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Name: Angelica Mae G.

Villanueva BEEd – 3 – A


Questions for Discussion:
1. What is Social Literacy?
Social literacy means the presence of social skills, knowledge and positive human values that support
ability in human beings to act positively and responsibly in range of complex social settings and their ability
to successfully and deliberately mediate his/her world as family member, worker, citizen and lifelong

2. Explain Social Skills. Cite the impact of social literacy and suggest strategies and tools to improve it.
Social skills are the skills we use every day to interact and communicate with others. They include
verbal and non-verbal communication, such as speech, gesture, facial expression and body language. A
person has strong social skills if they have the knowledge of how to behave in social situations and
understand both written and implied rules when communicating with others.
Social literacy is so crucial in a person’s success. The ability to communicate and voice opinions and
thoughts, as well as listening to opinions and thoughts of others, is essential in learning. Firmly grasping
social cues and norms is extremely beneficial. Social literacy is also a capacity that can be used by a person to
live in a group and contribute to a culture that includes different strategies and tools, such as analytical skills,
social skills, cooperative skills, attitudes and values

3. What is a person emotionally intelligent?

Emotionally intelligent people are able to identify emotions and understand the role they play in
influencing a person's thoughts, words, and actions. They do so by quietly observing both themselves and
others, reflecting on those observations, and (at times) sharing their conclusions. Emotional intelligence has
to do with a person’s ability to recognize, understand, and manage his or her own emotions and the
emotions of others. Emotions can help us solve problems and guide our relationships, both at home and at
work. Some people (with high emotional intelligence or EQ) harness the wisdom of emotions better than

4. What are ways of enhancing people skills?

 Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence allows us to be aware of and in charge of our emotions. Sharpening your
emotional intelligence can help you to keep your emotions balanced and boost your confidence.
 Resolve Conflict in a Positive Way
Be it at work or at home, a certain amount of conflict is unavoidable in any relationship.
 Learn to Listen to Others
Talking is simple; real communication requires good listening skills.
 Ask for Feedback
When you take a moment to ask for feedback, you communicate better and you are more likely to hear
and share ideas.
 Respect and Be Aware of Cultural Differences
We learn most of our people skills from our parents and others in our community. When communicating
with someone from a different culture, however, it is important to acknowledge cultural differences.
 Seek out New People
Meeting new people can enhance your creativity, help broaden your perspective on life, and improve
your emotional intelligence. 
 Maintain Relationships
Healthy relationships boost your confidence and make your life more rewarding. 
5. How can you practice social literacy in delivering a lesson in the classroom?
Research and experience have told us that having social skills is essential for success in life. Inclusive
teachers have always taught, provided and reinforced the use of good social skills in order to include and
accommodate for the wide range of students in the classroom.
First, it is important work out what skills need to be taught to the student. Teaching social skills can be
compared to teaching academics. The first step involves knowing where to start. The parents, siblings,
teachers, peers and the child can provide information about social skills that need to be addressed. Direct
observation, checklists, social skills scales, functional behavior assessment, identifying solutions to problem
scenarios and reports are useful tools.
Some of those activities that can incorporate social literacy are as follows:
 Model manners
 Assign classroom jobs
 Role-play social situations
 Pen-pals
 Large and small group activities
 Big buddies
 Class stories
 Class meeting

Direction: Give at least four (4) people skills and write each of these on each head. On each shoulder, write
the signs of a person possessing such skills.



Assertive individuals are

able to get their point They have a genuine spark
across without upsetting of life that rubs off on others.
others, or becoming upset Charismatic people exude joy
themselves. and enthusiasm about life.

