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Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 147–151

Software sensors based on titrimetric techniques for the monitoring and

control of aerobic and anaerobic bioreactors
Heiko Feitkenhauer∗ , Ulrich Meyer
Institut für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Received 9 January 2003; accepted after revision 28 May 2003

Microbial activity influences the vicinity of a microbial cell in a way that changes the pH value of the surrounding medium. Key
processes are the production or degradation of charged substances (e.g. volatile fatty acids) and the production of carbon dioxide (or
hydrogen carbonate). In a technical system, the shift of the pH value may be prevented by a pH control system. It is proposed in this paper
that the resulting base (or acid) consumption rates can be used as input for “software sensors” for substrate and biomass concentrations.
This titrimetric technique was successfully applied to extreme thermophilic, aerobic bioprocesses (growth substrates phenol, aliphatic
hydrocarbons) for the estimation of biomass and substrate concentrations (formation/degradation rates). In anaerobic experiments, the
formation of volatile fatty acids (VFA) was monitored and the reduction of the VFA formation rate in the presence of an inhibitory
compound investigated. The results show the versatility of software sensors based on titrimetric techniques and demonstrate the potential
for process control in applications in which more sophisticated sensors are not available or affordable.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Aerobic processes; Anaerobic processes; Control; Software sensor; Thermophilic microorganisms

1. Introduction metabolites, e.g. fatty acids. Near the neutral pH most of

the carbon dioxide will be converted to hydrogen carbon-
Both software sensor and titration techniques have gained ate and severely influence the pH value, while the rest will
increasing popularity in recent years [1,2]. Reasons are their leave the reactor as gaseous carbon dioxide. The amount of
robustness and lower price compared to other, more sophis- carbon dioxide that leaves the reactor depends not only on
ticated equipment. The latter is based on lower investment the pH value, but also on the mass transfer characteristics
costs as well as on the relatively simple maintenance (and within the treatment system. Therefore, not only microbial
hence no need to employ additional, well trained techni- activities influence the pH value, but also process variables
cians). Furthermore, the equipment necessary is installed such as the aeration rate or stirrer speed. A further pH-shift
in many plants (or laboratory bioreactors), but not used for is encountered when cells degrade compounds which in-
automatic process control purposes. fluence the pH value of the solution, e.g. the pH increases
when an acidic compound is degraded or incorporated. One
1.1. Bioprocess fundamentals of the process control important example of that kind is also the incorporation of
techniques ammonium into growing cells.
A similar pH change in the treatment system occurs in
Nearly all activities of microorganisms affect their sur- denitrification processes [3]. A very intense change is also
roundings in a way that changes the pH value in the vicinity found in two-phase anaerobic digestion systems. In this case
of the individual cell (or a microbial floc/pellet). Such a pH no oxygen is involved in the reaction. In the first bioreactor
alteration can be, for example, expected during the aerobic (also called acidification reactor) the wastewater constituents
degradation of uncharged substrates such as aliphatic hydro- are transformed into volatile fatty acids (and carbon diox-
carbons. Cells metabolize hydrocarbons and oxygen while ide), while the same fatty acids are converted into biogas
they produce carbon dioxide and minor quantities of other in the second reactor (methane reactor). Therefore, a strong
change in pH accompanies the biological activities in both
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-1-632-3064; fax: +41-1-632-1074. reactors. Concluding, in a characterized biological system
E-mail address: (H. Feitkenhauer). it is not necessary to monitor the cells themselves (or their

1369-703X/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 H. Feitkenhauer, U. Meyer / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 147–151

