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28 3. econr_co_relean ECONK_CCO> NEADS You need to contact Tulsa ASAP. Tulsa is up with 2 F-25 RsGure alert. Gun only, mili have Avm-120s and Aim-95 at 23002, Col faganay Contact #5 854-7515. 7522, 7216, 7370, Ch ses Quit: CONR-SA00 C) Cone 2b abs? Please cal] non 138 FR, Tulsa, Col Hadaway called, OSw 5007515, 7522, 7216, 7370 mas 2 F-1és on RPT gun only, will have 202 at 3200012 Join: SEADS SO (SEADS-SO@seadscé.relcan) sCona’bCo> 20" 10-03 NEAOS/SEADS/waOS: Need you current Fighter cap Vocations, type, and #//scu// 20; 16-17 SITREP inputs from sectors ASAP//scu/ SSPADE Sos CONR-OCO>d1d you copy info on Refueller 187///mid ee Quit: SEADS_SD (See va") Copy SE of Tinker AFB‘/scu/ WADS FO: Understand soulx City w/ AFL "seaDs working cAP plan fer Mlami and Houston -- estimate on Vmplementatron time for CAP Plan? SEADS FO: Tinker OG/EC wants Sentry62/Oragnet whiskey RTS Tinker ASAP, WSC wade Fols NEADS-FO: AFL is airborne east of Offutt. 00 you have assets to latercepts” Neads copy SNEADeL0s CONE, “Did you ever get any word on the mobile TACS units, Specifically the 10srd Acs out of Orange, CT. Their duty day i5’about to Eeand they are looking for direction. did ensde F0Ls NEADS FO. AYF our OO has shakes the stich with your sector to cover the 24/7 ops over MSP" Mynneapalis..--.1Cs +: Sorin: CONR-C20. (e208208.. 20.68.66) ccona CO» wads FO: Negative on files. Need the information! cw SCOvnZecOs NEADS FO:” Request aircraft status ASAP. Cw SEPMBSCEE Cone’ "The Roe on the 870 conFlicts with the ROE sent out by the ICS need you to retransmit the correct ROE 1% an ATO change to reflect ICS Guidance and DEFCON 3 status...ord econ deer 52733: 38, SCONR_OCO> SEADS 'NEADS "ADS: DO Not contact TACC for tanker Caps. go through me please. 1 need your prioritized 1ist,of locations. Secs nds proposed 4 tankers for wads. 3 For NEADS, and 2 for SEADS. WADS eevee get by with a? we have proposed locations for NEADS and SEADS, just feed a prioritized Tist../scu conn S02 NEADS: I don't See vou up on NORAD server primary. //scu// SEOuRZbcos CONR’A20; “Don't see vou Or NORAD server primary. //Scu// SeeNQure: NEADS-FO (Leaving) + Quit: CONR_C20 (Leaving) Soin: CONR=C20 (€260204. 20,68 .65) Quit: Conk_C20 (EOF From cient! Soin: CONRC2O (€20G204. 20.68.66) ree Quit: CONR=C20 (Leaving) ss+ Join CONR=C20 (€208208..20,.68.66) res Quit: CONRIC20 (EOF From cient) Soin, EONR=C20 (€200204. 20,6866) Qurt: CoNR_C20 (Leaving) SeSeonnectad From 204-36. Non raiking in #conr_co Page 23 3. #eonr_co_reican Join: CONR_C2O (¢20G204. 20. 68.66) Quit: CONR-C20 (EOF From client) Join: CONR=CCO (ccoB204. 20.68.69) Saved text to #conr_co to O:\Chat Logs\#conr_co. log Savec text to #conr_co to D:\Chat Logs\#conr_co. Tog End Of Text Save 01/09/12 00:18:40 °** saved text to #conr_co to O:\Chat Logs\#conr_co. 10g Text saved: wed seo 12 00:20:53 2001 SS Logging #conr_co to 0:\Chat Logs\#conr_co. log sr now talking 1h #conr co. es oisconnected from 204. 36.174.52 + Now talking in #conr_co ee Jorn: waDS_FO1_ (fo@ ee Jorn: SEADS_FO2 (nst020204. 20..69.246) ADS? Tulsa is up with 2 F-25 5 minute alert. Gun only. will have ‘Ajm-1208 and aim-Ss at 23002. Contact #s 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370, Ch WADS Copies. we are Using the NORAD chat as a primary =SEA0S_FO2> SEADS 1s up on this chat Use the Norad as primary but it has been going down frequently. use NORAD primary and this as back up 1f NORAD down. cw PAT. 108 cleared to land ac andrews by NORAD...confirmed. wsc e Soin: SEADS_DO_(SEADS_00@204..20..69.242) copy PAT 108 confirmed to land By NORAD//scu// seMJann: SEADS_FO (nS F00204.20-68.245) te Quit: SeaDs=bo (Leaving) Copy FACS UME standby on activarion.//seu SConncecor wROS:” Tulsa 35 up with 2 F-15 5 minute alert. Gun only. will have Aim=120s and Aim-95 at 23002. Col Hadaway Contact FS 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370," Co NEADS You need to contact Tulsa asap. Tulsa is up with 2 F-25.5 minute alert. Gun only, wi il -have Aim=1203 and Aim-9s at 23002. Col Maganay Contact #2 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370,” Cw ves Quits ConaeSab0 () ses Join: CONR_SAD0 (Sad0@204..20..68.79) ECONaLceO> NEADS YoU Need to contact Tulsa ASAP. Tulsa Js up with 2 F-15 5 inate alert. Gun only, will have aim-120s and aim-95 at 23002. col Madanay Contact #5 894°7515, 7522, 7216, 7370,” cw se Quit: CONR_SA00_C) ECONR.CCO> WADE: Please Cal] nos 138 fH. Tulsa, Col Hadaway called, DSN 85s-7525. 7522, 7216, 7370 has 2 Fees on RAT gun only, will have 202 at 220001: ++ Join: S£A0S.SO_(SEADS-SDOseadscd. relcan) SCONR~DCO> 20:16:03 NEADS /SEADS/WAS: Need you current fighter cap Tocations, type, and #//scurs Page 24 3. #conr_co_relean 20:16:17 STTREP inputs from sectors ASAP//scu/ ESEa05_S0> CONR-DCO»Did you copy info on Refueller 18?///mid = quit: SEADS_SD (See ya!) Copy SE of Tinker AFB//scu/ ECONRICCO> ALL SECTORS: Work plan to man caps, 2 ships, 24/7 at LAX. HOUSTON, PHOENIX, SEATTLE, SAN FRAN, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO, DETROIT, BOSTON, Ny, WASH OC, MIAME, AND PHELIDELPHIA. Cw NEADS FO> WADS FO: NEADS requires which a/c you have in company/escort w/ AF1? we are preping recieve a handoff with assets from ouluth..39 WADS FO: Understand Sours City w/ AFL SSEADS_FO2> "SEAOS working CA? plan for Miami and Houston -- estimate on amplementation time for CAP Plan? ASAP “ScUr, <5EA05_F02 understand Plan only or can we scramble now for the CAPS? fREADS=FO> SEADS FO: Tinker OG/CC wants Sentry62/Oragnet Whiskey RTB Tinker ASAP. WSC NEADS-FO: AF1 is airborne east of Offutt. Do you have assets to vitercepts? Affirmative, Gundeg 1/2 airborne from OLH for escort, under E-3 control. did CoNR-CCO/0CO: Did anyone get our aircraft status file that was sent vio_enarl” Neads Copy ENEADS-FOs CONR? Did you ever get any word on the mobile TACS units, ‘Specifrea’ iy the 103rd Acs Gut of Orange, cT. Their duty day 18 about to eng ang they are looking for direction. did wads FOL NEADS FO: FYI Our OO has shaken the stick with your sector to cover the 24/7 ops over MSP Minneapolis.....3¢5 crs Jorn: conR.C20 (c20@204.20. 68. 