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Physical Modelling in Geotechnics – Springman, Laue & Seward (eds)

© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-59288-8

Physical modelling of natural hazards

M.C.R. Davies
Faculty of Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

E.T. Bowman
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

D.J. White
Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

ABSTRACT: In order to assess the risks associated with a natural hazard, it is necessary that as full an
understanding as possible is available about the mechanisms associated with it. This paper considers how
physical modelling may be used to study the mechanisms associated with natural hazards that have direct
geotechnical implications. Physical modelling may be conducted to understand trigger mechanisms as well
as the mechanisms they initiate, and this knowledge may be used to inform the processes of geotechnical
risk assessment. Close control over material properties and well defined boundary conditions in physical
models enable repeatability that permits parametric studies to be conducted. Physical model testing can
also be used to validate analytical and numerical methods and assess techniques for hazard reduction or
rehabilitation. Examples of physical modelling studies to obtain a greater understanding of the mecha-
nisms associated with sliding slopes, earthquake surface fault rupture and slope instabilities due to climate
change driven permafrost degradation are presented and the current state-of-the-art assessed.

1 INTRODUCTION (e.g. an intense rainfall or earthquake induced

landslide) will result; rendering scientific study of
The term “natural hazards” may be applied to a such hazards somewhat serendipitous.
wide range of natural phenomena. It has been An alternative to field studies is to model
defined more specifically by Burton et al. (1978) the natural hazard either analytically (including
as “those elements of the physical environment, numerical studies) or physically, or in a combina-
harmful to man and caused by forces extraneous tion of both. Both approaches have their limita-
to him”. It has now become accepted generally that tions and strengths and a detailed comparison
there are seven major classes of natural hazard, i.e. is outside the scope of this paper. In the case of
earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsu- analytical/numerical modelling, it is necessary to
namis, volcanoes, and wildfires. Whilst all could, define the constitutive behaviour of the geomate-
to a greater or lesser extent, result in a potential rials and the boundary conditions of the physical
geotechnical hazard, this paper will concentrate process (e.g. such as the volume of a slope and the
on natural hazards that have direct geotechnical run out area for a flow slide) together with mod-
implications. It is important that fundamental elling accurately the trigger for the process. In
mechanisms associated with such natural hazards physical models, it is necessary to use appropriate
are well understood because this knowledge forms materials and to be aware of scaling conflicts. It is
a vital component of geotechnical risk assessment. necessary also to ensure that, with due regard to
These mechanisms can be studied in a number of the appropriate scaling laws (and the potential con-
ways. The most direct is through field observation. flicts within these), the scale of the model and its
However, since generally this can be done only boundary conditions are appropriate to replicate
after a catastrophic event, it is not always possible accurately the physical phenomena being studied.
to establish reliably trigger mechanisms that initi- The combination of physical and analytical model-
ated the phenomenon or how subsequent mecha- ling to investigate a potential natural geohazard is
nisms developed in the immediate aftermath of a particularly powerful technique because—as real
the trigger. Long term field monitoring provides a events in their own right—physical models may
possible solution to this, but it is not generally pos- be used to validate numerical or other analytical
sible to determine when and where a physical event techniques that may then be used to model a field

(i.e. full scale or “prototype”) situation where that can result in reductions in slope stability and
the scale is too large or the boundary conditions an increased hazard potential.
too complex to model satisfactorily in a physical Notwithstanding the experimental difficul-
model, (e.g. Anastasopoulos et al. 2007). ties and limitations associated with the physical
Despite the limitations of scale (i.e. the limiting modelling of natural geotechnical hazards, the
dimensions of a prototype that can be modelled in authors have conducted successfully a variety of
a specialist facility, the laboratory or in a geotech- studies in this area. This paper considers and criti-
nical centrifuge), physical models have significant cally assesses the outcomes of examples of physi-
beneficial characteristics compared to full scale cal model studies conducted by the authors and
monitoring for conducting fundamental studies of reported in the literature that focus on understand-
mechanisms. Close control over material properties ing mechanisms associated with natural hazards
and well defined boundary conditions in physical resulting from mass movements, earthquake sur-
models enable repeatability that permits paramet- face fault rupture and permafrost degradation.
ric studies to be conducted. In addition, simula-
tions of processes that would otherwise be highly
time consuming or almost impossible to achieve
can be conducted (e.g. modelling rock falls in per-
2.1 Background
mafrost resulting from an increase in mean annual
air temperature over a 50 year period, Davies et al. 2.1.1 Types and scales of mass movement
2001) and, also, remediation techniques and tech- Mass movements constitute the large-scale trans-
niques for hazard reduction or rehabilitation may lation of soil, rock, ice and water in varying
be assessed. proportions and over varying timescales under
The majority of physical modelling of mecha- the influence of gravity. They pose risks to life
nisms associated with natural hazards that has and infrastructure in all areas of relatively steep
been reported in the literature has described inves- terrain—in particular where earthquakes and/or
tigations of phenomena related to earthquakes and heavy rainfall are also a factor. Sub-aerial mass
mass movements of soil and rock. The earthquake movements are accorded various names according
phenomena that have been studied most in physi- to type: rock avalanches, landslides, debris flows
cal models—particularly in geotechnical centrifuge and rock falls, to name a few. Submarine mass
modelling—are related to ground shaking. This movements are sometimes also referred to as debris
includes the development of both liquefaction and flows, and can transform into turbidity currents.
lateral spreading, which can lead to geotechnical Although typically only ∼10% of a submarine slide
hazards such as foundation failure. There have is mobilised into a turbidity current, these currents
been extensive studies of the response of struc- can travel over very large distances—up to hun-
tures and foundation systems to ground shaking dreds of kilometres—and last for long periods of
using both laboratory floor models (e.g. Knappett time—up to several days.
et al. 2006) and centrifuge modelling (e.g. Gajan The mechanics of a particular type of mass move-
et al. 2005) and this area of soil structure interac- ment relates to its trigger, constituent materials, vol-
tion is outside the scope of this paper. However, ume and speed of movement. Clearly there are some
earthquakes can also give rise to ground shaking mechanical processes, which are common to all types
that can trigger events such as landslides and also of movement, while others are peculiar to one type.
result in surface fault rupture. Both topics have As summarized by Coussot & Meunier (1996)
been the subject of physical model studies and are, for sub-aerial mass movements, the speed of a par-
therefore, considered herein. ticular type of movement tends to relate to its pro-
The most comprehensive recent study of the portion of water, with higher water content often
global climate system (IPCC 2007) indicates that leading to faster flows (except in the case of rock
global average temperatures have risen by nearly avalanches, where water does not appear to be a
0.8ºC since the late 19th century, and in the last factor). Grain size is also important, with slides
25 years have been rising at a rate of about 0.2ºC/ and flows involving coarse granular materials tend-
decade. A consequence of this is that other aspects ing to be more finely balanced with regard to their
of climate will be affected. For example, global cli- motion—progressing from failure to rapid speeds
mate models predict changes in the amount and with little apparent change in water content—
intensity of rainfall in some parts of the world compared to those that are clay dominated. There
which will, clearly, have an effect on the temporal is a wide range of typical velocities and of typical
stability of slopes in affected regions (IPCC 2007). volumes of material pertinent to each type of mass
A more direct consequence of the rise in average movement. These are summarized in Table 1 and
air temperature in high latitudes and altitudes is the volume ranges are shown schematically across
that this can lead to degradation of permafrost the top of Figure 1.

