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VC):,Ul\'lE 24. No.5

GOP Carries Borough Will Gct Award iTom Elwood Takes Over Our Town....Paper's First
by Thousand Margin New Proprietor Since Civic Association Days

1~~~:::"To The Letter i CJuuup!

Closest Contest \Vas for Magis- Pbilip Li"ingstoll TuYlls Paper
i (hot'/' to Former Bala,CYllJvyd
trate: They're Smedley
and Gowland Nen's Editor
Our~ i~ a friendl~' town with a I For the first time in more than 16
COUNCILMEN - 3 NEW all its own. I hope to give yl'al's, Our 'fown is under the direc-
'this paper of yours, of ours, a /lavor tion of a new publisher. ! ---
All Rl'Jlllblican candidatl'~ carril',1 that is fittingly distinctive. With the creation of the l\!(')'ionl Efrectivc with this issue of OUR
Narlll'rth Tue~day, maintaining last A ttelldance in six churches pro- Press in 1934, the writer planned to '('01\,:"1, Thomas A. Elwood becomes itS
year'" t1lousund-yote margin. Squire e1aims our community a Christian withdraw from local newspaper work, editor and publisher. This is the first I
Joseph :\lagarity. though defeated for one. . . . In schools, in public life, devoting his time to a fast-growing! llianag-ement change in the paper
re-election, enjoyed the largest Demo- I :'-1arbcrth foil,s are displaying far printing business. Now, .with Tom since 192], and completes the separa~
eratic total-5i9, President Roosl'- 'higher than average intellect and in- Elwood's decision to return to pub- tion of the former Livingston Pub-
n1t polled i>5:l here la:'t ~'ear; but telligence. Gauged by ticket lishing, Our Town passes into the I ishing Company into three individual
after all, ,Joe wasn't running for sales at the station, by volume of busi- hands of one who will give it the units.
pre:'ident. ne~s of the numerous local trades- ]1ers.onal, :ons~ant and intimate at- j In July the News of Haht-CYlIwyd
,Judge Holland won 194:3 yotes, people, by city surveys showing rela- tentlon whIch It needs. wa~ taken over by 1\lI's. Helen G•
.Judge Knight 194]; both judges being th'e incomes in the suburbs, and b~' I took over this fascinating work Greenwood; this week Edwin L. Pax-
unoppo:,ed, in accordance with Demo- the number of residents of \Vho's during college days, and for 862 weeks son former editor of the group of
eratic policy, As a re~ult, their to- Who calibre, the town is well above I've had the responsibility of pre- pap'ers, becomes publisher of T he Main
tals w('rc the highest. Prothonot<lry ? even the swank l\lain Line lerel in senting Narberth's news to Narberth I,ill('/', in Ardmore. OUR TOWN ie
Bechtro] won ] 538 to his opponent's HON. J. WILLIAM DITTER whQ will re-eeive jrQ1lt the Harold l'uI'ning power. folks. . thereforc the sole responsibility of ill!
:3!lO; Glas:" for jury commi:,sioner. lIfontgomery County's Congl·e.~s­ D. Speakman Post, at its ba.nqllct But Narberth for years has sutfered Well done or hadly done, It has nl'W publisher.
] 55!l to his opponent's 463. lIl(lI!, who will be chief talker at Thursday, the American Legion from a sense of inferiority, which becn fun. Good luck to you, Tom. When, in 1924, Mr. Livingston pur-
Edwin P. Dold was re-elected tax th" ll,'(Irl,erth American Legion's Award giv~n the whQ thiB Continued on rage Two Philip Atlee Livingston. Ichased OUR TOWN from the Narberth
eollector. ]4flS to ~1rs. Olive S. O'Sul- annual banquet at the Narberth yoor rendered the most distin- Civic Association and began a policy
livan's 4i4. John R. HaJJ, burgess,
remain:, such, thanks to 1534 votes to
C'JI/wl/wit!! Buill/ing A rlllistiec
guished service to Narberth and
the Legion.
Conference Give Garments of g-roup publishing which eventually
included five units, Tom Elwood
Anton Emil Wohlert's 432, F. R.
Bible-Missionary Speakers Listed Needlework Guild Ingathering
I is worked on the Ncn's of Bala-Cynwycl
Gifford is still borough auditor, with while attending Penn. Last )'ear he
142:3 votes versus Harvl'~' Cook's 422. Silver at Club Juniors Rummage for Presbyterian Church Wed'Jesday. Public [,J"ited: gave up his editorship to do a special
There will be three nl'W borough Starting Sunday I Luncheon, Speaker writing job.
councilmen: Walter A. Fox, ] 529 Women's Community Hears Miss Club's Sale is Next Thlmday, :\1r. Livingston, wflOse printing busi~
votcs; Henry P. Carr, ]521; Frank A. Brenner; Health Center to Aid Braille Work. . The Second Annual Bible and MiS-I The Annual Ingathering of gar- ness has grown highly successful, is
Schrepfl'r. ]519 i-and Councilman ; sionary Conference of the Narberth Iments for the Narberth Branch of the now devoting all his tim€' to his Mer-
Bridge is Today Other Acti"ities
Clarcnce Kaeber was re-elected, 1505.
Their opponent~ polled: Kenneth L.
,Presb~'terian Church announces thl' Needlework Guild of America will ion Press,
The authentic story of silver in Last call for the Junior Club's Fall I following program for the meetings I ' th L th Ch h :\lore pages, larger circulation;
M. Pra~', 478; Charles Jenkins, 409; i ' I I I 1 I f take pace 111 e u eran urc,
America from :30,000 years B. C. may Rummage
, Sale next" Thursday. Clothes,
" that wIll be • le d at _t le clurc 1 .rom N ar berth all(I \V 00 db'1I1e avenues, 2 wider territorial eovera~e, arc the
Jesse lIam('. 404; Bruce E. Bey(·r.
383. hI' told when the expedition now work- dIshes, toy~, "whIte elephants" WIll all, Sunday, November I, through Sun- P 1\1 W d d' goal of the new publisher.
ing' in Nevada makes its report, ac- be greatly appreciated. The proceeds' day, November 14. . •.: e nes a). ,
Continued on Pa~e Five
coraing to Miss E. Alberta Brenner, are to be used in furthering Braille S I ' N' b ,. -. fl 45 A. 1\1 _ It IS hoped last year s 3,000-some
Founder is Fctcd
State School Necds Will who spoke to 100 members of the roJ' ~ct.
work the juniors' most outstanding R .un( ~ '~i .~\ ~11 ~I ~. •• iG .·t _ garments will be increased to at least
Donatiolls wl'll be gladl v e\I' an 'AI 5'11 . A' 1\.omsR, o. L ,? a,500. The need for clothing will be
be l\tlel'ion Voters' Topic; Women's Community Club of Nar- P J lI1a a, c, . . . 1. e\. eWlsl I' ' , t d
" berth, at their meeting Tuesday. called for by 1Iiss Kay Wheeler,: Spel'l'Y Chafer, D.D., President of the g~'eat, t liS comlllg W1l1 er an ev~.r~~n~
Braille Committec chairman: cal1 i Dal1as Theological Seminary, Dallas, I\\ ho IS f~rtunate enough to b,e \\ <l1l11)i
Miss Brenner traced the use of Narberth 4073-M. IT 645 P M -R . J E !\l' I_I' clothed IS asked to share IllS 01' her
silver from civilization 200,000 years , , : ,exas.. ,'" e\'. ames . a good fortune by donating two neW
B. C., through the worship of silver The Book Club s second , meetmg of' hs, of IndIa. 7.'15 P. l\1.-Rev. T' garlllen t s 0 f any k'-m d t 0 someone Iess
images in Babylon, through Queen the year was last Illght at the Com- i Stanlev Soltau, of Korea.
, B 'Id' M rs. El Iswort I1 i' Monday, .
II f 01' t una t e.
Elizabeth's time when a person mUlllty UI IIlgj Novcmher 8: 7..15 P. M.- ", ' " . ',', (T

