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''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''


Part 25.

''NOW FAITH - trust - is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things !e" ho#e for,
$eing the #roof of things !e" do not see and the con%iction of their realit& faith #ercei%ing as real fact
!hat is not re%ealed to the senses". For $& faith--trust and hol& fer%our $orn of faith" the men of old
had di%ine testimon& $orne to them and o$tained a good re#ort. '& faith ( trust - !e understand that
the !orlds during the successi%e ages" !ere framed (fashioned, #ut in order, and e)ui##ed for their
intended #ur#ose) $& the !ord of *od, so that !hat !e see !as not made out of things !hich are
%isi$le.'' Heb.11:1-3 AMP.

'For He *od counts those things as though the& are $efore the& are actuall& come #ass.' Many of us
have not seeed to have gras!ed the rea"ity of the differen#e of the !rin#i!"es of$ %A&'()* +, -(*H. /
%A&'()* +, 0A(.H. %e are dire#ted to have the 0A(.H trust 10 *1D. .his eans that 2e be"ieve
soething before it ha!!ens$ 2e are to #ount things as though they 2ere +30143 they ha!!en$ / not
be"ieve it 2hen or after it ha!!ens. 0or he de#"ares the 3)D +30143 .H3 +3*())()*. )ot after.
4o 5:3 M'67. ''For !hat does the +cri#ture sa&, -A$raham $elie%ed *od, and it !as counted to
him for righteousness.- 4o 5:18 (as it has $een !ritten, -I ha%e made &ou a father of man&
nations-) --$efore *od, !hom he $elie%ed, !ho the dead li%e, and calls the things !hich do not
e/ist as though the& do e/ist.''
0aith is soething that 2or9s in reverse to our natura" thin9ing. (n our natura" 2ay of understanding
2e need to see soething before 2e be"ieve it$ faith is :uite the o!!osite. .o re#eive soething fro *od$
in the "a2 of the s!irit$ 2e need to be"ieve that 2e a"ready !ossess it before 2e have it. .he nature of *od
2hi#h is faith is in#reasing in our nature is be#ause 2e are eu"ating / !"easing *od. ''For !ithout faith
it is im#ossi$le to #lease Him'' )o2 to do this 2e are "earning to ''call the things !hich do not e/ist as
though the& do e/ist.'' .his 2as the "a2 that *od taught Abraha / be#ause of this he 2as !"easing to
*od. %e are to be no different$ in a"" s!iritua" e;er#ises. .his a!!"ies very u#h to our son-shi!.
-oething that ( a hearing tie / again is that 2e are not yet in a .hird 4ea" / 2i"" not be unti"$ ''the
com#lete and #erfect (total) comes, the incom#lete and im#erfect !ill %anish a!a& ($ecome anti)uated,
%oid, and su#erseded).'' 1Co 13:1<. AMP. .his is a to2er of +abe" #on#e!t$ - we build it & then we see it
- or ay ( a"so say a good / evi" understanding. .he 0A(.H #on#e!t is = we see it BELIEVE it before it
happens. Anything to do 2ith the .o2er of +abe" 2i"" never bring "ife$ on"y division / s!iritua" death.
+eeing is 'elie%ing, Or 'elie%ing is +eeing,

%hat 2e are aiing for is in one sense no different to 2hat Abraha 2as be"ieving for = something that in
the natural was not yet his P3403C.(1). %e are no2 at a very 2onderfu" #ru#ia" stage in our "ives
one 2hi#h 2i"" se!arate the en fro the boys. (t invo"ves 0A(.H. Are 2e going to "isten to the 2or"d"y
2ay of thin9ing> Are 2e going to heed those 2ho are ?ust 2aiting for it to ha!!en or are 2e "i9e our
forefathers going to use faith / '#ossess the land' / ''call the things !hich do not e/ist as though the&
do e/ist.,'' .here is a verse of s#ri!ture that is vast"y underestiated it says ''as man& as are led $& the
s#irit of *od the& are the sons of *od.'' .o be in the running as a - Huios - ature son of *od / not a -
teknon - iature #hi"d as in ( 6ohn 3:1. / in other referen#es. -.41)*- @ A*5<53 !"#$#&'()*)tek+-
non ,rom the base of -./012 a 3hild 4as produ3ed56 - 3hild7 daughter7 son7B 0aith ust be invo"ved in
2herever or in 2hatever 2e are being "ed / if 2e are being "ed as sons of *od$ in that rea" 2e need to be
e;er#ising our faith$ for on#e again nothing #oes in the s!iritua" 2ithout faith / *od has 'dealt to e%er&
man a measure of faith' for us to use.
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''

(n rea"ising 0aith$ 2e need to understand ho2 it o!erates. ''Faith comes through hearing, and hearing
$& the !ord of 0hrist.'' C4o.1<:18D .he first thing that 2e need to understand is that it is a free gift
shed abroad in our heartsE / it #oes by hearing the %ord$ not ne#essari"y 2ith the ear but in our s!irit or
even in a vision or a drea$ / that !ro!ting 2hen fo""o2ed 2i"" resu"t in faith. %e are to"d in 4o 5:1F.
