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Hidraulika Saluran Terbuka

Energi spesifik
Rumus Bernoulli
Pressure in an OCF
Curved channel
Specific energy
• Specific energy E is defined as:

Average SE:

Rectangular Channel:
Dimensionless specific energy
Change in flow depth
Change in flow depth
Change in width
Specific Energy
In a channel with constant discharge, Q
Q = A1V1 = A2V2
V2 Q2
E = y + E = y + where A=f(y)
2g 2gA
Consider rectangular channel (A=By) and Q=qB
q2 q is the discharge per unit width of channel
E = y +
2gy 2 y A

3 roots (one is negative)
Specific Energy: Sluice Gate
sluice gateq = 5.5 m2/s
y1 8 EGL y2 = 0.45 m
7 q2
E = y + V2 = 12.2 m/s
2gy 2 1

E2 = 8 m
y2 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
E1 = E2
Given downstream depth and discharge, find upstream depth.
y1 and y2 are ___________
alternate depths (same specific energy)
Why not use momentum conservation to find y1?
Specific Energy: Raise the Sluice Gate
sluice gate

y1 EGL

1 2
y2 1
E1 = E2
0 1 2 3 4 q2
E E = y +
2gy 2
as sluice gate is raised y1 approaches y2 and E is
minimized: Maximum discharge for given energy.
Specific Energy: Step Up
Short, smooth step with rise ∆y in channel
Given upstream depth and 4
discharge find y2
4 3

3 2


1 0
0 1 ∆y 2 3 4
0 E
0 1 2 3 4
E E1 = E2 + Dy Increase step height?
Non-uniform flows
Gradually Varied Flow
V12 V22 Energy equation for non-
y1 + + S o Dx = y2 + + S f Dx
2g 2g uniform, steady flow

æV22 V12 ö dy = y 2 − y1
So dx = ( y2 - y1 ) + ç - ÷ + S f dx
è2 g 2 g ø T
æV 2 ö dy
dy + d ç ÷ + S f dx = S o dx A
è2 g ø y
dy d  V 2  dx dx
+ + Sf = So

dy dy  2 g   dy dy
Gradually Varied Flow

d  V 2  d  Q 2   − 2Q 2  dA  − Q 2T 
= =  ⋅ =   = − Fr 2
dy  2 g  dy  2 gA 2   2 gA3  dy
 
 gA3 
 
 2 Change in KE
dy d  V  dx dx
+ + Sf = So Change in PE
dy dy  2 g  dy dy
We are holding Q constant!
dx dx
1 − Fr 2 + S f = So
dy dy

dy dy So − S f
[1 − Fr ] =
So − S f =
dx dx 1 − Fr 2
Gradually Varied Flow
dy So − S f Governing equation for
dx 1 − Fr 2 gradually varied flow
• Gives change of water depth with distance along channel
• Note
– So and Sf are positive when sloping down in
direction of flow
– y is measured from channel bottom
– dy/dx =0 means water depth is constant

yn is when So = S f
Surface Profiles
• Mild slope (yn>yc)
– in a long channel subcritical flow will occur
• Steep slope (yn<yc)
– in a long channel supercritical flow will occur
• Critical slope (yn=yc)
– in a long channel unstable flow will occur
• Horizontal slope (So=0)
– yn undefined
• Adverse slope (So<0)
– yn undefined Note: These slopes are f(Q)!
Surface Profiles
Normal depth Obstruction

Sluice gate Steep slope (S2)

Steep slope
Hydraulic Jump

dy So − S f
= S0 - Sf 1 - Fr2 dy/dx
dx 1 − Fr 2

+ + + yn 3


- + -

- - + 0
0 1 2 3 4
More Surface Profiles
dy So − S f
S0 - Sf 1 - Fr2 dy/dx =
dx 1 − Fr 2
1 + + + 3

yc 2

2 + - -
yn 1
3 - - + 0
0 1 2 3 4
Direct Step Method
V12 V22
y1 + + S o ∆x = y 2 + + S f ∆x energy equation
2g 2g

V12 V22
y1 − y2 + −
2g 2g
∆x = solve for ∆x
S f − So
rectangular channel prismatic channel
q q Q Q
V1 = V2 = V2 = V1 =
y1 y2 A2 A1
Direct Step Method
Friction Slope