Also shown on Figure 1 are a set of data showing through internal deformation (Dade & Huppert
the typical scales of subaerial and subaqueous 1998; Issler et al. 2005).
mass movements, reproduced from De Blasio et al. There is a clear dependency of the runout ratio
(2006). The runout ratio, H/L, is a dimensionless on the absolute size of the mass movement, which
measure of the reach of a mass movement. The highlights the existence of an underlying effect
height H, is the vertical distance from the crest of of scale. Models of slide runout based on sliding
the intact material to the base of the slide, after Coulomb friction indicate that the equivalent fric-
running out. L is the horizontal distance, usually tion coefficient controlling the runout must reduce
measured from the rear of the intact block to the significantly as the size of the slide increases.
tip (rather than the centroid) of the deposited Alternatively, other mechanisms of slide mobility
material. This ratio is inversely proportional to the must be invoked, such as lubrication by trapped air
coefficient of friction mobilised within the slide (Shreve 1968), molten material (Erismann 1979),
(which serves to dissipate the potential energy of or heat-generated pore pressure (Habib 1967,
the slide)—whether modelled as basal sliding or 1975; Goguel 1978; Vardoulakis 2000). Acoustic
fluidisation has also been proposed as a weaken-
Table 1. Typical range of velocities and sizes of events ing mechanism within larger slides (Melosh 1979).
for mass movements. Note, some extreme events may The need to invoke these additional mechanisms,
exceed the “typical” range. beyond the conventional behaviour of a drained or
undrained continuum of soil means that the scal-
Volume Average
magnitude velocity ing of physical models to prototype scale is likely
Mass movement (m3) (m/s) to be more challenging than for more conventional
geotechnical problems.
Landslide 103–07 0.001–10 The runout ratio of a mass movement is also
Rockfall 102–05 5–50 affected by the presence of pore water as opposed
Mudflow/lahar 103–09 1–25 to pore air. Subaqueous slides invariably show a
Debris flow 102–06 0.5–20 greater runout distance than subaerial slides of the
Rock avalanche 104–09 10–90
Submarine slide 107–012 5–50
same volume and the same initial properties. This
observation that a viscous pore fluid (and ambient

Figure 1. Mass movements: Natural scales and proportions, relative to physical modelling capabilities.

fluid) increases the runout is counter-intuitive in analogue materials, is a well-established technique
some respects: (i) energy is dissipated through for simulating gross deformations in structural
viscous shearing in the fluid, (ii) energy is dissi- geology (e.g. Koyi 1997). However, it is rarely used
pated through drag effects on the upper surface in geotechnical engineering, where the smaller
of the flow, and (iii) the gravitational driving shear deformations mean that replication of the correct
stresses are reduced due to buoyancy. constitutive behaviour through the use of real soil
This increased mobility in the presence of water is considered more important.
can be linked to geotechnical processes such as The resulting volume range of slides that can
static liquefaction of the slide material, which is be simulated in the laboratory via a reduction in
prevented in subaerial conditions due to the higher the material strength is indicated approximately by
‘permeability’. However, studies have shown that the green dotted line in Figure 1. This indication is
hydroplaning at the front of the slide is a mech- based on the scaling of material strength providing
anism observed in physical modelling of slurry a proportional reduction in the linear dimensions
flows—as discussed in Section 2.4.3. Hydroplaning (because the self-weight stresses scale in this way)
and fluid drag are further mechanisms of behav- (e.g. Hubbert 1937). This approach to scaling has
iour that are challenging to scale from manageable been widely adopted in the interpretation of sub-
laboratory dimensions to prototype mass move- marine slide mobility experiments (Section 2.4.2).
ment events. A large outdoor flume can be used for research
Despite the difficulties of scaling, it is inevitable that is concerned with the triggering of slides,
that physical modelling of mass movements must rather than great lengths of runout. One of the
be undertaken at a reduced scale relative to pro- largest such flumes is at NIED, in Japan and is 20 m
totype conditions, even if the conventional scaling long, and is operated in combination with a rain-
laws for centrifuge modelling are assumed to be fall simulator, to assess rainfall-induced landslides
relevant and are applied. The maximum dimen- (Moriwaki et al. 2004). This flume contains 100 m3
sions of mass movement that can be simulated of soil, and features on the margin of Figure 1.
in two of the largest beam and drum centrifuges
are indicated in Figure 1. The KAIST beam cen- 2.1.2 Triggers of mass movements
trifuge (Kim et al. 2006) has a very large swing- The triggering of a mass movement also has a
ing platform (1.2 m square) and can operate at an bearing on how it will behave subsequently. Typi-
acceleration of 130 g. Ignoring the need to avoid cal triggers of subaerial slides are earthquake and
boundary effects, the maximum volume of slide, volcanic activity, freeze-thaw action, heavy rainfall
for various runout ratios, is indicated. This limit and glacial melting. Of these, rainfall is the most
encompasses small landslides and rockfalls, but common, tending to result in lower volume cases
falls short of permitting typical submarine slides. of slope instability, landslides, mudflows, and
Drum centrifuges are often favoured for mass debris flows.
movement research because of their narrow aspect Earthquake-triggered events are less common,
ratio. However, even if the large (2.2 m diameter) however, per event, the consequences are usu-
ETH drum centrifuge (Springman et al. 2001) is ally far more severe as a result of greater volumes
entirely filled with soil and used at the maximum being mobilised. Specifically, earthquakes are usu-
g-level, the largest slides remain at the lower end ally responsible for high-velocity, large volume
of natural events. rock avalanches. These are destructive in their own
In practice it is not possible to fill a centrifuge right; however, in addition, they also can entrain
entirely with soil since space is required for instru- ice, soil and water into their paths, which can result
ments, and model packages are often unable to in high speed large-volume debris flows or “debris
survive the maximum rated g-level of the centri- avalanches” being generated downslope. So it is
fuge. Boylan et al. (2010) report submarine slides seen that two types of debris flow can be gener-
composed of kaolin clay that have been simulated ated: the first is more common, rainfall-induced,
in the UWA drum centrifuge—which is somewhat slower moving and small-scale and the second is
smaller than the ETHZ facility. The runout ratios less common, earthquake induced, fast-moving
of these slides varied with the intact strength but and large-scale. While they tend to be grouped
fell within the zones of the natural submarine slide under one type of movement, the mechanics cen-
data, albeit at the lower limit of the volume range tral to these two sizes of event may be somewhat
(Figure 1). different.
An alternative to the use of a centrifuge is to Volcanic-driven mass movements (lahars) are
address the challenge of scale by counteracting the clearly limited to areas of volcanic activity and
reduced size of a laboratory model with a reduc- thus may be considered as “rare” in terms of geo-
tion in the material strength—typically by 2–3 graphical occurrence. However, because of the
orders of magnitude. Modelling of this kind, using addition of heat and gas into the mix, the large