AMP. ''For A$raham, human reason for" ho#e $eing gone, ho#ed in faith that he should $ecome the
father of man& nations, as he had $een #romised, +o num$erless" shall &our descendants $e.'' Another
2ay of !utting it 2ou"d be. ++8hen the reason for all human hope was gone 9braham hoped on in faith.++
+ons of A$raham, 0ome Out and 1oo. 2#.

(n *en 15:5-G. ''And He $rought him outside his tent into the starlight" and said, 1oo. no! to!ard
the hea%ens and count the stars--if &ou are a$le to num$er them. Then He said to him, +o shall &our
descendants $e. AHeb. 11:12.B G And he A$ram" $elie%ed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast
to) the 1ord, and He counted it to him as righteousness (right standing !ith *od).'' A4o. 5:3$ 1F-22E
*a". 3:GE 6aes 2:23.B Here *od brings Abraha out of his tent. %hy> %e #an be#oe so used to our
"iited surroundings or our inner natura" / even s!iritua" environent that our s!iritua" !er#e!tion is so
"iited. Many ties 2e need a #hange. .hree ties in y !ast "ife ( had be#oe so s!iritua""y
#o!"a#ent in y thin9ing - that I had arri:ed - / the #on#e!t that ( had in y ind ea#h tie 2as = this
is it ( began in non-Pente#osta" surroundings / to y ind there 2as no other 2ay. ( needed to #oe
out of y tent / "oo9 u! / ta9e a "oo9 at the heavens / the stars )e;t ( ?oined a 2e"" 9no2n Pente#osta"
denoination / then a thirteen year o"d boy arrested y attention to the %ord of *od as to the true
identity of Christ / that in Hi d2e"t A&& the 0H&&)3-- of the *odhead. %e dis#ussed the three
fo""o2ing verses.
Co" 2:F-1<. '67. '''e!are lest an& man s#oil &ou through #hiloso#h& and %ain deceit, after the
tradition of men, after the rudiments of the !orld, and not after 0hrist. I For in HI3 ( not them -
d!ells all the F211N4++ of the *odhead $odil& . 1< And &e are com#lete in HI3, - not them - !hich is
the H4A5 of all #rinci#alit& and #o!er6'' 1n#e again ( 2as #o!e""ed to #oe out of y tent /
2onderfu""y "oo9 u! / ( dis#overed that it 2as A&& in H(M / not .H3MJJ .here is a vast differen#eJJ
%hen 2e rea"ise that an 2as ade in the (MA*3 of *od / that he is on"y 1)3 entity 2ith three =
manifestations7 s#irit, soul 7 $od& - then 2e 2i"" rea"ise the true reve"ation of the *1DH3AD. .his
reve"ation #arries 2ith it = to some - t2o re2ards. (n seeing this fu""y 2e rea"ise 2ho Christ rea""y is$ /
ay ( a"so add that in seeing 2ho Christ rea""y is$ in this is the realisation of our true ;aberna3le identity$
for 2ho Christ is$ is 2ho 2e rea""y areJJ
%hen 2e are "oo9ing for truth it is aaKing 2here 2e 2i"" find it. 1ne a#:uaintan#e of ine 2ou"d
not be"ieve in a #ertain *ree9 trans"ation be#ause the on"y 9no2n #o!y of the origina" 2as found in a
garbage bin$ y res!onse is that if 6esus 2as born in a "o2"y anger$ that 2ou"d be about ?ust 2here (
2ou"d e;!e#t to find it. ( #are not 2here truth #oes fro$ :uite often you 2i"" find it in the re?e#ted / the
ost une;!e#ted !"a#es. -oeone has inferred that 2e #ou"d not find truth in a *nosti#$ to e this is
absurd. )ever 2rite anyone or any oveent off for if you "oo9 #"ose enough$ it is aaKing 2here you
2i"" find hidden truth. 4e#ent"y 6. Preston 3by$ 2ho ( a no2 going to #ite$ entioned that a ost
2onderfu" reve"ation regarding Christ as a +tar in the east #ae fro a heathen !ro!het.
