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s Credits..................................................................3 s Section 5: Epic Creatures ...........................

s OGL ....................................................................4 s Section 6: Monstrous Races ......................110
s Introduction and Foreword ..........................6 s Section 7: Items .............................................115
s Section 1: Creature Basics .............................6 s New Artifacts ..................................................116
s Section 2: Creature Types and Subtypes . 10 s Appendix 1: NPC Classes ............................122
s Section 3: New Creatures ............................20 s Appendix 2: Summoninc Pacts ................126
s Section 4: Creature Templates ...................92 s Index: Monsters by CR ...............................130


Animals and Vermins .................20 Blazewort .......................................43 Phage ................................................72
Apes ................................................20 Bonfire Spirit ................................44 Predator Ooze ................................73
Bats .................................................21 Daitengu ........................................107 Primordial Tortoise .....................74
Bears ...............................................22 Sojobo ...........................................107 Rokurokubi .....................................75
Crocodiles .......................................23 Ebisu ................................................45 Kurokubi ..........................................77
Eagles .............................................24 Face Stealer ...................................47 Senjin ................................................77
Elephants .......................................25 Face Eater ......................................48 Shuragami .......................................79
Mastodon .....................................26 Flesh Ripper ..................................49 Shinobi no Mono ..........................80
Hawks .............................................27 Hungry Ghosts ..............................50 Kunoichi ..........................................81
Lizards ............................................28 Gaki .................................................51 Shinobi ............................................82
Monkeys .........................................29 Jikininki ..........................................51 Tatsugaeru ......................................82
Octopodes ......................................30 Imperial Hound ............................52 Tengu ................................................84
Scorpions ........................................31 Jaki ...................................................53 Hanataka-Tengu .............................84
Sharks .............................................32 Kama-Itachi ...................................54 Karasu-Tengu .................................85
Snakes ............................................33 Kappa ..............................................56 Vicious Slime .................................86
Tigers ..............................................35 Kazame ...........................................57 Wani ..................................................87
Toads ..............................................36 Kijin .................................................58 Yomijishi .........................................88
Turtles ............................................38 Kirin ...............................................108 Yuki-Onna .......................................90
Tortoise ........................................39 Kiseikuji ..........................................59 Template Sample Creatures ......92
Water Striders ................................39 Kyoryujin ........................................61 Demon Scorpion Kaijuu .................92
Winged Striders ..........................40 Land Shark ....................................62 Gloomwrought Aka-Oni .................95
Wolves ............................................40 Miage-Nyudo .................................63 Glutton Flesh Ripper ......................97
Winter Wolf .................................41 Obsidian Shard .............................65 Giant Bear Obake ...........................98
Animated Objects .........................41 Oni ....................................................67 Common Soldier Unit ...................103
Animated Katana ...........................42 Aka-Oni ..........................................67 Advanced Soldier Unit ..................103
Animated Kunai Swarm ................42 Ao-Oni ............................................68 Wild Bear .......................................105
Animated Mirror ............................43 Kuro-Oni ........................................69
Animated Scarf ..............................43 Shiro-Oni ........................................70
Design and Managing Editor Artist
Frankto Vinneti Esteban "Dokuga Kazu" Schwantes

Design Advisor Proofreaders

Frederick Cross, Franz Thomas, Benjamin Alex Rovinski, Franz Thomas, Sir Shadow
"ZeronosVega" McPherson
Special Thanks
Contributors Frederick Cross, Wizards of the Coast, Skip
Benjamin "ZeronosVega" McPherson, Williams, Charles Ryan, Kishimoto
Franz Thomas Masashi, and the Naruto d20 community!

Thank you!

This Naruto d20 supplement is designed for use with the Naruto d20 and d20 Modern Roleplaying Game
published by Wizards of the Coast™. To be able to comprehend and use the game to its full extent, you
should purchase the d20 Modern Core Rulebook as well as download, entirely free of charge, the Naruto
d20: Scrolls of Knowledge, Volume I rulebook, if you have not already. An alternative solution would be to
read the System Reference Document (SRD) which contains every OGC portion of the rulebook, minus any
artwork and flavor text shown in the original product.

The Naruto d20: The Creatures Compendium contains hordes of new creatures to populate nearly any
campaign world.

This project is distributed for free, and is not intended for monetary gain. If you have purchased this
book, you have been victim of a fraud.

"Naruto: d20" is Copyright ©2004-2019, Frankto Vinneti. Unauthorized distribution of this entirely free
product is strictly forbidden unless you have the authorization of both Frankto Vinneti and Masashi
Kishimoto. All characters related to, and the world of Naruto, are copyright Masashi Kishimoto.

Visit us online at!

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Naruto: d20 is Copyright © Frankto Vinneti. Unauthorized distribution of this entirely free product is strictly forbidden
unless you have the authorization of both Frankto Vinneti and Masashi Kishimoto. All characters related to, and the
world of Naruto, are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Nobuhiro Watsuki and Ken Akamatsu.
The latest installment in the series of free Naruto d20 supplements deal with creatures,
monsters, demons, and beasts, with beings strange and supernatural, and things that go
bump in the night. Though not every variety of monsters is represented in this book, it
should serve as a good base to get a canny GM started!


This book is designed to put a bit of a fantasy twist on the game. Back in its inception in
the strange and distant year of 2012, this was quite a bit more of a stretch than it when
the manga ended a few years later, in 2014.

One of the biggest problems with running a game of Naruto d20 has always been that a
bestiary doesn't exist as an easy tool to create NPCs and run quick adventures without
outrageous amounts of preparations, which many of you have always taken as the nature
of the beast, and that was fine.

Well, this book... doesn't really fix any of that, to be perfectly honest, because there still
isn't an easy way to create NPCs, but it does open up quite a few more options to make a
campaign a little bit stranger and more interesting.

Despite the obvious high fantasy nature of these creations, there should still be a bit of
everything for everyone, from manga staples like giant animals, to monsters like the
miage-nyudo, and sealed items for the avaricious murder hobo in all of us.

I hope you'll be able to enjoy this book with friends, and forgive me for being a few years
too late putting it out!

Until next time, enjoy.

— Frankto Vinneti, the author


In this section we explore new changes on basic game mechanics. This includes new uses
for skills and an update to the way NPC and creature entries are laid out.

New Uses for Skills

With the introduction of new creatures comes a host of new possible situations and
scenario, which can require their own respective skills. Most of these skills involve
specific knowledges covered under the Knowledge skill, but not all. This section will
detail all new uses for skills related to creatures, spirits, and spirit planes.
Ths various knowledge skills are expanded in this section to cover the following
• Arcane Lore: Aberrations, dragons, ooze and outsiders.
• Behavioral Sciences: Fey and shapechangers.
• Civics: Laws and code of conducts employed by various sapient creatures.
• Current Events: Feuds and wars between factions and creatures.
• Earth and Life Sciences: Animals, monstrous humanoids, magical beasts and
• History: Humanoids and kaijuu. Mystical artifacts.
• Physical Sciences: Spirit planes and their features.
• Popular Culture: Local legends surrounding a specific creature or creature type.
• Tactics: Unit creatures. Rare and heroic creatures.
• Technology: Constructs.
• Theology and Philosophy: Spirits, undead and oni.

Languages and Language Groups

Not all, or even many, creatures speak the local language. This book introduces a new
language group that features all of the languages listed in this section: Mystical. All
mystical languages are notoriously difficult, or perhaps even impossible, to learn and are
generally spoken by different creature types.
• Ancient: This language is spoken primarily by creatures that originate from this
plane of existance. It can sometimes be coopted by ancient civilizations as well.
• Fellspeak: This is the language of choice for evil creatures and being whose
intent generally do not align with other living creatures. It is spoken by most
youkai, as well as jaki, oni and hungry ghosts.
• Spirit: This language is not the same as the kami ability of spiritspeak, which
grants them the ability to communicate with their own kind and other creatures
they are related to. It is the universal language of spirits, who can all understand it
if not speak it.

Reading Creature Entries

Creature entries, or statblocks, are organized in a slightly different format in this book.
While it can be navigated fairly easily, it introduces new abbreviations and initialisms
that can create confusion. Each entry, its abbreviated form and definition can be found

The name of the creature, or the race if the creature isn't unique. The creature's descriptive
text might contain more information about its names or nicknames.

Challenge Rating (CR)

The creature's challenge rating represents how much experience it yields when slain or
defeated and is a helpful measuring tool to compare the strength of a party against the
strength of a creature. As a general rule, a party of four should find a creature with a
challenge rating equal to their level only moderately challenging, meaning that they
would incur some damage but no casualties.

Size, Type and Subtype

The creature's size category, which can provide size modifiers to traits such as Grapple
and Hide checks, and determines how large its fighting space and reach is. The creature's
type determine the kind of creature it is, its hit die size, base attack bonus, base saving
throw bonuses and skill points. A creature with a subtype belongs to an even smaller
group of creatures, which may provide the creature with additional traits.

Allegiances (AL)
The creature's allegiance, which represent who or what it is loyal to, and where on the
moral axis it lies.

Hit Points and Hit Dice (hp)

The creature's hit points are generated from the average of its hit dice, plus any bonus hit
points. A creature's hit dice is also treated as its character level to determine how effects
affect the creature, natural healing, and maximum ranks in skills.

Chakra and Reserves

The creature's chakra pool and reserves. This is often used as a fair approximation of its
relative strength. Most creatures gain half the amount of chakra a player character will,
and no chakra reserves. Notable exceptions to this are rare and heroic creatures, as
described below.

Initiative, Reputation and Speed (Init, Rep and Spd)

The creature's Initiative and Reputation bonuses, and movement Speed for all modes of
movement. The GM may decide to use the Reputation bonus as a bonus to all Knowledge
checks made involving that particular creature. In this case, if the check succeeds by a
margin equal to or lesser than the creature's Reputation bonus, it gains a +4 bonus to
Intimidate checks, and the DC of its frightening presence ability increases by 4, if any.

Defense (Def)
The creature's defense against normal and touch attacks, and when caught flat-footed
(note that some creatures cannot be caught flat-footed, which is not always reflected by
its flat-footed defense).

Damage Reduction (DR)

The creature's damage reduction, as well as all the damage types that overcome it.

Immunities (Immune)
The creature's immunities, if any. This includes immunity to conditions, damage types
and specific spells and techniques, which are italicized.

Resistances (Resist)
The creature's resistances to various energy types, if any.
Chakra Resistance (CrR)
The creature's chakra resistance, which protects it against many techniques. In many
situations, the GM may wish to combine spell resistance, power resistance and chakra
resistance under one catch-all ability.

The creature's weaknesses, if it has any. Unless these are common weaknesses, they will
be detailed further in the creature's abilities.

Fortitude, Reflex and Will (Fort, Ref, Will)

The creature's saving throws. Any further bonuses will be stipulated after a semi-colon
and detailed further in the creature's abilities, if needed.

Base Attack and Grapple (Base Atk, Grp)

The creature's base attack bonus is a number derived from its hit dice and creature type,
and a creature's grapple modifier is used when a creature makes or defends against a
grapple attempt. The creature's Grapple bonus is equal to its base attack bonus, modified
by its Strength modifier and size modifier.

Attacks (Atk)
The creature's melee and ranged attacks. This section also includes any of the creature's
special attacks that require an attack roll and target a single creature. Unless otherwise
noted in the creature's entry, these abilities are used as an attack action.

Space and Reach

The creature's fighting space and reach. A creature's fighting space indicates the amount
of space it needs to fight comfortably, not necessarily its total dimensions.

Special Attacks and Special Qualities

All of the creature's special attacks and special abilities. These are always either
Extraordinary abilities, Supernatural abilities or Spell-like abilities.

Ability Scores (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha)

The creature's ability scores. Note that a nonexistent ability score (—) indicates the
creature doesn't have or need a certain ability score, and is not affected by ability damage
or ability drain that affects that ability score.

Skills and Feats

The creature's skills and feats. For non-unique creatures, these usually represent an
average specimen and is heavily subject to change.

The creature's equipment, if it has any. As with skills and feats, this is subject to change
and can heavily influence the creature's challenge rating.

The creature's defining habits, which includes any environment it heavily favors, the
frequency of appearance and the numbers in which it is most often encountered. If no
environment is listed in the creature's entry, it can be found anywhere.

Advancement and Level Adjustment

The creature's advancement entry notes the creature's approximate strength when
encountered at a larger size, or the maximum strength it can reasonably be advanced to
without adding class levels or templates. A creature with a level adjustment has a race
and is expected to advance with one or more levels in character classes rather than gain
hit dice.


Type and subtypes are at the core of what provides a creature with its identity, and
provides critical hints that can help a cunning warrior defeat even the most powerful of
foes. This section serves as an update on the way types and subtypes are presented in the
d20 Modern Core Rulebook™.

As a general rule, all creatures receive one feat plus an additional feat every 3 hit dice it
has, unless specifically noted otherwise in its type or entry. However, the creature's type
is what determines the number of skill points it has. The creature doesn't have class skills
or cross-class skills when it gains hit dice.

Lastly, subtypes are acquired or inherited types that further serve to distinguish one type
of creature from another, and sometimes even provide it with additional ability. For
instance, a technique or ability that targets elementals will target all elementals, some of
which may have subtypes, while an ability that targets spirits will target all spirits, some
of which may be elemental.

Aberration Type: An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien

mindset, or any combination of the three. An aberration has the following features:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Will saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
An aberration possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Proficiency in its natural weapons. If generally humanoid in form, it gains the Simple
Weapons Proficiency feat or the Archaic Weapons Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, and
proficiency in any weapon it is noted to use.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor it is wearing, if any, and all
lighter types.
– Aberrations sleep, eat and breathe.
Animal Type: An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no
magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture. An animal has the
following features:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude and Reflex saves (certain animals have different good saves)
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
An animal possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be
an animal)
– Low-light vision
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat only if the animal is trained for war.
– Animals sleep, eat and breathe.

Aquatic Subtype: This creature is at ease in water and always has a swim speed, and
thus can move in water without a Swim check. An aquatic creature can breathe
underwater, but cannot also breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality.

Construct Type: A construct is an animated object or an artificially constructed creature.

A construct has the following features:
– 10-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– No good saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die, if the construct has an Intelligence score. However, most constructs are
mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
A construct possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– No Constitution score
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Low-light vision
– Immunity to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease
and death effects, critical hits, sneak attacks, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability
drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. A construct is not subject to massive damage,
effects that require a Fortitude save, unless that effect works on objects or is harmless.
– A construct cannot heal damage on its own but can often be repaired by exposing it to
certain effects or using the Repair skill. A construct with the fast healing special quality
still benefits from the ability.
– A construct is not alive, and cannot be resurrected.
– A construct gains bonus hit points depending on its size. Tiny or smaller constructs gain
no bonus hit points, Small constructs gain 10 bonus hit points, Medium constructs gain
20, Large constructs gain 30, Huge constructs gain 40, Gargantuan constructs gain 60,
Colossal constructs gain 80 and Colossal+ constructs gain 100.
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only. If generally humanoid in form, constructs are
proficienct with any weapons they are noted using.
– Constructs do not sleep, eat or breathe.
Dragon Type: A dragon is a reptilian creature, usually winged, with supernatural and
unusual abilities. A dragon has the following features:
– 12-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves
– Skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
A dragon possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Low-light vision
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only. If generally humanoid in form, a dragon gains
the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat as a bonus feat and proficiency in any weapon it is
noted using.
– Dragons sleep, eat and breathe.

Earth Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to earth. It has vulnerability
to electricity and takes one-half again (+50%) as much damage from effects that deal
electricity damage.

Elemental Type: An elemental is a being composed of energy, usually one of the

elements: earth, fire, ice, lightning, water and wind. An elemental has the following
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude (earth, ice or water) or Reflex (fire, lightning or wind)
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
An elemental possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning, as well as critical hits and flanking.
– Unlike most other living creatures, an elemental does not have a dual nature—its soul
and body form one unit. When an elemental is slain, no soul is set loose. Effects that
restore souls or resurrect the dead will not work on an elemental.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor the elemental is wearing, if any,
and all lighter types.
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only. If generally humanoid in form, an elemental
gains the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat as a bonus feat and proficiency in any weapon
it is noted using.
– Elementals do not sleep, eat or breathe.

Fey Type: A fey is a creature with supernatural abilities and connections to nature or to
some other force or place, and are usually human-shaped. A fey has the following
– 6-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Will saves
– Skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
A fey possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Low-light vision
– Proficiency in any weapon the fey is noted using, and Simple Weapons Proficiency or
Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor a fey is wearing, if any, and all
lighter types.
– Feys sleep, eat and breathe.

Fire Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to
water and takes one-half again (+50%) as much damage from effects that deal water

Giant Type: A giant is a humanoid-shaped creature of great strength, usually of at least

Large size. A giant has the following features:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
A giant possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Low-light vision
– Proficiency in any natural weapons. Giants gain the Archaic Weapons Proficiency feat
or the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, and proficiency in any weapon
they are noted using.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor the giant is wearing, if any, and
all lighter types.
– Giants sleep, eat and breathe.

Heroic Subtype: This subtype is usually applied to particularly powerful creatures or

creatures with levels in a character class. A heroic creature gains chakra normally and
also has a chakra reserve.

Holy Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to holy and sleep effects. It has
vulnerability to negative energy and takes one-half again (+50%) as much damage from
effects that deal negative energy damage.

Humanoid Type: A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a
humanlike torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or
extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies.
They usually are Small or Medium. Every humanoid creature also has a subtype.

Humanoids with 1 Hit Die exchange the features of their humanoid Hit Die for the class
features of a PC or NPC class. Humanoids of this sort are presented as 1st-level
enforcers, which means that they have average combat ability and poor saving throws.

Humanoids with more than 1 Hit Die are the only humanoids who make use of the
features of the humanoid type:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Reflex saves (usually; a humanoid's good save may vary)
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
A humanoid possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Simple Weapons Proficiency feat as a bonus feat.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor the humanoid is wearing, if
any, and all lighter types.
– Humanoids sleep, eat and breathe.

Ice Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to cold. It has vulnerability to
fire and takes one-half again (+50%) as much damage from effects that deal fire damage.

Immortal Subtype: The creature is immortal and cannot be killed, regardless of how
mangled its body is. It does not naturally regrow limbs, but severed limbs, even the head,
can be reattached within 1d4 hours and mend, or be sewn back. If the immortal has the
ability to remain conscious below 0 hit points, it can still act normally. If its head is
severed, it remains conscious but does not retain the use of its body.
Typically, the immortal can never die, no matter how badly damaged its body is.
However, some means may exist to permanently kill the immortal, specified in the
creature's entry. Those means usually entail the removal of the immortal's soul and
complete and permanent destruction of its body, such as with the Kamui technique.

Kaijuu Subtype: This subtype is applied to certain Huge or larger animals, dragons,
magical beasts and vermin. Many kaijuu possess one or more of the following traits:
— Damage Reduction 10/chakra
— Resistance to cold 10, earth 10, electricity 10, fire 10, water 10, wind 10
— Immunity to ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain, poison, stunning, as
well as death and fear effects
— Fast Healing 10
— Darkvision out to 60 feet
— Chakra Potency (Su): The kaijuu gains full chakra but no reserves as though it had
the Rare subtype. As long as it has at least half its chakra pool remaining, it gains a +4
deflection bonus to Defense.
— Fear Aura (Su): Any creature that begins its turn within 30 feet of the kaijuu must
make a Will save DC 10+1/2 the kaijuu's hit dice+the kaijuu's Cha modifier or be shaken
for 1d6 rounds.
— Kaijuu Blast (Su): The kaijuu can produce a kaijuu blast every 1d6 rounds as a
standard action. The blast deals 1d6 points of energy damage every 2 hit dice the kaijuu
has, halved on a Reflex save DC 10+1/2 the kaijuu's hit dice+the kaijuu's Con modifier.
The kaijuu blast deals damage either in a 60-ft. cone-shaped burst, a 120-ft. long line, or a
30-ft.-radius burst within 240 feet. The blast costs the kaijuu 1 chakra per damage die.
The energy type and area of the kaijuu blast is determined when the kaijuu gains the
ability. A kaijuu is immune to its own kaijuu blast.
— Hardy (Ex): The kaijuu remains conscious below 0 hit points and continues to act
normally until slain.
— Mutated (Ex): The kaijuu's morphology is drastically different and it gains at least
two of the following mutations:
Fast: The kaijuu's speed across all modes of movement doubles.
Hands: The kaijuu has any two limbs that end in hands with opposable thumbs, allowing
it to manipulate objects and wield weapons.
Natural Armor: The kaijuu's natural armor bonus increases by 5. The kaijuu can gain this
mutation twice.
Natural Attacks: The kaijuu gains one additional primary natural attack or two secondary
natural attacks. Primary attacks include slam, bite, talon, claw, and gore. Secondary
attacks include tail slaps, wings, and tentacles. The kaijuu can gain this mutation twice.
Size Primary Secondary
Huge 1d8 1d6
Gargantuan 2d6 1d8
Colossal 2d8 2d6
Colossal+ 4d6 2d8
Sapient: The kaijuu's Intelligence score increases to 8, and it learns to speak one
language. This mutation is only available to magical beast kaijuu.
— Sweeping Attacks (Ex): The kaijuu's natural attacks target all creature in a 5-ft.
square instead of a single creature. If the kaijuu is Colossal or larger, its attacks target a
10-ft. square instead.
— Unstoppable (Ex): The kaijuu gains a +20 bonus on overrun and break checks. It can
make one overrun or break attempt as a free action whenever it charges.

Kami Subtype: The kami are a type of spirits that personify countless aspects of the
world, and are often worshipped as such. Kami are ancestral spirits and animals; forces of
nature, both protector and aggressors.
Generally, the kami has a purpose, be it a region to protect or aid in some way, or a cause
to vindicate. Most kami possess the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the
creature's entry:
– Immune to possession, petrification, energy drain and form-altering effects.
– Resistance to cold 10, fire 10.
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Reputation equal to one-half the kami's challenge rating, rounded down.
– Unlike other outsiders, most kami need to breathe, eat and sleep unless specified
otherwise in the creature's statistics.
– Fast Regeneration (Su): All kami possess this ability to some degree. A kami
continues to regenerate until its soulstone is destroyed. The kami's soulstone is concealed
inside its body until the kami is reduced to –1 hit points or lower, at which point it is
exposed. Unless specified otherwise, a soulstone has 5 hit points.
– Soulstone (Ex): A kami's soulstone is the source of its power, and it ranges in size from
a fingernail to the size of a human fist; sometimes, in some rare cases, even larger. The
kami continues to regenerate until the soulstone is either destroyed or removed from its
body (usually accomplished by reducing a kami to negative hit points or forcing the it
into a pin when the soulstone is exposed).
When separated from the kami's body, a soulstone has a chakra pool equal to the kami's
challenge rating, which will replenish itself every 24 hours. If a soulstone is reduced to 0
chakra, it is destroyed; otherwise, it will reform a new body in 1d4 weeks unless
completely enclosed in salt or otherwise prevented from doing so (at the GM's
– Spiritspeak (Su): All kami have this ability, which enables it to communicate with and
comprehend any creature with an Intelligence score, though it is usually restricted to a
single type of creatures.

Lightning Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to electricity. It has
vulnerability to wind and takes one-half again (+50%) as much damage from effects that
deal wind damage.

Magical Beast Type: Magical beasts are similar to animals but can have Intelligence
scores higher than 2. Magical beasts usually have supernatural or extraordinary abilities,
but sometimes are merely bizarre in appearance or habits. A magical beast has the
following features:
– 10-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude and Reflex saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
A magical beast possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Low-light vision
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only.
– Magical beasts sleep, eat and breathe.

Monstrous Humanoid Type: Monstrous humanoids are similar to humanoids, but with
monstrous or animalistic features. They often have supernatural abilities as well. A
monstrous humanoid has the following features:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice
– Good Reflex and Will saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
A monstrous humanoid possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the
creature's entry:
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only. Monstrous humanoids gain the Archaic
Weapons Proficiency feat or the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, and
proficiency in any weapon they are noted using.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor the monstrous humanoid is
wearing, if any, and all lighter types.
– Monstrous humanoids sleep, eat and breathe.

Oni Subtype: This subtype is applied to oni or creatures directly descended from them,
usually humanoids, giants or outsiders.
Ooze Type: An ooze is an amorphous or mutable creature, usually mindless. Oozes has
the following features:
– 10-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 its total total Hit Dice
– No good save
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die, if the ooze has an intelligence score. However, most oozes are mindless and
gain no skill points or feats.
Oozes possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Mindless oozes are immune to all mind-affecting effects.
– Blind (but have the blindsight special quality), and immune to gaze attacks, visual
effects, illusions and other effects that rely on sight.
– Immune to poison, sleep effects, stunning and form-altering effects, as well as critical
hits and flanking.
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only.
– Oozes eat and breathe, but do not sleep.

Outsider Type: An outsider is at least partially composed of the essence of a spirit or

spirit plane. Some creatures start out as some other type and become outsiders when they
attain a higher (or lower) state of spiritual existence. An outsider has the following
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves
– Skill points equal to (8 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die.
An outsider possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Unlike most other living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature—its soul
and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Effects that
restore souls or resurrect the dead will not work on an outsider.
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only. Outsiders gain the Simple Weapons Proficiency
feat as a bonus feat, and proficiency in any weapon they are noted using.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor the outsider is wearing, if any,
and all lighter types.
– Outsiders breathe, but do not sleep or eat (although they can if they wish to). Native
outsides sleep, eat and breathe.

Plant Type: This type comprises vegetable creatures. Note that regular plants, such as
one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores (see
Nonabilities) and are not creatures, but objects, even though they are alive. A plant has
the following features:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die, if the plant has an Intelligence score. However, some plants are mindless
and gain no skill points or feats.
A plant possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Low-light vision
– Immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning and form-
altering effects, as well as critical hits.
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only.
– Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.

Rare Subtype: A rare creature is more powerful than its peers. Unlike other nonheroic
creatures, a rare creature gains chakra normally, but has no chakra reserve.

Shapechanger Subtype: A shapechanging creature has the supernatural ability to assume

one or more alternate forms. There are many effects that allow some kind of shape
shifting, so not every creature that can change shape has the shapechanger subtype.
A shapechanger possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's
– Proficiency with all simple weapons and its natural weapons, and any weapon
mentioned in the creature's description.
– Proficiency with any type of armor mentioned in the creature's description, as well as
any lighter forms. If no armor is mentioned, the shapechanger is not proficient in any
armor. The shapechanger is proficient with shields if it is proficient with any type of

Spirit Subtype: A spirit creature is usually fey, elemental, outsider, undead or a dragon.
They are not necessarily incorporeal or the spirit of dead creatures; some spirits are flesh
and blood.

Undead Type: A construct is an animated object or an artificially constructed creature. A

construct has the following features:
– 12-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Will save
– Skill points equal to (4 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die, if the undead has an Intelligence score. However, some undeads are
mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
An undead possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– No Constitution score. An undead uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Immunity to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease
and death effects, critical hits, sneak attacks, nonlethal damage, ability drain, fatigue,
exhaustion, or energy drain.
– An undead is immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and
Constitution), and is not subject to massive damage or any effects that require a Fortitude
save, unless that effect works on objects or is harmless.
– An undead cannot cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score,
although it can be healed. Negative energy can heal undead creatures. The fast healing
special quality still workd regardless of the undead's intelligence score.
– Proficiency in its natural weapons. Undeads gain the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat
as a bonus feat, and proficiency in any weapon they are noted using.
– Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat for the type of armor the undead is wearing, if any,
and all lighter types.
– Undeads do not sleep, eat or breathe.

Unholy Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to negative energy and
energy drain. It has vulnerability to holy and takes one-half again (+50%) as much
damage from effects that deal holy damage.

Vermin Type: This type includes insects, arachnids, other arthropods, worms, and
similar invertebrates. A vermin has the following features:
– 8-sided Hit Dice
– Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 of its total Hit Dice
– Good Fortitude saves
– Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Dice, quadruple that for the
first Hit Die, if the vermin has an Intelligence score. However, most vermins are mindless
and gain no skill points or feats.
A vermin possesses the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Mindless oozes are immune to all mind-affecting effects.
– Darkvision out to 60 feet
– Proficiency in its natural weapons only.
– Vermins breathe, eat and sleep.

Youkai Subtype: A youkai is, in some ways, the antithesis to the kami. Mischievous and
often destructive, they operate without purpose or direction, following their whims and
basic urges no matter the consequences. When a youkai is killed, it quickly disappears,
leaving any who encounter it wondering if the encounter had been imagined, or if the
creatured had been a ghost.
Most youkai possess the following traits, unless otherwise noted in the creature's entry:
– Immune to fear, poison, and possession.
– Resistance to acid 10, electricity 10.
– See in Darkness (Su): Most youkai can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, naturally-
occuring or otherwise.
– Reputation equal to one-half the youkai's challenge rating, rounded down.
– Youkai usually have the chaos allegiance, and many also have the evil allegiance.
– Ephemereal (Su): A number of rounds after a youkai's death equal to the youkai's hit
dice, the youkai's body dissolves into wisps of energy that quickly dissipate, leaving few,
if any, traces of its existance.
Unless otherwise noted, youkai capable of using and understanding language speak

Water Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to water. It has vulnerability
to earth and takes half again (+50%) as much damage from effects that deal earth damage.

Wind Subtype: A creature with this subtype has immunity to wind. It has vulnerability
to fire and takes half again (+50%) as much damage from effects that deal fire damage.
In this section, you will find 79 new monsters, each one at least partially inspired by myth
and folklore, usually but not necessarily Japanese. While these creatures are meant to be
used with the Naruto d20: Scrolls of Knowledge rules, they are also compatible with d20
Modern and Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition with only minimal adjustments. They
can also be modified with new or existing templates found in a later section, character
class levels or the new NPC classes found in Section IX: Indexes.

These creatures are meant to supplement a campaign world rather than create it entirely,
and some pruning is encouraged. In other words, while it is possible for all the monsters
listed in this section to coexist with each other and as well as sentient, non-monstrous
races, this isn't always the best direction to take in a given campaign. As such, what does
and doesn't exist is ultimately left at the GM's discretion!

Several creature entries are laid out as groups that contain one or more monsters that fall
under the same banner. This is done to keep the section in a sensible monster and limit
the amount of page turning necessary to referrence closely-related monsters. Lastly, some
monsters have an additional subheading listing a variation on the monster that alters its
stats, but not in a significant-enough manner to warrant its own entry.

Animals and Vermins

This entry provides statistics and information for animals, but also for their giant
counterpart. While not entirely common, giant animal and giant vermin are not unheard
of in many settings and can provide a good challenge when pitted against heroes at any

Any animal or vermin of Huge size or larger can gain the kaijuu subtype when advanced
beyond its starting hit dice, or when advanced to Huge size or larger, at the GM's
discretion. Particularly powerful specimens may even gain one or several of the kaijuu
subtype's bonus traits, at the GM's discretion.

Apes are powerful omnivores that resemble gorillas, but are much more aggressive; apes
kill and eat anything they can catch.

An adult ape is usually between 5 to 6 feet tall and can weigh between 300 and 400
pounds, but giant ape stands 9 feet tall or more and weighs at least 1,200 pounds.