showed his high rank by bringing his Clarke presided. Speaker was ,\l,·s. R e\.. J,e\\.'IS ."pell " '" \ CIla f el.. DD. ., aneII Ihose
'I gl\en
' ale
t dl\lded d I ammg 't I
own silver spoon to a banquet, through E. Towne, well known reviewer of , R C\.• J ames G,1aJaIl1, . I' J 1.,0
. f CI1111a.
, I 'dservlcc " cen ersI ar. 'lOSp1 I I ,a's
books. T I ' N " I . fl. <) 30 P M 1·ln( al SOCIetIes, al1l especlU )i Ol-
the pounding of crude sil\'er recep- , ; ues( a~, 0\ em )el .. _.. . '-1 ganizations which seek to alleviate
tacles from coins by the early New , ' . "
Remember the Blanket and LllIen. Re\', and Mrs. F. G. Toms. 7.-15 P. 'I"I~tre~s 111 our own t own. If vou are
England blacksmiths, through the Club! ,For IIlformatlOn call chall'lnan, l\l.-Rev. Lewis Sperrv. Chafer, D.D., one 0 f' t h e ones w h
II Inever
' Ila d
discovery of silver in America in 1869, Mrs. , , S. Hulme , Brown, , Narberth:
' and Rev. T. Stanley Soltau.
down to modern times when silver is 3838-R. . Drawlllgs WIll be made: Wednesday, Novemher 10: 3.30 P. call Narberth 2428. Two new gar-
I tl Ie p IcasuI'e 0 f IleIplllg
0 laS
' , tl'
111 'liS way
essential in surgery and in the de- weekly., Mrs. , F. Munroe Purse won , l\I -Rev " Henry" Geig'er of Tennessee '1lIIents or money t 0 b uy tl!em cons t'1-
veloping- process of movies. last lllght s. This will be a meeting for children . tutes a mem b ers h'Ip.
An exquisite silver teapot, said to , The " Hallowe'en Dance given by the 7.45 P. M.-Re\'. Lewis Sperry . Cha- D'Irectors may b' rlllg tl'lelr garlllen t s
surpass the work of Cellini, was JunIOrs at ,the Cynwyd Club Saturday fer, D.D., and Re\'. . Karl D. Hummel, lot t i Ie L u tl1eran CI lure I1 on l' ues(Iay
shown in Miss Brenner's display, as was a soCIal success. A gay , though of Central AmerIca. evenlllg.' TI1(' secre tarl('S
' WI'II lere
she told the story of Arnold, its crea- :lIIall ~row~ .breathlessly awalt?d the Thursday, November 11: 2.30 P. l\1.1 to receive them.
tor. In 1915 a wealthy man ordered Judges declslOn~ on costumes m the -Mrs Frederick Neale formerly of .
the Gorham Company to make a sen'- G'Ian d ~l' h O t " t ' '. On Wednesday there wIll be a
! ale. u come. mos China. 7.45 P. 1\1.-I{cv. LeWIS Spern' , . , DR. OSCAR JOHN SNYDER
ice of six pieces, to embody the con- Jriginal, Miss Muriel Wales ancl Ch a f el,. D . D ., an d Rev. PI11'I'Ip J . l"a~, >', : luncheon at 12.30. The publIc IS m-
'ted d " g t tt d "11 first president (1899-1907) of the
summate beauty of all ages. Arnold, Harry B~nnett, as two clothes poles; D.D., of West Africa. \I:~ 11; an~ollne ...,.es blrll,lt l °36a98e\I~, \'fl Philadelphia College of Osteopathy,
chosen to make the decoration, worked cute~t 1\lI~s Eleanor Scott as a Scot- F'd
1'1 ay,
N 2 2 P'" U'
ov. 1: .30 . ",,-mISS reservations
\1Il( Y ca 1,ar el I - '. or
, " " • _.'. and president, 1916-17, of the Ameri-
386 days to complete the first piece, tlsh laSSie; funmest, VIC Jenkllls as a Elizabeth Lindsay, of Nigeria. 7.45 P . · . can Osteopathic Association, will be
~ieri()n Branch of the League of the teapot. Then he died and the dandy of the gay 90's. The hostesses M.-Rev. Karl D. Hummel and Rev. At 2.00, the Annual Meeting will
given a testimonial dinner and dance
Women Voters meets at 3 P. M. next other pieces were never made, be- were. Miss Muriel Wales and Miss Robert H. Glover, M. D., F. R. G. S., be held. The Rev. Cletus Senft will
at the Bellevue-Stratford this Satur-
Wednesday at Mrs. John A. Lafore's cause the teapot, like a painting, Marjory Hoffman. of China. bring a devotional message and Mrs.
day. celebrating his nst birthday. A
Penn Valley Farms. Cross Route 23 could be duplicated by no one but Monday night at the home of Mrs. Sunday, November 14: 9.45 A. M.- Senft and Mrs. C. S. Wilmot will sing. thousand guests are expected, includ.
at the Percival Roberts estate and the artist himself. That is why it is Robert Conly, the Child Study Group Rev. James E. Mallis. 11 A. M.-Rev. Speaker will be Sister Anna Mell- ing three local osteopaths: his son, Dr.
follow signs marked "Penn Valley called "The Unfinished Masterpiece." were entertained by Miss Margaret James E. Mallis. 6.45 P. M.-Rev. F. ville, of the Haverford Center, 39th Joseph C. Snyder, and Drs. Wesley
Farms. " Miss Brenner traced the making of Squier, who told of her popular G. Toms. 7.45 P. M.-Rev. Karl D. and Haverford avenUe, Philadelphia
P. Dunnington and F. Munroe Purse.
Dr. LeRoy A. King-, of the Depart- a silver pitcher and showed the tools Rhythm Band for small children at- i Hummel. -a recently established work among
ment of Educat ion of the Unh'ersity used in each process. No machinery tending her music classes. I The public is cordially invited to the West Philadelphia's Negroes under
auspices of the Lutheran Church.
of Pennsylvania, member of the \Vorks
Committee, and president of the Nur-
Continued on Pa~e Five Two meetings were attended by club I attend these services. The speakers Everyone is invited. THE FIRESIDE
members this week, one being the Iare all men of international prom-
j,('lth School Board. will lead a dis- No Bandits in Mexico, supper conference Monday night at'inence. They bring a live message Mrs. A. H. Durboraw is chairman Lots of illness in town. . . . And
cussion of "School Needs in Pellllsyl- Rotarians Are Told the Junior Woman's Club of Bala- I from the world of today and from of arrangements and Mrs. W. G. parties and things.
Yania." C)'nwyd. Mrs. Spencer Smith and the living Word of God. Briner is in charge of the luncheon. In addition to the Junior Club
Mrs. Earl Wag-ncr and !\lrs. Frank :\lexieo is a safer place to live than the Misses Bunny Minick, Myrtle II 0 JU: dance in Cvnwyd, several very special
Smith will be the assisting hostes~es. the United States according to Schlipf and Lois Caldwell attended.
Charles Bowden, who spoke at the Mrs. Smith was also a guest of the Study Emotions M rs. .LflUe er ut I events took pl~ce last week-end. One,
I when Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederick Kue1>-
Acl"allCt' Ad of Bazaar Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club Philadelphia R e cor d's Publicity
Rt'sigus Mlllieres' Presidency I Dlle lieI', Jr., Narbrook Park, dined 15
Look-Read-Remember! - The date luncheon meeting Tuesday. Luncheon Thursday at the Ritz-Carl- Dr. Mary WelltlJ'orth McConaughy gucsts to celebrate their fifteent.J;l
Saturday, Dccember 4, the occasion Bowden, who was introduced by Dr. ton. Will Address Child SWdy to IJl Health. Election
wedding anniversary, Saturday. Mrs.
the Methodist Bazaar. We want you Richard Mears, chairman of the day, The board of directors will meet at Group Wednesday is MOllday David Harshaw, visiting Mr. and Mrs.
and you will want the gifts we have to declared that he never saw a bandit the home of the president, Mrs. Spen- J. A. Eichna, her daughter, in New
~c11. We will have something of in- in !\lexico, where he has spent con- cer V. Smith, Monday night, when ten Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, 208 Essex, York, returned for the occasion ... Mr.
"Those Emotions of Yours" will be
terest to everyone. Plan to come and ~idcrablc time traveling. applicants' names will be voted upon the topic of the second monthly meet- wiII soon end her longtime leadership and Mrs. William Baily Goodall, of
stu)' all day. Wl' are serving lunch The new 760-mile highway to Mex- for club membership.
ing of the Child Study Group spon- of the Mulieres of the Narberth Fire Dudley avenue, spent the week-end in
and a splendid dinner, both at a popu- ico City was praised as one of the
sored by the P. T. A., in the American Company, which she organized seven Atlantic City at the Marlborough-
lar price. (By Mrs. C. H. E.) finest highways of the world. Children, Friends' Topic Legion Room of the Community build- years ago. III for months, she is re- Blenheim ... On Saturday, Mr. and
Merion Meeting House on Mont- ing, 10.30 A. M., Wednesday. Every- signing on doctor's orders, to gain Mrs. Carleton Francis, Jr., had
gomery avenue, Narberth, will be open one interested in the guidance and needed rest. friends in for a housewarming at their
Well Babies At Child Health Center to the public 8 P. M. Sunday when Dr. training of youth is cordially invited. A full slate of officers will be elected new home on Bryn Mawr avenue,
Thomas R. Kelly, of the Department An open discussion will follow the 2 P. M. Monday in Elm Hall. Nomi- Penn Valley. The Francises formerly
Volunteer Women's Greatest Interest of Philosophy of Haverford College" talk. nating Committee is Mrs. J. E. Bur- lived in New York City ... Mr. and
will speak on "Introducing Children I Speaker is Dr. Mary Wentworth rell, chairman; Mrs. George Gilpin, Mrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton, Chestnut
to Religious Ideas." Everyone inter- McConaughy, Lecturer in Mental Hy- Mrs. Clifford Bates, Mrs. LiJl(lIe~' avenue, dined Sunday guests from
The Child Health Center of Nar- is no charity ward, but a modern serv-
ested in education of children is in- giene at Rutgers, Consultant in Men- Trotter and Mrs. William Evans. Bell Haven, on the Eastern Shore of
bel·th. What is it"! What does it do? ice given free to intelligent mothers
of the community. Babies needing vited. tal Hygiene at Mt. Holyoke, and Con- Mrs. Mueller has cmieared herself Virginia: the Messrs. Edward Stur-
It is the main project of the Wom-
sulting Psychologist for a group of to the townfolk with her patient, in- gis, Sr., Edward Sturgis, Jr., Cecil
en's Community Club of Narberth, medical attention are referred to their
eRtablished by them in 1930 and sup- own physicians, or to the Bryn I\lawr Lease Elm Hall I
Friends Schools near Philadelphia. telligent, warm-hearted work as chair- Sturgis, Leonard Sturgis and EweiJ
ported by them and the Narberth Hospital clinic if the family is on Approval to lease Elm Hall tOI She received her A.B. from Mt. lIIan of the Narberth Emergency Re- Melson; also Miss Ann V. Foley, Nar-
Board of Health. It plays a vital relief. Babies are weighed and meas- Borough Council was voted by the Hol~'oke, her Masters Degree from lief Committcc during the Depression; berth, and Miss June Rambo, Phila-
part in the health program of the ured each week, toxoids arc given Narberth Fire Company Monday at University of California, and that of and with the other Mulieres shc has delphia.
a special meeting. Option was given Doctor of Education from the Harvard prollloted the fire company's inter- Miss Betty Mills, daughter of Mr.
community. Ei~ht to fifteen children when needed, corrective work is sug-
council to buy the building-a legal, School of Education. ests, giving the annual banquet to its and Mrs. W. N. Mills, of Dudley ave-
from infancy to school age arc exam- gested and watched afterwards. Dr.
members, and serving in many other nue, is recovering from a recent ap-
ined from 2 to 4 every Wednesday D. S. Polk, pediatrician on the staff formality to protect the borough be-I
in the Center rooms behind the Fire at Bryn Mawr and Children's hospi- cause it is carrying the mortgage. I Squire in Danger affairs to raise money for the firemen pendectomy.
Following an operation at Jeffer- and the equipment of Elm Hall. Mrs. James B. Smith, of Avon road,
House. Expectant mothers are shown tals, is in charge with Miss Bessie
Legion Sings ~unday son Hospital last Friday night, Mag- She will continue as president un- has just returned from several weeks
equipment necessary for a new-born M. Drane, visiting nurse of the Bor-
baby and are taught its care. ough of Narberth, assisting. At Narberth's M. E. Church, 7.45 istrate H. C. Fritsch, 219 N. Wynne- til January, and at Monday's meeting in New York and Woodhaven, L. I.,
where she visited her sister, Mrs. E.
This is primarily a program in pre- The executive committee, which P. M., Sunday, the Glee Club of the woocl, was reported, as OUR TOWN will appoint a committee to have
F. Bedford, and South Orange, N. J.,
ventative child health, to educate meets once a month, is composed of Frankford American Legion Post will went to press, in critical condition, charge of the Christmas party for
mothers to kee;.' well babies well. This Continued on PaC. Four
sing; seats free; public invited. but with a good chanoo of recovery. the organization's members. Continued on Pace Three
OUR TOWN November 5, 1937
Page Two

"1IlO~\'{~T I Thanks ! I~ "Stella Dallas" Now at I Hallowe'en Party Success; I

A Co-o]JCmtive
, I
Edito<, OUR TUWN The Spectator !, nal'!)al~aaSrtbae'lr\ ~.,.C;IC il~unSsmtla1eshO'aHl11uitti
May Become Annual Evellt
Main Lincrs madc merry in a hig'1
Store Hours 9.30-5.30

fO,m,lded in ~ II ti, by the ,var/!crt I I The Republican Committee wishcs PU1"8c-Snatchin[J On the Train. '1' of "IIIOtl'OIIS "'1 tl1C 1101' 0'1Ial1tl" tl11'I'II- I I 'I I II I
'llile AH,H()('lOt/IJ)I, a/ld [)/lbi/shed
lI to
. .' /J""iI 7',,1/.. In IAllUeI' 111' cnol/. ,~ ,., ., , S
\\'ay a"t , aturc ay nlg- 1t at t 1C a -'
/'ll(')'(/ Pl'ir/"y "t SI/)'Il/,I'lh, p", t IlUn,I t J1l~ va ers a
t f N b
ar er th f or " ' 'ing drama, "Stclla Dallas," plaYIllg- lowe'en l\lidnig-ht Ramble at the
" , ~,_ , " . ~ "I the "plendid support g-iven at Tues- It IS ,said that there IS a crook for at Narberth for three days this week- Eg'yptiall Th, all'(', Thc cl'o\\'d, \\'hich
1111'"1:" .\, 1'.\\\"110,1, 1,.'lIt<~1' & I \~!llislil.l , ~. evcry Cll'cumstance and the fact that
AHlle l\!ul'gall Ilohel'lH, :,i(lclal ",<lltOI' chy's elcction. : , " , l'n,!. Anne Shil'll'y portrays her almost tax('cl tl1l' capacity of the
, 'S, I\'lIldows of the trams are easily avail- daughtcr, John Boles her hushand, Eg'.vlltiall Thcatn', \\'crc nearl,\' all ill:,
Office - 209 I-laver ford Ave., N anert
Telephone: Narberlh 4100
I I1

Elit('I't'rl as SI'('lllld-l'1ass Tll:ll tt'r OI'Iol)t'l'

(Signcd) Charles Y. 1I:0e, I ~__ j\ll ablc from the platforms at the Thir-' and Alan Hale her !O\'('I'. It's con-
Loui"t, y, Cockrill, .John C, Batchelor, tieth Street Station has induced the sid('r<:'e! 1\11"S
;\ll's. ElIwl Williallls, \V. D. R, Evans, lig'ht-lillg'I'I'('d g-enll'y to g-et husy in For thc
' Stanwyc k"5 Ilest role,
children'" matiIH'" at 1 p,
('O"lUIlJe, Spanish Cavaliers, royal:
pl'im'I'SSI'';, ,~·ol'gc,ollS wooe! nUlllph vil'd l
1'''1' h"n"l''; with clI\\'hoy", Charlie ;\1,,-
1112-24 CHESTNUT 5T
13 1!111 at t Ij(~ I'(l~t ()llil"> ;11 :\':\ rill' 1'1 Ii, ;\11'''' :'Iial'gal'ct GI'is\\'old, ""al'lwrth alwtlwl' dil'ection, hy' I'<'aching- in and :\1, t lH'rl"s a sp<:'cially sell'cted fea- Ca l'th~'s and most ('\'l'ry charadeI' un-
P~.. llJ:(ll'I' t lif' ..\I't flf :\lart'll :L 1S':l.
Subscription rate, $2 per yeJr in advance Itqnlblican Co III III ilt ,'I',
lifting' llll' purse \\'hich is resting- on ture,
milady's lap just as the train is about
del' the gun. PHILADELPHIA
To Tit, ll'lnlor: 1'.1 111"\',' :tlon,~', !luring- the SUlllmcr 1\londay and TUt'sday, ":'Ill'. lJodd Till' Ctl'lllllittl,(, that juclg'l'd tIl!' \\';n-
Friday. NO\'l'l1llwr 5, 1937 ;\Iay I extcnd my' than];s to all those this narrator was out of pockct near- Tak.'s the Air"-slarring !\:l'nny 11,'1'" ill lh,' llla"'1ueracll' \\'a" :t" fol-
I II t i t ' I 1,,\\',-: n,·\" and :'III'S. ,J. Samuel Stc'-
'"" JV(),'~'. ("(Il""'llor! : who h,,!pl',J nl!' on 'l'll('"day'!-and I~' $:)() !,y thl' snidl, procl'dure, as of 13 a «'I' as a sma - own el'C I'lca 1'('-
Nt ~~ ,,~ '",,"g'latulation:- to my' opponentl coursc he had to Illake g-ood what. the pair man who h"COllll"; a sl'nsation on "hl'n"on, i\1I', and 1\lrs, Evan Hussdl,
(;o\"l'litlr F,II'!" llllll,'el ,l!lolll1'l' 0 LIVE S O ' S ULLIVAK.
TARK tlll'''f tCll)l, froll1 Ilis' lall','~, and, frolll a r,lllio program, turns inventor-and :'Ill', allcll\lrs, J, 0, Boylan, 1\II'S, 1l"I"ll
\\'II"tl \\','J.,' s,'lid h~' thl' tl'aillmen wh"n "Ul'kl'J'-bait. It's Clal'l'nee B, K<'1-
, I (;""I'III'.'O'HI and :'II iss \-iJ'g'inia I1il-
of Iii" t'i'~' OIIl'S ill 11i1\'lli~' 1111' "'1111- To Ont Tm\,:-;: l' the incidcnt OCCUlTed, it woulrl ap- ~ Jane!'" amusing story. Alicl' Brady, dl'eth, The prizc's \\'CI'C' a\\':lrdl,t1 tot
Syl\i1l1iil !'tilily t 'olllllli""jc,n III,dl'I', It is Ill\' (\esiJ'l' to thank the citi- pc'ar this husinl'ss of snitching' thJ'oug-h GCJ'trude Michael and .IanI' \YYlilan till' Illtl.~t original liW!I', c!J'l'""c'c! :1.'
fhl' 1'llil".I,'I,dli,\ j':I""!l'il' ('ollqlall.\'! ZC')lS "f ~al'l)('l'th for tl1l'ir votl' n'- till' cal' \\'indow" wa" quitc a reg-ular 1ll'lp make the show a hit, Boob l\ld\utt, and the mo"t oJ'ig'ill:d
'I. ' , 'tl oOice of Tax Col- oecUl'l'enCI'. "Borneo," the la"t anci hest picturc girl, who camc as Cintlel'ella.
to r,'elll"" il"; ral,'.". I'lr"I'li\'(~ .ill"! 'I alnlng' nH' In H' The Police D e l1artlllent of the P, of :'Ilal'tin Johnson's, cOllles \Vedncs- U nl' I c J'',zJ'a apPl'arec I'III pcrson anI I
bl'lor,' ll\l'~day s l'I'I·llt111.
, ".' ' ,'\ .. cctor, I'I!' 1 t' I d tl
I lC,'Sl'i The foldcJ' spa, nsored bY,the Dcmo- R, R" howc\'er, claillls that is vcry day for 0:arberth's award night. End- ,IC a unny acro la IC I ance an le
'llfl'("llll'llt, 1IIIt \\'(lllll'll l'I'llel's slloulll l'I1g tIle \veel" SOllJ'a Ilenl'e ,'lnd Ty'- hill billy band played some lively
I I \\'a" mal Iel I t 0 pac I1 l
I I""!.:' ";l'rll'''I·cl':ltic paJ'l~', \\'lICl
I J'esic!,'nt, ('an he answered. honestlv an,1 be malh~ a\\'al'e that there is always rOlle Power will g-ive three days' su-
wlttl Ila\'" OI,sl'n'I'c I tit' . . -
' 'II t UIH'" on t1wir "tootcrs." Twcnty pie-
o f \'0 I 1llllal',\' I'l'l I Ill' t lOll"; WI rel:og'-, intl'lIigl'ntly, on each of thl' numi>errc! a prospcct of it and thcy should ~ec peJ'b t'ntertainment in "Thin Ice," eating contestants ate their way
lIizl' lliat tltis IIl'dl'r pro\,ahly at'- itcllls, Hll\\'e\'l'l', I feel that the citi-,. to it that their purses and jewelry thl'oug'h
of course g'ooey huckleberry
there was a winner,pieshut and
C()IIIIII 'I,.lll'~'.
, I'l'.(llll'tl'oll ,,'llic,1t was zcns of the hOJ'ough as a whole, I)l'- are out of harm's way, particularly
,'I ~'-
ROg"l-S Filnl at Suburban nlOuth was so filled with pie that he
'I' (11\" l'lrl' lieve that the peoplc tlH'Y clect will w!It'n thc train is at a stop. In our Soon, Has HI'lll I'll Old Duds couldn't tell his name, Robbing- for
a I 1(111 1 l I Ill' allyway, ()'." ~- \\'ork out c\'erything- possible for; case, the rog-ue first made a pass at
tri., tarill',; ill 1his :i1'I.tion l'l'I!I'e! safetv . and convenience, without in-: a rather expensive
. bracelet
I which
I f fell The most successful pictures the 'apples
Showmanwas Conway
a g-rcat made
sig-ht an
to behold,
creasing taxation. to the floor In the tuss e, ant, l'US- late \ViII Rogers made were tho~e in master of ceremonies and kept the fcs-
gl'l,,,t c'I'I'dit - 011 Philadelphia Your vote has been the answer to tratcd there, he successfully made for
such confidence. the purse, with the lady hopelessly in- which he wore old clothes. tivities lllo\'ing' at a fast pace, And
Ell,.'l !'j,"s III lsi Ill',;S llulIlag"llll'l1t, Critics point to "David Harum," at "the back of the housc," everybody
ElJWIK P, DOLD. articulate in the process, which showed