Luote:- M%here is He that is born 'ing of the 6e2s> for 2e have seen His star in the east.N )ot the sun$
but the starJ *od hung in the heavens soething su!ernatura"$ soething ne2$ soething divine"y g"orious =
a star. And out of the 3ast$ these en 2ho had been studying the stars$ began to #onverge on 6erusa"e. And
if you thin9 there 2ere ?ust three "itt"e 2ise en there$ you need to read the story again. .here 2ere !robab"y
three hundredJ ( donOt thin9 for one oent that three "itt"e en fro Persia #ou"d have #aused su#h a
#ootion in 6erusa"e. Matthe2 says that at their a!!earan#e 9ing Herod 2as troub"ed = great"y disturbed
= and .H3 %H1&3 10 634H-A&3M %(.H H(M. .hey #ae fro every dire#tion. .hey #ae fro a"" the
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''
#ountries of the ysterious 1rient. And they said$ M%e have seen His star$ and 2eOve #oe to 2orshi! Hi.N
)o2 ho2 did they #oe to asso#iate the #oing of Christ as a 'ing 2ith a star> (f you 2ant to 9no2
2here they got it you 2i"" have to get into the gondo"a of a heathen !ro!het and go u! 2ith hi. +a#9 in the
boo9 of )ubers this heathen !ro!het 2ho had a essage fro *od said this$ M( sha"" see Hi$ but not no2:
( sha"" beho"d Hi$ but not nigh: there sha"" #oe a star out of 6a#ob$ and a s#e!tre sha"" arise out of (srae"$
and sha"" site the #orners of Moab$ and destroy a"" the #hi"dren of -hethPout of 6a#ob sha"" #oe He that
sha"" have doinionN C)u. 25:18-1ID. M( sha"" see Hi$ but not no2 Cthe 1ne of 2ho ( a s!ea9ing is not
!resent yetD: ( sha"" beho"d Hi$ but not nigh Cthis is not going to ha!!en 2ithin the foreseeab"e futureD: there
sha"" #oe a star out of 6a#obPN 1ut there in a !agan$ heathen "and there 2as given this !ro!he#y to the
*enti"es that a star 2as #oingJ .hey 2ere to 2at#h for a star$ if you !"ease. .hey had that !ro!he#y in that
area of the 2or"d. .hey 2ere "oo9ing for a star$ and 2hen they sa2 it they #onverged on 6erusa"e.-:
.ruth is to be found aong a"" oveents / ra#es in#"uding the 3ssenes$ 2ho 2e entioned re#ent"y /
ay ( a"so say that there is ore to truth than 2hat our ado!ted %estern Christian #u"ture is at !resent
es!ousing / !ro#"aiing. 1H )1J %e have a 2ay to go yet before 2e rea#h our destination.
After seeing the truth of the true identity of Christ ( sett"ed do2n 2ith this grou! for any years$ 2ent
into inistry$ *od 2as !"eased to add a nuber of !eo!"e to us$ 2e bui"t a Chur#h bui"ding then on#e again
2e be#ae #o!"a#ent$ on#e again ( 2as #o!e""ed to = 3ome out of my 3omfortable inhibiting tent the
anifestation of the sons of *od / the truth of the essage of .aberna#"es 2as ne;t brought to y attention.
( 2as on#e again #a""ed into another ove 2hi#h ea#h tie entai"ed 0A(.H.
Abraha be"ieved that he 2ou"d have a son before he ever sighted hi$ he may ha:e wished that
Ishmael 3ould be the 3hosen one but noJJ *od had s!o9en / he regarded +those things that !ere not as
though the& !ere.' %hen *od gives us a goa"$ an insight$ a vision$ a drea$ a reve"ation$ a !"an$ He
e;!e#ts us to "ay ho"d of that by faith / even though in the natura" it = is not 2e are to a#t "i9e = it is
those that are 2aiting for '!hen that !hich is #erfect is come' / are not "aying ho"d of it as though = it is
and are not a#ting as though = it is no! - 2i"" sti"" be 2aiting 2hen it #oes. Faith needs to be invo"ved.
Are 2e hearing this today> )o2 ( 2ish to be 9ind to us a"" in#"uding yse"f$ for ( 2i"" be ?udged by 2hat
( a 2riting. +ut this ( be"ieve 2i"" be the differen#e bet2een the 5 2ise / the 5 foo"ish. Faith is a
P"ease a""o2 e to #ite fro soething that Mi#hae" %ood has 2ritten.
Luote:- %hat ( have #oe to #a"" a Qrea"ised es#hato"ogyO$ 2here instead of seeing Qes#hato"ogyO as an
future event in QChrono"ogi#a" .ieOE ( no2 see it as future !roises of *odOs !ossibi"ities and !otentia"$
2aiting to be rea"ised in 0aithR.rust and Ho!e$ rather than tie !er se. = M 6 %ood -: Hn:uote.
Without Faith it is Im#ossi$le to 9lease Him.
%e are on a ?ourney of returning to the 0ather$ not a geogra!hi#a" one$ but one 2ithin ourse"ves. (n reading
an arti#"e on 0A(.H 2e #an easi"y fee" gui"ty but 2e ust reeber that our *od is our "over / a very
understanding one at that$ He 9no2s us far better than 2e #an at !resent 9no2 ourse"ves. -o our ?ourney is
returning to that 2hi#h 2e on#e had 2ithin ourse"ves. (n the !"an of *od there are any highs / "o2s. (n
reading Hosea 5:15- G:1. ''I !ill return to 3& #lace on high" until the&!ledge their offence and
feel their guilt and see. 3& face: in their affliction and distress the& !ill see., in)uire for, and re)uire 3e
earnestl&, sa&ing, 7.1 0O34 AN5 let us return to the 1ord, for He has torn so that He ma& heal us: He
has stric.en so that He ma& $ind us u#.''