accumulations of loose debris on steep volcanic with a series of studies being undertaken at the
slopes, the abundance of water in the form of gla- St Antony Falls laboratory, in collaboration with
ciers or rainfall, and the potentially explosive nature Norwegian researchers (e.g. Ilstad et al. 2004a-c;
of volcanoes, lahars can be catastrophic. While Elverhøi et al. 2005). This research focussed on the
lahars behave somewhat as debris flows (often they dynamics of slurry flowing down an open flume
are referred to as volcanic debris flows), their vol- as an analogue for the flow of stronger sediment
umes typically tend to be two orders of magnitude at larger scale.
greater. As a result they constitute some of the These physical modelling studies provided
largest mass movements on Earth. insights that have clarified why submarine slides
For submarine slides, other triggers include exhibit such great runout lengths compared to
(i) the dissociation of gas hydrates, (ii) rapid rates subaerial slides, contributing to the risk assessment
of deposition (leading to trapped pore pressures), process associated with the Ormen Lange devel-
(iii) storm-wave loading, and (iv) diapirism (lead- opment. There remain, however, aspects of the
ing to upthrust and over steepening) (e.g. Orange behaviour that cannot yet be captured by physical
et al. 2003; Tripsanas et al. 2004). models, as discussed in Section 2.4.2.
Rapid deposition, so that the sediment forms Onshore mass movements, triggered principally
faster than trapped pore pressure can escape, creates by rainfall, have been widely studied using physi-
weak under-consolidated sediments. Failure in these cal modelling, by groups in Japan and in southern
slopes can occur at slope angles lower than angle Europe, as reviewed by Olivares & Picarelli (2006)
of friction. Fluid or gas expulsion—associated at the previous ICPMG. This research has been
with gas hydrates or from trapped excess pore motivated by the hazard presented by landslides in
pressure—has been widely recognised as a driver rugged terrain, and has generally been supported
of mass movements. The characteristic pockmarks by government agencies.
that identify regions of gas or fluid expulsion have
been widely recognised as a potential geohazard
2.3 Physical modelling techniques
(King & Maclean 1970; Harrington 1985; Forsberg
et al. 2007). Physical modelling of pockmark for- The physical modelling of mass movements is usu-
mation is reviewed in Section. ally carried either to determine the validity of a
particular failure/runout hypothesis or to verify
and calibrate a numerical model. The setting up
2.2 Drivers of physical modelling of mass
of known and controllable boundary conditions is
movements: Who and why?
one of the prime reasons to model a mass move-
As noted above, it is difficult to model mass move- ment physically. To obtain this may mean testing
ments faithfully at the correct scale, so physical under centrifuge conditions, the use of compara-
modelling studies are focussed more on establish- tively large-scale testing facilities or the use of unu-
ing the individual mechanisms that govern the sual materials to allow testing at small scale while
global behaviour. The aim is typically to calibrate maintaining mechanical relevance. Calibration
one aspect of a numerical model, which can ulti- chamber testing is clearly not an option since a free
mately be used to simulate the full response of a surface is a prerequisite for mass movements.
mass movement. Project-specific studies are rarely The testing of a particular mechanical hypoth-
undertaken. esis is the most straightforward use of physical
In light of this, most of the major physical mod- modelling. For mass movement processes, there is
elling studies into mass movements are funded by still a large degree of uncertainty associated with
a consortium of sources, ranging from govern- movement mechanisms—in particular for debris
ment agencies to large oil companies; examples are flows and rock avalanches. In the event that mech-
international projects known by the acronyms as anisms are being investigated, modelling is there-
PODS, COSTA, and STRATAFORM. fore often parametric, and may involve only one
One of the most studied submarine slides is the or two stages in a process, such as initiation, tran-
Storegga complex in the North Sea off the coast of sition from slow to rapid movement or flow and
Norway. Although this slide has long been identi- arrest (e.g. Wang & Sassa 2001). With regard to
fied (Bugge et al. 1988), research intensified follow- centrifuge testing, the development of scaling laws
ing the discovery of the Ormen Lange gas field, is of particular interest—this is both because there
downslope from the headwall, in 1997. The most are limitations as to what can be achieved in a cen-
recent slide within the Storegga complex took trifuge and advantages in being able to vary g for
place only ∼7000 years ago, so intensive efforts were parametric studies.
made to establish the stability of the current topog- Physical modelling for calibration of numeri-
raphy. Much of the associated physical modelling cal models usually assumes that the mechanisms
focussed on the dynamics of the runout process, of behaviour are already understood, and a set of

mathematical rules is now sought to describe this of the problem—i.e. slopes without reinforcement
behaviour. Mechanistically-based numerical mod- represent one of the more simple of geotechnical
els for mass movement behaviour are usually of the structures—there has been extensive research to
Savage-Hutter type, involving modification to the establish the general applicability of conventional
shallow-water equations (Savage & Hutter, 1989). scaling laws, using modelling of models with respect
Calibration against physical models rather than to grain size effects and boundary issues by exam-
field cases is often preferred for mechanistically- ining this problem (Goodings & Gillette 1996). For
based (as opposed to statistically-based) models, clay slopes, an additional advantage of centrifuge
because they provide controlled boundary condi- testing is that consolidation scales with the square
tions and more easily measurable loads, pore pres- of the scale factor—N2. Hence processes, which
sures and displacements velocities. The physical can take years at the prototype scale (such as seep-
models for this purpose are often very simplified, age and pore pressure dissipation), can take place
with flowing dry granular material being the most in a matter of hours in the centrifuge.
common experimental arrangement (e.g. Hungr Recent work on slope failures and slow mov-
2008), although results are sometimes used to ing landslides using centrifuges has benefited from
make far broader comments on geophysical flows. developments in the technology used, providing
There have been some attempts to link more com- inter alia, miniature pore pressure sensors that can
plex physical model results to complex numerical measure both positive pore pressures and suctions
models (e.g. Denlinger & Iverson 2001), although (Take & Bolton 2003), robust digital cameras to
these attempts remain relatively few. provide imaging and photogrammetry techniques
for deformation measurement (White et al. 2003,
2005), and environmental chambers and rain-
2.4 Key results from physical modelling
fall devices adjusted to take account of Coriolis
of mass movements
(Take & Bolton 2002; Hudacsek et al. 2009). As
Scaling is a central issue to physical modelling of a result of this, centrifuge studies have elucidated
mass movements because: mechanisms of “rubblisation” and creep in satu-
rated clay slopes due to seasonal moisture cycles
i. conventional scaling laws relevant to static
(Take & Bolton 2004; Hudacsek et al. 2009), brittle
geotechnical constructions are inadequate to
failure of fill slopes due to permeable tongues (Take
capture fluid dynamics and thermomechani-
et al. 2004), freeze-thaw action on hillslope insta-
cal effects that underlie some aspects of mass
bility (Harris et al. 2008) and most recently rainfall
movement mobility;
induced slope instability on sandy and sandy-clay
ii. trends within data sets of natural mass move-
slopes (Ling et al. 2009). Centrifuge modelling has
ment imply scale effects for which there is no
also been used to study the embankment failures
accepted consensus on the underlying mecha-
that occurred during Hurricane Katrina, clarifying
nism; and
the failure mechanisms that led to collapse of sec-
iii. simulations of mass movements in the
tions of the flood defences in New Orleans (Ubilla
laboratory—including centrifuge models, with
et al. 2008; Sasanakul et al. 2008).
conventional scaling applied—are generally far
Examples from this research, which has been
smaller than natural mass movements.
facilitated by recent advances in modelling tech-
The use of physical models therefore relies heav- nology, are shown in Figure 2. Physical modelling
ily on understanding or determining the scaling is now a well-established technique for faithfully
laws involved, and this in turn depends on the reproducing slope processes, when driven by
mechanical processes behind each type of mass hydraulic or atmospheric boundary conditions. In
movement. The physical modelling of different these experiments, the stress history of the soil, the
types of mass movement, their scaling issues and geometry of the slope, and the imposed changes in
other practicalities, are described below. humidity, temperature and rainfall are all known
and controlled, and the resulting pore pressure and
2.4.1 Slope stability and slow moving landslides the detailed ground movements are continuously
The stability of slopes in clay soil was one of the monitored. Due to the maturity of this technique,
first geotechnical problems to be modelled physi- physical modelling is now used to provide data
cally using a geotechnical centrifuge (Taylor 1984). supporting the analysis and refinement of new
Testing at enhanced g (with the g-level factor ‘N’ slope stabilisation works (Sonnenberg et al. 2010;
equal to that of the model scale) ensures that the Yoon & Ellis 2009), and occasionally site-specific
stresses felt in the model slope are the same as simulations (Zhou et al. 2006).
that of the prototype. This in turn is important The physical modelling of slopes in fine-grained
for the correct stress-strain behaviour of the soil deposits, without the use of a centrifuge, is rela-
within the slope. Given the relative “simplicity” tively rare. Small-scale models without g-scaling

