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Anita Moorjani – Am murit si m-am descoperit pe mine

Pe de altă parte, am descoperit că dacă îmi fac timp s ă mă centrez din nou în sine, indiferent de ceea ce
cred cei din jurul meu, multe din obstacolele exterioare dispar de la sine, de îndat ă ce redevin con ştient ă
de conexiunea mea cu Totalitatea şi de îndată ce încep s ă m ă simt din nou fericit ă şi calm ă. În timpul
acestor şedinţe de centrare în sine devin foarte lucid ă, descoperind solu ţii infinit mai bune la problemele
mele decât dacă încerc să le abordez doar din perspectiva exterioar ă.
Această metodă este o consecinţă directă a experienţei mele în apropierea mor ţii şi deriv ă din în ţelegerea
faptului că fac parte integrantă din marea tapiserie cosmic ă şi c ă m ă situez chiar în centrul acesteia,
putând intra în contact cu întregul Univers prin simpla interiorizare.

Tapiseria cosmică este deja ţesută. De aceea, tot ceea ce îmi doresc s ă se petreac ă în via ţa mea exist ă deja
într-un plan nefizic infinit. Singura mea sarcin ă este s ă îmi dilat sufficient de mult con ştiin ţa terestr ă
pentru a putea pătrunde în acest plan. De aceea, dac ă îmi doresc ceva, nu m ă agit în lumea
exterioară să obţin lucrul respectiv, ci îmi dilat con ştiinţa astfel încât s ă îi permit energiei universale s ă
materializeze realitatea dinlăuntrul meu în această lume fizică.
Urmărirea împlinirii dorinţelor în planul material nu face decât s ă înt ăreasc ă şi mai mult ideea de
separare, în timp ce permisivitatea porneşte de la premisa că suntem cu toţii Una şi că toate lucrurile sunt
interconectate, ceea ce înseamnă că obiectul dorinţei noastre ne apar ţine deja.

Curs de Miracole

Lectia 13

" O lume lipsită de înţeles stârneşte teamă."

Ideea de astăzi este de fapt o altă formă dată celei precedente, cu deosebirea că este mai
specifică în ceea ce priveşte sentimentele stârnite. O lume lipsită de înţeles, este, de fapt,
imposibilă. Ce nu are înţeles nu există. Cu toate acestea, nu rezultă de aici că nu vei
crede că percepi ceva ce nu are înţeles. Dimpotrivă, vei fi îndeosebi de înclinat să crezi
că îl percepi negreşit.
Recunoaşterea lipsei de sens provoacă în toţi cei separaţi o stare de anxietate. Ea
reprezintă o situaţie în care Dumnezeu şi ego-ul îşi "dispută" dreptul de a-şi scrie
propriul înţeles în spaţiul gol pus la dispoziţie de lipsa de înţeles. Ego-ul se năpusteşte
cu disperare să-şi stabilească acolo propriile idei, temându-se că altfel vidul ar putea fi
folosit pentru a-i demonstra propria lui neputinţă şi irealitate. Iată, de altfel, singura lui
presupunere corectă.
De aceea, este esenţial să înveţi a recunoaşte ce este lipsit de înţeles şi să-l accepţi fără
teamă. Dacă eşti temător, este sigur că vei înzestra lumea cu atribute pe care nu le
posedă, ticsind-o cu imagini care nu există. Pentru ego, iluziile sunt mecanisme de
protecţie, ceea ce trebuie să fie şi pentru tine, care te pui pe picior de egalitate cu ego-ul.
Exerciţiile pentru astăzi, care vor fi făcute de trei sau patru ori timp de cel mult un
minut de fiecare dată, urmează să fie aplicate într-un mod oarecum diferit de cele
precedente. Cu ochii închişi, repetă ideea de astăzi în sinea ta. Deschide apoi ochii şi
priveşte fără teamă în jur, spunând:
"Privesc o lume lipsită de înţeles."
Repetă în sinea ta această afirmaţie în timp ce priveşti în jur.Apoi închide-ţi ochii şi
încheie cu:
"O lume lipsită de înţeles stârneşte teamă deoarece cred că mă iau la întrecere cu