(t is in the !roviden#e of *od that He uses the "o2ering / the raising to bring us to a higher !"a#e for in
the very ne;t verse 2e read$ 7.2 ''After t!o da&s He !ill re%i%e us ()uic.en us, gi%e us life): on the third
da& He !ill raise us u# that !e ma& li%e $efore Him.'' Mi#hae" %ood brings this out very ade:uate"y in his
ho!efu""y$ soon to be re"eased boo9. 'Gods Quantum Plan and Puros! "!for! an# $r!at!d thin%'
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''
.he &1%34()* of ourse"ves as sho2n in Ps. F:5-5. is very interesting. ''What is man that ;ou are
mindful of him, and the son of earth-$orn" man that ;ou care for him, 5 ;et ;ou ha%e made him $ut a
little lo!er than *od or hea%enl& $eings", and ;ou ha%e cro!ned him !ith glor& and honour.'' .he
!"an / !ur!ose of *od is beyond des#ri!tion$ the 2isdo of *od is far beyond our natura" understanding.
+e"ieve it or not a"" this is being done in our s!iritua" evo"ution = so to speak - so that 2e ight l!as!
Him& (s not$ *od good > 'For !ithout faith it is im#ossi$le to #lease Him'. %H,>
''For *od loc.s u# all together in stu$$ornness' that He should $e merciful to all. O, the de#th of the
riches 7 the !isdom 7 the .no!ledge of *od8 Ho! inscruta$le are His <udgements, 7 untracea$le His
!a&s8 For !ho .ne! the mind of the 1ord, Or, $ecame his ad%iser,'' 4o 11:32-35. C&7. Mer#ifu" to
A&&. 1h the 2onder of *od$ our *od 2ho "oves the H)&173&,.
*od is Wanting to Increase Our Faith.
.his 0A(.H ins!ired 2a"9 is the 'ingdo 2a"9 / the fruit of our faith is 6oy. .his 'ingdo is one of 6oy. (
be"ieve that if 2e through faith se"" out for *od$ that 2e 2i"" #an / 2i"" 2a"9 in #onstant 6oy. P"ease a""o2
e to #ite a fe2 te;ts.
Mat 13:55 M'67. '' Again, the .ingdom of Hea%en is li.e treasure hidden in a field, !hich !hen a
man has found it, he hides it, and for the <o& of it goes and sells all that he has, and $u&s that field.''
6oh 15:11 '' I ha%e s#o.en these things to &ou so that 3& <o& might remain in &ou and &our <o& might
$e full.''
=oh >?6>@$-AB. '' A little !hile and &ou shall not see 3e: and again a little !hile, and &ou shall see
3e, 2< Trul&, trul&, I sa& to &ou that &ou !ill !ee# and lament, $ut the !orld !ill re<oice. And &ou !ill
$e sorro!ful, $ut &our sorro! shall $e turned into <o&. ''
*a" 5:22 '''ut the fruit of the +#irit is6 lo%e, <o& , #eace, long-suffering, .indness, goodness, faith,''
3ven though 2e entioned ear"ier that 2e have any highs / "o2s$ ( a of the strong s#ri!tura" o!inion
that if 2e are so"d out #o!"ete"y to 6esus Christ 2e #an e;!erien#e <o& in / through it a"". Aen / Aen.
4nter Into the =o& of the 1ord.
( 2ou"d "i9e to suggest that the understanding of our true identity or the tree of life realised is a"" about 6oyJJ
%hy> 0or this is a#tua""y a 2onderfu" i!ortant !art of our eterna" !ur!ose$ entering into the <o& of the
1ord. 4ea"ising the tree of &ife is not ?ust a now thing$ it is an eterna" e;!erien#e. As our e;!erien#e in *od
in#reases so our (o# in#reases.
Mat 25:21 ''His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful ser%ant8 ;ou ha%e $een faithful o%er a
fe! things: I !ill ma.e &ou ruler o%er man& things. 4nter into the <o& of &our lord .'' 0or ho2 "ong> (
2ou"d "i9e to us a"" to understand if 2e have not a"ready rea"ised it$ that this is 3.34)A& (o# that 2e have
entered into$ an eterna" in#reasing ?oy. ,es it is aionion or Age-"asting$ but as 2e graduate fro one rea"
to another the ?oy is ours a"2ays / 2i"" on"y in#rease as 2e !rogress in *od. .he ?oy that 6esus 2ou"d have
2ou"d be ''<o& uns#ea.a$le 7 full of *lor&' for ''!ho, in order to reach his o!n a##ointed <o& , steadil&
endured the cross, nothing of its shame, and is no! seated at the right hand of the throne of
*od.'' Heb 12:2b Moffatt. 4eeber that 6esus Christ is the giver of 6oy. %e need a"so to reeber that
a"" of this #oes about on"y / by the *4AC3 of *od. '' for the <o& of the 1OC5 is &our strength.'' )eh
F:1<b '67.
%hat a 2onderfu" thing it is to 9no2 that our !resent e;!erien#e of 61, is an 3734 ()C43A-()* 1)3JJ
( a going to as9 ea#h of us in#"uding yse"f a :uestion. %ou"d *od do "ess for us 2ho are under gra#e
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''
than 2hat He 2ou"d do for those under the &a2> (f the ans2er is )1 then 2e have a ost 2onderfu"
!roise a2arded to us. Here it is.
