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QUESTION 1 - What are the issues in relation to water?

Nowadays, our rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas are drowning in chemicals, plastics and other
pollutants. Our main water sources are the one that humans target to pollute despite being the
only resource that can keep us alive. This can be unsafe for us humans as well as marine animals
and plants. It is known that polluted water kills more people each year compared to war and
other forms of violence. Water is very easy to be polluted. It needs only water to be able to
dissolve more substances than any other liquid on earth. Toxic substances from farms, towns,
and factories readily dissolve into and mix with it, causing water pollution.

Lack of water is another issue concerning water. It is a worldwide disaster that concerns millions
of people all around the world. Especially in the African continent where the temperature of the
surroundings are really high which results in a decrease in water supply. Water is at the heart of
adaptation to climate change, serving as the crucial link between society and the environment.
Water is also a rights issue. As the global population grows, there is an increasing need to
balance all of the competing commercial demands on water resources so that communities have
enough for their needs.

QUESTION 2 - Where are the relevant geographical location?

It is fortunate to have clean water available as there are hundreds of million people do not have
enough clean water daily as water is polluted. The population in Eritrea, which is in East Africa,
has the least access to clean water close to home. Deforestation and poor farming practices make
the problem of water pollution worse. Moreover, lack of adequate household sanitation also
leads to open water sources contaminated by human and animal waste. However, Eritrea is
seeing improvements in water as the government, NGO and other companies make efforts with

Other than water pollution, there are places around the Earth suffering from water shortage as
well. The sixth-largest city in India, Chennai, is facing a severe water shortage. The residents are
forced to line up every day to collect water from trucks as the reservoirs for water are drying up.
Chennai is the most serious example of an ongoing lack of water and this extreme example of
water shortage affected many cities across the globe. According to the United Nations, 4 out of
every 10 people are affected by this.

QUESTION 3 - How the issues affect a certain group of communities...


Firstly, there is a greater association between pollution and health problems. Water pollution is
harmful to humans as the water may be consumed by people. The pollutants cause bacterial
diseases because the untreated water contains many types of diarrhea. These bacterias cause
fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and headache are major symptoms of diarrhea. Moreover,
polluted water causes viral diseases such as Hepatitis, Jaundice, loss of appetite, fatigue,
discomfort and high fever .If it persists for a long time it may be fatal and results in death. Thus,
communities that are affected by poverty are more likely to drink untreated water that is polluted
which will cause health problems.

Water pollution also affects communities that are dependent on water sources for a living such as
farmers and food beverage owners. Water pollution will affect their livelihood as farmers will
have no clean water source to water their crops and food beverage owners will struggle to keep
their food sanitary.
Moving on, Covid-19 pandemic is caused by the spread of viruses. To limit the spread, it is
important to have a clean environment and keep yourself clean. Thus, lack of water supply will
affect all communities because it will become difficult to control the spread of virus.

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