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Language for Maps

Buildings– demolished, knocked-down, flattened, replaced, renovated, built, constructed, reconstructed, developed,
extended, expanded, relocated, converted and modernized.
The government demolished the industrial estate and developed a sports ground.
They removed the shops and replaced it with a skyscraper.
A port was constructed at the edge of the river.
The factory in the city centre was demolished and relocated to the north of the city.
The old warehouses were replaced with new hotels.
The factory was converted into apartments.
Trees and Forests- cleared, cut-down, chopped-down, removed, planted and felled.
The forest was cut-down and replaced with a shopping centre.
The trees were cleared to make way for houses.
Roads, bridges and railways lines- constructed, built, extended, expanded and removed.
The main road was extended and a new bridge built over the river.
Leisure facilities- opened, set up, developed.
A skate park was set up next to the swimming pool.
A park was developed beside the forest.
The two maps illustrate the (1)________________ of a seaside resort called Templeton
(2)________________ the period from 1990 to 2005.
Overall, the most (3)________________ change is that the resort (a) ______ (become) a
much more industrial area with (4)________________.
In 1990 there were trees almost everywhere in Templeton resort. However, the trees and
the small building (b) ______ (locate) (5)________________ the lake in the north-west of
the resort (c) ______ (replace) by two skyscrapers. (6)________________, the trees
between the two roads (d) ______ (cut) down for the (7)________________ of several
buildings. In addition, the houses in the south-west of the area (e) ______ (also, demolish)
and a supermarket district and larger buildings (f) ______ (put in place) alongside the
remaining building.
Among the most (8)________________ developments in the north-east was the airport
next to the school, which (g) ______ (remain) since 1990. The hospital was also
(9)________________, but new housing (h) ______ (build) next to it. Furthermore, the
railway (h) ______ (extend), running along the coast from west to east.
(10)_______________ 2005 a ferry terminal (i) ______ (also, construct) in the
(11)________________ of the town.
1. Place the following words in the gaps 1-11:
a) noteworthy
b) Similarly
c) unchanged
d) By
e) construction
f) over
g) modern infrastructure
h) substantial
i) next to
j) south-east corner
k) development

2. Change the verbs in brackets a-i to the correct verb tense (past, perfect, simple, etc.)
and form (active or passive).

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