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Bibliografii Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei



PLR1101 Introducere în psihologie I

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

• Attkinson R. si Attkinson R (2002), Introducere în psihologie, Ed. Tehnică,

Bucureşti, cota
• Radu, I (si col.) (1991), Introducere în psihologia contemporană, Ed. Sincron, Cluj
Napoca cota
!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar

Bibliografie opţională- CURS

 Brehm, SS; Kassin SM (1996). Social psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co

 David, D (2000). Prelucrări inconştiente de informaţie; Contaminarea psihologică
în mass- media, practica clinică şi juridică. Ed. Dacia. Cluj-Napoca cota
 Frank Landy, Psychology, The Science Of People, 1987, cota
 Gleitman,H.(1992). Basic Psychology, Norton & Company, New York, cota
 Hayes. N., & Orrell, S. (1997; 2003). Introducere în psihologie, All Educational:
Iaşi. cota
 Miclea, M. (1994), Psihologie Cognitivă. Ed. Gloria. Cluj-Napoca, cota
 Opre A. (coord.) (2002) (2003). Noi tendinţe în psihologia personalităţii. Vol I.
Modele teoretice; Vol II. Diagnoză, studii experimentale şi aplicaţii. Editura ASCR,
Cluj Napoca. , cota
 Opre, A. (2012) Inconştientul Cognitiv. Modele teoretice, suport experimental și
aplicații, Ed. Polirom, Iași, cota
 Opre, A. (2007/) Introducere în teoriile personalităţii. Editura ASCR, Cluj Napoca,
 Parot, F., şi Richelle, M., Introducere în psihologie: Istoric şi metode, Ed.
Humanitas, 1995, cota
 Radu, I., Iluţ, P. & Matei, L. (1994) - Psihologie socială, Editura Exe, Cluj-Napoca,
 Smith, Edward E.(2005). Introducere în psihologie, Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti,
Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

• Attkinson R. si Attkinson R (2002), Introducere în psihologie, Ed. Tehnică,

Bucureşti, cota
• Radu, I (si col.) (1991), Introducere în psihologia contemporană, Ed. Sincron, Cluj
Napoca cota
!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar.

PLR1102 Introducere în neuroştiinţe

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A. (2007). Neuroscience. Exploring

the Brain (ed. a 3-a). Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
 Pinel, J. P. J. (2010). Biopsychology (ed. a 6-a). Pearson.
 Sadler, T. W. (2011). Langman’s Medical Embriology. Lippincott, Williams, &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
 Purves, D., Augustine, G., Fitzpatrick, D., Hall, W., LaMantia, A. S., White, L.
(2010). Neuroscience (ed. a 3-a). Sinauer, Massachusetts.
 Cowan, W. M., Harter, D. H., & Kandel, E. R. (2000). The emergence of modern
neuroscience: Some implications for neurology and psychiatry. Annual Review of
Neuroscience 23, 243-391.
 Kandel, E. R. (2000). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific barriers to the study
of brain and mind. Science 290, 1113-1121.
 Milner, B., Squire, L. R., & Kandel, E. R. (1998). Cognitive neuroscience and the
study of memory. Neuron 20, 445-468.
 Voiculescu, V. & Steriade, M. (1963). Din istoria cunoaşterii creierului. Editura
Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A. (2007). Neuroscience. Exploring

the Brain (ed. a 3-a). Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
 Pinel, J. P. J. (2010). Biopsychology (ed. a 6-a). Pearson.
 Sadler, T. W. (2011). Langman’s Medical Embriology. Lippincott, Williams, &
Wilkins, Philadelphia.
 Purves, D., Augustine, G., Fitzpatrick, D., Hall, W., LaMantia, A. S., & White, L.
(2010). Neuroscience (ed. a 3-a). Sinauer, Massachusetts.
 Miu, A. C. & Olteanu, A. I. (2002). Neuroştiinţe. De la mecanisme moleculare şi
celulare la comportament şi evoluţie. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, cota
PLR1103 Psihologie experimentală (şi analiza datelor I)

Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

 Anderson, N. (2007) Empirical direction in design and analysis. Mahwah, NJ:

 Cohen, B. (2001) Explaining psychological statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New
 Coolican, H. (2004) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Oxford
University Press.
 Graziano, A. (1993) Research methods. A process of inquiry, cota
 Leary, M. (2001) Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods. Allyn & Bacon,
 Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B. & Zechmeister, J. (2012). Research methods
in psychology. (Ninth Edi.). NY: McGraw Hill
 Goodwin, C. J. (2005). Research in Psychology: Methods and Design. USA: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Radu, I., Miclea. M., Albu, M. Nemes, S. Moldovan, O., Szamoskozi, S. (1993)
Metodologie psihologică şi analiza datelor. Editura Sincron, Cluj Napoca, cota
 Jenkins, S. (2004) How science works. Oxford University Press.

PLR1104 Genetica comportamentului uman

Bibliografie- CURS

 Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., Craig, I. W., & McGuffin, P. (Red.) (2002). Behavioral
Genetics in the Postgenomic Era. APA, Washington DC.
 Kim, Y.-K. (2009). Handbook of Behavioral Genetics. Springer, New York.
 Fisch, G. S. (2003). Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders.
Humana Press, New Jersey.
 DiLalla, L. F. (2004). Behavior Genetics Principles: Perspectives in Development,
Personality, and Psychopathology. APA, Washington DC.
 Plomin, R., & Crabbe, J. (2000). DNA. Psychological Bulletin 126, 806-828., cota
 Plomin, R., Owen, M. J., & McGuffin, P. (1994). The genetic basis of complex
human behaviors. Science 264, 1733-1739.,

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Plomin, R., DeFries, J. C., Craig, I. W., & McGuffin, P. (Red.) (2002). Behavioral
Genetics in the Postgenomic Era. APA, Washington DC.
 Kim, Y.-K. (2009). Handbook of Behavioral Genetics. Springer, New York.
 Fisch, G. S. (2003). Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders.
Humana Press, New Jersey.
 DiLalla, L. F. (2004). Behavior Genetics Principles: Perspectives in Development,
Personality, and Psychopathology. APA, Washington DC.

PLR1205 Introducere în psihologie II

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Ellsworth, P. C., & Scherer, K. R. (2003). Appraisal processes in emotion. In R. J.

Davidson, K. R. Scherer, & H. H. Goldsmith (Eds.) Handbook of Affective Sciences,
pp. 572-595. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
 Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., & Woolf, N. J. (2011). Psychology.
From inquiry to understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (capitolele corespunzătoare
temelor abordate în cadrul cursurilor)
 Radu, I. (1991), Introducere în psihologia contemporană, Bucureşti: Ed. Sincron
(capitolele corespunzătoare temelor abordate în cadrul cursurilor) , cota
 Smith, E. E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., & Loftus, G. R. (2005):
Atkinson & Hilgard. Introducere în psihologie (Ed. V). Bucuresti: Editura Tehnică.
(capitolele corespunzătoare temelor abordate în cadrul cursurilor), cota

Bibliografie opţională- CURS

 Bargh, J., Lee-Chai A., Barndollar, K. et al (2005). The automated will:

Nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 81, 1014-1027., cota
 Beck, A. T. (2008). The evolution of the cognitive model of depression and its
neurobiological correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 969-977., cota
 Cohen, S. Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived
stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 385-396., cota
 Cox, T. (1993). Stress research and stress management: putting theory to work.
HSE Contract Research Report No. 61/1993.
 Deci, E. L., & Ryan, L. M. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of
human motivation, development and health. Canadian Psychology, 49, 182-185.
 Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ in
predicting academic performance of adolescents. Psychological Science, 16, 939-
944., cota
 Ekman, P. (1992). An argument for basic emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 6, 169-
200. Izard, C. (1992). Basic emotions, relations among emotions and emotions-
cognition relations. Psychological Review, 99, 561-565., cota
 Hayes, N., & Joseph, S. (2003). Big 5 correlates of three measures of subjective
well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 723-727., cota
 Hofmann, S. G., Asmundson, G. J. G., & Beck, A. T. (in press). The science of
Cognitive Therapy. Behavior Therapy.
 Russel, J. A. (2003). Core affect and the psychological construct of emotion.
Psychological Review, 110,145-172., cota
 Pytlik Zillig, L. M., Hemenover, S. H., & Dienstbier, S. H. (2002). What do we
assess when we assess a Big 5 Trait? A content analysis of the affective, behavioral
and cognitive processes represented in the Big 5 personality inventories. Journal of
Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 847-858.
 Scherer, K., Wranik, T., Sangsue, J., Tran, V., & Scherer, U. (2004). Emotions in
everyday life: probability of occurrence, risk factors, appraisal and reaction patterns.
Social Science Information, 43, 499-570.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L. L., & Woolf, N. J. (2011). Psychology.
From inquiry to understanding. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (capitolele corespunzătoare
temelor abordate în cadrul cursurilor)
 Radu, I. (1991), Introducere în psihologia contemporană, Bucureşti: Ed. Sincron
(capitolele corespunzătoare temelor abordate în cadrul cursurilor), cota
 Smith, E. E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., & Loftus, G. R. (2005):
Atkinson & Hilgard. Introducere in psihologie (Ed. V). Bucuresti: Editura Tehnica.
(capitolele corespunzătoare temelor abordate în cadrul cursurilor), cota