tlw guy had somc qualities which we "State Fair," "Lightnin'," "Handy, g-ot their fill of cider. The surprise
Andy" and "Judge Priest" to prove, featurc was "Charlic Chan at the
Main Lines EDITOR TO
have never been abll~ to acquire.
* * *
their points, citing that \Vill often, Olympics,"
i declared that since he felt more com-:
African dances and dances of the
Th ose w I10 Ilave h a' d t I1eI 'paI t· I e n
to realI some a f t I1C' tl lIng-s w lIC
c e ' . ,In old and well-worn togs, he.' Because of its tremendous success,
! fortable Sequin sparkle
Contlnued rrom Pal:'e One tl S ' 1 were .i could g'lve '
a smoother performance. ' it is expected the Hallowe'<:'n Mld- ,
Amcrican ncgro will be included in
thc program of the Hampton Institute y'our paper will bury-after we've reca 11 t I1e f u Inllna
set f ort I1 IIcre d urlllg' 1e prmg may, "
't' I' I
IOns w lIC 1 werc· "
. '''' .' ,
Judge Pnest, TwentICth Centurv- night Ramble will be contlllued as
' . ,
for gala nights Dance Group Tuesday at , smothered it. Pride will kill it. I,i s t'l1'1'el I I)y tl Ie Sl'II v 'InlI sacc Ila I''m e' I' ox picture, ' I
playmg next Thursday ,'\n annual cOlllmunity' evcnt.
8.30 p, 1\1. at Goodhart , Hall, Bryn' ask ' first, for pride in your paprr,·' , sa f cy t' signs w h'Ie I1 were . ' c Iu t t enng' up ,and Fnday at the Suburban -================
. , Theatre, : '" Sequincd Veil, $2.95
Mawr ColIege, auspIces of the College and for vour help in making It a I 'd d I'ttl 't Ardmore, stars AmerIca s great
Entertainment Committee. ~ource" of' pride. . ! thlC cloun1trysl e'l abn , I t,e was lid humorist in thc title role of Irvin S, _ • • • • • •IIiI• • • • • • •~
, . t aug It t 1at suc I a omma Ions w o u , ' I S ' I S I
Colorcd sequins on a veil
William II Donner Villanova has I mtend to mcrease your paper s . t' h' I Cobb s warmly amusmg story of t 1e pCCla a e falling frol11 a velvet band.
. , ' ,, . , ever come to pass In a sec IOn w IC 1' " ~ " "
iven ',_:1;"00000
, to enable thc Uni- readability,, . to please )'ou; and . ItS Clr- c I' anns t I1e capacI't y an d cu Iture 0f , Kentucky Junst. The , Judge ,sel- Women's Coats
. (of "Pennsulvania) Hospital to "culatlOn to please the advertisers , , and . th i MerlOn
e ,ower ' nelg. I1b orI d W e,
100. II ,dom dresses " up, whIch may be a Ihea- H,'gllcst qu,~lity
.. - reasonable Sequin Bolero, $5.95
create ,'I new radiological and X-ray ,I hclp ' as well, every ,org-al1lzatlOn m h i
ere t ley are, at every par a o l e : , t I f tl son why Wtll bnngs
' a world
h' of ' u- pric'e_ Garments made by Starry glitter, black, sapphire,
departmcnt " In 1£)32 Mr Donner gave' town. , , . For, obVIOusly, , ' o the w more n T sh'Ip, an d th e most a b sur d 0 f the ! malllty lsurpassing
l I h
alI IS prevIOus Workers' Aim Coop, Ass'n,
red, green, silver, or gold.
." , to found the International people who read m your paper ' of entire , welrl , I menag-e, l1cra I d 'lng tl1e roles to t 1e 1elovet c aractcr. T B H,'glltstown, N. J .
Callcel' Research Foundation . ."our , church, .vour club, your chanty startI'mg- an d extraor d'mary p r o RochelIe
- , . Hudson, " am rown, ONE DAY ONLY-
The "Birth of the Telephone" will -the more shoulders you can count nouncement t I Sequin Bag • • • • $5
wI." we Iave our c h'l I - AllIta
, LoUIse, and Stepm Fetchlt are Saturd ay, Nov_ 6
be broadcast by The Franklin Insti- on, to ' vourd wheel-and to our ' hbcom- d ren " ( an emotlOna ' I au tb urs t a f a mcluded m the cast. 10 A. M. to 9.30 P, M. Fireworks of sequins. Black,
tute over Station WCAU this Sunday, ~on~eal. T OJ a~d new nelg ~rs Illining' town in I(24) and imploring' at Dando's Store gold or silver or l11ulticolored.
a~ 8.45 P. M. 1 m, I ~n~1 \ alIey, \\ ynnewood, MerIOn the motoring public to be mindful of, 10 Main Liners on Jury Forest Avenue, Narberth
Due to a new high of 2,100,000
" mo-. wIll Jam our readers , and, perforce, tl lUt UnIque ' f ac, t iI Jurors cal1ed to serve at the sec- Auspices First Floor
tor vehiclc registrations m Pennsyl-,"become better " frIends of our b 'com- Of course, says you, tl la t' s the ond session of the November ternl ' Narberth Coopcrative Club
vania , J ' Gritlith Boardman, Secre-!! mUllIty-shopplllg
Iour usmess T owns I" lip sown b '
usmess, bu t ne \' e r -:! of county Criminal Court at N o r r l s - ' '
tary of Revenue, is urging mo~orists.~enter, attendmg our c lUrches, help- thcless these banal things impose a I town beginning December 6 includc: ~~~~;;;;;;~~~;;~;:;;~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~~:;:;:;~~~;
to order license plates on receipt of:, mg our, bal1 club, , . , And to help severe t ax on d'Ip Ioma t'IC re Ia t'lOllS, an dl Florence Beatty, 121 Upland Ter- ~ - - - - - - - -~-------.~-~- ,-~-----
application blank, to be sure of them' our neighbors, and ourselves, our ~a- is it untoward to suggest that the 1 race, Rala-Cynwyd; Mabel Bcll, 156 NARBERTH BEAUTY SHOPPE
by January 1. pCI' ,must go forward-perhaps " With
h C omnllSSlOncrs
" ' It
nllg 1 b e Int ' lu cdcto:l Union avcnue ' Bala-Cynwyd; , Helen
First Lieutenant William Coulter a, different namc, certalllly WIt a proVH, Ie t Ilelr ' own " t 'IOns, a a Calhoun Complete Hairdressing Culture
, mJunc s ' 1308 Hillside road, Wynnc- .
Elliott , Bryn Mawr, commissioned a Ilveher appearance , , and a more com- I f I
, r e s u t o t 1elr own In e Ig'ence an ' ' t ·11' d wood' ' Helen Chal1enger, 222 Lant- Specializing in Permanent Waving
P. N. G. officer by Governor Earle, plete satlsfymg- of the town s ne~ds, initiative and are they not awarc that wyn lanc, Narberth; Frederick D. Spiral, Croquignol or combination
has been placed on the U. S. War De- A great , , amount of news ' , reqUires the same" stUpld' Signs, a II I'd en t'IcaIiI Gwyer'
210 Roberts road , Ardmore; . Haircutting
partment's payroll for 63 days' an- reportmg- In and n<:,ar thiS hvely bor- and aB with the Harrisburg hallmark, i Christine W. Kerr, l\Ierion avenue,
nual driB and camp time. ough, and our townsmen have enough Monday - Tuesday. Wednesday - 3 Specials for $1
, k' arc a I so pro f use'I1l th e a d'" JOllllllg·
' Brvn Mawr', David Leas ' County Line
231 Haverford Avenue Narberth, Pa.
Junior band of the Main Line Post, hterary talent to fill each wee's t ' ,)' tl ' d 1I'IIg' to tllat 11ar- road, Rosemont; Helen Little, Bala; ~~~_~~-I')___ Narbert~~
, _ S tiE ' P t Btl' 0\\ ns lipS, lUS ,\ I . .
V. F, W. , dIrected by Vv. L. Guest "a un ay ,venmg os, u ve no rowing' , Ulli' orl1l1ty
f' w IlIC' h'IS tl1e c I' lie, f' Mary ' Newhall , Bryn Mawr , and (,ert-
and George Lewis , Monday night en- funds .
to Issue the Post; nor, at pres-
' 1 ' . 1 bane of our natlona scene.
' I i
' 1 , : rude Van Roden 207 Winding- Wav,
0 ap- ' •

tertained patients of the Veterans' l'nt, can your busllless peop e, Wit I I' h ' t b' ~ t Merion Ample Free Parking Facilities
Hospital Coatesville. their advertisements, finance that Jlroach thc lIg I Iy Iml~ol:tan su Jeci ' . New aud Bealltiflll
elephantinc job--much as thev, anc! of safety on t lC roal 111 any suc 1: ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • •~

