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Name: ____________________________________________________ _________________ E-mail: _____________________________________

Local Address: ______________________________________ ___________________ Telephone #: _ _____________________________

______________________________________________ ___ _________ Zip Code: ___________________________________

Permanent Address: ____________________________________________ __ ____

____________________________ ______________ ____ ____ Zip Code: __________________________________

Voice classification (if known): S A T B

Year in School: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Have you been in a choir before: Yes No

Vocal Background (List choirs and number of years in each, voice lessons, musicals, contest, festivals, etc.):


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____


Instrumental Background (List instruments and number of years of study): ____________________________________



Briefly state why you want to participate, and what skills you will bring to the choir: _____________________



Please present this form to the instructor upon entering the audition room.

__________________________________________________________STOP HERE___________________________________________________________

1. Tone Quality: Airy 1 2 3 4 5 Focused

2. Tone Color: Bright 1 2 3 4 5 Dark
3. Intonation: Inconsistent 1 2 3 4 5 Strong
4. Sight-Singing: Basic 1 2 3 4 5 Advanced
5. Confidence: Insecure 1 2 3 4 5 Confident
6. Overall Rating: Weak 1 2 3 4 5 Strong Tessitura/Range

Comments: ________________________________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ___________

Accept? _________________ Choir: _____________________________________ _________ Voice Part: ______ ____________________

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