Manning Darcy-Weisbach
n 2V 2 fV 2
S f = 4/3 SI units Sf =
Rh 8 gRh
n 2V 2
Sf = English units
2.22 Rh4 / 3
Direct Step
• Limitation: channel must be prismatic (so that
velocity is a function of depth only and not a
function of x)
• Method
– identify type of profile (determines whether ∆y is + or -)
– choose ∆y and thus yn+1
– calculate hydraulic radius and velocity at yn and yn+1
– calculate friction slope yn and yn+1
– calculate average friction slope
– calculate ∆x
Direct Step Method

V12 V22
=2*y*(1+z^2)^0.5 +b y1 − y2 + −
2g 2g
=A/P ∆x =
S f − So
y A P Rh V Sf E Dx x T Fr bottom surface
0.900 1.799 4.223 0.426 0.139 0.00004 0.901 0 3.799 0.065 0.000 0.900
0.870 1.687 4.089 0.412 0.148 0.00005 0.871 0.498 0.5 3.679 0.070 0.030 0.900
Standard Step
• Given a depth at one location, determine the depth at a
second location
• Step size (∆x) must be small enough so that changes in
water depth aren’t very large. Otherwise estimates of
the friction slope and the velocity head are inaccurate
• Can solve in upstream or downstream direction
– upstream for subcritical
– downstream for supercritical
• Find a depth that satisfies the energy equation
V12 V22
y1 + + S o ∆x = y 2 + + S f ∆x
2g 2g
H = E + z0
Hitungan profil muka air
metode integrasi numerik
• Kecepatan rerata : 1 2 / 3 1/ 2
V= R I
Debit 1
Q = AR 2 / 3 I 1/ 2

Landai energi: n 2Q 2
If =
A2 R 4 / 3
dy I 0 − I f dy I 0 − n 2Q 2 A−2 R −4 / 3
dx Q 2T =
1− dx 1 − Q 2Tg −1 A− 3
Integrasi numeris
• Deret Taylor: yn+ = yi + (dY/dx) dx
 dy   dy  
yi +1 = yi +   +    x
 dx i  dx i +1 

yi +1 = y1 + 12 ( f i + f i +1 ) x

I 0 − n 2Q 2 A−2 R 4 / 3
f =
1 − Q 2T / gA3
Direct step method
• zl + yl + v12/2g = z2 + y2 + v22/2g + hf
• zl – z2 = I0 ∆x
• hf = If ∆x
1 2 1 2
I 0 ∆x + y1 + V / g = y2 + V / g + I f ∆x
2 1 2 2

( y2 + 12 V22 / g ) − ( y1 + 12 V12 / g )
∆x =
I0 − I f
( E2 − E1 )
∆x =
I0 − I f
Direct step method
1 2






• Suatu aliran segi empat dengan lebar B = 2 m
mengalirkan air dengan debit Q = 1 m3/s.
Kedalaman air pada dua titik yang berdekatan
adalah 1,0 dan 0,95 m. Apabila koefisien
Manning n = 0,02 dan kemiringan dasar
saluran I0 = 1 : 2500, hitung jarak antara kedua
tampang tersebut.
Standard step method
• Berdasarkan nilai yj awal yang diketahui, dihitung nilai fi dari pers.
• Pertama kali dianggap fi+1 = fi.
• Hitung nilai yi+l dari pers. (12.42) dengan menggunakan nilai fi+2 yang
diperoleh dalam langkah 2 atau nilai fi+1 yang diperoleh dalam
langkah di atas.
• Hitung nilai baru yi+l dengan menggunakan nilai fi+l yang dihitung
dari nilai yi+1 dari langkah 3.
• Apabila nilai yi+1 yang diperoleh dalam langkah 3 dan 4 masih
berbeda jauh, maka langkah 3 dan 4 diulangi lagi.
• Sesudah nilai yi+1 yang benar diperoleh, dihitung nilai yi+2 yang
berjarak x dari yi+1.
• Prosedur di atas diulangi lagi sampai diperoleh nilai y di sepanjang
Non-Uniform Open Channel Flow
Let’s evaluate H, total energy, as a function of x.