substrates) to detect the microbial activity, but it is sufficient It was sterilized in the treatment system (20 min at 121 ◦ C
to monitor the surroundings of the cells, e.g. by monitoring bioreactor). The phosphate buffer system (final concentra-
the pH. tion: Na2 HPO4 , 0.42 g/l and NaH2 PO4 , 0.2 g/l) was adjusted
Unfortunately, a shifting pH influences the cells them- to the desired pH and autoclaved separately and added be-
selves as well as their growth medium. An example for the fore the inoculation with the indicated Bacillus strain (phe-
latter is acetic acid, which can pass into microbial cells only nol degradation: Bacillus thermoleovorans A2 [6]; eicosane
in the neutral (protonated) form. In general, the bioavailabil- degradation: B. thermoleovorans Hamburg I [7]). The 2 l
ity of many compounds changes with the pH. An example bioreactor (liquid volume of 1.6 l, Typ VSF, Bioengineering,
for the influence of the pH on the cells themselves is the Wald, Switzerland) was equipped with three “disc turbine”
distribution of the individual volatile fatty acids produced stirrers on the axis and operated at 1500 rpm. The aeration
in an acidification reactor, which is dependent on the pH rate (0.5 vvm) and temperature (65 ◦ C) remained unchanged
in the growth medium [4]. If a base (or acid) is supplied during the experiment. The system was equipped with an
to the process to keep the pH value constant (e.g. by a pH oxygen probe and indicator (Bioengineering). The oxygen
controller), the amount of titrant (base/acid) added per unit saturation was recorded and was above 5% air saturation at
time can be used as the relevant information instead of the all times of the experiments. The system was also equipped
pH value. This direct titrimetric technique will be used and with a pH-probe (Endress und Hauser, Weil am Rhein, Ger-
discussed in this paper for the estimation of concentrations many) and a pH controller. The pH was kept at the desired
of biomass or degraded substrate. value by this controller connected to a peristaltic pump (us-
A pH-measurement and an online correction system for ing 1 N NaOH solution). The base supply flask was placed
the pH value (pH-stat) is available in most laboratory scale on scales, which were read at the indicated times.
wastewater treatment plants and is also used in many full
scale (industrial) installations. However, online measure- 2.2. Anaerobic bioreactor and control system
ments of biomass concentrations are not as frequently used,
as they are costly and require some maintenance. The same The synthetic wastewater and system for the control of
holds for online measurements of substrate concentrations or the anaerobic acidification reactor has been described before
wastewater sum parameters. Offline measurements are time [8]. Briefly, it consists of a 7 l bioreactor with equipment
consuming and hence not very well suited for control pur- for online sampling and a purpose build titration cell for
poses. Furthermore, it is not very easy to determine the best the determination of volatile fatty acids and carbonate. The
sampling times, especially in batch-wise operated reactors. actual titration was performed using a commercial tirator
Also sampling may be required during the night (un-staffed (719, Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland). All equipment was
operating hours). Therefore, it would be beneficial to use connected to a PC (Dell Optiplex, Austin, USA) using the
data that are easily available online such as the base con- serial interfaces of the computer (RS 232) or a multi-purpose
sumption to maintain the pH constant. I/O card (MIO 16E4, National Instruments, Austin, USA).
In this paper, the “construction” of simple software sen- The data acquisition and control software was written in
sors based on titration techniques is described. Three ex- Labview 5.1 (National Instruments). A pH controller kept
amples will be used to demonstrate the versatility of this the pH value in this reactor constant via a peristaltic pump
technique in more detail: (using 2 N NaOH solution). The time of operation of the
base pump was recorded and converted into base amounts
(a) Control of aerobic fermentation: estimation of biomass
by the computer using a calibration curve.
and substrate (phenol) concentrations.
The same computer was also used in control of the first
(b) Control of (anaerobic) acidification reactors: estimation
(acidification) reactor in a biogas system. This 2 l bioreac-
of metabolite concentrations.
tor was similar to the bioreactor described above, but in
(c) Control of (anaerobic) acidification reactors: estimation
this case the titrator (Metrohm 719) was directly connected
of inhibitory effects.
to the reactor for pH control. The pH value and amount
of base (0.5 N NaOH) added were read every 90 s by the
computer. The reactor was emptied and cleaned after every
2. Materials and methods experiment to avoid cell growth on the reactor wall. The
simplified wastewater contained the substrate glucose and
2.1. Aerobic bioreactor and control system the following mineral salts (g/l): NH4 Cl, 0.15; MgCl2 , 0.05;
CaCl2 , 0.05; FeSO4 ·7H2 O, 0.02; HNa2 PO4 ·12H2 O, 0.35;
The artificial wastewater either contained phenol or KH2 PO4 , 0.35; yeast extract 0.02 NaCl as indicated in the
eicosane as the carbon source (concentrations indicated in experiment (adjusted to pH 6 with 0.5 N NaOH after inoc-
the results). Furthermore, it contained the following mineral ulation). It was inoculated with 160 mg/l (cell dry weight)
salts (in g/l): (NH4 )2 SO4 , 1.0; MgCl2 ·6H2 O, 0.1; CaCl2 · of a mixed culture obtained from a continuously operated
2H2 O, 0.1; KCl, 0.04; FeSO4 ·7H2 O, 0.001; and 10 ml/l stirred bioreactor (substrate: starch). All cultures for inocu-
trace element solution according to DSMZ, Medium 141 [5]. lation were taken from a continuously operated bioreactor
H. Feitkenhauer, U. Meyer / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 147–151 149