86) ECONA CCO> wads FO: Negative an Files. Need the information! cw ECONRICCO> NEADS FO: Request aircraft status ASAP. cw ENEADE-FO> CONR; The ROE on the ATO Conflicts with the ROE sent out by the Ics. Need you To retransmr the correct ROE in an ATO Change to reflect JCS. Quidance and DEFCON 3 status...brd SEADS/NEADS/WADS: DO not contact TACC for tanker (hes, go through me please. I need your prioritized list of locations. Rocb'has proposed 4 tankers for wads, 3 for NEADS, and 2 for SEADS. WADS Can you get by with 4? we have proposed locations for NEADS and SEADS, just heed a prvoritized list. //scu/! NEADS: I don't See you up on NORAD server primary. //scu// SCONR_OCO> CORR 420: Don't see you on NORAD server primary.//scu// Fe" Quit: NEADS-FO (Leaving) wee Quit! CONR_C20 (Leaving) fe Join: CONR_C20 (¢20G204..20,.58. 66) Quit: CONRTC2O (EOF From cirent) ss Jorn: CONR-C20 (c206204 20.68.66) se Quit: CONR_C20 (Leaving) Jorn: CONR_C20 [€208205.20. 68.66) ee" Quit: CONR_C2O (EOF From cinent) Jorn? CONR_C20 (208204. 20. 68.667 guns, cone—c20 (Leaving) Oysconnectad From 204. 36.174.52 Now talking 1 #conr_co Jor: CONR-C20 (C200204. 20.68.66) Quit: CONRLC2O (EOF From cirent) Jorn: CONR=CCO (cc0@204.20.68..69) Saved text to #conr_co te O:\chat Logs\#conr_co. og Saved test to #conraco to D:\chat Logs \#conr_co. Tog srs Saved teat £o #conraco to D:\Chat Logs\sconr_co.1og v> Saved teat to #conr_co to D: Chat Logs\#conr_co. Tog Saved text to #conr_co to 0: Chat Logs\#conr_co. 10g end Of Text save 01/09/12 00:20:53 °°? Saved text to #conr_co to O:\chat Logs\#conr_co. 10g Page 25 2 onr_co_relcan 01/09/12 doin: saps #08 ¢nsfos8201° 20.69. 246) 01/08/12 Quit: CoNR_EcO’ (Leaving) 01/09/12 Soin: conmcco (ceot20a. -20.68.69) 01/09/12 Quit: CONRACCO (Leaving) 01/08/12 © Soin: connaezo (c20204. 20.68.66) 01/09/12 ® Quit: CONRIC?0 (Leaving) 01/08/12 Disconnected From 01/09/12 how talking 19 #conr_co 01/09/12 Join: SEADS_FO? (nsFo26204. 20.69.246) 01/09/12 Quit: SeaosiFo? (Leaving) 01/09/12 Disconnected From 01/0913 now talking 1m #conr_co 01/09/12 Join: waDS_IC (200204.36.174.94) 01/09/13 Quit: wA0S_IC (Leaving) 01/09/13 Join: CONR_DCIO (CONR_OCTO®204..20.68.96) 01/0913 Quit: CONR_DCIO (EOF From client) 01/09/13 13: JOIN: SEADS_FO (risfo@204..20.69.245) 91/09/12 13 = Join: CONR_OCTO (CONR_DCYOC304. 20.68.96) 02/09/13 13:48:18 Good morning SEaDS//scu// 02/09/12 12:48:48 === Join: CONR_CCO (ccoG204. 20, 68.69) 01/09:13 13 Join: NEADS-FOL (F0@204. 36,173.99) 01/09,13 13:07:55 *** Quit: NEADS-FOl (Leaving) 93/09/13 13:08:33 sc on: neADS-F01 (roezos 36,173.99) 91/09'12 13:37:47 Quit: cona_ocro ( 01/09/13 13:38:12 e+ Join: CONR_AEW- (CONR_AEW-T9204.20.68.96) 01/09'13 13:38:20 * Parti CONRUAEW- (CONRWAEW-T0204 20.68.96) 01/0971} 13:38:43 *** Jorn: CONR_DCTO (CONR~OCTO@204..20.68.96) 01209 '13 13:54:39 === Join: ConR_Ad (246204-20. 68.67) 01/09°12 13:58:20 =< Quit: ConR_ad (CoNR Aa Leaving) 01/09 “1, 9:13 "27 Quit: CONRCCO (Leaving) 01/09/13 Join: CONRICCO (ccoC204. 20.68.69) Quit: Seaod_FO (Leaving) Join: wadS_FOl (Fo0204.36.174.93) Quit: Neads-FOI (Leaving) Join: NEADS-FO1 (FO0204.36.173.99) Quit: NEAOS-FO] (EOF From client) 301A: NEADS-FO1 (FO@204. 36,173.98) Quit: NeaDs-FO1 (Leaving) Disconnectea from Now talking 3n #conr_co 01-0912 16:42:01 *** Join: CONR_CCO (ccoWIO4. 20.68.69) Bh08.15 1e: 48:49 ccONRDCO> 16-4603. NBN ribose ale REGIONS: SE ADVISED THAT Be ARE CURRENTLY AT TRANSITION di TREES Teeth GEN DuRecTED By CINCNORAD AND Witt oe POreOnTe TT Meee LUSS The Be WEAPONS FREE ZONE TS RESCINDED. NOTE WE ARE AT TRANSITION ROE Noe® THEczOns 10. nexnoweeDce.. mL o1/09713 16 S0e16 Leone DCO WADS do you Copy ROE?? Repeat From NORAD server witch gone see youcon./7scu" 01/0815 16: 82515 *€okRtoco saps waos_ro: aroune @ Big with a 3 Iron 8109 42 16.$4°30 ~ cowmcoco slaps waps-Fo: around 2 Oe with @ 3 tron 0309 :23 1e:86:a9 ==" Join! ConA DcTO (ZONA_DCTOU20.20.68.96) 5) -09-13 16.86.56 "=" part: CONR-DeIO (cONR BC ION20S 20.68.98) 81 99-13 12:08:88 ccONR. DEO» ROS. aspen 2 o402 canker nhieh wiTT be taking aft fear Me hone. aprex 1800: enroute to meGuire.//scu// 08 09 42,1270 21 ccouR’ Co» wads: Request you Come Up On NORAD Server and ackaonieoge Aspen 23 and ROE. /scu 01/09/12 17:46:47 ** Join: CONR_C20 (c206204. 20.68.66) 01/09'1) 17:46:51 © Quit: CONR_C20 (EOF From client) 01/09'12 17:46:35 ©** Jorn: CONR-C2O (c200204. 20.68.66) 01/03/12 17:47:26 tr Quit’ ConR.c2a (EOF From client) 01/09"1> 18:33:35 *** Disconnected from 204. 36.174.32 01709123 18:45:48 ©** Now talking an #conr_co 01/0312 18:51:03 CONE DCO: we Rave been attempting to respond Page 26 3. aconr_co_relean several times. However, our NORAD server 15 dropping off line almost constantly. Aspen 22 was airborne at 18002 not sure question about ROE asked ics 01/09/12 18:52:22 16:48:42 16:46:23 waDS ccopies ...ics\ 01/09/12 22:07:45 *** Quit: waDS_Fol () 01/09/12 23:21:51 *** Disconnected from 01/09/23 00:10:54 *** Now talking in Fconr_co 01/09/13 03:51:59 =** Disconnected from 01/09/13 07:30:07 *** Now talking in #conr_co 01/03,'13 08:53:28 *** Join: conr_cet? (conr_cct2@204. 20.68.86) 03/08/13 Pare: conracet2 (conr_cet2a204. 20.68.86) 01709713 doin: conr—cet2 (conr_cct2@204 20.68.86) 01/08/33 Quit: conracct? (Leaving) 1/0313 Join: Conr_cet2 (conn -cet24204. 20.68.86) 1708/13 Part: Conrcct2 (eonr ect 24204! 20. 68.86) 91/08/13 doin: Conr—cco (ccos204. 20.68.69) 01/0913 Quit: Conancco (Leaving) 01/0913 Join: CONRICCO (cco@204 20.68.69) 01/08/13 Que: ConRzcco (ceaving) 01/08/13 Disconnected Fron 204, 36.174.52 1/0913 Non talkoag in #conr_co 61/08/13 Jorn: conRecco (eco@Z04. 20.68.69) 1/0813 Qure: ConRecco Cegying) 01/09. 23 Disconnected from 91/08/13 Now talking. in #eonr_ co 01/09/13 14:29:11 *** Soin: conR_cco (cco@204.20, 68.69) Log Closed: Thu Sep 13 15:24:16 2001 SF his Flight continues. Pis adise asae. dj advise #48" Jo%n: CONR_AG (260204. 20.68.78) s=* Join: SEaD3_00 (SEADS_D0G204. 20..69.242) FOr NEADS AND SEADS MCC/T FLT NWAGSOZ is white House Press from sarasota to andrews//hé For WAS: FLT N9JIA) a BE9O is requesting Phoenix to Yuma and back (Fema mssvon) s21 Jorn: CoNR_C20” (200204. 20.68.66) SEADS/NEADS' Anticipate president wil] return to OC. Need NEADS to work up game plan and what Fighters you plan to use.” Would Tike to either ork auhandoff From eed Jets or have soneone else escort trom Offutt. //scu// copy. ds SCONAICSP>" FOR NEADS! FTC NA1LPA, a HS25 going 80S to BNA (To treat burn victims Fom nyc) se* pisconnected from cmasapl.relcan ste now talking. im #eonr co 281 Join: CONRLC20 (206204. 