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Vol. 29-No. 39
Raise $4,997,625 in
Killed in Egypt Bank Added 300 Error Is Found in Recount of
To Christmas Club
SixthWarLoanDrive· Has High Percentage
Gain; B. M. National
Narberth District No.1 Ballots;
Quota Exceeded By $1,301,625; Autocar!
Boosted Total; Bryn Mawr and ~~rion Lead I
Shows Drop
The National Bank of Narbf:rth
added 300 more members to its
Democrat Senator Picks Up 105
Districts In Amounts Invested
War Bond :;ales in the Lower Merion-Narberth area
Christmas Club this year as com-
pared to 1943.
At the same time deposits in the
Driver Cleared In'
Dr~ Chrystie Death
Christmas Club accounts increase
totaled $4,997,625 through last Saturday, the close of active over last year by $6,000.
solicitation in the 6th War Loan Drh·e. In 1943 the Narberth National

an~ng ~~::s°in~d~ ~f~~0~gl~0~~~1-5-00

end of December are credited to
the campaIgn. tlle area is expect-
a It Traps "-
reported 500 members and savings
totaling $40,000 in its Christmas
Club. This ~'ear the bank l'e-I
Dying Statement
Quoted by Lower United States Senator-elect Francis J. Myers, Democrat,
ed to eaSily exceed the five mil- 2ND LT. STEPHEN BROOKS, ported 800 members and savings Philadelphia, was short-changed a total of 105 votes in re-

ITo Be DJ-strl-buted
Merion Police
of $46,000.
for the Township 24, whose wife and son, Chris- Only two other banks of the who took over his duties this turns from the First District of Narberth at the General
and Borough WRS $3.696.000. Sales topher. 16 months, llve at 11 st. lower Main Line had Chnstmas month as pastor of the BaptIst The death bed statement of the Election, Nov. 7, a re-count of votes cast in that district re-
in excess of the Quota amounted I' Asaph's Rd., Bala-Cynwyd, was
accldentallv killed in Egypt De- clubs. The~e were the Bryn Mawr Church of the Evangel, Nar- victim ot an automobil.e accident vealed Monday afternoon
to $he
1,3 01 .62 5.
Ardmore BUSll1CSS R d an d Gun CI u'b
Dlstnct 0 . cember 2. Mrs. B roo k s, tl1e f 01'- National Bank which heported a berth.
was. brought before a Jury at an:
inquest conducted Wednesday,

Instead of the 166 votes for
mer Bonnie Babcock. daughter Christmas Club membership of which the local election board
~~ ~~I~I~rbCt~ W1eL~~r:r :bl~~~ Members Attend morning by Coroner Wmslow J.

Assumes Duties At
of Dr, and Mrs. W. Wayne Bab- 1,400 and savings of $108,000 and Rushong and proved a major fac- i gave Myers credit, he actually re-
M • cock, of the Cynwyd address,
sales with $7PO,500. Bryn
was second With sales of $578.100
Norristown MeetIng
was notified b\.' the War De- the Bryn Mawr Trust Company tor in determmlng that the driver
of the automobile involved was
ceived 271 votes In that. district,
the count made by the Court ap-
and Merion third With $417,950. partment on December 12, but which reported a membership of not guilty of any criminal neR'li- pointed board composed of At-
At et· g Debe 19 'n no details were given. torneys Charles N. Moffett. Jr.•
The grand total for the area I
pany's purchase of $2.000.000.
a me m ec m l'
was boosted bY the Autocar Com- ~orrlstown, sportsmen of the Low- School and of Harvard University
, er Menon Rod and Gun Club were m 1942, Lt. Brooks entered the banks,
A Jl:raduate of Haverford 1,500 and deposits of $120,000.

Thomas. Bal nes. 2d, of Glad-: among representatives of the ~ervice shortly after war was Christmas Club percentage gal~
Narberth Church
Neither one of the Bryrl Mawr
showed tl').e
gence. The jury after hearln~ the
testimony promptly released the
The inquest was held into the I
Thomas F. Doran and George
PUl'l'lng, dIsclosed.
The re-count cost Senator James
wyne. chairman of the dnve Ill, I I 1 h death of DI·. Walter Chrystie, 83, J. DaVIS three votes, the re-count
the Lower Merion-Narberth area, Montgomery County FederatIOn of declared. At bot 1 sc 100 s e was that the Narberth National did. Colgate Man Takes of MorriS Rd .. Bryn Mawr. who board gl\'mg him.616 as against

