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Please cite as: Fletcher, P.R.

, (2004) PhD Thesis - How Tertiary Level Physics Students Learn and
Conceptualise Quantum Mechanics (School of Physics, University of Sydney)


This Appendix contains the following bibliographies

Theory & Discussion
Physics Related Research
Science & Physics Perspective

General Theory and Discussion
General Teaching & Research
Science Teaching & Research
Chemistry Teaching & Research
Physics Teaching & Research

Theory, Debate & Discussion



Theory & Discussion

Duschl, R.A., Gitomer, D.H., (1991) Epistemological Perspectives on Conceptual

Change: Implications for Educational Practice, Journal of Research in Science Teaching,
28(9), 839-858

Physics Related Research

Hammer, D., (1994) Students’ beliefs about conceptual knowledge in introductory

physics, International Journal of Science Education, 16(4), 385-403

Lewis, E.L., (1996) Conceptual Change Among Middle School Students Studying
Elementary Thermodynamics, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 5(1), 3-31

Peters, P.C., (1982) Even honors students have conceptual difficulties with physics,
American Journal of Physics, 50(6), 501-508

Science & Physics Perspective

Duit, R., Roth, W., Komorek, M., Wilbers, J., (1998) Conceptual change cum
discourse analysis to understand cognition in a unit on chaotic systems: towards an
integrative perspective on learning in science, International Journal of Science
Education, 20(9), 1059-1073

diSessa, A.A., Sherin, B.L., (1998) What changes in conceptual change?, International
Journal of Science Education, 20(10), 1155-1191

Guzzetti, B., Hynd, C., Eds (1998) Perspectives on Conceptual Change – Multiple Ways
to Understand Knowing and Learning in a Complex World, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, New Jersey

Thorley, N.R., Stofflett, R.T., (1996) Representation of the Conceptual Change Model
in Science Teacher Education, Science Education, 80(3), 317-339

Thorley, N.R., Treagust, D.F., (1987) Conflict with in dyadic interactions as a

stimulant for conceptual change in physics, International Journal of Science Education,
9(2), 203-216

Treagust, D.F., Harrison, A.G., Venville, G.J., (1996) Using an analogical teaching
approach to engender conceptual change, International Journal of Science Education,
18(2), 213-219

van den Berg, E., and Others, (1994) The Role of “Experiments” in Conceptual
Change: A Teaching-Experiment Study of Electric Circuits, Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching
(Anaheim, CA, March 26-29, 1994), ERIC Document 368 576, 21p

General Theory and Discussion

Brown, D.E., (1993) Refocusing Core Intuitions: A Concretizing Role for Analogy in
Conceptual Change, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1273-1290

Case, D.O., (1991) Conceptual Organization and Retrieval of Text by Historians: The
Role of Memory and Metaphor, Journal of the American Society for Information Science,
42(9), 657-668

Dagher, Z.R., (1994) Does the Use of Analogies Contribute to Conceptual Change?,
Science Education, 78(6), 601-614

Gentner, D., Holyoak, K.J., (1997) Reasoning and Learning by Analogy, American
Psychologist, January, 32-34

Goswami, U., (1991) Analogical Reasoning: What Develops? A Review of Research

and Theory, Child Development, 62(1), 1-22

Halford, G.S., McCredden, J.E., (1998) Cognitive Science Questions for Cognitive
Development: The Concepts of Learning, Analogy, and Capacity, Learning and
Instruction, 8(4), 289-308

Hutton, D.W., (1979) Visual Analogies in Higher Education, Paper for HERDSA
1979 Conference, Brisbane, May 1979, 1-7

Keane, M., (1987) Student Learning – Research in Education and Cognitive Psychology,
Chapter 6 Cognitive Theory of Analogy, Edited by Richardson, J.T.E., Eysenck,
M.W., Piper, D.W. The Society for Research into Higher Education & Open
University Press, 67-72

Lawson, D.I., Lawson, A.E., (1993) Neural Principles of Memory and a Neural
Theory of Analogical Insight, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1327-1348