2007) and the transition of a landslide to flow
(Wang & Sassa 2001).
These physical modelling studies have clarified
the static liquefaction mechanism in a way that soil
element tests could not. Element tests show that
loose sands can suddenly soften, due to rapid pore
pressure generation, when sheared under und-
rained conditions. However, it remained unclear
whether the failure of unsaturated slopes is gener-
ally a consequence of pore pressure rise, or whether
the rapid pore pressure rise occurs due to the onset
of post-failure shear strains. Detailed measure-
ments of pore pressure and deformation within
physical models of slopes has resolved this conun-
(a) Swelling of an intact clay embankment during a simu-
lated transition from summer to winter (Take & Bolton
drum. In general, the slope fails as a consequence
2007). of progressive saturation and the mobilisation of
strength; failure then occurs, and the consequent
shear strain leads to collapse of the soil, and a
rapid generation of pore pressure (Eckersley 1990;
Wang & Sassa 2001; Olivares & Picarelli 2006).
Large-scale models are resource and time con-
suming to construct, which can lead to a lack of
control over boundary conditions. In addition, in
fine-grained soils, the time taken for pore pressures
to build and equilibrate can render the test length
excessive. However in Japan a number of large-
scale tests have been undertaken, again with a view
to understanding the role of rainfall infiltration on
partially saturated slopes (Ling et al. 2009; Hori
et al. 2004; Moriwaki et al. 2007; Figure 3a).

(b) Sudden failure of a loose fill slope due to elevated 2.4.2 Mudflows and submarine slides
pore pressure in a buried permeable layer (Take et al. After a slope fails, it may transform into a dynamic
2004). sliding mass, depending on the downslope topog-
raphy and the tendency for the material to soften.
Sections 2.4.2 to 2.4.6 describe the various forms
of dynamic mass movement that can follow slope
Smaller magnitude mudflows are often gener-
ated by rain falling on already saturated soft or
sensitive clayey slopes. In this sense they are some-
what like small debris flows (see below). The major
difference between mudflows and debris flows is
that, owing to their main constituents being sus-
pended clay and water, mudflows tend to be more
(c) Deformation of virtual inclinometers in a compacted
consistent in their behaviour than debris flows.
clay embankment over 18 seasonal cycles (Hudacsek Very little consolidation and seepage can occur
et al. 2010). during motion, compared with the event times-
cale (Mohrig et al. 1998), and the rheology of the
Figure 2. Examples of physical modelling of the dete- slide material is usually described via a Bingham or
rioration of clay slopes. Herschel-Bulkeley viscous fluid model (Huang &
Garcia 1999; de Blasio et al. 2003) rather than as
tend to produce failure surfaces that are shallow a rate-dependent solid (although these models can
compared to the field-scale although due to the be virtually equivalent, Boukpeti et al. 2008).
ease of construction and control of boundary A mudflow is therefore usually considered as a
conditions, small models have been used for some single phase material from commencement through
investigations such as investigating the process of to arrest. This provides a convenient definition to
slope failure under rainfall conditions (Tohari et al. distinguish mudflows, including submarine slides

a reflection of the longer period over which the
unstable deposit has accumulated. Small subma-
rine slides are also triggered during storm events,
due to the hydrodynamic pressure imposed on the
seabed (Henkel 1970; Gilbert et al. 2007).
As discussed in Section 2.1.1, the scale of large
submarine slides prevents the entire process being
simulated in a physical model (Figure 1). To inves-
tigate the increased lengths of runout associated
with submarine slides as opposed to subaerial
slides, researchers have focussed on the behaviour
(a) Rainfall-induced landslides (∼1:1) (Moriwaki et al. 2004). of ‘pre-failed’ sediments that are injected into a
flume in the form of a slurry, with a yield strength
typically in the range 10–100 Pa.
A 10 m long flume at the St Antony Falls labo-
ratory in the University of Minnesota has been
widely used to investigate various aspects of the
behaviour of submarine slides and the resulting
turbidity currents (Mohrig et al. 1998, 1999; Marr
et al. 2001; Mohrig & Marr 2003; Toniola et al.
2004) (Figure 3b). The effect of slurry composition
on the runout length and deposition profile was
studied, as well as the mixing of a debris flow with
the ambient water, generating a turbidity current.
Measurements of the total stress and pore water
pressure have been made at the base of the slide
in further studies, in which the dynamics of the
slide front, where hydroplaning is evident, have
been investigated in detail (Ilstad et al. 2004a,
2004b, 2004c). These experimental studies identi-
fied hydroplaning as the most likely mechanism to
explain the great runout distances of submarine
slides. However, in order to match the observed
(b) Submarine slides runout (∼1:1000) (Toniolo et al. 2004). profiles of runout, it was also necessary to invoke a
significant reduction in the internal strength of the
sediments to well below the undrained remoulded
strength (de Blasio et al. 2003). The physical mech-
anism of this effect—termed ‘wetting’—and its
scaling, remain to be quantified (Elverhoi et al.
The scaling approach used to interpret these
types of flume study is based on preservation of
the relative magnitudes of the hydrodynamic iner-
tia and the gravitational forces, so that the densi-
(c) Mountain building orogeny (∼1:300,000) (Cruz et al.
metric Froude number Fr is kept constant, where
2008). v is the fluid velocity, s is the bulk density ratio
between slide and fluid (i.e. ρs/ρf), g is gravitational
Figure 3. Physical models of mass movements at vary- acceleration and H is the slide thickness:
ing scale.
Fr = (1)
(which are discussed in this section), and debris ( s − 1) gH
flows (which are covered in Section 2.4.3).
Submarine slides have similar characteristics The slurry used to model the debris has a reduced
to subaerial mudflows except that they are gener- strength relative to the prototype sediments, so simil-
ally larger when triggered by earthquakes or slow itude is maintained between gravitational forces and
overpressurisation. The greater volume of soil material strength via the Johnson number Jn, where
mobilised by these low-recurrence triggers is partly τy is the yield stress (when describing the slide using

a fluid rheology such as a Bingham model), su is the
undrained shear strength (when using conventional
soil mechanics terms):