I 0 ver P uIPi't L eft

expressed hIS appreCiatIOn for the Sportsmen's Clubs who completed theLt,champlOn 619 for which he was given credit
Brooks pole
was vRulter.
an engineer The Bryn Mawr NatIOnal was one,
. died at Bryn Mawr Hospital Dec. 9,
by the local election board.
work done bY all who partlclpat- arrangements With members of the and supply officer m the Air of the few banks of MontgomelY threp. days alter he was struck by
ed in the campaign. Pennsylvama G~me Commission
"The response of our citizens for distnbutlon of 500 rabbit box FOlce. IS palen s a
. H' . t
r' n I By
re Mr and ~ounty. that showed both a drop I KeI'ghton
In Chl'lstmas Club members and
l!1J automobile operated by John I
Thompson, of Gladwyne.
The ballot box was ordered re-
opened and the re-count made by
was very gratifying." he said. traps to Montgomery County Mrs. Paul Brooks, of Be wy . receipts during the past year. The Thompson, a pnvate ChaUffeur, the Court after a petition asking
Results of the campaign bY dIS- sportsmen, Boy Scout groups. VIC-
tficts ale showlllg' In the follo\\'- tory gardeners and others. They I
mg table:
Summary to December 17
Will be ul\.Cd 111 remo\'lng rabbits
from areas where they are not I
Merehants A-dI Bryn Mawr Trust Company show-

$25.000 m deposits.
Th1'oughout Montgomery Coun-
The congregation of the Bap- testified he did not see the phy-
ed a gam of 100 members and tist Churcn of the Evangel in sician until the latter' was only
I N 'b 'th w i d
al el
e come a ne\\ pas 01
t · a few inches from his automobile. I
Thompson's statement was sUb- I
the re-opening was filed by elec-
tors of the district, at the instiga-
tion of Democratic County Chair-
man Raymond K. Mensch who was
South Ardmor,e .•.. $ 88,225
Bryn Mawr ...•..• 578,100
wanted or where they have been I
causmg ClOP damage.
W. M. Cramer, supermtendent!
of the Game CommisslOn's Train- I
C t GuardParty '
ty 34 banks have distributed $3,- Sunday before last.
096,748 :;avings to 43,898 Christ- At morning service that day,
stantlated by Sergeant Joseph
mas Club members. This repre- the Rev. Robert G. Middleton, told Coroner Rushong and the'
sents an increase over 1943 of formerly of East Rochester, N. Y., jury that in Dr. Chrystie's dying
Lower Menon, who I
convinced an error had been made
In the court.
ThIS was indicated by the fact
that all other Democratic candi-
$560.950 distributed by all th.' formally assumed Ius new duties statement to his son and grand- oates on the ticket received
Gladwyne .••.....• 175.100 ing School. and M. J. Golden. alound 270 votes. while Myers was
Ha\'erford .•....... 63.775 field supervisor of DiVision "A" I • banks. In 1943 the conty banks by preaching his first sermon in c11ildren, he had cleared Thomp- credited with only 166. All Repub-
Nal berth
Penn Valley ......•
, .. ,.. 137.800 Ii
under the Game Commission. ex- I
plamed at 1 he meetmg that there i
IS no char 5e for the use of the
Narberth BUSIneSS
Men Xmas Tree
had 38,490 club members and $2,- the Borough church.
535.798 deposits. A 'graduate of Colgate Univers- dent.
In the county banks the aver-I ity in 1941. Mr. Middleton took
son of responsibility for the acci-
Dr. Chrystle, according to Mfl-
lican candidates. lllcluding Sen-
ator DaVIS received approximatelY
620. What happened to the Myers'
Penn Wynne •....• 228.850 traps. anr~ that rabbil.s maY be I 0 age amount being paid out to his theological trammg at the whinneY's recitation, said he was S/SGT. N. BRUCE GILL, 29, vote was a mystery as the possi-
Rosemont ,... 35.725 tlappp~ b\' residents of Mont-: rnaments Chnstmas Club members IS $70 Colgate - Rochester D I v I nit y crossing Montgomery Ave., against whose Wife, Jone, llves at 219 hllity of cutting Myers for Davis
VIllanova 110,250 gO""ery County under two kmds I an increase of $4 over 1943. School. where he was graduated a traffiC light when he was hit. Narberth Ave., Narberth, has \\ as not reflected m the latter'S
W~mnewood ......• 94,050 01 permits issued by the penn-I The camp and hospital commit- - - ---.--- - in May, 1944. He was ordained m been listed as missm!!' III action ,ote.
West, Manayunk .. 7.150 syl,nnla Game Commission Ul1- tee of the Red Cross of which
1 .nme. Dunng hiS last two years
SecondPayment IS

