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1996 HB ENTERPRISES CLIPS eAnimation Art eWacky Racing 1996 ANIMATION ART CLIPS IN TOON Volume VII Issue I 1996 Tom and Jerry: Two Stars. ..Seven Oscars © A Special Tribute by Hanna-Barbera e by Nicole Tucker ann-rbera has st releasd Heese ition and Jorg dit from the Academy Award® Winning Short Ganon Te et containe sre ted caiton frm the pars award wanes theresa pes omen a Tom ad Jeny hoy ach proce hs boon done than adeon of 00 and signed by Bil anna and Joe Baers. As Doms, fr lowe io parce heen fet Utd ealion fom tir debut pao mmance Past Gets the Boot 0940) ts included Yawxee Donte Mouse (1943) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer collected its first Academy. Award® for a short car- toon with this World War H-inspired classic. Set entirely in a basement full of sartoon staples like dynamite, eggs and fireworks, Yankee Doodle Mouse also is the first winner for the directors Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera. The two mas- ters would then sweep this Oscar® for the next two years Mouse TrousLe (1944) The second Tom and Jerry short car- toon to receive an Oscar® Mouse Trouble shows Tom taking advice from a copy of ‘How To Trap @ Mouse (a Random Mouse book, of course). The highlight of this film is a lure for Jerry in the form of a Mae West-type mechanical mouse (which Tom ends up swallowing), a oar ih : et, Quier Puease! (1945) Hanna and Barbera used a very reliable premise in Quiet Please! Tom desperately need to catch Jerry but without waking up the sleeping bulldog, Spike. 4 Tue Car Concenro (1947) Perhaps the most popular of all Tom and Jetty cartoons, The Cat Concerto chronicles Jeny's attempts at folling Tom's piano periormance of Lisat’s Hungarian Rhapsody No, 2. Tom's fingering of the classical piece followed those of musical director Scott Bradley. This was the first cartoon that Tom is teated as a *human* as he performs the piano piece in a tuxe do. The Cat Concerto was ranked forty sec- ‘ond in Jerry Beck's book The Fifly Greatest Cartoons. Tne Lire OnpHan (1949) It’s Tom, Jerry and Nibbles in this Thanksgiving offering. Nibbles plays an orphan mouse that Jerry invites over for the holiday. Tom as usual is no match for this tag team, Tue Two Mousexereers (1952) ‘Tom doesn’t stand a chance as he is assigned to guard the turkey. A six year old French girl took on the voice of Mouseketeer apprentice Nibbles. The premise was later repeated in cartoons like 1954°s Touche’, Pussycat! JOHANN Mouse (4953) ‘The story of Jobann Mouse, who lived in Vienna in where else but the house of Johann Strauss. Some of the most beautiful background art ever featured in any car- toon highlights what turned out to be Hanna and Barbera's final, record setting, seventh Academy Award® for best animat- ed short. This cartoon was narrated by Hans Contied. Jakob Gimpel contributed the piano arrangements, fobann Mouse is one of the few cartoons that shows the team as partners rather than adversaries.

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