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Prevalence Issues of Cheating in Online Classroom Activities

Statistical Procedure

The number of sample respondents from each strands of Senior High School in Papaya Academy

was determined using the proportional allocation-based size and the following formula:

ni= number of student respondents for each strand

n= desired number of respondents

Ni= total number of senior high school students in each strand

N= total number of senior high students in Papaya Academy

The sample number was equivalent to 30% of the senior high school in the selected high schools

of Papaya Academy. Convenience sampling was used to arrive at 96 student respondents. The target total

population of senior students was 320. Complete enumeration was used in determining the selected high

school students (table 1).

Table 1. Population of the Senior High School and the Sample Students Respondents

Strand Senior High School Students Sample

HumSs 70 21
ICT 50 15
ABM 80 24
STEM 50 15
TechVoc 40 12
Gas 30 9
320 96

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