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16/04/2019 Problèmes de santé

Problèmes de santé
Test trouvé sur - le site pour apprendre l'anglais (test n°94064)


Vocabulaire de la vidéo
headache mal de tête watery eyes yeux larmoyants plaster cast plâtre

flu grippe runny nose nez qui coule sprain entorse

to catch a cold attraper un rhume pink eye conjonctivite blister ampoule

cough toux nosebleed saignement de nez band-aid pansement adhésif

hay fever rhume des foins bruise bleu splinter écharde

to sneeze éternuer scratch égratignure to shiver frissonner

swollen enflé bump bosse his teeth are chattering il claque des dents

She feels fine. He feels sick. She is blowing her nose. He has a fever

He has a severe sunburn. It has got the hiccups. She has goose pimples. He feels dizzy. She is going to faint.

un fort coup de soleil hoquet la chair de poule sa tête tourne elle va s'évanouir

mumps (+v. sing.) measles (+ v. sing.) whooping-cough chicken pox a shot

(oreillons) (rougeole) (coqueluche) (varicelle) (piqûre) 1/6
16/04/2019 Problèmes de santé

(n.) douleur
a pain can be sudden: After the match I had a terrible pain in my leg. (Après le match j'ai eu une douleur terrible à la jambe.)
Pain painkiller : analgésique

to be a pain in the neck: to be very annoying (être casse-pieds) (style familier)

(n.) mal
an ache is a continuous dull pain (une douleur sourde) / It is used with 'back, tooth, head, stomach, ear' (backache, toothache...)
heartache = peine de cœur (fig.)
(v.) to ache = faire mal
I am aching all over (j'ai mal partout).

(adj.) sore = painful douloureux ,(sensible)

to have a sore throat (avoir mal à la gorge)
Hurting when used or touched (qui fait mal quand on s'en sert ou qu'on le touche)

(adj.) malade
Ill (US) To be sick = To be ill (ne pas se sentir bien)
(UK) to be sick = to be nauseous (avoir la nausée) to be seasick (avoir le mal de mer) to be airsick (avoir le mal de l'air)
ill n'est en général pas épithète: this child is ill, he is a sick child.

Questions :


1. Choisir la réponse correcte





Cliff 2/6
16/04/2019 Problèmes de santé


She has __________________
[ ]a fever
[ ]an earache
[ ]a sore throat
[ ]a toothache
What's wrong with Ashley?
[ ]a backache
[ ]a headache
[ ]a stomach ache

She has __________________
[ ]a fever
[ ]a headache
[ ]a backache
[ ]an earache
What's wrong with Betty?
[ ]a stomach ache
[ ]a sore throat
[ ]a toothache

He has __________________
[ ]a backache
[ ]an earache
[ ]a toothache
[ ]a stomach ache
What's wrong with Snoopy?
[ ]a fever
[ ]a headache
[ ]a sore throat

He has __________________
[ ]a headache
[ ]a toothache
[ ]a stomach ache
[ ]an earache
What's wrong with Brian?
[ ]a fever
[ ]a sore throat
[ ]a backache

He has __________________
[ ]a fever
[ ]a stomach ache
[ ]a headache
[ ]a backache
What's wrong with Cliff?
[ ]a sore throat
[ ]a toothache
[ ]an earache

What's wrong with Chelsea? She has __________________
[ ]an earache
[ ]a toothache
[ ]a backache
[ ]a sore throat
[ ]a stomach ache
[ ]a headache 3/6
16/04/2019 Problèmes de santé
[ ]a fever

What's wrong with Bill? He has __________________

[ ]a sore throat
[ ]an earache
[ ]a stomach ache
[ ]a toothache
[ ]a backache
[ ]a headache
[ ]a fever



Could you lend me a handkerchief please? I have __________________.

[hidden]Pourrais-tu me prêter un mouchoir s'il te plaît ? J'ai le nez qui coule.

[ ]a runny nose
[ ]hiccups
[ ]goose pimples


I fell off my bike yesterday and __________________

[ ]broke
[ ]sprained
[ ]scratched

10) my hands and knees. I cleaned them and put on band-aids.

[hidden]Je suis tombé de bicyclette hier et j'ai égratigné mes mains et mes genoux. Je les ai lavés et j'ai mis des pansements.

Pat is allergic to pollen; she has been __________________

[ ]bleeding
[ ]hiccupping
[ ]sneezing

11) all day.

[hidden]Pat est allergique au pollen, elle a éternué toute la journée.

[ ]A cough
[ ]Sneezing
[ ]A hiccup

12) results from involuntary spasms of the diaphragm. To stop it, try to breathe into a paper bag five times in a row.

[hidden]Le hoquet provient de spasmes involontaires du diaphragme. Pour le faire cesser essayez de respirer dans un sac en papier 5
fois d'affilée.

[ ]Mumps
[ ]Measles
[ ]Flu

13) is a contagious disease that causes fever and swollen salivary glands.

[hidden]Les oreillons sont une maladie contagieuse qui donne de la fièvre et provoque un gonflement des glandes salivaires. 4/6
16/04/2019 Problèmes de santé

Betty has a fever; it makes her feel __________________

[ ]dizzy
[ ]ache
[ ]sore

14) all over her body.

[hidden]Betty a de la fièvre, tout son corps est douloureux.

When she is very hungry, Lucy feels sick and __________________

[ ]bruised
[ ]dizzy
[ ]scratched

15) as if she was about to faint.

[hidden]Quand elle a très faim Lucy ne se sent pas bien et sa tête tourne comme si elle allait s'évanouir.

[ ]A splinter
[ ]A shiver
[ ]A sunburn

16) can strike more easily than you might think. Use a special cream to protect yourself from the dangerous rays of the sun.

[hidden]Un coup de soleil peut survenir plus facilement que vous le pensez. Utilisez une crème spéciale pour vous protéger des
dangereux rayons du soleil.

__________________ are those black and blue marks you get after you take a punch to your body.
[hidden]Les ecchymoses sont ces marques noires et bleues que l'on a après avoir reçu un coup.

[ ]Bruises
[ ]Bumps
[ ]Blisters


1) a backache
2) a headache
3) a toothache
4) a sore throat
5) an earache
6) a stomach ache
7) a fever
8) a runny nose
9) scratched
10) sneezing
11) A hiccup
12) Mumps
13) sore
14) dizzy
15) A sunburn
16) Bruises 5/6
16/04/2019 Problèmes de santé
Test trouvé sur - le site pour apprendre l'anglais (test n°94064) - Copyright
- All rights reserved - Reproduction et traduction interdites sur tout support. 6/6

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