H = z+ y + (α v / 2g) 2

dH dz dy α  dv  2
Take derivative, = + +  
dx dx dx 2g  dx 
Where H = total energy head
z = elevation head,
αv2/2g = velocity head
Replace terms for various values of S and
So. Let v = q/y = flow/unit width - solve for
dy/dx, the slope of the water surface

dy  q  2
–S =−So + 1− 3  sincev = q / y
dx  gy 
1 d 2 1 d q  2
q 2
 1  dy
2g dx
[v ]=  2 =−
2g dx y  g
 3
 y  dx
Given the Froude number, we can simplify and
solve for dy/dx as a fcn of measurable
Fr = ( v / gy)
2 2

dy So − S So − S
= 2
= 2
dx 1− v / gy 1 − Fr
*Note that the eqn blows up when Fr = 1 and goes to
zero if So = S, the case of uniform OCF.

where S = total energy slope

So = bed slope,
dy/dx = water surface slope
Yn > Yc

Uniform Depth

Mild Slopes where - Yn > Yc

Now apply Energy Eqn. for a reach of length L

v 2
 v2  2
y1 +   = y2 +   + (S − So )L

2g   2g 
 v1  
v2  2

y1 + 2g  − y 2 + 2g 
   
S − S0
This Eqn is the basis for the Standard Step Method
Solve for L = ∆x to compute water surface profiles
as function of y1 and y2, v1 and v2, and S and S0
Backwater Profiles - Mild Slope Cases

Backwater Profiles - Compute Numerically

y3 y2 y1
Routine Backwater Calculations
1. Select Y1 (starting depth)
2. Calculate A1 (cross sectional area)
3. Calculate P1 (wetted perimeter)
4. Calculate R1 = A1/P1
5. Calculate V1 = Q1/A1
6. Select Y2 (ending depth)
7. Calculate A2
8. Calculate P2
9. Calculate R2 = A2/P2
10. Calculate V2 = Q2/A2
Backwater Calculations (cont’d)
1. Prepare a table of values
2. Calculate Vm = (V1 + V2) / 2
Energy Slope Approx.
3. Calculate Rm = (R1 + R2) / 2

 nV  2

4. Calculate S =  m 
2 

1.49Rm3 
5. Calculate L = ∆X from first equation
 y1 + v12   y 2 + v 22 
  − 
6. X = ∑∆Xi for each stream reach
 2g   2g 
S − S0
Application - 100 Year Floodplain


Main Stream
Bridge Section

Cross Sections

Cross Sections
The Floodplain

Top Width
Floodplain Determination
The Woodlands

 The Woodlands planners wanted to design the community

to withstand a 100-year storm.
 In doing this, they would attempt to minimize any changes
to the existing, undeveloped floodplain as development
proceeded through time.
HEC RAS (River Analysis
System, 1995)

HEC RAS or (HEC-2)is a computer model designed for

natural cross sections in natural rivers. It solves the
governing equations for the standard step method,
generally in a downstream to upstream direction. It can
Also handle the presence of bridges, culverts, and
variable roughness, flow rate, depth, and velocity.
HEC - 2

Orientation - looking downstream


Multiple Cross Sections

HEC RAS (River Analysis
System, 1995)
HEC RAS Input Window
HEC RAS Profile Plots
3-D Floodplain
HEC RAS Cross Section
Output Table

Critical Flow 1

0 1 2 3 4

Find critical depth, yc Arbitrary cross-section

= 0 T
dy dy
Q2 A dA
E = y + A=f(y) y
2gA2 P

dE Q 2 dA
= 1− 3 =0 dA = Tdy T=surface width
dy gA dy

Q 2Tc 2
QT 2 V 2T 2 A Hydraulic Depth
1 = = Fr = Fr =D
gAc3 gA3 gA T
Critical Flow:
Rectangular channel
Q 2Tc T
1 = T = Tc
Q = qT Ac = ycT Ac yc

q 2T 3 q2
1= =
3 3
gy T
c gyc3
1/ 3
q 2 
yc =   Only for rectangular channels!
g 
 

q = gy c3 Given the depth we can find the flow!

Critical Flow Relationships:
Rectangular Channels
q 2
1/ 3
  Vc2 yc2 
yc =   yc3 =   because q = Vc yc
g   g 
   

Vc inertial force Kinetic energy

= 1 Froude number
yc g gravity force Potential energy

Vc2 yc Vc2
yc = = velocity head = 0.5 (depth)
g 2 2g
V2 yc 2
E = y + E = yc + yc = E
2g 2 3

Critical Flow 1

0 1 2 3 4

• Characteristics
– Unstable surface
– Series of standing waves Difficult to measure depth
• Occurrence
– Broad crested weir (and other weirs)
– Channel Controls (rapid changes in cross-section)
– Over falls
– Changes in channel slope from mild to steep
• Used for flow measurements
– Unique
relationship between depth and discharge
Broad-crested Weir
1/ 3
q 2  E
yc =   H
g  yc
 