While the re-count board reach-
• , n
del' a Class "A" pel'll11t, member'

of a sportsmen's organization may IMrs. G. GOrdon Cook. Al'dmore, IS

Club to Entertain
at the semmary, he was actmg
nUl11ster of the First Baptist
111 France smce November 26.
A graduate of Lower Menon ll1 ed no conclusion other than to
1933, Sgt. Gill attended Episco- give the actual figures of the

Made to DO'spl-tals
Ardmore Busmess trap rabbit,> and turn them loose I.oerretary and treasurer. reports Church of East Rochester. pal Academy, and before the COfltrnued on Page Fivt
DIs!. .............• 700.500 111 the county where they Wish. Ithat donations and pledges of de-
Autocar Company • 2.000.000
G' d t t l
Q U~lt~~$3,~:6.000:.. Exce;s of
$4 997 625
I With the only restnctlon being: coratlO?s for the Christmas pa~·ty
that rabbits so trapped are to be' at the mess hall and recreatIOn
Cont11lllcd 011 Page Fll;e
'room of the Coast Guard head-
Qual tel'S are bemg received at the
five - months - old
Signal Corps Boys
Mr. Middleton IS hving tempor-
anly at 413 Grove Place, Nar-
berth. He is married and has a
son, Robert
war was in the glass business
"nth IllS father. the late Mat-
t!uas A. GIll.
Sgt. Gill entered the serviceDrive Renewed to
George, Jr.
sales over Quota-$1.301.625. Joseph Roach H orne Bryn Mawr Receives
Red Cross headquarters in Ard- Phi' Alpha Gama in February. 1942, and has been

WIn- Xmas D-Inners

The new pastor grew up in the
----0-- - . overseas smce August of thiS
F or Ch·· mas
i lIS
Joseph Roach. former postmas- 'to make tlns a success.
$3,920 For Care Of
Merchants of Ardmore. Bryn
Mawr. and Narberth. all" helping
church. HIS father, Dr. George
GIrls to Attend as
Mlddlet~n, a pro.mment New York
IDanCIng Partners
state mmlstcr. IS now pastor of
the Calvary Baptist Church in

year 111 the mfantry. A brother,
S/Sgt. Matthias A, Gill. IS also
m the mfantry m France.
Abolish Wage Tax
tel' of Bala-Cynwyd and Demo-! Trees have been donated by Mrs. Eleanor GIll. Sgt. Gill's
Rochester. Two brothers are m mother, lives at 18 Elmwood Circulate Petition In
At Narberth Shoot clatic leader 111 Bala and envu'ons Hubbs Store. Bryn Mawr: Edward A Christmas gift of $17.000 the U. S. Army-George. who .IS
for years. is home for Chnstmas I J. Lyons Inc" Ardmore: Bala went out Monday to eight hos- overseas, and James, statIOned m ,
aftei· bemg confined to Bryn Mawr I School. Bala: Mr. and Mrs. Har- Pltals in and around Montgomery Flonda. A younger brother, Lee, pll1a s publiC alarm clock. actmg" former Jane Weihman, daugh-
HospItal for more than two Irv Katz. Aldmore. have present- County from MontRomery County is m school in New York.
With Leroy MIller. Philadel- Ave" Narberth. HIS Wife is the
. .
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F.
Delaware to Obtain
months With multiple physlCall f'd a tree m honor l?f the Mam CommiSSioners Fred C. Peters.
as master of ceremOl1les the Mam Weihman of the Nalberth Ave.
Mr. Mlddle~on was called to the Line OptImist Club on January 2. address.
50,000 Names
Still Targets and trOUbles. I Lllle Hebrew ASSOCiatIOn. an~ .the Foster C. HIllegass and Raymond Narberth pansh by the board of 8 P. M., will entertam the bO\'il
"Joe" started With a ruptured merchants of Narberth are giving. K. Men~ch as the second payment trustees of the church f o l l o w m g . : Some of Haverford Township's.
Traps Are Used By appendix. and developed blood I not only a tree. but also five aI'Ld on the county's annual approprta- 'R meeting on Novemb~r 15. reSidents are gomg to be ap-
I Arthur A. Bailey Is
of the Signal Corps statlOned III
Gun Club Sportsmen pOIl'oning. He followed Ihis up a half dor.en Cr!:';';'~1!)~ t)'ee 01'- tlOn to theSe msCltutions. j' :He sllCceecls the ~ev. R?bert E. the old :r:wokl:l1e scr..Jlt~l' Cl?~.. proached soon for thClr signatures
with pneumonIa whIch wound up naments. . , .' A similar amount was paid the Kelghton, who reSigned In July The ;1~1 ~lpha ? ~.OlOllt.y to abolish the applicatIOn of the
with pleuns\·. I The followmg fil1:ns all' glvmg hospitals earlier this year. after 20 years in the Narberth of Ha\ elfold TO\\nslu? gills Will Philadelphia wage tax to non-
Spirited trap and nne competi- Employes at the Post Office also I greens and dec.oratlons. for the The appropnatlons from Coun- pulpit. to Join the faculty of Cro- act as da~cIng hostesses. reSIdents Iinng m the suburbs.
lion, With capons lllstf'ad of th'e report that Mrs. Roach, the post- rooms: StrawbrIdge .ano ~~otlll~r, ty funds IS to compensate the hos zer Theological Semmary 111
mIstress, also looks better. despite the Flower Box. Aldmole. Bull Pltals for eare and treatment of Chester.
umal turkeys for pllzes. broug h t the Chnstmas rUSh. smce her Flower Shop, ArdmOle: Albrecht Montgomery
U. S. Coast Guard O,rchestra and Granted AParole
MUSIC \\ III be furulshed by the The petition for the signatures
\\'111 be CirCUlated by the Wage