PLR1206 Psihologie experimentală (şi analiza datelor II)

Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

 Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B. & Zechmeister, J. (2012). Research methods

in psychology. (Ninth Edi.). NY: McGraw Hill.
 Cohen, B. (2001) Explaining psychological statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New
 Leary, M. (2001) Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods. Allyn & Bacon,

Bibliografie opţională - CURS

 Coolican, H. (2004) Research Methods and Statistics in Psycholology. Oxford

University Press.
 Grazziano, A. (1993) Research methods. A process of inquiry., cota
Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR
 Radu, I., Miclea. M., Albu, M. Nemes, S. Moldovan, O., Szamoskozi, S. (1993)
Metodologie psihologică şi analiza datelor. Editura Sincron, Cluj Napoca., cota
 MacLin, K. M. and Solso, R. L. (2010) Experimental psychology: a case approach.
Pearson Edition, Boston

PLR1207 Psihologie cognitivă

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

• Miclea, M. (1994), Psihologie cognitivă. Editura Gloria. Cluj-Napoca , cota

• Opre, A. (2012) Inconştientul cognitiv: modele teoretice, suport experimental și
aplicaţii. Editura Polirom, cota

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar

Bibliografie opţională- CURS

• Miclea, M. & Curșeu, P. L. (2003). Modele neurocognitive. Editura ASCR, Cluj-

Napoca, cota
• Opre, A. & Miu, A. C. (2003). An Interhemispheric Paradigm for Asssessing
Declarative Memory Deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease. A Neuropsychological and
Structural Imaging Study, În B. Kokinov, W. Hirst (Eds.). Constructive Memory.
NBU Series in Cognitive Science, Sofia

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

• Miclea, M. (1994), Psihologie cognitivă. Editura Gloria. Cluj-Napoca , cota

• Opre, A. (2012) Inconştientul cognitiv: modele teoretice, suport experimental și
aplicaţii. Editura Polirom, cota

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a
capitolelor aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar

Bibliografie opţională - SEMINAR

 Bruner, J. (1992). Another Look at New Look 1. American Psychologist, 47,780-
783, cota
 Corkin, S. (2002). What’s new with the amnesic patient H.M.? Nature Reviews
Neuroscience, 3,153-160, cota
 Dodson, C. S. et al., (2000). Escape from illusion: reducing false memories, TICS,
4,  391-397
 Erdelyi, M. H. (1974). A new look at the new look: Perceptual defence and
vigilance. Psychological Review. 81,1-25, cota
 Greenwald, A. G. (1992). New look 3. Unconscious cognition reclaimed. American
Psychologist, 47, 766-779, cota
 Ionescu. T. (2008). Copiii fac ordine! Categorizarea la vârsta preşcolară. Editura
ASCR, Cluj-Napoca, cota
 Johnson, M.K., & Raye, C. L. (1998). False memories and confabulation, TICS,
2,  137-145
 Miclea, M. & Curşeu, P. L. (2003). Modele neurocognitive. Editura ASCR, Cluj-
Napoca, cota
 Miller, G. A. (2003). The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective. TICS,
7,  141-144.
 Schacter, D.L. et al. (2003). The seven sins of memory. Implications for
self. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.,1001, 226-239.

PLR 1229 Psihologie animală

Bibliografie orientativă - CURS

 John Alcock (2009) – Animal Behavior – An Evolutionary Approach
 Robert Sapolsky (2004) – De ce zebrele nu fac ulcer:
 Expresia emotiilor la om si animale:
pageseq=1&itemID=F1142&viewtype=text Rusu, A.S. (2012). Interactiunea om-animal –
Elemente de etologie aplicată şi terapie asistată de animale (Editura Bybliotek, editia a II-a) –

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Measuring behavior:
 Animal Behavior Net Resources:

PLR1240 Neuroştiinţe cognitive aplicate

Bibliografie - CURS

 Banich, M. T. (2004). Cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology (ed. a 2-a).

Houghton Mifflin Co, USA., cota
 Carlson, N. R. (2001). Psychology of behavior (ed. a 7-a). Allyn and Bacon, USA.
 Gazzaniga, M. S. (Ed.) (2004). The new cognitive neurosciences (ed. a 3-a). MIT Press,
 Squire, L. R., & Schacter, D. L. (Eds.) (2002). Neuropsychology of memory (ed. a 3-a).
Guilford Press, USA.
Bibliografie - SEMINAR
 Banich, M. T. (2004). Cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology (ed. a 2-a).
Houghton Mifflin Co, USA., cota
 Carlson, N. R. (2001). Psychology of behavior (ed. a 7-a). Allyn and Bacon, USA.
 Gazzaniga, M. S. (Ed.) (2004). The new cognitive neurosciences (ed. a 3-a). MIT Press,
 Squire, L. R., & Schacter, D. L. (Eds.) (2002). Neuropsychology of memory (ed. a 3-a).
Guilford Press, USA.

PLR1309 Psihologia dezvoltării (Psihologia copilului)


 Luciana, M. (2003). Cognitive development in children born preterm: Implications for

theories of brain plasticity following early injuries, Development and Psycholopathology,
15, p. 1017-1047 - Mar, R. A.,
 Tackett, J. L., & Moore, C. (2010). Exposure to media and theory-of-mind development
in preschoolers, Cognitive Development, 25,p. 69-78
 Osório, A., Martins, C., Meins, E., Martins, E. C., & Soares, I. (2011). Individual and
relational contributions to parallel and joint attention in infancy, Infant Behavior and
Development, 34, 515-524
 Poole, D., Warren, A., & Nunez, N. (2007). The Story of Human Development. Prentice
Hall: cap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , cota
 Schaffer, H. R. (2005, 2007, 2010). Introducere în psihologia copilului, Ed. ASCR,
Cluj-Napoca: cap. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, cota
 Siegler, R. S. (2004). Cognitive Variability: A Key to Understanding Cognitive
Development, în M. Gauvain & M. Cole (Eds.), Readings on the Development of
Children, Worth Publishers, cota

PLR 1310 Psihologie socială (dinamica grupului)

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Radu. I (1994) Psihologie socială, EXE: Cluj-Napoca, cota

 Curşeu, P.L: (2007). Grupurile în organizaţii, Editura Polirom: Iaşi, cota
 Curşeu, P.L: (2003) Formal group decision making: a socio-cognitive approach,
ASCR: Cluj-Napoca
 Curşeu, P.L: (2006). Group Composition: Theoretical and Methodological
Considerations. In Group Composition and Effectiveness, ASCR: Cluj-Napoca
 Brehm, S., Kassin, S., & Fein, F. (2005) Social Psychology Sixth Edition. Houghton
Mifflin Company: NY., cota
 Drozda-Senkowska, E. (2000). Influenţa socială, Polirom: Iaşi
Bibliografie recomandată:

 S. Brehm, S. Kassin & S. Fein (2002) Social Psychology (5th Edition). Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company., cota
 M. Hewstone, W. Stroebe & G. Stephenson (1996.) Introduction to Social Psychology
(2 nd Edition). Oxford GB: Blackwell.
 Neculau, A. (2004) Manual de psihologie socială, Polirom: Iaşi., cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Curşeu, P.L: (2007). Grupurile în organizaţii, Editura Polirom: Iaşi, cota
 Curşeu, P.L: (2003) Formal group decision making: a socio-cognitive approach,
ASCR: Cluj-Napoca
 Curşeu, P.L: (2006). Group Composition: Theoretical and Methodological
Considerations. In Group Composition and Effectiveness, ASCR: Cluj-Napoca
 Brehm, S., Kassin, S., & Fein, F. (2005) Social Psychology Sixth Edition. Houghton
Mifflin Company: NY., cota
 Drozda-Senkowska, E. (2000). Influenţa socială, Polirom: Iaşi
 Reicher, S. & Haslam, A. (2006). Rethinking the psychology of tyranny: The BBC
prison Study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 1-40., cota
 Reicher, S. & Haslam, A. (2006). Response – Debating the psychology of tyranny:
Fundamental issues of theory, perspective and science. British Journal of Social
Psychology, 45, 55-63, cota
 Zimbardo, P (2006). Commentary-On rethinking the psychology of tyranny: The BBC
prison study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 47-53, cota
 Zimbardo, P., Maslach, C., Haney, C. () Chapter 11: Reflections on the Stanford Prison
Experiment: Genesis, Transformations, Consequences

PLR 1312 Psihologia personalităţii

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Opre Adrian (2003, 2006) Introducere în teoriile personalităţii. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-
Napoca, cota
 Opre Adrian & Boroş Smaranda (2006) Personalitatea în abordările psihologiei
contemporane. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca , cota
 Zuckerman Marvin (1991) "The Twilight Zone" between Genotype and Social

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar
Bibliografie opţională - CURS

 Birch, A., & Hayward, S. (1999). Diferenţe interindividuale, Bucureşti: Ed. Tehnică.,
 Epstein, S. (1994). Integration of the cognitive andthepsychodynamicunconscious.
American Psychologist, 49, 709-724., cota
 Eysenck, H, Eysenck, M. (1999). Descifrarea comportamentului uman, Bucureşti:
Teora., cota
 Hayes, N., &Orrell, S. (1997). Teorii ale personalităţii. În N. Hayes & S. Orrell,
Introducere în psihologie, Bucureşti: All., cota
 Opre, A. (2002)Noi tendinţe în psihologia personalităţii, Vol I. Modele teoretice.
Editura ASCR, Cluj Napoca, cota
 Opre A.(2004) Noi tendinţe în psihologia personalităţii,Vol II. Diagnoză, cercetare şi
aplicaţii. Editura ASCR, Cluj Napoca., cota
 Opre, A. (2002). Inconştientul cognitiv. Cluj Napoca: ASCR., cota
 Pervin, L.A., & John, O.P. (1999). Handbook of personality: Theory and research.
New York: Guilford.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Opre Adrian (2003, 2006) Introducere în teoriile personalităţii. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-
Napoca, cota
 Opre Adrian & Boroş Smaranda (2006) Personalitatea în abordările psihologiei
contemporane. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca , cota
 Zuckerman Marvin (1991) "The Twilight Zone" between Genotype and Social

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar

PLR 1330 Psihiatrie

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Burton N. (2010) Psychiatry. Wiley-Blackwell

 Stevens L., Rodin I (2011) Psychiatry. Churchill Livingstone
 Bajorek T., Stockman T, Burton N. (2012) Pocket Tutor Psychiatry. JP Medical Ltd
 Stringer S., Church L., Davison S., Lipsedge M. (2009) Psychiatry P.R.N – Principles-
Reality-Next Steps. Oxford University Press
 Dogra N., Lunn B., Copper S. (2011) Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. CRC Press
 Geddes J., Price J., McKnight R (2012) Psychiatry. Oxford University Press
Bibliografie opţională- CURS

 OMS (1998) ICD-10 Clasificarea tulburărilor mentale și de comportament. Editura

All, București
 Cowen P., Harrison P., Burns T (2012) Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford
University Press, cota
 Kring A.M., Johnson S.L., Davison G.C., Neale J.M. (2012) Abnormal Psychology.
John Willey & Sons, Inc
 Whitbourne S.K., Halgin R.P. (2013) Abnormal Psychology – Clinical Perspectives on
Psychological Disorders. McGraw-Hill
 Kearny C.A., Trull T.J (2012) Abnormal Psychology and Life – A Dimensional
Approach. Cengage Learning
 APA (2003). Manual de diagnostic și statistică a tulburărilor mentale. Ediția a patra
revizuită (DMS-IV-TR). Asociația Psihiatrilor Liberi din România: București
 Prelipceanu D (2011) Psihiatrie clinică. Editura Medicală, București, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Burton N. (2010) Psychiatry. Wiley-Blackwell

 Byrne P., Byrne N. (2008) Psychiatry: Clinical Cases Uncovered. Wiley-Blackwell
 Wright B., Subodh D., Dogra N. (2011) 100 Cases in Psychiatry. Hodder Arnold
 Brown T.A., Barlow D. H. (2011) Casebook in Abnormal Psychology. Wadsworth
Cengage Learning
 Oltmanns T.F., Martin M.T., Neale J.M., Davison G.C. (2012) Cases Studies in
Abnormal Psychology. John Willey & Sons, Inc


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Buş, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciară. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.,

 Buş, I. (2005). Psihologie şi infracţionalitate. Vol 1. Fundamente teoretice. Cluj-
Napoca: Editura ASCR., cota

Bibliografie opţională- CURS

 Opre, A. (2003, 2006). Introducere în teoriile personalităţii. Cluj-Napoca: Editura

ASCR., cota
 Eysenck, H, & Eysenck, M. (1999). Descifrarea comportamentului uman. Bucureşti:
Editura Teora, cota
 Dragomirescu, V.T.(1976). Psihosociologia comportamentului deviant. Bucureşti:
Ed.Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică., cota
 Păunescu, C. (1994). Agresivitatea şi condiţia umană. Bucureşti: Ed.Tehnică.
!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Buş, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciară. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.,

 Buş, I. (2005). Psihologie şi infracţionalitate. Vol 1. Fundamente teoretice. Cluj-
Napoca: Editura ASCR., cota

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs şi seminar.


Bibliografie - CURS

Psihobiologia sexualitatii – idei de cercetare (E-Book; Rusu, A.S. & Bartos, S.E. –

Gottman Research Institute

The Kinsey Institute – Advanced Sexual Health and Knowledge Worldwide

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

Desmond Morris

Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality /

Bibliografie- CURS

 Albert, D., & Steinberg, L. (2011). Judgement and Decision Making in Adolescence,
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21 (1), 211-224.
 Ionescu, T., & Benga, O. (2007). Reconceptualizing early education on scientific
grounds: school readiness in focus, Cognitie, creier, comportament/ Cognition, Brain,
Behavior, XI/1, 49-65., cota
 Nettelbeck, T., & Burns, N. R. (2010). Processing speed, working memory and
reasoning ability from childhood to old age, Personality and Individual Differences, 48,
379-384., cota
 Poole, D., Warren, A., & Nunez, N. (2007). The Story of Human Development. Prentice
Hall: cap. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15., cota
 Schaffer, H. R. (2005, 2007, 2010). Introducere în psihologia copilului, Ed. ASCR,
Cluj-Napoca: cap. 8, 10., cota


Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

 Abric, J.C. (1997). Reprezentările sociale: aspecte teoretice. În Neculau, A.