Apes pummel their foes with slam attacks and tear into them with bite attacks.
Skills: Apes and giant apes gain a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always
choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.
Ape (CR 2)
Large animal; AL none
hp 29 (4d8+11); chakra 9
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
Base Atk +3; Grp +12
Atk 2 slams +7 melee (1d6+5) and bite +2 melee (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 21, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills Climb +14, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats Alertness, Toughness
Habits warm forests and jungles; solitary, pair or company (3-5)
Advancement 5–8 HD (Large)

Giant Ape (CR 4)

Large animal; AL none
hp 48 (6d8+21); chakra 16
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Def 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Base Atk +4; Grp +14
Atk 2 slams +10 melee (1d6+6) and bite +4 melee (1d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 23, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills Climb +14, Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
Habits list habits; encounter sizes
Advancement 7–15 HD (Large); 16–21 HD (Huge); 22–36 HD (Gargantuan)

Bats are usually omnivorous hunters with a very keen sense of hearing and, contrary to
rumors, a very keen eyesight as well.

Bats are small, with a wingspan around a foot, and usually weigh less than 2 pounds.
Giant bats, however, are about 4 feet long and have a wingspan up to 12 feet wide, and
can weigh up to 200 pounds.

Bats rely on their keen senses and echolocation to find prey.
Skills: Bats and giant bats gain a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Bat (CR 1/8)
Diminutive animal; AL none
hp 2 (½d8); chakra 1
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Def 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+4 size, +2 Dex)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Base Atk +0; Grp -10
Atk bite +6 melee (1d3-5)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Qualities blindsense 20 ft., low-light vision
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills Hide +15, Listen +7, Move Silently +3, Spot +7
Feats Weapon Finesse
Habits caves, temperate climate; colony (10–100)

Giant Bat (CR 2)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 16 (3d8+3); chakra 5
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Atk bite +3 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities blindsense 30 ft., low-light vision
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills Hide +5, Listen +10, Move Silently +5, Spot +10
Feats Alertness, Flyby AttackB, Stealthy
Habits caves, temperate climate; solitary, pair, colony (2–12)
Advancement 4–6 HD (Medium); 7–15 HD (Large); 16–25 HD (Huge); 26–35 HD

Bears are forest-dwelling animals that usually keep to themselves, not dangerous unless
its cubs or food supply are threatened.

A bear can have black, blond or brown fur, is usually no more than 6 feet long and
weighs around 300 pounds, while a typical giant bear stand 14 feet tall when it rears up
and weighs upwards of 7,000 pounds.

Bears maul their prey with their claws and teeth.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a giant bear must hit with a claw attack. It can
then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Skills: Bears and giant bears gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Bear (CR 2)
Medium animal; AL none
hp 19 (3d8+6); chakra 7
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Atk 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d6+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills Climb +4, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +8
Feats Endurance, Run
Habits forests; solitary or in pair
Advancement 4–6 HD (Medium)

Giant Bear (CR 4)

Large animal; AL none
hp 59 (7d8+28); chakra 22
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 15, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural)
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3
Base Atk +5; Grp +17
Atk 2 claws +12 melee (1d8+8) and bite +7 melee (2d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 27, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills Climb +8, Listen +5, Spot +6, Swim +12
Feats Endurance, Run, Track
Habits forests; solitary or in pair
Advancement 8–14 HD (Large); 15–33 HD (Huge); 34–43 HD (Gargantuan)

Crocodiles and giant crocodiles are ambush predators, hiding in marshes or shallow water
until their prey comes near. Crocodile attacks of all kinds are always vicious and usually

A crocodile is about 10 to 12 feet long and weighs around 1,000 pounds. Giant crocodiles
are around 20 feet long and weigh up to 1 ton.

Crocodiles are lurkers, preferring until prey comes to them and it down with a quick and
vicious attack before it can react, or dragging it underwater until it drowns.
Improved Grab (Ex): A crocodile that hits a target with its bite attack can make a free
Grapple attempt without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Hold Breath (Ex): A crocodile can hold its breath underwater for a number of rounds
equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning (68 rounds for the
average crocodile, or 76 for a giant crocodile).
Skills: Crocodiles and giant crocodiles gain a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks and on
Hide checks while in water. Furthermore, a crocodile can always take 10 on Swim checks
and can take the run action while swimming, provided it runs in a straight line.

Crocodile (CR 2)
Medium animal; AL none
hp 22 (3d8+9); chakra 8
Init +5; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2
Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Atk bite +6 melee (1d8+6) or tail slap +6 melee (1d12+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab
Special Qualities hold breath, low-light vision
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills Hide +4 (+12 while in water), Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +13
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative
Habits warm or tropical jungles, rivers or marshes; solirary, pair or bask (3–12)
Advancement 4–5 HD (Medium)

Giant Crocodile (CR 4)

Large animal; AL none
hp 51 (6d8+24); chakra 19
Init +4; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
Def 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (–1 size, +8 natural)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +3
Base Atk +4; Grp +16
Atk bite +11 melee (2d6+12) or tail slap +11 melee (3d6+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab
Special Qualities hold breath, low-light vision
Str 27, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills Hide +0 (+8 while in water), Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +17
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative
Habits warm or tropical jungles, rivers or marshes; solirary, pair or bask (3–9)
Advancement 7–11 HD (Large); 12–25 HD (Huge); 26–40 HD (Gargantuan)

Eagles are the majestic kings of the sky, larger than most raptors and a capable hunter in
its own right.

An eagle is usually about 3 feet in length and possesses a wingspan of about 7 feet,
weighing in at around 10 pounds. A giant eagle, on the other hand, is at least 7 feet long
with a wingspan of 20 feet, and weighs around 650 pounds.

Eagles usually attack with their talons and beak.
Skills: Eagles and giant eagles gain a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks.

Eagle (CR 1/2)

Small animal; AL none
hp 5 (1d8+1); chakra 4
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Def 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Base Atk +0; Grp –4
Atk talons +3 melee (1d4) and bite –2 melee (1d4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills Listen +4, Spot +16
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
Habits mountains; solitary or pair
Advancement 2–3 HD (Medium)

Giant Eagle (CR 3)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 32 (5d8+10); chakra 11
Init +4; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Def 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3
Base Atk +3; Grp +12
Atk 2 talons +7 melee (1d8+5) and bite +2 melee (1d8+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills Listen +4, Spot +20
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack
Habits mountains; solitary or pair
Advancement 6–7 HD (Medium); 8–17 HD (Large); 18–28 HD (Huge); 29–37 HD

Usually docile, the elephant is a force to be reckoned with when pressed and tends to
have no natural predators.

Elephants are usually around 10 feet tall and weigh around 13,000 pounds. Giant
elephants, however, are a staggering 15 feet tall and weigh at least 20,000 lbs.
Elephants attack by stamping and stomping or goring their hapless, unfortunate foes.
Trample (Ex): The elephant can trample every enemy in its path moving twice his speed,
dealing damage equal to its gore attack. Opponents can take an attack of opportunity at a
–4 penalty or make a Reflex save (DC 25, or DC 28 for a giant elephant) for half. The
save DCs are Strength-based.

Elephant (CR 7)
Huge animal; AL none
hp 107 (11d8+58); chakra 39
Init +0; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 15, touch 8, flat-footed 15 (–2 size, +7 natural)
Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +6
Base Atk +8; Grp +26
Atk slam +16 melee (2d6+10) and 2 stamps +11 melee (2d6+5); or gore +16
melee (2d8+15)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks trample 2d8+15
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 30, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Skills Listen +12, Spot +10
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, Toughness
Habits plains; solitary or herd (6–30)
Advancement 12–22 HD (Huge)

Giant Elephant (CR 11)

Huge animal; AL none
hp 167 (14d8+104); chakra 64
Init +0; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 19, touch 8, flat-footed 19 (–2 size, +11 natural)
Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +7
Base Atk +10; Grp +30
Atk slam +20 melee (2d6+12) and 2 stamps +15 melee (2d6+6); or gore +20
melee (2d8+18)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks trample 2d8+18
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 35, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Skills Listen +14, Spot +12
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, Toughness (2)
Habits plains; solitary or herd (6–30)
Advancement 15–24 HD (Huge); 25–44 HD (Gargantuan)

This arctic, distant relative of the elephant is clumsier, but tougher and all but imprevious
to cold. To create a mastodon, give a giant elephant the cold subtype, reduce its Dexterity
score by 2, increase its natural armor and Constitution score each by 2, increase the gaint
elephant's challenge rating increases by 1, and change its type to magical beast.

The hawk is a bird of prey that can take down prey sometimes up to twice its size. It
prefers to nest in high, remote locations such as mountains or very large trees.

A hawk is usually about 1 to 2 feet in length and possesses a wingspan of about 6 feet,
weighing in at around 3 pounds. A giant hawk, on the other hand, can measure up to 6
feet in length with a wingspan up to 12 feet and can weigh up to 150 pounds.

Hawks usually attack with their talons.
Skills: Hawks and giant hawks gain a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks.

Hawk (CR 1/3)

Tiny animal; AL none
hp 4 (1d8); chakra 1
Init +3; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Def 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Base Atk +0; Grp –10
Atk talons +5 melee (1d4–2)
Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills Listen +4, Spot +16
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
Habits any forest, hill, plains or mountains; solitary or pair

Giant Hawk (CR 2)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 22 (4d8+4); chakra 7
Init +4; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Def 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +3
Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Atk 2 talons +8 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 11
Skills Listen +8, Move Silently +4, Spot +16
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus (talons)
Habits any forest, hill, plains or mountains; solitary or pair
Advancement 5–8 HD (Medium); 9–19 HD (Large); 20–26 HD (Huge); 27–39 HD
Most species of lizards are small and no threat to predators and humans. Some species
have have a poisonous bite, which it uses to hunt larger prey or deter predators.

A lizard is usually less than 2 feet long and weighs about a pound, while a giant lizard is a
much larger and more vicious creature, about 10 feet long from snout to tail and weighing
900 pounds.

Lizards rip into their prey with their sharp teeth.
Poison: Some species of lizards have a venomous bites. A lizard's poison deals 1d3
points of Strength damage as initial and secondary damage, with a Fortitude save DC 10.
A giant lizard's poison deals 1d8 points of Strength damage instead and has a DC 13. The
save DCs are Constitution-based.
Skills: Lizards and giant lizards gain a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks. They also
have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always take 10 on Climb checks. Lizards
use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb checks.

Lizard (CR 1/8)

Tiny animal; AL none
hp 2 (½ d8); chakra 1
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Def 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +2 Dex)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Base Atk +0; Grp –12
Atk bite +4 melee (1d4–4)
Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +12, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3
Feats Stealthy, Weapon FinesseB
Habits warm forests and jungles; solitary

Giant Lizard (CR 1)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 13 (2d8+4); chakra 5
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Def 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Atk bite +4 melee (1d8+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills Balance +9, Climb +14, Hide +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +3, Spot +4
Feats Stealthy
Habits warm forests and jungles; solitary
Advancement 3–5 HD (Medium); 6–16 HD (Large); 17–27 HD (Huge); 28–37 HD

Most monkeys can be found in warm climates, often in forests and jungles. Though they
are omnivores, they tend to eat mostly plants and insects.

An adult monkey is usually between 1 to 2 feet tall and can weigh between 20 and 40
pounds, while a giant monkey is about 6 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds.

Monkeys tear into their foes with bite and claws.
Skills: Monkeys and giant monkeys have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can
always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Monkey (CR 1/8)

Tiny animal; AL none
hp 4 (1d8); chakra 2
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+2 size, +2 Dex)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Base Atk +0; Grp –12
Atk bite +4 melee (1d3–4)
Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Skills Balance +10, Climb +10, Escape Artist +2, Hide +10, Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats Focused, Weapon FinesseB
Habits warm forests and jungles; solitary, troop (10-40)
Advancement 2–3 HD (Small)

Giant Monkey (CR 2)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 32 (5d8+10); chakra 11
Init +3; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Def 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2
Base Atk +3; Grp +5
Atk bite +6 melee (1d6+2) and 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision
Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Skills Balance +14, Climb +11, Escape Artist +5, Hide +4, Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats Alertness, Focused, Weapon FinesseB
Habits warm forests; solitary, troop (10-40)
Advancement 5–6 HD (Medium); 7–16 HD (Large); 16–25 HD (Huge); 26–35 HD

Octopodes are some of nature's best ambush predator. In contrast to the normal octopus'
shy nature, a giant octopus is very territorial and aggressively defends its territory if

An octopus has arms up to a few feet in length and usually weighs no more than 50
pounds. A giant octopus, however, has tentacles up to 20 feet long or more, and can
weigh up to 1,500 pounds.

Octopodes attack lash out with their constricting tentacles and devour their prey with
hidden beaks.
Constrict (Ex): A giant octopus can deal 2d8+6 points of damage on a successful grapple
Improved Grab (Ex): An octopus that hits a target with a tentacle attack can make a free
Grapple attempt without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it successfully grapples an
opponent, it immediately deals bite damage. A giant octopus can constrict instead of
dealing bite damage.
Ink Cloud (Ex): An octopus can produce a 10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet cube of jet-black
ink once every minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment to any
creature inside it. A giant octopus' ink could is 20 feet by 20 feet by 20 feet.
Jet (Ex): An octopus can jet backwards once per round as a full-round action and travel
up to 200 feet. The octopus must travel in a straight line and does not provoke attacks of
Tentacles (Ex): A giant octopus' tentacles have 10 hit points each. If a giant octopus is
grappling a target with that a tancle that is being attack, it usually uses another tentacle to
make an attack of opportunity against sunder attempts, if any. Severing a giant octopus'
tentacle deals 5 points of damage to the octopus. It regrows severed tentacles in 1d10+10

A giant octopus usually withdraws if it loses 4 or more tentacles.

Skills: Octopodes and giant octopodes can change colour, granting it a +4 racial bonus on
Hide checks. It can also squeeze through improbably tight spaces, providing a +10 racial
bonus on Escape Artist checks. Furthermore, it can always take 10 on Swim checks and
gains a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.

Octopus (CR 1)
Small animal; AL none
hp 9 (2d8); chakra 3
Init +3; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., swim 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 4, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Base Atk +1; Grp +0
Atk tentacles +5 melee (1d3+1) and bite +0 melee (1d3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab
Special Qualities ink cloud, jet, low-light vision
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3
Skills Escape Artist +14, Hide +12, Listen +2, Spot +2, Swim +10
Feats Weapon Finesse
Habits aquatic; solitary or group (2–8)
Advancement 3–6 HD (Medium)

Giant Octopus (CR 7)

Large animal; AL none
hp 44 (7d8+13); chakra 11
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Def 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3
Base Atk +5; Grp +14
Atk 8 tentacles +9 melee (1d4+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tentacles)
Special Attacks improved grab, constrict 2d8+6
Special Qualities ink cloud, jet, low-light vision, tentacles
Str 20, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3
Skills Escape Artist +14, Hide +4, Listen +5, Spot +6, Swim +14
Feats Alertness, Toughness (2)
Habits aquatic; solitary
Advancement 8–14 HD (Large); 15–25 HD (Huge); 26–38 HD (Gargantuan)

Though usually passive, scorpions can become very aggressive when disturbed, or when
hunting or defending its territory.

A scorpion measures about 8 inches in length including its stinger, and weighs less than a
pound. A giant scorpion, on the other hand, can be up to 7 feet long and weigh up to 200

Scorpions snap at their prey with their pincers and weaken them with their poisonous
Constrict (Ex): A scorpion deals automatic claw damage on a successful grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a scorpion must hit with a claw attack. A
scorpion can use either its Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for grapple checks,
whichever is better.
Poison (Ex): A scorpion has a poisonous sting that can inject venom that deals 1 point of
Constitution damage as initial and secondary damage with a Fortitude save DC 12.

A giant scorpion's poison deals 1d3 points of Constitution damage as initial and
secondary damage, with a Fortitude save DC 14. The damage increases by 1 die size
every per size category above Medium.The save DCs are Constitution-based.
Skills: Scorpions and giant scorpions gain a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Spot

Scorpion (CR 1/4)

Tiny vermin; AL none
hp 3 (½ d8+1); chakra 1
Init +0; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft.
Def 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +2 natural)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0
Base Atk +0; Grp –8
Atk 2 claws +2 melee (1d2–4) and sting –3 melee (1d2–4 plus poison)
Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks constrict 1d2–4, improved grab, poison
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits
Str 3, Dex 10, Con 13, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills Climb +0, Hide +12, Spot +4
Feats Weapon FinesseB
Habits warm deserts; colony (8–16)

Giant Scorpion (CR 2)

Medium vermin; AL none
hp 26 (4d8+8); chakra 9
Init +0; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1
Base Atk +3; Grp +5
Atk 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+2) and sting +0 melee (1d4+1 plus poison)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks constrict 1d4+2, improved grab, poison
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits
Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills Climb +6, Hide +5, Spot +5
Habits warm deserts; colony (2–5)
Advancement 5–6 HD (Medium); 7–12 HD (Large); 13–25 HD (Huge); 26–38 HD

Sharks are aggressive, carnivorous fish but generally no threat to anyone or anything who,
itself, doesn't bother the shark first. A hungry shark that smells blood, however, is likely
to attack unprovoked.

A shark is usually 5 to 7 feet long and weighs up to 300 pounds. A giant shark, however,
can be 15 feet long and weigh 1 ton or more.
Sharks like to circle their prey and take time to observe its movement before closing in
for the kill with its powerful jaws.
Keen Scent (Ex): A shark can detect creatures by scent out to 180 feet, and smell blood
in water up to 1 mile away.
Skills: Sharks and giant sharks gain a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. In addition, a
shark can always take 10 on Swim checks and can take the run action while swimming,
provided it swims in a straight line.

Shark (CR 1)
Medium animal; AL none
hp 16 (3d8+3); chakra 5
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd swim 60 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Atk bite +4 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities blindsense 30 ft., keen scent
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +9
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Habits aquatic; solitary, school (2–5) or frenzy (4–10)
Advancement 4–6 HD (Medium)

Giant Shark (CR 3)

Large animal; AL none
hp 38 (7d8+7); chakra 11
Init +6; Rep +0; Spd swim 60 ft.
Def 17, touch 1, flat-footed 15 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Base Atk +5; Grp +8
Atk bite +7 melee (1d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities blindsense 30 ft., keen scent
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills Listen +8, Spot +8, Swim +11
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude
Habits aquatic; solitary, school (2–5) or frenzy (4–10)
Advancement 8–12 HD (Large); 13–20 HD (Huge); 21–38 HD (Gargantuan)

Snakes are usually peaceful animals who like to sneak up on their prey, and usually flee
when confronted. Giant snakes are much more aggressive, and the larger specimen will
often eat anything that enter its territory.
A snake is about 6 feet long and weighs about 30 pounds. A giant snake is at least 12 feet
long and weighs 300 pounds or more.

Snakes rely on their powerful constricting bodies or poisonous bites to kill their prey.
Constrict (Ex): Some species of snakes can constrict. A snake with this ability also has
improved grab. On a successful grapple check, the snake deals 1d4+3 points of damage.
A giant snake's constrict damage is 1d6+6.
Improved Grab (Ex): A snake with the constrict ability can make a free Grapple attempt
when it hits with a bite attack. If successful, it establishes a hold and immediately
Poison (Ex): Some species of snakes have a venomous bites. A snake's poison deals 1d4
points of Constitution damage as initial and secondary damage, with a Fortitude save DC
10. A giant snake's poison has a DC 12. The save DCs are Constitution-based.
Skills: Snakes and giant snakes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks
and a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb and Swim checks. A snake can always take 10
on a Climb or Swim check and use its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier,
whichever is higher. A snake can also use the run action while swimming, provided it
swims in a straight line.

Snake (CR 1/2)

Small animal; AL none
hp 4 (1d8); chakra 2
Init +7; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Def 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Atk bite +5 (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d4+1), improved grab, poison
Special Qualities scent
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills Balance +12, Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +8, Spot +8, Swim +10
Feats AlertnessB, Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB
Habits forests; solitary
Advancement 2 HD (Small)

Giant Snake (CR 2)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 19 (3d8+6); chakra 5
Init +6; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Def 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Atk bite +6 melee (1d6+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d4+1), improved grab, poison
Special Qualities scent
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills Balance +11, Climb +12, Hide +7, Listen +9, Spot +9, Swim +11
Feats AlertnessB, Improved Initiative, Toughness
Habits forests; solitary
Advancement 4–5 HD (Medium); 6–10 HD (Large); 11–19 HD (Huge); 20–36 HD

These great cats are some of the world's finest ambush predators, patiently waiting for
their next meal and striking when it lets down its guard.

A tiger is 4 feet tall at the shoulder and about 9 feet long, and weighs about 600 pounds.
A giant tiger is at least 6 feet tall at the shoulder, 12 feet long, and weighs at least 1 ton.

Tigers ambush their prey and unleash devastating assaults in seconds with claws, bite and
raking attacks.
Improved Grab (Ex): A tiger who hits an enemy with a claw or bite attack can make a
Grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If successful,
it establishes a hold and can rake.
Rake (Ex): A tiger can rake as a melee attack with a +9 bonus to hit and deals 1d8+3
points of damage. A giant tiger's rake is at a +16 bonus and deals 2d6+4 points of
Pounce (Ex): A tiger who charges can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.
Skills: Tigers and giant tigers gain a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Hide and Move Silently
checks. In areas of tall grass, the bonus to Hide checks improves to +8.

Tiger (CR 4)
Large animal; AL none
hp 45 (6d8+18); chakra 17
Init +6; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Base Atk +4; Grp +14
Atk 2 claws +9 (1d8+6) and bite +4 melee (2d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab, pounce, rake (1d8+3)
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills Balance +8, Hide +4 (+8 in tall grass), Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +4, Swim
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative
Habits warm or tropical climates; solitary or pair
Advancement 7–11 HD (Large)
Giant Tiger (CR 9)
Large animal; AL none
hp 102 (12d8+48); chakra 37
Init +6; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 18, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural)
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +5
Base Atk +9; Grp +21
Atk 2 claws +17 melee (2d6+8) and bite +11 melee (2d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab, pounce, rake (2d6+4)
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills Balance +9, Hide +8 (+12 in tall grass), Listen +6, Move Silently +11, Spot +5,
Swim +11
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (claw)
Habits warm or tropical climates; solitary or pair
Advancement 12–14 HD (Large); 15–25 HD (Huge); 26–40 HD (Gargantuan)

Toads are peaceful herbivores who live in jungles, swamps and marshes. They are almost
never aggressive and flee when confronted, but some species of toads can secrete a potent
hallucinogenic that can be harmful to many creatures.

A toad is usually a few inches high and weighs no more than a pound. A giant toad,
however, is 4 feet tall and weighs at least 120 pounds.

Toads are not combative creatures, but can capture prey and defend itself with their
powerful legs and tongue.
Poison (Ex): Some species of toads secrete poison though their skin. Any contact with
such a toad, including though grapple, tongue or slam attack, inflicts the effect of the
poison. A toad's poison deals 1d4 points of Dexterity and Wisdom damage as initial and
secondary damage, with a Fortitude save (DC 12). A giant toad's poison deals A lizard's
poison deals 1d6 points of damage instead and has a DC 13. The save DCs are
Constitution-based and include a +2 racial bonus.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A giant toad who reaches Large size or larger can attempt to
swallow Small or smaller opponents it grabbed with its tongue by making a successful
Grapple checks. Once iside the toad's stomach, a creature suffers 1d6+5 points of damage
and 1d4 points of acid damage per round from the giant toad's digestive juices. A
swallowed creature can try to cut its way out using a light slashing or piercing weapon by
dealing 20 points of damage to the toad's digestive track (Defense 16). Once a creature
escapes, a muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own
way out.
A Large giant toad can swallow 1 Small creature, 2 Tiny, 8 Diminutive or 32 Fine
creatures. A Huge toad can swallow 1 Medium, 2 Small, 8 Tiny, 32 Diminutive smaller
creatures, and a Gargantuan toad can swallow 1 Large, 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny or
smaller creatures.
Tongue (Ex): A toad can make grapple attempts with its tongue at doubled reach. A
giant toad can also deliver a slam attack with its tongue. If it hits, a giant toad can make a
Grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. When a
giant toad reaches Large size or larger, its tongue quadruples its reach instead of doubling
Skills: Toads and giant toads gain a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks and a +8 racial bonus
on Jump checks. A toad can uses its Dexterity modifier instead of Strength modifier when
making Jump checks, whichever is higher.

Toad (CR 1/8)

Diminutive animal (aquatic); AL none
hp 1 (1/4d8); chakra 1
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 5 ft.
Def 15, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 size, +1 Dex)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Base Atk +0; Grp -17
Atk slam –1 (0)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks poison
Special Qualities amphibious, low-light vision, tongue
Str 1, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills Hide +22, Jump +9, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats Alertness
Habits jungles, marshes and swamps; knot (10–100)
Advancement 1/2–1 HD (Diminutive)

Giant Toad (CR 1)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 9 (2d8); chakra 3
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Atk slam +2 (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tongue)
Special Attacks poison, swallow whole
Special Qualities amphibious, low-light vision, tongue
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills Hide +6, Jump +11, Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats Alertness
Habits jungles, marshes and swamps; clan (2–12)
Advancement 3–8 HD (Medium); 9–16 HD (Large); 17–28 HD (Huge); 29–35 HD
Turtles are long-lived, non-aggressive animals that generally won't attack unless

A turtle is usually between 3 and 4 feet long and weighs between 100 and 200 pounds,
while a giant turtle can measure up to 6 feet long and weigh up to 500 pounds.

Turtles snap at their prey with their powerful jaws.
Slow (Ex): A turtle can't run or charge.
Skills: A turtle has a +4 racial bonus to Swim checks.

Turtle (CR 1/4)

Small animal (aquatic); AL none
hp 5 (1d8+1); chakra 2
Init –2; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
Def 12, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, –2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +3, Ref –2, Will +1
Base Atk +0; Grp –3
Atk bite +2 melee (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks slow
Special Qualities amphibious, low-light vision
Str 13, Dex 7, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills Listen +3, Spot +3, Swim +5
Feats Endurance
Habits temperate and warm aquatic environments; solitary or group (2-4)
Advancement 2–3 HD (Medium)

Giant Turtle (CR 1)

Medium animal (aquatic); AL none
hp 19 (3d8+6); chakra 7
Init –2; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
Def 15, touch 8, flat-footed 15 (–2 Dex, +7 natural)
Fort +6, Ref –1, Will +2
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Atk bite +4 melee (1d6+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks slow
Special Qualities amphibious, low-light vision
Str 15, Dex 7, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +7
Feats Alertness, Endurance
Habits temperate and warm aquatic environments; solitary or group (2-4)
Advancement 4–6 HD (Medium); 7–14 HD (Large); 15–32 HD (Huge); 33–47 HD
A tortoise is a land-faring cousin of the turtle. It doesn't have the aquatic subtype or the
amphibious quality, but can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its
Constitution score and gains a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Water Striders
Known as gerridae, water striders are usually passive creatures. However, giant water
striders can pose a threat to crops, livestock and even unwary humans!

A water strider is usually less than an inch long and weighs a few grams. A giant water
strider is at least six feet long and weighs 75 pounds or more.

Water striders often mob creatures, using greater number to trap prey.
Skills: Water striders and giant water striders gain a +4 racial bonus to Swim checks.
Water Striding (Ex): A water strider can walk or run on the water surface without
falling under. If tripped, however, the water strider falls in the water normally and must
swmi back to the surface. A Swim check (DC 10) is required as a move action to stand up
on the water surface.

Water Strider (CR 1/8)

Fine vermin; AL none
hp 1 (1d8-3); chakra 1
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft.
Def 20, touch 20, flat-footed 18 (+8 size, +2 Dex)
Immune vermin traits
Fort -3, Ref +2, Will +0
Base Atk +0; Grp -13
Atk bite +3 melee (1d2–5)
Space 0 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Qualities water striding
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 4, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Habits temperate lakes and ponds; colony (10–100)

Giant Water Strider (CR 1)

Medium vermin; AL none
hp 16 (3d8+3); chakra 1
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
Immune vermin traits
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Atk bite +3 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities water striding
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Habits temperate lakes and ponds; hunting pair, pack (2–12) or colony (10–100)
Advancement 4–6 HD (Medium); 7–12 HD (Large); 12–19 HD (Huge); 20–26 HD

Winged Striders
Some species of water striders have wings and can fly. These creatures also gain a fly
speed 30 feet (good). Large or larger winged striders have fly speed 30 feet (average).

Wolves are pack hunters known for their persistence and cunning.

A wolf is usually 4 to 5 feet in length and can weigh up to 150 pounds, while a giant wolf
can measure up to 10 feet in length and weigh up to 900 pounds.

Wolves are pack hunters and will often try to catch prey in a pincer attack, especially
when facing a group of opponents.
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (using its
Strength modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack
of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.
Skills: Wolves and giant wolves gain a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking
by scent.

Wolf (CR 1)
Medium animal; AL none
hp 13 (2d8+4); chakra 5
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 50 ft.
Def 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Atk bite +3 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks trip
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +1*.
Feats TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Habits forests; solitary, pair or pack (7–16)
Advancement 3–5 HD (Medium)

Giant Wolf (CR 3)

Large animal; AL none
hp 37 (5d8+15); chakra 13
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 50 ft.
Def 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Base Atk +3; Grp +13
Atk bite +9 melee (1d8+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks trip
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills Hide +0, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Spot +6, Survival +2*.
Feats Alertness, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Habits forests; solitary, pair or pack (5–8)
Advancement 6–15 HD (Large); 16–29 HD (Huge); 30–40 HD (Gargantuan)

Winter Wolf
This deadly hunter from the north can track and catch prey even a giant wolf would never
dream of. To create a winter wolf, give a giant wolf the cold subtype, increase its Strength
and Constitution score by 2, challenge rating by 1, and change its type to magical beast.

Animated Objects
No one really knows why objects sometimes appear to have a mind of their own, though
many believe that this phenomenon is caused by the presence of a conceal youkai.

While animated objects are youkai, they share few of the same traits; additionally, unlike
other youkai, an animated object does not disappear when it is killed, although any trace
that it was ever animated will be gone.

Animated objects lie still and appear perfectly ordinary until an unaware prey draws near,
and it strikes using the element of surprise.
Bad Luck (Su): An animated mirror projects a wave of bad luck when it is killed and
shatters into a thousand small pieces. Any creature within 50 feet of an animated mirror
the moment it dies suffers a –1 luck penalty to attack and weapon damage rolls, saving
throws, skill checks and ability checks for 24 hours. This penalty is not cumulative for
multiple animated mirrors.
Constrict (Ex): An animated scarf deals 1d4+3 points of damage with a successful
grapple check against a creature up to one size larger than itself.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an animated scarf must hit with a slam attack.
It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
Lacerations (Ex): Any living creature that takes damage from an animated kunai swarm
continues to bleed and loses 1 hit point per round afterwards. Multiple lacerations do not
stack. The bleeding can be stopped with a Treat Injury check (DC 15) or any effect that
restores at least 1 hit point.
Reflection (Su): Any creature that sees its reflection in an animated mirror must make a
Will save (DC 13) or have its soul trapped inside the mirror, leaving its body in a death-
like state similar to a coma. A creature who successfully saves against this effect is
immune to that all reflection abilities for 24 hours.
Any soul trapped inside the mirror is lost if the mirror is destroyed. Instead, to free
trapped souls, the mirror must be covered by an opaque fabric (the mirror will count as
blind and entangled, and can attempt to free itself with an Escape Artist check (DC 20) as
a full-round action) and be targeted by Hijutsu: Chakra Hankai no Jutsu or a similar
disruption effect (Disruption check DC 25). Successfully completing this process releases
any soul captured inside the mirror and causes any creature whose body is still alive that
had been affected by this ability to wake up 1d4 minutes later with no memory of the
Trample (Ex): An animated katana can trample opponents in its path by moving twice its
speed, dealing 1d10+6 points of slashing damage. Opponents can take an attack of
opportunity at a –4 penalty or make a Reflex save to take half damage (DC 16). The save
DC is Strength-based.
Skills: All animated objects have a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently.