at the same time and stored at 4 ◦ C before the start of each pounds would be very beneficial, but traditional systems are
experiment. often expensive and complicated. Offline measurements are
time consuming and hence not very well suited for control
3. Results and discussion In the experimental system, the pH was maintained con-
stant by a pH controller, which pumped 1 N NaOH solution
3.1. Control of an aerobic fermentation: estimation of into the reactor. A variation of about 0.04 pH units was
biomass and substrate concentrations observed due to the “on/off” type controller used in the
experiment. The amount of base used was measured on a
There are two main effects that can be exploited for balance (Mettler-Toledo, Switzerland, 0.1 g steps). A good
measurements in aerobic systems: (a) Cells degrade (or correlation between the phenol degradation and the base
incorporate) compounds which influence the pH value of consumption was found in this experiment (Eq. (1)). The
the solution. One important example is the incorporation of following linear correlation was derived from these data to
ammonium into cell mass during the growth on a carbon estimate the phenol consumption from the base consump-
source. (b) Cells release intermediates and products of the tion data (in ml1 N NaOH /lbioreactor ):
aerobic degradation in the wastewater, e.g. carbon diox-
ide/hydrogen carbonate. These two processes are related to Phenol degradation (mmol/l)
the metabolic activity of the cells and hence in most cases = 0.3884 × base consumption (ml/l)
to the growth on a certain pollutant. Hence these data can
be used to estimate the biomass or the degraded substrate (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.99) (1)
concentrations. In both cases the initial concentration can-
not be derived with a titrimetric technique. If required, they This correlation can be used to monitor online a degrada-
must be determined offline. In laboratory measurements tion experiment or to control continuous degradations (pH
they are often known from the set-up of the experiment difference between feed and reactor have to be considered
(e.g. the start concentration of a substrate is known from in this case). Deviations of measurement and correlation
the amount of substrate added to the reactor). are caused by the relatively large steps of the balance
(0.1 g) and the on/off type of control. The simple linear
3.1.1. Estimation of substrate (phenol) concentrations relationship also suggests that microbial ammonium uptake
Phenol was degraded as sole carbon and energy source (proportional to phenol uptake) was equally important to
by B. thermoleovorans A2 at 65 ◦ C in a batch-wise operated carbon dioxide dissolution (where, e.g. saturation effects
reactor (Fig. 1). In general, higher concentrations of phe- could yield a non-linear relation). Due to the use of NaOH
nol are very inhibitory to microorganisms (e.g. >200 mg/l), insoluble sodium salts were probably produced from the
while lower concentrations are degraded fast and efficiently. dissolved carbon dioxide.
Hence an online control of the degradation of phenolic com- Several types of biosensors for phenolic compounds are
in use in different areas, including process technology and
5 0 medical applications [9,10]. Most sensors for process con-
4.5 trol are based either on immobilized enzymes [11] or more
Phenol [mmol l ], OD x 5 [-]

4 -2.5 sophisticated extraction and detections methods, e.g. em-

ploying solid phase extractions and spectroscopic measure-
1 N NaOH [ml l ]

ments [10]. All these methods have the advantage of being
3 -5

more specific for phenolic compounds. On the other hand,

their drawback is the considerably high input in resources
2 Phenol -7.5
(investment, maintenance) to get reliable results.
1.5 OD
1 Base -10 3.1.2. Estimation of biomass concentrations
0.5 Similar correlations can be derived for wastewater treat-
0 -12.5 ment plants or for software sensors that estimate the cell
0 10 20 30 40 density (optical density, OD) from the base consumption
Time [h] data. The following equation was derived for eicosane degra-
dation by B. thermoleovorans at 65 ◦ C and pH 7 [12] and
Fig. 1. Phenol degradation and microbial growth of the thermophilic B. was confirmed also in experiments with hexadecane as the
thermoleovorans A2 growing at 65 ◦ C and a pH of 6 in a 2 l bioreactor.
The growth was monitored using the optical density OD at 570 nm as
growth substrate:
a parameter. On the second y-axis, the consumption of NaOH is plotted
(negative values refer to the level of the NaOH reservoir and were OD = 0.24× base consumption (in ml1 N NaOH /lbioreactor )
not converted to make the good correlation with the phenol data more
obvious). (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.94) (2)
150 H. Feitkenhauer, U. Meyer / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 147–151