Curs de miracole – Cap. 1

Sunt singurul care poate săvârşi miracole fără discriminare, pentru că eu sunt Ispăşirea. Tu ai un
rol în Ispăşire pe care ţi-l voi dicta. Întreabă-mă ce miracole să săvârşeşti. Te vei scuti astfel de
eforturi inutile, căci vei acţiona sub îndrumarea unei comunicări directe. Caracterul impersonal al
miracolului e un ingredient esenţial, căci îmi permite să îi dirijez aplicarea, şi - călăuzite de mine -
miracolele duc la experienţa extrem de personală a revelaţiei. O călăuză nu ţine în frâu, ci îndrumă,
lăsând la latitudinea ta să o urmezi. „Şi nu ne duce pe noi în ispită" înseamnă „Recunoaşte-ţi
greşelile şi alege să le abandonezi urmându-mi călăuzirea".

Partea intunecata a cautatorilor de lumina - Debbie Ford

Dacă există în noi înşine un aspect pe care nu-l acceptăm, vom atrage în permanenţă în viaţa noastră
oamenii care manifestă acest aspect. Universul continuă să ne arate cine suntem cu adevărat şi să ne
ajute să redevenim întregi. Majoritatea dintre noi am îngropat atât de adânc aceste aspecte
neasumate, încât nu putem să ne dăm seama în ce privinţă suntem genul de persoană pe care o privim
cu dezgust. Dar, dacă în viaţa voastră apare tot timpul un anumit tip de persoană, să ştiţi că acesta
este motivul.

Pentru a fi complet liberi, e nevoie să fim în stare de a ne asuma şi însuşi toate trăsăturile care ne
deranjează la ceilalţi oameni.

Fiecare cuvânt, incident şi persoană care încă poartă o încărcătură emoţională trebuie să fie revăzut,
privit în faţă, înlocuit şi însuşit cu dragoste. Trebuie să mergem înapoi pe urma paşilor noştri, până la
geneza încărcăturii noastre emoţionale. Atunci stăm faţă în faţă cu incidentul respectiv, însuşindu-ne
realitatea lui, ca pe o parte din trecutul nostru. Trebuie să devenim pe deplin conştienţi de influenţa
pe care el a avut-o asupra vieţii noastre. Apoi, privim incidentul dintr-o perspectivă diferită, care ne
permite să ne înlocuim sentimentele negative cu unele pozitive. Reluăm controlul asupra vieţilor
noastre, alegându-ne propriile interpretări. Aceasta ne dă posibilitatea să ne însuşim cu dragoste
trecutul pe care nu ni l-am asumat şi să ne debranşăm de la alţi oameni.

Conversatii cu Dumnezeu Vol.4 pag.188 –Neal Donald Walsh

Trezirea nu inseamna schimbarea ta, ci schimbarea modului in care gandesti despre tine. Inseamna sa
stii ca esti intreg, complet si perfect exact asa cum esti acum.
David R Hawkins – Putere vs forta
Thich Nhat Hanh – Peace is every step

In our daily lives, we may see the people around us, but if we lack mindfulness, they are just
phantoms, not real people, and we ourselves are also ghosts. Practicing mindfulness enables us to
become a real person. When we are a real person, we see real people around us, and life is present in
all its richness.

We can use our breathing to be in contact with our feelings and accept them. If our breathing is
light and calm—a natural result of conscious breathing—our mind and body will slowly become
light, calm, and clear, and our feelings also. Mindful observation is based on the principle of
“non-duality”: our feeling is not separate from us or caused merely by something outside us; our
feeling is us, and for the moment we are that feeling. We are neither drowned in nor terrorized
by the feeling, nor do we reject it. Our attitude of not clinging to or rejecting our feelings is the
attitude of letting go, an important part of meditation practice.

We can transform our anger, for example, into something more wholesome, like
understanding. We do not need surgery to remove our anger. If we become angry at our anger,
we will have two angers at the same time. We only have to observe it with love and attention. If
we take care of our anger in this way, without trying to run away from it, it will transform itself.
This is peacemaking. If we are peaceful in ourselves, we can make peace with our anger. We can
deal with depression, anxiety, fear, or any unpleasant feeling in the same way.

Thich Nhat Hanh -How to sit

Instead of describing sitting meditation as the practice of concentration, looking deeply, and getting
insight, I like to describe sitting as enjoying doing nothing. Primarily, sitting is to enjoy the pleasure
of sitting, being fully alive and in touch with the wonders of our working bodies, the cool air, the
sounds of people and birds, and the changing colors of the sky.