Animated Katana (CR 3)

Small construct (youkai); AL chaos
hp 32 (4d10+10); chakra 5
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will –4
Base Atk +3; Grp +3
Atk katana +7 melee (1d10+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks trample 1d10+6
Special Qualities construct traits, low-light vision, see in darkness
Str 18, Dex 14, Con —, Int 1, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills Hide +6, Move Silently +6
Habits solitary, pair or group (3–4)

Animated Kunai Swarm (CR 4)

Diminutive construct (swarm, youkai); AL chaos
hp 44 (8d10); chakra 9
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Def 19, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will –3
Base Atk +6; Grp —
Atk swarm (3d6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 14), lacerations
Special Qualities construct traits, see in darkness, swarm traits
Str 3, Dex 14, Con —, Int 1, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills Hide +6, Move Silently +6
Habits solitary, pair or group (3–4)
Animated Mirror (CR 6)
Medium construct (youkai); AL chaos
hp 53 (5d10+20); chakra 6
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., fly 10 ft. (poor)
Def 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
Weaknesses vulnerability to sonic damage
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will –3
Base Atk +4; Grp +3
Atk slam +4 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks reflection
Special Qualities bad luck, construct traits, see in darkness
Str 12, Dex 12, Con —, Int 1, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills Escape Artist +4, Hide +4, Move Silently +4
Habits solitary or pair

Animated Scarf (CR 1)

Small construct (youkai); AL chaos
hp 20 (2d10+10); chakra 3
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will –5
Base Atk +1; Grp –1
Atk slam +3 melee (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks constrict 1d4+3, improved grab
Special Qualities construct traits, see in darkness
Str 14, Dex 12, Con —, Int 1, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills Hide +5, Move Silently +5
Habits solitary, pair or group (3–4)

This massive flower has frenzied whipping vines and a fire at the its heart.

The blazewort is a massive flowering plant that produces powerful flames instead of
pollen. Although capable of launching fireballs at threats that come too near, blazeworts
are usually passive when left alone.

A blazewort stands about 5 feet tall and weighs about 30 pounds.

A blazewort uses several vinelike appendages to move, lash at its prey and grab them
when they come too near.
Fireball (Su): A blazeword can lob a fireball as a ranged touch attack within 60 feet. The
fireball deals 2d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit, and deals double damage on a
critical hit.
Improved Grab (Ex): A blazewort can make a Grapple attempt against any creature it
hits two or more times with its vines in a single round. This attempt does not provoke an
attack of opportunity.
Incinerate (Su): A blazewort deals 2d6 points of fire damage to any creature it has
grappled at the beginning of its turn.

Blazewort (CR 2)
Medium plant; AL none
hp 16 (3d8+3); chakra 4
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 5 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
DR 5/slashing; Immune critical hits, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, plant traits,
poison, sleep effects, stunning; Resist earth 10, fire 10; CrR 13
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Atk 4 vines +3 melee (1d4-1) or fireball +3 ranged touch (2d6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks fireball, grab, incinerate
Special Qualities blindsense 30 ft.
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills Listen +7
Feats Weapon Finesse
Habits forests, jungles and plains; solitary, crop (2–12)
Advancement 2–5 HD (Medium)

Bonfire Spirit
This humanoid creature is shaped from smoke and has two pinpricks of light like burning
ember for eyes.

The bonfire spirit, also called enenra, usually manifests around bonfires and takes the
shape of a man. It is said only someone who is pure of heart can see a bonfire spirit.

When pressed into combat, the bonfire spirit will use its invisibility to its advantage and
attempt hit and run tactics against its opponents whenever possible.
Hide from Sin (Su): The bonfire spirit is invisible, and can remain invisible even when
attacking. Only a creature with the Good allegiance can see a bonfire spirit.

An invisible creature gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against sighted opponents and
ignores its opponent's Dexterity bonus to Defense (if any).

Bonfire Spirit (CR 2)

Medium elemental (fire, spirit); AL none
hp 11 (2d8+2); chakra 4
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to wind
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Atk slam +4 melee (1d6+1); see hide from sin
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, hide from sin
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 13
Skills Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4
Feats Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (slam)
Habits usually solitary

This massive white whale floats impossibly among the clouds, sending them scattering in
a swirling mass in its wake.

Ebisu are enormous flying whales, peaceful creatures often seen as omens of good fortune
because they usually bring with them kind weather and scare away smaller predators and
monsters. Because of their massive size, it takes a great deal of effort to threaten an ebisu,
not to mention that they are far from helpless when pressed into battle.

An ebisu is about 120 feet long and weighs about 120 tons.

The ebisu are slow and peaceful creatures, and have very few predators due to their sheer
size. They can sometimes be seen flying languidly among the clouds and will usually fly
away rather than allow themselves to be pressed into a fight.
Control Weather (Su): The weather in an area immediately around an ebisu is directly
affected by the ebisu's mood. When the ebisu is calm, the weather is gentle with light
winds, comfortable temperature and occasionally a light rain. When the ebisu is
frightened or threatened, the area soon whips up into a powerful storm with strong wind,
sometimes even lightning or tornadoes, at the GM's discretion. The area affected extends
out to a 1 mile radius around the ebisu, and changes happen in as little time as 1d4+1
Crush (Ex): An ebisu can land on its foes as an attack action, dealing bludgeoning
damage to creatures three size categories smaller than the ebisu (Large or smaller for the
typical ebisu). Affected creatures suffer damage equal to the ebisu's tail slap, halved on a
successful Reflex save (DC 34). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Howling Gust (Su): An ebisu is always surrounded by a powerful swirl of wind that
causes ranged attacks targetting the ebisu to have a 50% miss chance.
Hurricane Swipe (Ex): An ebisu can create hurricane-force winds with a simple swipe
of its tail, sending out a powerful gust of wind in a 50-feet-wide, 300-feet-long line. This
wind carries such force that it deals 10d10 points of damage to structures and forces
creatures caught in the effect to make a Fortitude save (DC 34) against the force of the
wind. Colossal or larger creatures are checked on a failed save and cannot move forward,
while Gargantuan or smaller creatures are knocked back on a failed save. A Gargantuan
creature is knocked back 1d4x5 feet, a Large or Huge creature is knocked back 2d4x5
feet, and a Medium-sized or smaller creature is knocked back 3d4x5 feet. Furthermore,
Medium-sized or smaller creatures are checked even on a successful save.

The ebisu can also angle this attack downwards, creating a downdraft in a 25-ft. radius,
300-ft. high cylinder. Creatures who would be knocked back are knocked prone instead,
and creatures who would be checked have their movement speed reduced to 0 for one
round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Improved Grab (Ex): An ebisu can make a free Grapple attempt without provoking an
attack of opportunity when it hits a creature with its bite attack.
Massive Strikes (Ex): An ebisu's natural attacks target all creatures in a 20-foot square.
Swallow Whole (Ex): An ebisu can attempt to swallow a creature it has successfully
Grappled, provided it is Huge or smaller. The ebisu makes a Grapple check and swallows
the creature whole if it succeeds. Once inside the ebisu's enormous gullet, a creature is
trapped until the ebisu releases it or it cuts its way out. A swallowed creature suffers 2d6
points of damage per round, but the ebisu is so massive that only Huge creatures are
crushed by the ebisu, dealing an additional 6d6+17 points of bludgeoning damage each

A swallowed creature can try to cut its way out using a slashing or piercing weapon by
dealing 50 points of damage to the episu's digestive track (Defense 26). Once a creature
escapes, a muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own
way out.

An ebisu's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small or 512 Tiny or smaller
Uplift (Su): An ebisu creates a space round itself that allows other flying creatures to
move quicker. Any creature with a fly speed within 60 feet of an ebisu has its fly speed
increase to 60 feet, if it was slower.

Ebisu (CR 18)

Colossal magical beast (kaijuu); AL none
hp 444 (32d10+268); chakra 322
Init –2; Rep +0; Spd swim 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)
Def 26, touch 1, flat-footed 26 (–8 size, –2 Dex, +4 deflection +26 natural)
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, poison,
stunning; Resist electricity 20, water 20, wind 20
Fort +26, Ref +16, Will +12
Base Atk +32; Grp +57
Atk bite +41 melee (6d6+25) or tail slap +36 melee (8d6+25)
Space 50 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks crush, improved grab, massive strikes, swallow whole
Special Qualities blindsense 200 ft., hardy, howling gust, hurricane swipe, uplift
Str 44, Dex 7, Con 26, Int 5, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills Listen +21, Spot +22
Feats Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun,
Improved Power Attack, Power Attack, Toughness (4)
Possessions Equipment
Habits any; solitary or pair
Advancement 33–60 HD (Colossal); 61–80 HD (Colossal+)

Face Stealer
The size of a grown man, this tall, wiry humanoid wears the tattered remnants of a
kimono and four sheathed swords at its belt. It has skin the color of coal, four long,
spindly arms and a curiously large head that is polished and round, completely
featureless save for a large fanged mouth curled in a cruel grin.

A face stealer is a deadly trickster, a mischievous assassin. Though they are capable
hunters, the face stealers are very whimsical and lack good judgement and common
sense; this, more often than anything else, is what leads a face stealer to its doom.

Though they are feared and disliked by most who encounter them, dogs are particularly
zealous with their dislike because a face stealer has absolutely no scent at all.

The few face stealers who overcome their natural inclinations can make very dangerous
foes. Many realize their natural talents and make extremely capable assassins and

A face stealer stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 120 pounds.

The face stealer likes to trick and lure travelers to their doom using its limited
shapeshifting abilities in order to end the fight before it can truly begin. Though by no
means helpless, a face stealer measures success by how quickly it can ambush and kill its
prey. A face stealer's natural attacks count as chakra-enhanced for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction.
Change Shape (Su): The face stealer has a limited ability to change its shape; it can take
on the face, hair and features of any Small, Medium or Large Humanoid, Giant or
Monstrous Humanoid it has killed.
Frightful Presence (Su): The face stealer can inspire terror by attacking. Affected
creatures must succeed a Will save (DC 15) or be shaken for 1d6 rounds or as long as
they remain within 30 feet of the face stealer. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–kuchijouzu no jutsu (DC 13); 1/day–hasamiuchi (DC 17),
hikiro renken (all four katana). Character level 9th.
Traceless (Su): A face stealer has no scent and cannot be detected by sense of smell.
Skills: When using the change shape ability, a face stealer gains a +5 circumstance bonus
on Disguise checks.
Face Stealer (CR 9)
Medium outsider (shapechanger, youkai); AL evil, chaos
hp 67 (9d8+27); chakra 23
Init +2; Rep +4; Spd 30 ft.
Def 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +7 natural)
DR 5/chakra; Immune blindness, deafness, fear, possession; Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
Base Atk +9; Grp +13
Atk katana +10/+5 melee (1d10+4) and 3 katana +10 melee (1d10+2) and bite +8 melee
(1d4+2) or 4 slams +13 melee (1d6+4) and bite +11 melee (1d4+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks frightful presence, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities blindsense 60 ft., change shape, ephemereal, see in darkness, traceless
Str 19, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 12
Skills Bluff +15, Disguise +15, Diplomacy +7, Hide +12, Intimidate +10, Listen +6,
Move Silently +8, Search +8, Spot +6, Survival +9
Feats Deceptive, Multiattack, Multiweapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (katana)
Possessions 4 katana
Habits dark forests, alleys or caves; usually solitary, pair or gang (1-4 plus 1 face eater)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +8

Face Eater
This fearsome youkai usually hunts alone, but sometimes leads a gang of face stealers or
other weaker youkai.

The face eater is a fearless predator who likes to quickly overwhelm its foes with pure
might. Aface eater's natural attacks count as chakra-enhanced for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction.
Advanced Melee Smash: The face eater's melee attacks deal an additional 3 points of
Frightful Presense (Su): The save DC against the face eater's frightful presence is 18.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–kuchijouzu no jutsu (DC 13); 3/day–hasamiuchi (DC 17),
hikiro renken (all four katana); 1/day–shimenuchi (DC 20). Character level 14th.

Face Eater, 5th-level Strong Hero (CR 14)

Medium outsider (heroic, shapechanger, youkai); AL evil, chaos
hp 105 (9d8+27 plus 5d8+15); chakra 72 (28 reserve)
Init +2; Rep +8; AP 7; Spd 20 ft.
Def 27, touch 15, flat-footed 25 (+2 Dex, +3 class, +5 battle armor, +7 natural)
DR 5/chakra; Immune blindness, deafness, fear, possession; Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7
Base Atk +14; Grp +13
Atk +1 katana +17/+12/+7 melee (1d10+9) and 3 +1 katana +17 melee (1d10+6) and
bite +15 melee (1d4+5) or 4 slams +19 melee (1d6+8) and bite +17 melee (1d4+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks frightful presence, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities blindsense 60 ft., change shape, ephemereal, advanced melee smash,
see in darkness, traceless
Str 20, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 12
Skills Bluff +15, Climb +9, Disguise +15, Diplomacy +7, Hide +12, Intimidate +10,
Jump +11, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Search +8, Spot +6, Survival +9
Feats Cleave, Deceptive, Iron Will, Multiattack, Multiweapon Fighting, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (katana)
Possessions 4 +1 katana, battle armor
Habits solitary or gang (1 plus 1-4 face stealers)

Flesh Ripper
This nightmarish creature stands on two short legs that end in sharp claws and is little
more than a sphere of black flesh adorned with a pair of nostrils and an unnaturally
wide mouth filled with rows of large, sharp teeth. Despite having no eyes, it seems to
have no trouble locating you.

A flesh ripper is a strange bipedal creature, small in stature but with a very large temper.
They have a ravenous hunger for flesh and make fearsome hunters, a fact that have lead
many other creatures and particularly brave individuals to tame them and use them as
hunting hounds. A group of flesh rippers is called a nightmare.

A flesh ripper stands a bit over 3 feet tall and weighs about 35 pounds. A flesh ripper can
be trained like an animal, but the Handle Animal check DC increases by 10.

A flesh ripper is a fearsome opponent on its own, due to its ability to use its powerful
jaws to latch onto its prey and never let go, but moreso because it likes to hunt in packs,
exhausting and picking at its prey to wear it down.
Attach (Ex): The flesh ripper can attach itself to an opponent it hits with a bite attack and
latch onto its foes with its powerful jaw. The opponent must be larger than the flesh
ripper or no more than one size category smaller.
An attached flesh ripper loses its Dexterity bonus to Defense and has Defense 14. It can
be struck with a weapon or grappled itself; to remove a flesh ripper through grappling, the
opponent must achieve a pin to do so.
Ravage (Ex): Each round a flesh ripper is attached, it automatically deals damage equal
to its bite attack, 2d4+3.
Skills: A flesh ripper gains a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus to
Survival checks when tracking a creature by scent.

Flesh Ripper (CR 3)

Small aberration (youkai); AL none or owner
hp 22 (4d8+4); chakra 7
Init +2; Rep +1; Spd 40 ft.
Def 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4
Base Atk +3; Grp +1
Atk bite +7 melee (2d4+3); see attach
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks attach, ravage 2d4+3
Special Qualities ephemereal, scent, see in darkness
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills Jump +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +6 (+10 when tracking by scent)
Feats Alertness, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Habits forests and plains; solitary or nightmare (5–12)
Advancement 5–8 HD (Small); 9–12 HD (Medium)

Hungry Ghosts
The hungry ghosts are said to be the spirits of those who were greedy and insidious in
life, cursed to wander the living world, all compelled to feast with ravenous hunger for a
particular, repugnant substance, usually corpses, carrion or feces.

Unlike other outsiders, the hungry ghosts have a poor Will save. Hungry ghosts speak
Fellspeak and Common or a preferred local language.

This humanoid is about the height of a human child. It has greasy purple skin covered in
tufts of mangy hair, beady black eyes that glisten with malice and greed, and wears
nothing but a loincloth.

A gaki is a small creature, cowardly and vicious by nature. Though not entirely
defenseless, they are weak-willed and prone to being bullied, a well-known fact which
many take advantage of.

Gaki are driven by a need to feed, but their hungers deviate significantly from the norm.
In spite of themselves, a gaki feels perverse pleasure in consuming the remnants of life; it
will eat feces, food consumed by rot and even—or rather, especially—dead flesh and

A gaki stands about 3 to 4 feet tall and weighs about 30 to 45 pounds.

A gaki us usually aware of its inadequacies, being frequently reminded by bigger and
stronger creatures. As such, it knows that it must make use of any advantage it can:
numbers and voracious ferocity.

The gaki have a tenuous grasp of strategy at the best of times, and will often flee when
wounded or if the tide of the battle turns against them. With proper incentive, however,
they can be motivated to form more complex plans and operate as a unit.
Skills: The gaki gains a +2 racial bonus to Hide, Move Silently and Search checks.

Gaki (CR 1/3)

Small outsider (spirit); AL evil
hp 5 (1d8+1); chakra 1
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will –1
Base Atk +1; Grp –2
Atk club +3 melee (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft.
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 6
Skills Hide +8, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Search +5, Spot +4
Feats Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Alertness, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Habits groups (1–4), gangs (50) or larger bands (including higher-level or stronger
creatures for leaders)
Advancement by character class

This creature is about the size of an adult human, with dark red or brown skin. Though it
stands on two legs like humans, it is anything but. Completely hairless, powerfully built,
and with a face well-suited for hatred and anger, it walks on its digits like an animal and
stares with eyes completely black.

Jikininki are a more powerful kind of hungry ghost; legends claim they are the spirit of
the greedy, of murderers and rapists. They are nocturnal creatures and scavenge for dead
or rotting flesh or, failing that, a fresh kill. Blood is a release for jikininki, a way to
escape the shame that drives them to hide in the night, and they favor live, intelligent prey
who will scream and beg.

Jikininki are about 6 and a half feet tall, and weigh about 250 pounds.

Unlike a gaki, the jikininki is a powerful creature and dangerous on its own. Though it
usually prefers to have the advantage of numbers, jikininki have no qualms about
attacking on their own. It uses its keen sense of smell to find and ambush its prey and
rarely leaves anyone alive to tell the tale.

Jikininki (CR 1)
Small outsider (spirit); AL evil
hp 13 (2d8+4); chakra 3
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0
Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Atk club +6 melee (1d6+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., scent
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6
Skills Listen +6, Search +5, Spot +6, Survival +4
Feats Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Power Attack, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Habits solitary, pair, groups (2-8), larger bands (including higher-level or stronger
creatures for leaders)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +1

Imperial Hound
This massive hound has striking blue eyes and gleaming white teeth, and a bark that sets
teeth rattling.

Supposedly descended from the legendary komainu, these hounds are fiercely loyal
creatures whose entire lives are dedicated to defending the weak and serving a cause.
Imperial hounds are very long-lived, and often outlive their human masters.

Imperial hounds have brown, grey, black or white fur. They are about five feet long and
weigh up to 300 pounds. They understand all languages, but cannot speak.

An imperial hound's bite counts as though it has a superior mystical weapon seal placed
upon it and overcomes chakra damage reduction. This bonus does not count if the fangs
are removed from the imperial hound's body.
Bark (Su): An imperial hound can bark like most dogs, but it can also Bark, capital B.
An imperial hound's bark is a thing of legend, capable of being heard from and waking up
sleeping creatures up to 5 miles away. In addition, an imperial hound's bark automatically
wakes up unconscious creatures within 50 feet.

In addition, all allies within 50 feet of a barking imperial hound gain a +1 luck bonus to
attack and weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks, while its foes take a –1 penalty
on all such rolls, for 5 rounds. An imperial hound can bark once per round as a full-round
Spectral Bite (Su): An imperial hound's bite can hit and deal damage normally to
incorporeal creatures (an incorporeal creature's ability to avoid damage from physical
attacks does not apply to the spectral bite).
Spiritual Scent (Su): This ability functions like the scent ability and allows an imperial
hound to detect approaching creatures, sniff out hidden foes and track by sense of smell,
but also allows it to smell incorporeal creatures as well as smell hostile intent. The
hostility does not have to be directed at the imperial hound; this ability detects active
aggression but not vigilance. An imperial hound is never caught flat-footed by a creature
it can detect with its spiritual scent ability.
Skills: An imperial hound gains a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks. *In addition, imperial
hounds gain a +4 bonus to Survival checks made when tracking by sense of smell.

Imperial Hound (CR 4)

Medium magical beast (rare, spirit); AL none (loyalty to its master, if it has one)
hp 42 (5d10+15); chakra 27
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 50 ft.
Def 18, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural)
DR 5/chakra; Immune compulsion, disease, poison; CrR 16
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5
Base Atk +5; Grp +9
Atk bite +11 melee (1d6+8); see spectral bite
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks spectral bite
Special Qualities bark, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spiritual scent
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 19
Skills Jump +20, Listen +11, Spot +11, Survival +6*
Feats Alertness, Endurance, TrackB
Habits solitary, pair or pack (3-6)
Advancement 6–10 HD (Medium)

This creature looks almost human with its harsh features, tall and thickly muscled. Its
face is marked by a strong brow and a set of tusks that jut out of its jaw, its posture
hunches slightly and its forearms, chest and back are covered with patches of thick fur.

Jaki are distant cousins of the oni, and they share many of the same habits. They are
warriors, raiders and pillagers by nature, and their societies often reflect this: the ruler
amongst the Jaki is often their strongest warrior. They generally establish themselves in
tribes and clans.

Jaki have colorful skin usually in red, blue or purple hues, and white, black or grey hair
and fur. It has slightly pointed ears and strong features that give the jaki a feral
appearance. Jaki do not care about appearances and dress for function, typically wearing
armor or drab colors like black, brown or grey.

When not fighting other creatures or amongst themselves, jaki will usually occupy their
time by pillaging, causing mayhem or honing their martial skills. Very few jaki train as
ninja, though they exist in small clans. A universal trait that all jaki share, much like their
cousin the Oni, is a instinctive aversion for shrines, temples and holy grounds, and they
will normally stay away from them.

An adult male jaki stands about 6 feet tall and weighs a bit over 200 pounds, while
females are only slightly smaller. Jaki speak Fellspeak, but some know Common as well.
Because of their warrior tendencies, jaki are proficient in most weapons and armor, and
many take advantage of that fact. Though a preferred weapon is the large katana, they
show as much diversity as humans in their ability to use and master a great number of
weapons. Jaki are almost always spoiling for a fight, preferring to create traps and
ambushes, and will obey rules of war, truces and codes of honor only when it is
convenient. A jaki will normally always avoid fighting near shrines, temples or holy
grounds because of their aversion for them. When pushed, however, their first instinct
after victory is often to desecrate and destroy the source of their fear.
Aversion (Ex): A jaki suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in the
presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.

Jaki, 1st-level Enforcer (CR 1/2)

Medium humanoid (oni); AL evil or chaos (usually both)
hp 7 (1d8+2); chakra 2
Init +0; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +1 class, +3 studded leather armor)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Base Atk +1; Grp +5
Atk large katana +6 melee (2d6+6) or throwing spear +2 ranged (1d6+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities aversion, low-light vision
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6
Skills Climb +5, Jump +5, Listen +1
Feats Archaic Weapons ProficiencyB , Armor Proficiency (light, medium)B, Simple
Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (large katana)
Habits forests, hills or plains; gang (2–4), squad (11–20 plus 1–2 3rd-level lieutenants
and 1 5th-level leader) or war party (25–100 plus 1–5 3rd-level sergeants, 1–2 6th-level
lieutenants and 1 7th-level leader)
Advancement by character class

This jittery, curious creature has blond fur and could easily be mistaken for a large
weasel, were it not for its long, scythelike claws.

Kama-itachi are mischievous spirits who enjoy playing pranks on lone travelers,
sometimes as harmless as opening bleeding gashes on their exposed arms and legs then
closing them up without ever being seen. Other times, a kama-itachi's pranks are not so
harmless and leave mangled corpses drained of blood behind. Some stories say that
kama-itachi travel in packs of three to cause the most mischief, though this is purely
conjecture and remains uncomfirmed.

A kama-itachi is about 3 feet long and weighs about 35 pounds.

Whether alone or in a group of three, a kama-itachi is a vicious foe that never relents; it
begins combat by picking its target, and almost nothing can make it set its sights on
another until its target is unconscious or dead. Its favorite tactic, especially in a group, is
to conceal itself and transform into a swarm of sickling blades to wound an enemy then
return to its natural form to momentarily cripple its target. How this ends depends largely
on the kama-itachi's mood: if it is feeling mischievous, it will heal the wounds of its
target and move on; if the kama-itachi is in a bad mood, however, it will drain the target
of its blood to cause the most damage.
Alternate Form (Su): A kama-itachi can shift between its natural form and a swarm of
sickling blades (treat as an animated kunai swarm) as an attack action. A kama-itachi
cannot fly in its natural form, but it can make physical attacks and use its supernatural
abilities. In its swarm form, it gains swarm traits, a swarm attack, a distraction ability, and
a fly speed, but cannot use its other supernatural abilities or make physical attacks.

A kama-itachi remains in this form until it assumes a new one or falls unconscious or is
Cripple (Su): A kama-itachi in its natural form gains this ability. Once per round when it
hits a bleeding opponent with its claw attack, it can attempt to slow that enemy. The
target must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or take a –1 penalty to Defense and Reflex
saves and only be able to take a move or attack action on its turn for 1 round. The save
DC is Charisma-based.
Lacerations (Ex): A kama-itachi in its swarm form gains this ability, as an animated
kunai swarm. Any living creature that takes damage from a kama-itachi in its swarm form
continues to bleed and loses 1 hit point per round afterwards. Multiple lacerations do not
stack. The bleeding can be stopped with a Treat Injury check (DC 15) or any effect that
restores at least 1 hit point.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–gisou no jutsu; 3/day–iryou ninjutsu: chiyu - shodan jutsu
(2d4+5, burst only). Character level 6th.
Worsen (Su): A kama-itachi in its natural form gains this ability. The kama-itachi can
make a touch attack against any bleeding or wounded opponent to stop the bleeding and
alleviate the pain. The kama-itachi can choose to do so gently and without negative
effects, or by sucking out the blood, forcing the target to make a Fortittude save (DC 14)
or take 1d4 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Kama-Itachi (CR 4)
Small outsider (shapechanger, spirit, youkai); AL chaos
hp 27 (6d8); chakra 7
Init +5; Rep +2; Spd 30 ft. or fly 30 ft. (perfect) (see text)
Def 18, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +3 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +3
Base Atk +6; Grp +3
Atk 2 claws +12 melee (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks cripple, lacerations, worsen
Special Qualities alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., ephemereal, scent, see in darkness
Str 13, Dex 21, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 13
Skills Balance +11, Bluff +5, Climb +9, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +14, Hide +16,
Listen +3, Move Silently +16, Spot +3, Tumble +10
Feats Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
Habits forests and mountains; solitary or trio
Advancement 7–12 HD (Small)

Short and stocky, this reptilian humanoid is only about the size of a child. Its back is
covered by a hard shell, its mouth is a sharp beak and its hands end in wicked claws.

A kappa is a mischievous water creatures, pranksters by nature and tricksters by choice.

They delight in the discomfort of others and in causing chaos and mayhem wherever they

Though they are generally harmless, kappa can also be very temperamental and
sometimes also very violent, migrating from harmless pranks to drowning people and
animals, kidnapping and eating children, and raping women. However, these instances
are rare and most kappa are very polite, almost to the point of being obsessive;
disrespectful behavior is usually taken as a sure way of angering a kappa.

Kappa are also well-known for their hatred of animals, particularly horses and cattle, and
a known sign that one or more kappa roams nearby is the mutilated carcass of animals left
out in the open as a warning for others to stay away.

A kappa stands about 3 and a half feet tall and weighs about 75 pounds.

Kappa are usually content with playing pranks and causing mischief, relishing in the
chaos they leave in their wake, but can sometimes be vicious and vindictive. Their vanity
can be appealed to with compliments and gifts when slighted, but a kappa who is angry,
hungry or simply in a bad mood will usually attack without remorse, using its sharp claws
and powerful body to drag foes underwater and drown them.
Head Bowl (Su): A kappa has a natural receptacle on top of its head that is filled with
water; that water is the source of its power. The water inside does not spill from normal
movement, or even during combat or when the kappa is tripped, but a creature that
engages the kappa in a grapple and wins an opposed Grapple check can empty the bowl.
This gives the kappa a –8 penalty to its Strength score and a –4 penalty to all other ability
scores until the receptacle is again filled with water. This tactic is ineffective underwater.
Improved Grab (Ex): A kappa can make a free Grapple attempt against any creature it
hits with a bite attack. This attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Soulstone (Su): A kappa's soulstone, when it is exposed, is inside its head bowl.
Spiritspeak (Su): Kappa can speak with their own kind as well as all aquatic animals
that dwell in fresh water.
Skills: A kappa gains a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks.
Kappa (CR 4)
Small monstrous humanoid (aquatic, kami, rare, reptilian); AL chaos
hp 27 (5d8+5); chakra 8
Init +2; Rep +2; Spd 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Def 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural)
Resist cold 10, water 10
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5
Base Atk +5; Grp +10
Atk 2 claws +8 melee (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab
Special Qualities amphibious, fast regeneration 2, head bowl, soulstone, spiritspeak
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills Escape Artist +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +4, Swim +14
Feats Combat Throw, Improved Grapple, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Habits lakes, rivers or stream; solitary, pair, flock (2–6) or band (2–12 plus 1–4 kazame)
Advancement by character class

The kazame is a larger, stronger cousin of the kappa with somewhat different
characteristics and habits. Rather than depending on water survive, the kazame is
empowered by it. A kazame is a malicious, violent creature not content with playing mere
pranks on travelers; it is often so tenacious and intent on terrorizing a region that the only
way to truly be rid of it is to kill it.

Although both reptilian, where the kappa resembles more a turtle, the kazame is almost
shark-like in appearance. Its head is flat and ends in a long snout marked by a wide,
toothy mouth.

A kazame stands roughly 6 feet tall and weighs about 250 pounds.

A kazame relishes in causing fear and mayhem, and generally impossible to reason with
for all but the most persuasive (or intimidating!) negociators. Though they much prefer to
attack where there is a large enough body of water to soak in nearby, they have been
known to seek out their prey in almost any environment before, either out of hunger or
simply boredom.
Lunge (Ex): A kazame can charge a foe while swimming and make a full attack.
Soulstone (Su): A kazame's soulstone, when it is exposed, is at the center of its torso.
Water Magic (Su): The kazame gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity
and Constitution scores when partially or completely immersed in water. Furthermore, it
gains a chakra resistance 20 against any water-based effect and techniques with the water
Skills: A kazame gains a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks.
Kazame (CR 8)
Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic, kami, rare, reptilian); AL evil, chaos
hp 67 (9d8+27); chakra 23
Init +3; Rep +4; Spd 20 ft., swim 50 ft.
Def 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+9 natural)
Resist fire 10, water 10; CrR 20 (water-based effects only); see water magic
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7
Base Atk +9; Grp +13
Atk 2 claws +16 melee (1d6+6), bite +13 melee (1d6+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks lunge
Special Qualities amphibious, fast regeneration 5, soulstone, spiritspeak, water magic
Str 22, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills Listen +11, Spot +11, Survival +8, Swim +19
Feats AlertnessB, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw)
Habits lakes, rivers and streams; solitary, pair, garn (2–6) or band (1–4 with 2–12 kappa)
Advancement 10–18 HD (Medium)

This hulking humanoid creatures has dark red skin, curling horns, and claws and fangs
that drip with acid. Its glowing green eyes scan the darkness, waiting.