Disaster Relief Head Tells

I, want to extend OUR TOWN'S' scope, llUcrile manner :IS ,this does not square:
And so certain economies must be with thc COlllnllssloncrs' general pro-:
Women of Red Cross Value con t 'mue d f or aw h'l
( 1) our b usmess peop e ra " J .
I e, un I :
1 11
cedure and it is hoped that sober sec-
olld thoug'ht wIll produce an order to
What the American Red Cross ac- arounc I a b I't b c tt era t IIe I p tl1e fOJ'th\\'ith rCIllO\'e what IS, ,unquestlOn- -NOW-
complishes in times of disaster like the ably an affront to the CIVIC alertness ARDMORE
paper h e Ip th em alltI you; " '
Mississippi flood was vividly dc~cribed (2) our subscription revenue and gencral informatIOn of the C~tl- "STELLA DALLAS" STARTS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, NOV. 6, FOR 5 DAYS
by Robert E, Bondy, national director , Z'IIS' of tIl" renowned Lower Menon
(even now very nice, thank you) c' ,~ wilh BARBARA STANWYCK
of Red Cross Disaster Relicf Service, is augmented by new readers and Townsillp. , .. 'l'!1. t"-JIlllt.
b It was the deceased GIlbert Chcs- and John Boles
in speaking before the Roll Call em:r;ll;t. grandee'
IUllcheon at thc Merion Cricket Club, y ,.
(:1) org-alllzatlOns anc! busmess
, t 'l·t n we think who conceived thcse
co" , entertal~t of tbe
'I illn'n sig-ns (thcv, abound year , ..
Haverford, Monday. people who g-rasp the opportu- ell ~, , III all Specially selected feature
Mrs. Francis H. Sheetz, Roll Call ,
Il1tv herehv olfl'r(,ll-to sponstlr tl .
le, l'lIld) 'IS
," somc sort of Ulllllature , for Childrw's Matinee
chairman, and Mrs. Henry C, Eal'll- , " I' 'fllt'!tl'l)11 of th" ch'lrgc of barbanslll Saturday 1 P. M.
new rcadcrs bv "harlllg' the co"t (., C'

shaw, head of Main Line nranch No, of mailing sample , copies con- w I'lIC h'IS so n Ie ti nles hurled ~
at us bv.
1, told of the need to raise $300,00 , ,
tallllng , pubhclty
their ' , to present 1"uI'
11"'!ll 11110"I'\'l'I'S
., ~ "·\S ' ,no oOwr , . pos- Monday and TUl'sc.lay
on the Main Line betwcen Arillistice alld prospectt\'L' , membcrs an d sl"bl'e l'l"!"()ll
•.' ,COllld he InlaOTlned ,., for
and Thanksgiving days, t'ustomers. ' , , I'll bc g-lad to their qUl'l'r eXlstcncc. Kenny Baker-Jane Wyman
discu"s details, TIl~: SI'~:CTATOR.
Gavel Day at Junior High A III I while we're starting- to J.{ll
,'Fiftccnth annual "Gavel Day" at places, I ask y'ou to beal' with Ille,
Lower Merion's Junior High Tucsday please: REFRIGERATORS BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST-Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 11 and 12
sa w: installed as officers: Nancy Pol- (x) Let's avoid Satevepost and all appliances Wednesday (Award at 9)
lock, president; Elmcr Savers, vice- costs until we can afford them- Sales Service as IRVIN S. COBB'S
president; Julia Wood, secretary;
Henry Neal, trcasurer.
by making OUI' contributions a"
brief as their local sig-nificance
Narberth Elec. & Radio CO.
Martin Johnson's last and
Anita Louise Tom Brown
Speakers on American citizenship
in daily life were E. E. Burling-ame,
president of the Township School
Board, and Superintendent S. E.
warrants , . . bearing in mind
that Crcation's story required
Il'ss \\'ords than this preamble of
w. G. Case "BORNEO"

Next Thurs,-Fri.-S.Jt.
mine. THIRTY DAYSI for YOll
Downs, (y) If at flrst the informality Sonja Hcnie-Tyronc Powcr
Speakers for the class rooms wen' of our writings-in I~ireside, for Not an unusual sentence. In this case it mcrely calls your
Jl\ne Cline, Marjorie Reilly, Pa- instancc, gives you pause, please "THIN ICE"
attention to the vel'y limited time in which to prepare your
tricia Albany, William Rinkenback, forgive my whimsies, as well as
doors and windows against the unwanted prowlers, Wind-
Jay Moloney, maine Rawdoll, Nallcy those of our contributors-whom
Snow and Cold.
Grey, Kjell Ingebrigtsen, May Ellen
~cDonnell, Mary Dunlap, David
I hope wiB include you.
(z) In Christian charity, we'll
Kloss, Susan Dickey, Dixon Baldridge, try to speak maliciously of no APARTMENTS Storm Sash for your windows pcrform a greater function
than the saving of fuel. They add comfort by cutting down
Mary Matthews, Lillian Smith, John one; but we're going to permit 46th and 47th Streets at Pine
Rosengarten, Robert Apt. Marion good righteous indignation at Get Into a Huddle Philadelphia, Pa. drafts.
Mattison, Kathryn Brooks, Robert wrongs to express itself, and SUBURBAN CHARM IN THE
Stader, Benito Vallo rani, Samuel I
we're going to indulge in good-
humorcd fun when we will. and decide to let Adelini's do your
Dine and entertain in our spacious
Storm Enclosures for main entrances are proving their worth.
They embrace the practical as well as the artistic, and with
Goodall and Barbara Dailey.
Sincerely yours, cleaning and tailoring. It will help Dining Rooms; play handball and up-to-date "designs," have doors that "swing."
B.. C. Head at Penn Valley Club TOM ELWOOD.
you make a better showing this
Penn VaJley Garden Club's meeting all year 'round in the beautiful Hal'e the weatherstrip before it's too cold
10.30 A. M. Monday will be at Mrs, Nicholas Finoia, popular Narberth I season. GARDEN COURT
Earl G. Wagner's, Righter's Mill road, barber, this week joincd the borough's I
Speakel': Mrs. William Kurtz Myers, weJl dressed group through the
SWIMMING POOL Shull Lumber Company
president of the Garden Club of Bala- Christmas Club of the Narberth Men's Adelizzi Bros. Opetl to the public daily
10 A. M. to 10 P. M. The Link Betwee" Forest a"d Home
Cynwyd. Topic: "Conserve the Christ- Shop. And greater cause for thanl<s- Under the direction of
his wife is recovering nicely froll1 an FURRIERS, CLEANERS, DYERS 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 6 6 2
mas Grcens." HERMAN A, RINGLER, former
An executive board meeting was operation that took place last Thurs, 102 Forest Ave. Narb. 2602 National and Middle Atlantic
Diving Champion OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M.
held Thursday at the home of the day. 228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928 Samuel Graham, !r.
president, lVII's. John A. Lafore, Penn
Valley Farms. Read the classified ads. ________..:II Residetlt Mgr. ....
November 5, 1937 OUR TOWN

Continued from PIlJr" On ...
when' ~he waf; the guef;t of her niece,
M\'~. Donald Pursing.
-And to 0111'
Towll's readers, a cordial itl')'itation to renew our pleasant business associations
The Rohert J. Naf;hs' daughter,
Nancy thrf'\\' a Hallowe'en pal"!y Iaf;t Charles G. Hewitt, tailor, cleaner and dyer Nicholas Finoia, barber shop
Ralph S. Dunne, coal and fuel oil Joseph J. Whiteside, food market
Mr. Charles E. Harnden, .Jr., study-.
Davis', "Oldest Store in Narberth" Suzanne Joret Gill, beauty salon
ing at the U. of N. C., spent tIl('
wl'ek-end with his pan,ntf;, Mr. and Durbin and Howard, real estate and insurance Shull Lumber Company, "The Link Between Forest and Home"
Mr~. Charlt·~ E. TIarnelen, of !\Tol"£,no Marios Chios, Arcadia Restaurant Chester Jones, ice
road. Max Breslow, quality market Adelizzi Brothers, tailors, cleaners, furriers
Fripnds of :\Trs. Vema R. Wood- W. H. Haws, hardware and houscfurnishings Hobson & Co., upholstering, painting, paperhanging
cock, l\IontgonH'ry avenue, who was United Shoe Repairing, Louis Evangc\o, Prop. R. Roy Kessinger, Sunshine Garage
operatpel upon at the ,JplTerson Hos-
National Bank of Narberth, complete banking facilities Harry H. Hollar, Narberth Printing Co.
pital last Thursday will be ~Iad to' i
learn that she if; rpcovering nicely. : Hartzell's Essex Kandy Kounter, candy and icc cream Patricia Eli7abeth Shop
Her daughter Louise has returneel to Narberth Electric and Radio Co., Walter G. Case Narberth Theatre
Homl Colleg:e. Gowland Brothers, real estate and insurance Narberth Men's W'ear Shop
Hal'\'e~' Cook, Jr., 500 Beechwood J. Paul Shea, pharmacist, at the station J. Milton Kent, real estate broker
has enrnlh·d at Michigan State Col- Joe Maguire, Forrest Service Station C. P. Cook, Narberth Bridge Garage
lege, in Liheral Arts.
Daniel Ely, The Pike Funk's Garage, auto repairing, gas and oil
Mr. Robprt Sigel, whose malTiage
Majestic Electric Shop, George J. Albert William Francis, Mobilgas service station (Montgomery and Meeting House Lane)
to Miss Bdty Kriehel, of lona avcnue,·
takes place tomorrow, entertained hif; Harry Hamer's Dclicatessen-lO years with you by you Hansell Brothers, oldest service station on the Pike-Narberth
!JPst man and uslwrs Monday pve-

Mrs. Albert l\1i!1er, Englewoo(l, N. '!. .I~~~~~~~=~~~~;;;;~~~~~~=~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~=~~~~~;:~~~~~==;===;============~~~~;;~I
.I., is in the I-Iabnemann Hospital,
rec()\'ering from a rpcent operat ion. Philadelphia Electric Company announces a
She is tIl(' former Bertha Re(1i fl'r,
dau.~htror of :\Tl'. and Mrs. A. PelTY
revision of its electric tariff, ordered October 19,
Redifer, Sr. 1937 by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Com-
Dick Cabl'f'v was rUf;hed last Thur,,· mission, reducing rates for electric service ..•
day from hi's home, Narberth :\11el
Wil1lbor anmups, to J elTerson Hos-' effective November 1 ... for residential use, for
pital for an emergency operation, onro retail and industrial light and power and for
of several that have distressed so
mam' of us lately. His appendix. municipal service, and withdrawing certain
His 'frif'!lC!s will he glad to know he schedules which name alternate rates for the
is recovering.
Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Purse moved
same classes of service. Comparison of the
Saturclav from Narherth Hall to Doc's. new and the old rates, stated "n rr monthly
OrneI', at 127 Elmwood avenue. His· basis. is as follows:
sister, Bplty Caldwell and her hoy,
Andy, will soon move to an apartment:
in Gl'org(' Cook's place on Woodsidl':
avenu~ I Residenlial Servic:e
1\lrs. \Vnlt('r Hunsinger's appendix 1 SUBURBAN DIVISIONS - RA TE RS
was o!wratpd on at Lancaster Gen- I
eral Hospital n'centIy, by her cousin,! NEW RATE OLD RATE
Dr. Edward Ross Proctor, who is on i
the hospital stafT. I
75c min. covers the use of the first • 10 Jew-hr. 8c per kw-hr. for any part of the first 12 kw-hr.
5c per for any part of the next 45 " 5c n n n n " n "next 43 n
;\11'. Edward \Y. Parrish is back. 3c n n , " n n n
70 •
from Georr;ia with his bride, living \
in Narberth Hall. She is the former
Miss :\Tarv• l\1annin McNeill. They II
2c n n
" n " """ " 45
n the excess over •• 100 n
" 2c" " "the excess over . .125 •
Minimum Charge-75 cents
\\'1'1'1' 1llal'l'ipd Septe1llber 11, at her I
parents'-the Rever(:'Jld and Mrs'l
Charles C. McXeills'-home in Savan-
nah, Ga. Mr. and ;\lrs. Giles Wether-
General Light and Power Service-Rale GLP
ill, Rittenhouse Square, had them as PHILADELPHIA AND SUBURBAN DIVISIONS
honor guests at dinner last Sunday.
Sixteen dinner guests were pres- i
ent for the 21-candle birthday party $1.00 per lew. of demand which includes the 1st $1.00 per kw. of demand, which includes the
of Dorothy Cabrey, given Saturday by
hpr parpnts, the J ..J. Cabreys, at the
10 hours' use of the demand first 10 hours' use of the demand
Bungalow Inn, near Jeffersonville:
Mar,iorie BOWPIl, Dorothy King, Hal'-
4%c per Jew-hr. for any part of the next 80 47'2c per kw-hr. for any part of the next 90
ript Hpuislpl', F:,lith Funk, Virginia hours' use of the demand hours' use of the demand
HplJaI'<!, Ethd Gannon, Mrs. Allen
Macool, \Villialll Schaefer, Henry
2c per kw-hr. for any part of the next 100
hours' use of the demand 27'2c per kw-hr. for the excess use
Scheafer, Jospph Zeits, Jack Jeavons,
Harry Anderson, Morgan Hanna, The demand for determining the first blocle of the rat...
Louis D,~vaJ1lJ('y and Allen Macoo!.
l%c per kw-hr. for the excess use shall be not less than one lew.
The demand for determining the first block ofth... rate
:\1 iss TIl oily K rauskop, daughter shall be not less than one lew. Quantity Discount on Charges at the Above
til!' V. O. Krauskops, Wynnedale
road, was the week-end guest of Miss
Quantity Discount on Charges at the Above Rates Rates
Peg'gy Hogan, Norristown, while her
sister, BpUy, entertained her cousin,
No discount on the first . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 No discount on the first . $10.00
Miss Virginia Chambers, of Swartll- 50/0" "any part of the next . " 40.00 5% n any part of the next . 40.00
TIl(' W. G. Brinprs, Merion avenue, 20% n "the excess over . . . . .. 50.00 200/0 " n the excess eva:- . 50.00
are entertaining' Mrs. Willard Co-
veny, of ~('\\' York. Their daughter
Elp:1I101' will have two guests here
this we('k-I'nel, onp of them her 1'00111- Industrial Lighl and Power Service
1\11'. and l\1rf;. Donald F. Torrey,
Brnokhurst avenue, spPnt the week- Capacily Chal"ges Reduced
end at a house party at Pocono Lake
Preserve celebrating the hunting' sea- Pl'imaay Disll'ibalion-Rale PD
son's opening. They have now as NEW RATE OLD RATE
thei I' gtH'st, 1\1 rs. T. Bowie Claggett, of
Prince George County, Md. 50 kws. at $2.25 50 kws. at $2.50
Mrs. Roger Lindsay, Wynnedalc 150 " n 1.30 150 " 1.30
road, and hpr hoy, Roger, are in Free-
Excess" n 1.15 Excess n n 1.15
land, Pa., the guests of her sister,
Mrs. l\1alco1Jn Hock. Later they will
spend a fortnight in Washington.
High Tension-Rale HT
Miss Vpra Bailpy, daughter of Mr. NEW RATE OLD RATE
and Ml·S. Wpsl(,y P. Bailey, Narbrook 100 kws. at $1.75 100 kws. at $2.00
Park, left Sunday for several weeks
in New York City. 100 " II 1.25 100 1.25
The Frank B. Aliens, of Allenore, 200 " n 1.10 1800 n " 1.10
Penn VaHey, have as their guest for Excess" n 1.00 Excess n n' 1.00
several weeks, Mr. Philip Silk, of
Succeeding the Raffertys at 206 There is also a reduction in electric service rates for certain municipal uses.
Iona are: TOI11 Elwood, Our Town's
editor; his 7- and 5-year-olds, Phyl-
Every residential customer of the Philadelphia Electric Corrpany can benefit by the reduction
lis and Tommy; his sister, Dorothy in the cost of electric service.
Elwood Yetter, who acted on the coast, General Light and Power customers can benefit sl1bstantially through this new reduction in elec-
directed a Litlle Theatre in Los An-,
l!P!ps, had her own Toy Theatre in
tric rates. Smaller commercial establishments and miscellaneous users now served under this
San Francisco, and was affiliated schedule will find a real reduction in the cost of beiter lighting, air-conditioning and ventilation.
cently with the Reno Little Theatre, and of operating heating and motor-driven appliances.
and her 6-year-old, Marjory.