Mason, L., (1994) Cognitive and metacognitive aspects in conceptual change by

analogy, Instructional Science, 22, 157-187

Thagard, P., (1992) Analogy, Explanation, and Education, Journal of Research in

Science Teaching, 29(6), 537-544

General Teaching & Research

Lai, S., Repman, J.L., (1996) The Effects of Analogies and Mathematics Ability on
Students’ Programming Learning Using Computer-Based Learning, Journal of
Instructional Media, 23(4), 355-363

Schwartz, D.L., (1993) The Construction and Analogical Transfer of Symbolic

Visualizations, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1309-1325

Wong, E.D., (1993) Understanding the Generative Capacity of Analogies as a Tool

for Explanation, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1259-1272

Science Teaching & Research

Brown, D.E., (1994) Facilitating conceptual change using analogies and explanatory
models, International Journal of Science Education, 16(2), 201-214

Clement, J., (1988) Observed Methods for Generating Analogies in Scientific

Problem Solving, Cognitive Science, 12, 563-586

Clement, J.J., (1998) Expert novice similarities and instruction using analogies,
International Journal of Science Education, 20(10), 1271-1286

Dagher, Z.R., (1995) Review of Studies on the Effectiveness of Instructional

Analogies in Science Education, Science Education, 79(3), 295-312

Gilbert, J.K., Boulter, C., Rutherford, M., (1998) Models in explanations, Part 1:
Horses for courses?, International Journal of Science Education, 20(1), 83-97

Gilbert, J.K., Boulter, C., Rutherford, M., (1998) Models in explanations, Part 2:
Whose ears?, International Journal of Science Education, 20(2), 187-203

Glynn, S.M., Takahashi, T., (1998) Learning from Analogy-Enhanced Science Text,
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35(10), 1129-1149

Lin, H., Shiau, B., Lawrenz, F., (1996) The Effectiveness of Teaching Science with
Pictorial Analogies, Journal of Research in Science Education, 26(4), 495-511

Greca, I.M., Moreira, M.A., (2000) Mental models, conceptual models, and
modelling, International Journal of Science Education, 22(1), 1-11

Iding, M.K., (1997) How analogies foster learning from science texts, Instructional
Science, 25(4), 233-252

Grosslight, L., Unger, C., Jay, E., Smith, C.L., (1991) Understanding Models and their
Use in Science: Conceptions of Middle and High School Students and Experts,
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(9), 799-822

Harrison, A.G., Treagust, D.F., (1993) Teaching with Analogies: A Case Study in
Grade-10 Optics, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1291-1307

Stavy, R., Tirosh, D., (1993) When Analogy is Perceived as Such, Journal of Research
in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1229-1239

Stavy, R., (1991) Using Analogy to Overcome Misconceptions About Conservation

of Matter, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(4), 305-313

Harrison, A.G., Treagust, D.F., (1994) Science Analogies, Science Teacher, 61(4), 41-43

Fogwill, S., (1995) Using metaphors to enhance student learning in Science, Science
Education News, 44(2), 33-35

Sutton, C., (1993) Figuring Out a Scientific Understanding, Journal of Research in

Science Teaching, 30(10), 1215-1227

Treagust, D.F., (1993) The Evolution of an Approach for using Analogies in

Teaching and Learning Science, Research in Science Education, 23, 293-301

Treagust, D.F., Duit, R., Joslin, P., Lindauer, I., (1992) Science teachers’ use of
analogies: observations from classroom practice, International Journal of Science
Education, 14(4), 413-422

Weller, C.M., (1970) The Role of Analogy in Teaching Science, Journal of Research in
Science Teaching, 7, 113-119

Wong, E.D., (1993) Understanding the Generative Capacity of Analogies as a Tool

for Explanation, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10), 1259-1272

Chemistry Teaching & Research

Bent, H.A., (1984) Uses (and Abuses) of Models in Teaching Chemistry, Journal of
Chemical Education, 61(9), 774-777

Thiele, R.B., Treagust, D.F., (1996) Enhancing Chemistry Teaching Through

Analogies, A workshop presented at the 14th International Conference on Chemical
Education – Chemistry: Expanding the Boundaries, QLD, 14-19 July 1996

Thiele, R.B., Treagust, D.F., (1995) Analogies in chemistry textbooks, International

