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Interpretation of Art. 17 of ICCPR by the HR Committee -- Interference when lawful:
1. Prescribed by law
a. Detailed circumstances for gov’t interference
b. Categories of persons covered
c. Procedure for gathering data
d. Limitations on duration
e. Public health or morals
f. Rights and freedoms of others

2. Legitimate aim
● General Comment 27 : legitimate aims include protection of national security,
public order, public health or morals, and rights and freedoms of others
● Prevention, suppression & investigation of acts of terrorism for purposes of Art. 17
3. Reasonable
● Not arbitrary
● Necessary & proportionate measure
4. Necessary
● To protect legitimate aim
5. Proportionality bet. aim and interference
● General Comment 27: Least intrusive measure available
6. Not incompatible with the provisions of the ICCPR
a. Should not hamper the ability to protect other rights


A. ECHR & American Convention on HR
- The right to privacy is a derogable right


- Clear provisions explaining the interference

B. African Charter on Human & People’s Rights
- no provision directly referring to right to privacy
- Protects right to privacy indirectly

- Stricter
- Must be prescribed by law but law must describe the circumstance of taking

✓ Special Investigation Techniques

✓ Surveillance & Interception of communications
○ Metadata - “mosaic theory”
○ Mass surveillance programs

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