20. 68 .66) * Jorn: Cone ”sano (sadoe204 30.68.79) +2 Join! Coneco. (ce0d204..25.68.68) ALE SECTORS: work plan'to'nan caps, 2 ships, 24/7 at LAX, NOUSTON. PHOENIX, SEATTLE, SAN FRAN, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO, DETROIT, BOSTON, Ny, WASH OC, MIAMI, AND PHILTOELPHEA.. CW ss* Join! Seaos McC (SEADS_Mcc2@seadsc?. relcan) CONA: we show Redeye 1/2 out oF Buckley over Ch, Mt. and Bat 1/2 out oF Sioux City over Offutt. Need any more into? sc Page 27 » 28 3. #conr_co_relcan '2= Jorn: SEADS_00 (SEADS_008204. 20.69.242) Copy//scu// <=" 301n: CONR_AG (260204. 20.68.78) + Quit: nbmeaew-t (Leaving) ves Jorn: nbmcaen-t (nbmcaew-tG157 .219.128 166) ECONRCSP> FOR NEADS: NINA is a G4 with important FAA accident Tavestigators.//hd AET-T: Current tanker cap locations 1) wash OC, 2) New York City, 3) Chicago, 4) Offutt. 5) Salt Lake City, 6) san Francisco. “we need tanker Support for SE as weil. we can probably do okay with tanker on RPI status at Robins and another on RPI status on MacDill to scramble when SEADS needs then.//scu// Last message for AEW-T (ANC TACC)//scu// SSEADS_S0> Refueller 17 has approx 750001bs orbiting in W168, R78 02002///mld Stove Oco> Ath-T: SEAS asking Jf they have TACON Kefuel 31’and 32 operating in ‘Their area. They have Refuel 17 working in W168, RTB Wacdil1 02002//scu ser Quit: waos#o? (Error 0) 227 Join: WADSFO2 (FO2E204. 36.174 ,89) eer Join: CONR_CAP CCONR_CAPGI04. 20.68.105) enbmeaen-t> if refuel 31 and 32 are airborne you have TACON and can work them as You see tit, TACC retains scramble authority of tankers -wbk- for SEADS S€w request -- max'd with four obits set by NORAD -- USS ‘Nennedy with é-s assets will be contacing you - DAS ve Spine Seansuces. (Seansnce1020%. 20.65.2519 Sectors have TACON for tankers capping in their Sectors//scu// See"Qait: SEaDS_00 (No such file or directory? ses Quit: CONR_CCO (NO such File or directory) se" Quit: CONR=SADO (Error 0) es Quit: CONR_DCIO (Error 0) = Quit! SEADS_FO (NO such File or cirectery) Jorn: CONR_CCO (cco8204. 20.68.69) refueler 17 offload 80k att//m)s// SSF" Soin: CONR-OCTO (CONR_DCIO9204.20.68.96) rer Join: CONR_CAP (CONR_CAPG204.20..68.105) eer Jorn: SEADS_FO (nsfoG204.20.69.245) F2> Jen: CONR_E20 (200205, 30.68.66) SEAS. ~ change 1 -- NORAD does not yet have OPCON of the USS kennedy SrSput fs anticipating -- with it comes 5 F-142, 3 S-2 and 3 AEWS ~ DAS ss+ Join: CONR=A4 (240204, 20.68.67. ECOnaLDCO> 21714748 AEW-T: We are relooking our tanker cap Tocations TD service our fighter Caps by moving Salt Lake City one over Colorado and the offurt location to Houston area for SEADS. would leave 2 tankers TACON {o WAS, 3 tankers TACON tO NEADS, and 1 tanker TACON To SEADS. rt looks VYke we'also need one to cover mam area. Is it possible to have 7 tankers 2a vice 6? “If nov, we'll need tankers on RP at Robins and Macdill//repeat for AEW=T// wee Quit: CONRLC20 (Leaving) Page 28 3. #eonr_co_relcan Quit: CONR_AG (Error 0) ee Quit: SEaDs_S0 (Error 0) se Quit: SEADS-MCC (Error 0) © quit: waDSFO2 (error 0) © Quit: CONR_SADG (Error 0) © Quit: SEADS_D0 (Error 0) Join: CONR_C20 (c20@204.20, 68.66) Quit: CONR.C20 (EOF From client) =e Join: CONR_AS (a4@204.20. 68.67) Jorn: SeaDS_so (SEADS-Soseadsc4. relcan) Jorn: SeADS_00 (SEADS_000203.20. 69.242) Dorn: wADsrO2 (FO2G204. 36.174. 84) se Jorn: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2Qseadsc?. relcan) * Jorn: CONR_CCO (ccoC204.20.68.69) SCONRLOLO> AEW=T! Just sent you current and proposed CAP locations. CONR AOCD has proposed a total of 9 caps, 2 more than Z mentioned before. Locations Tao by sectors, probably one mire In WAOS in Northwest and another in SEADS.//scu// Quit: SEADS_MCC (No such file or directory) Quit: WAOSFO2 (No such file or directory) + Quit: SEADS_DO (No such file or directory) Quit: Seapsiso (No such file or directory) Join: SEADS MCC (SEADS_MCC2Gseadsc?.relcan) Jorn: SEADS_00 (SEA05_000204.20.69. 242) ©: Jorn: SEADS SO (SEADS-SDUseadsca.relcan) ces Soin: waosFO2 (FO20204.36.174.69) 2+ Jorn: CONR_CEDS (CONR_CEOOR204. 20.68.94) CONROCO> WADS: Confirm 2-ship F-165 From Carswell. Request load out.//scu// SCONR_OCO> WADS: Copy Scramble on TOI near Oallas.//scu Eng Of Text Save 01/08/11 saved text to #conr_co to D:\chat Logs\¥conr_co. }og 91/09/11 Doin: CONR_Ab (a6@ 91/09/11 Quit: NamclFI00 (Error 0} 01/09°11 22:28:35 #*7 Quit: BSxO (No such File or directory) 01/09/11 22:28:40 *** Join: NeMc_FrOO (waMC_FIDOG15?.219.128.163) 01/09/11 22:28:42 *** Join: BSxO (85x00157.219. 129.32) 01 °09/11 22:29:19 test 01/09/11 32:31:43 CONR DCO: Info on WADS HHQ requested CAPS. seattle CaP coveree by POX at 23002, SFO car, Covered by FAT at 23002.) LA CaP Covered by Riverside at 23002, PHx CAP covered by Luke at 2300z. Denver cae Covered by Buckley. ies 02/09/11 22:32:25 CONR DCO copres WADS caps. //scu// 01/09/11 22:33:36 Shan airborne for Atl CAP, NBG airborne for HOUSTON Cap, HST to go at 2245 for MIA CAP. dp 01/09/11 22:33:58 SEADS/NEADS/WADS: O60 not contact TACC for tanker CAPS, go through me please. T need vour prioritized list of locations. AQCS has proposed 4 tankers for WADS, 3 for NEAOS, and 2 for SEADS. WADS can you get by with 4? we have proposed locations for NEADS and SEADS, just feed a prioritized 11st. //scu 01/09/11 22538:56 AEW-T: Our Strat ‘Plans guys are trying to build ATO for tomorrow. They need to know the tanker units and locations and wmich units will man which Caps for what times. //scu// 01/09/11 22:40:12 *** Join: root (rootels7.219.129.114) 01/08/11 22:42:55 *** Join: NEADS-FO (FO8208.36.173.74) 01/09/11 23:43:46 NEADS FO St111 waiting for ROE corection...brd 01/09/11 22:45:15 Understand you never got fax version of ROE from CONR $00 this afternoon? //scu’ 01/09/1] 22:45:19 *** Join: CONR_AC2O (ac20G204. 20.68.77) 01/09/21 22:48:15 Neads concern 15 1) Sep has peace time ROE. we did nonever receive the fax with ROE prior to receiving che 12 Sep ATO. copy? 01/09/11 27:48:34 =** Join: CoNR_SAD0 (sadoG204, 20.68.79) 01/09/11 33:49:24 NEADS FO: Copy you have faxed version. That's the ROE From NORAD! !//scus/ page 29 3. econr_eo_retcan 01/09 ‘11 22:50:47 Copy 01/09/11 23:50:58 The 12 Sep ATO you have was done ? days ago. There 1s a modification 1m progress nox.