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The term GIS is fundamentally about the use of established and recognisable schemes of
digital data to represent space and time, and few of representation. The more recent innovation of GIS
the readers of this book will be unfamiliar with the has sought to develop and enhance such analogue
standard sequence of operations that GIS invoke to models of the world using computer hardware,
create such representations – data input, storage, software, and digital data. More detailed and
manipulation, and output. For many users of GIS, sophisticated than paper maps they may be, but most
this simple chronology of operations has provided GIS-based maps remain similarly constrained – they
an adequate framework for understanding what GIS must present a world that has been projected onto a
is about. Yet reality is infinitely complex in its flat plane; they must be static and 2-dimensional; they
totality, and our digital representations are depict the world as if it were known perfectly, or at
inevitably simplifications or ‘models’ of it. With least as accurately as the scale of the map allows; and
experience, and perhaps the demands of wider they must present the world at a uniform scale or level
domain and strategic applications, many GIS users of geographical detail. These are all examples of
will begin to get a feel (from the ‘bottom up’) for the simplifications of reality, yet the GIS medium is
nature of the simplifying assumptions, or fundamentally more capable of relaxing these
‘transformations’ (Martin 1996) which are inherent assumptions, constraints, and conventions than paper
in reducing the myriad complexities of geographical mapping. Thus it is with some confidence that
reality to digital computer records. From a quite Couclelis sees GIS as rising to the challenge of
different perspective, the fundamental (‘top down’) achieving ‘the seamless integration of space and time,
views of social science and science held by some the representation of relative and non-metric spaces,
academics bring into question the very validity of the representation of inexact geographical entities and
GIS-based representations of the real world. The phenomena, and the accommodation of multiple
opening five chapters of this book seek to set out the spatio-temporal perspectives to meet a variety of user
context to GIS, as a contribution towards purposes and needs’.
reconciling philosophy and science with practice, Of the different disciplines that have sought to
concepts with application, analytical capability with represent space and time, it has been geography that
social context. As such, and although avowedly has identified itself most closely with the innovation
academic in emphasis, they contain material of of GIS – although (as a number of the contributors
relevance to everyone who has considered using GIS to this section note) geography has not been central
to formulate and analyse problems in the real world. to its technological development. Ron Johnston
Successive chapters begin to translate these abstract (Chapter 3) uses the debates that have developed
notions and ideas into firmer guiding principles of within geography to explore the implications of the
GIS, in order that principles in turn might coalesce fundamentally empiricist view of the world that GIS
into operational guidelines for implementation. provides – that is, a view founded upon the
In the opening chapter to this Section, Helen philosophical belief that there is a separate objective
Couclelis traces the disciplinary origins of interest in world that is outside and independent of any
representing space and time to the disciplines of individual observer. Empirical scientific approaches
geography, mathematics, philosophy, and physics. have come to be viewed with disdain by some
The traditional paper map subsequently emerged as academics working in human geography, yet they
the dominant paradigm of spatial representation, with remain the predominant modus operandi in physical
its goal of depicting spatial phenomena using geography. Johnston concedes that a pragmatic