ρw v 2 ρw v 2
Jn = or (2)
τy su

The Johnson number controls the tendency for

frontal fluid pressure to deform a slide, and fea-
tures in analyses for frontal stability derived from
physical modelling (Ilstad et al. 2004c).
However, this use of strength-scaling, with a
reduction in scale typically of 100, means that the
model ‘soil’ does not exhibit some of the charac-
teristics that are likely to govern the behaviour of
prototype material. In particular, slurry materials
that are prepared as fluids with a consistency typi-
cally of 50 Pa, do not have the capability to soften
significantly during runout.
Strength-scaling does not therefore allow rapid
remoulding or ‘wetting’ behaviour to be simulated. Figure 4. Replication of submarine slide features in
This means that the second element of the solu- centrifuge models. Images on left are from centrifuge
models in stiff (top) and soft (bottom) clay (Boylan et al.
tion to the mystery of long submarine slide runout
2010); images on the right show bathymetry at the head-
distances cannot be explored in small scale flume wall (top) and runout region (bottom) of the Storegga
experiments unless new soil analogue materials are slide.
An alternative to strength-scaling, which allows
both Froude and Johnson similarity, is to perform times, this work has extended to 3-dimensions.
reduced scale experiments in a geotechnical centri- There also has been some progress on understand-
fuge, notwithstanding the limitations of size illus- ing the forces imparted to structures in the path of
trated in Figure 1. Pilot studies of submarine slides such flows (Tiberghien et al. 2007).
in ‘intact’ sediments, which can soften on remould-
ing, are reported by Boylan et al. (2010). Despite 2.4.3 Debris flows
the limitations of scale evident in Figure 1, the In this paper, a debris flow is defined as a “rapid
morphological features evident in submarine slides to extremely rapid flow of saturated non-plastic
can be replicated at reduced scale (Fig. 4). debris in a steep channel” following Hungr (2004).
The use of a centrifuge also provides improved The magnitude of such a flow can vary widely,
similitude of erosion from the surface of a slide via even during the same event, growing by entraining
a process of scour. The critical fluid velocity for the material in its path and diminishing via deposition.
onset of scour in fine-grained (i.e. ‘cohesive’) sedi- This situation renders the boundary conditions
ments varies non-linearly with soil strength, but rather indeterminate. One major factor separating
not in a manner that would be preserved by John- the behaviour of debris flows from mud flows is the
son similitude (Kamphuis & Hall 1983). Centrifuge range of particle sizes involved in a single event,
modelling, with retention of both prototype mate- which can range from silt through to boulders. The
rial strengths and velocities, provides similitude of segregation of particle sizes during motion, where
scour in cohesive soils (Goodings 1985). large particles tend to focus towards the front of
Other research related to onshore mudflows has the flow, appears to result in a greater mobility of
also treated the material behaviour as that of a the flow (Bowman & Sanvitale 2009).
Bingham or similar model fluid with a measurable The clasts within a debris flow are considered
and definable rheology. The physical modelling to be in constant frictional contact rather than col-
of mudflows has, in the main, been undertaken liding with each other as in more dispersed flows,
by hydraulics researchers as an extension of fluid while segregation causes high pore pressures to be
behaviour. Because the mechanical behaviour of maintained within the flow, reducing the effective
mudflows is reasonably well-constrained, much stress and hence frictional resistance. With regard
research has focussed in recent years on compari- to dimensional scaling, there has been much debate
son with numerical models to predict flow velocity on “correct” scaling laws. Typically it is considered
and overall runout (Jin & Fread 1999). In recent to be important to match various non-dimensional

numbers (e.g. the Bagnold and Savage numbers) at Physical models have also been linked to
laboratory scale with those found at field or pro- numerical model development and calibration—
totype scale (Iverson 1997) in order to produce attempting to match, for example the velocity of
flow behaviour that is in the correct regime (e.g. flow surges as well as the overall extent of a model
frictional rather than collisional). There are diffi- flow (Takahashi 2005; Hungr 2008; Denlinger &
culties with this, in that, while it has been shown Iverson 2001). There are, however, few attempts
to be important to have a large range of clast to reproduce the behaviour found during specific
sizes to capture key aspects of debris flow behav- debris flow events fully in the laboratory. The
iour, the use of very large particles is not possible exception to this has been the occasional use of
at laboratory scale, while the use of fine particles “typical” debris flow materials (less their largest
can introduce unwanted viscous effects and lead fractions for the sake of practicality) obtained
to undrained behaviour. Recent research using a from real debris flow channels for use in laboratory
drum centrifuge (Fig. 5), suggests that testing at flows (e.g. Rickenmann 2003). The advantage of
enhanced g can overcome some of these problems using such materials is that realistic particle shapes
(Bowman et al. 2010, in press), although added are obtained, however, there can be considerable
complexity such as a varying g-field and Coriolis problems associated with dimensional scaling in
forces, may be introduced. terms of particle size.
Despite the concerns mentioned above, con-
siderable useful physical model research on debris 2.4.4 Lahars
flows has been conducted at laboratory scale at A lahar can simply be a mud or debris flow that
1 g. Studies have been instigated to examine for is generated on the flanks of a volcano, or it can
example, the role of porosity and fluid viscosity be a far more complex event, beginning life as a
on runout of debris flows, the effect of particle pyroclastic surge of high velocity hot ash and gas.
size on runout and erosion, and the influence of It may then entrain melting snow and various fine
bed topography, saturation and density on overall and coarse solids, and thus be transformed into a
behaviour (e.g. Armanini et al. 2000; Rombi et al. hyperconcentrated stream flow, a coarse-grained
2006; Takahashi 2005; Tognacca & Minor 2000). debris flow, or anything in between. Lahars are
often grouped with mudflows, because at their
most simple and common, this is largely how they
True lahars are rarely modelled physically,
however, extreme forms are investigated. Simple
mudflows have been examined (above) and this
has been extrapolated to the behaviour of lahars
(Hayashi & Self 1992). Debris flow behaviour is
also sometimes assumed. Pyroclastic surges have
also been studied in physical model experiments
(e.g. Wilson 1984).
It would appear that the sheer complexity
of their mechanics precludes the study of lahar
behaviour that is intermediate to the mudflow,
debris flow and pyroclastic flow cases. In compari-
son with the dearth of physical model research on
rock avalanches, however, it is of interest that these
three processes are being investigated at all.