//scu// 02/09/11 22:32:34 The VTC brief 15 on the CONR Home Page/Current Operatjons/messages/USATTACK//SCu 01/09/11 22:56:29 NEAOS: Update on your fighter CAPS please//scu// 01/09/31 22:57:14 wads: what's your prioritized list for tanker Caps assuming yor get 4 and plan if you get. > as well//scu// 01/087 5a°SS* Quit: CONR_AC2O (Ro such file or directory) 01/09/13 23:05:54 *** Quit: NeADS-FO (No such file or directory) 01/09°23 23:05:54 s** Quit: aSxO (Error 0) 01/09/11 23:05:54 *=* Quit: NBMC_FIDO (No such file or directory) 54 e*" Quit: WADSFO? (No such file or directory) 54 "#7 Join: NBMC_FIDO (NBMC_F100@157.219. 128.163) 05:53 *** Join: Bsxo” (wsxod157. 219,129.33) 06:04 *** Join: ConR_Ac20 (ac20@204..20.68.77) Text Saved: Tue Sep 11.23:06:35 2001 Join: SEADS_FO (nsFo@204 20.69. 245) cs" Jorn: SEaDS_FO? (nsF02G204. 20.63. 246) SEADS FO: Tankers Coming up at Robins, Nacbi11, and Seymour Johoson!/scus/ CONR OCO: FBI intel] states tHERE IS AN UNKNOWN aircraft in the southern California area heading eastbound, Suspect CHEVEYNE MOUNTAIN, We are working fighters but need ImmeoraTe!! jaunch direction of one (1) KC-135 fror the 151 Aan at Hill AFB. DSN 924-9277/9276 ....ics ves Join: CONR_CCO (cco@204..20-68.63) DCO Copies. _WADS scramble// Sectors: Need your tanker plan requirements...specifically what you néed non airborne and where. //scu waDS: NORAD caling’HilT'co Taunch a tanker ASAP. Gave them your number. /scu/ aQS: 2 you can give me location for tanker, 1'17 pass. Any specific freq other than aT0?//scu// SCATANA has been ordered//scu// Sectors are we using 506 authenticators?//scu// SCONR_DEO> SEADS: Confirm AF 11s down now.//scu// SSF Quit: CONR_CCO (No Such File or directory) ee Quit: SEADS_FO? (Error 0) + Quit: SEA0S_00 (No such file or directory) Jorn: CONR_ECO (ccob205. 20.68.69) Jorn® S£a03_00_ (SEADS_D08204.20.69.242) Jorn: SEAOS_FO2 (nsFo2G204..20.69.246) SEADS FO, WADS FO, NEADS FO: Need ASAP fighter status. Slow leak Ok! Send what you have when you have it. cw ert Quit: CONR_SADO (No such file or directory) =: Quit: NBMc_FID0 (No such File or directory) se Join! NBMC_FI00 (NBMC_FTDOGIS7.219.128, 163) > Jorn: CoNR-saD0 (sad0@204. 20.68.79) 16:06:00 SEADS/WADS/NEADS: Your FOS are busy. Update on what you have anrborne in your sectors now.//scu// CONA SADO: DO you have that information for CONR CC?//scu// SSEA05_FO2> SEADS - EFD 4xF16C On 15M/ZxF16 RTB to Barksdale to refuel HST 2xF13 Airborne on Active Air, 2xF13 on RPT PAM 4xF1GADF on RPT, 95th FS genaracing GxFi$s, ist Fs generating GxFibs 28x 2xFIS ROL,” skw 73th SON generaring Oxriéc ast 2 will be on status @ 16302, NBs F13 being generated, Mew Fi6ce will have? on Alert Hot Gun only, 4 Fibs going to eatin co Get armament then bach to MGM. NEADS: what do you have over New York right now?//scu// 2 Ot1S F-15s over NY, 4xF-16s Over Wash DC...Is that correct?//scu// ENEADS-FO> NEADS has 2 over NYC SNEADS-FO> 4 F-165 over NCA SWADSFO2> CONR CO: WADS has further need for the possible unknown heading fonaras cheyene Mountain. we feel that OFFut is also a possible targer. we Page 30 ot 3. #conr_co_reican want scramole authority for (2) two K s out of McConnel AFB. I have Given then a curtousy call and chey said they are ready.....i¢s WADS: Are Fighters airborne?/sscu// SEONRLOCO> WADS. Mon many total tankers for this threat and Presidential escort. "/5cu// WAS: How much gas do you need from McConnell tankers?//scu// ECONR_CCO= NEADS FO: there’ 15 2 helicopter coming out of Anicosta going to the Pentagon. ch WaDS; Scrambling 2 tankers from Mcconnell and Wi11, contacting you? "seus wADS: 00 you need 2 tankers From both HiT] and Mcconnel? ‘airborne?’ 5cu NEADS FO: need you to acknowledge message ECONA_BCO> Same unknown for both Cheyenne Mountain? what fighters are intercepting” Hom much gas do you need?//scu// W253 Fequests DREN # For CONA Tanker officer. tb ENEADS-FO> Furs 01 (2 F-16) airborne out of Richmond heading nw BSXO! CONR DCO 15 working Tanker 1Ssues with NORAD at 779-3378. CONN OCO'CCO 18 DSN 523-098, working plan for President now. //scu// 89X05 conraco. thanks. tb 301n" ‘wADSFO2 (FO2G204,,36..174.89) CONA-CCO" WAS Fequests that the one KC-135 out of Mt. Home deployed to Tew be let in place EFO Coury 47/48 scrambled for Cap at garksdale - 16382 SCona-dco> seas: t have a tanker st MacDill ready for the presidential msn in ‘2dcitvon to one being scrambled for WADS NERDS: CONR C20 will workl//scu// w'Quit: CONR_OCrO (Error 0) + Sern: CONR_DCTO (CONR_DCIOG204..20.68.96) NEADS Copy thax CONR’ DCO Pu wads FO are you prosecuting unknown ove Southern California? ow Qart: CONR_DCTO (No'such File or directory) Jorn: CONRLOCTO (CONRDCTOA2O.. 20.68.96) SEAOS! Launching a tacker out of Macbi11 enroute for Garksdale to handle EF. fighters and €-3 from Tinker.//scu// CONE CO: Working Fighter Status with SD. Presently have numerous LFY a/c over NCA. .@ LAI trb to turn. More info in 10 min ses Parts CONR_CSCR (CONR_CSCATE204.20.68.121) ECONR-DCO> WADS: Status OF unknown’ please. Are you working with fighters over Colorade ang tankers from HiTi?//scus . 16:55:08 ALL SECTORS - ENSURE ALL AIRCRAFT THAT ARE ‘AIRBORNE. IN| SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS ARE FORWARD TOLD ON GRANZTE SENTRY TO NORAD..-ACK PLS — RM 'Scu’ Neads fighter status. .NVC has 4 F-15/1 tanker w/ 20k fn OfiS.. -chveago 4 F-16 capped Sting 21 flr and shack 12 fIt...Cleveland to Prttsbirg 6 F°16 fr Syracuse nm 20x available... Washington Baltimore area Page 31 2 3. #conr_co_relcan hao 7 F-16 w! 70K available. Tankers available in w 105 & 107 with over 24ds available. Presently’ rolling for oncsea relvef with Several rtp for the turn SEADS FO: Tanker out of Macoi11 C/S Fueler should be wnorking with them asap if youaren't nom, Tanker out oF Robins enroute for Barksdale in 25 minutes, est 1730Z.//scu// NEADS thankyou. WADS and SEAOS’ Status update when able//scu// ENEADS-FO> CONR CO.” Neads aiso has 2 F-16 capped over gos. ECONR_CCO> NEADS. SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority flights. ATP 200 special Calisign n2ld.a from Sat -"Pone. Respond! acknow' edge KCONR-CCO>” NEADS. SEADS, WADS FO: HOT. High priority flights. P-3 from Bldapest. stop in Shannon Ireland fiaal destination Norfolk VA, Callsign NVSOSI1. pls acknowledge NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO". HOT High pridrity flights. special OPS ‘Fivght Bal to Pope, cavisign N21dLa |. please acknowledge NEADS, SEABS, WADS FO" HOT High priority flights: ASSt Dir EBr, from i ltonnead to Mannassass. VA, callSign NI72CV, please acknowledge NERDS FO Copy wae SSEADS_00> SEADS ACKNORLEDGE CR 00 you have Flight times, route of Flights. etc so that we can ‘arrange escorts?