Kijin have long been thought to be the origin of demonic arts among mortals. They are a
mysterious lot who like to plot, scheme and manipulate events from the shadows, towards
designs only fools would guess at.

A kijin stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds.

Though they are sneaky and often hard to pin down, kijin have a very direct approach to
combat and revel in displays of violence and gore. With its great physical prowess and
deadly demonic abilities, it will seek to inflict as much damage as possible, often at risk
of personal safety.
Dark Gift (Su): A kijin can bestow upon one willing creature a dark gift. This grants the
creature strength rank 2, speed rank 2 or a +2 resistance bonus on Will saves. As long as
the creature has the gift, the kijin will know its exact location over any distance, even
across spirit planes. When within 30 feet of the recipient of its gift, the kijin can transfer
up to 5 points of chakra to the recipient three times per day as an attack action. The kijin
can end its gift as a free action at any time, causing the recipient to become stunned for
1d4 rounds and shaken for 24 hours.
Deadly Bite (Ex): A kijin's bite attack always deals 1.5 times its Strength bonus to
Demonic Chakra (Su): A kijin's chakra is vile and toxic in nature. Any creature draining
chakra from a kijin that doesn't have the demonic subtype suffers 2 points of damage per
chakra drained. This damage is also incurred when transferring chakra to the recipient of
its dark gift.
Dripping Acid (Su): A kijin's fangs and claws are coated in a vicious acid that deals 1d6
points of acid damage on successful hits.
Spell-like Abilities: At-will—bunshin no jutsu, henge no jutsu; 3/day–youton: ibara no
kanmuri (DC 20), youton: kusa juuji (DC 16); 1/day—youton: ou no me (DC 18).
Character level 11th.

Kijin (CR 9)
Medium outsider (rare, youkai); AL evil, order
hp 82 (11d8+33); chakra 57
Immune fear, poison, possession; Resist acid 10, electricity 10; CrR 19
Init +7; Rep +4; Spd 30 ft.
Def 24, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+3 Dex, +11 natural)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +9
Base Atk +11; Grp +17
Atk bite +18 melee (1d6+9 plus 1d6 acid), 2 claws +12 melee (1d8+3 plus 1d6 acid),
gore +12 melee (1d8+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks deadly bite, dripping acid
Special Qualities dark gift, demonic chakra, ephemereal, see in darkness, spell-like
Str 23, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills Bluff +17, Hide +15, Intimidate +9, Move Silently +15
Feats Deceitful, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Habits roams marshes; solitary or in small packs (2-4)
Advancement 12–16 HD (Medium); 17-24 HD (Large).

This creature resembles a large pink slug or worm and appears covered in a transparent,
slimy secretion and short, squirming tentacles. It has no features other than a circular
mouth filed with rows upon rows of fangs.

The kiseikuji is a parasite borne from the darkest nightmares, a repulsive creature
resembling a fat slug covered in slime and short, squirming, tentacly appendages. Its hide
is an uncomfortable shade of pink, but perhaps its most disturbing feature is the circular,
spasming sphincter-like orifice filled with rows of sharp teeth it uses as a mouth.

In partly because of its appearance, the kiseikuji is shunned by all, from the most
righteous to the to the most corrupt. For the most part, however, this is due to the its
methods; kiseikuji have the unique ability to burrow inside its victims to possess them
and induce a pregnancy-like state with a very short gestation period, at which point it will
give birth to itself, killing the host in the process and beginning the cycle anew. Because
of this, kiseikuji prey almost exclusively on females, studying them for weeks before
finally making their move.
During this possession, kiseikuji will use the host's body to commit every conceivable
atrocity as covertly as it can, being careful to disappear before the birthing so as to remain
inconspicuous, and leaving behind the carcass of its host a mangled and empty husk.

A kiseikuji is about 4 feet long and weighs about 100 pounds. Kiseikuji speak Ancient,
Common and Fellspeak.

Kiseikuji are blind, but their supernatural senses make it so that they have no trouble
finding prey. Unless for some reason desperate, it will always attack a sleeping or
otherwise helpless creature, first using its poison to paralyze it then possessing it. When
possessing a creature, however, its behavior will change radically and it will attack
without any provocation and use its mystical powers to cause the most pain and dead.
Betrayal (Sp): A kiseikuji possessing a creature can use this ability at will. It functions as
Shinranshin no Jutsu, and allows the kiseikuji to take control of its victim's body as long
as it remains within line of sight unless it succeeds a Will save (DC 20). This counts as a
rank 7 technique.
Invasive Possession (Su): A kiseikuji can invade the body of any helpless female
humanoid or monstrous humanoid of Small or Medium size, effectively burrowing inside
and possessing the victim's body as well as impregnating it with itself. The possession
functions normally, but the kiseikuji will confer to the host its natural armor bonus to
Defense, immunities, fast regeneration, spell-like abilities and the ability to see in
darkness, as well as any template it has. Likewise, the host's chakra signature will change
to match the kiseikuji's, but will show no other physical sign.

The gestation period of this pregnancy is extremely quick, and the host will come to full
term in 2d6+2 days, at which point it will give birth to the kiseikuji; this is a lengthy and
painful process for both the host and the kiseikuji. The birthing takes 2d6 hours, during
which the host and the kiseikuji will be nauseated by wracking pains, and after which the
host will die (no save). Birthing destroys the body beyond repair, eliminating any chance
that the body can be resuscitated or resurrected.

The only way to remove the kiseikuji without killing the host is through surgery, a
process which is further complicated by the strong resistance the kiseikuji will offer,
imposing a –10 penalty to Treat Injury checks made to remove the kiseikuji (–20 penalty
during the birthing). This process causes the kiseikuji become nauseated for 1d4 rounds
afterwards and to gain 1d4+1 negative levels, which it loses automatically at the rate of 1
negative level per day. Likewise, if the host is slain while the kiseikuji is still possessing
it, the kiseikuji will extirp itself from the corpse in 1d4 rounds, become nauseated and
gain aforementioned negative levels.

A host that survives the removal of the invading kiseikuji remembers everything it did
while possessing her body and suffer 1 point of Wisdom and Charisma drain for every
day the kiseikuji's possession lasted.
Poison (Ex): A kiseikuji injects poison into its victim when it hits with a bite attack. The
poison has a Fortitude save DC 14, and causes paralysis for 1d3 rounds as initial damage
but has no secondary damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Spell-like Abilities: A kiseikuji can only use its spell-like abilities when possessing a
creature. At will–domori no jutsu (DC 17), kagekomu no jutsu (the kiseikuji loses chakra
from using this ability, DC 19), ki nobori, shikisosou no jutsu (DC 16); 2/day–
chiyokubou no jutsu (DC 21), youton: kusa juuji (DC 17); 1/day–jigen ugoku no jutsu,
makai kyuudou: makkyou gyoushi (DC 20). Character level 8th.
Skills: A kiseikuji has a +4 racial bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks.

Kiseikuji (CR 6)
Small aberration (unholy, youkai); AL evil, chaos
hp 33 (6d8+6); chakra 10
Init +5; Rep +3; Spd 10 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural)
Immune poison, disease, negative energy, possession
Weaknesses vulnerability to holy damage
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7
Base Atk +4; Grp +1
Atk bite +6 melee (1d4+1 plus poison)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks betrayal, invasive possession, poison, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities blindsight 60 ft., ephemereal, fast regeneration 10, see in darkness
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 16
Skills Bluff +17, Concentration +6, Disguise +13, Intimidate +11, Listen +9, Sense
Motive +7, Spot +9, Perform (acting) +6
Feats Combat Tactics, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative
Habits solitary or in pair
Advancement 7–9 HD (Small); 10–12 HD (Medium)

This hulking reptilian humanoid is covered in thick rainbow scales. It stands on its digits
and has a face marked with a short snout.

Kyoryujin are ancient and powerful creatures who have lived in seclusion long before
written accounts have existed. They are a deeply spiritual race of beings who take care
not to greatly disturb their environments and take no more than what they need.

Because kyoryujin rarely keep written accounts of their own history, not even they know
their own past in great detail. The average kyoryujin lives to be two hundred years old,
and speaks Ancient.

Kyoryujin stand about 9 feet tall and weigh 500 pounds.

Kyoryujin are patient hunters, luring their prey with sounds of animals in distres before
striking, either with deadly sonic attacks or the kyoryujin’s favored weapon, a huge stone
Cold-Blooded (Ex): Kyoryujin are cold-blooded creatures and fare poorly in cold
weathers, suffering a -2 penalty on all saves against cold effects and cold weather.
Dull Hearing (Ex): As a general rule, kyoryujin hearing is notoriously poor. Kyoryujin
suffer a -4 penalty to Listen checks and double the penalty for distance.
Sonic Screech (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds but no more than three times per day, a
kyoryujin can produce a screech so phenomenally loud it can rend flesh and shatter stone.
The sonic screech deals 3d6 points of sonic damage in a 15-foot-long cone-shaped burst,
halved on a successful Fortitude save (DC 14). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Sound Mimicry (Ex): The kyoryujin has an incredible vocal range that allows it to
produce a huge variety of sounds both in and outside the human hearing range. A
kyoryujin can mimic virtually any sound or voice by making a Bluff checks opposed to
the Sense Motive of anyone who can hear that sound. If the check succeeds, the listener is
none the wiser to the deception. The kyoryujin must have listened to someone speak for
at least 10 minutes to mimic its voice, and it cannot use this ability to speak or understand
a language it doesn’t know.
Skills: A kyoryujin gains a +4 racial bonus on Perform (sing) checks and Survival checks
when tracking by scent. It also gains a +8 racial bonus on Bluff checks made to mimic
sounds and voices.

Kyoryujin (CR 2)
Large monstrous humanoid (reptilian); AL none
hp 21 (3d8+9); chakra 8
Init -2; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14 (–1 size, -1 Dex, +2 armor, +4 natural)
Weaknesses cold-blooded
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5
Base Atk +3; Grp +9
Atk greathammer +7 melee (3d6+9/×3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks sonic screech
Special Qualities cold-blooded, dull hearing, l0w-light vision, scent, sound mimicry
Str 21, Dex 9, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills Bluff -1 (+7 to mimic sounds), Listen -2, Sense Motive +1, Spot +2, Survival +2
(+6 when tracking by scnet)
Feats Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Possessions greathammer, leather armor
Habits tropical jungles; solitary, pair, hunting party (2–12) or tribe (10–100 plus 2–12
1st-level hunters, 2–12 2nd-level warriors, 1 3rd-level shaman and 1 5th-level cheiftain)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +3

Land Shark
This creature has tough, leathery hide and strongly resembles a shark, down to the fin
carving a furrow through dirt as it circles its prey.
Land sharks are vicious creatures of uncertain origins, possessed of a voracious hunger
and little to no instinct of self-preservation. They have been known to defy the odds and
rush massively superior numbers in the hopes for a quick meal, or sometimes even the
thrill of the hunt.

A land shark is about 7 feet long and weighs 300 pounds.

A land shark prefers to whittle down its foes with hit and run tactics, weakening it and
tracking it as it flees before going in for the kill at last.
Burrow (Ex): A land shark can burrow through dirt, mud, sand or soil as easily as a fish
swims through water, and only leaves behind narrow tunnels if it wishes. A Huge land
shark can burrow through stone.
Keen Scent (Ex): Land sharks can smell blood spilled on or in dirt, soil, sand or stone
within 1 mile as though with the scent ability. This ability is not affected by wind
direction or strength.
Skills: Land sharks have a +8 racial bonus to Jump checks and to Survival checks when
tracking by scent.

Land Shark (CR 3)

Medium magical beast (earth); AL none
hp 37 (5d10+10); chakra 18
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 5 ft., burrow 60 ft.
Def 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +6 natural)
Immune earth; Resist water 10
Weaknesses electricity
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Base Atk +5; Grp +9
Atk bite +9 melee (1d6+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities keen scent, tremorscense 60 ft.
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 5
Skills Jump +15, Survival +3 (+11 when tracking by scent)
Feats Power Attack, Spring AttackB, Track
Habits deserts, mountains or rocky plains; solitary or frenzy (4–32)
Advancement 6–9 HD (Medium); 10–15 HD (Large); 16–25 HD (Huge)

Though at first appearing perfectly harmless and innocent, there is something sinister in
the smiling old man's eyes, and the monstrous, hulking shadow that spreads out behind

A miage-nyudo is a predator of another sort. Rather than hunt its prey, it prefers to lure it
in using its shapeshifting abilities to appear as a kindly old storyteller, or roadside peddler
to lull its victims into a sense of false security, and unleashes upon them untold horrors.
A miage-nyudo feeds upon fear, and grows stronger and larger the more it feeds; its true
form, a thing so fearsome and so horrible that it is immediately suppressed from memory,
incites such terror from the unlucky souls that gaze upon it that it never goes hungry.

Because a miage-nyudo cannot conceal its huge, hulking shadow no matter the shape it
takes, it rarely hunts by daytime; as such, there are few signs, if any at all, that helps spot
a disguised miage-nyudo.

A miage-nyudo's true form is massive, shadowy and vaguely humanoid, impossible to

describe, because it is impossible to remember.

A miage-nyudo is a dangerous foe before even reverting to its true form; it has near-
magical powers that let it enthrall the mind, turn friends against one another and prey on
its victim's worst fears. To make matters worse, it can, and often will, pull unwitting
victims into a fascinated trance that will invariably result in death with a mere look; but
by far the miage-nyudo's most frightening ability is the power to smell and feed on fear to
grow exponentially stronger, faster and tougher the longer it remains in the presence of
fearful prey.
Change Shape (Su): A miage-nyudo can assume the form of any Small or Medium
humanoid. This ability does not alter a miage-nyudo's shadow, which retains its natural

A miage-nyudo's true shape is a nightmare-inducing form that soon fades from memory,
becoming only a blurry shape fangs and claws and horror that, when recalled, invokes
fresh feelings of terror.
Deadly Gaze (Su): A miage-nyudo can lock an unwitting creature with its gaze and
slowly lull it to its doom. As an attack action, a miage-nyudo can fascinate a creature
within 30 feet with a look. The target must make a Will save (DC 19) or be fascinated for
1 round. A target that is fascinated for 3 rounds in a row is immediately slain. The save
DC is Charisma-based.
Frightful Presence (Su): A miage-nyudo inspires terror in opponents that see its true
form, and by attacking. Affected creatures must succeed a Will save (DC 23) or be
shaken for 5d6 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.
Noxious Presence (Su): A creature spends any time in proximity of a miage-nyudo, even
without seeing its true form, will be visited by horrible, haunting nightmares for 1 week.
Each time the creature sleeps, it has a 25% chance to be fatigued when it wakes up, or a
50% chance if it saw the miage-nyudo's true form.
Phobophage (Su): When a miage-nyudo is within 50 feet of a creature who is shaken,
frightened or panicked by a fear effect or a miage-nyudo's frightful presence ability, it
gains a +8 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constituion, a +3 natural armor bonus to
Defense, and its movement speed increases by 10 feet for 1 minute.

Each round a miage-nyudo remains in the presence of a scared creature, those bonuses
increase by +2 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, +1 to natural armor, +1 to chakra
resistance, and +5 feet movement speed, and the duration of the effect is refreshed. If 5 or
more such creatures are present and within range at the same time, the effect lasts for 1
hour instead. This effect cannot occur more than 11 times; each time afterwards simply
refreshes the duration but grants no additional benefits.
Smell Fear (Su): A miage-nyudo can detect and pinpoint the location of any creature
who is shaken, frightened or panicked by a fear effect within 300 feet as though with the
scent extraordinary ability. The smell of fear cannot be concealed by ability that hide a
creature's scent.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–magen: narakumi no jutsu (DC 17), zokuyuuin no jutsu (DC
21); 3/day–boushiyou no jutsu (DC 21); 2/day–hijutsu: retsu hassai (DC 21); 1/day–
saimin jutsu: kage kiai (DC 20), shinodoku (DC 19). Character level 12th.
Skills: A miage-nyudo gains a +4 racial bonus to Bluff and Intimidate checks. *A miage-
nyudo gains a +10 bonus to Disguise checks when using the Change Shape ability against
any creature that cannot see its shadow.
Techniques: A miage-nyudo knows and performs techniques as a 7th level character.
Below is a list of typical techniques known:
Genjutsu- memai no jutsu, taibakudou no jutsu; magen: chitaibakushi, gousenjin
Ninjutsu- mikan seiha no jutsu, mukidou sanpo no jutsu

Miage-Nyudo (CR 12)

Medium aberration (heroic, shapechanger, youkai); AL evil
hp 49 (11d8); chakra 24 (22 reserves)
Init +7; Rep +5; Spd 30 ft.
Def 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural)
DR 5/silver; Immune fear, poison, possession; Resist acid 10, electricity 10; CrR 17
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9
Base Atk +8; Grp +8
Atk 2 claws +8 melee (1d4) and bite +6 melee (1d6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks deadly gaze, spell-like abilities, techniques
Special Qualities change shape, ephemereal, frightful presence, noxious presence,
phobophage, see in darkness, smell fear
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills Bluff +24, Chakra Control +12, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +14, Disguise
+10*, Escape Artist +9, Gather Information +11, Genjutsu +16, Intimidate +22, Listen
+16, Ninjutsu +13, Perform (act) +18, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Spot +16
Feats Deceptive, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack
Habits solitary or pair
Advancement 12–20 HD (Medium); 21–35 HD (Large)

Obsidian Shard
What at first appeared to be a large boulder stands at twelve feet high, a vaguely-human
shaped creature of living volcanic glass with two gleaming yellow gems for eyes.

Obsidian shards typically live deep beneath the surface near lava flows or active
volcanoes. They prefer very hot and arid environments, though can survive anywhere.
Their tendencies toward protective behaviors make them highly sought after as guardians,
if one can be calmed long enough to be persuaded. More commonly they are hunted by
adventurers or treasure seekers as their gemstone eyes are quite valuable in certain circles.

Obsidian shards speak Ancient; most also know Common, but few lower themselves to
using it unless they absolutely need to.

Obsidian shards aren't typically aggressive, but are highly territorial as it is difficult for
them to find comfortable places to live. Any perceived threat to their home or lair is met
immediate hostility. Its natural defenses allow it to charge headlong into battle without
Incinerate (Ex): An obsidian shard's slam attack deals additional fire damage from the
intense heat that emanates from its body. Any opponent struck by it must make a Reflex
save (DC 19) or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Infernal Heat (Ex): An obsidian shard's body radiates tremendous heat that can set fire
to combustibles and incinerate any creature that comes near it. Any creature that begins
its turn within 10 feet of an obsidian shard suffers 1d6+5 points of fire damage; a creature
that suffers damage from this ability two for consecutive rounds catches on fire.

A creature striking an obsidian shard with a natural attack or unarmed attack suffers
damage equal to the obsidian shard's slam attack as backlash once per round. This ability
is only active when the obsidian shard's volcanic shell is destroyed.
Volcanic Shell (Su): When an obsidian shard does not suffer damage for two consecutive
rounds, it forms an obsidian shell over its skin that grants it damage reduction 10/—. The
shell lasts until it prevents 50 points of damage, then explodes in a fiery explosion that
deals 5d6 points of earth and fire damage to any creature within 10 feet (no save).

Obsidian Shard (CR 10)

Large elemental (earth, fire); AL none
hp 98 (10d8+40); chakra 31
Init +3; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
Def 21, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural)
Immune earth and fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to electricity and water
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +4
Base Atk +7; Grp +14
Atk slam +14 melee (1d6+7 plus 1d6 fire); see incinerate
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attack incinerate
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, infernal heat, volcanic shell
Str 24, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 11
Skills Climb +10, Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats Alertness, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
Habits usually solitary
Treasure 2 gemstone eyes, wealth value DC 12
Oni are traditionally depicted as wicked, evil creatures, and for excellent reasons. The
average oni, on its best day, is a savage, greedy, self-motivated monster that deals death
and mayhem for pleasure and revels in the chaos it leaves in its wake. Their bad
reputation is usually well deserved, and often, vastly exaggerated by those who don't
know better.

Sometimes wrongly depicted as all-powerful gods, oni are nonetheless dangerous foes
who will stop at nothing to get their way. No tactic is too low for an oni; in fact, among
certain circles, the most dishonorable warrior, the one who fights dirtiest, is often the
most respected.

While most of the more powerful species abstain from it, infighting, deceit and murder
are commonplace among the lower castes of oni. A trait that all oni share, however, is a
universal disdain for shrines and holy ground, which they will normally stay away from,
or, if push comes to shove, stop at nothing to destroy and defile.

There are four types of oni, easily distinguishable by their skin color: aka-oni, ao-oni,
kuro-oni and shiro-oni. Oni speak both Fellspeak and Common.

This thickly-muscled brute stands approximately 8 feet tall and nearly half as wide at the
shoulders. It has a thick mane of hair, from which extends a pair of horns, and wears
nothing but a loincloth.

Aka-Oni are the least, and perhaps most despicable variety of oni. They delight in
murdering the innocent and hurting the helpless. They are known to ally and form bands
lead by the strongest of their number, until another member murders him and takes his

An aka-oni stands about 8 feet tall and weighs about 500 pounds. Its skin color is in
varying shades of reds and browns, and its hair is black or a very dark brown. Aka-oni
strongly favor body modifications such as piercings and tattoos, and wear clothing that
display these modifications.

As they are lacking in intelligence, Aka-Oni favor straightforward tactics but almost
always prey on the weakest creature in sight, preferrably in larger numbers.
Aversion (Ex): An aka-oni suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in
the presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.

Aka-Oni (CR 3)
Large giant (oni, rare); AL chaos, evil
hp 29 (4d8+11); chakra 18
Init –1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 8, flat-footed 15 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +7 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1
Base Atk +3; Grp +13
Atk kanabo +9 melee (3d6+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Qualities aversion, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Str 23, Dex 9, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 6
Skills Climb +8, Jump +7, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats Archaic Weapons ProficiencyB, Toughness, Weapon Focus (kanabo)
Habits forests and caves; solitary, pair, gang (3-4) or band (5-8)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +3

This tall, lanky creature is covered in lean muscles and patches of black fur on its arms,
shin and chest. It wears nothing but a loincloth, has strangely spiked hair and a black
horn that curls upward from the center of its forehead.

Like all other oni, ao-oni are cruel and vengeful creature, but their cleverness is what
truly sets them apart. They have near-magical powers that enable them to put their
victims to sleep with a mere touch, breathe fire or camouflage themselves to go about
undetected, and use it to great effect. A particular past time most ao-oni will agree is
highly enjoyable involves kidnapping children from their home, releasing them in the
woods with a headstart and killing them before they can find their way back.

An ao-oni stands about 10 feet tall and weighs about 700 pounds. Its skin is blue or
purple, and its hair is black or white. Much like their cousins, ao-oni favor extreme body
modifications and wear garments to accentuate and show off those modifications.

Ao-oni are treacherous and deceitful foes, and will favor tactics that make use of their
abilities to camouflage thesmelves to catch opponents off-guard. Perhaps its favorite
tactic involves sneaking up on an unaware opponent and using its powers to lull it to
sleep. When pushed, however, Ao-oni are capable fighters at short and medium range and
will not shy from combat. An ao-oni's natural attacks count as chakra-enhanced for the
purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Aversion (Ex): An ao-oni suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in the
presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–jukusui no jutsu (DC 17); 2/day–gisou no jutsu, godai
taigeki: shodan jutsu (7d6 cold or fire damage only, DC 17); 1/day–mukidou sanpo no
jutsu. Character level 7th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Ao-Oni (CR 8)
Large giant (oni, rare); AL evil
hp 52 (7d8+21); chakra 37
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 19, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +2 leather armor, +7 natural)
DR 5/chakra; Resist cold 5, fire 5; CrR 18
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4
Base Atk +5; Grp +14
Atk greatsword +10 melee (3d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks spell-like abilities
Special Qualities aversion, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills Climb +9, Concentration +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Spot +10,
Survival +6
Feats Archaic Weapons ProficiencyB, Armor Proficiency (light)B, Stealthy, Track,
Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Habits forests and caves; solitary, pair, or band (1-2 plus 2-4 aka-oni)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +8

This huge, hulking creature has black skin and eyes like molten rock. Its head is crowned
by a pair of large, up-curling horns, and its mouth has two rows of flat, rocklike teeth. It
wears nothing but a lointcloth.

A kuro-oni is a well-oiled engine of destruction. What it lacks in intellect, it makes up for

with titanic strength and stubborn persistence. Unlike its cousins, a kuro-oni has no
preference in the mayhem it causes; it kills, maims and destroys without hesitating,
stopping to formulate a plan and completely without mercy.

A kuro-oni is a massive creature that is almost half as wide at the shoulders as it is tall,
and stands about 25 feet tall and weighs about 20,000 pounds.

A kuro-oni has no need for a plan and attacks with whatever weapon it can get its hands
on, or its fists, horns and powerful bite. A kuro-oni's natural attacks count as chakra-
enhanced for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Aversion (Ex): A kuro-oni suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in
the presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.
Leap (Ex): A kuro-oni can make an enormous leap as a full-round action, moving up to
its movement speed. If the kuro-oni would land on a creature, meaning that it is in an area
the size of the kuro-oni's fighting space, that creature suffers 4d6+28 points of
bludgeoning damage unless it makes a Reflex save (DC 31). Any affected creature, as
well as any creature within 30 feet of the kuro-oni's landing zone must make a second
Reflex save or fall prone (DC 31). The save DCs are Strength-based.
Rampage (Ex): A kuro-oni has a cumulative 1% chance of going on a rampage at the
beginning of its turn whenever it enters combat. A rampaging kuro-oni attacks the nearest
creature or smashes any object or structure smaller than itself before moving on to
continue its rampage. It takes 10 minutes of continuous inactivity where the kuro-oni is
not fighting or chasing a creature for its rampage to end and the rampage chance to return
to 0%.
Roar (Su): Once per encounter, a kuro-oni can let out a huge roar that can be heard by all
creatures within a distance of 1 mile. Any creature wthin 50 feet of the kuro-oni suffers
2d6 points of sonic damage and is stunned for 1d4 rounds unless it makes a Fortitude
save (DC 25). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Trample (Ex): A kuro-oni can trample enemies by moving at twice its speed, dealing
4d6+21 points of bludgeoning damage, half on a successful Reflex save (DC 31). The
save DC is Strength-based.
Skills: A kuro-oni has a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Jump checks. It can always choose
to take 10 on Climb checks and Jump checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Kuro-Oni (CR 15)

Huge outsider (oni, rare, spirit); AL evil
hp 185 (14d8+112); chakra 142
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 50 ft.
Def 27, touch 10, flat-footed 25 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +17 natural)
DR 10/chakra and dark iron; Immune fear, fire; Resist cold 20, electricity 20; CrR 23
Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +11
Base Atk +14; Grp +36
Atk dark iron kanabo +26/+21/+16 melee (4d6+21), horns +24 melee (1d12+7) and bite
+24 melee (2d6+7); or 2 slams +26 melee (2d8+14), horns +24 melee (1d12+7) and bite
+24 melee (2d6+7)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks leap, rampage, roar, trample
Special Qualities aversion, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5
Str 38, Dex 14, Con 27, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 14
Skills Climb +39*, Craft (mechanical or structural) +13, Intimidate +19, Jump +39*,
Listen +15, Spot +15, Survival +19, Swim +29
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Multiattack, Power Attack
Possessions Equipment
Habits list habits; encounter sizes
Advancement by character class or HD

This black haired creature has snow-white skin and appears much as a flawlessly-
muscled human wearing light plate armor, a loincloth and a pair of swords at its belt.
The similarities come to an end at its towering height, the canted eyes that are
completely black, the cruel smile full of sharp teeth that nearly splits its face in half, and
the two short, straight horns extending from its forehead.

A shiro-oni is the most intelligent and powerful kind of oni, thought by some to be a
quasi-deity. As such, shiro-oni tend to be arrogant but above such petty schemes as
raiding villages and small towns for fun and profit, but much more likely to use its
formidable power to bring entire armies to their knees and whole kingdoms to ruin.

A shiro-oni stands about 12 feet tall and weighs about 850 pounds.
A shiro-oni is a cunning foe and makes use of everything in its arsenal to gain the upper
hand, from its ability to camouflage itself to its ability to pass through solid barriers as
though they were as much thin air. A shiro-oni's natural attacks and any weapon it wields
count as chakra-enhanced for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Aversion (Ex): A shiro-oni suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in
the presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.
Life Stealing (Su): A shiro-oni's life force is so massive and hungry that it pulls at the
energy of everything around it. All small insects and plant life within 10 feet of a shiro-
oni withers and dies instantly, while all creatures within 5 feet with 10 or fewer hit points
must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or die. Any time a creature dies within 5 feet of a
shiro-oni, it heals 10 hit points.
Life Stealing Weapons (Su): A shiro-oni's hunger for life is so powerful that it extends
through its natural attack as well as any weapon it wields. Each time a shiro-oni makes a
successful melee attack, it deals an additional 1d6 points of damage and heals a number
of hit points equal to the damage dealt.
Summon Oni (Sp): A shiro-oni can summon 2d6 aka-oni, 1d4 ao-oni or 1 kuro-oni as a
full-round action once per day. This ability is the equivalent of a rank 12 technique.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–jukusui no jutsu (DC 18), mukidou sanpo no jutsu, shunshin
no jutsu; 3/day–gisou no jutsu, hijutsu: chakra hankai no jutsu (+20 bonus), jikuukan
igami; 1/day–nehan shouja no jutsu (DC 21), omnielemental storm (as enbuarashi no
jutsu, but deals 3d6 damage each of cold, earth, electricity, fire, water and wind, DC 27).
Character level 20th.

Shiro-Oni (CR 20)

Large outsider (oni, rare, spirit); AL evil, law
hp 190 (20d8+100); chakra 142
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 33, touch 13, flat-footed 28 (–1 size, +4 Dex, +4 light plate armor, +15 natural)
DR 10/chakra; Immune possession; Resist cold 10, earth 10, fire 10, electricity 10, water
10, wind 10; CrR 30
Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +14
Base Atk +20; Grp +34
Atk +1 katana +30/+25/+20/+15 melee (2d8+12 plus 1d6 life stealing) and +1 wakizashi
+30/+25/+20 melee (1d8+6 plus 1d6 life stealing); or 2 claws +31 melee (1d10+11 plus
1d6 life stealing) and bite +26 melee (2d6+5 plus 1d6 life stealing)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks life stealing, life stealing weapons, summon oni, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities aversion, darivision 60 ft., low-light vision
Str 33, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 21
Skills Bluff +28, Concentration +28, Diplomacy +13, Hide +15, Intimidate +28,
Knowledge (any three) +26, Listen +22, Move Silently +15, Spot +22, Search +19, Sense
Motive +25
Feats Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (katana,
Possessions +1 mystical katana and +1 mystical wakizashi
Habits solitary, pair or band (3-6)
Advancement by character class

This creature is humanoid, but clearly nonhuman. Its ears are pointed, its skin a sickly
yellow skin hanging loosely over its flesh, a wide, gaping mouth and its posture is
hunched, reminiscent of an animal.