The Editors

application-led science, couched in the world of (echoing the views of Johnston) may also lead to
appearances, is not universally attractive to all supplementation of quantifiable attributes and
geographers (although it has undoubtedly enhanced characteristics of geographical reality with measures
the status of their discipline), yet his closing remarks of local knowledge, place-based information and
suggest that the very richness of digital media no other qualitative considerations.
longer need constrain GIS in this way. If, as Couclelis There are lessons here for even the most
asserts, GIS has already come a long way since the era unequivocal advocate of GIS – namely the need for
of early computer cartography, then the rapidity and cognisance of the philosophical background and
pace of current developments should in turn now context to analysis, and the inherent subjectivity of
begin to suggest ways in which GIS might inform even the most apparently ‘objective’ models of
other, non-empiricist, approaches to social science. reality that are abstracted within GIS. In Jonathan
In Chapter 4, John Pickles develops the critique Raper’s view this relativist honing of GIS to context
of GIS from a more functionalist perspective: that is, is not restricted to social science applications that
how its approach to science has impacted upon its embrace human agency, as suggested in his review of
technological capacities and social uses. The early scientific representation (Chapter 5). Physical science
1990s critique of GIS within academic geography lies much more uncontroversially in the empiricist
was fundamentally one of empiricism – that is, the domain than social science, and hence it might be
approach to science in which, in Johnston’s words, taken as axiomatic that there is a strong
‘facts speak for themselves’. As such, it was to some correspondence between increased richness of digital
extent a re-run of the critiques of quantitative information and the accurate and orderly depiction
geography that had developed in the 1970s and of real-world systems. Raper formalises the
1980s. This time, however, the detailed critique empiricist conception of GIS in natural scientific
developed on two quite different fronts. First, what applications as representing a ‘bridge’ between
was different for some this time was the power of the scientific theory and the real world. Yet even within
technology, and the drive towards data-rich natural science the way in which this structure is
depictions of geographical reality capable of eroding fashioned is profoundly influenced by our
privacy and increasing (social, political, military . . .) information sources and scientific conventions.
control. Second, empiricist approaches (in contrast ‘Scientific conventions’ are the ways in which we
to other social science approaches such as social and define and give significance to geographical
critical theory) were deemed most unlikely to shed phenomena, and the ways that we identify
light on questions of valid and intrinsic academic phenomena in space and time within GIS (when is a
interest, and thus infusion of GIS into the discipline sand dune not a sand dune? what are its boundaries?
of geography would never create more than a what sort of time increments should be used to
diversion and irrelevant distraction. Although represent and model its dynamics?).
perhaps contradictory (if a technology truly is Raper’s view is that the spatial and temporal
capable of eroding privacy, then it surely is a worthy context to natural science representations in GIS
focus of academic concern), these two perspectives should be specified inductively rather than
shared the common sentiment that GIS has deductively, in a context-sensitive manner and in a
introduced a technological distraction to legitimate spirit of humility rather than conviction – a view
academic discourse and thus has reinvigorated an developed later in this section with respect to digital
approach to social science in geography which by the terrain models by Hutchinson and Gallant. As such,
1990s many had thought discredited. Some of the empirical science should refocus more of its efforts
later chapters in the Management Issues and on the ways in which simplified representations of
Applications sections air these issues in much greater an infinitely complex reality are developed within
detail. Pickles’ important contribution, here as well GIS, and greater detail and volume of information is
as elsewhere (Pickles 1995), has been to open up seen as but one ingredient of an enhanced approach
these issues to constructive dialogue between the to model-building. Spatial representation is thus an
‘top down’ views of the best practice of science and intrinsic component of scientific method, and must
the ‘bottom up’ empirical experience of GIS users. be related to theory about the way the world works
Such dialogue is likely to lead to GIS applications and how geographical reality is structured. This
breaking free from notions of ‘objective’ reality and mapping of reality into model is seen as being