*bra NERDS WADS/SEADS: CCO asking For your acknowledgement on these fIsqnts so vou don't scramble against then or shoot them down!!//scu// READS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT Magh priority flights, PATS B19 from Ft Silt to vanaiey. ch ” NEADS. SEADS, WADS FO: HOT Mvgh priority flights, Music 87, C-130 Nasnv! lle to Houston, pls acknowledge. Cr CONRe-NMCE gives Flight plan approval. Call (793)904-4423 or 4424 for flight plan approvals for all flyght plans except for active air aScrampies "bre se Join, $ea08_ MCC. (SeaDs_ncc2@ +s" 91m: SEaDS_S0 (SEA0S-800204.20.69.5) SCONACCO> NEADS, SEAOS, WADS FO!” HOT” HIgh priority Flights.sec Navy is Vading at Andrews ASAP, may already have langed. cw SConr-ocOs SEAS FO: Copy Jazz C/S, may have confusion with word of day being Usec for engagement. authority ste Quit: Seabsere. (error. 0) Soin: waDSFO> (FO2G204. 36. 175.89) torn: Seabs_Fo. (nsFo8208..20..69.245) cer Bisconnectec fran emasapl reican se) Non eaTaing vn #conraco ss. Bisconnectes From emasapl.relcan Page 32 a 3, #eonr_co_relcan oe* Non talking 19 #conr_co e+ Disconnected from cmasapl.relcan seo Now talking in #conr_co ves Join: wADSFOI (FO2G204, 36.174 89) Se Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@204..20.69.7) who Ts Montgomery? Montgomery Guard F16s See quit: SEAOS_MCC (Local kill by root (no exer chans p1z)) se* Join: SEADS MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ NEADS FO: 17:09:16 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority Flights. ATe 200 Special, Callsign N214LA from Bi - Pope Respond acknowledge s¥* quit: CONR_CCO (Excess Flood) 8 Join: CONR_CCO (ccoG204.20.68.69) 17:21:43 NEADS, SEADS, WADS FO: HOT High priority Fhnghts. Gov of wr From westcheséer, sy'to Manhattan, MY squawking mode 3 560) = Quit: wADSFO? (Ping timeout) = Savec text to #conr_co to D:\chat Logs\#conr_co.log NEADS: “BTV Frying to contact you-//scu// ENEADS-Fo> Neads just got off the line w/ BTV... 3g SSS" Quit: SEADS MCC (Local kil] by root (no exer chans p1z)) s25 Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@204..20.69.7) SEADS/WADS/NEADS: when you get 2 chance,..update on your sectors.//scu// SEADS has been sending updated Status’ every hour via emai] to your 0cd account. s+ Joins CONR_Ad (240204. 20.68.67) os Quit: SEADS_MCC (Local kill by root (no exer chans piz)) wre Jorn: SEADSMCC (SEADS_MCC2@ SEADS thanks...7'1] have CCO Took ar e-mail//scu// Se 'gayt: SEADS_MCC (NO Such file or directory) + Quit: SEADS_FO (Error 0) = Quit: SEADS_FO2 (Error 0) © Quit: CONR_BCIO (Error 0) Quit: SEADS_00 (Error 0) Quit: CONR_AG (Error 0) srs Quit: SEADS_SD (No such file or directory) + Jorn: SEADSIMCC (SEADS_MCC20204,20.69.7) ses Jorn: CONR-OCTO (CONR_OCTOAZ04 20.68.96) see Join: CONRLAa (244204, 20.68.67) dora: s£a08_Fo (nsfoG204.20.69. 245) Qurt: SeapsoMcC (Local kIT] by root (no exer)) Jorn; SEADS_SO (SEADS-SDG204. 20. 69.9) Jorn: SEADS™MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ Quit: SEADS-MCC (Local kill by roat (no’ exerci se)) Jorn: SEADS-MCC (SEADS_MCC2@204..20.65.7) Quit: Seaosomcc (Error 0) Jorn: SEADS-MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ Quit: Seaos=mcc (Local kill by root (no exer chans)) Jorn: SEADS MCC (SEADS_MCC2G204. 20..69.7) Quit: Seapsomce (Local kil] by root (6)) Jorn: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@204. 20.69.79 jors: noradyé (norad}6@157-219. 128.197) ECONR_DCO> NEADS/WADS: TF you e-mai] your status, please provide it to CONR CCO ‘35 well so he can update our boards. //scu wre Quit: SEADS MCC (Local kil] by root (b)) £55 Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ enoradj6> SIR, CONR HAS OVER 7 CHAT CHANNELS OPEN. IT IS SETTER TO HAVE MORE BEGSLE PER CHANNEL ANO LESS CHANNEL. BSE HELP HEPL US MINIMTZE PROBLEMS ==* part: noradj6 (norad}O@is7.219. 128.197) page 33 3. #conr_co_relcan s#* orn: norad}6 (noradj60157.219.128,197) ECONR DCO we need #conr and #conr_co for comm! !//scu// Scona_oco Also enorad_intel and #awe//scu// Enorady6 WHAT ABOUT GROUPING SOME OF YOUR STAFF UNDER THE SAME CHANNEL? SConacdcor "nant to keep # FOTKS on combat ops channel down to folks working current ops.//scu// enorad]6> 3 OF YOUR CHANNELS ARE SHOWING LESS THAN 3 PEOPLE PER CHANNEL? eee Soin: Seaos_00 (SEADS_00G204 .20..69.242) I'm Contacting CONR AG to resolve issue.//scu// Enorad}6> THANKS. APPRECIATE YOUR HELP NORADI6 OUT SUS "Sart: norad}6 (noradj6@ INSMC. FIDO CONR_SADD! WE REQUIRE FIGHTER CAP POSITION, FIGHTER TYPE AND NOMBERS. CACL FIDO DSN 268-2702 WITH INFO. . ML ser Qurt: SEADS_NCC (Local Kil] by root (ba)) vo Jorn: SEADSIMCC_(SEADS_MCC2G204.20..69.7) ECONacOCO> answer is t0 probably nave those who don't need to talk with NORAD to Come up On wADS server. CONR AG currently on phone 1754.56 «NEADS 8C> NEADS T8 rotating Fighters into a plan that places / armed fighters continuously’ over every major metropolitan area in the NE. anda over wash OC. ~ BONAR//scu relay// 17:59:09 wADS: do you have any updates on the Tow fast aver near the presidents ranch. on se//scu// Quit: S£a03_00 (bead socket) Quiz: Seansnce (No such File or directory) Quit: Coneocro (Error 0) Soin: SeA03_00 (SEADS._008204. 20.69.242) Jorn: SEADSIMCC (SEADS_MCC2G204 20.69..7) se» Join: ConR_BCIO (CONR_DCTOB204 20.68.96) = Join: CONR_CSP. (CONR_CSPO204..20.66..101) eCONR-DCO> SECTOR Fs! Please work an answer up for NAMC_FIDO request (18002) ‘On Fighter CAP positions. fighter types, and numbers and pass on this Channel for our info as well=//scu// ©) Quit! NEAaDS-FO (Error 0) sis Quit: ConR_c20 (Error 0) > Quit: CONRIOCTO (Error 0) ++ Sonn: CowR-OCTO (CONR_oCz00204..20.68.96) Jorn: CONR=C20 (¢200204..20..68.66) Gort: CoNR=C20 (No such File or directory) Quit: SeaDs_Fo (error 0) Quit: Seaosimce (Error 0) Quit: SEADS_S0 (Error 0) Quit: SexdS00 (No. such file or directory) Quit: ConR_€CO (Error 0) Quit: ConR_CSP (Error 0) Join CONRC20 (c208204.20.68.66) Quit: CONRIC20 (EOF From client) Jorn: SEADS_FO (nsFo@204..20.69.245) Born: SEADS_SD (SEADS-S0@204..20..09.9) Soin: SEADS_00 (SEADS_000204 20,69. 