A phage is a creature who is not alive, but that passes for the living. It is greedy, self-
motivated, and often employed by those savvy in the spiritual and supernatural as hunters,
thugs, hitmen and bodyguards. Phages have a fierce apetite for raw meat, and care little
where it comes from. Though they do not need to eat, as such, phages can sometimes
consume as much as a fifth of its weight in raw meat daily.

Phages usually stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and weigh between 120 and 180 pounds.
Phages speak Ancient, and most speak Common or the local language as well.

Phages use their sharp senses and ability to smell blood in the air to stalk its prey. Though
slow by human standard, they are intelligent enough to formulate effective strategies and
seek whatever advantage they can over their opponents, using the element of surprise
whenever possible or any and all weapons at their disposal.
Blood Scent (Ex): A phage can sense the smell of blood and raw meat in the air at a
range of up to 500 feet.
Change Shape (Su): A phage can use this ability to adopt a single human form, unique
to itself. It cannot use this ability during combat and automatically returns to its natural
form if transformed.

Phage (CR 6)
Medium undead (shapechanger, spirit); AL self
hp 58 (9d12); chakra 14
Init +7; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural)
Immune poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, daze, mind-affecting, critical hits, sneak
attacks, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +7
Base Atk +4; Grp +9
Atk slam +10 (1d6+7)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities blood scent, change shape, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits
Str 21, Dex 16, Con —, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills Climb +6, Hide +6, Jump +9, Listen +5, Move Silently +6, Spot +6, Swim +6,
Survival +5
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Simple Weapons ProficiencyB, Weapon Focus (slam)
Habits solitary, pack (2-8) or band (6-20)
Advancement 10–25 HD (Medium)

Predator Ooze
A pool of icky, off-white mucus, it bears no distinguishing features though it radiates a
primal hunger like no other. As it erratically inches forward, all debris, both living and
non-living, dissolves in its path.

Like others in the ooze family, the predator ooze is an amorphous being driven solely by
instinct to consume. However, its method of capturing its prey is far more sophisticated
than the methods employed by its brethren, opting to patiently wait for its prey to come to
it rather than searching endlessly.

On average, predator oozes weigh about 500 pounds and have a diameter of roughly 5
feet. However, they can grow larger with time or by consuming a sizable amount of

What makes a predator ooze distinct amongst its brethren is in the way it hunts.
Possessing the unique ability to morph its body to resemble objects in its environment,
the predator ooze waits for the perfect opportunity to get the drop on its prey. Once in
position, the ooze uses its acidic tendrils to slowly digest its prey.
Acid (Ex): A predator ooze secretes a digestive acid that quickly dissolves organic
material and metal, but not stone. Any successful melee attack or constrict attack deals
acid damage to creatures, objects and worn equipment. Armor or clothing dissolves and
becomes useless immediately unless it succeeds a Reflex save (DC 17). A metal or
wooden weapon that strikes a predator ooze also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds
a Reflex save (DC 17). The save DCs are Constitution-based.

The predator ooze's acidic touch deals 17 points of acid damage per round to wooden or
metal objects, but the ooze must remain in contact with the object for 1 full round to deal
this damage.
Camouflage (Su): A predator ooze can change its color to match the environment and
gain a +5 circumstance bonus to Hide checks. This takes 1 minute, but lasts until the ooze
takes an extended rest or changes color again. This bonus increases to +10 if it stays still
when hiding.
Change Shape (Su): A predator ooze has a limited ability to change its shape, able to
morph only into inanimate or environmental objects, such as rocks, trees, or debris of
Small, Medium or Large size. *A predator ooze gains a +10 bonus to Disguise checks
when using the Change Shape ability.
Constrict (Ex): A predator ooze deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful
grapple check. The opponent’s clothing and armor take a -4 penalty on Reflex saves
against the acid.
Improved Grab (Ex): A predator ooze can make a free Grapple attempt against any
creature it hits with a slam attack. This attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Predator Ooze (CR 4)
Medium ooze (shapechanger); AL none
hp 46 (4d10+24); chakra 17
Init –5; Rep +0; Spd 20 ft.
Def 5, touch 5, flat-footed 5 (–5 Dex)
Immune critical hits, poison, sleep, sneak attacks, stunning, form-altering and mind-
affecting effects
Fort +7, Ref –4, Will –4
Base Atk +3; Grp +4
Atk slam +4 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 acid); see improved grab
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks acid, constrict 1d6+1 plus 1d6 acid, improved grab
Special Qualities blindsight 60 ft., camouflage, change shape, ooze traits
Str 12, Dex 1, Con 22, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Habits temperate forests and marshes; solitary
Advancement 5–7 HD (Medium); 8–10 HD (Large)

Primordial Tortoise
This huge, lumbering creature is covered in an ocean of thick scales and has a shell the
size of a castle.

Like most kaijuu, the primordial tends to leave a path of destruction in its wake that
makes it easy to follow. That said, it isn't usually aggressive by nature, and many
primordial tortoise go centuries without having to fight or defend themselves.

The lifespan of these creature is so great that it can be very difficult to measure for
humans, but they are known to live at least for thousands of years. Many stories exist of
primordial tortoises laying still for so long that entire cities and ecosystems had been built
on or around them.

A primordial tortoise is 60 feet tall and 80 feet long, and weighs about 200 tons.

A primordial tortoise will often try to deter lesser foes by letting them tire themselves out.
When pressed into combat, however, it can wreak absolute havoc by devouring even
large predators, absorbing chakra attacks and letting out deadly flame bursts. A
primordial tortoise's natural attacks count as chakra-enhanced for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction.
Devastating Critical (Ex): The primordial tortoise's bite attack deals triple damage on a
critical hit.
Improved Grab (Ex): The primordial tortoise can make a free Grapple attempt against
any creature it hits with a bite attack. This attempt does not provoke an attack of
Radiant Shell (Su): Whenever a primordial tortoise negates a technique with its chakra
resistance, its shell begins to glow brightly. For 1d4 rounds afterwards, the primordial
tortoise's natural weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage, and any
unarmed or natural attacks, or attacks with light melee weapons, against the primordial
tortoise cause the attacker to suffer 1d6 points of fire damage as backlask. As an attack
action, the primordial tortoise can unleash the gathered energy in a 30-ft.-radius burst
around itself that deals 14d8 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 33 halves). The save DC is
Constitution-based. The primordial tortoise can create thie burst only once every 1d4
Slow (Ex): The primordial tortoise cannot run or charge.
Swallow Whole (Ex): The primordial tortoise can try to swallow a grabbed opponent
Huge size or smaller by making a successful Grapple check. Once iside, a creature suffers
4d6+19 points of damage and 2d6+5 points of acid damage per round from the primordial
tortoise's digestive juices. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way out using a light
slashing or piercing weapon by dealing 50 points of damage to the tortoise's digestive
track (Defense 26). Once a creature escapes, a muscular action closes the hole; another
swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.
A primordial turtle's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small or 512 Tiny
or smaller creatures.
Skills: The primordial tortoise gains a +12 bonus to Hide checks when passing itself off
as a hill, mountain or other similar landmark.

Primordial Tortoise (CR 18)

Colossal magical beast (kaijuu, rare); AL usually none
hp 430 (27d10+282); chakra 326
Init +0; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 31, touch 1, flat-footed 31 (–8 size, –4 Dex, +33 natural)
DR 15/chakra and dark iron; Immune ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain,
poison; Resist earth 30, fire 30; CrR 29
Fort +26, Ref +12, Will +11
Base Atk +27; Grp +62
Atk bite +38 melee (4d6+27/x3); see improved grab
Space 30 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks devastating critical, improved grab, radiant shell (14d8 fire, Reflex DC
33 halves, usable every 1d4 rounds), swallow whole
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 10, low-light vision, slow
Str 48, Dex 3, Con 31, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills Listen +11, Hide –7 (+5 when passing itself off as a hill or mountain), Spot +11
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness (4)
Habits lurks in marshes or plains, often passing as a hill or mountain; usually solitary
Advancement 28-50 HD (Colossal), 51–90 HD (Colossal+)

This pale woman is dressed in fine silks and appears ordinary, if comely, save for the
wicked claws that pierce the skin of her fingertips, the fangs that fill her mouth and the
long neck that stretches over thirty feet.
Rokurokubi are tall, slender humanoid who appear human even upon closer inspection,
until they choose not to. While most are female in appearance, this is not a universal trait
and male rokurokubi exist as well.

Though they have no particular aversion to daylight, rokurokubi are largely nocturnal
predators, sometimes roaming from sunset to sunrise in search for prey. They often keep
human habits and have human interactions as well to keep up appearances and encourage
prey to come to them rather than have to be sought out.

A rokurokubi stands between 5 and 6 feet tall and weighs between 100 and 180 pounds.

Most rokurokubi rely on trickery to attract prey and strike when they are least expected
to. Many rokurokubi pick up new skills and train as humans, some even learning the ways
of the ninja and supplementing their own skills with techniques as well.
Cursed Wounds (Su): The wounds inflicted by a rokurokubi's natural attacks are not
only painful, but cursed as well. Each time a creature suffers damage from cursed
wounds, reduce its maximum hit points by the amount of damage it suffered. The victim
of the curse recovers its maximum hit points at the same rate it recovers naturally.
Healing spells or techniques do not affect the curse.
Disembodied Haunt (Su): A rokurokubi who suffers more than 8 points of damage to its
neck is beheaded instantly and becomes a nukekubi. Its body disintegrates, and it
becomes a Fine creature with a fly speed 60 feet (perfect maneuverability). A nukekubi
doesn't have the Cursed Wounds or Long Neck abilities, but its bite attack becomes a
primary natural weapon and deals 2d6+3 points of damage plus 1 point of Constitution
drain, which also heals the nukekubi 5 hit points.

When a nukekubi drains 8 points of Constitution damage, it can regenerate its body as an
attack action. When it does, it regains the statistics of a rokurokubi and is healed to full
hit points.
Long Neck (Ex): A rokurokubi's neck stretches long distances. It has a reach of 30 feet
with its bite attack, and can maneuver around cover and obstacles, including other
creatures. However, this comes at a risk and provokes attacks of opportunities from all
opponents in spaces adjacent to any squares between a rokurokubi and its target. The
rokurokubi's neck has damage reduction 5/piercing or slashing.
Skills: A rokurokubi gains a +4 racial bonus to Bluff and Intimidate checks, and a +10
racial bonus to Disguise checks to pass as human.

Rokurokubi (CR 8)
Medium monstrous humanoid (rare, shapechanger, youkai); AL chaos, evil
hp 60 (8d8+24); chakra 42
Init +8; Rep +4; Spd 30 ft.
Def 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 natural)
Immune blindness, deafness, fear, poison, possession; CrR 19
Weaknesses disembodied haunt
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7
Base Atk +8; Grp +10
Atk 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+2 plus cursed wounds) and bite +7 melee (2d6+1 plus
cursed wounds)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (30 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks cursed wounds, long neck
Special Qualities disembodied haunt, ephemereal, see in darkness
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills Bluff +8, Disguise +3 (+13 to pass as human), Listen +8, Hide +13, Intimidate +8,
Move Silently +13, Spot +8
Feats Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
Habits any; solitary or pair
Advancement by character class

Kurokubi (CR 9)
Kurokubi or "black necks" are rokurokubi whose skin is black as night. Kurokubi do not
gain a bonus to Disguise checks to pass as human and their necks only provide a 20 foot
reach. However, a kurokubi's long neck has damage reduction 10/— and threatens all
squares within 20 feet, though each attack still provokes attacks of opportunities as

This creature's beauty cannot be expressed in mere words. It is captivating and
mysterious, and can charm the minds of the imprudent without them ever noticing. One
could study its beauty for a lifetime and struggle to find any flaw, or escape the awe it

Some beings are born under a lucky star, capable of great things with the charisma to
inspire others to do the same, but everyone has a bad side; the senjin is not one of them. It
is the embodiment of grace, the pinnacle of beauty, and it knows it. Many senjin abuse
their power to enthrall men and women they come across, heedless of the damage they
cause, opting for a life of chaos, pleasure and opulence.

As a result, senjins tend to be arrogant and self-entitled, drunk on its own power, a
sentiment further reinforced by the sycophancy displayed by the weak-willed who flock
to its side. A scorned senjin can be a vicious and spiteful foe, and unlikely to give one a
second chance to ponder incurring its wrath.

A male senjin stands a little over 6 feet tall and weighs about 160 pounds, while a female
senjin stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 140 pounds.

A senjin is no great warrior, and it knows it. It prefers to using its enthralled minions as a
weapon, or simply charm its way out of conflict. When cornered, however, the senjin will
use its beauty and allure to its full, devastating effect to daze its enemies and turn friends
against one another.
Compelling Beauty (Su): This ability causes all humanoids within 30 feet of a senjin
who look directly at it to become struck by its beauty. Such creatures must make a
Fortitude save (DC 16) or become shaken as long as they remain in the senjin's presence.
A senjin can suppress or resume this ability at will, as a free action. The save DC is
Dazzling Charm (Su): A senjin can shock any creature it looks at with a mere look with
its sheer beauty and allure as an attack action. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC
16) or be dazed for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Enchanting Elegance (Su): A senjin adds its Charisma modifier as a bonus on all saving
throws and as a deflection bonus to Defense, as well as a competence bonus to Handle
Animal checks and all Charisma-based skill checks against creatures attracted to its
Stimulating Touch (Su): A senjin's mere touch is intoxicating and can fill whomever it
is directed at with warmth and almost mind-numbing pleasure. If the target is not willing
to be touched, the senjin must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. If
successful, the touch has the intoxicating effect of charming the target and making it
much more receptive to the senjin's suggestions, as zokuyuuin no jutsu, and less capable
of good judgement, imposing a –2 penalty on Wisdom-based skill checks and ability
checks and skill checks to resist its orders. The target must make a Will save (DC 16) to
resist the effects, which lasts for as long as it remains in the senjin's presence, and one
day afterwards or until the senjin is slain in front of the victim. If the effects end
naturally, it will leave the victim with a feeling of emptiness and a longing for the senjin's
presence, causing it to become fatigued for 24 hours until the feelings pass.

A senjin's stimulating touch is a highly addictive sensation, and can have unpleasant side
effects when used on a creature too often. These effects can be highly unpredictable,
ranging from the victim simply developing real feelings for the senjin to taking drastic
and extreme actions to protect the senjin against threats real, but most often imagined,
without being prompted. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spell-like Abilities: 2/day–hijutsu: retsu hassai (5 mastery, DC 21). Character level 7th.
Skills: A senjin gains a bonus to Handle Animal checks equal to its Charisma modifier.
*In addition, it gains a bonus and any Charisma-based skill checks against creatures
attracted to its gender.

Senjin (CR 6)
Medium fey (youkai); AL chaos
hp 22 (5d6+5); chakra 7
Init +1; Rep +3; Spd 30 ft.
Def 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 deflection)
DR 10/cold iron; Immune fear, poison, possession; Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +10
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Atk dagger +4 melee (1d4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks compelling beauty, dazzling charm, stimulating touch, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities ephemereal, enchanting elegance, see in darkness
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 19
Skills Bluff +12*, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +8*, Intimidate +7*, Handle Animal
+14*, Hide +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +10, Spot +10
Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Habits usually solitary, or with charmed minions
Advancement 6–12 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment +6

This creature looks like a wolf, but only at first glance. Its form is black and blurry.
Instead of fur, it appears to be made up of pitch-black wisps of shadow. The creature's
maw is large, its fangs glimmer unnaturally, and its eyes are two pinpricks of light that
glow in the dark like burning embers.

The Shuragami are evil spirits that take the form of wolves, who have a tendency to haunt
graveyards and battlefields to kill survivors; despite their violent tendencies, the primary
target of their fury are pillagers, looters and grave robbers. Legends claim that the spirit of
anyone killed by a shuragami is forced to wander a lifeless wasteland until atones for all
the pain he or she caused in life.

A shuragami is about 10 feet long and weighs about 950 pounds.

The shuragami is impossible to pin down and heavily favors pack tactics. When alone it
uses its ability to teleport to execute lethal ambushes, but prefers to immediately surround
its foes and attack from all sides as a pack.
Soulstone (Su): A shuragami's soulstone, when it is exposed, is on its forehead.
Spiritspeak (Su): A shuragami can speak common, and can communicate with any
Teleport (Su): The shuragami can teleport 20 feet as a move action. This movement does
not provoke an attack of opportunity and can be used while entangled, grappled or held
by a physical object, or without sure footing. It can do this in response to any attack or
effect it is aware of as an instant action once per day.
Trip (Ex): A shuragami can make a trip attempt against any enemy it hits with a bite
attack without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Shuragami (CR 7)
Large outsider (elite, kami, rare); AL evil, order
hp 100 (10d8+20); chakra 42
Init +4; Rep +3; Spd 50 ft., teleport 10 ft. (Su)
Def 25, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (–1 size, +4 Dex, +11 natural, +1 luck)
Resist cold 10, fire 10; CrR 16
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +9
Base Atk +10; Grp +17
Atk bite +13 melee (1d8+4); see trip
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks trip
Special Qualities darkvison 60 ft., fast regeneration 2, extra actions, scent, soulstone,
Str 16, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills Concentration +7, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (arcane lore) +5, Sense Motive +12,
Survival +15 (+19 when tracking by scent)
Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus (bite)
Habits haunts graveyards and battlefields; solitary or with a wolf pack (2–12 wolves)

Shinobi no Mono
This tall, shrouded individual stands immobile in the darkness. The next instant, its
weapon is drawn and it disappears in a swirl of shadows.

Shinobi tend to be a diverse sort, but not every individual is the master of a hundred
techniques and fighting styles. The statistics presented here represent the devoted servant
of a feudal lord who would gladly give his or her life in service to a greater cause.
Because they have historically different focuses, shinobi and kunoichi are presented with
different stats, but the genders could just as easily be reversed.

As is typical, shinobi heavily favor stealth tactics but are more adept than kunoichi at
personal combat. Their ability to substite themselves for their allies also make them ideal
Burst of Speed (Su): A shinobi can teleport up to 30 feet in response to an attack or
effect it is aware of against an ally. When defending an ally, the shinobi teleports next to
the ally and becomes subject to the attack instead. The shinobi can use this ability three
times per day. The first time, it costs 5 chakra, increasing by 5 chakra for each subsequent
Fatal Strike (Su): A shinobi can pounce on an unsuspecting enemy and deal double
damage. This counts as a charge, and requires a flat-footed opponent or an enemy that
cannot see the shinobi.
Poison: A shinobi's weapons are all coated with one dose of an injury poison. Fortitude
save DC 16, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Wis.
Shinobi's Cunning (Ex): A shinobi is always acutely aware of his surroundings.
Flanking attackers only gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and the shinobi can never be
caught flat-footed.
Sneak Attack (Ex): A shinobi can make sneak attack like a ninja scout, dealing an extra
2d6 points of damage when an enemy is denied its Dexterity bonus to Defense or when
Spell-like Abilities: At will–nakimane no jutsu, tadayou; 3/day–goukakyuu no jutsu
(8d6, DC 15), hasamiuchi (DC 19), kubikiri shuriken no jutsu (4d8); 2/day–gisou no
jutsu; 1/day–damashiuchi no jutsu. Character level 10th. All techniques can be
Skills: A shinobi gains a +4 bonus to Balance, Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks.
Shinobi (CR 10)
Medium humanoid (heroic, human); AL master
hp 75 (10d8+30); chakra 52 (20 reserve)
Init +6; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 20, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +4 natural); see shinobi's cunning
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +6
Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Atk katana +11/+6 melee (1d10+4) or shuriken +7/+7/+2 ranged (1d3+3); see poison
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks fatal strike, sneak attack +2d6, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities burst of speed, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, spell-like
abilities, speed rank 3, strength rank 3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills Balance +7, Chakra Control +6, Escape Artist +7, Climb +11, Hide +13, Jump +5,
Listen +7, Move Silently +14, Spot +7, Survival +7, Tumble +8.
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Rapid Shot, TrackB, Weapon Focus
Possessions armored suit, katana, 15 shuriken, 2 smoke bombs
Habits solitary, pair, team (1-4), squad (4-20) or platoon (20-40)

Unlike shinobi, kunoichi are more skilled in the subtle arts and are more likely to retreat
when directly confronted. Given the chance, it will attempt to seduce an enemy and either
poison it or weaken it with its sealing kiss before initiating any confrontation.
Burst of Speed (Su): A kunoichi can teleport up to 30 feet in response to an attack or
effect it is aware of against itself. When defending against an attack, the kunoichi simply
avoids the effect. The kunoichi can use this ability three times per day. The first time, it
costs 5 chakra, increasing by 5 chakra for each subsequent use.
Kunoichi's Cunning (Ex): A kunoichi is always acutely aware of her surroundings.
Flanking attackers only gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and the kunoichi can never be
caught flat-footed.
Poison: A kunoichi's weapons are all coated with one dose of an injury poison. Fortitude
save DC 16, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Wis.
Sealing Kiss (Su): A kunoichi can use this deadly technique by simply kissing a living
creature. If the living creature is not willing to be kissed, the kunoichi must start a
grapple. The sealing kiss bestows 1 negative level that fades automatically after 24 hours
without requiring a Fortitude save. A kissed creature must also make a Will save (DC 18)
or treat the kunoichi favorably (as though its attitude was friendly) for 10 minutes. A
hostile creature is not subject to the additional effect. Ths save DC is Charisma-based.
Sneak Attack (Ex): A kunoichi can make sneak attack like a ninja scout, dealing an
extra 2d6 points of damage when an enemy is denied its Dexterity bonus to Defense or
when flanking.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–nakimane no jutsu, tadayou; 3/day–henge no jutsu, jukusui
no jutsu (DC 16), saimin no jutsu (DC 19), sakura kaihou no jutsu (DC 19); 2/day–
chiyokubou no jutsu, ishikika kasseika no jutsu; 1/day–kaigo no jutsu (DC 21), magen:
jagan (DC 22). Character level 10th. All techniques can be empowered.
Skills: A kunoichi gains a +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Listen, and Sense Motive

Kunoichi (CR 10)

Medium humanoid (heroic, human); AL master
hp 55 (10d8+10); chakra 32 (20 reserve)
Init +7; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 14, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 armor); see kunoichi's cunning
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8
Base Atk +7; Grp +8
Atk chisa-gatana +8/+3 melee (1d6+1) or throwing needle +6/+6/+1 ranged (1); see
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks sealing kiss, sneak attack +2d6, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spell-like abilities, speed rank 3
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16
Skills Balance +9, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +9, Climb +7, Hide +15,
Listen +15, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +13, Spot +9, Tumble +5.
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Rapid Shot, Weapon
Possessions chisa-gatana, reinforced kimono, 2 smoke bombs, 15 throwing needles
Habits solitary, pair, team (1–4) or squad (1–4 and 1–16 shinobi)

This large toad-like creatures is covered in scales and powerful muscles, and appears to
have limbs that end in hands that have opposable thumbs.

A tatsugaeru is a type of kami that relishes in the thrill of battle. They are not particularly
bloodthirsty and usually spare defeated opponents, but rarely pass up the chance for a
fight. Powerfully muscled and roughly the size of a grow human, tatsugaeru make their
homes near large bodies of water and often stake out the site of possible battles in the
hopes to join in and turn the tide of battle. They are often seen as simple or unintelligent
creatures, but few can fault their courage.

A grown tatsugaeru is 5 feet tall in a crouched position and weighs about 300 pounds.
Tatsugaeru only speak common, but understand all living creatures whether they can
speak or not.

Tatsugaeru almost always fight in groups, and are generally fearless creatures. They join
in battles on the losing side heedless of danger, for the simple pleasure of turning the tide
against the side with superior numbers. In groups, tatsugaeru can join with each other to
emit a powerful croak so loud it can stun or kill opponents.
Croak (Su): When three tatsugaeru are within 10 feet of each other, they can act
simultaneously as a full-round action to emit a powerfully loud croak. All creatures
within 50 feet suffer 3d6 points of sonic damage, halved on a successful Fortitude save
(DC 15). Any creature that suffers damage must make a Will save (DC 15) or be dazed
for 1 round. Each additional tatsugaeru that joins in the croak increases the damage by
+1d6 and the radius by 5 feet (maximum 10d6, but the range increases up to 100 feet). A
tatsugaeru can only participate in one croak each day. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Flying Leap (Su): A tatsugaeru can leap great distances with supernatural control. As a
move action, the tatsugaeru can move 60 feet as though it had a fly speed with average
maneuverability, but must end its movement on solid ground, or it begins to fall. The
tatsugaeru can only use this ability once per round and must begin its movement with
solid leverage to jump off of, usually solid ground.
Haymaker (Su): A tatsugaeru can make a single slam attack against a flat-footed
creature as an attack action. If it hits, the slam attack gains 1.5 times the tatsugaeru's
Strength bonus to damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or become
sickened and staggered for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Intimidating Prowess (Ex): Tatsugaeru use their Strength score instead of their
Charisma score when making Intimidate checks.
Stagger (Su): A creature hit by two tatsugaeru water blasts in a single round must make a
Fortitude save (DC 15) or become flat-footed until the beginning of its next turn. The
save DC is Constitution-based.
Strength in Numbers (Su): When two tatsugaeru are within line of sight of each other,
they are immune to fear effects. Furthermore, any ally within 10 feet of a tatsugaeru gains
a +4 morale bonus to saves against fear.
Water Blasts (Su): A tatsugaeru can unleash two powerful water blasts as ranged attacks
with a range of 200 feet. Each blast deals 3d6 points of water damage on a successful hit.
Skills: A tatsugaeru gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Tatsugaeru (CR 4)
Medium dragon (aquatic, kami, rare); AL battle, victory
hp 38 (4d12+12); chakra 22
Init +5; Rep +2; Spd 30 ft.; see flying leap
Def 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +6 natural)
Immune croak, energy drain, form-altering effects, possession, petrification; Resist cold
10, sonic 10, water 10
Weaknesses vulnerability to type
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Atk 2 slams +8 melee (1d6+4) or 2 water blasts +5 ranged (3d6 water plus stagger)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks croak, haymaker, stagger, water blasts
Special Qualities amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., fast regeneration 1, flying leap,
soulstone, spiritspeak, strength in numbers
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills Intimidate +6, Listen +9, Knowledge (tactics) +5, Sense Motive +9, Spot +11
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Habits lakes and rivers; solidary or trio or squad (3–9)
Advancement 5–10 HD (Medium); 11–20 HD (Large); 21–30 HD (Huge)
The tengu are beings who dwell in mountains often associated with yamabushi, mountain
warrior hermits. Though they are not evil, they are perceived as dangerous by most and
feared by many. Tengu are proud creatures who do not take insults well, and while they
are quick to anger, they are not entirely unreasonable.

Tengu have a long history of swordsmanship, and many claim that both ninja and samurai
were first trained by their more powerful rulers. Their social behavior otherwise fairly
mimics that of tribal humans, although tengu also look for cunning as well as strength in
their leaders. They establish themselves in mountains, each one ruled by a mighty tengu
called a daitengu; the larger the mountain, the larger the flock of tengu, and the stronger
the daitengu.

There are two kinds of tengu: hanataka-tengu and karasu-tengu. Because of their ancestry
and mingling with humans, tengu speak Ancient and Common.

This humanoid, slightly taller and much more muscular than a human, has tan skin and
small dark wings protruding from its back resembling that of a crow. Its most prominent
feature is a long, slender nose that extends nearly a foot from its face.

Hanataka-tengu, or long-nosed tengu, are creatures of legend. At first believed to be

malicious, they still inspire awe and wariness despite their neutral tendencies. Legends
and rumors tell tales of hanataka-tengu teaching swordsmanship to the young men and
women who wander in the mountains even today; it is said that a tengu's teachings are
harsh and ruthless, but a sure path to greatness.

Most adult hanataka-tengu are about six feet tall and weigh about 180 pounds.

Hanataka-tengu are shrewd tacticians and will often form elaborate battle strategy in
order to obtain an elegant victory. They are very disciplined and organized combatants
and function very well as a unit, often putting the objective before their own safety.
Despite all this, a hanataka-tengu's pride can sometimes overpower its better judgement,
leading it to make mistakes it would not have made otherwise.
Ancestral Warfare (Ex): Hanataka-tengu have a long history of swordsmanship and
gain automatic proficiency tessen, war fan, as well as all swords and sword-like weapons
(including chisa-gatana, daikunai, double katana, fullblade, greatsword, katana, kodachi,
large katana, longsword, ninja-to, sabre, shortsword, sword-cane, two-bladed sword and

Hanataka-Tengu, 1st-level Enforcer (CR 1)

Medium humanoid (tengu); AL none
hp 6 (1d8+2); chakra 3
Init +6; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 class, +1 Dex, +3 studded leather armor)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will –1
Base Atk +1; Grp +4
Atk katana +5 melee (1d10+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities ancestral swordsmanship, low-light vision
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 9
Skills Balance +4, Climb +4, Jump +4, Knowledge (tactics) +4, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium)B, Improved Initiative, Simple Weapons
Habits hills and mountains; solitary, squad (4–16 with a 3rd level captain) or platoon
(10–100, 5 3rd-level captain and 1–3 5th-level lieutenants and a 7th-level commander)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +1

This birdlike humanoid stands on two legs that end in sharp talons. Its body is covered in
black feathers, it has the head of a crow, and two muscular arms that end in five-
fingered, handlike talons. Two large, black-feathered wings extend from its back.

Myths and legends paint the karasu-tengu as demons who kidnap and eat children, while
in reality they are anything but. While their monstrous appearance certainly lends
credence to those rumors, the karasu-tengu are usually neutral and trustworthy creatures.
There are many stories that say that karasu-tengu were the first to discover ninjutsu and
teach it to the first shinobi; while those stories may not entirely be true, many karasu-
tengu practice the ninja arts, and some reach awe-inspiring levels of proficiency.

Like their long-nosed cousins, karasu-tengu are not averse to teaching their arts to
strangers, given the right incentive. Karasu-tengu can make loyal friends and allies to
those who will look past their appearances.

An adult karasu-tengu stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 160 pounds.

Karasu-tengu often prefer to avoid direct confrontation. They are discreet creatures and
use this to their advantage by setting up deadly ambushes and traps, picking off their
enemies from a distance to minimize the danger to the flock. They are disciplined and
iron-willed combatants, but often wary of strangers who tend to attack them without
provokation simply because of their monstrous appearance.
Ancestral Warfare (Ex): Karasu-tengu have a long history of bowmanship and
shurikenjutsu and gain automatic proficiency in tessen, war fan, as well as all projectile
and thrown weapons (including blowgun, crossbow, dagger, daikyuu, fuuma shuriken,
greatbow, hand crossbow, hankyuu, kunai, large shuriken, shuriken, throwing knife,
throwing needles and throwing spear).
Glide (Ex): The karasu-tengu can use its wings to slow its fall and glide. It can make a
Jump check (DC 15) to fall safely from any height without taking damage, falling at a
rate of 10 feet per round. While falling, the karasu-tengu can make an additional Jump
check (DC 15) to glide forward 5 feet for every 10 feet it falls.
Karasu-Tengu, 1st-level Marksman (CR 1)
Medium humanoid (tengu); AL none
hp 5 (1d8+1); chakra 2
Init +3; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+1 class, +3 Dex, +2 leather armor)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Base Atk +0; Grp +2
Atk 2 claws +2 melee (1d4+2), or throwing knife +4 ranged or +2/+2 ranged (1d4+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., glide, ancestral warfare
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills Climb +3, Jump +5, Hide +6, Knowledge (ninja lore) +2, Listen +4, Move Silently
+6, Spot +4, Tumble +5
Feats Armor Proficiency (light)B, Rapid Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Habits hills and mountains; solitary, squad (4–16 with a 3rd level captain) or platoon
(10–100, 5 3rd-level captain and 1–3 5th-level lieutenants and a 7th-level commander)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +1

Vicious Slime
Glossy, green and gelatinous, this creature makes a keening whine as it creeps ever

These creatures are often more a nuisance and a pest than a threat. As with all things,
however, there is strength in numbers and vicious slimes travel in packs.