a large pprcf'ntage of the shooters husband al'Tn'ed home.

of the Lower Menon Rod and Gun .___ _ _
Flo\l'er~. Ardmore: John Albrec!lt
Nmsenes. Narberth: and Genelal who
FruIt Market. Ardmore.
are given
Thefree Mrs. Warner Asks
care byis the
amount in-
.___ _ !nuslCal selectIOns Will .be pla~E.d
~y the
mg of Lo~s
LOIS Thomas
Thomas, TrIO
and Allee B~dganoff..
Janet conslst-
Pleaded Guilty In
Tax Protest League of Delaware
County. Vmcent J. Barr, chaIr-
man of the League's publicity
CIu b Iast Sun d ay to t I1e N as h X masV CIaro I P ar t y Mrs. Arthur P. Baugh. Jr .. who upon the amount of care given committee, saId thIS week the
Farm outside of Narberth. As the I~
clear. cool afternoon progressed, ~
men and women warmed their
or unteers 0
IS il1 charge of tnmming the trees and the appropnatlon wlllch IS
and decoratmp; the rooms, an- reduced thiS year over past years,
The board of directors of the nounced today. that thiS work reQUired
indicates that fewer persons have
free treatment.
s ustody
.Anneschan s Dancmg StudiO
Will have several girls there to
smg and dance. .
. Radchff Ware, Brookline magl-
Narberth Fatal
League expect ed to obta111 the
signatures of 50,000 voters.
Barr said the Committee hoped
residents of Montgomery County
hands by the open fireplace, par- Mam Lme Red Cross Will gIve a Will be done Fnday morl1lng by The $17 000 fund dispersed to- clan. Will perform. Sentenced Sept. 8 to a term of and other suburban ttreas would
took of the hot coffee and othel tea and Chnstmas carol party, for I a group of Mam Line volunteels, day IS broken down as follows: The OptimIst Club is expecting .loin m the campaign.
in the shooting.
refreshments and eagerly ,lomed volunteers and the clencal staiI mcludmg the chairman. Mrs.
Flldav at the Ardmore Red Cross Henry C. Earnshaw.
' Ii"T an t s t A
Abl11gton HOSPital. Bryn Mawr
Hospital. and Montgomery HosPlt-
men 0
to entertam a~out 200 boys. . 11 months in the Montgomery The completed petitIOn Will be
OptImIst .1U11l0rs. who are bemg County Pnson after pleadmg presented at the next sessIOn of