Journal of Science Education, 17(6), 783-795

Thiele, R.B., Treagust, D.F., (1994) The nature and extent of analogies in secondary
chemistry textbooks, Instructional Science, 22, 61-74

Physics Teaching & Research

Brown, D.E., (1992) Using Examples and Analogies to Remediate Misconceptions in

Physics: Factors Influencing Conceptual Change, Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, 29(1), 17-34

Clement, J., (1993) Using Bridging Analogies and Anchoring Intuitions to Deal with
Students’ Preconceptions in Physics, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(10),

Halloun, I., (1996) Schematic Modeling for Meaningful Learning of Physics, Journal
of Research in Science Teaching, 33(9), 1019-1041

Halloun, I., (1997) Schematic Concepts for Schematic Models of the Real World: The
Newtonian Concept of Force, Science Education, 82(2), 239-263

Kipnis, N., (1998) Theories as Models in Teaching Physics, Science & Education, 7,

Nersessian, N.J., (1995) Should Physicists Preach What They Practice?, Science &
Education, 4, 203-226

Smit, J.J.A., Finegold, M., (1995) Models in physics: perceptions held by final-year
prospective physical science teachers studying at South African universities,
International Journal of Science Education, 17(5), 621-634

Theory, Debate & Discussion

Booth, S., (1997) On Phenomenography, Learning and Teaching, Higher Education

Research & Development, 16(2), 135-158

Ekeblad, E., (1997) On the surface of phenomenography: A response to Graham

Webb, Higher Education, 33, 219-224

Entwistle, N., (1997) Introduction: Phenomenography in Higher Education, Higher

Education Research & Development, 16(2), 127-134

Entwistle, N., (1997) Reconstituting approaches to learning: A response to Webb,

Higher Education, 33, 213-218

Hasselgren, B., Beach, D., (1997) Phenomenography – a “good-for-nothing brother”

of phenomenology?, Higher Education Research & Development, 16(2), 191-202

Hazel, E., Conrad, L., Martin, E., (1997) Exploring Gender and Phenomenography,
Higher Education Research & Development, 16(2), 213-226

Hasselgren, B., Nordieng, T., Österlund, A., (1997) Web-Site Review by Patrick,K.,
Higher Education Research & Development, 16(2), 253-256

Marton, F., (1981) Phenomenography – describing conceptions of the world around

us, Instructional Science, 10, 177-200

Marton, F., Svensson, L., (1982) Towards a Phenomenography of Learning. II: A

Relational View of Study Skill. 1982:07., ERIC Document 227 117, 29p

Marton, F., (1982) Toward a Phenomenography of Learning. III: Experience and

Conceptualisation. 1982:08., ERIC Document 227 118, 46p

Marton, F., (1986) Phenomenography – A Research Approach to investigating

Different Understandings of Reality, Journal of Thought, 21(3), 28-49

Prosser, M., (1993) Phenomenography and the Principles and Practices of Learning,
Higher Education Research & Development, 12(1), 21-31

Richardson, J.T.E., (1999) The Concepts and Methods of Phenomenographic

Research, Review of Educational Research, 69(1), 53-82

Sandberg, J., (1997) Are Phenomenographic Results Reliable?, Higher Education

Research & Development, 16(2), 203-212

Säljö, R., (1997) Talk as Data and Practice – a critical look at phenomenographic
inquiry and the appeal to experience, Higher Education Research & Development, 16(2),

Svensson, L., Theman, J., (1983) The Relation between Categories of Description and
an Interview Protocol in a Case of Phenomenographic Research. [Report} 1983:02.,
Paper presented at the Annual Human Science Research Conference (2nd,
Pittsburgh, PA, May 18-20, 1983), ERIC Document 234 078, 48p

Svensson, L., (1997) Theoretical Foundations of Phenomenography, Higher Education

Research & Development, 16(2), 159-171

Webb, G., (1997) Deconstructing deep and surface: Towards a critique of

phenomenography, Higher Education, 33, 195-212

Webb, G., (1997) Contesting learning theory: a response to Entwistle and Ekeblad,
Higher Education, 33, 225-230


Booth, S., (1990) Conceptions of Programming: A Study into Learning To Program,

ERIC Document 338 227, 30p

Crawford, K., Gordon, S., Nicholas, J., Prosser, M., (1994) Conceptions of
mathematics and how it is learned: the perspectives of students entering university,
Learning and Instruction, 4, 331-345

Dahlgren, L.O., Marton, F., (1976) A Research Project on higher Education.