There are several types of sensors for the monitoring of 80

cell/sludge densities in research bioreactors and industrial 0 g/l NaCl"
applications. Many of them are based on optical measure-
40 g/l NaCl"
Base [ml 0.5 N NaOH]

ments. Problems are often encountered with air-bubbles and 60

biofilms on the sensor, or, like in the above present appli- 50 80 g/l NaCl"
cation, with a second organic phase (aliphatic hydrocarbons
like eicosane dissolve only in minor quantities in the aque- 40
ous medium and hence form a second liquid phase even at 30 0 g/l NaCl
low concentrations). An example for the development of an 10 g/l NaCl
advanced sensor in this field is the multi-wavelength fluo- 40 g/l NaCl
rescence sensor [13], which measures also substrate concen- 10 80 g /l NaCl
trations. However, these methods are more complicated and
expensive than the proposed use of titrimetric data. 0 1500 3000 4500
Time [min]
3.2. Control of (anaerobic) acidification reactors:
estimation of metabolite concentrations Fig. 2. Determining the acidification rate of glucose (5 g l−1 ) in the
presence of increasing NaCl concentrations in a 2 l bioreactor.

The offline control of anaerobic digestion processes by

buffer capacity measurements is widely used. In samples,
the volatile fatty acid (VFA) content and carbonates can be possibility to discriminate between different VFA species
distinguished and this method is available for online use [8]. or at least between VFA and hydrogen carbonate (titration
A simpler way to monitor the acidification rate is presented of samples). The main disadvantages are the much higher
here. It was shown that the base consumption correlates installation and maintenance costs, including the need for
very well with the VFA concentration (as measured online trained staff.
with the above mentioned method and verified by a GC
method with minor deviation). The base consumption was 3.3. Control of (anaerobic) acidification reactors:
determined by measuring the operation time of the pump estimation of inhibitory effects
connected to the pH controller (and using a calibration curve
for this pump). The examples described above relate to cases in which
Not taking into account the initial concentration of VFA concentrations were determined directly from measured
(which cannot be determined by direct titration), the VFA data. These data can also be used to gain information on in-
concentration in the system can be calculated from the base hibitory substances [16]. One simple example is the follow-
consumption by ing: the increase of the VFA concentration in a time interval
is calculated from titration data. From this data, acidification
VFA (mmol/l) = base consumption (mmol/l)/0.91 rates in the presence of increasing concentrations of an in-
(correlation coefficient R2 = 0.99) (3) hibitor (increasing NaCl concentrations) can be calculated.
These decreasing rates (decreasing rates of base addition)
The factor in this equation is not one because a part of the can be used to calculate an inhibition constant (Fig. 2).
organic acids is not dissociated at pH 6. On the other hand, A related technique has been used by Rozzi et al. [17]
some carbon dioxide produced by the cells was dissolved in to determine inhibitory effects on methanogenic bacteria.
the wastewater and changed the pH of the medium (at pH In this case not the degradation, but the formation of an
6 the predominant species is carbon dioxide, but hydrogen intermediate in the presence of an inhibitor substance was
carbonate has still a considerably share of the total carbonate successfully studied.
alkalinity). Hence, when establishing such a simple correla-
tion always similar conditions to the subsequent process con-
trol must be used (especially pH, temperature and to some 4. Conclusions
extent salinity). If these conditions change considerably, the
whole process has to be modeled and the factors influencing Software sensors based on titrimetric techniques were
the base consumption have to be incorporated in this model. successfully used to determine key concentrations and
There is an array of alternative methods to measure the rates in wastewater treatment processes. In all cases useful
VFA content in anaerobic bioreactors, most of them using correlations were established which are valid for specific
more sophisticated techniques. One of the techniques with systems and processes. The equations were obtained from
a lower investment necessary is the online titration of sam- experiments that can be performed relatively fast in other
ples [8]. At the other end of the spectrum, there are several biosystems to establish the correlations in these biopro-
techniques using simplified and sophisticated mass spec- cesses (specific correlations have to be established for each
trometers [14,15]. The advantage of these techniques is the process to be controlled or monitored).
H. Feitkenhauer, U. Meyer / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 147–151 151

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