3;o 15:2G. AMP. ''+a&ing, If &ou !ill diligentl& hear.en to the %oice of the 1ord &our *od and !ill do
!hat is right in His sight, and !ill listen to and o$e& His commandments and .ee# all His statutes, I !ill
#ut none of the diseases u#on &ou !hich I $rought u#on the 4g&#tians, for I am the 1ord Who heals
%e are no2 going to "oo9 at Moses era as #o!ared to the Pente#osta"$ Ho"y P"a#e or -e#ond 4ea" era.
%e read in 2 Cor. 3:I-11. ''For if the ser%ice that condemns the ministration of doom" had glor&, ho!
infinitel& more a$ounding in s#lendour and glor& must $e the ser%ice that righteous the
ministr& that #roduces and fosters righteous li%ing and right standing !ith *od"8 1< Indeed, in %ie! of
this fact, !hat once had s#lendour the glor& of the 1a! in the face of 3oses" has come to ha%e no
s#lendour at all, $ecause of the o%er!helming glor& that e/ceeds and e/cels it the glor& of the *os#el
in the face of =esus 0hrist". 11 For if that !hich !as $ut #assing and fading a!a& came !ith
s#lendour, ho! much more must that !hich remains and is #ermanent a$ide in glor& and s#lendour8''
Psa 1<3:2-5. ''and forget not one of His $enefits-- 3 Who forgi%es e%er& one of" all &our ini)uities,
Who heals each one of" all &our diseases, 5 Who redeems &our life from the #it and corru#tion, Who
$eautifies, dignifies, and cro!ns &ou !ith lo%ing-.indness and tender merc&:'' 1ur ain thee as
a"2ays is in 2riting to those 2ho are in / are !rogressing in the .A+34)AC&3 e;!erien#e. (n a re#ent
arti#"e ( sent to a friend ( ade the stateent.
''Moses 2ho *od used to bring in the &a2$ brought 2ith hi 'deli%erance from ca#ti%es 7 healing'
this ( re!eat 2as under the "a2. An interesting thing is that there is no re#ord of any2here in the +ib"e of
any si#9 (srae"ite for 55< years after the tie of Moses. .his #hanged in the tie of -o"oon 2hen he
ade tributaries 2ith a"" sorts of !agan ido"atries / so 2hat he had be#oe rubbed off onto his
#onte!oraries$ of 2hi#h one 2as Asa 2ho be#ae diseased in his feet / he be#ae severe"y i"". '' &et in
his disease he did not see. the 1ord, $ut relied on the #h&sicians.'' 2 Chron 1G:12 AMP. Ha""e"u?ah$ (
have good ne2s for a"" there is a restoration ta9ing !"a#e that 2hi#h the "o#ust has eaten is being restored.''

'A Ta$ernacles *os#el is more than a full *os#el it is the 0O3914T4 restoration of A11 THIN*+.'
4ev 11:1 AMP. '' A C445 as a measuring rod" !as then gi%en to me, sha#ed" li.e a staff, and I !as
told6 Cise u# and measure the sanctuar& of *od and the altar of incense", and num$er" those !ho
!orshi# there.'' -ee a"so. 3Ke9. 5<:3. S3CH 2:1. (n easuring the san#tuary or te!"e$ it is of #ourse
referring to ourse"ves / 2e ust reeber it is ha!!ening 2ithin us '&e are the tem#le ( san3tuary - of
*od' this is being done in a nuber of 2ays. %hat ido"s #ou"d 2e have in our te!"e> An (do" #an be a
god. A ( !utting anything before y e;!erien#e in Christ> %e read in 4ev 15:5 These are the& !hich
!ere not defiled !ith !omen- for the& are %irgins. These are the& !hich follo! the 1am$ !hithersoe%er
he goes. These !ere redeemed from among men, $eing the first-fruits unto *od and to the 1am$. Many
ties 2hen the +ib"e s!ea9s about women it is referring to gatherings7 assemblies or <hur3hes7 to be defi"ed
is to be #ontainated$ this a!!"ies to us a"" es!e#ia""y those 2ho are not estab"ished. '0ome out from among
them 7 touch not the unclean thing' ( re!eat$ this is referring to those that are as!iring to full ;aberna3le
(n easuring$ the Ange" is doing a #"earing / #"eaning u! ?ob. .his is on"y for His initiatesJ .he altar
of incense or the golden altar is dire#t"y in front or before the 3ost Hol& 9lace. .oday as in the 1"d
.estaent on"y the High Priest #an go behind the vei" into the Ho"y of Ho"ies into *ods !resen#e$ 2e need to
rea"ise that 6esus Christ 2ho is our High Priest is 2ithin ea#h / every one of us / is a any ebered High
Priest. A#tua""y to !ut it another 2ay$ ( 2i"" no2 use an e;#er!t fro Mi#hae" %oods$ 'S!.!n Da# Son Ris!'
