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GE 1


Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College- Siruma

Poblacion, Siruma Camarines Sur

Instructor: Mary Joy DM. Borja


At the end of this module, student should be able to:

1. To develop a Filipino identity
2. Identify different Filipino values and traits
3. Reflect on his or her selfhood in relation to his national identity


Political Self 2

Origin of Political Self 2

Who is Filipino? 3



1|P age

• Organizes one’s beliefs, attitudes, and affiliations and aids the processing of politically
relevant information. It constitutes knowledge about the Constitution, government and

• Exemplifies the ideals and aspirations of the people, embodies the rules and principle of
the States, and determines the status and power of the people

• Often defined by Citizenship


Ma. Serena Diokno (1997)

• Citizenship is the most basic identification with the nation.

• Person relates himself or herself to a group of others who also see themselves as citizen
of a larger polity.

• Political self and identity are developed through socialization, through the ways of people
learn the knowledge, norms, values, motives, and roles appropriate to their positions in a group
or community.

• Trough social interaction, people learn the status, duties, rights and power necessary to
interact successfully with other people in the group and community

• The political self is influenced and modified by the opinions, comments and suggestions of
other people.


• The family has a hierarchical structure
• Through hierarchy of positions, status and power. Example: Father acts as a leader and
establishes rules to maintain order in the family
• This shows that authority is necessary in the development of political self and identity
• The school’s responsibility is to teach moral, spiritual, and political values that will help the
students to become patriotic and morally upright citizen. Example: UTS subject, GMRC, ROTC
• The school is similar to family, where the teacher acts as the leader in classroom that sets
the rules and regulation to maintain order in class.
• Helps the shape ideals of citizenship and democracy through the religious teachings, values
and tradition 
• Interaction with the peers encompasses and emphasizes the equal distribution of power,
rights, and privileges among members of the group.

2|P age
Mass Media

• Key to the source of information on politics Family, School, Church, Peers and Media
emphasizes moral behaviours that influence political behaviour and political self


According to the Philippine Constitution, Filipino citizens are those whose fathers or
mothers are citizens of the Philippines, those born before January 17,1973 of Filipino mothers,
who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority and those who are naturalized
in accordance with the law.


The Philippines is a lush island paradise famous for its grandiose mountain views, beaches, rich
and diverse culture changing from province to province. Filipino phrases such as “Mabuhay!”
and “Salamat” and saying “po and opo”.

The Filipino Hospitality

• A Filipino trait that is known everywhere if the Filipino’s brand of hospitality

Respect for Elders

Example: “Mano po” • Constantly using “po” and “opo”

Wide array of references

Kuya, Ate, Tita, Tito, Lolo, Lola, Manong, Aling

Close Family Ties Example

Fond of reunions; Holidays, Birthdays and Fiestas

Cheerful Personality

Filipinos have a habit of smiling and laughing a lot. Smiling has been a coping strategy for
many Filipinos Example

Maintaining positive outlook after calamities

Self – Sacrifice

Self sacrificing attitude of Filipinos can be seen as an extension of the Filipino hospitality.
Example • OFW – modern day Filipino heroes


The spirit of communal unity and cooperation of Filipinos. Example Cleaning the Manila Bay

“Bahala na” Attitude

Filipino version of “Hakuna Matata,” a phrase originated from the “Bathala na,” meaning
leaving everything into God’s hand.

3|P age

Damiana (2000) – classified proverbs in six categories a) Proverbs expressing general

attitude toward life and laws that govern life; b) Ethical proverbs recommending certain virtues
and condemning certain vices; c) Proverbs expressing system of values; d) Proverbs expressing
general truths and observations about life and human nature; e) Humorous proverbs; f)
Miscellaneous proverb

Superstitons  Influenced by beliefs from their culture that passed down from
generation to generation. Sometimes may be according to their own experiences
Examples: • Bawal mag walis kapag gabi
• Avoid taking picture in threes as one in the center will die
• Bawal mag suot ng pula sa burol/ kapag may patay.

Myths and Legends  The story of myths and legends aims to explain the origins of
things, at the same time, teach a valuable lesson.

Example: • The myth of Daragang Magayon

4|P age
Answer the following questions, using your own words.

1. Give at least 2 examples of Filipino makers that is not included above. Explain



2. Give at least 5 example of Filipino trait that is not included above.


5|P age
3. Choose one myth/ legend example and explain briefly.



4. Describe yourself as Filipino. Explain why you think you deserve to be called


6|P age

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