David R Hawkins –Transcenderea nivelelor de constinta

The-lazy-mans-guide-to-enlightenment by-Thaddeus-Golas

What does it mean, to be whole? It means that we must be willing to conceive of, to contain within
ourselves, whatever is "other than" any limited idea. It means knowing that when we emphasize a
positive, we are at the same time creating a negative. When we choose an ideal of knowledge, then we
must deal with the ignorance that is other than the knowledge. When we emphasize an ideal of
holiness, then we must live with the sin that is its companion, and accept our responsibility for having
created it. If we deny doing so, that is a contraction of awareness; we become dense, we become mass-
level entities, we are incarnated in physical bodies. And we cannot control what we have denied
creating, it is forced into our attention whether we like it or not, and so we live in a world of sin and

There is a good attitude to take towards any goal: It's nice if it happens, nice if it doesn't.

There is a paradise in and around you right now, and to be there you don't even have to make a move,
not even lifting your eyes from this page. You can open yourself to the diamondlike perfection of
everything you see and feel. If you don't think it can happen that easily, just be loving, moment by
moment, and trust that it will come to you.

You don't have to prove anything. You can't prove anything: your vibrations always speak true, you can't
lie about them.

In another sense, loving yourself is a willingness to be in the same space with your own creations.

Try these sayings during meditation: I surrender to this reality. I have no resistance to this reality. I am
one with this reality. I surrender to the justice of our equality. I have no resistance to the justice of our
equality. I am one with the justice of our equality.

But as soon as you walk out of the cave, you will find people behaving just as they did before. And if you
are not willing to be the cause of their behavior, and love them as they are, your vibration level will
David R Hawkins – Dissolving the Ego

The only energy that has more power than the strength of the collective ego
is that of the Spiritual Truth.
There is nothing you cannot BE, DO HAVE! ->multiple books

Ask and it is given – Esther Hicks

Letting Go

The difficult side of prefixing things with the word “mine” is the pride that goes with that sense of
ownership. This makes us feel called upon to defend everything we label as “mine.” We can reduce
our vulnerability by letting go of the desire to possess; instead of saying “mine,” we can use the
word “a.” Not “my” shirt, but “a” shirt. Thus, we will notice that, if we view one of our thoughts as
“an opinion” instead of “my opinion,” the feeling tone changes. Why do people get so hot under
the collar about their opinions? It is just because of that sense of “mine.” If opinions are viewed
instead as “only an opinion,” then there is no longer the vulnerability to prideful anger.

"The Mechanism of Letting Go. Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up,
staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about
it. It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it. The first
step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it,
or moralizing about it. It means to drop judgment and to see that it is just a feeling. The technique is
to be with the feeling and surrender all efforts to modify it in any way. Let go of wanting to resist the
feeling. It is resistance that keeps the feeling going. When you give up resisting or trying to modify
the feeling, it will shift to the next feeling and be accompanied by a lighter sensation. A feeling that
is not resisted will disappear as the energy behind it dissipates.
As you begin the process, you will notice that you have fear and guilt over having feelings; there will
be resistance to feelings in general. To let feelings come up, it is easier to let go of the reaction to
having the feelings in the first place. A fear of fear itself is a prime example of this. Let go of the fear
or guilt that you have about the feeling first, and then get into the feeling itself.
When letting go, ignore all thoughts. Focus on the feeling itself, not on the thoughts. Thoughts are
endless and self-reinforcing, and they only breed more thoughts. Thoughts are merely
rationalizations of the mind to try and explain the presence of the feeling. The real reason for the
feeling is the accumulated pressure behind the feeling that is forcing it to come up in the moment.
The thoughts or external events are only an excuse made up by the mind.
As we become more familiar with letting go, it will be noticed that all negative feelings are
associated with our basic fear related to survival and that all feelings are merely survival programs
that the mind believes are necessary. The letting go technique undoes the programs progressively.
Through that process, the underlying motive behind the feelings becomes more and more apparent."

Barbara Voedish blog:

Buddha spoke to the banker Anathapindika about four forms of happy circumstances:

- to have no debts
- to live a pure life and to do good in thoughts, words and deeds
- to enjoy economic security or to possess sufficient property acquired in a righteous manner.
- To be able to spend money generously on yourself, your family, your friends and on good deeds.