Influential Mastering

Great leaders are not

perfect. They are confident Person who can communicate
in the choices they make effectively; it means they are
able to listen to others, as well
but they are not afraid to
as successfully relay their own
ask for help if they need it. ideas and opinions.
Life and Values Integration
Share a personal experience of practicing social literacy. What life lesson and values have you realized and
Social literacy is so crucial in a persons’ success. The ability to communicate and voice opinions and
thoughts, as well as listening to opinions and thoughts of others, is essential in learning. Firmly grasping
social cues and norms is extremely beneficial. In literally every single setting of our lives: school, home, work,
clubs and activities, interacting with people (whether face to face or behind technology), we use our social
It is way back 2016 when someone encouraged me to join a Youth Camp in our municipality. I doubted
at first because I don’t really like mingling with many people especially when they are a total stranger. But
my friends were there and persuade me to join. So, I go with the flow at that time, at first it was really
awkward seeing different person from different neighboring municipalities. I just stick with my circle of
friends. While in the middle of the program we were separated, at first I felt alone because I don’t know how
to approach to strangers first. However, people are too friendly they manage interacting with other despite
the fact that we are both strangers and then there I realize I don’t feel shy anymore. I want to be like them
who are confident talking to other people and shared ideas and opinion to one another. I listened to them
while they preach in front of me, and then they let me share my experience in front and I don’t feel
awkwardness anymore. I learned to mingle with them and be confident on interacting people. The camp
ended but the friendship we had with different people didn’t end up until now.
I just learn since then, that I should try mingling other people outside my circle of friends. And I should
not doubt when in terms of social gathering like that Youth Camp where I can learn from what other people
experienced. Since then, I’ve showed myself to everyone just like talking in front of the crowds despite my
flaws, and think of my worth than what people think of me, because at the end of the day I only got myself
whom I could turn to.

Research Analysis and Implication

(Students’ Social Literacy in their daily Journals)

Analysis: How can the practice of daily journal determine students’ social literacy based on the study?

By knowing the existence of social literacy skills in students, it will also be known how students perceive
themselves as an integral part of society and have to contribute to society. The students' social literacy skills
are interesting and important to be analyzed further through their daily journal. The reason is because
students' social literacy abilities show the ability of students in implementing the skills and knowledge they
have as a follow-up to their social cognition.

Implication: What do the findings imply in the light of a teacher’s instructional strategy?
Based on the teacher's answers in the interview, students' understanding of human values also helped
from the learning of Citizenship Education. This is indeed in line with what was stated by Arthur and Davison
that social literacy ability not only arose from learning about the social sciences but also through civics’
education (Arthur & Davison, 2000). Therefore, the finding imply in the light of a teacher’s instructional
strategy is a great helped in teaching-learning process, because study shows that journal can help students
in his/her studies in order to remember the lesson, in this statement it shows that teachers will have no
problem in reminding past lesson because of this journal, and the teaching process will be easy to proceed
on another topic. Motivating students to succeed, however, requires a very demanding task on the part of
the instructor. It takes a range of instructional methods or strategies to attract the attention of students.
Over all the instructor must have an appropriate understanding of the goals and expectations of the
programme, instructional capabilities, values, appreciation and ideals. He wants to make an attempt to guide
children or students to a life that is big, complete, exciting and rewarding.

Curriculum Application
Instructional Material: Visual Aid and Pop – up Screen
Brief Description: Definition of Netiquette and followed by rules of Netiquette. And group
activity that consist of examples of do’s and don’ts of Digitiz

Purpose: To know the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when
using internet or social media platforms.
Topic: Netiquette
Subject: TLE – ICT and/or Media and Information Literacy
Materials: Visual Aid, Pop – up screen, Pictures in popsicles.
The teacher will discuss about netiquette and it rules in using internet or social media platforms.
After the discussion, teacher will let the class group themselves into 4 groups.
The teacher will ask a representative each group to pick the items inside the envelop.
Whatever is being written in the item inside the envelop must be reenact properly by the group for
two-three minutes each scene. And then after they act each scene, they will determine the right
place the picture belong (i.e Be courteous)
Each member of the group will help each other what is being asked to reenact.
The teacher will be the one to do the critique if each groups properly reenact the assigned task.
Then after the critique, whoever group/s reenact properly shall win and explain to the class what
they are executed.
Then after the activity ask one representative to give each opinion about their learning on the given
discussion and activity.

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