A vicious slime is two feet wide and tall and weighs around 100 pounds.

Vicious slimes are usually mindless in their assault and pay no mind to strategy.

Vicious Slime (CR 1/2)

Small slime; AL none
hp 5 (1d10); chakra 1
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
Def 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +1 Dex)
DR 3/slashing; Immune mind-affecting effect, ooze traits
Fort +0, Ref -5, Will -5
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Atk slam +2 melee (1d4+1 plus 1 acid)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 10, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Habits caves, mountains; pack (2–20)
Advancement 2–5 HD (Small)
This huge crocodilian creature has gleaming black and purple scales and slitted eyes
that glow a sickly green. Its mouth is filled with rows of sharklike teeth and curled
upwards in a macabre, hungry grin.

The wani is a dangerous predator that, like its mundane cousin, makes its home in
tropical climates, even though it isn't cold-blooded itself. Like most youkai, the wani is
much more intelligent than the average animal and thrives on chaos and terrifying its prey
before moving in for the kill.

Wani prefer quantity over quality, and often leave behind a trail of half-eaten carcasses
that have been mangled almost beyond recognition as they were ripped to pieces from the

A wani is about 20 feet long and weighs about 2,500 pounds.

The wani is a patient and cunning predator, preying on the weakest target and devouring
them from within before bursting out of their corpses in a visceral display.
Burrow (Ex): A wani can only burrow in mud, muck and unpacked soil or sand.
Change Size (Su): A wani can change its size from Huge all the way down to Fine. The
wani can shrink to any smaller size it wishes as an attack action, but can only grow one
size category per round as an attack action.

If the wani is in a constrained space when it attempts to grow to a different size category,
it must make a Strength check to break through, taking into account the penalties of its
current size. If the wani is inside a creature, it must make an opposed Grapple check to
grow to any size category above two size categories smaller than the target. The wani's
Grapple modifier smaller sizes is as follow: Fine –1, Diminutive +3, Tiny +7, Small +11,
Medium +15, and Large +19.

This is extraordinarily painful for the victim. If the wani attempts to grow to 2 sizes
smaller, the victim suffers 3d6+13 points of damage, or half that if the victim succeeds
the opposed Strength checks. At 2 sizes smaller, the damage is 6d6+13 and the victim is
unable to act on a failed Strength check as it is wracked by pain. At 1 size smaller, the
damage is 9d6+13 per attempt and the victim is unable to act even on a successful
Strength check. At the same size category, the wani is automatically expelled and the
victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or die. On a successful save, the victim is
merely reduced to -1 hit points and dying.
Improved Grab (Ex): A wani can make a Grapple attempt as a free action against any
creature it hits with its bite attack without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Powerful Bite (Ex): A wani's powerful bite attack deals triple damage on a critical hit,
and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 18, 19 or 20.
Predatory Burrowing (Su): When a wani has a creature pinned, it can make a Grapple
check as a full-round action and shrink down to a very small size at the same time. On a
successful check, the wani crawls into the creature's mouth and into its stomach.
The wani can only burrow into a creature while three size categories smaller than the
creature (Diminutive for a Medium-sized creature, for example).

The process of removing a burrowing wani is the same as recovering from a pin. The
victim must succeed at an opposed Grapple check, and suffers a -4 penalty to the check.
Another creature can attempt remove the wani as a full-round action. This allows the
victim to substitute its Grapple bonus with the assisting character's Sleight of Hand bonus
when it attempts to expel the burrowing wani.
Thrash (Ex): When a wani has a creature pinned, it can thrash around with its victim and
its mouth whenever it succeeds a Grapple check, dealing 3d6+13 points of damage as a
free action.
Skills: The wani gains a +4 bonus to Hide checks for each size category below Huge it
shrinks to, and a +8 bonus to Swim checks.

Wani (CR 6)
Huge magical beast (aquatic, shapechanger, youkai); AL chaos
hp 57 (6d10+24); chakra 19
Init +1; Rep +2; Spd 40 ft., swim 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Def 20, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural)
DR 5/chakra; Immune fear, poison, possession; Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3
Base Atk +6; Grp +23
Atk bite +13 melee (3d6+13/18–20/×3)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab, powerful bite, predatory burrowing
Special Qualities amphibious, burrow, change size, ephemereal, scent, see in darkness
Str 28, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills Hide -6 (+18 at Fine size), Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +3,
Swim +17
Feats Alertness, Power Attack, Stealthy
Habits tropical jungles, lakes, rivers or swamps; solitary or bask (3–12)
Advancement 7–20 HD (Huge)

This enormous, bipedal reptile stands hunched on its digits, covered in yellow-and-black
barbed scales, and uses its long, whip-like bladed tail for balance. Its eyes are green and
slitted, its snout short, split by a wide maw filled with sharp fangs, and crowned with a
short horn at the tip. The top of its skull is marked with bony frills resembling horns.

Yomijishi, also known as the hell hound, is a creature of myths and legends. There is no
true evidence that points to its origins or its creation, though the more popular stories tell
the tale of a creature from the Underworld that found its sustenance on the corpse of the
wicked. That creature, Yomijishi, supposedly escaped when a Creator God left the
underworld, and before it could seal the entrance.
Whether or not that is the case, Yomijishi is an unpredictable predator of legendary
strength and remains a very real threat to all who encounter it. Though its lair, rumored to
be deep underground, has never been found, Yomijishi is known for surfacing all over
the world to find its prey, ranging from human villages to other animals and kaijuu. Some
legends claim that Yomijishi only hunts during the full or new moon, there is no evidence
and rarely any survivors that might indicate a cycle or pattern in its activity.

Yomijishi towers at about 60 feet tall and 80 feet long, weighs about 90 tons, and cannot

Yomijishi is a fierce combatant and will lash out at its prey savage and deadly attacks.
Though somewhat cleverer than most animals, its greatest strength is that there exists no
conventional means of killing it. Yomijishi's natural attacks are treated as epic weapons
to overcome damage reduction.
Adaptative Evolution (Ex): Yomijishi is comfortable in any environment and
automatically adjusts its physiology to suffer no penalty and operate normally in any
natural or supernatural condition, no matter how exotic or harsh. This enables yomijishi
to adapt to unfavorable conditions like being in a vaccuum, deep underwater, in low or
high gravity, or even in acid, lava, or a cloud of lightning.

Furthermore, when exposed to damage of any energy type, yomijishi gains resistance 30
to that energy type for 24 hours. Each round, it can react to any attack that deals energy
damage it is resistant to as an instant action to become immune to that energy type for 24
hours, or until exposed to a different energy type. Yomijishi can only immunize itself
against a certain energy type once per round.
Frightful Presence (Ex): Yomijishi can inspire terror by roaring or attacking. Affected
creatures make a Will save (DC 27) or become shaken for as long as they remain within
60 feet of Yomijishi. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Improved Grab (Ex): Yomijishi can make a free Grapple attempt against any creature it
hits with a claw attack. This attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Swallow Whole (Ex): Yomijishi can try to swallow a grabbed opponent Huge size or
smaller by making a successful Grapple check. Once inside, a creature suffers 1d10+8
points of damage and 1d10+5 points of acid damage per round from yomijishi digestive
juices. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way out using a light slashing or piercing
weapon by dealing 50 points of damage to yomijishi digestive track (Defense 25). Once a
creature escapes, a muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut
its own way out.
Yomijishi gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small or 512 Tiny or smaller
Fast Regeneration (Ex): Yomijishi heals at a rate or 50 hit points per round, and
automatically regrows limbs, even a head, in 1d6 minutes even when not concentrating.
Furthermore, yomijishi is not subject to effects that cause incurable wounds or slow down
the rate of natural healing or regeneration.

No damage type can stop this ability, and it continues to regenerate even when failing a
saving throw against a death effect or when targeted by an effect that would destroy or
disintegrate its body.

Yomijishi can only be slain by an attack against which it willingly offers no defense
(conditions such as unconsciousness or paralysis do not meet this requirement).
Skills: Yomijishi gains a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Yomijishi (CR 20)

Colossal magical beast (kaijuu, rare, spirit); AL none
hp 555 (33d10+375); chakra 431
Init +8; Rep +0; Spd 60 ft., burrow 60 ft., climb 60 ft., swim 60 ft.
Def 39, touch 6, flat-footed 35 (–8 size, +4 Dex, +33 natural)
DR 15/epic and chakra; Immune ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, disease,
poison, sleep effects; CrR 32; see adaptative evolution
Fort +29, Ref +22, Will +15
Base Atk +33; Grp +66
Atk 2 claws +42 melee (2d8+17), bite +37 melee (3d6+8), gore +37 melee (1d10+8),
stamp +37 melee (1d12+8) and tail whip +37 melee (4d6+8/x3); see improved grab
Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks frightful presence, improved grab, swallow whole
Special Qualities adaptative evolution, fast regeneration 50, scent
Str 45, Dex 19, Con 33, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills Climb +18, Jump +18, Listen +17, Spot +15, Survival +14, Swim +18
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness (4), Track
Habits always solitary
Advancement 34–70 HD (Colossal)

This beautiful woman has snow-white hair and skin so pale it is almost blue, and wears
precious little to fend off the icy chill of winter.

Yuki-onna are cursed creatures, forever freezing to death and compelled to consign others
to that very same fate. They are the subject of many legends and rumors, which tend to
paint only a somwhat accurate picture of what yuki-onna are actually capable of. In truth,
they are spirits of hunger spawned by willful acts of evil. They usually aren't intentionally
spiteful and rarely act with ill intent, but their actions often make it difficult to determine
their motive.

A yuki-onna is around 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds.

Despite its slight appearance, a yuki-onna will usually face its foes head-on, having little
need for surprise.
Breath Weapon (Su): A yuki-onna can let out a devastating breath of ice and wind,
dealing 12d6 points of cold and wind damage to any creature in a 60-foot-long cone,
halved on a successful Reflex save (DC 20). The yuki-onna can only use its breath
weapon once every 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Cold Command (Su): As an attack action, a yuki-onna can issue a command to anyone
within 30 feet who can hear her. The command must be one or two sentences, less than
25 words in total, and cannot be self-destructive in nature. The subject must succeed a
Will save (DC 23) or be compelled to fulfill the command, or continuously attempt to do
so for 1 hour. This is a compulsion, and the save DC is Charisma-based. The effect can
be dispelled with genjutsu kai by making a dispel check (DC 25). A creature who resists a
cold command becomes immune to that yuki-onna's cold command ability for 24 hours.
Heat Thief (Su): Any living creature touched by a yuki-onna or hit by one or her slam
attack suffers 2d6 points of cold damage as the yuki-onna drains the heat from their
bodies. If the yuki-onna deals damage to a pinned creature, the damage from this ability
increases to 3d6.

If the yuki-onna strikes a critical hit against a living creature, this damage is not
multiplied but the yuki-onna gains one of the effects of Heart of Winter instead.
Icicle (Su): A yuki-onna can throw icicles with a range of 200 feet. Each icicle requires a
ranged attack roll and deals 3d6 points of cold and piercing damage.
Icy Flight (Su): A yuki-onna can travel along with a strong wind, becoming partly
insubstantial in the process. The yuki-onna gains a fly speed 120 feet with poor
maneuverability, but while she does so, she loses her immunity to wind damage and is
Insatiable Winter (Su): A yuki-onna draws strength from the chakra of techniques used
against her. Whenever her chakra resistance protects her from a technique, the yuki-onna
gains one of the effects below for 1 minute. While affected by insatiable winter, if the
yuki-onna's chakra resistance protects her from more techniques, she gains additional
effects. However, the duration of the effects is not increased or refreshed. When the
duration of the first effect expires, all of the insatiable winter benefits fade as well. Each
effect only applies once; they do not stack.
– Blizzard (Su): The yuki-onna whips up the area around her into a whiteout blizzard. The
blizzard has a 100-ft. radius spread and imposes a -4 penalty on Spot checks and ranged
attack rolls. This effect can be negated by the Kuuryuusan no Jutsu techniques performed
as a 10th level or higher character.
– Bitter Cold (Su): Each enemy that begins its turn in a square adjacent to the yuki-onna
suffers 3d6 points of cold damage.
– Hardy (Su): The yuki-onna gains 10 temporary hit points.
– Heart of Ice (Su): The yuki-onna's icicles deal an additional 2d6 points of damage.
– Speed (Su): The yuki-onna gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity and its movement speed
– Strength (Su): The yuki-onna gains a +10 bonus to Strength.
Spirit of Winter (Su): A yuki-onna is exhausted when fatigued to temperatures above
freezing for more than 1 minute, and cannot use her Heat Thief or Insatiable Winter
ability until she is dealt at least 10 points of cold damage, after which time her abilities
return for 1 minute.
Winter's Grasp (Su): A yuki-onna is more than simply impervious to cold, she is the
embodiment of winter. Rather than being simply immune to cold and water damage,
every point of cold and wind damage dealt to a yuki-onna heals 1 hit point instead.
Yuki-onna (CR 13)
Medium fey (cold, rare, spirit); AL hunger
hp 140 (17d6+71); chakra 104
Init +5; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 25, touch 20, flat-footed 20 (+5 Dex, +5 deflection, +5 natural)
DR 10/cold iron; Immune compulsion, cold, phantasm, possession, wind; CrR 26
Weaknesses fire, spirit of winter
Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12
Base Atk +8; Grp +10
Atk 2 slams +10 melee (1d6+2 plus heat thief) or 2 icicles +13 ranged (3d6 cold and
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (12d6 cold and wind, 60-ft. cone, Reflex DC 20 halves,
every 1d6 rounds), cold command, heat thief
Special Qualities icy flight, insatiable winter, winter's grasp
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 20
Skills Bluff +23, Diplomacy +17, Gather Information +9, Handle Animal +16, Intimidate
+20, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +16, Listen +20, Sense Motive +19, Spot
+20, Survival +14
Feats Alertness, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Toughness, Trustworthy
Habits list habits; encounter sizes
Advancement by character class


Templates are applied to creatures to modify their existing abilities or supplement them
with additional ability, either to provide a greater challenge or simply to create more
interesting foes. They are either acquired or inherited.

An acquired template can be applied to an existing creature even after it was first
encountered, while inherited templates are something the creature was either born or
created with. Furthermore, some templates can be restricted to only a certain kind of
creatures, typically by type. All such restrictions are listed in the template entry.

Demon Vermin
These creatures are the horrible result of a summoning pact gone horribly wrong. They
are stronger, faster and much more aggressive than giant vermin and almost impossible to
kill by conventional means.

Demon Vermin Template

The demon vermin template is an inherited template that can be applied to any vermin of
Small size or larger. A demon vermin retains all the base creature's traits and abilities,
except as noted below.
Type: The base creature's type changes to Aberration (youkai). Unlike most youkai,
however, demon vermin only possess the Emphemereal special quality.
Speed: The base creature's speed doubles.
Defense: The base creature gains a +4 natural armor bonus to Defense. If it already has a
natural armor bonus, it improves by 4.
Immunities: A demon vermin is immune to acid damage.
Special Qualities: The demon vermin gains the following special qualities, in addition
to the special qualities of the base creature.
Acid Spit (Ex): The demon vermin can spit acid as a ranged touch attack with a range
increment of 20 feet. The attack deals 2d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit (3d6
if the demon vermin is Large, 4d6 if Huge, and 6d6 if Gargantuan or larger).
Caustic Maw (Ex): If the demon vermin has a bite or sting attack, it deals an additional
1d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit.
Fast Regeneration (Ex): The demon vermin gains fast regeneration 5. If it already has fast
healing, it improves to fast regeneration. If it already had fast regeneration, it improves by

The only way to disable a demon vermin's regeneration is to stake it through the brain, a
difficult organ to find that requires the demon vermin to be pinned or incapacitated and
an attack roll at a -4 penalty. A successful attack that deals damage halts the demon
vermin's fast regeneration for 1 round.
Abilities: Strength +8, Constitution +4, Charisma +8. Demon vermin have an
Intelligence 8, and gain skills and feats normally.
Challenge Rating: HD 4 or less, as base creature +3; HD 5 or more, as base creature +5.
Allegiance: A demon vermin creature usually has the chaos and evil allegiances.

Sample Creature
This example uses a huge Giant Scorpîon kaijuu as the base creature.
Acid Spit (Ex): The demon scorpion kaijuu can spit acid as a ranged touch attack with a
range increment of 20 feet. The attack deals 4d6 points of acid damage on a successful
Caustic Maw (Ex): The demon scorpion kaijuu's sting attack deals an additional 1d6
points of acid damage on a successful hit.
Constrict (Ex): A demon scorpion kaijuu deals automatic claw damage on a successful
grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a demon scorpion kaijuu must hit with a claw
attack. A scorpion can use either its Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for grapple
checks, whichever is better.
Poison (Ex): A demon scorpion kaijuu has a poisonous sting that can inject venom that
deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage as initial and secondary damage with a Fortitude
save DC 23. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Skills: A demon scorpion kaijuu has a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Demon Scorpion Kaijuu (CR 11)

Huge aberration (kaijuu); AL chaos, evil
hp 125 (10d8+80); chakra 102
Init -2; Rep +0; Spd 80 ft.
Def 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (-2 Dex, +4 deflection, +10 natural)
DR 10/chakra; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, death effects, disease, energy
drain, fear effects, poison, stunning; Resist cold 10, earth 10, electricity 10, fire 10, water
10, wind 10
Fort +15, Ref +1, Will +3
Base Atk +7; Grp +23
Atk 2 claws +20 melee (1d8+14) and sting +15 melee (1d8+7 plus poison) or acid spit +5
touch (4d6 acid)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks acid spit, caustic maw, constrict 1d4+2, fear aura (30 ft., DC 15),
improved grab, kaijuu blast (60-ft. cone, 5d6 acid, Reflex DC 23 half, every 1d6 rounds),
poison, sweeping attacks, unstoppable
Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., emphemereal, fast regeneration 10, hardy, mutation
(fast), tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits
Str 39, Dex 6, Con 26, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw, sting)
Skills Climb +22, Hide -2, Spot +9

Gloomwrought Creature
Gloomwrought creatures are the result of an ancient experiment in forbidden techniques,
one designed to create a stronger breed of creatures from their natural stock. Stronger,
tougher and more clever than their peers, the gloomwrought creatures have a strong
capacity for adaptation, but retain few of their species natural instinct, often behaving in
strange or unusual ways.

Gloomwrought Template
The gloomwrought template is an inherited template that can be applied to any living
creature. A gloomwrought creature retains all the base creature's traits and abilities,
except as noted below.
Type: The base creature's type changes to Aberration.
Defense: The base creature gains a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense. If it already has a
natural armor bonus, it improves by 2.
Special Qualities: The gloomwrought creature gains the following special qualities, and
retains all the special qualities of the base creature.
Chakra Resistance (Ex): The gloomwrought creature gains chakra resistance equal to 12
+ its Hit Dice.
Imbued Power (Su): When a technique fails to penetrate the gloomwrought creature's
chakra resistance, the creature gains one of the following effects, determined when the
technique occurs. The effects last for one minute, and more than one can be active at any
given time.
Might: The gloomwrought creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
Quickness: The gloomwrought creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
Toughness: The gloomwrought creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
Cunning:The gloomwrought creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
Imprevious: The gloomwrought creature gains damage reduction 5/–.
Resistant: The gloomwrought creature gains resistance 10 to one of the following energy
type: cold, earth, electricity, fire, water or wind. This effect can be gained more than once,
each time it applies to a different energy type.
Resilience: The gloomwrought creature gains temporary hit points equal to 2 × the rank
of the failed technique.
Abilities: Strength +4, Dexterity +4, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma –2.
Challenge Rating: HD 3 or less, as base creature +1; HD 4 to 10, as base creature +2;
HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.
Allegiance: A gloomwrought creature usually has the evil allegiance.
Level Adjustment: +4.

Sample Creature
This example uses an Aka-Oni as the base creature.
Aversion (Ex): The gloomwrought aka-oni suffers a penalty to attack rolls and skill
checks when in the presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.
Imbued Power (Su): When a technique fails to penetrate the gloomwrought aka-oni's
chakra resistance, it gains one of the listed effects, determined when the technique occurs.
The effects last for one minute, and more than one can be active at any given time.

Gloomwrought Aka-Oni (CR 6)

Large aberration (oni, rare); AL evil, chaos
hp 33 (4d8+15); chakra 18
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 30 ft.
Def 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural)
CrR 16; see imbued power
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1
Base Atk +3; Grp +15
Atk kanabo +11 melee (2d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Qualities aversion, darkvision 60 ft., imbued power, low-light vision
Str 27, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 4
Skills Climb +10, Jump +9, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats Archaic Weapons ProficiencyB, Toughness, Weapon Focus (kanabo)
Habits forests and caves; solitary, pair, gang (3-4) or band (5-8)
Advancement by character class
Level Adjustment +7

Glutton Creature
A glutton creature is possessed of a wild, primal hunger that can never be sated, no matter
how much it eats. Not only is it always hungry, but it can eat and digest anything from
meat and bones to wood and stone, and can be driven to madness if not fed properly.

Glutton Template
The glutton template is an acquired template that can be applied to any creature that isn't
a construct or partially mechanical. A glutton creature retains all the base creature's traits
and abilities, except as noted below.
Type: The base creature's type remains the same.
Attacks: The glutton creature gains a bite attack. If the base creature already had a bite
attack, increase its damage according to the following progression or increase its damage
die by one step, whichever is more.
Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium-size 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6
Special Qualities: The glutton creature gains the following special qualities, and retains
all the special qualities of the base creature.
Digest (Ex): The glutton creature can spend a full-round action concentrating on its
digestion and heal 5 points of damage for each hit dice it has as it digests all organic
matter it has eaten. If it doesn't consume a meal within 5 minutes of using this ability,
starvation begins immediately. The glutton creature can't use this ability on an empty
Fast Healing (Ex): A glutton creature heals 5 hit points of damage each round it has at
least 1 hit points. It cannot heal hit points lost due to starvation with fast healing.
Iron Gut (Ex): The glutton creature has a cast iron stomach and is immune to all ingested
poisons and disease. It is can digest anything, and its stomach can hold twenty times as
much volume as a normal creature of its size, though this does not increase the size of its
gullet if it has the Swallow Whole ability. Matter stored in the glutton creature's stomach
doesn't count towards its carried weight to determine encumberance.
Extraordinary Metabolism (Ex): The glutton creature has the capacity to digest
everything it can swallow, regardless of whether it is organic matter or not, though it does
not derive nutrinents from it. Inorganic matter ingested by the glutton creature is digested
in 1d4 days.

In order to stave off starvation and thirst, the glutton creature needs to intake five times as
much food and drink as a creature its size. If it doesn't eat or drink for 24 hours,
starvation or thirst sets in immediately, and deals damage at twice the normal rate. Any
hit points damage dealt by starvation and thirst also lower the glutton creature's Wisdom
and Charisma scores until it eats a full meal (which, again, is five times larger than a
normal creature of its own type).
Purge (Ex): The glutton creature can purge the contents of its stomach at any time, on
command, as a swift action, though it is usually very reluctant to do so. When doing so, it
can purge only partially or completely, meaning that it could regurgitate a specific object
or substance it ingested and nothing else. After purging, the glutton is dazed for 1 round.
Abilities: Constitution +2, Charisma –2.
Challenge Rating: +2
Sample Creature
This example uses a Flesh Ripper as the base creature.

Glutton Flesh Ripper (CR 5)

Small aberration (youkai); AL none or owner
hp 26 (4d8+8); chakra 7
Init +2; Rep +1; Spd 40 ft.
Def 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Base Atk +3; Grp +1
Atk bite +7 melee (2d6+3); see attach
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks attach, ravage 2d6+3
Special Qualities digest, ephemereal, extraordinary metabolism, fast healing 5, iron gut,
purge, scent, see in darkness
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 3
Skills Jump +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +6 (+10 when tracking by scent)
Feats Alertness, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Habits forests and plains; solitary or nightmare (5–12)
Advancement 5–8 HD (Small); 9–12 HD (Medium)

Obake are individuals with the unique ability to shapeshift into an animal or vermin form,
or something in-between. They are the subject of many legends and have been given
many names over the years, many of them discriminatory. In truth, obake are no more
violent than other individuals of their race, though they do tend to be more feral and have
more finely-honed instincts than others.

Obake Template
The obake template is an inherited template that can be applied to any living humanoid or
monstrous humanoid. When creating an obake, it must be associated with a specific
animal or vermin between Tiny and Huge-sized. In very rare circumstances, Noble Obake
can also be associated with dragons and magical beasts. An obake retains all the base
creature's class levels, hit dice, traits and abilities, except as noted below.
Size and Type: The base creature's size and type remain the same, but it gains the
shapechanger subtype. In hybrid form, an obake's size category matches the size of its
Hit Dice: The base creature's hit dice remain the same, but recalculate its hit points to
account for a change in Constitution score when it changes shape.
Speed: Same as the base creature or the animal, depending on the form the obake is
Defense: The base creature gains a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense in all forms. If it
already has a natural armor bonus, it improves by 2.
Attacks: Same as the base creature or animal, depending on the form the obake is using.
In hybrid form, an obake has two claw attacks and a bite attack. These attacks deal
damage based on the obake's size category.
Size Category Claw Bite
Tiny 1d3 1d4
Small 1d4 1d6
Medium 1d6 1d8
Large 1d8 2d6
Huge 2d6 2d8
Special Qualities: The obake gains the following special qualities, and retains all the
special qualities of the base creature.
Change Shape (Su): The obake can assume the form of its associated animal, or a hybrid
form somewhere in-between. Changing forms between humanoid, animal or hybrid form
is an attack action that may provoke an attack of opportunity.

A slain obake returns to its original form. An obake's equipment does not adapt to fits its
new size.
Damage Reduction (Ex): An obake gains damage reduction 10/cold iron in animal form
or hybrid form.
Energy Resistance (Ex): A noble obake gains any energy resistance in animal or hybrid
form its associated animal possesses.
Senses (Ex): An obake gains all of the following qualities in humanoid or hybrid form,
but only if its animal possesses them: blindsense, darkvision, keen scent, low-light vision,
scent and tremorsense.
Bonus Feats: An obake gains Alertness as a bonus feat.
Abilities: An obake gains a +2 bonus to Wisdom, while noble obake gain a +2 bonus to
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. In hybrid or animal form, its Strength, Dexterity and
Constitution scores also change in accordance to its animal.

To determine the change, subtract 10 if a score is even-numbered or 11 if it is odd-

numbered, from the animal's ability scores and apply that number as a bonus or penalty to
the obake's ability score. This bonus supersedes any racial or species bonus to physical
ability scores an obake may have.
Challenge Rating: As base creature, modified by the HD of the animal. 1–2 HD, +2; 3–5
HD, +3; 6–10 HD, +4; 11–20 HD, +5; 21 HD or more, +6. Noble obake are at a further
+1 CR (magical beast) or +2 CR (dragons).
Level Adjustment: +4 (+5 for noble obake).

Sample Creature
This example creature uses a Giant Bear as the associated animal.
Improved Grab (Ex): A giant bear obake can use this ability while in animal form when
it hits an opponent with a claw attack. It can make a Grapple attempt as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Skills: A giant bear obake in animal form has a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Techniques Known: The obake knows the following techniques, with the possible
addition of many more, and can use them in any form:
Taijutsu- iwakuzu taigeki, shundou (1 mastery), taijutsu: butsukari, taijutsu: jiki-
uchi, taijutsu: shotei uchi, taijutsu: todome, taijutsu: yama-uchi.
Giant Bear Obake, Humanoid Form (CR 7)
Human male giant bear obake, 5th-level enforcer
Medium humanoid (heroic, human, shapechanger); AL none
hp 40 (5d10+13); chakra 22 (10 reserve)
Init +1; Rep +1; Spd 30 ft.
Def 18, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +3 class, +2 natural, +2 leather armor)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3
Base Atk +5; Grp +8
Atk knife +8 melee or +6 ranged (1d4+3/19–20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8
Skills Craft (structural) +3, Climb +4, Drive +2, Jump +4, Knowledge (streetwise) +2,
Listen +8, Spot +9, Survival +5, Taijutsu +8
Feats AlertnessB, Armor Proficiency (light), Multiattack, Toughness
Possessions knife, leather armor
Habits forests; solitary or in pair
Level Adjustment +4

Giant Bear Obake, Hybrid Form (CR 7)

Human male giant bear obake, 5th-level enforcer
Large humanoid (heroic, human, shapechanger); AL none
hp 60 (5d10+33); chakra 42 (10 reserve)
Init +2; Rep +1; Spd 40 ft.
Def 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 class, +7 natural)
DR 10/cold iron
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +3
Base Atk +5; Grp +18
Atk 2 claws +13 (1d8+9) and bite +11 (2d6+4); or claw +13 (1d8+9) and knife +9
(1d4+4/19–20) and bite +11 (2d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 28, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8
Skills Craft (structural) +3, Climb +10, Drive +3, Jump +10, Knowledge (streetwise) +2,
Listen +8, Spot +9, Survival +5, Taijutsu +14
Feats AlertnessB, Armor Proficiency (light), Multiattack, Toughness
Possessions knife, leather armor
Habits forests; solitary or in pair
Level Adjustment +4

Giant Bear Obake, Animal Form (CR 7)

Human male giant bear obake, 5th-level enforcer
Large humanoid (heroic, human, shapechanger); AL none
hp 60 (5d10+33); chakra 42 (10 reserve)
Init +2; Rep +1; Spd 40 ft.
Def 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 class, +7 natural)
DR 10/cold iron
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +3
Base Atk +5; Grp +18
Atk 2 claws +13 (1d8+9) and bite +11 (2d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks improved grab
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent
Str 28, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8
Skills Craft (structural) +3, Climb +10, Drive +3, Jump +10, Knowledge (streetwise) +2,
Listen +8, Spot +9, Survival +5, Taijutsu +14
Feats AlertnessB, Armor Proficiency (light), Multiattack, Toughness
Habits forests; solitary or in pair
Level Adjustment +4

A unit represents a number of creatures that have joined together as a group. They are
well-coordinated and very dangerous to face alone. It is treated as a single creature like a
swarm, but obeys slightly different rules because they rely on tactics and use weapons.

Unit Template
Unit is an acquired template that can be added to any Small, Medium or Large creature.
Size and Type: A unit's size depends largely on the number and size of the creatures in
it, but is always either Gargantuan or Colossal in size. The unit's type remains unchanged
from the base creature, and helps determine the unit's base attack bonus and saving
throws. A unit's size does not affect its attack bonus and Defense, but still affects its
Grapple and Hide checks.

A unit's size is determined by the number of component creatures it has. A Gargantuan

unit has about 24 Small, 24 Medium or 6 Large component creatures, while a Colossal
unit has about 50 Small, 50 Medium or 12 Large component creatures.
Hit Dice: A unit has hit dice based on its size and type in addition to its racial hit dice (if
any). The number of hit dice gained is determined by the number of component creatures
in the unit, but this represents only a unit with the most rudimentary training. An
experienced unit may gain class levels as well, increasing its hit points, attack bonus,
saving throws, defense and reputation bonuses, and granting it feats and abilities.