If ~'ou have an opinion, write 01lr

Town a letter.

Officc Hours by Appointmcnt

1Jetteuu, ~S ~ ,,/cUe lUI;", Ct;,18 ~e
at Residence Office
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Dr. Wm. G. Walton
Phone: Narberth 2464
I f no answer, Narberth 2570·J
OUR TOWN November-5, 1937

High School Student I Portrait of W ynne'Wood Boy in Exhibit Merion

Mrs. W. B. Spencer, Pittsburgh,
Cleared in Auto Death and her brother, W. D. Wiggins, a

Wifliam Farmer, 17, Struck Six-

freshman at Yale, are visiting their
parents, the W. D. Wiggins', Hazel-
hurst road, this week-end.
Trade Washday
Year-Old Boy In
Miss Maureen Colgan, Buenos
Aires, attending school in New York, for
I was the guest this week of the 1\1. J.
A Lower Merion High School senior i McCruddens, Lapsley road.
was exonerated of manslauv;hter
charges in connection with the death:
The .J. S. \V. lIoltons, Linden lane,
have returned from their Chelsea
Leisure Hours
of a six-yea I'-old Merion boy by a cottage.
coroner's jury at Norristown Octoher i :'Iliss Adele Webre, daughter of the
27. All'red L. Webres, Merion road, re- Of Monday's Bargains the greatest is leisure-time for shop-
He is William Farmer, 17, son of turns Saturday after \'isiting Lt.
C. Arley Farmer, Philadelphia op- Frank i\1. Adamson, U. S. N., and ping, for social activities, for the milny things you would like
tician, who lives at 424 Woollbine, i\lrs. Adamson, her sister, in Cali-
avenue, Narberth, whose automobile' fornia, and spending a month in New to do with the hours and energy that washdays steal from you.
struek and fatally injured Harry Mc-' Orleans,
Cloud, on Old Laneaster road neal" Let us give you this Leisure with Economy and Satisfaction
:'III'S. Harry B. :\Iaxwell, Baird road,
Upland road, Bala, on September 23.;
will entertain her club at luncheon thrown m.
The dead boy was the son of 1\'11'.
and bridge :':ovember 16,
and Mrs. Harry A. McCloud, 216 Up-,
land road, Merion. His father is :\1 iss I{osalean Betz, Mrs. E. G.
employed by tliOl Philallelphia Surgi- Bdz' daughter, is dancing at the AI'- i
cal Instrument Company.
Acc,JI'ding to testimony at a pre-
liminary hearing, the McCloud boy
cadia Internationale.
i\lrs. Littleton W. Roberts, of Cher-
ry Bend, entertains at luncheon and
St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
ran off the sidewalk into the path of bridg'l' this Friday, 12 guests.
Ardmore 4400 Ardmore, Pa.
the cal'. With Farmer in the cal'
was another Lower Merion senior, Bridge Club Scores "Know where your laundry goes"
William Clipsham, 17, of 52:~ Brook-. F"iday afternoon, October 29, top,
hurst a\'enue, Narberth.
The youth!! were takin~ the Farm-·
ers' maid to the trolley at 54th and
1\11'0'. Howard D. Simpson and Mrs.
\\'alter Sawyer; second, Miss Anna V.
Foley and Mrs. C. J. Goodyear.
'*' up . . . .

~ ~ .. ...... ----:;;----- ..- .......
City Line avenue. Saturday evenin~, October 30, top,
Farmer took the boy to Bryn Mawr; . Arthur Cooney and J. H. Baker; sec-
Hospital where he died a few minutes· 'ond, :'Ill'. and Mrs. Charles A. Ham- LONG
after admittance of a fractured skull., , mer.
of ,11r. lI1/d Jl!r8. Grol'!lc 11'. .Jllcol,s. of Pel/Wi/l l, road, IV'!lnnl'- :'Ile,mlay eveningo, I\;ovember 1, top, ""'4
Well Babies at /l'ood, /cho.<1' ]lorlmil. by Rochel nll/l,'!/ Tmll//J. Maioll. /l·r/.< ('.rliibile-rl Arthur Cooney and Dr. Mark l\Ior-
Child Health Center· II'Cdlll',«/IIY
tI( Ihe Rflla-CYIlIt'],rI 11'011/1/11'.< Cillb. 'g-an; second, C. A. Hammer and Wil-
i liam Brown, ~-41'
Continued from Pal:e One GO DOWN
Mrs. C, A. Farmer, of the Narberth
Club, chairman; Mrs. W. R. Knauer.
Mrs. Samuel Littlejohn, of Sussex ESTATE NOTICE
of the club, first vice-chairman; Mr~.
Naomi L. Gable, director of thl' road, and Mrs. Lars Oscar Peterson, ";STAn·; 01" W. LEIGH DUIUrAl'.I, -- --- -- ---
Health Service of the Health and Bryn Mawr, entertained at tea Tues- late of ilorollg-h of Narberth, Monlgorn-
er';' County. deeease<l. .
Civic Association; Mrs. Roy C. Wil-' day at Mrs. Littlejohn's. At the tea Letters of administration on the above
Iiams, of the Narberth Board of · Thl' follo\\'lIlg' . book~ han been table were Miss Elizabeth A. Atkin- 1';8Ial" havhlg- been granted to the un-
H ea It I1; M rs. 'II E rnes t C. D rew ane1I,added to the Narberth ' dersig-ner!. all persons Indebted to said

Community Li- son, l\Irs. Thomas Biddle Ellis, Mrs. Estate art' re(IUeSled 10 make irnmedl-
M rs. W . N . M I S. ' t'
A st a
I t
ff of en th UsIaS 1C \'0 un eel'S 1
I I .
brary s 1el\'es slllce October 1: Harrison O'Hara, !\Iiss Gertrude At- claims,
handles the routine work each week.' N'on-Fiction: "Of All Places," b~' kinson, Mrs. John Parker Hill, Mrs. lay tl)
at~ payrncnt, and those having Je~al
to present the sallie without de- There is
Mrs. Farmer has given her time one: Patience Abbe; "For Men Only," by W. A. Battle, i\I rs. ~ orman S. Alex-
day a week throughout the year for! .\chmed Abdullah; "The House In An- ander. i\lrs. Lynwood R. Holmes, Mrs.
·171 Brookhur~t Avenue
~al'ht~rth, Pu.
No Substitute
the seven years of the Center's ex- tig'ua," by Louis Adamic; "400 Million Walter L. Black, Mrs. J. Wyman (O-II-~61
istence, and Mrs. Knauer and Mr~, Customers," by Carl Crow; "The \Vorthington, !\II's. Homer Smith, Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dre\\' ha\'e each been with it for six Enemy Within," by Henry Landau; W. A. Harris, Mrs, George Kahn, Mrs. I
years. Some of the other \'olunteers "Edge of Taos Desert," by Mabel Lu- Richard W. Wuest, Mrs. E. A. Geck-
are: Mrs. C. W. Sunderland, Mrs. C. i han; "Best Plays of 1936-37," edited IeI', Mrs. Arthur L. Otto, Mrs. William
CALL THE D? y?U thin~ of ~oal as coal, or have you come to the.
realizatIOn of Its high value as a healthful economical
satisfactory fuel for comfortable home he~ting? '
E. Starr, Mrs. W. H. Muller. AII by Burns :\Iantlc; "Strang'e Reptiles 1\1. McKay and Mrs. Georg-e Williams.
are members of the Narberth cluh. and Their Stories," by A. H. Verrill;
The report given at the executive "Panamexico," by Car\'eth Wells.
To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Doyle John-
son, Miller's lane, congratulations on
New Deal Junk Co. NEWTON COAL will convince you of this.
No matter what your experience has been you are
Highest Prices Paid For entitleJ .to complete information on getting the best
committee meeting covering the month, Fiction: "Enchanter's Nightshade," the birth of a daughter, Marian Bar-
of September includes: Number gi\'en. by Ann. Bridge; "The Rains Came," clay Johnson, October 31. 1\Irs. John-
PAPER, RAGS, IRON results In home heating. Our Heating Engineers will
glaJly help you. This service is yours for the asking.
toxoid, 6; number examined by Dr. i by LoUIS Bromfield; "The Langwor- son is the former Miss Marian Bar- and METALS GEO. B. NFW'TON COAL CO.
Polk, 73; number attending for the thy Fa:nil y ," by Elizabeth Corbett; clay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- We will call anywhere-any time
first time this year, 12; cases referred "~he "oma~1 At the Door," by War- liam K. Barclay, Haverford. at your con"enience PH(INE Quiek Deliverlea
all paris 01
to physicians, 4; cases referred to Wick Deeplng; "No Hearts To Wholesale - - Retail Ardmore 2550 10
other agenceis 2. Break," by Susan Ertz; "Marriage for D. A. R. Luncheon 15th SAM. SCHLESINGER or
and 5 u b 11:1) I
The ~orrective work of th~~ C~nt~r ~ ~ '. Rosamond," by L. P. Hauck; "Brent- D r. B '
enJamin Rush Chapter of N. Dally 7 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. Allegheny 8400
is most important. Many parents feel t \\'ood," by G. L. Hill; "Their Eyes S. D. A. R., will hold a reciprocity N. W. Cor. 56th and Vine Sts. - West 5201
they cannot afford a doctor for a child! Were Watching God," by Z. N. Hul'- luncheon November 15 in the Com-
unless he is ill, but a check-up at thelston; "Romance of Rosy Ridge," by munity Building's Legion ROOlll, at ALL eghny 0132
Center warns the mother of an" de- MacKinlay Kantor; "The Enemy 100 P M h l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~_;;;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ
~SM ~a
f t d bl 9 h & h~ a~ J 1
I tiods" bv Oliver L'r Fal'ge' "The'
"' .' . ,,' , ~ma~wiiliMffiC.Arl~Far~r, ~~==============================================~='
. l • S arp. Reservations must
corrected before the child's health is I S,out~ WlIl~ of Love, by Compton Mc- Narberth :~H7 ·k\1 1)\' Thursdav No-
Impan '.el.1 •S evera I \\ ' ee;;
k" ago D! r. ! KenZIe;

