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The Leadership Role vs The Management Role

William Hartson, Sr

Grantham University

What is the difference in being a manager vs a leader? I will explain to the difference

between the two roles and how it can affect/assist a business. Both roles can essential to

achieving and maintain the success of an organization. Whether a person is starting a business,

in charge of a business, or a manager of a department of these positions can vital to guarantee

that an organization is ran properly.

One of the biggest difference between a position in management vs leadership is the tactics

or ways that he/she may use to motivate people. A manager has several duties. One of the first

management function of an organization includes generating a comprehensive plan of the

organizational goal. Goals need to be set so that order can be created within an organization.

A manager is paid to get the job done and to make sure the job gets done even if the

constraints of the budget and time is tight.

As a manager, he/she would have to identify which goals need to be planned and what

does the organization need to do to meet those goals. Planning is a continuous function that

can prevent a company from failing. Planning is considered the foundation function of

management. Planning does entail the manager to get time to continuously check on the

progress of the organization, make changes when needed and still be able to maintain the

initial goal of the company. A manager provides direction and promotes business ideas.

Organizations educate employees about how to do things are done.

A manager also has to generate a comprehensive plan of the organizational goal. Goals

need to be set so that order can be created within an organization. This function is called

planning. As a manager, he/she would have to identify which goals need to be planned and

what does the organization need to do to meet those goals? In order for an organization to be

successful there are definitely different roles and positions that are very crucial. A manager

has to assign work, responsibilities, task, and authority to his/her employees according to

his/her plan. If a business is deteriorating or faced with competition or new challenges it is up

to the manager to make adjustments and reorganize tasks. Managers delegate what task needs

to be done and which employees need to complete that task efficiently and effectively. Even it

means changing the outcome, goal, structure, or role of the organization or employees to

improve its growth.

Some employees need to be motivated to achieve the goals that were planned and set by the

manager. Leading also entails the supervision of employees and his/her work. Managers need

to communicate effectively and establish a level of trust with his/her employees will help to

maintain a successful business. Recognizing or praising an employee helps to motivate

employees to do better and keeps the moral.

Management can be considered controlling. An employee performance needs to be

monitored and evaluated on a consist basis to ensure the success of an organization.

Controlling an organization ensures that the goal is being met in a timely manner. One of the

manager’s function is to control or correct any issues or problems that employees many have.

Whether a person is starting a business, in charge of a business, or a manager of a

department of these positions can vital to guarantee that an organization is ran properly. A

position in management can go hand in hand with a position in leadership. I personally think

that a manager and a leader are important to maintaining a successful organization.


References: of-strategic-planning

Owen J., Levine. D., Stephen, D.F., Follet, R., Canavor, N., (2012) Business Basics: The Skills

Needed to Succeed

Rey, David (2009) Stop Managing and Lead: Change Your Role, Change Your Results.

The Blog, (2012) Defining the Fundamentals of Management

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