Reprezentările sociale, Iaşi: Polirom, cota
 Brehm, S., Kassin, S., & Fein, F. (2005) Social Psychology (Sixth Edition). Houghton
Mifflin Company: NY., cota
 Curşeu, P.L. (2005). Making sense of social reality, Cogniţie, creier, comportament,
IX, 4, 599-608, cota
 Hewstone, M., Stroebe W. & Jonas, K. (2012) An Introduction to Social Psychology
(5th Edition). BPS: Blackwell.
 Hilton, J. & Hippel, W. (1996). Stereotypes. Annual Review of Psychology, 47, 237-
271, cota
 Kelley, H. H. (2003). Attribution theory in Social Psychology. In A.W. Kruglanski &
E.T.Higgins, Social Psyhology: A General Reader. New York: Psychology Press
 Radu. I (1994) Psihologie socială, EXE: Cluj-Napoca, cota

Bibliografie recomandată - CURS

 Brehm, S., Kassin, S. & S. Fein (2002) Social Psychology (5th Edition). Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company., cota
 Hewstone, M., Stroebe W. & G. Stephenson (1996.) Introduction to Social Psychology
(2 nd Edition). Oxford GB: Blackwell.
 Hosking, D.M. (2005). Bounded entities, constructivist revisions, and radical re-
construtions, Cogniţie, creier, comportament, IX, 4, 609-622, cota
 Neculau, A. (2004) Manual de psihologie socială, Polirom: Iaşi., cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Cialdini, R.B. (1985). Influence. In Influence. Science and Practice, Robert B. Cialdini,
Scott, Foresman and Company, 1985; Summary notes
 Curşeu, P.L. (2005). Making sense of social reality, Cogniţie, creier, comportament,
IX, 4, 599-608, cota
 Greenwald, A.G., Banaji M. R., Laurie A. Rudman, Shelly D. Farnham, Brian A.
Nosek, Deborah S. Mellott (2002) A Unified Theory of Implicit Social Cognition,
Psychological Review, 109/1, 3–25, cota (tradus în Opre, A. Noi tendinţe în psihologia
personalităţii - Modele teoretice (vol. 1), Cluj-Napoca: ASCR, cota).
 Harmon-Jones, E., & Mills, J. (1999). An Introduction to Cognitive Dissonance Theory
and an Overview of Current Perspectives on the Theory. In Harmon-Jones, E., & Mills, J.
Cognitive Dissonance: Progress on a pivotal theory in social psychology. Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association.
 Hewstone, M., Stroebe W. & Jonas, K. (2012) An Introduction to Social Psychology
(5th Edition). BPS: Blackwell.
Petty, R. E., Rucker, D., Bizer, G., & Cacioppo, J.T. (2004).The elaboration likelihood
model of persuasion. In J. S. Seiter & G. H. Gass (Eds.), Perspectives on persuasion,
social influence and compliance gaining (pp. 65-89).Boston:Allyn & Bacon



Bibliografie obligatorie-CURS

 Dawn P. Flanagan, Alan S. Kaufman (2004) Essentials of WISC-IV assessment . In

Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
 Deary, I., Penke, L., Johnson, W. (2010). The neuroscience of human intelligence
differences. Nature reviews. Neuroscience, vol 11, 201-211, cota
 Dugan, A. (2006). Assessing the validity and reliability of a piagetian based paper-
pencil test.
 Mitrofan, N., Mitrofan, L. (2009). Testarea psihologică. Inteligenţa şi aptitudinile.
Polirom:Iasi, cota
 Nisbett, R., Aronson, J., Blair, C., et al (2012). Intelligence: New Findings and
Theoretical Developments. American Psychologist, 1-30, cota
 Raven, J. (2000). The Raven’s Progressive Matrices: Change and Stability over Culture
and Time. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 1-48., cota
 Sternberg, R. (2010). Applying Psychologial Theories to Educational Practice.
American Educational Research Journal, 45, 1, 150-165, cota
Bibliografie opţională-CURS

 Cattell-Horn-Carroll CHC (Gf-Gc) Theory: Past, Present & Future -
 Gardner Howard
 Buckhalt, J. (2002). A short history of g: Psychometrics’ most enduring and
controversial construct. Learning and Individual differences, 13, 101-114
 Plucker, J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current
controversies, teaching resources.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Dawn P. Flanagan, Alan S. Kaufman (2004) Essentials of WISC-IV assessment . hn

Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
 Deary, I., Penke, L., Johnson, W. (2010). The neuroscience of human intelligence
differences. Nature reviews. Neuroscience, vol 11, 201-211, cota
 Dugan, A. (2006). Assessing the validity and reliability of a piagetian based paper-
pencil test.
 Mitrofan, N., Mitrofan, L. (2009). Testarea psihologica. Inteligenţa şi aptitudinile.
Polirom:Iasi, cota
 Nisbett, R., Aronson, J., Blair, C., et al (2012). Intelligence: New Findings and
Theoretical Developments. American Psychologist, 1-30, cota
 Raven, J. (2000). The Raven’s Progressive Matrices: Change and Stability over Culture
and Time. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 1-48., cota
 Sternberg, R. (2010). Applying Psychologial Theories to Educational Practice.
American Educational Research Journal, 45, 1, 150-165, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Cattell-Horn-Carroll CHC (Gf-Gc) Theory: Past, Present & Future -
 Gardner Howard
 Buckhalt, J. (2002). A short history of g: Psychometrics’ most enduring and
controversial construct. Learning and Individual differences, 13, 101-114
 Plucker, J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current
controversies, teaching resources.

Bibliografie obligatorie-CURS

 Abroms, L. & Maibach, E. (2008) The effectiveness of mass communication to change

public behavior. Annual Review of Public Health. 29, 219–224.
 Andrus, M.R., & Roth,M.T. (2002). Health literacy: a review. Pharmacotherapy, 22,
 Baban, A & Craciun, C. (2007) Changing Health-Risk Behaviors: a review of theory
and evidence-based interventions in health psychology. Journal of Cognitive and
Behavioral Psychoterapies, 7(1), 45-66.
 Beck, L. (2007). Social status, social support, and stress: A comparative review of the
health consequences of social control factors. Health Psychology Review, 1(2), 186-207.
 Camfield L. & Skevington, S.M. (2008). On subjective well-being and quality of life.
Journal of Health Psychology, 13, 764-775.
 Carrigana, M.H., Hamc, L.S., Thomas, S.E., & Randallb, C.L. (2008). Alcohol outcome
expectancies and drinking to cope with social situations. Addictive Behavior, 33(9),
 Cockerham, W.(2005) Health lifestyle theory and the convergence of agency and
structure. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 46, 51–67
 Consedine, N. S. (2008). The health-promoting and health-damaging effects of
emotions: the view from developmental functionalism. In M. Lewis, J. Haviland-Jones, &
L. Feldman-Barrett (Eds.), Handbook of emotions (3rd ed., pp. 676-690). New York:
 Craciun, C., Schuz, N., Lippke, S. & Schwarzer, R. (2012) Translating intentions into
sunscreen use: An interaction of self-efficacy and appearance norms. Psychology, Health
& Medicine. 1-10
 Curry, S.J., Keller, P.A., Orleans, C.T., Fiore, M.C. (2008). The role of health care
systems in increased tobacco cessation. Annual Review Public Health, 29, 411–28.
 Fabricatore, A. & Wadden, T. (2006) Obesity. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology,
2, 357–77
 Gabhainn, S., Baban, A., Boyce, W. & Godeau, E. (2009) How well protected are
sexually ctive 15 year olds? Cross-national patterns in condom and contraceptive pill use
2002-2006. European Journal of Public Health, 54, 209-215
 Geers, A.L., Wellman, J.A., & Fowler, S.L. (2012). Comparative and dispositional
optimism as separate and interactive predictors. Psychology & Health, 28(1), 30-48.
 Grigoryan L, Burgerhof, J.G., Degener ,J.E, et al. (2008). Determinants of self-
medication with antibiotics in Europe: the impact of beliefs, country wealth and the
healthcare system. Journal of Antimicrobian Chemotherapy; 61, 1172-117
 Kindig, D.A. (2007). Understanding population health terminology. The Milbank
Quarterly, 85, 139–161.
 Macht , M. (2008). How emotions affect eating: A five-way model. Appetite , 50(1), 1–
11. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2007.07.002
 Michie, S., Prestwich, A. (2010). Are interventions theory-based? Development of a
theory coding scheme, Health Psychology, 29, 1–8.
 Nickel, D. & Spink, K. (2010) Attributions and self-regulatory efficacy for health-
related physical activity . Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 53-62.
 Pechmann, C., Levine, L., Loughlin, S. & Leslie, F. (2005). Impulsive and self-
conscious: Adolescents’ vulnerability to advertising and promotion. Journal of Public
Policy & Marketing, 24(2), 202-221.
 Rivera, F., García-Moya, I., Moreno, C., & Ramos, P. (2012) Developmental contexts
and sense of coherence in adolescence: a systematic review. Journal of Health
Psychology; 1-13.
 Rolul grupului în sănătatea (copiilor şi a) adolescenţilor. În: Ronald T. Brown (Ed.)
(2004). Handbook of pediatric psychology in school settings. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
 Schwarzer, R., & Luszczynska, A., (2008). How to overcome health-compromising
behaviors: The health action process approach. European Psychologist, 2, 141-151. DOI:
 Segerstrom, S.C., & O'Connor D.B. (2012). Stress, health and illness: Four challenges
to the future. Psychology & Health, 27(2), 128-140.
 Skinner, E.A. , & Zimmer-Gembeck, M.J. (2007). The development of coping. Annual
Review of Psychology, 58,119-144.
 Taylor, S.E. (2008). Current issues and new directions in Psychology and Health:
Bringing basic and applied research together to address underlying mechanisms.
Psychology & Health, 23(2), 131-134.