Dealing damage to a unit impedes its ability to attack. Each time a unit loses one-quarter
of its total hit points, it makes 2 fewer attack during its turn. A unit is never disabled or
dying from taking damage; when reduced to 0 hit points, every member of the unit is
considered dead or fleeing.
Chakra: A unit has the same chakra as the base creature improved by any class levels the
unit may have, but gains bonus chakra that does not increase the strength of its chakra
signature based on the number of hit dice it has.
Speed: A unit's speed is 5 feet slower than the base creature's speed (minimum 5 feet).
Attacks: A unit gains a large number of attacks depending on its size rather than base
attack bonus, which does not change whether the unit is armed or not. However, despite
this advantage, a unit cannot direct all of its melee attacks against a creature of a certain
size. A Gargantuan unit can only make 4 melee attacks against a creature Large size or
smaller, and a Colossal unit can only make 6 melee attacks to a creature Large size or
smaller. This limitation does not apply to larger creature, and a unit can make all of its
attacks against a Huge or larger creature.

A unit can use ranged or thrown weapons as well to make ranged attacks against any
creature further than 10 feet away, but does so at a –5 penalty to attack rolls and is not
limited to the number of ranged attacks it can make against a single creature regardless of
its size.

Additionally, unlike swarms, units can take attacks of opportunity and gains a great
number of them. Each time a creature provoke an attack of opportunity from a unit, it
takes the maximum number of melee attacks the unit can make, up to the number of
attacks it has remaining.
Grapple: A unit gains a bonus to Grapple checks based on its size and Strength modifier,
but rarely ever grapples, preferring instead to use its Grab attack. A unit is never denied
its Dexterity bonus to Defense when grappling.
Space and Reach: A unit's fighting space depends on its size category, but its reach is
the same as the base creature's, enabling it to either attack adjacent opponents, or occupy
an opponent's square like a swarm. In order to occupy an opponent's square, the unit
moves into its opponent's space, which provokes an attack of opportunity. A unit can
move through openings large enough for its component creatures, but cannot run or
charge while doing so.

Any creature whose square a unit occupies is considered overwhelmed, and makes checks
to perform techniques to avoid an attack or as defensive maneuvers at a –4 penalty.
Special Attacks: A unit retains the special attacks of the base creature, though the saving
throws should be adjusted to take into account the bonus hit dice gained from its size.
However, not all special attacks translate well with units and may require some creative
remodeling. For example, a unit of puppeteers only has one action, and can only animate
a limited number of puppets; therefore, a possible solution to such a problem would be to
let such a unit animate a unit of puppets. In addition, the unit gains the following special
Coordinated Charge (Ex): A unit can move up to twice its speed and make a charge
attack against any creature whose square it occupies at any point during the movement.
Grab (Ex): A unit can make a grab attack instead of a normal attack. A grab attack is a
melee touch attack and forces the target to make an opposed Grapple check against the
unit. If the unit is successful, the unit can make two additional attacks against the grabbed
creature if it is Large size or smaller, and the creature loses its Dexterity bonus to Defense
against those two attacks. The unit releases the grabbed creature at the end of its turn. A
creature can only be grabbed once per round.
Special Qualities: A unit retains the special qualities of the base creature, and gains the
following special qualities. However, it should be noted that not all special qualities
translate well to a unit and may require some modeling, and while there are rules to allow
a unit to manifest powers, cast spells or perform techniques, such creatures are best left
outside of a unit to act individually.
Unit Cohesion (Ex): Because a unit is comprised of a group of creature, is not subject to
critical hits and sneak attacks. In addition, a unit cannot be flanked, tripped, grabbed, bull
rushed or overrun.

Unlike a swarm, however, a unit can be targeted by effects that target single creatures but
is not subject to taking additional damage from areas of effect. However, because a unit is
comprised of many singular creatures while acting as one, this affects the behavior of the
Cleave, Great Cleave and Whirlwind Attack feats and similar abilities. A creature with
the Cleave feat may make an extra melee attack when it makes a successful melee attack
against a unit, a creature with the Great Cleave may make up to two such attacks in a
round, subject to the same requirements, and a creature that hits a unit with the
Whirlwind Attack feat can make an additional attack against the unit. Likewise, a single
creature can be targeted by a power, spell, technique or effect that can incapacitate or kill
an individual creature without dealing direct damage; each invidual creature slain,
disabled or incapacitated by such an effect gives 1 negative level to the unit until the
creature recovers or is replaced.

Although a unit is treated as a single creature, and acts as one, it may become necessary
to determine the fate of individuals within the unit. If the unit is reduced to 0 hit points by
lethal attacks, assume that 50% of its numbers are slain, 40% of its numbers are reduced
to 0 hit points, and the rest are fleeing. If reduced to 0 hit points by nonlethal attacks,
there are no casualties and assume 50% of its numbers are unconscious and the rest are
Powers, Spells and Techniques (Sp): A unit can sacrifice all of its attacks during a round
to manifest powers, cast spells and perform techniques it knows instead. When doing so,
a unit can use techniques as though it has three actions per round.
Saves: A unit's saves are calculated based on the hit dice it gains from size, and
determined by its type.
Ability Scores: A unit has the same ability scores as the base creature.
Skills: Same as the base creature. A unit does not gain additional skill points from the hit
dice it gained from its size.
Feats: Same as the base creature, but a unit gains the Combat Reflexes and Improved
Bull Rush bonus feats.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature, modified by the unit's size. If a unit gains
additional class levels, adjust its challenge rating accordingly.

Hit Number Space/ Grapple Base Attack Base Attack Base Attack Good Poor
Size Dice of Attacks Reach Bonus Bonus (A) Bonus (B) Bonus (C) Saves Saves CR
Gargantuan 10 HD 10 attacks 20 ft./5 ft. +12 +7 +10 +5 +7 +3 +4
Colossal 20 HD 15 attacks 30 ft./5 ft. +16 +15 +20 +10 +12 +6 +8
Base Attack Bonus (A): Use this column for aberrations, animals, constructs, elementals,
giants, humanoids, oozes, plants, and vermin.
Base Attack Bonus (B): Use this column for dragons, magical beasts, monstrous
humanoids, and outsiders.
Base Attack Bonus (C): Use this column for fey and undead.
Elite, Boss and Solo Units
A unit cannot be imbued by the Elite, Boss and Solo templates as normal. Rather, to
make such a unit, increase the number of hit dice gained, the number of attacks it can
make, the maximum number of attacks it can direct at creatures of a certain size, and its
challenge rating according to the table below. An elite, boss or solo unit does not gain
additional actions or extra turns as normal creatures do, and does not gain a bonus to
saving throws or defense, but gains maximum hit points per unit hit dice.
Maximum Attacks
Unit Type Extra Hit Dice Extra Attacks per Creature CR Adjustment
Elite 2 1 +1 +1
Boss 5 2 +2 +2
Solo 10 5 +3 +3

Minion Units
A minion unit also does not behave as a normal creature. A minion unit has fewer hit dice
than a normal unit, fewer attacks and a lower challenge rating.
Grapple Base Base Base Attack Good Poor
Size Hit Dice Number of Bonus Attack Attack Bonus (C) Saves Saves CR
Attacks Bonus (A) Bonus (B)
Gargantuan 5 HD 5 attacks +12 +3 +5 +2 +4 +1 2
Colossal 10 HD 10 attacks +16 +7 +10 +5 +7 +3 6

Sample Units
The following stat blocks represent a few example units.

Common Soldier Unit (CR 4)

Gargantuan humanoid (unit of Humans); AL none
hp 65 (10d8+20); chakra 6 (2 reserve, 36 bonus chakra, 18 bonus reserves)
Init +1; Rep +0; Spd 10 ft.
Def 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 medium plate armor)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +4
Base Atk +7; Grp +19
Atk 10 longsword +9 melee (1d8+2) or 10 grab +9; see attack limitations
Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks coordinated charge, grab
Special Qualities unit cohesion
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills Climb +4, Jump +5, Swim +3
Feats Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush, Power
Possessions longsword (x10), medium plate armor (x10)

Advanced Soldier Unit (CR 9)

Gargantuan humanoid (unit of Human Strong Hero 5); AL none
hp 101 (15d8+30); chakra 22 (10 reserve, 36 bonus chakra, 18 bonus reserves)
Init +1; Rep +1; Spd 10 ft.
Def 19, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+3 class, +1 Dex, +5 medium plate armor)
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +5
Base Atk +12; Grp +24
Atk 10 longsword +15 melee (1d8+5) or 10 daikyuu +9 ranged (1d8+2) or 10 grab +14;
see attack limitations
Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks advanced melee smash, coordinated charge, grab
Special Qualities unit cohesion
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills Climb +9, Jump +10, Swim +8
Feats Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush, Power
Attack, Sunder, Weapon Focus (hankyuu, longsword)
Possessions daikyuu (x10), longsword (x10), medium plate armor (x10)

Wild Creature
A wild creature are feral, rabid beasts that kill indiscriminately. They are stronger and
tougher than their counterparts, spread deadly disease and are absolutely fearless, which
is perhaps their most dangerous quality. A wild creature cannot be tamed or appeased.

Wild Template
The wild template is an acquired template that can be applied to any living animal or
magical beast. A wild creature retains all the base creature's traits and abilities, except as
noted below.
Type: The base creature's type remains the same
Defense: The base creature gains a +3 natural armor bonus to Defense. If it already has a
natural armor bonus, it improves by 3.
Special Qualities: The wild creature gains the following special qualities, and retains all
the special qualities of the base creature.
Disease (Ex): The wild creature carries a disease that is spread whenever it hits with a
claw or bite attack, if any. The disease has an incubation period of 1d3 days, and deals 1
point of Constitution damage and 1d3 points of Wisdom damage on a failed Fortitude
save, DC 10 + one-half the wild creature's hit dice + the wild creature's Con modifier.
When damaged, the infected creature must make a second Fortitude save or the
Constitution damage is permanent train instead. This disease is called blood fever, and its
symptoms include high fever, dizziness and bouts of uncontrollable rage.
Rage (Ex): The wild creature can enter a state of rage at any time, and is likely to do so
without provocation. While raging, the wild creature attacks any creature it perceives as a
foe without fear. A raging wild creature gains a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution, is
immune to fear and continues to act normally even when reduced to –1 hit points or
lower. The feral rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the wild creature's
Constitution modifier, and it cannot end its rage voluntarily.
Abilities: Strength +4, Dexterity +2, Constitution +2.
Challenge Rating: As base creature +2.
Sample Creature
This example uses a bear as an example.
Disease (Ex): The wild bear spreads disease whenever it hits with a claw or bite attack.
The disease has an incubation period of 1d3 days, and deals 1 point of Constitution
damage and 1d3 points of Wisdom damage on a failed Fortitude save (DC 14). When
damaged, the infected creature must make a second Fortitude save or the Constitution
damage is permanent train instead. This disease is called blood fever, and its symptoms
include high fever, dizziness and bouts of uncontrollable rage.
Rage (Ex): The wild bear can enter a state of rage at any time, and is likely to do so
without provocation. While raging, the wild bear attacks any creature it perceives as a foe
without fear. A raging wild bear gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution (and 6 hit
points), is immune to fear and continues to act normally even when reduced to –1 hit
points or lower. The feral rage lasts for 6 rounds, and the wild bear cannot end it
Skills: A wild bear has a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.

Wild Bear (CR 4)

Medium animal; AL none
hp 22 (3d8+9); chakra 8
Init +2; Rep +0; Spd 40 ft.
Def 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Base Atk +2; Grp +8
Atk 2 claws +8 melee (1d4+6) and bite +3 melee (1d6+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks disease
Special Qualities low-light vision, rage, scent
Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills Climb +6, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +10
Feats Endurance, Run
Habits forests; solitary or in pair


The foes in this section are not for the faint of heart, or for the inexperienced or
unprepared! Each epic monster is a creature whose power is beyond the ken of almost any

Daitengu are the mountain-dwelling kings of tengu. They are powerful, wise and ancient
creatures, often the subject of legends where warriors looking for a master seek them out
to learn their secrets.

They are almost exclusively found on mountains ruling tengu communities, and are
famously warriors of exceptional powers.
A daitengu is between 9 and 12 feet tall, and weighs about 700 pounds.

Daitengu are well-versed in tactics and rarely fight alone. Furthermore, they have a long
history of warfare and adorn themselves with armaments of great power. The daitengu
presented here uses weapons with greater mystical weapon seals.
Counterattack (Ex): When a daitengu is missed by a melee attack, it can immediately
make an attack of opportunity with any melee or ranged weapon it currently wields. It can
only counter any given opponent once per round.
Daitengu Foresight (Su): A daitengu adds its Wisdom bonus as an insight bonus to
Defense and Reflex saves, and its Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Defense.
Furthermore, it retains its Dexterity bonus to Defense when caught flat-footed.
Legendary Craftsman (Ex): A daitengu automatically meets all the requirements for
item creation feats. When a daitengu crafts or enhances ancestral tengu weapons, it can
do so ten times quicker than a normal creature.
Legendary Warrior (Ex): A daitengu can take a penalty to attack rolls and apply that
same number as a bonus to Defense or weapon damage rolls when attacking with a melee
or ranged weapon. The penalty to attack rolls cannot exceed the daitengu's base attack
bonus. It can choose to do this as a free action once per round, and the benefits of this
ability last for one round. This does not stack with the Combat Expertise or Power Attack
feats, or with other similar abilities.
Reap the Whirlwind (Su): When a tengu attacks with a weapon, it deals an additional
3d6 points of wind damage. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
Sow the Wind (Su): As a swift action, a daitengu can bestow upon any humanoid within
50 feet the gift of foresight. This boon manifests itself as a +4 bonus to its next attack roll
or saving throw, a +4 bonus to Defense against the next attack that targets it or a +8
bonus to its next Knowledge (tactic) check. If the recipient of this boon is a tengu, the
bonus is doubled.
Supreme Ancestral Warfare (Ex): A daitengu is supremely skilled at the use of its
weapon. It is treated as having the weapon focus, greater weapon focus, weapon
specialization, greater weapon specialization, and improved critical class abilities for any
weapons listed in its entry. Furthermore, depending on the type tengu, it gains the
following benefits.

When a Hanataka-daitengu wields a katana or a war fan in combat, a it increases their

critical multiplier to ×3, and treats both weapons as light weapons for the purpose of
Two-Weapon Fighting.

When a Karasu-daitengu uses attacks with ranged weapons, it suffers no penalties for
range, ignores all concealment penalties and adds ×1.5 times its Strength modifier to
damage, even if the weapon would not normally allow Strength to damage.
Teleport (Ex): A daitengu can teleport 500 feet once per round as a move action. It
cannot use this ability to break out of grapples, and can only travel to places it could
physically move to.
Transcendent Attack (Su): Three times per day, but no more than once every 1d6+1
rounds, a daitengu can make a powerful attack. The specifics of the attack depend on a
daitengu's type.

A Hanataka-daitengu can swing its war fan to immediately spawn a tornado as per
tatsumaki no jutsu. The tornado is a 400-ft. tall, 30-ft. radius cylinder, and the hanataka-
daitengu can concentrate on this attack as a free action every round to direct the path of
the tornado. Attacking a daitengu while it concentrate can disrupt its concentration for
one round, but does not dismiss the tornado.

A Karasu-daitengu can make a ranged attack at its highest attack bonus against all
creatures in a 1,000-ft. long line. This attack ignores cover but only damages creatures
and animated objects, not inanimate objects and structures.
Skills: A daitengu gains a +4 racial bonus on Jump, Hide, Listen, Knowledge (tactics),
Move Silently and Spot checks. It can make a special Craft check to make ancestral tengu
weapons, and gains a +8 racial bonus on that skill.

Daitengu (CR 21)

Large giant (rare, tengu); AL none
hp 319 (22d8+220); chakra 222
Init +14; Rep +8; Spd 50 ft., teleport 500 ft.
Def 35, touch 28, flat-footed 35 (–1 size, +10 Dex, +3 dodge, +6 insight, +7 natural)
DR 10/epic; Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, electricity, fear, wind;
Resist cold 10, earth 10, fire 10, water 10
Fort +23, Ref +24, Will +14
Base Atk +16; Grp +29
Atk katana +30/+25/+20/+15 melee (2d8+19/18–20/×3 plus 3d6 wind) and war fan +30
melee (2d6+13/19–20/×3 plus 3d6 wind); or greatbow +31/+26/+21/+16 ranged
(2d8+25/19–20/×3 plus 3d6 wind)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks reap the whirlwind, transcendent attack
Special Qualities darkvision 120 ft., legendary craftsman, legendary warrior, sow the
wind, supreme ancestral warfare
Str 34, Dex 30, Con 30, Int 17, Wis 21, Cha 17
Skills Craft (ancestral weapons) +28, Jump +31, Hide +29, Listen +25, Knowledge
(tactics) +31, Move Silently +29, Spot +25
Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Epic Seals, Craft Sealed Items, Craft Weapon Seals,
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Habits mountains only; solitary or with 6–60 hanataka-tengu or karasu-tengu up to 5th
Advancement 23–80 HD (Large)

Sojobo (CR 24)

A unique and mighty daitengu, Sojobo is thought to be the king of all tengu and the ruler
of the tallest peak in the world. Unlike most daitengu, Sojobo has all the abilities of
hanataka- and karasu-daitengu, and a Strength, Dexterity and Constitution score increased
by 4 points.
This majestic creature has the overall shape of a stag, but its body is covered in scales
with patches of silver fur. Though it has a great panache of antlers, it has the head of a
dragon and a silver beard.

Friend to all creature, the kirin is a shrewd judge of character often allowed the privilege
of final judgement in ancient legends. In actuality, the kirin does indeed have the innate
ability to sense purity and detect guilt, but cannot speak and seldom spends enough time
around humans to pass judgement on most matters.

The kirin is rarely seen alone, and prefers the company of other beings to true solitude. As
such, it spends most of its time travelling the world, taking on a myriad of forms and
interacting with as many creatures as it can. This is especially true in battle, given its
unique ability to summon creatures of every blood pact to fight by its side.

A kirin understands all all creatures, but cannot speak. A mutejin is about 10 feet long
and weighs about 950 pounds.

A kirin categorically refuses to do battle against the innocent, and when pressed into
battle, almost never fights alone. The kirin will first summon one or several powerful
allies, and join them in battle when it has the advantage.
Air Walk (Su): Kirin always hover a few inches above the ground so as to not disturb
plants or the creatures that leave underfoot. As such, it never leaves tracks wherever it
Celestial Crown (Su): A kirin's gore attack deals triple damage on a critical hit and can
target incorporeal creatures normally.
Celestial Diplomat (Sp): A kirin can summon creatures as an attack action as though
using Kuchiyose no Jutsu. In doing so, it can summon creatures from any blood pact, and
pays the chakra cost normally. The kirin has a chance of being able to summon a unique
creature, and most kirin will know at least one unique summoning when encountered.

The kirin can have up to five summoned creatures in play at a time up to a maximum
rank of champion and level 10, with a total maximum combined level up to 28.
Change Shape (Su): A kirin can change its shape at will to take on the form of a Small,
Medium, Large or Huge animal or magical beast of its choice.
Damage Reduction (Ex): A kirin's damage reduction is only overcome by a weapon that
was annointed in a mixture of brackish water and the blood of an evil creature.
Imperial Soulstone (Su): A kirin's soulstone has twice as much chakra as normal, and
imposes a dreadful curse on anyone who breaks it. Anyone who breaks a kirin's
soulstone, whatever the means or the distance between the perpetrator and the soulstone,
must succeed a Will save (DC 31) or become cursed.

A cursed creature only gains half the normal benefit from rest and cannot benefit from
any outside healing, whether from use of skills, mundane items, abilities, powers, spells
or techniques. The cursed creature remains cursed until it atones (at the GM's discretion).
Imperial Wisdom (Su): A kirin adds its Wisdom bonus as an Insight bonus to Defense,
and its Charisma bonus as a deflection bonus to Defense. It never loses its Dexterity
bonus to Defense when caught flat-footed.
Judge Purity (Su): A kirin intuitively knows whether a creature has the good or evil
allegiance. When a creature makes a statement that denounces a specific act, the kirin
always knows whether the statement is true or false.

A kirin's attacks against an evil creature, or a creature the kirin judges to be guity of an
evil act, deal an additional 2d8 points of electricity and holy damage.
Lightning Charge (Su): The kirin charge with the speed of lightning, appearing as a
crackling bolt of golden lightning. The lighting charge targets up any creature within 100
feet, and chains to up to 11 creatures afterwards, dealing 8d8+36 points of electricity and
holy damage (Reflex save DC 33 halves). Each target must be within 30 feet of the last
target. At the end of the charge, the kirin appears within 30 feet of the last creature
targeted. A kirin can use this ability once every 1d6+1 rounds.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–tsuihou no jutsu (DC 21); 3/day–fuinjutsu: kaiyaku fuuin
(DC 28), hijutsu: chakra hankai no jutsu (curses and evil effects only, +20). Character
level 28th.
Techniques: A kirin may know a number of Chakra Control, Fuinjutsu and Ninjutsu
techniques, at the GM's discretion. It can perform hand seals and half-seals despite having
no hands, and counts as having the Lightning chakra nature.
Thunderous Hooves (Ex): A kirin always adds its full Strength bonus to damage with its
Wordless Communication (Su): A kirin cannot speak, but is able to telepathically
communicate emotions and general concepts to any sentient creatures within 100 feet.
This enables the kirin to use skills like Diplomacy without being able to speak a word.

Kirin (CR 22)

Large dragon (heroic, kami); AL good
hp 433 (28d12+251); chakra 309 (56 reserves)
Init +9; Rep +11; Spd 60 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect); see air walk
Def 39, touch 30, flat-footed 39 (–1 size, +5 Dex, +9 insight, +7 deflection, +9 natural)
DR 10/special; Immune ability damage, ability drain, disease, electricity, holy, poison;
Resist earth 30, water 30; CrR 31 (33 vs. creatures of evil allegiance)
Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +26
Base Atk +28; Grp +43
Atk gore +41 melee (2d8+12/×3) and 2 hooves +39 melee (2d6+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks celestial crown, lightning charge (8d8+36, Reflex DC 36 halves, every
1d6+1 rounds), powerful charge (4d8+36), thunderous hooves
Special Qualities celestial diplomat, fast regeneration 5, imperial soulstone, imperial
wisdom, spiritspeak
Str 35, Dex 20, Con 28, Int 21, Wis 29, Cha 24
Skills Chakra Control +24, Concentration +27, Diplomacy +40, Fuinjutsu +28,
Knowledge (arcane lore, earth and life sciences, ninja lore, theology and philosophy) +30,
Listen +40, Ninjutsu +28, Sense Motive +40, Spot +40, Survival +15
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiatve, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack,
Power Attack, Trustworthy, Weapon Focus (gore, hooves)
Habits any; solitary
Advancement 29–60 HD (Large)


Many of the monsters presented in Section III: New Creatures make perfectly fine
challenge on their own, or perhaps supplemented with a template. Others, however, lend
themselves to further customization using class levels to create an endless number of
possible NPCs of varying power. These races as they figure in the new monsters are listed

Aka-oni as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Giant.
Size: Large. Aka-oni suffer a –1 size penalty to Defense, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls,
a –4 size penalty on Hide checks, and a +4 size bonus on Grapple checks.
Ability Modifiers: +12 Strength, –2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, –4 Intelligence, –2
Wisdom, –4 Charisma.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Armor: An aka-oni has a +7 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Low-light Vision: An aka-oni can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight,
torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. It retains the ability to distinguish
color and detail under these conditions.
Darkvision (Ex): An aka-oni can see in total darkness up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black
and white only.
Racial Hit Dice: An aka-oni begins with four levels of giant, which provide 4d8 hit dice,
a base attack bonus of +3, and save bonuses of Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1.
Racial Skills: An aka-oni's giant levels grant it 7 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) skill
points. Its class skills are Climb, Jump, Spot and Listen.
Racial Feats: An aka-oni's giant levels grant it two feats.
Bonus Feat: An aka-oni receives Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common and Fellspeak, Speak Common and
Other Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +3.

Ao-oni as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Giant.
Size: Large. Ao-oni suffer a –1 size penalty to Defense, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a
–4 size penalty on Hide checks, and a +4 size bonus on Grapple checks.
Ability Modifiers: +10 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +2
Wisdom, +6 Charisma.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Armor: An ao-oni has a +7 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Low-light Vision: An ao-oni can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight,
torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. It retains the ability to distinguish
color and detail under these conditions.
Darkvision (Ex): An ao-oni can see in total darkness up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black
and white only.
Spell-like Abilities: At will–jukusui no jutsu (DC 17); 2/day–gisou no jutsu, godai
taigeki: shodan jutsu (one element, DC 15); 1/day–mukidou sanpo no jutsu. The
character level is equivalent to the ao-oni's total class level plus its racial hit die.
Racial Hit Dice: An ao-oni begins with seven levels of giant, which provide 7d8 hit dice,
a base attack bonus of +5, and save bonuses of Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2.
Racial Skills: An ao-oni's giant levels grant it 10 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) skill
points. Its class skills are Climb, Concentration, Jump. Listen, Search and Spot.
Racial Feats: An ao-oni's giant levels grant it three feats.
Bonus Feat: An ao-oni receives the Archaic Weapons Proficiency and Armor
Proficiency (light) feats as bonus feats.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common and Fellspeak, Speak Common and
Other Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +8.

Face Stealer
Face stealers as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Outsider. Face stealers have the shapechanger and youkai subtypes.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, –4 Wisdom.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Attacks: A face stealer has 4 slam attacks, and can weld up to 4 held weapons.
Natural Armor: A face stealer has a +7 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Special Attacks: Frightful presence, spell-like abilities.
Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 feet, change shape, damage reduction 5/chakra,
ephemereal, immunity to blindness, deafness, fear and possession, resistance to acid 10
and electricity 10, see in darkness, spell-like abilities, traceless
Change Shape (Su): The face stealer has a limited ability to change its shape; it can take
on the face, hair and features of any Small, Medium-size or Large Humanoid, Giant or
Monstrous Humanoid it has killed.
Frightful Presence (Su): The face stealer can inspire terror by attacking. Affected
creatures must succeed a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the face stealer's hit dice + Cha
modifier) or be shaken for 1d6 rounds or as long as they remain within 30 feet of the face
Spell-like Abilities: At will–kuchijouzu no jutsu; 1/day–hasamiuchi, hikiro renken (all
four held weapons). The character level is equivalent to the face stealer's total class level
plus its racial hit die.
Racial Hit Dice: A face stealer begins with four levels of outsider, which provide 9d8 hit
dice, a base attack bonus of +9, and save bonuses of Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6.
Racial Skills: A face stealer's outsider levels grant it 13 × (8 + Int modifier, minimum 1)
skill points. Its class skills are Bluff, Disguise, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen,
Move Silently, Search, Spot, and Survival.
Racial Feats: A face stealer's outsider levels grant it four feats.
Bonus Feat: Face stealers receive Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common, Speak Common.
Other Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +8.

Gaki as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Outsider. Gaki still need to eat, breathe and sleep, and unlike other outsiders, have
a poor Will save. Gaki have the spirit subtype.

Size: Small. Gaki gain a +1 size bonus to Defense, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a
+4 size bonus on Hide checks. They suffer a –4 penalty on grapple checks.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Darkvision (Ex): Gaki have darkvision out to 60 feet. Darkvision is in black and white
Skill Bonus: Gaki gain a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Move Silently and Search checks.
Bonus Feat: Gaki receive Simple Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common, Speak Common.
Other Languages: Any.

Hanataka-tengu as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Humanoid (Tengu).
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Attack Bonus: Hanataka-tengu gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls using swords and
sword-like weapons.
Ancestral Warfare (Ex): Hanataka-tengu have a long history of swordsmanship and
gain automatic proficiency tessen, war fan, as well as all swords and sword-like weapons
(including chisa-gatana, daikunai, double katana, fullblade, greatsword, katana, kodachi,
large katana, longsword, ninja-to, sabre, shortsword, sword-cane, two-bladed sword and
Low-light Vision: Hanataka-tengu can see twice as far as a human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability
to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Skill Bonus: Hanataka-tengu gain a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Knowledge (tactics) and
Spot checks.
Bonus Feat: Hanataka-tengu receive Armor Proficiency (light, medium) as bonus feats.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Ancient and Common, Speak Ancient and Common.
Other Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +1.

This species is the typical, adaptable human. They gain additional skill points and feats,
and no other special bonuses. The default race in d20 Modern is human and the bonus
feat and skill points are already represented in the Basic Classes section, therefore no
adjustments need to be made from selecting this race.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Bonus Skills: Humans gain 4 more skill points at 1st level, and 1 more every level
Bonus Feat: Humans gain an additional feat to choose from at 1st level, as well as
Simple Weapons Proficiency.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), Speak Common (or
local language).
Other Languages: Any.

Jaki as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Humanoid. Jaki have the oni subtype.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Aversion (Ex): A jaki suffers a –1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks when in the
presence of a shrine, temple or holy ground.
Low-light Vision: Jaki can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight,
and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color
and detail under these conditions.
Bonus Feat: Jaki receive Archaic Weapons Proficiency and Armor Proficiency (light,
medium) as bonus feats.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Fellspeak, Speak Fellspeak.
Other Languages: Common (or local language).

Jikininki as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Outsider. Jikininki still need to eat, breathe and sleep, and unlike most outsiders,
has a poor will save. Jikininki have the spirit subtype.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Armor: Jikininki have a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Darkvision (Ex): Jikininki have darkvision out to 60 feet. Darkvision is in black and
white only.
Scent (Ex): Jikininki have a keen sense of smell. They can detect approaching enemies,
sniff out hidden foes and track creatures by sense of smell.
Skill Bonus: Jikininki gain a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks.
Racial Hit Dice: A jikininki begins with two levels of outsiders, which provide 2d8 Hit
Dice, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +3, and
Will +0.
Racial Skills: A jikininki's outsider levels grant it 2 × (8 + Int modifier, minimum 1) skill
points. Its class skills are Listen, Search, Spot and Survival.
Racial Feats: A jikininki's outsider levels give it one feat.
Bonus Feat: Jikininki receive Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common, Speak Common.
Other Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +1.

Karasu-tengu as characters possess the following trait.
Type: Humanoid (Tengu).
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Attacks: A karasu-tengu has 2 claw attacks, each dealing 1d4 points of slashing
Attack Bonus: Hanataka-tengu gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls using projectile and
thrown weapons.
Ancestral Warfare (Ex): Karasu-tengu have a long history of bowmanship and
shurikenjutsu and gain automatic proficiency in tessen, war fan, as well as all projectile
and thrown weapons (including blowgun, crossbow, dagger, daikyuu, fuuma shuriken,
greatbow, hand crossbow, hankyuu, kunai, large shuriken, shuriken, throwing knife,
throwing needles and throwing spear).
Glide (Ex): The karasu-tengu can use its wings to slow its fall and glide. It can make a
Jump check (DC 15) to fall safely from any height without taking damage, falling at a
rate of 10 feet per round. While falling, the karasu-tengu can make an additional Jump
check (DC 15) to glide forward 5 feet for every 10 feet it falls.
Darkvision (Ex): Karasu-tengu can see in total darkness up to 60 feet. Darkvision is
black and white only.
Skill Bonus: Hanataka-tengu gain a +2 racial bonus to Jump, Hide and Move Silently
Bonus Feat: Hanataka-tengu receive Armor Proficiency (light) as a bonus feat.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Ancient and Common, Speak Ancient and Common.
Other Languages: Any.
Level Adjustment: +1.