Section 1(a): Space and time in GIS

accomplished through geographic information representations more compatible with the ways
science (Goodchild 1992) – that is, the development people naturally think and reason about the world
of formal conventions and rules for the appropriate around them. David Mark’s chapter (7) reviews the
representation of phenomena within conventional current state of cognitive research in GIS, and
and unconventional (3-dimensional models, video discusses some of the issues that are raised by this
and multimedia) GIS representations. line of reasoning. He begins by appraising the
The issues and problems that Raper identifies are correspondence between the ways in which humans
at least as problematic as many in the socioeconomic perceive real-world phenomena and the ways they
realm, yet here there are additional problems are represented within GIS. His approach is
arising out of the strictures of confidentiality avowedly empiricist in approach, and sets out to
(and consequent areal aggregation of data), the ways examine the possible mismatches between objective
in which boundaries are imposed around continuous measurement and cognitive models of reality. He
spatial features, and the ways in which time is shares some of Johnston’s optimism that GIS may
discretised during data collection. These and other provide a suitable medium through which realist
problems create some differences in the definition models of geographical reality might be built. The
and handling of geographical objects of study detail of his empirical analysis of cognitive
between natural and social science applications. categories substantiates the views of Raper, Martin,
David Martin reviews these differences here Pickles, and Couclelis that boundaries are de facto
(Chapter 6). Spatial boundaries and temporal often indistinct, fuzzy, and graduated. He also
intervals pose more than an analytical describes how distance, direction, reference frames,
inconvenience, since they lie outside of the control of and topology are all subjectively manipulated in
the GIS analyst and cannot be changed. Moreover, common parlance, and how variations may be
there are conceptual difficulties in assigning precise compounded by natural language differences (when
geographical coordinates to human individuals and is a lake not a lake but a pond? why are ‘lodge’ water
bodies apparently confined to northern England?).
describing their activity patterns. Martin describes
As Raper has already intimated, our inability to
how these provide additional challenges to effective
deal with time, and thus to represent the dynamic
representation, analysis, and display within
elements of the geographical world, is perhaps the
socioeconomic GIS, and discusses how
most compelling of the inadequacies of maps and
representational strategies may be used to contain
traditional GIS. A technology that is forced to
ecological fallacy and modifiable areal unit effects.
represent the world as static inevitably favours the
Taken together, the contribution of these chapters
static aspects of the world. Thus (as Martin
is to steer GIS users towards a more relativist
describes) our maps show the locations of buildings
conception of reality and its representation within and roads rather than people, and the same biases
GIS, and thence to identify how GIS data structures have been inherited by GIS. The chapter by
and architectures can be developed to accommodate Donna Peuquet (8) reviews the state of the art in the
the widest range of information sources. This representation of time in GIS, and specifically the
provides a general framework for enhancing problems that arise out of the inadequate definition
GIS-based representations of reality which are and representation of events and timeframes within
tailored to the perceptions and needs of the many. GIS. She assesses the merits of different data
In short, it presents a broad canvas to GIS structures for representing time in GIS – for
applications: the remaining chapters in this section example, as raster coverage-based snapshots,
investigate a range of topics that can further variable length (raster) pixels, entity-based (vector)
improve representation within GIS. representations and geographical objects. Peuquet
One socially significant facet of this critique is then reviews modes of exploring and visualising
that if GIS has been rendered accessible only to the space-time interactions using GIS. It is clear from
scientific community, then successful users have been this that query languages for identifying temporal
placed in the role of experts. As a consequence, GIS change are much better developed for aspatial,
is intolerant of diversity of viewpoint. Cognitive rather than spatial, database management systems
interest in GIS stems from a desire to make it easier (DBMS), because of the reduced dimensionality of
to use, by making its user interfaces and the queries. Nevertheless, in an upbeat conclusion,