oropt-ImJS- tS G-Ive Cour Ruli ng in t

Smce turkeys have been so diffl- center. CookIes and tea Will be fur- ----.--- - al. $3.920 each: Pottsto\\n Hospital. sponsored by the OptimIst Club. gUilty to a charge of mvoluntary the State Legislature. Captams
cult to procure for the past two nished by the Canteen Corps and 1
years. the Club's board of directors served by the Junior Service Corps.
and the trap comnllttee decided to Mrs. Joseph Cairns WIll lead the S $2.180: Pottstown HomeopathiC
'Greek God' Case
Hospital. $1,310: Elm Terrace H::>s-
mtal. Lansdale. and GrandView
were present for the club's annual manslaughter. Arthur A. BaIley, ha\'e been selected for the mun-
Cj1l'1stmas party Tuesday afte~'- l1lclpalilJes of Delaware County to
noon. Another guest \\ as Army 31-year-old Phlladelplua advertls- supervise a house-to-house can-
purchase capons for both the pre- earol smgll1g WIth Mrs. Herbert
Contlllllf'd on Pagc Fll'e BrUder at the plano.
'i4.~'N.~"''!4.g.~4.f!o>.'U.'!4.'!'''U.U."16'U.~~'':'~%!'';';!.;!~'U.u.'!..:.~ .. 'U.'!",%~%~
AChrls- tmas Party Hospital. SellersvJlle, $500 each.
and Sacred Heart Hospital, Norns-
town, $750.
Sergeant Jack Dolan. who was Ing company executlVe, \\ as grant- \'ass and obtal11 the signatures.
MIS. ,Roma Warner, 33. wife of shot down from the all' over Ger- ed a parole thiS mornmg by
Sterlmg O. Wamer. Cynwyd, a many and mterned m Sweden. Judges Kl1lght, COlson and Dan- cJared Barr, "Will call on you m
Philadelpilla Jeweler. whose ro- The speaker was Dr. W. Nornn
, These volunteer soliCitors." de-