Bibliografie opţională-CURS

 Baban, A. (1998) Stres şi personalitate. Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană.

 Cohen, L., McChargue, D. and Collins, F. (2003) The Health Psychology
Handbook:Practical Issues for the Behavioral Medicine Specialist. Thousand Oaks:
 Ogden, J. (2007). Health psychology: a textbook (4th ed.). Maidenhead: Open
University Press.
 Taylor, S. (1991) Health Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
 Kaplan, R., Sallis, J. and Patterson, T. (1993) Health and Human Behavior. New York:
 Sarafino, E. (1990) Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions. New York:
 Sheridan, C. and Radmacher, S. (1992) Health Psychology:Challenging the Biomedical
Model. New York: Wiley

(toate cărţile sunt accesibile la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale



Journal of Evolutionary Psychology:

 Buss, D.M. (2004). Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind. Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc.
-Disponibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie-
 David, D., Benga, O, Rusu, A.S. (2007). Fundamente de Psihologie Evoluţionistă şi
Consiliere Genetiă. Integrări ale psihologiei şi biologiei. Editura Polirom
- Disponibil la biblioteca Facultatii de Psihologie-
 David Buss Lab:


Bibliografie obligatorie-CURS

• Hood, R.W., Hill, P.C., Spilka, B., (2009) The Psychology of Religion, An Empirical
Approach Fourth Edition, THE GUILFORD PRESS, New York
• Jonte-Pace, D., Parsons, W., (2001), Religion and Psychology. Mapping the terrain,
Routledge, London and New York

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar

Bibliografie opţională- CURS

 Dennett, D., (2006), Breaking the Spell. Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Penguin
Books, London, cota
 Argyle, M., (2000), Psychology and Religion. An Introduction, Routledge, London
Nelson, J., (2009), Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality, Springer Science + Business
Media, New York

Bibliografie obligatorie-SEMINAR

• Hood, R.W., Hill, P.C., Spilka, B., (2009) The Psychology of Religion, An Empirical
Approach Fourth Edition, THE GUILFORD PRESS, New York
• Jonte-Pace, D., Parsons, W., (2001), Religion and Psychology. Mapping the terrain,
Routledge, London and New York

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar
Bibliografie opţională-SEMINAR

 Dennett, D., (2006), Breaking the Spell. Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Penguin
Books, London, cota
 Argyle, M., (2000), Psychology and Religion. An Introduction, Routledge, London
 Nelson, J., (2009), Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality, Springer Science + Business
Media, New York
 Masters, K.,(2010), The Role of Religion in Therapy: Time for Psychologists to Have a
Little Faith?, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, vol 17, p.393-400
 Masters, K.S., Spielmans, G.I. (2007). Prayer and health: review, meta-analysis and
research agenda, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30(4):329-338
 Seybold, K.S., Hill, P.C, (2001), The role of Religion and Spirituality in Mental and
Physical Health, Current Directions in Psychological Sciences 10 (1):21-24
 R.E. Dew., R:E:, Daniel, S.S., Goldston, D.B., McCall, W.V., Kuchibhatla, M.,
Schleifer, C., Triplett, M.F., Koenig, H.G., (2010), A prospective study of
religion/spirituality and depressive symptoms among adolescent psychiatric patients,
Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 120, Issues 1–3, January 2010, Pages 149–157
 Shreve-Neiger, A.K., Edelstein, B.A. (2004). Religion and anxiety: A critical review of
the literature, Clinical Psychology Review 24 (2004): 379–397


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Dattilio, F. (2010). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Couples and Families. A

Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians. NY:The Guilford Press.
 David, D. (2006/2013). Psihologie clinică şi psihoterapie. Editura Polirom, Iaşi., cota
 Gurman, A.S., & Fraenkel, P. (2002). The history of couple therapy: a millennial
review. Family Process, vol. 41, no.2, 199-260.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Gottman, J.M. (1999). The marriage clinic. A scientifically based marital therapy. New
York: Norton & Company.
 Gurman, A.S., & Fraenkel, P. (2002). The history of couple therapy: a millennial
review. Family Process, vol. 41, no.2, 199-260.
 Pinsof, W.M., & Lebow, J. (Eds.) (2005). Family psychology: the art of the science.
Oxford University Press.

Bibliografie - CURS
 Crăciun , M., 2005 , Psihologie Educaţională, curs pentru studenţii Facultăţii de
Educaţie Fizică şi Sport , Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca., cota
 Crăciun, Marius – Psihologie educaţională – curs (
 Crăciun, M., 2005, Introducere în Psihologia Sportului, Editura Risoprint, Cluj –
Napoca., cota
 Crăciun, M., 2008, Psihologia Sportului, Editura Risoprint, Cluj – Napoca., cota
 Epuran, M., 2001, Psihologia sportului de performanţă, Fest, Bucuresti., cota
 Weinberg,R.S., Gould,D., Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
Champaign,Illinois,Human Kinetics Publishers,1995., cota

Bibliografie – SEMINAR

 Goldberg,A.,1997, Sports slump busting, Human Kinetics, Champaign,Illinois

 Martens, R.,1987, Coaches Guide to Sport Psychology, Human Kinetics Publishers,
Champaign, Il., cota
 Nideffer, R.,M.,1992, Psyched to Win, Leisure Press, Champaign, Illinois., cota
 Weinberg,R.,S.,1995, Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Human Kinetics,
Champaign,Il., cota


Bibliografie- CURS

 Bull, R. (2001). Children and the law. The Blackwell series of Essential Readings in
Developmental Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell.
 Garber, B. D. (2010). Developmental Psychology for Family Law Professionals:
Theory, Application and the Best Interests of the Child. Springer Publishing Company,
New York.
 Lamb, M.E., Hershkowitz, I., Orbach, Y., & Esplin, P. W. (2008). Tell me what
happened: Structured investigative interviews of child victims and witnesses. New York
and Chichester, England: Wiley.
 Visu-Petra, G., & Borlean, C. (2010). Aspecte psihologice în demersul de intervievare
a copilului în instanţă
 Superior al Magistraturii “Justiţia în actualitate”, nr. 1,
 Visu-Petra, G., & Borlean, C., (2008). Copilul în instanţă – aspecte psihologice
referitoare la proceduri şi evaluare în cadrul Proiectului privind implementarea Planului
Naţional de Acţiune în domeniul protecţiei drepturilor copilului, instituit prin H.G.
nr.1058/2005, Curtea de Apel Cluj Napoca, Curtea de Apel Oradea
 Vrij, A. (2000; 2012 – ediția în lb. română). Detecția minciunii și a comportamentului
simulant. Dileme și oportunităţi, Cluj-Napoca.

Bibliografie – SEMINAR

 Bus, I. (2005). Psihologie şi infracţionalitate: Fundamente teoretice, Volumul I. Cluj-

Napoca: Editura ASCR, 2005., cota
 Ekman, P. (2009). De ce mint copiii? Cum pot încuraja părinţii sinceritatea. Editura
Trei, Bucureşti., cota
 Melinder., Alexander, K. W., Cho, Goodman, G. S., Thoresen, Lonnum, & Magnussen
(2010). Children's eyewitness memory: A comparison of two interviewing strategies as
realized by forensic experts. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Page 156-177., cota
 Preda, V. (1998). Delincvenţa juvenilă. O abordare multidisciplinară. Cluj-Napoca, Ed.
Presa universitară clujeană, cota
 Stark, B. (2005). International family law. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
 Westcott, H., Davies, G., and Bull, R. (Eds.) (2002). Children’s testimony:
Psychological research and forensic practice.Wiley.


Bibliografie – CURS ŞI SEMINAR

 Landy, F.J., Conte, J.M. (2007). Work în the 21st century. An introduction to industrial
and organizational psychology. (2ndEdition). Maiden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
 Aamodt, M. (2007). Industrial/Organizational Psychology. An applied approach. (5th
Edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
 Pitariu, H. (2006). Proiectarea fişelor de post, evaluarea posturilor de muncă şi a
personalului. Un ghid practic pentru managerii de resurse umane. Bucureşti: Irecson.,

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs și seminar.
!!! Notă: la aceste lucrări se vor adăuga lucrări științifice puse la dispoziție de titularul de
curs, în funcție de nevoile specifice de studiu identificate pe parcursul derulării
activităților didactice.

Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS:

David, D (2006). Psihologie clinică şi psihoterapie. Fundamente. Iaşi: Editura Polirom.,


Bibliografie facultativă- CURS

 American Psychiatric Association (2000). DSM-IV-TR, A.P.A., Washington, DC. (sau

traducerea în limba română-DSM-IV-TR din 2003)., cota
 Mental Health: A Report of the General Surgeon; online:
 David, D., Holdevici, I., Szamoskozi, S., şi Băban, A.S. (2000). Psihoterapie şi
hipnoterapie cognitivcomportamentală. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Risoprint.
 David, D. (2003). Castele de nisip. Bucureşti: Editura Tritonic., cota
 David, D. (2006). Metodologia cercetării clinice. Fundamente. Iaşi: Editura Polirom., cota
 David, D. (2006). Tratat de psihoterapii cognitive şi comportamentale. Iaşi: Editura
Polirom., cota

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

David, D (2006). Psihologie clinică şi psihoterapie. Fundamente. Iaşi: Editura Polirom.,


Bibliografie facultativă –SEMINAR

 American Psychiatric Association (2000). DSM-IV-TR, A.P.A., Washington, DC. (sau
traducerea în limba română-DSM-IV-TR din 2003)., cota
 World Health Organization (1998). ICD-10 Clasificarea tulburărilor mentale şi de
comportament. Bucureşti: Editura All.


Bibliografie- CURS

 Băban, A. (2003). Consiliere educaţională. Psinet, Cluj-Napoca. (accesibil la biblioteca

Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei)
 Byrnes, J. P. (2001). Cognitive Development and Learning in Instructional Contexts.
Allyn & Bacon, MA. (accesibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale
 Mayer R, (2001). What Good Is Educational Psychology? The Case of Cognition and
Instruction.Educational Psychologist, 36 (1).
 Miclea, M. Lemeni, G. (1999). Aplicaţiile stiinţelor cognitive în educaţie. (I) Inteligenţa
şi modificabilitatea ei. Cogniţie. Creier. Comportament, III, (1-2)., cota
 Mih, V. (2010). Psihologie educaţională. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca., cota
 Programul internaţional OECD pentru evaluarea elevilor PISA - Raport naţional 2002.,
 Salavastru, D. (2004). Psihologia educaţiei. Polirom, Iasi. (accesibil la biblioteca
Facultaţii de Psihologie şi Stiinţe ale Educaţiei), cota
 Skuy, M. (coord.) (2002). Experienţa învăţării mediate în clasă şi în afara acesteia.
ASCR, Cluj-Napoca. (accesibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale
Educaţiei), cota
Notă: Din lucrările menţionate mai sus este obligatorie doar parcurgerea capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie- SEMINAR

 Duckworth, A.L. & Seligman, M.E.P. (2006). Self-discipline gives girls the edge:
Gender in self-discipline, grades, and achievement test scores. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 98, 198-208.
 Meece, J. L., Anderman, E. M., & Anderman, L. H. (2006). Classroom goal structure,
student motivation, and academic achievement. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 487-
503, cota
 Paris, S. & Paris, A. (2001). Classroom Applications of Research on Self-Regulated
Learning. Educational Psychologist, 36 (2).
 Pomerantz, E., Moorman, E., & Litwack, S. (2007). The how, whom, and why of
parents’ involvement in children’s academic lives: More is not always better. Review of
Educational Research, 77, 373-410.
 Rawsthorne, L., & Elliot, A. (1999). Achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: A
meta-analytic review.


Bibliografie obligatorie – CURS

 Chirică, S. (1996) Psihologie organizaţională. Modele de diagnoză şi intervenţie. Casa

de editură şi consultanţă Studiul Organizării, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Stiinţe ale Educaţiei)
 Chirică, S. (2003) Inteligenţa organizaţiilor. Rutinele şi managementul gândirii
colective.Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei)
 Chirică, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaţii practice ale Psihologiei
Organizaţionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca, cota
!!! Nota: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.
Bibliografia opţională- CURS

 Baldwin, M.W. (1999). Relational schemas. Research into social-cognitive aspects of

interpersonal experience. În D. Cervone, Y. Shoda (Eds.) The Coherence of Personality.
Social-Cognitive Bases of Consistency, Variability, and Organization. (pp. 127-154).
New-York: GuilfordPress.
 Chirică-Nemeş, S. (1993). Repression, dissociation and sensitivity to inconsequence.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XXXVIII (1-2): 79-86.,
 Chirică, S. (2000). Collective construction of the self in Romanian culture. Studia
UniversitatisBabes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLV (1): 39-52., cota
 Chirică, S. (2001). Coerenţa personalităţii în orientarea social-cognitivă: cazul
psihologiei culturale. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLVI
(1-2)., cota
 Mischel, W. Si Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality:
Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality
structure. Psychological Review. 102: 246-268., cota
 Walsh, J.P. si Ungson, G.R. (1991). Organizational memory. Academy of Management
Review. 16: 57-91

Bibliografie- SEMINAR

 Chirică, S. (1996) Psihologie organizaţională. Modele de diagnoză şi intervenţie. Casa

de editură şi consultanţă Studiul Organizării, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Stiinţe ale Educaţiei)
 Chirică, S. (2003) Inteligenţa organizaţiilor. Rutinele şi managementul gândirii
colective.Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca., cota
(accesibil la biblioteca Facultăţii de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei)
 Chirică, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaţii practice ale Psihologiei
Organizaţionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca, cota


Bibliografie obligatorie – CURS

 Benga, O. (2004) The construction of social cognition: a developmental perspective.

Număr special Typical and atypical development – O. Benga, T. Ionescu (Editori).
Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 8, 321-349. , cota
 Carlson, G. A. (2000). The challenge of diagnosing depression in childhood and
adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 61, S3–S8.
 Carr, A. (1999). The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology: A
contextual approach. Routledge: New York.
 Chatoor, I., Hirsch, R., and Persinger, M. (1997). Facilitating internal regulation of
eating: A Treatment model for infantile anorexia. Infants and Young Children, 9, 12–22.
 Cooper, P., Watkins, B., Bryant-Waugh, R., & Lask, B. (2002). The nosological status
of early onset anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine, 32, 873–880.
 Herbert, M. (2003). Typical and atypical development. From conception to
adolescence. BPS Blackwell, Oxford, pagini 1-13 (Introducere).
 Ollendick, T. H., & Hersen, M. (1998). Handbook of Child Psychopathology. Plenum
Press, New York.
 Petra, L. (2003). O perspectivă critică asupra neuropsihologiei. Implicaţii şi aplicaţii
pentru studiul dezvoltării atipice. Cogniţie, Creier, Comportament, 8 (1), 1-19., cota
 Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2003). Evaluarea neuropsihologică a copiilor cu epilepsie:
Sugestii pentru un plan terapeutic individualizat. Revista Societăţii de Neurologie şi
Psihiatrie pentru copii şi adolescenţi din România, Vol. 6(2), 70-79.
Visu-Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2007) Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment. Nr.
Special din Cogniţie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol XI, nr. 3
Chatoor I. (2009). Diagnosis and Treatment of Feeding Disorders in Infants, Toddlers
and Young Children. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.
 Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., & Miu, A. C. (2012). Working Memory and Anxiety:
Exploring the Interplay of Individual Differences across Development. In Alloway, T. P.
& Alloway, R. G. (Eds) Working Memory: The New Intelligence. (Frontiers in Cognitive
Psychology series; series editors: Nelson Cowan and David Balota), New-York:
Psychology Press.
 Wolman, R., & Taylor, K. (1991). Psychological effects of custody disputes on
children. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 9 (4), 399-4 17.
 Zero to Three/National Center for Clinical Infiant Programs (1994). Diagnostic
classification of mental health developmental disorders of infacncy and early childhood
(Diagnostic Classification : 0-3). Washington DC: Atuthor.
 Zucker, N., Merwin, R., Elliott, C., Lacy, J., & Eichen, D. (2009). Assessment of eating
disorders symptoms in children and adolescents. In J.L. Matson, F. Andrasik, & M.L.
Matson (Eds.) Assessing childhood psychopathology and developmental disabilities (pp.
401-444). New York: Springer

Bibliografie obligatorie - SEMINAR

 Benga, O. (2004) The construction of social cognition: a developmental perspective.

