ans. Fibrosis and carcinogenesis
11. Inflammatory condition of kidney especially glomeruli is called ------------.
Ans. Glomerulonephritis
12. Hypofiltration, tubular necrosis and tubulo interstitial fibrosis leads to -----------.
Ans. Acute kidney failure
13. Chronic kidney injury is caused due to ------------.
Ans. Chronic tubulo interstitial fibrosis and papillary necrosis
14. Substances causing nephrotoxicity are called ------------.
Ans. Nephrotoxic
15. Abnormal thickening of heart muscle is called ----------.
Ans. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
16. In -------------, heart becomes rigid and less elastic.
Ans. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
17. ------------- is the rare type of cardiomyopathy.
Ans. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
18. Atrial fibrillation and flutter are classified under ----------.
Ans. Supra ventricular tachycardia (SVT)
19. Inflammation of heart muscle is called ------------.
Ans. Myocarditis
20. In -----------, heart muscle doesn’t pump blood as well as it should.
Ans. Congestive heart failure
21. Hypertension, hypotension and atherosclerosis are the toxic responses of ---------.
Ans. Blood vessels
22. Haemorrhage occur due to -------------- to blood vessel.
Ans. Direct mechanical injury
23. ---------- and --------- are used in heavy metal poisoning.
Ans. Chelating agents and diuretics
24. Lead, mercury and arsenic are ------------.
Ans. Heavy metals
25. Rattle snake, copper head and coral snake are ------------.
Ans. Poisonous snakes

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