2.4.5 Rockfalls
Rockfalls can be considered to be small magnitude
events where single or multiple discrete blocks of
rock become detached from the parent rock and
slide, bounce and roll downhill under gravity.
Rockfall studies utilising physical modelling are
relatively uncommon in comparison with numeri-
Figure 5. Aftermath of erodible bed debris flow experi-
ment on the ETH Zurich drum centrifuge carried out at cal simulation (e.g. Kobayashi et al. 1990). This
a centrifugal acceleration equivalent to 40 g (approx.). may be attributable rock impact phenomena being
Photo is taken from the bottom fan area of the horizon- relatively well-constrained in terms of scaling with
tally mounted flume. Earth’s gravity acts in the leftward few non-dimensional groups to consider, in com-
direction relative to the picture. parison with say, debris flows.

Some examples of small-scale experiments A few tests have been conducted at very large scale
include those by Chau et al. (2002) at 1 g, which to examine volumetric effects on small rock ava-
assessed the influence of angular rotation and lanche runout (Okura et al. 2007) using up to 1000
coefficient of restitution on rockfall hazards and closely packed granite blocks. These tests showed
Chikatamarla et al. (2006) in the centrifuge, which that the number of blocks, and overall volume
assessed impacts on different types of rockfall pro- correlated positively with runout of the blockfalls,
tection structure. Large-scale experiments have while the centre of gravity was negatively correlated
been conducted by Pichler et al. (2005) amongst with runout. In addition, a few studies have also
others to understand the energy absorbency of been conducted in the geotechnical centrifuge, with
gravel better. Such studies are usually aimed at the the aim of examining the role of fragmentation on
specifics of mitigating a relatively well-understood run-out behaviour (Bowman 2006; Imre 2010).
hazard, so that, as with slope stability, modelling in These investigations used materials that could
this area has reached a maturity, where particular break or disintegrate under the action of enhanced
arrangements and realistic and complex case stud- gravity made possible in the centrifuge as the mass
ies can be examined. travelled downslope. The results of these tests
suggest, as shown in Figure 6 (Bowman & Hann,
2.4.6 Rock avalanches
Rock avalanches are large volume, high velocity
events involving masses travelling for up to tens
Horizontal displacement (mm)
Test F2_5
of kilometres horizontally while travelling up to 120
a kilometre vertically. Field evidence suggests ava- 100
lanche average speeds can sometimes exceed free- 80 68
fall velocity, while their deposits can spread far 60
beyond limits suggested by Coulomb friction. In 40
particular, the normalised runout (i.e. where the 76
runout extent is normalised by the cube root of 80
volume, to take account of spreading; Davies & 0 50 100 150 200 250
McSaveney 1999) is found to increase with the vol- Lateral spread (mm)
ume of the avalanche. (a)
This fact has discouraged much small-scale
physical modelling from being undertaken until
recently, and it is a reflection of the view by some,
that modelling should involve the whole process,
rather than focussing on one aspect. One effect of
this lack of research has been that various com-
peting hypotheses regarding the extreme runout of
avalanches still prevail in the literature, fifty years
or more after they were first proposed, among
them those involving air fluidization (Shreve 1968),
acoustic fluidization (Melosh 1979), frictional
melting (Erisman 1986), and dynamic fragmenta-
tion (Davies & McSaveney 2003).
Some recent work has sought to address this
problem by focussing on particular aspects of
rock avalanche behaviour or factors that may be
of influence using physical models. Small-scale
model avalanche investigations have been used
to examine the influence of initial volume, basal
friction and particle size, block geometry and (b)

arrangement using sand, gravel and regular blocks

(Davies & McSaveney 1999; Manzella & Labiouse Figure 6. Example of the fragmentation spreading of
2008). While in general, tests at 1 g at small scale coal (a low-strength analogue for rock) during a centri-
have not been shown to produce any clear volu- fuge test (Bowman & Hann, in prep.). (a) Viewed from
above the prototype, the front of the avalanche as it
metric effects other than those due to spreading, spreads through time at 2 msec intervals. (b) Photograph
Manzella & Labiouse (2008) did show that having taken using a high-speed camera mounted on the cen-
blocks arranged in a closely packed regular arrange- trifuge from which the front analyses are later derived,
ment caused an increase in runout via a reduction taken at point corresponding to “74” in (a) Note the frac-
in spent energy during downslope shearing. tured and broken slabs.

in prep.), that dynamic fragmentation can lead The tectonic distortion of rock and diapir-
to an increase in the areal spreading of rock ava- ism, leading to the steepening of slopes, remains
lanches, however the mechanics of this process are actively studied using analogue materials at scale
complex and are the matter of on-going research. factors that far exceed those that we are accus-
Taken as a whole, while they do not model whole tomed to in geotechnical engineering. As an exam-
events, these disparate studies have begun to build ple, Cruz et al. (2008) simulate 15 km of the Earth’s
a picture of what essential elements are required to crust using an analogue 5 cm ‘deposit’ of walnut
generate long runout rock avalanche behaviour and shells, at a scale factor of 300,000. They maintain,
the centrifuge appears to offer some possibilities it is argued, similarity of self-weight stresses and
to model particular high energy mechanisms such (cohesive) shear strength (Fig. 3c).
as fragmentation at small scale. Improvements in The novel studies described in this section
high speed digital imaging and subsequent analy- explore behaviour that controls many natural
sis have enhanced the data outcomes that can be geohazards, which are faced in frontier areas of
gained from such experiments at both 1 g and on offshore development (Jeanjean et al. 2005). Ambi-
centrifuge, for example, by use of geoPIV (White tious future physical modelling might tackle the
et al. 2003) or similar systems. effects on seabed slopes of gas and fluid expulsion,
diapirism and rapid sedimentation.
2.4.7 Slope destabilisation mechanisms
Three further processes that can destabilise slopes
2.5 Conclusions—mass movements
have been the subject of novel physical modelling:
(i) gas or fluid expulsion, (ii) diapirism—for exam- The physical modelling of high-energy mass move-
ple, from salt domes—and (iii) tectonic action. ments is a valuable tool in identifying mechanisms
Gas and fluid expulsion is recognised as a central to their behaviour. For some types of
potential trigger of submarine slides, as well as mass movement—e.g. rockfalls and cases of slope
a natural hazard to offshore foundations and oil stability—physical modelling has reached a stage
wells (Tjelta et al. 2007). The presence of pock where it is now used as a direct adjunct to numeri-
marks on the seabed is a tell tale sign of current cal modelling of relatively complex cases, because
or previous expulsion events. Pock marks are also the mechanics of the basic problem are mostly
commonly observed in clay samples that have been well-constrained and understood. For other types
poorly de-aired prior to normal consolidation in a of movement—e.g. mudflows—physical model-
centrifuge. ling is helping engineers to identify and mitigate
The same form of feature can also be observed the effects of field cases through, for example, the
in centrifuge models following earthquake simula- calibration of new numerical models.
tions, where coarser material—sand boils—may For research into the most mechanically com-
also be expelled through a surface vent created plex of mass movements—i.e. rock avalanches,
by escaping pore fluid (Brennan & Madabhushi lahars and, to a lesser extent, submarine slides and
2005). A systematic study of sand boils is reported debris flows, however, the physical models remain
by Brennan (2008). A novel investigation into the relatively crude and the latest modelling tech-
escape of gas through a transparent clay is reported nologies are not fully utilised. Physical modelling
by de Vries et al. (2007) and Gylland & de Vries has successfully reproduced certain mechanisms
(2008). The hydraulic fracture path generated by observed in the field, and has provided quanti-
the gas followed the directions of maximum princi- tative data for validating analytical and numeri-
pal stress, being therefore attracted to foundations cal models that are used for design—such as for
in compression but diverted away from founda- the hydroplaning of submarine slides. However,
tions loaded in tension. other aspects of behaviour—such as the ‘wetting’
Structural geologists have long recognised the or severe remoulding of submarine slides—are
scaling laws relevant to reduced scale physical inferred from prototype relic slides, but are yet to
models, through the use of analogue modelling of be quantified in small scale physical models.
tectonic processes (Hubbert 1937; Koyi 2007). The The relative crudeness of many physical model-
importance of maintaining the ratio of strength ling studies of complex mass movements is in part
to self-weight was recognised (i.e. gH/su, or gH/ due to the scale and costs associated with such
τy—which is the third combination of gravita- modelling. It is also in part due to self-imposed
tional, inertial and plastic strengths, besides the restrictions of researchers, whereby, because it is
dimensionless Fr and Jn numbers). This led to the impossible to match every aspect of behaviour
use of centrifuge modelling techniques in the 1960s non-dimensionally, it is not deemed worthwhile
to study structural geology (Ramberg 1967), con- to attempt to reproduce any aspect in isolation.
current with its development within geotechnical For these cases, the optimal approach is to deter-
engineering. mine parametrically via physical modelling, which