Număr special Typical and atypical development – O. Benga, T. Ionescu (Editori).
Cognitie, Creier, Comportament, 8, 321-349. , cota
 Carlson, G. A. (2000). The challenge of diagnosing depression in childhood and
adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 61, S3–S8.
 Carr, A. (1999). The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology: A
contextual approach. Routledge: New York.
 Chatoor, I., Hirsch, R., and Persinger, M. (1997). Facilitating internal regulation of
eating: A Treatment model for infantile anorexia. Infants and Young Children, 9, 12–22.
 Cooper, P., Watkins, B., Bryant-Waugh, R., & Lask, B. (2002). The nosological status
of early onset anorexia nervosa. Psychological Medicine, 32, 873–880.
 Herbert, M. (2003). Typical and atypical development. From conception to
adolescence. BPS Blackwell, Oxford, pagini 1-13 (Introducere).
 Ollendick, T. H., & Hersen, M. (1998). Handbook of Child Psychopathology. Plenum
Press, New York.
 Petra, L. (2003). O perspectivă critică asupra neuropsihologiei. Implicaţii şi aplicaţii
pentru studiul dezvoltării atipice. Cogniţie, Creier, Comportament, 8 (1), 1-19., cota
 Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2003). Evaluarea neuropsihologică a copiilor cu epilepsie:
Sugestii pentru un plan terapeutic individualizat. Revista Societăţii de Neurologie şi
Psihiatrie pentru copii şi adolescenţi din România, Vol. 6(2), 70-79.
Visu-Petra, L., & Benga, O. (2007) Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment. Nr.
Special din Cogniţie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol XI, nr. 3
Chatoor I. (2009). Diagnosis and Treatment of Feeding Disorders in Infants, Toddlers
and Young Children. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.
 Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., & Miu, A. C. (2012). Working Memory and Anxiety:
Exploring the Interplay of Individual Differences across Development. In Alloway, T. P.
& Alloway, R. G. (Eds) Working Memory: The New Intelligence. (Frontiers in Cognitive
Psychology series; series editors: Nelson Cowan and David Balota), New-York:
Psychology Press.
 Wolman, R., & Taylor, K. (1991). Psychological effects of custody disputes on
children. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 9 (4), 399-4 17.
 Zero to Three/National Center for Clinical Infiant Programs (1994). Diagnostic
classification of mental health developmental disorders of infacncy and early childhood
(Diagnostic Classification : 0-3). Washington DC: Atuthor.
 Zucker, N., Merwin, R., Elliott, C., Lacy, J., & Eichen, D. (2009). Assessment of eating
disorders symptoms in children and adolescents. In J.L. Matson, F. Andrasik, & M.L.
Matson (Eds.) Assessing childhood psychopathology and developmental disabilities (pp.
401-444). New York: Springer


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Ellis, A., Bernard, M., (2007). Terapia raţional emotivă şi comportamentală in

tulburările copilului şi adolescentului. Editura RTS, Cluj Napoca, cota
 Wilmshurst L. (2007). Psihopatologia copilului. Fundamente. Editura Polirom, Iaşi.,
Bibliografie opţională- CURS

 Kendall, P., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Panichelli-Mindel, S., Southam-Gerow,M., Henin,

A., & Warman, M. (1997). Therapy for youths with anxiety disorders: A second
randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 366−380.
 Matson, J.L., Wilkins, J. and González, M. (2008). Early identification and diagnosis in
autism spectrum disorders in young children and infants: How early is too early.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2(1), pp. 75-84.
 MTA Cooperative Group* (2004). National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal
Treatment Study of ADHD Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, Vol. 113, No. 4, 754-751.
 Reynolds, S., Wilson, Ch., Austin, J., Hoope, L. (2012). Effects of psychotherapy for
anxiety in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review
32 . 251–262
ALBANO, V. ROBIN WEERSING, JOHN CURRY (2008). Cognitive-Behavioral
Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents: An
Evidence-Based Medicine Review. Journal of the American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 930-959
 Silverman, W., Pina, A., & Viswesvaran, C. (2008). Evidence-based psychosocial
treatments for phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 105−130.

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Ellis, A., Bernard, M., (2007). Terapia raţional emotivă şi comportamentală in

tulburările copilului şi adolescentului. Editura RTS, Cluj Napoca, cota
 Wilmshurst L. (2007). Psihopatologia copilului. Fundamente. Editura Polirom, Iaşi.,

Bibliografie opţională- SEMINAR

 Kendall, P., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Panichelli-Mindel, S., Southam-Gerow, M., Henin,

A., & Warman, M. (1997). Therapy for youths with anxiety disorders: A second
randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 366−380.
 Matson, J.L., Wilkins, J. and González, M. (2008). Early identification and diagnosis in
autism spectrum disorders in young children and infants: How early is too early.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2(1), pp. 75-84.
 MTA Cooperative Group* (2004). National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal
Treatment Study of ADHD Follow-up: 24-Month Outcomes of Treatment Strategies for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, Vol. 113, No. 4, 754-751.
 Reynolds, S., Wilson, Ch., Austin, J., Hoope, L. (2012). Effects of psychotherapy for
anxiety in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review
32 . 251–262
ALBANO, V. ROBIN WEERSING, JOHN CURRY (2008). Cognitive-Behavioral
Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents: An
Evidence-Based Medicine Review. Journal of the American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 930-959
 Silverman, W., Pina, A., & Viswesvaran, C. (2008). Evidence-based psychosocial
treatments for phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 105−130.


Bibliografie obligatorie – CURS

 Ayelet Kuper, Lorelei Lingard, and Wendy Levinson (2008) Critically appraising
qualitative research BMJ 337: a1035, cota
 Mays N, Pope C. (2000) Qualitative research in healthcare: assessing quality in
qualitative research. British Medical Journal; 320: 50-52., cota
 Manderson L, Bennett E, Andajani-Sutjahto S. (2006) The social dynamics of the
interview: age, class, and gender. Qualitative Health Research;16(10):1317-34.
 Paterson, Barbara L.; Bottorf Joan L. and Roberta Hewat (2003) Blending
Observational Methods: Possibilities, Strategies, and Challenges, International Journal
of Qualitative Methods, Vol. 2 No. 1. pp. 29-37.
 Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006) Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative
Research in psychology, 3 (2). pp. 77-101. ISSN 1478-0887
 John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark (2006) Understanding mixed methods
research în Designing And Conducting Mixed Methods Research / Edition 1, pag: 1-10,
Sage, cota

Bibliografie obligatorie - SEMINAR

 Adler, P.A.,& Adler, P. (1994) Observational Techniques, în Handbook of Qualitative

Research, eds. Denzin N. şi Lincoln Y., 377-392, London: Sage, cota
 Agabrian M. (2006) Analiza de conţinut. Polirom, Iaşi, cota
 R. Burke Johnson, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Lisa A. Turner (2007) Toward a
Definition of Mixed Methods Research, Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2007; 1;
 Swanson, J.,& Chapman, L. (1994) Inside the black box: theoretical and
methodological Issues. În Critical issues in qualitative methods, ed. Morse J., 66-93,
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bibliografie obligatorie – CURS

 Chirică, S. (1996). Psihologie organizaţională. Modele de diagnoză şi intervenţie. Casa

de editură şi consultanţă Studiul Organizării, Cluj-Napoca. cota
 Chirică, S. (2003). Inteligenţa organizaţiilor. Rutinele şi managementul gândirii
colective. Presa Universitară Clujeanaă, Cluj-Napoca., cota
 Chirică, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaţii practice ale psihologiei
organizaţionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca., cota
!!! Nota: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografia opţională - CURS