The Editors

she anticipates considerable improvements in the of scales relevant to the end-user, and the ways in
representational power and analytical capabilities of which features are defined and parameterised. As the
GIS in this regard. previous chapters in this section imply, the model-
The remaining chapters share a pragmatic building process does not then terminate with a
emphasis on the ways in which data models may be single pass through the data, and Hutchinson and
used to fulfil a variety of end-uses. Much of the Gallant describe further recursive stages of data
conceptual debate surrounding GIS has arisen quality assessment and model interpretation.
simply because the user of today’s GIS is faced with Robert Weibel and Geoffrey Dutton (Chapter 10)
many more options in representation. Choices must broaden this analysis, looking at the generalisation
be made between different scales, or levels of of geographical objects and cartographic features.
geographical detail; between raster and vector They develop a typology of motivations for
options; and between various approaches to generalisation within GIS, ranging from data
representing change. Nowhere are these choices storage, through improved data robustness to
more apparent than in the representation of optimising visual communication. All of the
topography, or the form of the Earth’s surface. Data preceding contributions have emphasised that good
are available at various scales, and in three major environmental and social science data models are
representational schemes: the meshes of triangles sensitive to context in what, through abstraction,
known as triangulated irregular networks (TINs); they retain and discard. Yet such reflection is clearly
grids of regularly spaced sample elevations (digital not practicable where a multitude of routine
elevation models or DEMs); or digitised contour decisions must be made, or where the outcome of
lines. But many more complex and subtle issues exist data modelling is a cartographic product for visual
in finding accurate and useful representations. display. In such circumstances, sensitivity to context
Michael Hutchinson and John Gallant’s main may nevertheless be achieved using a range of
concern (Chapter 9) is with identification of the automated and semi-automated knowledge-based
guiding principles for generating digital terrain methods, such as generalisation algorithms and
models, and an area in which (firmly in the methods for structure/shape recognition, and further
empiricist tradition) spatial analysis of form is
methods for evaluating the ‘quality’ of
frequently used to draw inference about
generalisations. The principles underpinning such
environmental process. Digital terrain models are
methods are seen as an automated development of
also used in the conceptualisation (cf. Raper) and
traditional map-making conventions, in which the
display. Accuracy and extent of spatial coverage are
cartographer was always to some extent the arbiter,
of importance here, of course, but there is also a
even architect, of cartographic form. That said,
sense of the recursive relationship between the way
progress towards automated generalisation of digital
that relevant phenomena are identified and defined
maps has apparently been rather slower than was
(ontology) and the ways in which they are
subsequently analysed. Additionally, the anticipated in the first edition of this book: however,
representation of 3-dimensional structures creates a Weibel and Dutton provide evidence of encouraging
potentially vast increase in the amount of data that prospects in this regard, suggesting that automated
might be stored within GIS, many of which are generalisation may not be a ‘holy grail’.
likely to be redundant: clear thinking, coupled with The final chapter in this section (11), by
appropriate choice of analytical technique are thus Menno-Jan Kraak, extends the discussion of the
required in order to create realistic yet manipulable theme of scientific visualisation – that is, the
models of real-world 3-dimensional structures. This presentation, analysis, and exploration of
raises a wide range of considerations in making the geographical phenomena. Although we naturally
choice of data model: how to anticipate/manage tend to think of visual displays of GIS databases as
errors associated with GPS data capture (Lange and the digital equivalent of making paper maps, there
Gilbert, Chapter 33), whether priorities favour are significant differences and opportunities. The
capturing surface variability through use of variable design of a paper map is permanent, but visual
point densities across a surface or by representing displays can be manipulated and transformed freely.
local properties of curvature, whether and how grids Scale, for example, takes on a different and more
may be adapted to local terrain structure, the range interesting meaning in a world of zoomable displays.

Section 1(a): Space and time in GIS

GIS displays can be animated, raising a host of new Other issues of representation are addressed
issues for the user’s ability to perceive and elsewhere in this book. The representation of
understand geography through visual display. uncertainty, another missing element in
Although computer display screens are traditional maps, is taken up in the next section; and
approximately flat, their use allows us to re-examine object-oriented issues in representation are discussed
the significance of map projections, and to ask later as Technical Issues. But research on data
whether they are actually necessary in a digital modelling is proceeding at such a pace as to make it
geographical world, since there are no flat surfaces in impossible to achieve a complete coverage in the
a digital computer that are as constraining as the space available here. This is why we have presented
inevitable flatness of paper. There are also echoes an extended overview of guiding principles rather
than fast-changing practices. The interested reader is
here of many of the previous contributions in the
referred to the references in each chapter, to recent
description of the ‘overlay model’ as a simplified,
collections (for example, Molenaar and Hoop 1994),
error-prone depiction of reality, and a review of the
and to the continual stream of new research papers
effective use of symbolisation and other appearing in the journals of the field.
cartographic conventions to present spatial
distributions – as well as to interpret data reliability
and quality. As such, visualisation is considered an References
important adjunct to explanation, which helps Goodchild M F 1992b Geographical information science.
through query, re-expression, multiple views, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 6:
dynamics, animation and changes in dimensionality.
Kraak’s view (cf. Raper) is that GIS provides a Martin D J 1996 Geographic information systems:
socioeconomic applications, 2nd edition. London, Routledge
bridge between the map and the database ‘text’, and
Molenaar M, Hoop S de 1994 Advanced geographic data
he anticipates some of the ways in which video and
modelling. Publications on Geodesy, New Series No. 40.
other multimedia are set to develop and enhance the Delft, Netherlands Geodetic Commission
links between digital models of reality and their
Pickles J (ed.) 1995a Ground truth: the social implications of
visual front ends. geographic information systems. New York, Guilford Press


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