Adyashanti – Resurrecting Jesus

The unconscious elements of our mind come into conscious awareness, and that is another kind of trial.
What’s being asked of you is to meet all of that inner material from the standpoint of divine being, from
the standpoint of eternity—to meet it, to understand it, to resolve it. That may sound quite easy, but when
it’s actually happening it’s a little more gritty and real than the description suggests. 

This is what faith can open you up to, if you have faith in the still point within yourself. Find that place within
yourself where nothing ever moves, and through that you can gain entrance into the Kingdom. 

The eternal witness within watches and waits, knowing that everything is well, that everything will
unfold in its own way, in its own time. There’s no rush, no hurry, and nothing that really needs to
be done. So there’s a sense of peace and well-being that comes from this watchful acceptance.

Thich Nath Hanh - The-Miracle-of-Mindfulness

Contemplation on interdependence

Find a photo of yourself as a child. Sit in the full or half lotus. Begin to follow your breath. After 20 breaths,
begin to focus your attention on the photo in front of you. Recreate and live again the five aggregates of which
you were made up at the time the photo was taken: the physical characteristics of your body, your feelings,
perceptions, mind functionings, and consciousness at that age. Continue to follow your breath. Do not let your
memories lure you away or overcome you. Maintain this meditation for 15 minutes. Maintain the half smile.
Turn your mindfulness to your present self. Be conscious of your body, feelings, perceptions, mind
functionings, and consciousness in the present moment. See the five aggregates which make up yourself. Ask
the question, "Who am I?" The question should be deeply rooted in you, like a new seed nestled deep in the
soft earth and damp with water. The question "Who am I?" should not be an abstract question to consider with
your discursive intellect. The question "Who am I?" will not be confined to your intellect, but to the care of the
whole of the five aggregates. Don't try to seek an intellectual answer. Contemplate for 10 minutes, maintaining
light but deep breath to prevent being pulled away by philosophical reflection.


Contemplate seeing your bodily form present before you—in the trees, the grass and leaves, the river. Be
mindful that you are in the universe and the universe is in you: if the universe is, you are; if you are, the
universe is. There is no birth. There is no death. There is no coming. There is no going.

The subtle art of not giving a f**k

By not giving a fuck that you feel bad, you short-circuit the Feedback Loop from Hell; you say to yourself, “I
feel like shit, but who gives a fuck?” And then, as if sprinkled by magic fuckgiving fairy dust, you stop hating
yourself for feeling so bad.
The idea of not giving a fuck is a simple way of reorienting our expectations for life and choosing what is
important and what is not. Developing this ability leads to something I like to think of as a kind of “practical
enlightenment.” No, not that airy-fairy, eternal bliss, end-of-all-suffering, bullshitty kind of enlightenment. On
the contrary, I see practical enlightenment as becoming comfortable with the idea that some suffering is
always inevitable—that no matter what you do, life is comprised of failures, loss, regrets, and even death.
Because once you become comfortable with all the shit that life throws at you (and it will throw a lot of shit,
trust me), you become invincible in a sort of lowlevel spiritual way. After all, the only way to overcome pain
is to first learn how to bear it.

When you assume that your plane is the one that’s going to crash, or that your project idea is the
stupid one everyone is going to laugh at, or that you’re the one everyone is going to choose to mock
or ignore, you’re implicitly telling yourself, “I’m the exception; I’m unlike everybody else; I’m
different and special.”

Beverly Blanchard

The Law of Compassion is basically about allowing tenderness and kindness into all your thoughts and
actions with yourself and others.  It is softening your attitude, and allowing others to be who they are
without judgment or condemnation.  You simply allow yourself to see the world through someone else’s
eyes.  The observer becomes the observed.
To truly be compassionate one has begin with oneself.  If you cannot offer yourself understanding,
forgiveness and loving kindness you can never give genuine compassion to someone else.  So the first step in
compassion is releasing all judgments and condemnation you have about yourself.  Stop beating yourself up
over past happenings and recognize that you are valuable in this world.

Pema Chodron - When Things Fall Apart_ Heart Advice for Difficult Time

There are four maras. The first mara is called devaputra mara. It has to do with seeking pleasure.
The second one, called skandha mara, has to do with how we always try to recreate ourselves, try to
get some ground back, try to be who we think we are.
The third mara is called klesha mara. It has to do with how we use our emotions to keep ourselves
dumb or asleep.
The fourth one, yama mara, has to do with the fear of death. The descriptions of these four maras
show us four ways in which we, just like the Buddha, are seemingly attacked.