"Not For Love," by A. D. vember 11. Full 'program I . will .,
be "an- Styling a' a,
Polk noticed a squint in the eye ,of a: r.Illler; ".Tomorrow Is Ours," by L. 110uncI'd later. The \V'ws and Means It is beautiful, for
" ld '"1 d h " : R. I'eattlC; "So Great a Man" b y . ' . " " this blgger.looking,
th ree-~eal-o gil an sent ei to an I , •• " 'CommIttee's card party Monday at better.looking low.
op hth omol ' t f or gasses.
Og'IS I H er eyes,: Da\'ld PIig'l'lm; . "KlIlg
". of .the" Bush",
' 1\lrs. Farmer's was a huv;e success priced car.
will be tested at intervals at the! by W. M. Rame; VlctOl'la 4.30, by .
Center and by the time she goes to: C[!cil Roberts; "Katrina," by Sally Girl Scollt Ne\\'s
school they should be normal. Man\' 1 Salminen; "The Share Cropper," by Smooth-powerful-
positive .•• the ,ofe
cases of bad tonsils are disco\,ere;]: C. 1\1. Simon; "Miss Buncle's Book," Troop 125's captain gave more in- bra~es fOl" modern
, IDE S "R b I formation ab<lut the Cookie Sale at travel . • • giving
and referred to doctors before the:I I,y . ."b'. •Btevenson; tl T k' um in Ga-
E ' Monday's mepting. Between the usual maximum motoring
child's general health is affected. Doc- i pries, y 00 1 ar '1llgton; " \'1.' S protection.
tor Polk recently removed a large I Dodor," hy Sig-ne Toks\'ig-; "The formal opening and good night circle,
II' 'tl f I W'f "b S' 'd U d we passed tests in obser\'ation and
~tomach which was causing stana- i ':\1 1 u I e, Y Igrl n set;
tion in a five weeks' old baby and "John Cornelius," by Hugh Walpoll!; compass reading. (WITH SHOCKPIIOOP
~ach wcek that baby is check~d at' "Sumlller Moonshine," by P. G. Mary McCafferty, Scribe. STEERING)
So lofe-so comfort-
the Center. Wodehouse; "They Seek a Country," able-Io different •••
Center babies are fat and health\' by F. B. Young; "The Buried Can- Marriage Date AtlllOlmced "th. warld', Iin"'1
as a rule. The volunteers are proud delabrum," by Stefan Zweig. The marriage of Miss Marie Louise
of the three sets of twins who come Mystery Stories: "The Ace of Putnam, daughter of Mrs. Raymond AUAIOUND)
frequently. The volunteers prepare Kna\'es," by. Leslie Charteris; "The C. Carrick, of Ardmore, and Mr. Earle Larger Int.rlo,.-
lighter. brlght.r ealon
the room before two o'clock. Each Hongkong An'base Murders," by Van B. Putnam, of Chestnut Hill, to Mr. -Clnd Unl,te,,1 con·
child has his own little table to lie Wyck Mason; "The Great Insurance Thomas Raby, 3d, son of MI'. and Mrs. ItnIcllan, making
body a fettr"" 01
upon while he is stripped for weigh- Murdera," by Milton Propper. Thomas Raby, .Tr., of Gcrmantown,! ,
ing. Then he is dressed and waits Reference: "Scott's Standard Post- will take place, March 12, IB3S, in St.
his turn for consultation in the doc- age Stamp Catalogue, 1938"; "Home Martin's Church, Radnor. The Re\'.
GMnll "'. mast eff!.
tor's office. Equipment is sterilized Hook of Quotations," by B. E. Ste\'en- Richard T. GurlL'y, rector of the dent combination of
hosIJ.ital-clean. Babies with a possi- son~, _." . . . " I power, economy and
. Church, will officiate. d.p.ndability.
ble Illness are kept outside until the l,Ifb. PlttsbUlgh, by L. D. Rl1d-
doctor can examine them-no infec- win; gift of Buhl Foundation, Pitts-
tious discases are allowed in. bUl·gh. "A Plan for Lower Merion I Giving prat.etlon
against draftl, Imoke,
windlhield claudlnll,
Although the Center is financiallv Township," report of the Lower Mer- and anurlng each
Est. lS94
maintained by the club and the boar;1 ion Township Plannin~ Board. FERTILEPEAT
pOllInger individually
controlled ventilation.
of health, it works with the Health Shute's Special Peat Moss ·ON MASI'fR DE LUXE
also helps the school doctor two and With Cattle Manure
and Civic Association, which covers An unexcelled fertilizer for
a half hours daily in the N arbl'rth
the territory from Villanova to O\'er- Roses, Plants and Grass
school. 100 lb. bag , .. , , ., , $1.50
brook. Mrs. Gable made her report Special Price in Bulk
Miss Drane has a host of interest-
on the Association at the Center exe-
ing experiences. In one family she
cutive meeting. She said the Associa-
has bl'oug-ht the mother thl'ough five Peat MOBS, one bale $2.60
tion has ten visiting nurses and needs 100 Ibs. of Pulverized Cow Manure .. 2.75
preg'naneies and cared for the babies 100 Ibs. of Pulverized Sheep Manure. 2.75
cleven. The nurses are supported by
when broug-ht home from the hospital, 100 Ibs. of Bone Meal. 3.00
various funds: a patient pays any-
thing he can afford from a dollar a
at the same time helping' the mother
plan the food problem for the family White Pine ShaVings. per bale.,.... .60
A good PoUltry Litter
visit down; two insurance cOlllpanies
on the father's salary of nine dollar~, That Sweet Pine Odor
pay a fraction; proceeds from the
a week. One little girl in the same It's great to drive a Chevrolet, when you can get
Bryn Mawr Horse Show and other do- If you bUy quality
family came down with scarlet fever . Horse.Dairy-Poultry Feeds
nations help; and the Board of Health
but through Miss Drane's careful Lay-l00 Ibs Guaranteed
LaYIng Mash to make them all of Chevrolet', modern advantages at such
of the district served contributes. ' $2.35
teaching' about sterilization no one Hay.Straw-Gralns low prices and with such low operating costs.
Miss Drane's report from the As- Specialize in Choice 40 lb. Oats
else was infected.
sociation on nursing service for Sep- CHEVROLET n40TOR DIVISION.,al Molar, Sal., Cor".,a"on. DETROIT, MICHIGAN
We buy Hay and Straw
tember in Narberth and Merion CO\'- E. C. GRISWOLD G.n.r,,1 Mo'o" In"" P/an-mon,hly paym.n','o ,ul' your pu.... A G.n.r"t Malo.. Vo/u..
ers the fonowing 152 visits: Matern- Special Prices In large Quantities
is now associated with
ity, 40; pre-natal, 12; post-partulll,
17; newborn, 11; non-communicable,
88; health supervision, 21; infant, 13;
Fidelity Investment
"Fidelity Illcome Plan"
Write for "Forging Ahead"
Ass'n All Prices SUbject to Change without
New Phlla. Phone, CHEstnut HIli 5454
pre-school, 12; school, 3; other visits,
~~; miles traveled, 282. Miss Drane
1 CheS1nut Ave. Narberth 4095-J
E. L. SHUTE &. CO.
Office, Line Lexington. Pa.
214-216 Bala Avenue Phone, Cynwyd 81
Page Five
November 5, 1937 OUR TOWN

Sh-h-h! ------1 Mrs. M., we hope your prospective

Sixth Annual Homecoming Service Mentioning no names, by request- well-deserved respite from your presi-
but: dency will help in restoring your
l:ontlnuerl from Pac:-e One
is used, and the master craftsmen Jane's engagement's to be an- health and strength. . . . What Nar-
even make their own tools. She, nounced soon. . . . It's good that .J. berth duet is planning to go solo soon?
showe(1 modern copies of bowls de- n. g'ot out of his legal jam o. k. . . . . . . Too bad about the wrestling
sig-ned hy Paul Revere, who was a I Mabel's glad her children arc in their match's outsome; better take it easy,
si In'rsmith, and a COJ1~' of a cotTp(' grandmother's care. . . . The WGs' now you're married! ... \Vhy does a
llf,t us,'d today in \VindsOl' Castle anll >,!'('cial eventing last week-end was be- certain house in Narberth keep its
which was mad" in l-1!l:1, She also cause it was their wedding anniver- Venetian blinds turned up instead of
l'xplainl'd how the wllrd "Stl'ding" sary ami their birth dates, too. down?
Call1l' fl'lIm a .~~TllUp III' (;(,l'l1lall t I'ad"s-'
l111'n 11:11111'11 Estl'l'ling'. who \'.'1'1'(' usil1.~ ATTRACTIVE
!l2;; pal'b of plll'l' silwl' to 7" parts The permanent wave you receive here assures }'OU of fine
of l'llpppr to g-iv(~ their artic!l's firl11- hcalth treatlllent for your hair and is set by experts
nl'SS, hack in 1:100 in Eng-land, That
sanH' standar(1 is still used, but was
not made leg-al until Thpodore Roosl'-
216 Dudley Avenue Narberth 2324
""It passpd the National Stamp Act
th iI't Y ~'('ars ag-o,
:'III'S, E. Hlllfman, (11 thl' !\lain Linc
Branch (If tlH' HI'(1 Cross in A1'(111101'(',
anl1llune(,d that tIll' RI'd Crllss dl'in·
wou1,1 start NO\'cmlH'r 11 and outlined
the work IIf thc six branches of thc CEMETERY
ol'.l!;anizatiol1, II
:'Ill'S, Eo W, Ill,ymann, club presi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A place of beauty and charm. The satisfaction

I Church Notes
dent, presidcd, and I'CP0l't~ wpre given :-- _ Since its inception, November 6, 1932, the annual Homecoming and of lot-owners during 68 years is accentuated
by committee chairmen, Family Worship Service held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has steadily hy permanent care guaranteed by trust funds of
:'III'S, E. J. Pollock, Programs, an- g'ained in attendance, and has consistently fostered deeper interest. $550,000. Lots vary in price from $125 upward.
nounced that November 16 the hus-. , --= This year, while the Committee is striving- to have the largest attend-
bands of members will be invited to ance, they are also desirous of bringing- about renewed activity in the Belmont Ave. ncar City Line, Cynwyd
the meeting' at 8.30 in the COlJ1mu-! Holy T ..;n;ty Llltheran Church nlrious Church organizations. As one of the 3800 congregations of the
nity room, when prominent sportsmcn! Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor United Lutheran Church in America, Holy Trinity has already adopted the
will talk. Namcs of husbands at-; Miss Margaret Squier, Organist. "Whole Program of the Whole Church," and every member is urged to
tending' should be given Mrs, J. E. acquaint himself with this intensive and comprehensive program.
Sunday, November 7:
Burrell in advancc, 11.00 A. M.-Sixth Annual Rome- On next Sunday-November 7-present and former members, their
F!('It/th Ccnter Bridrl e Today 'Coming Service. Many out-of-town families, and friends, are cordially invited to worship at this Homecoming
Mrs. G. W. Orth, Projects, an- members, former members, present Service, and to make it a time for spiritual rejoicing and rededication.
nounced 25 tables have been taken members, and friends of members will -(By a member.)
for todav's luncheon and bridge at be present. The committee has
12.:10, at the home of Mrs. Robert planned the decorations, programs, PUBLICITY CONTRIBUTED CHRISTMAS BAZAAR
Nash, Nar!lPrth and Price avenues, music, and sermon to create the most TOO LATE TO EDIT:
Tickl'ts are sixty cents and proceeds, worshipful atmosphere possible. To he Held November 17 by Daugh-
will go tnward the Health Center., Everything will be at its best next
Prizps will he given., i Sunday morning in Holy Trinity. Visi- The regular monthly meeting of tcrs of the British Empire
Mrs. G. n. Suplee saId the n,:xt tors are cordially invited. Theme: the Narberth Players will be hcl(l The annual Christmas bazaar of
art Jlilgrima~e will be Tuesday, With "Sail On I" Tuesday evening', November 9, at Elm the Daughters of the British Empire,
a Fashion Show at the House of Wen- Hall. A fine evening of entertain- in aid of the Victoria Home for Aged
gel', followed by lunch at Schraffts, Fhe Pr~sbyurlan Church ment followed by refreshments has British, will be held on Wednesday,
and a visit to the Rosenbach Galler- been arranged for and it is hoped that November 17, from 2 until 10 P. M.,
ies in the afternoon. Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas- all members and their friends will at- at St. James Guild House, 2210 San-
:\Irs. .J. A. Hongler, Education,' tor. tend. som street, Philadelphia.
9.45 A. M.-Bible School.
asked those wishing to take the trip 1 A MM' W h' Ser- The various chapters belonging to
to Girard Colle~e November 26 to meet.I 1 b . R . - L ornmg ' S ors Ip. Ch f American Ed ucatlOn ' W ee k WI'II IJe the organization will have sta11 s on
h 'd f N b th Sta i mon Y ev. eWls perry a er, celebrated at the Narberth School with which will be found interesting sug-
tlOntheat s02u3tO . , slSeh e 0 a Isoarasek:c d ath S t- i D.D.,. President, Dallas Theological· a program at 2.30 P. M. Tuesday on gestions for Christmas gifts, and
club members interested in a public: elmlmAarYM' Th J ' Ch h c Horace Mann, the great proponent of delicious home-cooked food, all having First see your doctor-whatever he prescribes you
speaking' course g'lve , ' names t 0 ~I d
t h ell' d. b .M
- eD' ulllor b urc, on- mo d ern e d ucatlOn. . Th"IS IS th e cen- a distinctly British influence-p Iurn
the secretary, Mrs. William Muller.: ucte MY rCs · 'Id ~. d tennial of his election to the Massa- puddings, sausage rolls, pork pies, can be sure wiII be fiIIed here with 100 per cent
Mrs, J. S. Harris, Home Depart-' III A. .-:-: h I freM n ,s nUTr~bebry, un er chusetts State Board. Parents are etc.
u N b t 1(' supervIsIon 0 ISS I en. . , d th t' d th P f 'II b t 25 t
1'1ent, schedules 11 A . m"
11, for sewing for the R
ovem er
e d C ross, a t d 6.45 . . - Re ree
P M Th th
Ch" t'
E IIlVlte to
e mee mg an
. .
e a- A ternoon tea WI cost u
Ian n- ,rent- l' eac h er tea w h'IC h WI'II f 0 II ow.... and an mterestmg f ea t ure IS
cen s
' t l1e accuracy-as important as the medicine itself. For
I,cr home, the Sabme Apartments. , eavor Ikgroups. ev. ames . a IS, Next F 'd
1'1 ay WI
'II b e V' 't'
lSI mg D II h f
ay; fortune te er, WOOl' a mo es sum, d t
Members are to b rmg . san d WIC 'h e s . ,. Will ta . M N b h' H B' parents are mVI . 't e d t 0 see t h ' k d
e wor '
eplcts tl1e f uture. Th e d'mner In ' the sake of your family's welfare choose only that
Mrs. Joseph G urb arg, L 'Itera t ure ' bI 7.46 H P. S. - ar ert b Rsappy l' St 1- d one 111 ' c Iassrooms. -t h e evenmg,' .
costmg b ut 75 cen t s, 'IS
and InternatlOna ' I Re I at'IOns, an-I: I e our. I fermon
K y ev. . an- --- ,
entIrely t h e wor k 0 f mem b ers, woo h d prescriptionist you can trust completely.
nounced her group ,s next meetmg . 'II eyThSo tau, 0 I B'bl
WI· orca. d M' , y The S. E. . '
DIstrIct 0
f th e P aren t III I the ' d
preparatIOn an coo k'mg.
be at the home of Mrs. Harry C. Min- i C fe annua' b e ladn f I IsNslOnar and Teachers' Association will hold a