Luote:- M(n 9no2ing this it enab"es us to "eave on#e / for a""$ the death !rodu#ing dua"ity in our
#ons#iousness / se"f iage$ / to un#over / anifest our true Christ nature. -ii"ar to the 2a"" of 6eri#ho
#oing do2n 2e rea#h a stage 2here there is no ore division in us / anyone e"se. .his a""o2s us to #oe
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''
out of dua"ity / into union / #ounion 2ith Christ. %e have no 2a""s of defen#e$ dua"ity or doub"e
indedness bet2een sou" / s!irit. %e find the g"orious oneness of eeting Hi in -!irit 2ithin ourse"ves
/ others.N-: Hn:uote.
Ma" 3:1b-3. A!. '' And the 1ord the 3essiah", Whom &ou see., !ill suddenl& come to His tem#le:
the 3essenger or Angel of the co%enant, Whom &ou desire, $ehold, He shall come, sa&s the 1ord of hosts.
2 'ut !ho can endure the da& of His coming, And !ho can stand !hen He a##ears, For He is li.e a
refiner's fire and li.e fullers' soa#: > He !ill sit as a refiner and #urifier of sil%er, and He !ill #urif&
the #riests, the sons of 1e%i, and refine them li.e gold and sil%er, that the& ma& offer to the 1ord
offerings in righteousness.'' He is "i9e a refiners fire / !urifier of si"ver. .o those 2ho have a *os!e"
that has no !ro#essing$ - a belie:e it & you are there -ospel - this verse #ertain"y te""s us a different story.
The Attitude of One +amaritan Alien, re#resents +on-shi#.
&9 18:12-1F. AMP. ''And as He !as going into one %illage, He !as met $& ten le#ers, !ho stood at a
distance. 13 And the& raised u# their %oices and called, =esus, 3aster, ta.e #it& and ha%e merc& on us8
15 And !hen He sa! them, He said to them, *o at once" and sho! &oursel%es to the #riests. And as
the& !ent, the& !ere cured and made clean. 15 Then one of them, u#on seeing that he !as cured,
turned $ac., recognising and and #raising *od !ith a loud %oice: 1G And he fell #rostrate at
=esus' feet, Him o%er and o%er". And he !as a +amaritan. 18 Then =esus as.ed, Were not
all" ten cleansed, Where are the nine, 1F Was there no one found to return and to recognise and gi%e
than.s and #raise to *od e/ce#t this alien,'' 1ne out of ten. %hat a 2onderfu" attitud!& Did this ean
that 6esus 2as finished 2ith the other nine> )oE of #ourse not$ but it does ean that he had one out of the
ten that "oved Hi$ one He #ou"d 2or9 2ith one 2ho 2ou"d "isten$ obey$ re!ent / do His bidding. Christ
is "oo9ing for the David attitud!' en / 2oan 'after His o!n heart' son-shi! ateria". +y the 2ay
on"y *od 9no2s our hearts.... He is a"so "oo9ing for *ideon ateria"$ on#e again attitud! !"ayed a !art /
in the fina" ana"ysis out of 32$<<< there 2ere on"y 3<< #hosen for the ?ob of the then son-shi!.
Pro 2:3-5. AMP. '';es, if &ou cr& out for insight and raise &our %oice for understanding, 5 If &ou see.
Wisdom" as for sil%er and search for s.ilful and godl& Wisdom as for hidden treasures, 5 Then &ou
!ill understand the re%erent and !orshi#ful fear of the 1ord and find the .no!ledge of our
omniscient" *od.'' Prov. 1:8. ;he re:erent & worshipful fear of the Lord.

(n the #ase of 6oshua / Ca"eb the statisti#s 2ere 2 out of 12 or 1RG
2ho 2ere 2anting the higher will
of *od the rest of the "eaders of (srae" a#tua""y disdained 2hat *od had revea"ed to both 6oshua / Ca"eb.
0or the "ast i""ustration ( 2ou"d "i9e us to read the fo""o2ing$

Se#h 13:F-I. AMP. ''And in all the land, sa&s the 1ord, t!o-thirds shall $e cut off and #erish, $ut
one-third shall $e left ali%e. I And I !ill $ring the third #art through the fire, and !ill refine them as
sil%er is refined and !ill test them as gold is tested. The& !ill call on 3& name, and I !ill hear and
ans!er them. I !ill sa&, It is 3& #eo#le: and the& !ill sa&, The 1ord is m& *od.''
Here it is again$ a very sii"ar verse to Ma".3:3. A testing. .his tie one third. .he third of #ourse
re!resents ;he ?ost Holy @la3e. %hen it #oes to *od's s!e#ia" !ur!oses our 2onderfu" *od is not
interested in nubers$ to sho2 that it is Hi / not the f"esh$ He is on"y interested in the fe2. )o2
soeone ay say this has nothing to do 2ith the no2. &et us then read the fo""o2ing five verses.
Se#h 15:1 '''4HO15, A da& of the 1ord is coming !hen the s#oil ta.en from &ou" shall $e di%ided
among the %ictors" in the midst of &ou.'' %e 2i"" on"y !rint$ these t2o verses. Se#h 15:5b. ''and the 1ord
m& Dechariah's" *od shall come, and all the hol& ones saints and angels" !ith Him.'' (f this is
interesting to you !"ease go on / read fro verse 1G thru to 21. 4ead a"so. Co". 3:5E 6ude 15.