mance WIth Elmer Unger. 54, for- Wherry. member of the Interna- ne h owei,. f 01. t 11e ba Iance 0 f IllS have the next few weeks. You do not
~ CIIRIST~IAS SI~ll'TICI~S ~ Entertain Old Folks
to work m Pluladelphla to
Listed as Killed in mel' Lower Menon High School tlOnal Boys Work CounCil of the Jail term. I oppose this tax. If you reSide out-
physical educatIOn instructor, led Optimists.
~ ~ Raid Over Germany to a divorce actIOn by her hus- ----.--- -
The parole came as a happy Side of the city 1ll111tS, whether a "
~ III 'C .... Ln~al
At Knox Home in r~lles ~~ Lt, Peter Scott, whose Sister, band. lias asked the State Supe-
Xmas Report Made
Yuletide gift to Balle\. enablmg \\orker or a houseWife, we ask for
hIm to be reul11ted With Ius fam- you,' signature and any more m
~ ~ M. . Kenneth E. Shull, 23 Bala nor Court to amend an order of
~~n~~~~~~~~n~~~~~~~~nn~~~~;n~~n~~ Wynnewood Ave., Bala-Cynwyd, has been re- the Montgomery County Courts At Legion Meeting il\' at thell' Wynnewood home for ~ our household."
the Chnstmas season. "Help 111 this work to rid the
The Chl'i,<;tmw: message of hOJlP for a dall when ported kIlled in a raid over Ger- which awarded custody of her two
Bailey entered dthe plea to the non-reSidents of thIS 01'. an~. othel'
Members of the Soroptimlst many on November 21. He was children to hel' husband. O~
Ninth District charge after he was mdlcted m taxes from outSide Sotll ces.
there will he, ill trllth, "p('(fce 1J1/ earth, rfOod will t0lCU1'rl Club of the Mam Line held their co-pilot on a B-24 bomber. Mrs. Wainer. m an appeal for Nm th District, Amel'lcan Le- connectIOn With the death of - ----••-
December dmner meeting at their A graduate of Lower Menon an amendment to an order by gion.
meu" Il'ill he I'oicrd in -"oug alld scrmon this SUllrla II a lid Montgomery and Bucks
headquarters. the Haverford CoUrt High School 111 1941, Lt. Scott PreSIdent Judge Harold G. Knight, Counties, held ItS December meet- FranCIS E. Connelly. Mer- Decorations For
011 Christlllo,<; Doy. Hotel. Haverford, last Wednesday entered the service 111 hIS Junior of the Montgomery Cdunty Court, ing in Nornstown, \\'1th 150 Le- lon, In an Ilutomoblle aCCIdent •
The cJwl'ches of the c01l/1I11wity hare plalllted their l1IJ.1'ht. year at Pennsylvania State Col- said tl1at her VISitS With Roma
gionnaires present. District Com-
Feb. 20, 1944, on Montgomery Naval HospItal
Reports were read by commit- lege. He has been overseas SInce Warner, 8, and Richard. 5. at the mander Clarence G. Bro.....n. of Ave.. Narberth. Testimony mdl- Through the camp and hospital
sen'ices so that mell, 1/'01111'11 m/(l childrcn may come and tee chan'men covermg the acti',i- late Summer. . 110me of her husband, Sterll11g, NOl'l'istown post. who has just re- cated that Bailey was operatmg committee of the Mam Line. Red
ties and projects of the club for Lt. Scott IS sUl'vlved by his fa- SUbjected her to "contemptuous hiS car lat a high rate of speed on Cross workers are contributing
hear the familiar alld belol'cd story of the bi/,th of the the past three months. ther. Major WIlliam McKl1lgl1t and Immiliatmg treatment." ceived a State appomtment from Montgdmery A\·e. and that Con- gifts and decoratIOns to the Naval
After the meeting at the hotel, Scott. Washington. D. C.: another the State Commander. to serve on
The Slut lor divorce. brought by Boys Town Committee, preSided. neJly's car commg III an oPPosIte Hospital m Philadelphia for the
Christ-child aud 8ill g th I' .fOliOUS C(lI'O[.<; alid Ch l'ist11las a Christmas party was held at the sIster. Mrs. C. Elwood Hayes, Fox her husband. still is pendll1g. directIOn made a turn mto a gas- Medical Corps men on duty there
hymns. Knox Home in Wynnewood, where Chase Manor, and a brother, Wil- In ller appeal, Mrs. Warner Hospitals Dlstnct Chan'man on Veteran oline statum. III lront of Ballev's dUl'lng the hohda\·s. These stock-
lhe house was decorated for the lIam McHenry Scott, Jr" German- charged the Montgomery County Norman Johns, Potts- car. Connelly died a short time mgs and other Rifts so generously
The chul'ch doors are opeu to all. alld those whose old folks. town, reported of the work III alter the aCCident. contributed are to be gIVen to con-
hem·ts (1l'e heal'!! 11'ith SO/Tall' alld [olleline:,s ?ltall be
strellgthelled aile! 1'cstol'cd in thc,<;(~ comple,1; 1/'(11' da!/,<;,
Carols were sung and six talent-
ed students of the Ursula Murray
John E. Flynn Listed
Court With denYll1g her a full givmg packages to
lleanng on chal'/~es of adultery vice for Christmas. More than persons m ser- At that time, It was revealed by valescent wounded boys m hos-
with "the Greek god," Elmer Un- 1.000 packages were gIven by the Attorney John E. Flynn. counsel pltals.
School of Dancmg entertained ger. Mrs. Warner. who. has :f!led Nmth for BaileY. that hiS msurance The Main Line Hebrew Associa-
as they meet together in friendly fellowship to w01'ship In New Partnership
with songs and dances. The fol- a counter-infidelity SUIt. agalllst money District donated
and over $700 111 company
by posts for had paid out $16,000 to t IOn donated a large tree and all
lowing young people took part in her husband. said the county the familY of Connell\' m settle- the decorat IOns, for the Naval
God, the program: John E. Flynn; 210 Essex Ave., court had no right to adjudge her candy.
June Jorgal1. Rose Marie JOI'- Narberth, IS llsted m the new as "not a fit person to be entrust- Membership Chairman Elmer R. ment of any damage claims, pnor Hospital and the members of this
to the entry of any SUIt. group Will do the decoratmg,
gan. Greta Mahan. Teresa Di Norristown law partnership of ed with the custody of her chil- Leddon. Willow Grove, reported
St, 111argo ret's Calli oUc Narbrrth Methodist Church Maio, Jerry Salema and Ilsa Wal- High, Swartz, Flynn and Roberts dren." 78,265 members In Pennsylvania
Rev. James F Toner, Rpctor.
R~e\'?~~~~fe{T 0'8li-.~~or
F,,"ex and Price A ,·enues.
IIfhllster. ClIIl R Hammcrly,
9.45 A. M-ChrlstmM party for pri-
Cathaleen Rowan, ElSIe Curtis.
With offices at 40 E. Airy St.
Alice Ambler and Anna Myers of by the old firm of High. DeW'a cover her romance With Mr. Un-
Mrs. Warner also charged that to date. With 2.165 members 111
The announcement was made 11er husband "conmved" to diS- the Ninth District.
------ Magistrates Are Short-Changed On
mary department In the the Soroptlmist Club were host- and Swartz. It will be effective ger which IS alleged to have start- Members of February
rn residence, Rev. William J. Kane
Christmas Dal'
6.30 A M., Solemn High Mass
11 00 A M.-Chrlstmas worship Ser-
lIlon theme, "There Was
esses fol' the evening. January I, 1945. ed while he was conducting Su.m-
Grand Jury Drawn
mer gym classes at Ocean City, Fees Lownes Charges At Co. Meeting
Low MRSses at 8. 9, 10 IS. ILlS, 1215
Confelslons Sunday alternoon and
e\'~nlng"'at regular hO."'u:e-I""s. .
"While Shcphe'ds Watch·
ed TheIr Flock" MIS. Municipalities Renew Demand For
No Room." MIlSlc, choir,