' Ph
, l' on erence WI ll e h e rom ovem- . h' F'd
dleton, Jr., 5 Shirley road, on ues-, b t 14 'th' conference 111 Lancaster t IS rI ay The interest which has been taken
day, Mrs. C. E. Starr will talk on: ~r 7 0
ea s armacy
'\h"'l 13stehrvICes every eve- afternoon and all day Saturday. Miss in Bank Night at the Egyptian Thea-
InternatIOnal , Re I '
is associate chairman, and Mrs. E. A'I
0 f w h'IC h s h: e, mng except t e

Jamison will review "Paradise," by Narberth Mdhodist Episcopal

Esther Forbes. Mrs. A. C. Muller willi Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister
A., is in charge. Sh
Frances H ays, 0 f th e N a t'IOna I P . l' . tre has promPted the management to i
extend it. Starting next week theatre
patrons, in order to be represented on
Bullock Sanderson Post will be lined Thursday, may sign an attendance
at the
Narberth 2838Q:1

be co-hostess; dessert luncheon will be Sunday, November 7: up at attention at 11 o'clock next card by attending the Thursday mat-
served. I 9,45 A. M.-Church S,chool. . Thur::;day morning, when Strawbridg'e inee or the show on Wednesday night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~
:'III'S, c. L. Wells, co-chairman of I 11.00 A. 1\1.-Monlln~ Worship. & Clothier's Main Line Store holds
Fellowship, explained that proceeds Sermon: "Our Hope for Peace." Armistice Day Services, color bearers
from the Fellowship bridge luncheons \ 6,45 P. l\L-Epw?rth Le~gue. on each side of the speaker of the oc-
go to buy flowers and cards for ill 7.45 P. M.-Evenmg Service. The casion. The simple service which is
members of the club and for Christ-I Glee Club of the Frankford Post, held at this store every Armistice
Get a Glow. • •
mas baskets for the poor. The next American Legion, will present a Sa- Day, is a beautiful tribute, and is al- from our beautiful
bridge will be November 19, at Mrs. ned Con.ce~'t. Th? sea~s ~re free and ways well attended.
W. II. Muller's, 35 Sabine avenue. the publtc IS cordially mVlted, and complete line of
Each of the eig'ht members of the Monday, November 8: Work- GOP Carries Borough ATLANTIC CANDLES
eommiltee brings a guest and all pay 8.00 P. !H.-Church School by Thousand Margin
50 cents each. I ers' Council.
Tuesday, November 9:
for dinner and parties.
Continued from Pa~e One All colors: 3 sizes.
7.45 P. \\i.-Main Line Training- Robert Collins, on both tickets for
lVomall' 5 Club Speaker School in the Wayne M. E. Church. a two-~'ear term as school director, 5c, 10c
Wpdnesday, November 10: totaled 1901 votes. For the six-year Long-lasting; a good btl}·
2.00 P. l\l.-Ladies' Aid Society term. the Republican incumbents, Dr.
; Business Meeting. Walter Steckbeck, 15:31, and Mrs. II.
I H,OO P. 1\1.-1\1 idweek Service. Read R. Rinehart, 1482, led Democrats
: John 5.
Thursday, November 11:
Harmeline Y. Rich, 368, and Ruth
Haws Nash, 478.
6,30 P. l\1.-Junior Choir Rehearsal. The only real contest was fOl' mag-
224 Haverford Ave.
8.00 P. M.-Choir Rehearsal. istrate. For all his complimentary
Democratic vote, Joe Magarity suff- :!'~================
Local Residents Appointed el'ed from the campaig'n waged for
to Campaign Committee and against Roy Gowland, whose
nomination in September put ailing
Carron Baxter, of Penarth road, Squire H. C. Fritsch out of the run-
Cynwyd, and James E, O'Connell, of ning. Roy, who is president of Nar-
Narberth, have been appointed b~' berth's Business Council, polled 1:199
: Judge Harry S. McDevitt as captains votes to Horace T. Smedley's 1,,:31;
! in the campaign to raise funds for both the Republicans were elected, to INSTRUCTION
. the Christian Brothers and LaSalle succeed Messrs. Mag'arity and Fritsch.
College, marking the seventy-fifth an- The Republican votes by districts: •••
niversary of LaSalle College. (1) Gowland 442, Smedley 49:1; (2) Private or Class Lessons
Captains and workers of 140 par- Gowland 647, Smedley 687; (3) Gow- All ages from 4 years up
ishes launched the $300,000 campaign land 310, Smedley 351.
who told the TVolI/en's Co-m-
at a meeting in the LaSalle gymna-
sium on Thursday evening.
Republicans in the borough's small-
est distriet, No.3, voted 89 per cent
III/O/ity Clllh Tuesday of "The Ro- The campaign will be conducted of their registration, Democrats ,,2 I azz in 20 Lessons
III Il/Ie" of .'iill'er," . during this month among 800,000 per cent of theirs.
, Catholics in ten counties. MARGARET SQUIER
Mrs. Cccelia Skinner Montgomery County Firemens' As- This week's 0"1( To\\':": I-!oes to
sociation representatives will be guests Studio: 305 Grayling Ave.
Services were held Monday for Mrs. HA GY-TRA CY PI'pSS with 1II0\'P IIpWS alld advprt is-
Cecilia Skinner, 69, widow of Dr. The marriage of Miss Sara Jane of the Bryn Mawr Company this Sat- Narberth 4109-J
illl-! titan last week's, l\S for other
Henry Skinner, president of the, Tracy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tIl'day, with Joseph B. Allen, Jr., as
American Entomological Society. She. Myron E. Tracy, Baird road, Merion, host president. ;;:::::::::::=============;;;! I l'1lHlIl-!l'S, do yon like O\' disl ike ~
died last Thul'sday after a week's ilI-: and Mrs. J. Milton Hagy, Jr., son of Tit I' lIIoSt concise alld intel'l'sting
ness. A resident of Flat Rock road,' IITr. and I\1rs. J. Milton Hagy, East N. Y. post eal'd o\' ldter of ('OllllIll'nt will
Penn Vallpy, she is survived by a Marshall road, Lansdowne, took place Mr. James W. Hagy was best man IH' plihlishpd herp two wl'l'ks f\'om
son, William II. Skinnel', and daugh-: 7,:10 Saturday evening in All Saint's fOI' his brother; ushers includell Mr. 1I0W, It will hI' sple('! I'd hy tlte
tel', Mrs. H, W. l\ladara, Penn Valle Y'· Church, 'Vynnewood. C. Edwin Hunter, Mr. Herbert Jones,
, Miss Jean Tracy, sister of the bride, Mr. Herbert Ogden, Mr. Carl Jones,
!'l'I'ipiPllt of tlIP AIII('ri('all (,l'g'ioll
Mr. Kenneth E. Wilson, of Dudley: was the maid of honor; bridesmaids :'Ill'. Herbert Hayes and Mr. George AWaI,d-NarIJerth's leading" citizen
avenue, who was struck by an auto-' wel'l' Miss Cary Haines, Miss Marie Garwood. of tltl' year.
mobile last Wednesday, is at his home B. Washington, Miss Nancy Hag'y, A I'eception followed. Mr. Hagy
rl'covering from a broken nose and ::;ister of the bridegroom, and Miss and his bride will reside in Lansdowne
dislocated shoulder. I Mildred McCormick, New Rochelle, after their honeymoon.
OUR TOWN November 5, 1937
Page Six

Building in T ow-nship-1'1 L~wer Mel'ion Republicans

, Sweep Offices; Aid Co. Victory
Stricken Suddenly
property of Jennie Jex. Morl(;Bgor. nnd
(10th Street nnd \Vnshington Avenue. Build·
inl~ and Lonn Association. Ren1 OWOl'f, and
to hf~ sold by
A small deposit will hold a
in gifts, until Christmas.
Buy now, here, conveniently!
Nearly $900,000 Over I :'IIontg'OIl1ery county went Republi- EOWI:-; H. BELLIS. Sheriff.
~4.I2I3I:I2TIl MI:/llllj!lS SIl()f)
Mark for 1936 Period can about 3 to 1 Tuesday. 1
'\1.1. TIIAT CEWL\I:" Lot nr Piece of
121 N. Narberth Avenue
(Open every evening)
Narberth 2772
And Lower Merions' G. O. P. not ; f~rnund with tht' Buildings nnd Improve-
1lll"'111s tht,rt'on PH-clrrl. Situalf' oD thf~ Enst
October COllstl-uction Shows 29 only swelled the county total but elect-: : <.;j'll' of Es!'H'x ..\venu(" and th(~ South side
Singlc Houses Being Built cd all townshi.p candidates by an even; I " \Vind~nr t\vl"'nuc in the Borou~h of Nar·
llf'rth. Lounty of :\1ontgoml·ry. Slal(! of
for $363,052 g'reater III a rg' 111. i : jl"lln!-\:'o'!vanin. Co~tilining in front or
Peter C. Hess, Main Line Republi-' The
i hrrildth on the sale! Es!"cx Avenue 50 ft.
can leader, seeking his fourth team ; :lnd f'xlf'nding of that width in h'n~th or
! .1r·pth Enst ..... ard hctwf'f'n lint·s pnr;'llld with
SOUTH ARDMORE LEADS as township treasurer, handily defeat-
ed Charles Lachman, Democrat, 8937
Octolwr saw Lower Merion's 1937 to 2;l!} 6. Hess carried every district,
I tIll' ~airl \\'inrlsor ..\vl·nul~ 12-; ft. BOUNDEn
liT! th" 7'orth hv \\'inclsor AvC'nue on thc
'~nllih by Lot t'~. 160 on the Eil!\t by Lot
National Bank of Narberth
builcli ng- fig-u re come closer to the mill- ' -"':0. 142 <tnd on tht' \Vf'sl bv thC' snid Essex
ion-dollar increase mark that may be his high vote being in Merion, 959 i \vl'nUt'. Being known itS ~I 19 Essex Ave- • Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
to 215, while in Pencoyd, Lachman',';: Ill"', U:-;DEH ,\:-10 SUBJECT however. to
reached before J nnual'y 1. home-and-be~t district, only ga\'C the, ""zlain Building RC'strictions. • Member of Federal Reserve System •
The IO-month total is $4,201,036, as Democrat 275 to 453 for Hess. , TIll' imlHo\'I'm('nls therC'on nr(' n:
;21~ .. storY frilrnl" find stone hous~ 14 feet
1 • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
against $3,314,693 in the same 1t'l31i Franldin P. Kromer, Cynwyd, was' (fllnl hy 42 fed deep with 21,~ -story stone
,! I
period, an increase of $886,343.
Building for the month was e s t i - '
' re-p]ected justice of the peace, winning'!
mat('cl at $.180,05D, and inc1ucled 120 from Henry Friedman, Bryn Mawr
, h rooms
;Itl·\ f ratllf'and
;:Hidition 10 ff·ct
bath on first byfloor,
and bath on second floor, 3 rooms on third
24 fcct, with
6 rooms I:~:::::::::::::::~:;:::i:iii::iiii:::ii:= - --" ._-- --

Democrat, H712 to 2523. 1100r. cC'l1ar. gl1S, electric. Springfield water.

permits, accordin~ to C. E. Rahn, su- All the Republican school dil'ee- i : hl'ating syst'·m. porch front and rear.
Sale ttl O.-ielltal Rugs • • •
perintendent of building inspection.
tors and township commissioners were' ARCHIBALD S. ADAMS S('i7.C'd nnd taken in execution as the I Sarouk 9.5 6.6 y(l75
Sing-Ie-familY dwellings ag-ain led re-elected. ! prorwrty of Irla M. Merkle. executrix of tht'
Sarouk 9.6 6.4 y(185
the totals with 29 permits for $303,- , I,ol/'el' J/(Tinn /lo/ieel/lan lOI' 1.'/ estatf' of Chilrles '1/. :\1erkl~. rJecf'ilsed.
052 aggregate. A heating system and Lower Merion and Narberth com-I' years lcllO died s/Ulden/JI in HI'!IlI 'morts~agor; nnd Ida M. Merkle. mortgagor Sarouk 3 5 $65-$75
ilud p'ul owner. and to be sold by
41 installations of oil burners ac- bined to give Earl B. Bechtel, Potts- Maw)' H().~/lifa/ Wcdn('.«/fl/l folio/!'- Chinese 2 4 $17.50-$25
for 42 permits and $26,87,1., town, Republican candidate for pro-:. 1 II / IJ ('() EDWI:" H. BELLIS Sheriff. If we do not have what you want in our stock of fine rugs,
counted thonotary, 10,431 to 2719 for Irwin I my a wart a (1('.. - e INIS I •
South Ardmore, with 26 operations (1IId lil'cd at li2 SOllth H'nl'/1('/' we can procure any sizc Oriental rug for you at 60 per cent
for $156,590, and lI1erion Square W. Kehs, . Collegeville . , Democrat. S I 1\1 a/'C1l1/.f', BI'l/1l Maw)'. ,\1.1. TII,\T CERT,\I:-: lot of Hround with
bUildings flnd improvem~nt5 thC'reon Situ- less than marked price.
(Gladwyne), with 9 permits totaling F or Jury COn1l11lSS10ner, amue ... - ............~' "I,· in the Borough of :-':arberth. Montg. Co..
$99,145, saw the most construction Glass, Whitemarsh Republican, topped - - - - - - - - - - - -----'--- - - - - - ['a, K I N G
work started. ,Joseph L. l\IcElhatton, West Consho-
Other districts reported as to per- hocken Democrat, 10,626 to 3068 in the
Classified flEGI:-::-':I:-':C at a pt. in middle line of
: lona Ave. 201.73' S. 12° 11' E. from inter-
5010 City Avenuc (tlcar Bala Avetlue) Greenwood 4078
i sf'('tion of middle lines of lana Ave. nnd
mits and estimated buildings started township-borough vote. I Advertisements \\'oorlbine Aves. Cant. in front nlon~ mid·
til,· lint' of lonn Ave. S. E.wardly 25' and
were: North Ardmore, 13, $36,627; The two unopposed candidates for i
West Ardl11orp, 7, $4,714; Bala, 4, re-eelction, ,Judg-e Harold G. Knight, I
$3,147; East Bryn Mawr, 4, $3,147; of the Common Pleas Court, and I
-will be charged only to residents
whose names appear In the tele-
phone directory or to subscribers
!'xlf'nding in dt'pth 125'.