242) Soin: ConR_Cco (cco@O4.20.68.63) Jorn: cOnR=C20 Ce20G204 20.68.56) Jovn: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC26208. 20.69.7) S55 Quit: SEADSINCC (Error 0) te) Join: SeaDsiMce (SEADS_MCC2G204..20.69.7) ses Jorn ConR_CSP- (CONR.C3PG204. 20. 68.101) See Quant: Seadsumec (acal kil) by root (no exer chans plz)) « Soin: Sans MCC (SEADS_mcc2E204.20..69.7) ESEADS. FO> SEAS = 3xF16c From EFD escorting AFL, 4xF15 from NBG scrambled in taiichase to also escort AFl ser Guyts SEADS Mec (Local Kill by root (no exer chans)) Soin: S€aps"McC (SEADS_MCC20204..20. 69.7) cst Quit: Seapsumce (Local kIT] by Foot (no exer)) page 34 35 3, #conr_co_relcan Tee Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2G208. 2.69.7) see Quit: SEAOS-MCC (Local kill by root (no exer)) res Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS.MCC2@204.20. 69.7) fer Join: wADS_MCCT (mect@20a. 36,174.74) te Join: NEADS-FO (FOG204. 36,173.74) ers Quit: NEADS-FO (Error 0) ree Join: NEADS-FO (FO@204.36,173.74) se Quit: SEADs McC (Local kxi] by root (b)) =! Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@204. 20.69. 7) Quit: Seaps=Mce (Local kill by root (no exer chans plz)) se" Jona: SEADS MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ se Quit: SEADS MCC (Local kill by root (plz exit #EXCONR_C20 channel!)) se Join: SEADSIMCC (SEADS_MCC2@204, 20.65. 7) eee Quit: SEADSOMCC (Local kil] by root (exit #EXCONR_C20 channeT)) see Joim! SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ se Quit: SEaDSIMCC (Local kill by root (exit channel #@xconr_c20)) rs Joun: SEADS™MCC (SEADS_MCC20204..20.69.7) CONA CTO are you going tO generate a replacement AWACS for Sentry 40 yn au701 our NCA, we have just heard their duty day has been extended, or do wish NEADS to coordinate with TINKER?? — ACHO//PW. + Quit: SEADS-_MCC (Local Ail) by root (close channel #EXCONR_C20)) =* Jorn: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ NEADS -- TINKER will only Talk TO NORAD -- so we will pass to NORAD ‘and get back to you Das + Quyt: SEADS_MCC (Local kil] by root (exit channel)) se8 Jorn: SEADS MCC (SEADS_MCC2@ CONR_CCo> FOS’ DO you have any aircraft on cockpit alert? Tf so how manay SNEAOS-FO> Copy on Tinker Info wsc SNEADS-FO- CONR BCO.. TAC phane number 15 OSN 779-3391, 3392, and 4036. They will handle all tanker requests...ord Quit; WADS_MCCT (Ping timeout) Jorn: SEADSMCC1 (SEADSMCC1G204.20..69.251) Sectors’ Cleared to come Off Cockpit altert per CONR CC and NORAD. + Quit: CONR_Aa (Error 0) seo Jorn! WADS™MCET (mect@204. 36.174. 74) res Jorn: CONR_AS (246205, 20.68.67) 18724728 SECTOR BC/00/FO/MCCS: Talked with maj French at ‘TRcc. They are launching 2 tankers per sector for 24/? hr ops, 6 hr shifts, woth one B/u alpha tanker, I gave them sector FO, 00, and CC numbers to Coordinate Flight and CAP locations. If you can pass'me the locations, 1'11 relay on combat Ops channel, sa) French 1s at the TACC 779-4032, e-mail e-mail tf2xook@scott af. siti l.mii Ser" Jora: wADSFO2 (FOZ@ Quit: CONR_AG (Error 0) Quit: CONRLAS (Wo such file or directory) ss Quit: SEADSMCC] (NO Such file or directory) ce gust: CONR_CSP (Error 0) see Jorn: CONRLAG (a66204. 20.68.78) ss: Tora: CONRAAS (240204 20.68.67" Join: CONR_CSP (CONR_CSPG204. 20..68.101) see Quie: SEADS_SO (Error 0) wes Quit: SEADS-FO (Error 0) Quit: CONR_BCIO (Error 0) s+ Jorn: SEADS_SD (SEADS~SDO209.20.69.9) == Jorn: CONR_BCTO (CONR_DC10G203. 20.65.96) ee Jorn: SEADS_FO (nsf09204. 20. 69.245) Quit: Namc_Fr00 (error 0) Quit: 5x0 (error 0) Quit: ConRaocoD (Error 0) woe Quit: CONR_AG (NO such file or directory? Quiz: NEAads-FO (Connection reset by peer) Jorn: BSx0 (BSXxOU157 219.129, 32) Page 35 3. #conr_co_relean F=* Join: NEMC_FIDO (NBMC_FID00157.219, 128.163) ter Jorn: NEAOE-FO (FOQ204 36,173.74) rer Jorn: CONRAG, (260204. 20.68.78) “CoNR-DCO> 18 :44:4] 18:44:28 SECTOR BC/DO/FO/MCCS: Talked with taj French at TACC. “They are launching 2 tankers per sector for 24/7 frops. 6 nr shifts, with one 6/V alpha tanker. I gave them sector FO, DO, Bnd cc numbers to coordinate Flight and CAP locations. if you can pass me ine location", 1° Ti relay on Conbat Ops channel. Maj French is at the Tacc 779-4032. e-mail ser Join: COWRROCOD (aocdde20s .20. 68.76) ECONR_OCO> 18:45:05 e-mail ‘anc NEADS. //5cU/ CONR BCO: NEADS copies Tanker coord info..wilco. we previously worked 2 Tanker for Sentry 40/ Selfridge, Piston 11 ao for 20002 for refuel at £21002 ese + Quit: conesocoD (no such File or directory) S Qunt: CONR_AS (wo such file or directory) Jorn: CONRAOCOD (aocdd@20¢ 20.68.76) res Join: CONR_AG (260204. 20.66.78) " NEADS/SEADS/HADS:” Need Tong cerm gameplan for 24/7 gos with 2 Tankers per sector.” C20 tell me NORADS plan for E-3 and €-25.//scu// nads working it -}1c SCOna-c20> Aw Plan = four AWACS - DC area, Chicago, Denver, and Protection of Pres. NORAD working with Tinker to. set up these four continuous orbits -~ weneed cren duty times. refuel times. RTS tomes // Right now we have three Ee?'s= Lax, and San Fran - spare at Mugu - DAS NeAdS es Tankers Currently on status API at following: Selfridge (4) Bangor (2) Pease (2) - We request keeping these unti] situation slows. Then Peagest 2 at Bangor and 2 at McGuire as minimum. will also need 2 at Selfridge if we continue with €-3/Ftrs near Chicago. wsc NEADS: We JO Not have OPCON Or TACON of tankers..go VER direct to anc TACC at #794032. //scu// NEADS Copies VER direct to TACC.. .brd Econ cSes for NEADS MCC/IO expect 2 helo (M3 3077 going to Huntington west Viraynva) WADS Tulsa's OG 1s Col Hadaway, OSN 894-7515, 7522, 7216, 7370 ENEADS:FO> CONRCCO IMPORTANT WE Have A PATIOS CESSNA 56 IN W73 WANTS TO LAND IN ANDRENS NOn INFO? Is thisa_a Hot flight? wse ve Jax: azochiet (atochiefaisy. 219.129-111) ECONRLCSP> for WAOS, Correction to previous 1t's “United Airlines"UAL8811-FBr transport ver Jon! Abmeaew=t (nbmcaew-t@157 219.128. 166) ses Quit: Atochier (EOF From client) ZSEADS_S0> Refueller 17 airborne enroute to wi68...Refueller 18 also airborne CAB over. arkansas///md ves Quit: momcaew-t (Leaving) SNESBS-Fo"COne” CED PATTIOB WT) Yead elsennere ~ FAA confirmed MiTizary Pend. use sre orn nomeaew-t (nbmeaen- Sead! SD, please have IO Or MCC come up this chat for Flight info eeeNQaye: CONR_AG (Error 0) peat for waos Page 36 a 3. #conr_co_relcan conragcoo (No such file or directory) 5 CONR_CCO (Error O) eer Quit: SEADS_SD (Error 0) = Quit: CONR_Ad (NO such file or directory) Quit: SEADS_mcC (error 0) Quit: S£a0s_p0 (Error 0) + Quit: seaps_eo (Error 0} ves Quit: waDSFO? (Error 0) ee Quit: WADSEC (NO such File or directory) ves Quit: CoNa_OCIO (Error 0} wee Quit: wa0SaD (Error 0) =: Quit: CONR_CSP (Leaving) see Quit: NEADS-FO (Leaving) s+ Jorn: CONRAG (360204. 