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Alcohol and Athletic

Sports Performance
Nutrition Services 
Sponsored by:
The Department of Food
and Nutrition and the
Division of Sports
(February 2021)

People consume alcohol as a means to celebrate, relax, socialize,  or

reduce inhibitions, but when an athlete chooses to consume
alcohol, as little as one drink can have a negative effect on their
performance. 1

Physiologic Consequences  

Short-Term Long-Term

Weight Gain - Alcohol has low
Dehydration - Alcohol is a diuretic. nutritional value and the body will
store alcohol as fat. 1,2 

Decreased Motor Skills - Slower Illness and Injury - Depresses

reaction time, decreased hand-eye 1,2  immune function contributes to
coordination, and impaired balance. delayed healing.1,2 
Poor Sleep - Disrupted REM sleep Nutritional Deficiencies - Decreases
leads to impaired muscle synthesis vitamin and mineral absorption.
and performance. 1,2  1,2 

Aerobic Performance - Faster Disease - Increases the risk of

fatigue, increased ventilatory stress cardiovascular disease, anemia, liver
and decreased lactate threshold. 1,2  damage, depression, and dementia. 1,2 

Decreased Strength - Depletes Energy Sources - Affects

Decreased grip strength, jump the ability to produce fuel for
height, and speed. 1,2  muscle contraction.1
Hormone Imbalances - Increases
Cancels Out Muscle Gains - stress hormones and decreases 
Decreases testosterone1 and human growth hormone and
growth hormone. testosterone. 1

A healthy body is critical to achieving optimal performance for all

athletes. Consider any consequences and how they will affect
future training sessions, games, and competition. 1

Legal Consequences 
In Pennsylvania, any person under 21 who attempts to purchase,
consume, or possess alcohol will be fined $500 on the first offense and
$1,000 for each offense after. Their drivers license may also be
suspended for 90 days for the first offense and one year for the second.3

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