4o 11:2G. C&7 ''And thus all Israel shall $e sa%ed, according as it is !ritten, Arri%ing out of Dion
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''
shall $e the Cescuer. He !ill $e turning a!a& irre%erence from =aco$.- -.41)*- @ *8G3 TUVWXYZ
asebeia as-eb'-i-ah 0ro *8G5E i!iety$ that is$ Cby i!"i#ationD 2i#9edness: - ungod"y C-"inessD.

.his arti#"e is 2ritten to ins!ire 0A(.H in those 2ho are as!iring to .aberna#"e -on-shi!.
Dan 11:32 ''$ut the #eo#le !ho .no! their *od shall #ro%e themsel%es strong and shall stand firm
and do e/#loits for *od".''
A +light lifting of the Eeil.
Many ties 2e #an be isunderstood. ( 2i"" share 2ith you a brief out"ine of a re#ent e;!erien#e that *od
has given e$ ( do so 2ith re"u#tan#e but as a brother 2ho ( 2as sharing soe of these things said you need
to 2rite about this as 2e a"" need to be en#ouraged. After the !hone #a"" ( 2as sti"" unsure but he rang ba#9 a
se#ond tie to en#ourage / #onvin#e e. )o2 2hat ( a going to say is in no 2ay e;a"ting 4a"!h 'no2"es
as this is for a"" of us. ( 2as being harassed by soe by !rint / to a"" intent / !ur!oses it seeed that those
doing so had a !oint. 1ne orning re#ent"y in y tie a"one 2ith *od$ He began to inister to e fro
the boo9 of 6ob. As ( began to read$ ( read the basis for a 2onderfu" essage / then as good as it seeed (
rea"ised it 2as not :uite true as it 2as fro one of 6obs #oforters. As ( #ontinued ( then read another
#ha!ter fro another #oforter / the sae thought 2as re!eated it 2ou"d a9e a 2onderfu" essage but it
2as not a"" true. 0riends *od began to #ofort e / sho2 e that He 2i"" never !ut the boot in / that
2hat ( had re#eived fro others even though they eant 2e"" / seeed ?ustified$ but that they 2ere 2rong
/ 2ere nothing ore than 6obs #oforters. .he s!irit of the &ord inistered to e it seeed for a "ong
!eriod / at the finish ( fe"t "i9e a ne2 !erson. A fe2 days "ater ( 2as reading fro the )... / the &ord dre2
ba#9 the #urtain of the 7ei" / sho2ed e soe of 2hat / 2ho ( tru"y AM. ( 2ant those of you 2ho are
!ressing to2ard the ar9 to hear this. %ithin ea#h / every one of us is soething that any of us have not
even reote"y began to rea"ise. ( sa2 in the s!irit that 2hen *od !u""s ba#9 that vei" that there is nothing
that 2i"" stand against 2hat is a"ready is in us 2hen revea"ed. .he best 2ay that ( #an des#ribe it is that it is
the ost @owerful Lo:e imaginable / in the -!irit ( sa2 that the ost hardened of hearts had to desist
against this ost 2onderfu" giant of di:ine lo:e that is a"ready 2ithin us they #ou"d not #oe against it as it
2as not ere 2ords but !o2er. -i#9ness$ disease$ enta" i""nesses a"" f"ed before this one this Christ 2ho is
in us / is no2 ready$ soon to be dis#"osed. )o2 -aints this is in a"" of us / is soon going to be revea"ed ()
H-. (n the !ast Pente#ost has been a"" about 2arfare$ in this e;!erien#e of .aberna#"es it is far different$ at
the oent it is the !ea#efu" 2or9 of the "ove of *od 2ithin$ preparing & 3hanging us that 2e ay be ready
for it. (t is the in the interest of *od / to ourse"ves 2ho are $ the initiates that He is #hanging us 2ithin. At
the oent y heartfe"t advi#e is to sto! being busy / a9e s!iritua" Pre!aration.
A 9hone 0all.
(n the visitation that ( had ( #ou"d not see the ending as ( rea"ised that this Po2er 2as unending. A fe2 days
"ater ( re#eived a !hone #a"" fro a "ady 2ho had been in our Chur#h asseb"y any years ago. )o2 this
2hat ( a going to say is one of the reasons that ( 2as re"u#tant to s!ea9 about this$ !"ease read on as a"" of
this re"ates ea#h of us. .his "ady has 2at#hed 2hat 2e have been through over the years$ ight ( a"so say
that she is no2 seeing .aberna#"es. -he infored e that as ( 2as !rea#hing one orning that she re#eived
a reve"ation that ( 2as going to be des!ised by en go into a "o2 !"a#e / then she sa2 e transfigured.