Investigations into the Learning and Teaching of Basic Concepts in Economics. No.
54. (1)., Paper presented at the Congress of the European Association for Research
and Development in Higher Education (Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, August 30-
September 3, 1976), ERIC Document 135 681, 29p

Lybeck, L., (1984) Subject Didactic Studies of Research Training in Biology and
Physics, ERIC Document 253 150, 16p

Marton, F., (1976) Study Skills and Learning, ERIC Document 127 724, 12p

Marton, F., Svensson, L., (1976) Study Skills and Learning, ERIC Document 127 319,

Marton, F., (1976) Skill as an Aspect of Knowledge: Some Implications from research
on Students Conceptions of Central Phenomena in Their Subjects. Investigations
into the Learning and Teaching of Basic Concepts in Economics. No. 55. (2)., Paper
presented at the International Conference on Improving University Teaching (2nd,
Heidelberg, F.R. Germany, July 13-16, 1976), ERIC Document 135 683, 21p

Marton, F., (1978) Describing Conceptions of the World Around Us. No. 66., ERIC
Document 169 074, 44p

Marton, F., Säljö, R., (1979) Learning in the Learner’s Perspective. III. Level of
Difficulty seen as a relationship Between the Header and the Text. No. 79., ERIC
Document 173 371, 29p

Marton, F., Watkins, D., Tang, C., (1997) Discontinuities and continuities in the
experience of learning: an interview study of high-school students in Hong Kong,
Learning and Instruction, 7(1), 21-48

Mugler, F., Landbeck, R., (1997) Learning in the South Pacific and
Phenomenography Across Cultures, Higher Education Research & Development, 16(2),

Prosser, M., Trigwell, K., Taylor, P., (1994) A Phenomenographic study of academics
conceptions of science learning and teaching, Learning and Instruction, 4, 217-231

Prosser, M., Trigwell, K., (1997) Using Phenomenography in the Design of Programs
for Teachers in Higher Education, Higher Education Research & Development, 16(1), 41-

Trigwell, K., Prosser, M., Taylor, P., (1994) Qualitative differences in approaches to
teaching first year university science, Higher Education, 27, 75-84

Trigwell, K., Prosser, M., (1996) Congruence between intention and strategy in
university science teachers’ approaches to teaching, Higher Education, 32, 77-87

Trigwell, K., Prosser, M., (1997) Towards an Understanding of Individual Acts of

Teaching and Learning, Higher Education Research & Development, 16(2), 241-252

Vermunt, J.D.H.M., (1987) Learning Styles and Self-Regulation, Paper presented at

the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
(Washington, DC, April 20-24, 1987)., ERIC Document 285 900, 19p

Walsh, E., Dall’Alba, G., Bowden, J., Martin, E., Marton, F., Masters, G., Ramsden,
P., Stephanou, A., (1993) Physics Students’ Understanding of Relative Speed: A
Phenomenographic Study, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 30(9), 1133-1148


Marton, F., (1979) Learning as Seen from the Learner’s Point of View. ZIFF Papiere
30., ERIC Document 317 156, 26p

APPENDIX 10.................................................................................................................................. 252

REVIEWS.......................................................................................................................................... 252
A10.1 CONCEPTUAL CHANGE ........................................................................................... 253
Theory & Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 253
Physics Related Research...................................................................................................................... 253
Science & Physics Perspective.............................................................................................................. 253
A10.2 ANALOGIES ................................................................................................................ 254
General Theory and Discussion ............................................................................................................ 254
General Teaching & Research .............................................................................................................. 255
Science Teaching & Research............................................................................................................... 255
Chemistry Teaching & Research .......................................................................................................... 256
Physics Teaching & Research............................................................................................................... 257
A10.3 PHENOMENOGRAPHY.............................................................................................. 258
Theory, Debate & Discussion ............................................................................................................... 258
Research................................................................................................................................................ 259
Related .................................................................................................................................................. 260

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