non-dimensional groups are of most importance to conducted to gain a greater understanding of how
the generic material behaviour inherent in each type fault ruptures propagate through the soil above
of mass movement (an example is fragmentation faulted bed rock. In the earliest recorded study,
in rock avalanches). By separating and isolating reported by Cole & Lade (1984), laboratory floor
different mechanical phenomena, the complexity models were used to investigate the influence of
of each problem will be reduced, allowing engi- soil properties, depth of layer and dip angle in the
neers to focus on the variables of most influence, bed rock on the propagation of both normal and
and hence to determine the most suitable strategies reverse faults and in particular the location of their
to mitigate the risks posed. final emergence.
In this study, it was observed that the position
of the fault propagation was governed by the dila-
3 EARTHQUAKE FAULT RUPTURE tion angle of the soil. Since for a particular relative
density the dilation angle is a function of effective
3.1 Background
stress (e.g. Bolton 1986), if the position of the fault
As indicated in the introduction to this paper, the rupture is to be modelled correctly in a reduced
earthquake phenomena that have been studied most scale model then effective stresses need to be repro-
in physical models—and in geotechnical centrifuge duced appropriately. This can only be achieved at
modelling in particular—are related to ground shak- elevated acceleration in a geotechnical centrifuge.
ing. However, another earthquake hazard is caused Fundamental studies of fault rupture propaga-
when a fault rupture extends to, or very near to, the tion in normal faulting using centrifuge models
ground surface resulting in a permanent offset. This have been conducted by Stone & Wood (1992) and
is a serious hazard to the serviceability of infrastruc- Hu et al. (2009). However, whilst they provide valu-
ture (e.g. Bray 2001; O’Rourke 2003) such as vital able information about the development of fault
lifeline systems that are located across a fault line or ruptures, these studies do not address the hazard
structures located at the surface above or adjacent resulting from the interaction of the fault rupture
to the location of the surface rupture. Post earth- with the foundation of a structure or a lifeline sys-
quake investigations (e.g. Ulusay et al. 2002) have tem. Investigations of the interaction of both nor-
revealed complex interactions between earthquake mal and reverse faults with shallow foundations
faults and buildings supported by shallow founda- have been conducted as part of the “QUAKER”
tions and in some cases the buildings appeared to European research project to quantify and reduce
be able to divert the earthquake fault rupture emer- seismic risk to foundation systems (Davies 2003). In
gence away from the buildings. This has led to the this project, parametric studies were conducted in
conclusion that in certain circumstances it might plane strain models to examine how the magnitude
be possible to design buildings founded on shallow of thrust displacements affects foundation systems.
foundations to survive the natural hazard of sur- The variables considered in the study were proxim-
face fault rupture (e.g. Anastasopoulos & Gazetas ity of the fault to the foundations together with the
2007; Anastasopoulos et al. 2007). foundation loading and its breadth (Bransby et al.
Studies using physical model testing of dip-slip 2008a, b). A schematic view the centrifuge model
earthquake faults through soil layers have been tests for normal fault testing is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Geometry of normal fault rupture emergence adjacent to a shallow foundation (after Bransby et al.

A normal fault of dip angle 60° was propagated
through a dry sand layer of depth, H = 25 m (at
prototype scale when the model was accelerated
to 115 g) in a quasi-static, drained manner. The
study also considered the case of reverse faults, in
which case the sand layer was modelled to be 15 m
thick in order to allow the fault rupture to propa-
gate to the surface. In both series of experiments,
tests were conducted both without a foundation (a
“free field” test) and with a foundation resting on
the surface with its centre line located at varying
distances from the location of free field surface
rupture. During the model tests, soil and structure
displacements were measured both visually from
images obtained using digital cameras and with
displacement transducers.

3.2 Modelling normal faults

Figure 8 (Bransby et al. 2008a) shows typical
images obtained in a centrifuge model experiment
conducted to investigate the interaction of a nor-
mal fault with a shallow foundation. Figure 8a
shows the location of the foundation relative to the
free field fault rupture. The three further images
shows the gradual evolution of the fault rupture
as the fault in the bedrock displaces. The pres-
ence of the foundation results in the fault rupture
being diverted away from the hanging wall to the
left of the foundation when the throw of the fault
is approximately 2 m (Fig. 8d). The calculated
soil displacements for the final mechanism (when
h ≈ 2 m) are shown on Figure 9, demonstrating
that there are negligible deformations outside
the shear plane once the final mechanism forms.
However, despite deviating the fault rupture, all
foundations underwent significant rotation whilst
the final fault-rupture mechanism was developing.
This rotation appeared to be reduced with increas-
ing bearing pressures, as shown in Figure 10.