)o2 ( did not say this y friend did. ( 2as s"ight"y troub"ed after the #onversation / sat do2n to editate
on this / to see 2hat #"out this had in the %ord / as ( began to editate ( sa2 = that as younger brothers of
Aesus <hrist - that there 2as u#h vindi#ation fro the %ord. ( have a"2ays been one that if *od is
sho2ing e soething that it is good to have .H433 %(.)3--3-. ( had a"ready had t2o.$$$ A##identa""y$
as I thought ( #ae a#ross an o"d arti#"e on y #o!uter by +i"" +ritton = one of our great forerunners - it
2as very untidy / 2hoever had #o!ied it had ade :uite a ess of it 2ith the "ay out / s!e""ing ista9es
et#. As ( "oo9ed at it$ it seeed to be very a!!"i#ab"e to right no2. As ( 2as 2or9ing on it ( #ae to !age 25$
( a no2 going to share this 2ith you / "et you ?udge as to 2hether ( re#eived y third 2itness.
''Christ the Antidote regarding Death''
Luote:- M(n 6ohn #ha!ter 1F 2e read of 6udas and a band of so"diers #oing to *ethseane after
6esus. He had ?ust finished !raying unti" s2eat ran do2n "i9e great dro!s of b"ood. .hey et Hi as He
#ae out of this "ast !rayer. [6esus therefore$ 9no2ing a"" things that shou"d #oe u!on hi$ 2ent forth$
and said unto the$ %ho see9 ye> .hey ans2ered Hi$ 6esus of )aKareth. 6esus saith unto the$ ( a
he. 6udas$ a"so$ 2hi#h betrayed hi$ stood 2ith the. As soon then as He had said unto the$ [( a he$[
they 2ent ba#92ard$ and fe"" to the ground C6ohn 1F:5-GD.[ %hat 9ind of !o2er 2as it that 9no#9ed the
to the ground> (t 2as the radiant !o2er of His g"ory$ and the !o2ers of dar9ness in the #ou"d not stand
before it. %hen He said [( AM$[ a for#e of "ife and "ight issued out of Hi "i9e a tida" 2ave. He #ou"d
have destroyed the$ but He 2ou"d not. He 9ne2 that this 2as !art of that 2hi#h shou"d #oe u!on Hi.
+ut vei"ed tho it 2as$ the "ight and "ife and g"ory and !o2er of A"ighty *od sti"" f"o2ed out fro Hi
"i9e a great underground river brea9ing forth in a ighty fountainhead.
Do you 2ant this 9ind of !o2er and "ife > .hen are you 2i""ing to go to your *ethseane> Are you
2i""ing to renoun#e a"" destru#tive for#es of the natura" "ife > (t is here$ it is for us$ today. Peter's shado2
2as not for Peter a"one. .he transfiguration of 6esus is soething 2e #an !arti#i!ate in. .he sae
identi#a" 2ord used in Mar9 #ha!ter nine$ trans"ated there as [transfigured$[ is used t2o other !"a#es
re"ating to us. 4oans 12:2 says [And be not #onfored to this 2or"d$ but +3 ,3 .4A)-014M3D...[
.his is the sae *ree9 2ord. And in 2 Cor 3:1F that 2ord is used again 2hen it says: [+ut 2e a""$ 2ith
o!en fa#e beho"ding as in a g"ass the g"ory of the &ord$ are CHA)*3D into the sae iage fro g"ory to
g"ory$ even as by the -!irit of the &ord. [ Pau" says in 2 Cor 5:8... [+ut this treasure 2e have in earthen
vesse"s.[ Praise *od that the treasure is there. And radiating. 4est in Hi. 'no2 2hat there is and 2ho
there is 2ithin you. [He that is in you is greater than he that is in the 2or"d.[ %e are ore than
#on:uerors..... 4e#ognise the radiant g"ory that is vibrating or radiating fro your being$ and see9 His
Presen#e$ that the g"ory and !o2er ight be great"y in#reased for the sa9e of His +ody as 2e"" as a "ost
2or"d. 4e"ease the Christ 2ithinJ
*"ory to *od$ 2hat a dayJ ,ou #an #hange the atos!here about you$ regard"ess of ho2 dar9 or
de!ressing it ay be. ,ou #an radiate 2ith His !o2er and g"ory$ "i9e a b"aKing "ight 2here dar9ness
#overs the earth and gross dar9ness the !eo!"e. ,our "ight has #oeJ .he g"ory of the &ord has risen u!on
you$ and His g"ory sha"" be seen u!on theeJN C(sa G<:1-2D. -: Hn:uote.
( a "ed to be"ieve that this is one of his ear"ier 2ritings so it 2ou"d !robab"y be at "east 3< years o"d. +i""
+ritton 2as #a""ed to be a battering ra / reinds e of 6ereiah. 6er 1:1< AMP. ''+ee, I ha%e this da&
a##ointed &ou to the o%ersight of the nations and of the .ingdoms to root out and #ull do!n, to destro&
and to o%erthro!, to $uild and to #lant.''
.his 2ho"e arti#"e is 2ritten that our 0A(.H ight be in#reased.
3## 8:15 AMP. ''In the da& of #ros#erit& $e <o&ful, $ut in the da& of ad%ersit& consider that *od has made
the one side $& side !ith the other, so that man ma& not find out an&thing that shall $e after him.''
+"essings to a"".
/ritt!n "# Ralh 0no1l!s& F!"ruar# 2344&

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