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How to report a bug


How to report a bug

Quick recommendations:

 Be precise
 Be clear: explain how to reproduce the problem, step by step, so others can
reproduce the bug, or understand the request.
 Include only one problem per task
 Include any relevant links and examples

Before you do anything:

 Can you reproduce the issue?

 Has someone else already reported the issue?
 Have you tried fixing the issue yourself?
Sometimes it’s just a configuration issue.

You know you need to open a ticket, what’s next:

 First, gather the needed information:

 Is it reproducible?
 Do you have a specific scenario of how to reproduce the bug?
 Take a screenshot, we need to know the time of the occurrence and usually
the app will provide a message that will help to understand the problem.
 Take the log file, make sure it’s the right one.
 If there was a crush with a message from windows, take also a dump file if
How to report a bug

TFS Steps:

1. Open a New item:

2. Headline:

It is very important that the headline will be short and accurate as possible, it should
reflect the bug in the best way or the root cause if it’s known.
The headline should start with the project, for example: “Ultra:”, continue with the
version number, for example: “V4.6”, and continue with the description.

3. Tags:

Here we to include all the relevant tags, project, version, if it’s a field issue or not, if it’s
related to a specific feature have a tag for it. It’s your responsibility to know the right
tags, if you don’t please ask, the tags are important for filtering right in the TFS.

4. Repro steps:
How to report a bug

This is the section where you need to be precise and mention all the information you
have; this section should be so specified that anyone will understand exactly what
happen and how to reproduce it.

5. Reproducibility:

Yes\No- Frequency.

6. Planning:

Priority and Severity should be handled by the specification Doc on this matter.
Triage- a new ticket should remain in “Pending”, after bug triage meeting it will be
How to report a bug

7. Classification:

Initiator department- chose the right department who reported about this issue.
Initiator name- specify the name of the one who reported this issue.
Beneficiary- who will enjoy from this fix? customer? Costumer support? Application?
Press number- specify the press number whether it’s in the R&D or at a customer site.

8. Version:

Found in- the version the bug was detected in.

Fixed in- will be updated by the developer when he is moving it to ‘Resolved’.
Verified in FQA- this field should be updated in the friendly QA process.
Verified in- here you mention the build which you performed the final verification and
closed the bug.

9. Press save.

QA Task for the bug you opened:

How to report a bug

1. Copy the headline of the bug

2. In ‘Related Work’ section add a new link:

3. Add new item.

4. Link type Child

Work item type  Task
Bug *****: QA: ‘Paste the bug title’- Verification

5. Change the Assign name to you, the one who opened the bug.
How to report a bug

6. Planning:
Make sure the priority is identical to the priority of the bug

7. Effort:
(2 is an example)
Original estimate- how much time you think you will in for the validation
Remaining work- Update the time you still need
Completed work- Update the time you have already dedicated to the task.

8. Description- if you have anything to add that is related to the validation process that
wasn’t mentioned in the bug ticket and you think it can help, please add it.

9. After the process is complete, it is your responsibility to track the status of each of the
tickets you have opened and to follow the progress, always be up to date!

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