3.3 Conclusions—earthquake fault rupture

The example presented above illustrates how phys-
ical modelling may be used to investigate the previ-
ously little studied phenomenon of fault rupture Figure 8. Photographs taken during normal fault prop-
interaction with foundations. In addition to the agation: (a) Fault throw, h = 0.48 m (hmodel = 4.2 mm).
studies of normal faulting, similar investigations (b) h = 0.80 m (hmodel = 6.9 mm). (c) h = 1.15 m
have been conducted for reverse faulting (Bransby (hmodel = 10.0 mm). (d) h = 2.16 m (hmodel = 18.8 mm) (after
et al. 2008b). Preliminary studies of the perform- Bransby et al. 2008a).
ance of deep foundations and flexible, continuous
pipelines that cross fault ruptures have been con- the phenomena of earthquake fault rupture. Since
ducted also (Bransby et al. 2007). Data from these many important lifeline systems that cannot be
experimental studies have been used successfully to relocated, such as water pipelines or bridges, cross
validate numerical simulations of fault rupture— potentially active faults, further programmes of
structure interaction (Anastasopoulos et al. 2008). physical modelling would provide importance data
Investigations to date have indicated that centri- for use in risk assessments of these (and other
fuge modelling is a powerful tool for investigating forms of) infrastructure assets.

sive downslope movements caused by solifluction
to mudflow in non-cohesive silt and active layer
detachment sliding in overconsolidated silt–clay,
may be replicated correctly in physical models
both in the laboratory and tested at elevated accel-
eration using a geotechnical centrifuge (e.g. Harris
et al. 1995; Harris et al. 2008 a, b).
Measurement of permafrost temperatures in
European Mountains—and other cold regions
throughout the world—indicates clearly that per-
mafrost is warming as a response to global climate
change (Vonder Mühll et al. 1998, 2000). The result
of this warming is the development of “active layer
thickening” as during the warmer months of the
year, the thickness of the annual thawing layer of
soil above (and in some cases below) the zone of
permafrost increases. This has the effect of exacer-
bating and accelerating mass movement processes,
thus increasing potential geotechnical hazards
(Harris et al. 2001).

4.2 Rockfall hazard

Another natural hazard phenomena resulting from
permafrost warming is the potential for jointed
rock masses, in which joints are filled with ice,
Figure 9. Cumulative soil displacements after h = 2.01 m to become unstable (Davies et al. 2001; Gude &
(hmodel = 17.5 mm). (a) Displacements (b) Maximum shear Barsch 2005). Laboratory tests conducted by Dav-
strain (γmax) (after Bransby et al. 2008a). ies et al. (2000) showed that the shear strength of
an ice-filled frozen joint is, as would be expected
from consideration of the properties of ice (e.g.
Barnes et al. 1971), a function of both temperature
Test14_R (rigid, w=10m, q=91kPa, Centre)
and normal stress.
However, the experiments indicated that as
Rotation, degrees

5 Test15 (rigid, w=10m, q=37kPa, Centre)

Test22 (Flexible, w=10m, q=91kPa, Centre)

ice in a joint warms, at certain temperatures and
4 pressures, the ice-filled joint can display less shear
strength than an ice free joint. These results sug-
gest that, in slope stability assessment, if the pres-
2 ence of ice in a joint is ignored (on the grounds
that ice will always add to shear strength and its
absence represents the most unstable conditions)
0 then as this ice warms, conditions may arise where
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 unexpected failure could occur. This implies that
Throw, m the slope stability is more sensitive to changes in
the thermal environment than previously envis-
Figure 10. Foundation rotation against fault throw
(adapted from Bransby et al. 2008a). aged in certain circumstances.
This hypothesis has been tested in series of cen-
trifuge model tests (Davies et al. 2001, 2003) in
which frozen jointed rock slopes were formed from
concrete blocks. To ensure consistency in joint
roughness between models, Davies et al. (2001)
4.1 Background
developed a technique for constructing slopes
Seasonal thawing of the active layer on sloping from concrete having similar physical properties to
ground may be associated with a range of mass granite. This involved casting blocks forming the
movement mechanisms, depending on gradients, slope in moulds of the appropriate geometry and
soil properties, ice contents and thermal regime (e.g. internal roughness. A range of models, which had
Lewkowicz 1988). As indicated in Section 2.4.1, one or more potentially unstable blocks, have been
above, these processes, which range from progres- investigated. Figure 11 shows the typical geometry

Figure 11. Geometry of the centrifuge model contain-
ing a single ice-filled discontinuity inclined at an angle, β, Figure 12. Displacement of the slope following acceler-
with three vertical joints (blocks forming slope are num- ation to 120 g, Slope B-1 frozen model (α = 60˚, β = 35˚).
bered 1 to 4).

of a centrifuge model tested at 120 g; the proto-
Physical modelling—in laboratory or centrifuge
type dimensions of the model were H = 43.8 m and
models—may be used to investigate the mechan-
h = 29 m. In this case, the potential sliding zone
ics associated with a range of natural hazards that
contained three vertical discontinuities and four
have direct geotechnical implications together with
potentially sliding blocks. The inclination of the
the trigger mechanisms that initiate these hazards.
discontinuity was β = 35°; which in control tests
Close control over material properties and well
conducted without ice in the joints resulted in a
defined boundary conditions in physical models
slope that was stable.
enable repeatability that permits parametric stud-
During testing of the frozen slopes, displacement
ies to be conducted. However, care has to be taken
of the potentially unstable blocks were monitored
when designing a model testing programme to
as the air temperature (and hence the temperature
ensure that the model scaling laws are appropriate
in the slope) was permitted to increase. Typical
to permit mechanisms to be replicated faithfully.
results, shown in Figure 12, demonstrate that whilst
The level of complexity of a model depends
blocks 1, 2 and 3 slid off the bed rock (indicated
very much on the nature of the hazard. Where the
by rapid large displacements) as the ice in the joint
mechanics of the basic problem are mostly well-
increased in temperature, block 4 remained stable.
constrained and understood, such as the develop-
Since the joint beneath block 4 was at a shallower
ment of earthquake induced surface fault rupture,
depth than block 3, the joint beneath it was able to
it is possible to design and execute highly sophis-
close during warming and eventual melting of the
ticated model tests of complex boundary value
ice, whilst block 4 was supported by the still stable
problems. Quantitative results obtained in such
block 3.
tests may be applied directly in design or used to
develop or assess analytical techniques. However
4.3 Conclusions—rockfall resulting from physical models of mechanically complex hazards,
permafrost degradation such as mass movements associated with rock ava-
lanches, submarine slides and debris flows, are rel-
Although the geometry in these models was simple,
atively crude and they do not fully utilise the latest
the findings of the study, which includes quantita-
modelling technologies. Nevertheless, these models
tive assessment of the slope stability, provides a
permit important generic mechanisms to be identi-
means for interpretation of the mechanisms asso-
fied and explained.
ciated with the warming of ice-bonded disconti-
nuities and may be used to inform the assessment
of the long term stability of rock slopes in per-
mafrost regions, which are subject to permafrost
degradation (Harris et al. 2001; Gude & Barsch Anastasopoulos, I., Callerio, A., Bransby, M.F., Davies,
2005). In addition, centrifuge modelling has also M.C.R., Gazetas, G., Masella, A., Paolucci, R.,
been conducted to assess mechanisms associated Pecker, A. & Rossignol, E. 2008. Numerical analyses
with hazard mitigation methods (Günzel & Davies of fault-foundation interaction. Bull Earthquake Eng.
2006). 6: 645–675.

Anastasopoulos, I. & Gazetas, G. 2007a. Foundation- Bray, J.D. 2001. Developing mitigation measures for
structure systems over a rupturing normal fault: I. the hazards associated with earthquake surface fault
Observations after the Kocaeli 1999 Earthquake. Bull rupture. In A workshop on seismic fault-induced fail-
Earthquake Eng 5(3): 253–275. ures—possible remedies for damage to urban facilities.
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