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Virtual Lab Use Reference Guide: Accessing Applications, Programs, and Data

The purpose of this document is to serve as a quick reference describing how to start applications and
sign in and how to access programs or data. This may be useful when do not recall this information from
earlier material in the course and it is not explicitly described in the instructions for a specific
demonstration, activity, or exercise you are working with.

Accessing the HUE Application ................................................................................................................. 1
Accessing the SAS Studio Application ....................................................................................................... 1
Accessing programs and data libraries in SAS Studio for Lessons 3-7 ...................................................... 1
Accessing Programs and Data Libraries using SAS Studio for Lessons 3-7 ............................................... 2
Data Locations for Lesson 2 and 3 ............................................................................................................ 3
Data Location for Lesson 8 ........................................................................................................................ 3

Accessing the HUE Application

1. Double-click the Google Chrome icon on the desktop in the Virtual Lab or click the icon for
Google Chrome on the Task Bar.
2. Once the Chrome browser opens, click the folder icon in the Bookmarks bar labelled Admin. This
is near the top left of the browser under the address bar.
3. In the list of items that appears under Admin select Hue.
4. In the Username field type student
5. In the Password field type Metadata0
Note: The last character in the password is the number 0 (not the letter O).
6. Click Sign In.

Accessing the SAS Studio Application

1. Double-click the Google Chrome icon on the desktop in the Virtual Lab or click the icon for
Google Chrome on the Task Bar.
2. Once the Chrome browser opens, click the folder icon in the Bookmarks bar labelled SAS9. This
is near the top left of the browser under the address bar.
3. In the list of items that appears under SAS9 select SAS Studio.
4. In the User ID field type student
5. In the Password field type Metadata0
Note: The last character in the password is the number 0 (not the letter O).
6. Click Sign In.

Accessing programs and data libraries in SAS Studio for Lessons 3-7
The SAS Studio interface can be arranged to display in two ways described below as arrangement 1
or arrangement 2. The easiest way to open programs and access data libraries is to use arrangement
1. Some demonstrations were recorded using arrangement 1 and others using arrangement 2. This

section describes the two arrangements, how to switch between the two, and how to use
arrangement 1 to access programs and SAS Libraries.

Arrangement 1: A left panel displays five sections labelled Server Files and Folder, Tasks and Utilities,
Snippets, Libraries, and File Shortcuts and a right panel displays One or more Program tabs.

Arrangement 2: The left panel is hidden and the Program tabs display only.

To switch between these display modes, double-click on the Program tab or click the icon with the
four arrows at the far right of the toolbar on the Program tab.

Accessing Programs and Data Libraries using SAS Studio for Lessons 3-7
To access programs used for demonstrations, activities, and exercises:

1. Use SAS Studio in arrangement 1 (see section SAS Studio Application above).
2. In the left panel, expand Server Files and Folders  sasbap  Folder Shortcuts .
3. For lessons 4, 5 and 6 expand diahd under the folder shortcuts or for lesson 7 expand ds2m6.
4. Scroll to find the program referenced in the demonstration, activity, or exercise you wish to
work with.

To access SAS Libraries and view data in SAS Libraries interactively:

1. Use SAS Studio in arrangement 1 (see section SAS Studio Application above).
2. In the left panel expand Libraries  My Libraries.

Data Locations for Lesson 2 and 3

The default storage location for the STUDENT user ID for data used in the demonstrations and
practices is in D:\Workshop\dihdm (Windows), /workshop/dihdm (Linux) and /user/student
(HDFS) locations.

The default storage location for the STUDENT user ID for data used in the demonstrations and
practices is in D:\Workshop\dihdm (Windows), /workshop/dihdm (Linux) and /user/student
(HDFS) locations.

Data Location for Lesson 8

The default storage location for the STUDENT user ID for data used in the demonstrations and
practices is in D:\Workshop\dl31hd (Windows

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