 Baldwin, M.W. (1999). Relational schemas. Research into social-cognitive aspects of

interpersonal experience. În D. Cervone, Y. Shoda (Eds.) The Coherence of Personality.
Social-Cognitive Bases of Consistency, Variability, and Organization. (pp. 127-154).
New-York: GuilfordPress.
 Chirică-Nemeş, S. (1993). Repression, dissociation and sensitivity to inconsequence.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XXXVIII (1-2): 79-86.,
 Chirică, S. (2000). Collective construction of the self in Romanian culture. Studia
UniversitatisBabes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLV (1): 39-52., cota
 Chirica, S. (2001). Coerenţa personalităţii în orientarea social-cognitivă: cazul
psihologiei culturale. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLVI
(1-2)., cota
 Galegher, J. (1990). "Intellectual teamwork and information technology: The role of
information systems in collaborative intellectual work". In: J.S. Carroll (Ed.) Applied
social psyclogy and organizational ettings, Hillsdale, New Jerey, Lawrence Erlbaum
 Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D.D., Sanders, G. (1990). “Measuring organizational
cultures: A qualitative/quantitative study across twenty cases”. Administrative Sciences
Quarterly, 35, 286-316.
 Mischel, W. Si Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality:
Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality
structure.Psychological Review. 102: 246-268., cota
 Walsh, J.P. si Ungson, G.R. (1991). Organizational memory. Academy of Management
Review. 16: 57-91

Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 Chirică, S. (1996). Psihologie organizaţională. Modele de diagnoză şi intervenţie. Casa

de editură şi consultanţă Studiul Organizării, Cluj-Napoca. cota
 Chirică, S. (2003). Inteligenţa organizaţiilor. Rutinele şi managementul gândirii
colective. Presa Universitară Clujeanaă, Cluj-Napoca., cota
 Chirică, S., Andrei, D.M., & Ciuce, C. (2009). Aplicaţii practice ale psihologiei
organizaţionale, Editura ASCR & Cognitrom, Cluj-Napoca., cota
!!! Nota: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie opţională – SEMINAR

 Baldwin, M.W. (1999). Relational schemas. Research into social-cognitive aspects of

interpersonal experience. În D. Cervone, Y. Shoda (Eds.) The Coherence of Personality.
Social-Cognitive Bases of Consistency, Variability, and Organization. (pp. 127-154).
New-York: GuilfordPress.
 Chirică-Nemeş, S. (1993). Repression, dissociation and sensitivity to inconsequence.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XXXVIII (1-2): 79-86.,
 Chirică, S. (2000). Collective construction of the self in Romanian culture. Studia
UniversitatisBabes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLV (1): 39-52., cota
 Chirica, S. (2001). Coerenţa personalităţii în orientarea social-cognitivă: cazul
psihologiei culturale. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Psychologia-Paedagogia. XLVI
(1-2)., cota
 Galegher, J. (1990). "Intellectual teamwork and information technology: The role of
information systems in collaborative intellectual work". In: J.S. Carroll (Ed.) Applied
social psyclogy and organizational ettings, Hillsdale, New Jerey, Lawrence Erlbaum
 Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D.D., Sanders, G. (1990). “Measuring organizational
cultures: A qualitative/quantitative study across twenty cases”. Administrative Sciences
Quarterly, 35, 286-316.
 Mischel, W. Si Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory of personality:
Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions, dynamics, and invariance in personality
structure.Psychological Review. 102: 246-268., cota
 Walsh, J.P. si Ungson, G.R. (1991). Organizational memory. Academy of Management
Review. 16: 57-91


Bibliografie- CURS

 Lemeni, G., Negru, O. (2004). Planificarea carierei. În Lemeni, G şi Miclea, M. (Eds),
Consiliere şi orientare – Ghid de educaţie pentru carieră, (pp. 143-190). Editura ASCR,
Cluj-Napoca., cota
 Suport de curs pentru învățământ la distanță Consiliere școlară și orientare în carieră –
Modul 2: Perspective teoretice majore în psihologia vocaţională
 Crocetti, E., Schwartz, S.J., Fermani, A., & Meeus, W. (2010). The Utrecht-
Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS). Italian Validation and Cross-
National Comparisons. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26, 172–186.
(Curs 3)
 Lent, R. W., & Brown, S. D. (2006). On conceptualizing and assessing social cognitive
constructs in career research: a measurement guide, Journal of Career Assessment, 14,
12-35. (Curs 5)
 Whiston S. C. (2002). Application of the Principles: Career Counseling and
Interventions. The Counseling Psychologist; 30; 218-237. (Curs 7)

Notă: Din lucrările menţionate mai sus este obligatorie doar parcurgerea capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs.

Bibliografie – SEMINAR

 Stringer, K. J., & Kerpelman, J. L. (2010): Career identity development in college

students: Decision making, parental support, and work experience. Identity: An
International Journal of Theory and Research, 10, 181-200. (Seminar 2)
 Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D. (2006). On conceptualizing and assessing social cognitive
constructs in career research: a measurement guide, Journal of Career Assessment, 14,
12-35. (Seminar 3)
 Page, J., Bruch, M. A., & Haase, R. F. (2008). Role of perfectionism and five-factor
model traits in career indecision. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 811-815.
(Seminar 4) , cota
 Stevenson, L., Miclea M., Opre A. (2007). Orientarea în carieră. Bucureşti: Atelier
Didactic. (paginile 8-38) (Seminar 5), cota


Bibliografie obligatorie - CURS

 Buş, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciară. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.,

 Buş, I. (2006). Psihologie şi infracţionalitate. Vol 2. Module aplicative. Cluj-Napoca:
Editura ASCR., cota

Bibliografia opţională - CURS

 Opre, A. (2003, 2006). Introducere în teoriile personalităţii. Cluj-Napoca: Editura

ASCR., cota
 Eysenck, H, & Eysenck, M. (1999). Descifrarea comportamentului uman. Bucureşti:
Editura Teora., cota
 Dragomirescu, V.T.(1976). Psihosociologia comportamentului deviant. Bucureşti:
Ed.Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică., cota
 Păunescu, C. (1994). Agresivitatea şi condiţia umană. Bucureşti: Ed.Tehnică.

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs

Bibliografie -SEMINAR

 Buş, I. (1997). Psihologie judiciară. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.,

 Buş, I. (2006). Psihologie şi infracţionalitate. Vol 1. Module aplicative. Cluj-Napoca:
Editura ASCR., cota

!!! Notă: din lucrările menţionate mai sus, este obligatorie parcurgerea doar a capitolelor
aferente temelor predate la curs şi seminar



 Benga, O. (2009a). Trauma la copii: caracteristici dependente de dezvoltare, factori de

risc vs. rezilienţă, tipuri de psihopatologie şi criterii diagnostice. În Mighiu C.
(coordonator), Benga, O., & Muntean, D., „1, 2, 3...Paşi în reabilitarea copilului care a
suferit o traumă. Ghid pentru terapeuţi”. Iaşi: Editura Spiru Haret. (pe suport electronic)

 Benga, O. (2009b). Intervenţii validate ştiinţific asupra traumei la copii ; Modelul

intervenţiei cognitiv-comportamentale focalizate pe traumă.( Trauma-focused cognitive –
behavioral theraphy TF-CBT). În Mighiu C. (coordonator), Benga, O., & Muntean, D.,
„1, 2, 3...Paşi în reabilitarea copilului care a suferit o traumă. Ghid pentru terapeuţi”.
Iaşi: Editura Spiru Haret. (pe suport electronic)

Benga, O. & Petra, L. (2005). Social cognition and executive functioning: A

constructivist developmental approach. Cognitie, Creier, Comportament / Cognition,
Brain, Behavior, 2, 301-317., cota
Fidler, D.J. (2005). The emerging Down syndrome behavioural phenotype in early
childhood. Infants and children, 18(2), 86-103.
 Rowntree Foundation Summary, 1994, 1998,
 Yeoh, B.S.A., & Lam, T. (2006) The Costs of (Im)Mobility: Children Left Behind and
Children who Migrate with a Parent. Invited paper for ESCAP Regional Seminar on
Strengthening the Capacity of National Machineries for Gender Equality to Shape
Migration Policies and Protect Migrant Women, UNESCAP, 22-24 November 2006,
Bangkok, Thailand. Available online
 Scalabrini Migration Center (2003). Hearts apart: Migration in the eye of Filipino
 Tager-Flusberg, H. (1999). Neurodevelopmental disorders. Cambridge, Mass: MIT


Bibliografie obligatorie- CURS

 Cohen, B. (2001) Explaining psychological statistics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Bibliografie opţională – CURS

 Coolican, H. (2004) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Oxford University


Bibliografie obligatorie- SEMINAR

 MacLin, K. M. and Solso, R. L. (2010) Experimental psychology: a case approach.

Pearson Edition, Boston

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