P Broad-crested
3 3
q = gy c Q = b gy c
yc = E Hard to measure yc
3/ 2
æ2 ö E measured from top of weir
Q =b g E 3/ 2
è3 ø
3/ 2
æ2 ö Cd corrects for using H rather
Q = Cd b g H
è3 ø than E.
Broad-crested Weir: Example
• Calculate the flow and the depth upstream.
The channel is 3 m wide. Is H approximately
equal to E? E
yc m
0.5 Broad-crested

How do you find flow?____________________

Critical flow relation

Energy equation
How do you find H?______________________

Hydraulic Jump

• Used for energy dissipation

• Occurs when flow transitions from
supercritical to subcritical
– base of spillway
• We would like to know depth of water
downstream from jump as well as the
location of the jump
• Which equation, Energy or Momentum?
Hydraulic Jump!
Basic equation
• Continuity:
• Momentum:
• Energy:
Conjugate depth
• Conjugate depth equation

• Dimensionless:
Energy loss
• Energy loss:

• Dimensionless:
• A hydraulic jump takes place in a 0.4 m wide
laboratory channel. The upstream flow depth
is 20mm and the total flow rate is 31 l/s. The
channel is horizontal, rectangular and smooth.
Calculate the downstream flow properties and
the energy dissipated in the jump. If the
dissipated power could be transformed into
electricity, how many 100 W bulbs could be
lighted with the jump? [Woro, 35345]

ρgQ∆H = 1000 x 9.8 x 31 x 10-3 x 0.544 = 167 W

Types of hydraulic jump
Length of hydraulic jump
• Rule of thumb: L = 6 d2 4 < Fr < 20
• Harger et al. (1990)
Application – 1
• Considering a dissipation basin at the
downstream end of a spillway, the total
discharge is Q 2000m3/s. The energy
dissipation structure is located in a horizontal
rectangular channel (25m wide). The flow
depth at the downstream end of the spillway
is 2.3 m. Compute the energy dissipation in
the basin.
• Upstream flow condition:
– Flow depth d1 = 2,3 m
– Flow velocity V1 = 34,8 m/s
– Upstream Froude number = V1/(g d1)1/2 = 7,3
– Conjugate depth d2 = 22,7 m
– Flow velocity V2 = 3,52 m/s
– Fr2 = 0,24
– Energy dissipated= 40,7 m
– Power generated = ρgQH = 796 x 106 W
Application – 2
• Considering a hydraulic jump in a horizontal
rectangular channel located immediately upstream
of an abrupt rise, estimate the downstream flow
depth d3 for the design flow conditions d1 0.45 m,
V1 10.1 m/s. The step height equals zo 0.5 m.
Weir (bendung)
• A weir is an obstruction on a channel bottom
over which the fluid must flow.
• Weir provides a convenient method of
determining the flowrate in an open channel
in terms of a single depth measurement.
Sharp crested weir
(bendung ambal tajam)
Geometry of a sharp crested weir

rectangular triangular trapezoidal

Flow rate of a sharp crest weir
• Assume: velocity profile
upstream is uniform,
pressure within the
nappe is atmospheric
• Fluid flow pass the
sharp crest flows
horizontal over the
plate with non uniform
velocity profile
Sharp crested weir – flow rate
Rectangular sharp crested weir – flow rate
Rectangular weir – flow rate
Triangular weir
Triangular weir – flow rate
Nappe position
Broad crested weir
Broad crested weir
Broad crested weir
• Water flows in a rectangular channel of width b =
2 m with flowrate between Qmin = 0.02 m3/s and
Qmax = 0.60 m3/s. This flowrate is to be measured
by using (a) a rectangular sharp-crested weir, (b)
a triangular sharp-crested weir with θ=90º, or (c)
a broad-crested weir. In all cases the bottom of
the flow area over the weir is at a distance Pw = 1
m above the channel bottom. Plot a graph of
Q= Q(H)
for each weir and comment on which weir would
be best for this application.
Underflow Gates
Underflow Gates
Underflow Gates
Underflow Gates
• Water flows under the sluice gate shown in
Fig. The channel width is b = 20 ft, the
upstream depth is y1= 6 ft, and the gate is a =
1.0 ft off the channel bottom. Plot a graph of
flowrate, Q, as a function of y3.

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