20.68.78) ss Join: CONRLAd (44G204 20.68.67) Fes Join: SEADS_D0 (SEADS_000204.. 20 .69.242) Jorn: waosFO? (FO20204. 36. 174.89) Jorn: CONRADCDD (aocddG204. 20.58.76) Jorn: CONR_CSP (CONR.CSPG204.20. 68.101) Quit: CONR_SADO (Error 0) we! Join: NEADS-FO (FOGZO4. 36.173. 74) we Join: SEADSMCCI (SEADSMCCIG204 20.69. 251) s+ Jorn! Conn sa00 (sado020d.20.68.79) + Jorn: SEADE MCC (SEADS_MCC20204.20.69.7) + Jorn: SEADS_SD (SEADS-S0GZ04..20.69.9) © Jorn: waDSDd (doG204.36..174.73) Jorn: CONR_OCTO (CONA_DC10G204.. 20.68.96) Dorn: cona_ccO (ccoe204.. 20.68.69) Jorn: Seaos_fO (nsf0G204. 20.69. 245) “Jorn: CONR_ESO (CONR_CSOG205. 20.68.95) © art: CONR_CSO (CONR_CS00204: 20.68.95) ADS MCC/T Confirm you san info on UALBB1L S€ona_o¢o- CONR 20! Deb, 19:34:28 valBB1] is Still on the ground awaiting clearance. . .dg ENAos-FO> CONR CCO awaiting words form CONR CC on PAT 108 - pian is to divert Pax river unless NMCC Confirmation. sc NEADS FO: DON"E have info on PAT 108. update please?//scu// EmADSLMCCT> UALGB11 scheduled to depart at 21002//ta SCONR_OCG> 19:41:27 CONR SADO- Please pass ROE to NE ADS on DSN 587-6771, secure fax./7S8 19:43:05 NEADS_MCC: COpy on Panta 3/4, thanks.>>db ECONR_OCO» 19:46:26 NEADS Standing by our FAX at’ DSN 587-6771 for ROE Fax ‘acwo/P ves pyscannected from cmasapl.relcan vee Non talking in #conr_co cee Jorn: WADSFO? (FO20204.36.174.89) ss Join: SEADS_DO (SEADS_000204 . 20.69. 242) = Join: SEA0s_FO (nsto@204.20. 69.245) Backup server for combat ops is wADS server, same chat channels. This will be primary chat channel. //scu// se Joan: CONR_CSP (CONR_CSPA204.20.66.101) ECONR_OCO> 20'03:08 Copy TACS unit, standby on activation. //scu EConRLDCO» CONR A2O: Please work the following: 20:00:32 CONR Mapile Tacs unit, 103.ACS, Orange, CT, has informed us they are available if heeded as radar backfill. They are a\9-) operation and need to know if you fant to activate them and recall personne]. Blue Ash, OH (123 ACS) is also stating availability. did//scu Refueller 17 has 98,0001bs of fuel and is in wl68///mid See Join: CONR_CCO (cco@204 20.68.69) NEADS Thanks fpor the info please standby. rid SSONSGim: CONR-Ad (asG204- 20.68. 6: ser Form: CONRIAG (269204. 20°68 78) Page 37 3. sconr_co_relican * Join: CoNR_OCIO (CoNR_9¢109204 20.68.96) ZCONR_CSP> WADS MCC/T please pass following ft info to TO: NWA9I93 A 727 going To Andrews containing white House Press Departure point please//ta "Join: Cona-SA00_(sad00204..20.68.79) Take off time as well//ta EnRDSIMCCT> CCA 985, W222 landed at 20102//ta SConmloco> Copy wie OFF coast next £0 Tampa w/98K//thanks-where is Refueller 18 now//scu/ Refueller 18 is southeast of Tinker aFa///me ECONR DcOs NEADS/SEADS/wADS” Need you current fighter Cap locations, type, and F7escu/ SITREP inputs from sectors AS4P//scu// S*"pisconnected from cmasapl.reican =s* Row talaing in #conrco es* ota! seaps_mcc. (SEADS_Mcc2@204 .20.69.7) ss* Join: ConR_CSP (CONR_CSPG204. 20. 68.101) Jorn: Seap3_s0_(SEADS~500204 20.69,9) econccsps For AOS, FLT NEL}, a neio from Ft. Collins, Co to Mesa Verde, NM (Sept of Interior on Nat’! Security issues. //hd se doin: conacco (ecodz05..20.65..63) eaA0S NCCT. COB) dS SSEROS ro» For wADS! EADS intends to have EFD “CowRYSS" “COWRY? & 48" return 2539 to FFD. 00 you have any issue wItN that? SEADS assumes you handle the Gontrinuec escort OF AFl as iF his Flight continues. PIs Adise ASAP. dj advise "Pe Soin: CONR_AG (260204. 20.68.78) ss< join: S£a03_D0 (SEADS_D0G204..20.69.242) ECONRLCSP> FOr NEADS AND SEADS MCC/T FLT NWAS93 is White House Press from Sarasota to Andrews//hd SEADS/NEADS’ Anticipate president wiTl return to DC. Need NEADS to ork up Gane plan and wnat fighters you plan to use. would like to either Nort a handoff from EFO jets ar have someone else escort from Offutt.//scu// copy dS. SLOWELESP> FOR NEADS! 'e1c MeLPA, a 1525 going BOS to BNA (To Kreax burn victims Fom NYC: se pisconnected from cmasapl.relcan ss* how talking. in #conraco ss* Jorn’ CONR-C20 (€20070¢ 20.66.66), <> Join, Cona7$ao0 "(sadoe204..30.68 73) se Jorn. ConR=Cco.(c0G205.. 20.68.69) eCONALDCO> NEADS wADS| Current Tighter cap locations, who is airborne and Soin. CONR’CSP_(CONR_CSPQ204..20, 65.302) ALL SECTORS" Work plan'to man caps. 7 ships, 24/7 at LAX, HOUSTON, PHOENTN, SEATTLE. SAN FRAN, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO, DETROIT, BOSTON, Nye WASH OC, MIAMT. AND PHILIOELPHEA. Ch see Join’ SEADS MCC (SEADS_MCC23seadsc2.relcan) EnAOS-MCCT>. CONRs we shon Redeye 1/7 oUt OF Buckley over Ch. Mt. and Bat 1/2 Out of Sioux City over Offutt, Need any more info? se ser Soin’ s€ans_00 ($EA05 000204. 20.69.242) Copy?/scu// Ses"J@in: CONR_AG (a6@204 20.68.78) ee) Qui: apmeaew-t CLeaving) res Join: abmeaew-t (nbmcaew=10157.219.128.166) SCONAUCSP> FOR NEADS: NINA TS a G4 with Important FAR accident Vavest vgators. '7hd Ate T's werare reloo\ng our canker cap Jocarigns vg service our Srgnece caps by moving sale Lake city one over Colorado and the Offutt Toast fon 25 wouston eee tor SEA0S, would Veave. 2 tankers TACON TO WADS, 3 Teekees racon°to NEADS. and 2 canker TACON EO SEADS.. Lt looks Tike we also nos one to cover Mian] area. fe It possible to Rave ? tankers 24/7 vice 6? sence wert ioneed Tankers on RPE at Robins and Naco\7/7scu// Fefusier 17 offloae. 80k ate/ /mia// SEENSGSRO” conn nero, CeonDe708208.30, 68" 96) £ 3O,8; Counzesp. (conn earae0s. 20,08. 105) SS Join: Seansceo (ng?08204. 20,88, 245) SE Jorn: Coneec20 (e208204. 20.68.66) LEowhee500 Beads | change. 2 -* NORAD does not yer have OPCON of, the USS Kennedy Pree See Gieichpateng -- mien it cones 5 Pol42, 3 $3 and 3\AEWS ~ OAS join ‘coves at (a8ge04 20.68.67) cron ota Ora! a8 cone Beor AEW-Ti we are relooking our tanker cep locations farservice cur fighver caps by moving Salt! Lake city’ one over Colorado ang The 'Sefure Soeatien co ostor grea for Seabs.. woud teave 2 tankers. TACON TOgb6'"5 tShkers TACON’ to NeAdS. and 1 tanker TACON fo SEADS. TE looks WSur'Re alse need one to, cover mani acea. Es 37 poss ble to have 7 tankers SUS Oca eS "EF note wes need tankers on RPT at Robins and wacoi ley repeat, for AEW=7// Quit: covnee2o. (Leaving) Quit! Conca cEeror 6 Gait) Sea08-s0 (error 0) Guit, sexoscmec (error. 