Burns Best will sing "The

Ask All River J'owns
N. J. Members of the Grand Jury for
the February term of Cl'Iminal
Court. drawn this week bv the A proposal that 80 member:; of the Montgomery County
First Church of Ch1'ist Vlrgln's LuIlAbl·." Board of Jury Commissioners. Ju:;tice of the Peace ASHociation open up a test case in the
Linwood and Athcns Aves., Aldmore.
4 00 P. M -Chrl,tmas Ve.,pel Service.
"The Soul'; 01 the An-
Part of Four.Cents Liquid Fuel Tax
Choll, directed by Allton
K will
. gels," "Gesll. ThOll DeAr
To Treat Sewage
of raw
by ev-
were announced last week:

Sch~YI­ Main
Among them are the followlllg County to determine what costs shall be turned over to
Liners:Davis. Ardmore: Wil- them was proposed
Jefferson '
at a meeting 0
f t he A SSOC1a . t'IOn 1ast
11.00 A M.-Sunday School. Babe DIVine," "B I' e a k kill Rlver's headwaters to Phlla- liam Hornung. Bala-Cynwyd: Ed- MondaJ' night in Norl'i:;town.
11.00 A. M.-Mornlnl'; Worship.
3,00 P M.-Afternooll Service.
Forth 0 Beauteolls Heav- Narberth Borough, Lower Mer- for county-aid projects in munl- delphia-not only by cities and ward J. Reynolds. Bryn Mawr;
pnl" Light," "J a y f U 1 ion and Haverford Townships. clpalities. Other. counties use It boroughs from Reading down- Florence
ChristmAS Sons" Soloist.
C. WIlliamson, Ardmore.
The proposal was made by Mag- rpcelvmg be~ter treatment than In
ROO P. M.-E,·cnlnJ; meetlnl';. directly or mdirectly, have no\\' to varying degrees and some coun- stream _ was advocated Monday - - - _ - - - -- I Istrate Walter B. Lownes, Ardmore, other countIes,
MI" Helen Stl Ickier, will
Reading room at 8 Rittenhouse Plal'e
15 oPen week-day~ from 930 A M. ,()
sing "No Candle Was approved a plan to have one cent tie~ do not employ it for this night by representatives of 10 County Not On former preSident of the organiza- Magistrates of Montgomery
,'.30 P. M And on SundAY lrom 3 to 5
.., M.
There" TI urn pet solo. of the four cents Slate liquid fuel pUipose at all.
Lawrence Connell. ,11'. "0 tax returned to municipalities for
Hall' Night." A ChristmAS road building and maintaining likelihood that considerable moneY Phoenixville.
I communities. mr.luding Rcading,
With municipalities facing the at a nVl'r pollution conference in Salv a g e H onor Roll
tlon, after he had
hstened to a
County were losml; fees from con-
tmued hearing cases
speech by Joseph Prince, soliCitor thousllnds of dollars annually.
that ran into
message 11" the pastor.
Holy Trillit?! Lutheran 11 00 P. M -Christ ma,; E, e sen'lce by purposes, will be needed to catch up on road Orp;amzmp; in~o a solid unit to A r@cord amount of ~aste paper for Dr. Frank P. K. Barker. con- Magistrate Lownes said. He stated
the l'outh fello\\!shI P.' of Although the proposal has been repairs and delayed improvements CIUTY a dete~'mmed fight before salvaged In Pennsylval1la durlllg troller of the County. Costs and the,re were other types of fees
Church the church. A choir will hanging fire for sometime It has In the post war era the proposal. the Stat';! Sanitary Water Bo~U'd November boosted the State's . . which by a rUlll1R of the Controller
sinK Miss Elma Bl'ltz will
Woodbine and NA1'b<'rth Ave.
Samuel T Nicholas, D. 0, PAstor Ring. "0 Holy Night" recently received new impetus which has bern bUffeted from the offlcla!s dec:i~ed. to unamm- total collections of this vlta~ly fees III certam case~ are paid could be turned over to the magis-
from the dwindling need of this pillar to post m Harrisburg, has a ously jom In petltlOl1lng .the board needed war material during the throul('h ~he Controller s offlc~. t!ates.