Eckhart tolle – Un nou pamant

Lecţia esenţială în cadrul artei de a trăi pe care fiecare dintre noi se află aici ca să o înveţe este
aceea de a face orice se cere de la voi să faceţi în fiecare situaţie, fără ca sarcina să se transforme
într-un rol cu care vă identificaţi. Căpătaţi cea mai mare putere în tot ceea ce faceţi dacă orice
întreprindeţi are ca scop acţiunea în sine şi nu constituie un mijloc pentru a vă proteja sau amplifica
identitatea oferită de rol sau pentru a vă conforma acesteia. Fiecare rol reprezintă un sentiment de
sine fictiv, iar prin acesta totul devine personalizat şi, în consecinţă, corupt şi deformat de „micul eu”
fabricat de minte şi de rolul, oricare ar fi el, pe care se întâmplă să-l joace.

Cartile mele

Anita Moorjani – Am murit si m-am descoperit pe mine

Coelho – Alchimistul
Coelho – Jurnalul unui mag
Coelho- Maktub
Coelho – Al cincilea munte
Coelho –Aleph
Coelho –Diavolul si domnisoara Prym
Peace-Is-Every-Step -Thich-Nhat-Hanh
The miracle of Mindfulness – Thich Nhat Hanh
Fear –Thich Nhat Hanh
Neal Donald Walsh - Conversations with God I, II, III, IV
Neal Donald Walsh - Friendship with God
Neal Donald Walsh – Communion with God
Neal Donald Walsh – Tomorrow God
Neal Donald Walsh – Home with God
Ilie Cioara –Cartea cartilor
Ilie Cioara – Eternitatea clipei
Eckhart tolle – The power of now
Eckhart Tolle – Silence Speaks
Eckhart tolle – Un nou pamant
Sadhguru – Inner engineering
David R Hawkins - Dissolving-the-Ego-Realising-the-Self
David R Hawkins – Power vs Force
David R Hawkins – Transcenderea nivelelor de constinta
David R Hawkins – Discovery of the presence of God
David R. Hawkins – Letting Go: the pathway to surrender
David R Hawkins – Healing and recovery
Debbie Ford – The shadow effect
Debbie Ford – Partea intunecata a cautatorilor de lumina
Dyer_Wayne- Your_erroneous_zone
The Law of Attraction - Esther si Jerry Hicks
Esther Hicks – Ask and it is given
Ester hicks – Living the art of allowing, the amazing power of deliberate intent
The thought vibration – William Atkinson
Adyashanti – Resurrecting Jesus
Louise Hay – You can heal your life
Emmanuel Swedenborg – Heaven and Hell
Dr. Eben Alexander – Proof of Heaven
Life after death - Raymond Moody
Dr Joe Dispenza - Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
7 Habits of highly effective people – Steven Covey
Akashik Records made easy – Sandra Taylor
Marie Magdelene revealed – Meggan Watterson
The subtle art of not giving a f**ck – Mark Manson
Who Am I – Ramanah Maharshi
ACIM( A Course in Miracles) - workbook
Benedict Thomas Meller –
Pema Chodron - When Things Fall Apart_ Heart Advice for Difficult Time
Viktor Frankl – A man’s search for meaning
Kyle Gray – Angel Prayers
Kyle Gray – Connecting with Angels
Kyle Gray – The power of forgiveness
Claire Stone - The female archangels
Sonia Choquette - Ask your guides
Masaru Emoto – Mesaje de la apa si de la Univers
Masaru Emoto – Mesaje ascunse din apa
Doreen Virtue – angels 101
Doreen Virtue – Mesaje de la ingerii tai
Vianna Stibal – Cele 7 planuri ale existentei
Theta Healing – Vianna Stibal
Vianna Stibal – Advanced theta healing
DianaCooper - Transition to the Golden Age in 2032
DianaCooper – The magic of Unicorns
DianaCooper – Enlightment though orbs
Diana Cooper - The Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and Mastery_ Living in the Fifth Dimension
Diana Cooper – A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws
Gregg Braden –Wisdom codes
Judy Hall – Crystals for energy protection
Wein Dyer – The power of intention

The Lost Gospel_Decoding the Ancient Text That Reveals Jesus' Marriage to Mary the Magdalene
The order of time- Carlo

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