0) Quit: waosro2. (error 0) Quit, Cour 8800 (Error 0) Quit. Sea08_00 (Error 9) Sein conecio ¢cfo820", 20,6866 aad. EGMEESS EEoR eon ei senes page 39 «0 3. #conr_co_relean ==" Join: CONR_A4 (24204. 20.68.67) +5 Join: $e4b3-S0 (SEADS-sDéseadsc4. rel can) 3in: Seaps200 (SEad3_008708. 20.69. 242) =** Join: waDSFO2 (FO2G204. 36. 174.89) S Jorn: SeAds-MCC (SEADS_MCE2@seadsc?. relean) === Join: CONR_CCO (cco@204. 20.68.69) AEW-T: Just Sent you current and proposed CAP locations. CONR AOCD nas proposed a total of 9 caps, 2 more than 1 mentioned before. Locations Tao by°gectors, probably one more In wads in Northwest and another in Sea08) //scu// vos Quit: SeAb8. ce (No such file or directory) Sty Quit: wadSFO2 (NO Such fle Or directory) +8: Quit: S€ADS.00 (No such file or directory) + Quit: SEADS_SO (No such file or directory) s*s Join: SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@seadsc2.relcan) #5 Soin: SeaDs_DO (SEAS_508204.20..69.242) doin: Seaps_S0 (SEADS-Soseadsc4.relcan) ss Jorn: wadSFO2, (FO2G264, 36.174. 89) © Join: Cowa-ceoo (CONR_CEDOE204., 20.68.94) WAS: Confirm 2-ship F-16s from Carswell. Request load out.//scu// SConmcbeo> nabs: Copy Scramble on TOE near Dallas. //scu seNigved text co #concco. so D:\chat Logs\#conr_ce. 109 =e Jorn: CONR_AG (a6@204. 20.68.78) Quit: NBMC_FIDO (Error 0) Que: Bsx0 (No such File or directory) Sein: Nome F100. CNBMC_F1008157_919.128. 163) 31m: Bsx0 CBSxOeLS7- 219.129. 32) test =wADSFO2> CONR DCO: Info on WADS HHQ requested CAPS. Seattle CAP covered by Bon ax 23002. sro"car. covered by FAT at 23002. LA CAP Covered by Riverside at 23002. PHX CAP covered by Luke at 23002. Denver CaP covered by Buckley. ConR 0CO copies wads caps.//scu// SSENEEPFG? Seon airborne for Atl cae, NBG Airborne for HOUSTON CAP, HST to go at22is for Mia. car Gy cons 0€O SEADS/NEADS/WADS, 00 not contact TACC for tanker CAPS, go through me Siease. i nged your oriorieized IsstoF locations. AdcD has proposed. # Qunsers for WAOS, 9 for NEADS. and’? for EADS. WAOS can you get by with 4? sehave proposed locations for NEADS and SEADS, just need a prioritizes Tiste//seu// econm Dede REn-$: our strat/plans guys are trying to build ATO for tomorrow ‘They need to know the tanker units and locations and which units wi] man wnsth' caps for what times.//scu// Jorn: root (root@ s7 3pm: NERDS*FO.(F00364, 38,173.74) entads-Fo> NEADS FOstil) waiting for ROE corection.. .brd SCouncoco> understand you never got fax version oF ROE from CONK SADO this SFeernoon?//seu/7 ses Soin! "conm_AC20. (ac20@204.20.68,.77) [ntadsFo> Neads concern + 1) Sep has peace time ROE. We dig however receive the fax with ROE prior to receiving the 12 Sep ATO. Copy?.. sx: Jotn! Counssano (Sad06208.20.68- 79) NeADS FO: Copy you have faxed version. That's the ROE from NORAD! /scu// Copy’ SCOnRDCor The’ 12 Sep ATO you have was done 2 days ago. There is a modification Na progress now.//scu/) Wass. What's your préoritized Tist for tanker CAPs assuming you get 4@ and plan if you get 5 as well//scu//_ Quit: CONR_AC20 (No such file or directory) Page «0 “ 3. #conr_co_reican NEADS-FO (No such file or directory) file or directory) 06:35 *** Saved text to to D:\Chat Logs\#conr_co. 109 waosror (026208, 36.173-89) sS how. known as avOchtet Eounat Ceeror 0) Eonacoc10 (Error 0) Sea0s_rO (Error 0) Sennen (Error 0) SADSFO? (NO Such File or directory) fona_Dc10. CcOnRe DCzOG204. 207 68.96) Sea08_ FO (ns?0e20s, 20.69. 285) Souacka. (44204. 20.68.67) SADSFO? (F020204. 36,174.89) Neaos-Fo (03208. 36.173.78) Mochiet (Error 0) S£39500 (Error 05 choc {error 0) Conk. 3850 (Error 9} WaosFo2. (error. 0) UERRE Dero (Ao such File or directory) Sehognce {seabs.ncC2@seadse? relean) Seaps_00 (52403506208. 20.69.242) Goo; Bos Dn Oris. NVC 2 fm BTV...Phil 2 fm inca 4 fm Andrews. 4 fr Cangley..-det 2 fm Selfridge...Minneapolis 2 chicago 2 fm Duluth to be reieved by Springfield or Terra WaDsFo? (F020204.36.174.89) 33:22:21 NEADS: Thankyous/seu/ i CONR_DCTO (CONR_OCIOG204. 20.68.96) 33:15:22 Con? OCO: our plan until resources eee quit ens quit: 5x0 (Error 0) ve Quit: WEMC_FIDO (NO such file or directory) wes Quit: AQSFO? (Wo such = Soin: NBMC_FIOO (NBMC_FIDOG157.219. 128.163) m2 Join: B5xO"(8Sx0G157 .219.129. 32) see Join! CONR_AC20 (2¢206204. 20.68.77) End OF Text save G1/og712 23 01/09/11 23:06:55 *** Join 01/09/11 33:07:09 *** root 01/09/11 23:07:40 ve" quit 01/09/11 23:07:40 f°* Quit 01/09/11 23:07:40 *°" Quit 01/09/11 23:0; 40 *** Quit 01/09/21 23:07-40 e** Quit 01/09/31 23: 228 Join 1709/21 33 doin 01/09/11 23 doin 0199/11 23 Join 01/0911 23 see Join 01/0912 23:09:31 tr Quit: 01/0311 23 ses Quit: 01/09/11 33 ves quit: SEARO: 94/09'21 23: ves quit: 03/09/11 23 quit 93/08/21 23 quit 01/09/11 23 Join 01/09/11 23 doin 01/09/11 23:10:36 Con acy fr ouluth uate 02091]. 33:10:56 ==" 3010 0109/12 0109/11 33:12:03 *** Join 0109/11 exhausted “working tanker assts out of Selfridge, Pease, Pittsburg, 6angor XContacted NORAD and asked for coord on Fr caps for 24/7 Tanker support. wil) continue working with units that nave Tankers/crews ready until TACC/NORAG. give 01/09/17 04/0912 0109/22 0109/11 01/09/11 01/09/11 0109711 01/09/11 01/09/11 01/09/11 91/09/11 03/09/11 03/09/11 0109/21 01/09/21 01/09/12 01/03/12 01/03/11 01/09/31 91/09/21 91/09/11 708/11 words Quit quit quit doin join doin Jorn quit quit qt Jorn Born doin quit quit 23:17:20 31 +#* Join 23:00 "** quit 23 Join 23 quit 23:12 te" Join 23:16 te" Join 3 28 SEADS_FO (Error 0) Cone as (error 0) cona_cco (Error 0} SEADS_FO (nsfod204. 20.69. 245) Cone a4 (add204.20,68.67) conn _cco (cco2204. 30.68.69) CONR_C20 (c203208 70.68.66) SEA05_00 (Error 0) SEADSIMCC (no such file or directory) SEADS_SD (Error 0) SEADS_00 (5EA0S_003204. 20.69.242) SEADS_SO (SEADS-SOvseadsc4. relcan) SEADS_MCC (SEADS_MCC2@seadsc2.relcan) Cona_€20 (Leaving) SEDs MCC (wo such File or directory) SEaDS_SD (No such file or directory) CONR_E20 (c202204 20.66.66) waDSFO? (Error 0) SEADS_NCC (SEADS_MCC?@5eadsc?,relcan) SEADS_S0 (SEADS-SD3seadsc4 .relcan) WADSFS? (£020208. 36,174.89) 38 coordinate scrambles through CONR DCO/CCO please page 41

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