·\I.S0 ALL THAT CERTAI~ lot in Bar·

Good Milk and
: OUdl uf ~arbl'rth County llnd State a(ore-
to OUR TOWN or the NEWS OF
West Bryn :Mawr, I, $300; Cynwyd, Judge ,J. Burnett Holland, of the 01'-
11, $29,212; General Wayne, 10, $43,- phans' Court, received a high com-I'
ISc a line
! said,
: nE.GIN~ING at pt. in middle Hne of
Cream Depends
400; Haverford, 3, $767; Merion, 1:;, plimentary vote throughout the ,Inna Ave, 226.73' S. 12° II' E. from inter-
$21,145; Pencoyd, 9, $22,505; Rose- count\'.
mont, 10, $59,750_ Fo~r Republican school directors!
I for Both Newspapers
Count tlve wordll to line
. sf'('tion of middle lines of lana and Wood-
hint' Ave. Cant. in front along lana Ave. S.
E.warelly 24.10' nnd ext. in depth S. 77°
PztJducer'=' 0'
~c.a~ TolJe MIA
on Good COWS--
were re-elected by the following vote: I -will be accepted up to Wednell- 49' W. 125'. Being known and numbereel Brookmead Golden Guernsey Milk and Cream comes to you from
J. Herbert Baltz, 8763; Dr. Joseph I day, 6 o'clock. for Frlday'll lssues. as 242 lana Ave. Pure Bred, Registered Cows-many of them Prize Winners and
W. Andprson, 8759; E. E. Ludwick,1 Record Holders-and is Guaranteed by the American Gucrnsey
'"!v S d 8834 I TOCET! IER with USe of various rands
8578; Dr. Josep I1 , . an s, . Phone: NARBERTH 4100 and awnues above mentioned. Cattle Club.
TllPir Democratic opponents re-I '
cpivpc\ the fonowing votes: i The improvements thereon are n: VOTE FOR Nearby Farms, Local Employment, and Main Line
• • ,". _ . 'J II ~' 2 - !'Itory brick and fr~m~ houge 14 feet front Prosperity by REGISTERING your Order with Brookmead, rather
""IM Dl. FledellCk J. MannIng-, ~859, At Your ServIce
highest vote given any local Dc,mo-I RI,LIABLE CAHPENT.EH. alterations &: tion 9 feet by 6 feet. with 4 rooms on first
.. . • P I Sh I t 2361' ~Il' Jobbmr;. Storm WlI1dow",.
i by 36 feet deep. WIth I.story frame oddi·

Gottlieb lIoor. 3 rooms and both on second floor,

than for more Tank Cars and Tank Trucks from distant points.
- TOMMY M4CKLIN clat,...... au , a e "
Elizabcth Hang-pI', 2453; John :\ic-I
, " S. E",slinger. 122 Conway ave. Narb. 3748-H. c,·\lar. !:as, electric. Springfield water. beat·
(tf) ing system. porch fronL I'car plastered
Golden Guernsey Pasteurized Milk 15c per quart
Dick the Dl'an will 1,,· full of Conag-hy, 252~.
,'1- DHAPERIES. Slip Covers. Veneflan gArage 10 feet by 14 feet. Golden Guernsey Inspected Raw Milk 17c per quart
marks thi~ ,\-('ek uhout th,· f"rthl';'''- i blind., Awning•. Furniture. Upholster-
Seized anci taken in execution as the
ling, Beddlngll, Rugs cleaned, repaired property of Harrison J. Kromer. Mortgagor. Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, uIced Cream"
ing game l)('twe(ln Lower :\1"1';011 al1l1 The size of both Main Line and, &nd Iltored. Challenger, 281 Montgomery and Ma ry J. Paul. Real Ov.·ner. and to be
Norristown. tomono\\' aft l'1'1l0011 at Montgomerv county vote was a sur-I avenue, Cynwyd. Phone, Cynwyd 86. sold by
.. . . Formerly with John Wanamaker. (to
Daily Deliveries to All Parts of the Main Line
Villano\"a Stadium. :\!ore glory to hi~ p1'1se. Roth partlCs worked hard but upHOLSTERI:"G and rep. Springs of
EDWI~ H. BELLIS Sheriff_
efforts to sah-e the wounds of t h(, Bltti, therp are more Republicans.
Eagll's which haYl' tUl'nl'd to "l'ar~
3-picI'c suites repaired. $10; Chair re-
Judge Theodore Rosen, who broke ~~;·el~ed. $5. Go pnywhcr.e. Call I,cwis, Pown \lon,'y $200.00
Brookmead Guernsey Dairies
.I .). . I . ..... b. Lallcaster ;","e. "ayne )-196. County, the allowing described
during- the past t\\'enty Yl'ar~ of il1- t I1l' Otll,n\'ISe )emOcratlc s ate In CARPENTER _ BU'LDEH _ Estimates ~o"ember 2, 1937 WAYNE, PA. 'Pho"e WAYNE 1121
termittl'nt rivalry hf'lw('('n the' tv,-" Philadelphia. has GO\'ernor Earle to cheerfully furnished ..Iobhlng promptly /0·11-20)
larg-c suhurhan s('hool,.
Not since 1!J18 has the Blu,' al1d thank nll~·. (If
\Vhite be('n able to tame the bl'llig'('r- tal!,pd too much.
for coun;e;
his ~ctory. N~ in~ntion- ~tended
the g-overnor Just
, way ave. Narberth 3888.
tQ Lund& Wickman, 3%
Rooms fOT R~nt
ent Bulldog- with the ('xception of 1 h" ,
All the proposed State Amendments FOR HE:"T-Hoom and hath near trans-
past two years, \\-hl'n Norristown W,,11 l(l~t e~cept the one authorizing- as- portation. Write "G" Box 30. Bala- l
by ",con's of 18 to 0 and 18 to 7. .<istance to widowed mothers and pen- i Cynwyd or phone C~'n. 3274 or Cyn. 688
. ' ;evenlng-s. (tf)
On the basis of the laws of eom))('nsa- sions to aged persons. The latter FOH HE:"T-Hoom and hath n('ar trall"- I
tion the boys from the Schuylkill are also was the only proposed amend- portation. Phone Cyn. 688 or Cyn. 327'1
still due to win, and ulllesF thl' :\!ain ment approved by 1 \' . W ('ve". or write "II." Box 30. Bala-Cvll\n·d.
1lal11 Ll11ers.
Liners plar as well as they did ag-aillst smacked, No.2-to permit a graded I 11-1 :"0. :-;a!'benh ave. Narb. 2518. (51)
orst Attl':ll't1ve funt. !'ooms. Cony. to tran~p ..

Pottstown, the visitors undouhtedly income tax. I ~nd FLOOR comf. furn. !'oom. with g-a-
rag-e. Con\'. to trnllR. G~ntlenlan pre-
will win. I

i ferr"d. Hefe!'enre~. Phone Cynwyd 186-H.

Norristown ha:'i 1I0t dr"I'1',,<1 a ,k-
eision so far. Two tie g'al11l's arl' oil
c:,:pt:l_in Gearhart I (6)
the records, ho\\'ewr, a 7 to 'j t i,' wi: h
Ha\"erford, ami a 0 to () wl'llil't wi,!!
New Duties I For Rent
'11'1 IHEE-ROO:lf APT. in Narberth. near
Captain Samuel \V. Gearhart took ,J{: H;.~":~tion.. ~,uiet tena~ts. desired.
Phoenixville. Low('r :'I!('rioll has t\\·" lIJl his ofllcial duties as superintendentl" lite .1. Box 3 . Bala-C,n\\yd. (tf)
defeats and olle til' gaJ1}(' to 1"'111<'111
bel'. Abington, n leagul' ri,·al. al·,1 or ):ower :\!el'iun Police :l\Ionday I For Sale
Williamson Trade Schoo] tOPI'I'<1 t h' ll1ornlllg. I :lIAHOGA:-;¥ dresser. chevnl glas8, and
TllP new police head was given the piano bench. Call :-;arb. 3670-R around
Bulldogs, while Easton WOIl a t:I' d(' ,
cision. Statistics fa\"or NO]'l'istoWJ1
but this Column's confidence favors
oath by Judg-e Harold G, Knight, 6 o·clock.
fll'l·sident judg-e of the Montgomery
No printing firm In this section has
the Maroon. Statistics and this ('01 County Courts and presented with
unm have met head-on mallY timl's h('- his badge of office by Colonel Erskine By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, is-
sued out of the Court of Common Picas of
grown so rapidly as The Merion Press
fore and I can't be sure hut that. Ha ins, chairman of the Police and Montgomery County, Penna.. to me di·

with a few exceptions, the f01'111er has Fin' Committees, at a brief Ceremony
rected. will be sold at Public Sale on
in the past three years. Perhaps our
had the better of the argunll'nts. But held last Friday in the Township WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER I. 1937
Building-, Ardmore.
lead on MacDuff.
~ *
at 1.00 o'c1ock, P. M.. Eastern Standord
,lui ius Zieget, president of the Time, in Court Room "A" at the Court motto has had something to do with this:
Penn State comes to Franklin Field Bourd of Commissioners, announced House, in the Borough of Norristown. said
t he first step in the police reorganiza- Count)'. the following described Real
tomorrow with Harry Harrison, one Estate:
of the sweetest ball carriers in col- tion plan and stated that additional ALL THAT CERTAIN lot with buildings
lceg ranks. Penn always has a busy dptails will be made public soon, and improvements thereon. Situate in Bar·
afternoon with the Lions from the ough of Narberth. Montg. Co.. Pa.
Nittany Hills and this year will bring, The Reading Club held its season's
no exception. Papa Penn's sword will first meeting yesterday at Mrs. Ruyal side Ave. 300 feet S. E.wardly from the N.
BEGINNI:-IG on the K E. side of Wood- Printing as you wish it to be done
sag in sorrow unless Harvey shows D. Thomas', 710 Braeburn road, Penn E.-Iy side of Narberth Ave. Cant. in front -delivered when you request it-
on Woodside Ave. S. 72 degs. 16 mins. E.
the boys the wa~' to victory again to- VaHey. Mrs. John D. Gill, Bryn 60 feet and extending in length or depth.
morrow. ' Mawr avenue, Cynwyd, gave an inter- N. E.wardly 225 feet more or less. at the price you expect to pay.
The Navy victory of last week was ~ esting talk on her trip to Europe this
neCessary, but it was not enough. Penn, summer. The club is reading and dis- UNDER AND SUBJECT to restrictiono.
must win and win and win; so here's: cussing "The Miracle of England." The improvements thereon are a:
hO } b 11 t ~ htf 11 t P ] , 21,"~ -story stone nnd plastered house, 36
a I.g 1 a a mg a 0 enn-sy -' fed front by 22 feet deep, with 2"'" ·story
va-m-a. fore Thanksgiving each year. per-I stone ond plastered addition 14 feet by 6
~ * * ,haps the thou ht in D B ' _ . d feet. with 3 rooms on first floor. 4 rooms
• " • I g r. arr s nlln Ilnd bath on second floor. 2 rooms on third
Confidentiall}' w~ re still 1(IO){lng fl)l' j~ that it would enable hundreds of floor. cellor. gos. electric li!:hts, Spring.
_ ' ' i ' -b' ..1-1 ~ b 11 f ans w h00
a sports Wl'lter W 10 can give In"l lOot a
f II . h
ow Cit er em-I
T I field woter heoting system porch front
. , .
to something besides a "goat." , pIe or Villanova to see that game and Seized and taken in execution as the
.. .. .. !also the Lower Merion-Rll.drtor game.
Dick Mattis leads his boys against i The Radnor galile with the Maroon
Haverford Junior High this afternoon' is undoubtedly the classic high school
on Pennypacker Field. Lower Mer-t football contest of Suburban Phila-
ion should win, but strange things delphia and one of the ranking games

can happen. The boys went to Harris- of the entire country when boys'
burg last week and outplayed the Edi-! games are considered. The Villanova-
son team in all departments of the i Temple rivalry has grown in impor-
game except in scoring. They lost" tance to rank as one of the outstanding
7 to 6, while they should have been college games in the East. Fans from
winning by a margin of three touch- the Main Line do not want to miss
downs. However, the eight-year reign I either of these games.
over Suburban Junior High Schools! From a pocketbook viewpoint, it
should continue tomorrow. Coach, might be advisable for the schools
Mattis has still to know what defeat i concerned to take these facts into con-
means from any Suburban Junior! sideration for the future.
High School over a period of eight!
years. i Narberth's football eleven lost, 0
Incarpor.ted NARBERTH 4100
Belmont A...e. &. Le....rlng Mill Rd.
* .. * to 6, to a strong Grays Ferry team
Dr. Robert E. Barr wants to know last Sunda~" BALA.CYNWYD, PA.
why the Lower Merion-Radnor game Montgomery Schoo) surprised Chest-
isn't played on Thanksgiving morn- nut Hill Academy Friday, winning Telephone MANayunk 0166
ing, instead of the last Saturday be- 6-0.

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