Kyoryujin as characters possess the following traits.
Size: Large. Large characters suffer a -1 size penalty to Defense, attack rolls and a -4 size
penalty on Hide checks. They gain a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Ability Modifiers: +8 Strengh, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2
Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Natural Armor: Kyoryujin gain a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Special Attacks: Sonic screech.
Special Qualities: Cold-blooded, dull hearing, sound mimicry
Cold-Blooded (Ex): Kyoryujin are cold-blooded creatures and fare poorly in cold
weathers, suffering a -2 penalty on all saves against cold effects and cold weather.
Dull Hearing (Ex): As a general rule, kyoryujin hearing is notoriously poor. Kyoryujin
suffer a -4 penalty to Listen checks and double the penalty for distance.
Sonic Screech (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds but no more than three times per day, a
kyoryujin can produce a screech so phenomenally loud it can rend flesh and shatter stone.
The sonic screech deals 3d6 points of sonic damage in a 15-foot-long cone-shaped burst,
halved on a successful Fortitude save (DC 14). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Sound Mimicry (Ex): The kyoryujin has an incredible vocal range that allows it to
produce a huge variety of sounds both in and outside the human hearing range. A
kyoryujin can mimic virtually any sound or voice by making a Bluff checks opposed to
the Sense Motive of anyone who can hear that sound. If the check succeeds, the listener is
none the wiser to the deception. The kyoryujin must have listened to someone speak for
at least 10 minutes to mimic its voice, and it cannot use this ability to speak or understand
a language it doesn’t know.
Racial Hit Dice: Kyoryujin begin play with 3 levels of monstrous humanoid, which
provide 3d8 hit dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and saing throw bonuses of Fort +1, Ref
+3, Will +3.
Racial Skills: A kyoryujin’s outsider levels grant it 5 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1)
skill points. Its class skills are Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival.
Racial Feats: A kyoryujin’s monstrous humanoid levels grant it two feats.
Skills Bonuses: A kyoryujin gains a +4 racial bonus on Perform (sing) checks and
Survival checks when tracking by scent. It also gains a +8 racial bonus on Bluff checks
made to mimic sounds and voices.
Elemental Affinity: Any.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Ancient, Speak Ancient).
Other Languages: Any.
Challenge Rating: +2.
Level Adjustment: +3.


With the advent of new creatures comes new items, from weapons and armor to new
artifacts to provide even more options to brave adventurers and shinobi. Each new
element in this section is intended for a fantasy setting where monsters are a fact of life,
and a technology level reminiscent of medieval Japan.
New Armor
Nothing wards off fangs and claw as well as a good suit of armor, and these provide just
the protection needed to keep one safe. The seven armor types below indicate armor that
should commonly be used by player and non-player characters alike in a setting without
access to modern materials.
Banded Mail: This type of composite armor, also called laminar armor, is fashioned from
bands of metal and serves as a heavier variant of scaled mail. Banded mail features a
breastplate, shoulderguards, vambraces, tassets, greaves and gauntlets.
Leather Armor: Made from hardened, layered or boiled leather, leather armor is worn as a
suit rather than just a cuirass and offers adequate protection without sacrificing too much
mobility. Studded leather is very similar, but is secured with studs or rivets that also
provide additional means of deflecting blows.
Plate Armor: The epitome in personal defense, plate armor offers excellent protection
across all armor types, without greatly slowing down the wearer. Plate armor is the most
expensive type of armor, but also the most versatile. Light plate armor consists of a
breastplate, shoulderguards and tassets. Medium plate armor also uses thicker plate and
includes greaves, vambraces and gloves. Heavy plate armor uses thick steel plates and
includes full leg guards, arm guards and a helmet.
Scaled Armor: Also called lamellar armor, scaled armor consists of small, overlapping
metal plates or "scales" that wards off powerful attacks without requiring the level of
craftsmanship and expense of plate armor.

Armor Type Armor Nonproficient Max Dex Armor Speed Purchase DC

Bonus Bonus Bonus Penalty (30 ft.) Weight (Restriction)
Light armor
Leather Archaic +2 +1 +6 –0 30 ft. 10 lb. 12 (—)
Studded leather Archaic +3 +1 +5 –1 30 ft. 15 lb. 14 (—)
Light plate Archaic +4 +1 +4 –2 30 ft. 25 lb. 18 (—)
Medium armor
Scaled Archaic +4 +2 +3 –4 20 ft. 30 lb. 16 (+1 Lic)
Medium plate Archaic +5 +2 +3 –4 20 ft. 40 lb. 22 (+1 Lic)
Heavy armor
Banded mail Archaic +6 +3 +1 –6 20 ft. 35 lb. 24 (—)
Heavy plate Archaic +8 +3 +1 –6 20 ft. 50 lb. 28 (+1 Lic)

New Artifacts
The artifacts presented below all reflect in some way one or several aspects of a creature
found in this compendium. It includes 19 new sealed items and 2 new weapon seals.

Alligator Jacket [Armor, Sealed Item]

This alligator-skin jacket is dark and strangely form-fitting.
Sealed Item (leather jacket, armor)
Minor (Lv 6) +1 DC 17 Superior (Lv 11) +2 DC 28
Enhancement: Defense
Property: This leather jacket adjusts to the size of any wearer automatically.
Property (1/day): 3 chakra. Use this power when making an Escape Artist check. You
gain a +20 circumstance bonus to that check.
Level 11: As above, but 2/day.
Animal Fetish [Sealed Item]
This small fetish of animal teeth, bones, claws or feathers is bound by leather cord or
Sealed Item
Varies DC varies
Property: Gain +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks made with animals of fetish's type.
Power (Special, attack action): Take on the form of an animal, as though with gugenjuu
no jutsu for 5 minutes per day. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be
used in 1-minute increment. The animal fetish only lets you transform into a single
animal of any hit dice, determined when the fetish is created. The animal cannot be
advanced past its most basic form.
The type, cost and level of the animal fetish is determined by the animal it transforms
into. The level of the animal fetish is equal to 5 plus three times the animal's CR
(minimum 1).

Band of the Burden-Bearer [Armor, Sealed Item]

This simple brass ring is modest and unadorned.
Sealed Item (ring)
Superior (Lv 7) DC 24
Property: While wearing this ring, your land speed improves by 10 feet.
Property (1/day, swift action): Use this power to improve the land speed of all allies
within 30 feet by 10 feet. Lasts 10 minutes.

Bewitching Braid [Sealed Item]

Despite being severed, this braid of hair appears lustrous and full-bodied.
Sealed Item
Superior (Lv 10) DC 27
Power (5 charges, free action): Use when performing a Genjutsu or Ninjutsu technique
with the mind-affecting descriptor. Apply the effects of the Enlarge Technique, Extend
Technique or Widen Technique meta-chakea feat to that technique.

Collar of Imperial Majesty [Sealed Item]

This black leather collar is ornamented with a gold trim and a few finely-cut gem.
Sealed Item (neck)
Superior (Lv 10) DC 27
Property: Gain the scent ability with a range of 30 feet.
If you already have scent, you gain the spiritual scent ability of the Imperial Hound with a
range of 30 feet.

Crow Feather Fan [Sealed Item, Weapon]

This fan, made of black feathers, is often carried by tengu. Despite appearances, it can
be used as a deadly weapon and to conjure powerful gusts of wind.
Sealed Item (tessen)
Minor (Lv 5) +1 DC 16 Superior (Lv 10) +2 DC 27
Enhancement: Attack and damage rolls
Power (2/day—Wind, attack action): As Tengukaze, Fort save DC 14.
Level 10: As above, but 2d6 wind damage, DC 17.
Curse of Insatiable Hunger [Sealed Item]
This amulet appears to be a rune-scribed piece of turtle shell hanging off a leather braid.
Sealed Item (neck)
Greater (Lv 12) DC 35
Property: You become immune to the effects of any ingested poison or disease.
Property: This necklace cannot be removed without the use of the Hijutsu: Chakra
Hankai no Jutsu technique performed by a heroic character of 12th level or higher.
Property: While wearing this necklace, you can only derive sustenance by consuming
feces, rotted food or raw human flesh. After each meal, you must succeed a Fortitude
save (DC 15) or become sickened for 1 hour.

Dancing [Weapon]
Superior (Lv 11) DC 26 Greater (Lv 16) DC 36
Item Slot: Weapon (any melee)
Enhancement: Damage rolls
Power (1/day, attack action): 5 chakra. Set the weapon loose to attack on its own like an
animated katana for 4 rounds. When fighting on its own, it stays in the same square as
the wielder and, if the wielder moves, it moves with the wielder at a speed of 30 feet per
The animated weapon gains has all the statistics as an animated katana, but gains bonuses
as appropriate given other enhancement seals, which it may spend its chakra pool to
activate as needed.
If defeated, the weapon simply falls to the ground, inanimate. The wielder can catch the
weapon as a swift action on his turn.
Level 16: 10 chakra. As above, but the animated weapon gains a +7 dodge bonus to
Defense and +4 bonus to its Strength score, as well as a total chakra pool of 10.

Face Peeler [Sealed Item, Weapon]

This large, rusty knife has feels cold to the touch and emits an ominous keening when
dragged against skin or flesh.
Sealed Item (cleaver)
Greater (Lv 13) DC 36
Property: Attacks made with the face peeler are made as though the wielder had the
Sneak Attack +1d6 class abilities.
Property: Attacks from this weapon overcome chakra damage reduction.
Power (1/day): Use this power to peel off the face of any dead humanoid. This process
takes 1 minute, and creates a flesh mask that remains potent for 24 hours. A flesh mask
can be donned or doffed as a full-round action and gives the wearer, who must be the
same size category as the targeted humanoid, the facial features, hair and voice of the
The flesh mask gives a +15 bonus to Disguise checks made to pass as a specific
humanoid, and lasts for 1 hour. When the flesh mask loses potency, it sloughs off
grotesquely. Any creature who witnesses this must make a Will save (DC 14) to avoid
becoming shaken for 1d6 minutes, and has its attitude towards the wearer immediately
decrease by two steps.
Fireblossom Flower [Sealed Item]
This rose-like flower is a vibrant orange color and radiates heat.
Sealed Item (uncraftable)
Superior (Lv 10) DC 26
Power (1 charge, attack action): Eat the flower. You gain the ability to hurl fireballs
from your fingertips. Lasts 10 minutes or until you throw 10 fireballs.
Each fireball is a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet and deals 2d6 points of fire
damage on a hit, or twice that on a critical hit. If you have multiple attacks from a high
base attack bonus, you can throw multiple fireballs.
Special: This item is not made, it is picked like a plant. Fireblossom plants are sometimes
found at the mouth of volcanoes or in extremely hot climates. When picked, the
fireblossom flower must be consumed within 24 hours, or it spoils. At the GM's
discretion, some methods of preservation can increase the delay before the flower spoils.

Flesh Ripper Collar [Sealed Item]

This small black choker is adorned with a small bell that does not ring.
Sealed Item (neck)
Superior (Lv 11) DC 25
Power (1 charge, attack action): Place the collar around the neck of any helpless or
pinned animal of Small size or smaller and 1 or fewer hit die.
The animal transforms into a flesh ripper for 24 hours after 1 round. The flesh ripper is
not under your control, though you may try to direct it, and it generally attacks the first
creature it sees, regardless of danger.
If the flesh ripper is still alive after 24 hours, it dies.

Kaijuu Blood Elixir [Sealed Item]

This elixir is foul-smelling, viscous and a rich reddish-brown.
Sealed Item (uncraftable)
Greater (Lv 12) DC 32 Epic (Lv 21) DC 46
Power (1 charge, attack action): Drink the elixir. You gain one size category and your
equipment adjusts to fit. Lasts 10 minutes.
While enlarged, you gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and Constitution, -2 size penalty to
Dexterity, a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense as well as all the other applicable bonuses
and penalties incured from changing size. You also gain resistance 10 to cold, earth,
electricity, fire, water and wind, as well as 10 temporary hit points and 10 temporary
Level 21: As above, but a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution, no Dexterity
penalty, and a +5 natural armor bonus to Defense. You also gain fast healing 3.
Special: This item is not made, it is harvested. When a kaijuu is killed, a single dose of
kaijuu blood elixir can he harvested from the kaijuu's heartblood within 10 minutes. If the
kaijuu was CR 21 or higher, the elixir harvested is of Epic rank.

Loincloth of Infinite Carnage [Sealed Item]

This ragged leather loincloth provides all the necessary coverage but not much
protection against the elements.
Sealed Item
Greater (Lv 16) DC 39
Propery: When you wear this loincloth and nothing else, you gain a +4 enhancement
bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +2 natural armor bonus to Defense and a +6
competence bonus to Intimidate checks. You also suffer a -4 penalty to all other
Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks.
While wearing this loincloth, you can wield weapon but carry no other items, including
sheathes, backpack, pouches, shoes, or other accessory, container or article of clothing.

Mask of the Fearmonger [Sealed Item]

This dark mask features a face making a macabre grimace.
Sealed Item (mask)
Superior (Lv 10) DC 24
Property: Gain the smell fear ability of the Miage-Nyudou with a range of 30 feet.

Mutilating [Weapon]
Minor (Lv 5) +1 DC 15 Greater (Lv 15) +3 DC 35
Superior (Lv 10) +2 DC 25
Item Slot: Weapon (any)
Enhancement: Damage rolls
Power (1/day, swift action): 2 chakra. Use after hitting with the mutilating weapon to
cripple an opponent. The target must succeed a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer a -1
penalty to Defense and Reflex saves and only be able to take a single move or attack
action on its turn. Lasts 1 round.
Level 10: 3 chakra. As above, but 2/day and DC 15.
Level 15: 4 chakra. As above, but 3/day and DC 17.

Muscle Belt [Armor, Sealed Item]

This wide leather belt has a silvery buckle that resembles a flexing toad.
Sealed Item (belt)
Superior (Lv 8) DC 24
Property: While wearing this belt, use your Strength modifier instead of your Charisma
modifier on Intimdiate checks.

Permafrost Elixir [Sealed Item]

This elixir is crystal clear and cold as ice.
Sealed Item (uncraftable)
Superior (Lv 9) DC 26
Power (1 charge—Cold): Use the permafrost elixir as an ingested or contact poison.
Applying the elixir renders whatever substance or surface it was applied to ice cold.
Any creature affected must make a Fortitude save (DC 16). If it fails the save, it suffers
the effects of cold weather for 1d6 hours, regardless of the temperature or the protective
clothing it wears.
Each hour, the character must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous save). If it
fails, it suffers 1d6 points of nonlethal damage that cannot be healed until the effects of
the elixir end.
The victim will shiver violently and must succeed a Concentration check (DC 13) to use
any technique that requires half-seals, hand seals, mobility or concentration during any
hour in which it failed its check.
Primordial Hide [Sealed Item]
This scaled hide cloak feels weightless and appears to change color to match its
Sealed Item (back)
Epic (Lv 25) +2 DC 52
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves (resistance)
Property: After spending an hour in any environment, you become immune to all
features and environmental effects from that environment, including energy damage
(from that environment only). Furthermore, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to Hide
checks in while that environment.
If you spend time in a different environment, the immunity changes to adapt to the new
environment. The hide provides immunity to only a single environment at a time,
provided you are able to survive long enough in the first place (including the vacuum of

River-Dweller's Amulet [Sealed Item]

This amulet appears to be a rune-scribed piece of turtle shell hanging off a leather braid.
Sealed Item
Superior (Lv 10) +1 DC 27 Greater (Lv 15) +2 DC 38
Enhancement: Defense (natural armor)
Propery: Hold your breath underwater for twice as long.

Spirit Mead [Sealed Item]

This mead is powerfully alcoholic but also extremely fulfills a need beyond the physical.
Sealed Item
Superior (Lv 8) DC 22
Power (3 charges, attack action): Drink the mead. You gain sustenance and the ability
to understand and speak to a single type of animal for 24 hours. The type of animal is
determined when the mead is brewed.

Vulcan Rod [Sealed Item]

This dark club is made of volcanic glass and is covered in jagged spikes and sharp
Sealed Item (obsidian club)
Superior (Lv 8) +1 DC 22 Greater (Lv 13) +2 DC 36
Enhancement: Attack and damage rolls.
Property: This obsidian club has hardness 8 and is not fragile.
Property: Attacks from this weapon deal slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage,
and overcome chakra damage reduction.
Power (2/day—Earth and Fire, swift action): Use when performing any Ninjutsu
technique with the earth or fire descriptors. Any earth or fire damage dealt by the
technique becomes earth and fire damage instead.
Level 13: As above, but 3/day.
This appendix contains three new NPC classes designed to streamline the creation of
NPCs somewhat, and to remove some of the hassle of creating NPCs on the fly. They
differ from ordinary classes in that the NPC can progress to an advanced or prestige class,
but the experience awarded is the same (see Ordinaries for details). Until the NPC gains a
level in a heroic, paragon, advanced or prestige class or acquires a template, it is treated
as an Ordinary character.

The enforcer is a strong fighter despite his lack of refined skills some better trained
warriors amass. This class is best used for melee combatants such as soldiers, thugs and
brutes, or even enemy ninja of a lesser calibre.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Enforcer NPC class.

Hit Die
The Enforcer gains 1d8 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Enforcer gains 1 action point per level.

Class Skills
The Enforcer's class skills, and the key ability for each are as follows.
Balance (Dex), Craft (structural), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Drive (Dex),
Genjutsu (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (ninja lore, streetwise, tactics) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Read Language (None), Ride (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival
(Wis), Swim (Str), Taijutsu (Str) and Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at First Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at first level, the Enforcer begins play with the
Simple Weapon Proficiency feat and proficiency in light and medium armors.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Enforcer.

Bonus Feats
At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, the Enforcer gains a bonus feat which it may select
from the Strong or Tough hero bonus feat lists. It must still meet the prerequisites to
select a feat.
NPC Base Attack Fort Reflex Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 +1 +0
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 +2 +0
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 +2 +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 +3 +1
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Bonus feat +3 +1
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 +3 +2
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 +4 +2
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 +4 +2
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 +5 +3
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Bonus feat +5 +3
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 +5 +3
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 +6 +4
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 +6 +4
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 +7 +4
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Bonus feat +7 +5
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 +7 +5
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 +8 +5
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 +8 +6
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 +9 +6
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Bonus feat +9 +6

The marksman is a capable warrior, but one more suited to ranged and support combat.
The marksman is best used as archers, scouts, assassins and enemy ninja of lesser calibre.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Marksman NPC class.

Hit Die
The Marksman gains 1d8 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Marksman gains 1 action point per level.

Class Skills
The Marksman's class skills, and the key ability for each are as follows.
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide
(Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (behavioral science, civics, ninja lore, popular culture,
streetwise) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ninjutsu (Int), Pilot (Dex),
Profession (Wis), Read Language (None), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand
(Dex), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Taijutsu (Str), Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at first level, the Marksman begins play with the
Simple Weapon Proficiency feat and proficiency in light armors.


NPC Base Attack Fort Reflex Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +1 +1 +0 +1 +0
2nd +1 +2 +2 +0 +1 +0
3rd +2 +2 +2 +1 +2 +1
4th +3 +2 +2 +1 +2 +1
5th +3 +3 +3 +1 Bonus feat +3 +1
6th +4 +3 +3 +2 +3 +2
7th +5 +4 +4 +2 +4 +2
8th +6/+1 +4 +4 +2 +4 +2
9th +6/+1 +4 +4 +3 +5 +3
10th +7/+2 +5 +5 +3 Bonus feat +5 +3
11th +8/+3 +5 +5 +3 +6 +3
12th +9/+4 +6 +6 +4 +6 +4
13th +9/+4 +6 +6 +4 +7 +4
14th +10/+5 +6 +6 +4 +7 +4
15th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +5 Bonus feat +8 +5
16th +12/+7/+2 +7 +7 +5 +8 +5
17th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +5 +9 +5
18th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +6 +9 +6
19th +14/+9/+4 +8 +8 +6 +10 +6
20th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +6 Bonus feat +10 +6

Class Features
The following are class features of the Marksman.

Bonus Feats
At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, the Marksman gains a bonus feat which it may select
from the Fast or Dedicated hero bonus feat lists. It must still meet the prerequisites to
select a feat.

The expert's primary focus is with techniques such as Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu.
This makes him a fair substitute for an enemy ninja, or a non-ninja who dabbles in the art.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Expert NPC class.

Hit Die
The Expert gains 1d6 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Expert gains 1 action point per level.
Class Skills
The Expert's class skills, and the key ability for each are as follows.
Chakra Control (Wis), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int),
Drive (Dex), Fuinjutsu (Int), Genjutsu (Cha), Listen (Wis), Knowledge (behavioral
sciences, earth and life science, history, ninja lore, physical sciences, popular culture,
tactics, theology and phylosophy) (Int), Ninjutsu (Int), Perform (Cha), Read Language
(None), Search (Int), Sign Language (None), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at First Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.


NPC Base Attack Fort Reflex Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +1 +0 +1 Bonus chakra +1 +1
2nd +1 +2 +0 +2 +2 +1
3rd +1 +2 +1 +2 +2 +1
4th +2 +2 +1 +2 +3 +2
5th +2 +3 +1 +3 Bonus feat +3 +2
6th +3 +3 +2 +3 +3 +2
7th +3 +4 +2 +4 +4 +3
8th +4 +4 +2 +4 +4 +3
9th +4 +4 +3 +4 +5 +3
10th +5 +5 +3 +5 Bonus feat +5 +4
11th +5 +5 +3 +5 +5 +4
12th +6/+1 +6 +4 +6 +6 +4
13th +6/+1 +6 +4 +6 +6 +5
14th +7/+2 +6 +4 +6 +7 +5
15th +7/+2 +7 +5 +7 Bonus feat +7 +5
16th +8/+3 +7 +5 +7 +7 +6
17th +8/+3 +8 +5 +8 +8 +6
18th +9/+4 +8 +6 +8 +8 +6
19th +9/+4 +8 +6 +8 +9 +7
20th +10/+5 +9 +6 +9 Bonus feat +9 +7

Starting Feats
In addition to the feat all characters get at first level, the Expert begins play with the
Simple Weapon Proficiency feat and proficiency in light armors.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Expert.

Bonus Chakra
The Generic Caster gains a certain amount of bonus chakra and bonus reserve from
taking levels in this class. The amount of bonus chakra or chakra reserve gained is shown
on the table below. It is not influenced by ability scores, and is in addition to the standard
amount gained every level from gaining an additional hit dice.

The amount of bonus chakra or reserve doesn't stack, simply choose the appropriate value
based on the character's class levels. Multiple instances of Bonus Chakra and Reserve,
such as from various classes, do stack with each other.
Class Bonus Bonus
Levels Chakra Reserve
1st 1 2
2nd 2 4
3rd 3 6
4th 4 8
5th 5 10
6th 6 12
7th 7 14
8th 8 16
9th 9 18
10th 10 20
11th 11 22
12th 12 24
13th 13 26
14th 14 28
15th 15 30
16th 16 32
17th 17 34
18th 18 36
19th 19 38
20th 20 40

Bonus Feats
At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, the Expert gains a bonus feat which it may select from
the Smart or Charismatic hero bonus feat lists. It must still meet the prerequisites to select
a feat.


In this book of monsters, there are many ways to enter into a pact or a contract, but none
quite in the sense that would be expected in a game with Summoning techniques. This
appendix details a set of optional rules to enter into a contract with a creature of a
different sort: the Monster Familiar.

Monster Familiar
A character can enter in a contract with a monster familiar by permanently improving a
creature's attitude to Friendly or better, and completing a lengthy, expensive and difficult
ritual to bind it to himself in a way not unlike a summoner's blood pact.

Despite the name, the monster familiar doesn't have to possess monstrous traits or
inhuman qualities, but it cannot be of a race or creature type that doesn't have at least one
racial hit die.

Only a character who hasn't signed a blood pact can acquire a monster ritual.
Furthermore, a character with a monster familiar can never, under normal circumstances,
sign a blood pact. At the GM's discretion, the character may be able to undergo a quest or
ritual to undo the effects of the binding and thus gain a blood pact, but must do so at the
cost of his bond with the monster familiar. Regardless of the ritual, a character can never
have both a blood pact and a monster familiar.
The Ritual
The ritual to bond with a monster familiar is not an exact science, and is comprised of so
many moving parts that depend both on the character and the monster familiar that no
two rituals can ever be alike.

The process of crafting the bonding ritual is almost as important as completing it, and
must be perfectly tailored to the character and his chosen candidate. Because of this, it is
impossible for anyone to aid in its construction. There are three stages to the ritual:
Construction, Preparation and Execution.

• Construction: Crafting a ritual to bond with a monster familiar is as much an art as it is

a science. It is a combination of advanced knowledge of supernatural creatures, a keen
sense of self-awareness and an intricate understanding of fetishes and ritual sacrifices.

The process of crafting a ritual takes part in 10 steps. Each step takes 5 consecutive full
days of work that cannot be interrupted by training or any other activities. After each
week of work, the character can make one check that contributes to the development of
the ritual. The steps do not have to be completed one after the other, but no more than one
month can pass between each steps, or the ritual has to be started from the beginning.

At the end of the 10 steps, the character must have made at least 5 successful checks. If
not, the ritual is ruined and must be started again from scratch.

The characters can make Knowledge checks relevant to the creature type or subtype of
his canditate (GM's discretion). Alternatively, he can make Sense Motive check to look
within himself and seek true understanding of his motivations and points of intersect
between himself and his candidate. Finally, the character can make Research checks to
find relevant lore and seek out objects of significance to aid in completing the ritual at the
Preparation stage.

The difficulty of each check is DC 20 plus the candidate's challenge rating (minimum 1).

• Preparation: The preparation stage consists of gathering expensive and exotic

materials that make the ritual at all possible, or even facilitate it. This requires the
character to make one or several Wealth checks to put together materials of a very
specific nature. At the GM's option, the character might be required to find the materials
himself as part of a mission or quest. The difficulty of the check is based on a few factors,
as shown on the table below.

If the Wealth check fails, the character doesn't spend any money, but the ritual is ruined
and must be started again from scratch.

The character may also make a second Wealth check at the Preparation stage to gain an
even greater bonus, but at an enormous risk. The character declares his intention after
succeeding the first check. If the second check fails, the character still spends money for
making the first check but the ritual is ruined and must be started again from scratch,
therefore the first set of components is useless as the next ritual to be crafter will be
different. If both checks succeed, however, the Preparation bonus is doubled.

Condition Purchase DC
Base check 15
CR of the candidate (minimum 1) +1
Each successful Research check in Construction stage (maximum 5) –1
Exotic materials (maximum 5) +2
Candidate creature type or subtype...
Dragon +3
Immortal +20
Kaijuu +2
Kami +2
Outsider +2
Spirit +1
Youkai +2

If using a currency system, the ritual has a material cost associated with it instead. No
check is required in this case, and the cost associated with the ritual's purchase DC must
be paid in full either with purchased materials or found materials that match the specific
nature of the ritual (GM's discretion). The character can double the material cost to
automatically gain a greater bonus.

• Execution: The third and final stage of bonding a monster familiar is the execution.
Now that the ritual is crafted and the materials have been prepared, the only thing left is
to bond with the candidate. The execution phase is a simple level check, modified by
certain factors shown on the table below. The difficulty of the check is equal to 20 plus
the candidate's Hit Dice (minimum 1).

The level check is modified by one ability score, which depends on the creature type of
the candidate.
– Strength (animal, giant, monstrous humanoid)
– Dexterity (ooze, vermin)
– Constitution (elemental, magical beast)
– Intelligence (construct, fey, humanoid)
– Wisdom (plant, undead)
– Charisma (aberration, dragon, outsider)

Factor Bonus
Each successful Knowledge check in Construction stage (maximum 5) +1
Each successful Sense Motive check in Construction stage (maximum 5) +1
Two Wealth checks during Preparation stage +5
Exotic materials used in Preparation stage (maximum 5)¹ +1
Synergy bonus (5 or more ranks in ...)
Diplomacy (aberration, dragon, elemental, outsider) +2
Handle Animal (animal, magical beasts, vermin) +2
Intimidate (giant, fey, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, undead) +2
Repair (constructs) +2
Survival (ooze, plant) +2
¹ This bonus is doubled if the character made two Wealth checks during the Preparation stage.
Bonded Familiars
Once the ritual is complete, the bonded familiar vanishes into the ether until summoned
again and follows the same rules as summons as far as death, injury, and summon

The bonded familiar can be summoned by a technique equivalent to Kuchiyose no Jutsu,

with a rank equal to 6 plus half the monster familiar's CR (maximum 14). The technique
has a chakra cost equal to the chakra pool of the monster familiar or twice its challenge
rating, whichever is higher.

Summoning Rituals: Powerful creatures can be bonded and summoned during a ritual
with the help of others. Allies able to use Kuchiyose no Jutsu (or any of its variants) can
participate in a ritual. Participants can contribute an amount of chakra to the summoning
equal to their level or hit dice, but the bonded character must pay at least half the chakra
cost himself and the difficulty of the Ninjutsu check for participants is DC 20. The rules
for summoning rituals otherwise apply regarding the maximum number of participants
and the perform time.

Familiar Advancement
If the character bonded with a creature capable of advancement, the character can help it
achieve greater power by performing an Advancement ritual. This is the same as a
bonding ritual, but the Construction stage only has 5 steps and the base cost of the
Preparation stage is 12, rather than 15.

The character can only advance his familiar by up to 5 hit dice at a time. A successful
check means the monster familiar advances without any issue. A failed check means the
monster familiar does not advance and cannot be summoned for 1d4 weeks. A check
failed by 10 or more means the monster familiar can't be summone for a month and the
character must make a second check. If the second check also fails, the familiar is killed
This section lists all the creatures included in this book, ordered by CR.
CR 1/8
Bat, lizard, monkey, toad, water strider
CR 1/4
Scorpion, turtle
CR 1/3
Gaki, hawk
CR 1/2
Eagle, jaki, snake, vicious slime
CR 1
Animated scarf, giant lizard, giant toad, giant turtle, giant water strider, hanataka-tengu, jikininki, octopus,
karasu-tengu, shark, wolf
CR 2
Ape, blazewort, bonfire spirit, giant bat, bear, crocodile, giant hawk, giant monkey, giant scorpion, giant
snake, kyoryujin
CR 3
Aka-oni, animated katana, flesh ripper, giant eagle, giant shark, giant wolf, land shark
CR 4
Animated kunai swarm, common soldiuer unit, giant ape, giant bear, giant crocodile, imperial hound, kama-
itachi, kappa, predator ooze, tatsugaeru, tiger, wild bear
CR 5
Glutton flesh ripper
CR 6
Animated mirror, gloomwrought aka-oni, kiseikuji, phage, senjin, wani
CR 7
Elephant, giant bear obake, giant octopus, shuragami
CR 8
Ao-oni, kazame, rokurokubi
CR 9
Advanced soldier unit, face stealer, giant tiger, kijin, kurokubi
CR 10
Kunoichi, obsidian shard, shinobi
CR 11
Demon scorpion kaijuu, giant elephant
CR 12
CR 13
CR 14
Face stealer (5th-level Strong Hero)
CR 15
CR 18
Ebisu, primordial tortoise
CR 20
Shiro-oni, yomijishi
CR 21
CR 22

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