John Van Neas, D.O.. Pastor EInerltus. Baptist Church of tke liquid fuel fund for relief bene- chance of being seriously consid- to for~e' every cozpmumty to as- fnst 11 months of the year to more . MagistlRte Lownes. too~ excep- "Montgomery County," said
SUNDAY I!-' l'all gel fits. ered at the next session of the sume Its own sewage burden and than a half-million tons, Mont- tlOn to ~ome ~f Pnnce s state- Magistrate Lownes when inter-
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng Worship. SPecial Narberth, Pa. Lower Merion has approved the state Legislature. not !?ass the burden to other com- glJmer\' County, however, does not ments whlcI: intImated that Mon~- viewed followmg the meeting, "Is
Christmas music by chulr Rev. R G Middleton, Pastor plan through its represen~at.lon m The proposal has been approved mumties farther downstream. appeal' on the honor roll. gomery justices of the peace wele wealthv enough and has it Within
and organ.
11,00 P. M.-SpecJal music. Theresa
Petersen, violinist, and 11.00
9.45 A. M.-ChUl'ch School the Stat~ I
Association of First Class by the liquid fuels tax committee ItS po\ver to make the magistrate's
office a pay!llg job. It has been
choir. A. 1If.-Mornlng ServIce Special Townships. Haverford, after the of the Joint state Government done in other counties of the
Christmas mwlc by cbolt: pl~n was explained by Harry Commission. The report savs
Narberth Presbyterian "Thou Holy ChUd," EI· Fntsch~an. secretary of the there should be no further delaY Commonwealth and it could be
nOle. and selections from Tow~shlP, gave its approval at a Iu allocating part of the liquid done here."
Chw'ch "The Messiah," by Handel. Magistrate Lownes said his sug-
Sermon. "The Best Things me.etmg on January 11. N!lr- fuel tax to townships, borough gestion was not political. as some
Windsor and G'Al'Hnl: Ave. a~ the WaIst Times." bel th has joined in t1l~ .actlon and cities, In order to relieve the
SUNDAY 400 P M -Clmtata, "Bethlehem." by through the State ASSOCIation of burden of the real estate tax the minds would construe it. but was
9.45 A. M.-SundaY School. Maunder, sung by the only an attempt to obtain for the
11,00 A. M.-Festlval of Christmas _~.,-....,-_Ch""o""l-;r ._-,--=--=-_",--__ Boroughs committee says the money should
office of the minor judiciary those
music by choir. Counties now receive a half be used for malntenace, construc-
4.00 p, M.-Annual White Gift Ser- Meliort Friends Meetinfl cent, according to their popula- tion and reconstruction of roads, cOlltlnucd on Page Five
vk. bY Sunday SchDO~. Montllomery Ave. and Meetlnll House tion, lrorq the liquid fuel tax of, <treets and bridges, and for sink-
CHRISTMAS DAY LIlnp, Merion. four cents. Montgomery County Ing fund charges and for the re- ElrYptian Theatre TUl!lIday and Wed·
10.00 A. M.-Wprshlp. Sermon. "Find, SUNDAY nesday "SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN
Inc tIOur Way to the Man, 10.00 A M.-·Fi....t Day fSUuda;l') SCbool. is one of the lew counties that, tirement of bonds issued for such
ier. 11,00 A, M.-J4eetlnll for Worablp.
I \ .
employ this liqUid fuel tax fund I purposes.

DWARFS" .-Advertisement.
,.7;";·"""·'~"'·"··' "'." " ..." ,':'~'" '-0," ' .. " .'. ," •... !", ., '.",'" :.' ,.', ','T"_",!.,:' "".,-" . ., '., '. ". ". ".,~ ".,,' . .'i ", ' ". "",j'''jY'': """\"~"'''''' \,"'" ,.; '. "",', " " .. "" ,', . ",~.'.'''l''}'''O<:'j,!,~~
I ... • ~ "~

OUR TOWN December 21, 1944.·

Supplee- Wills-Jones
Cop Adds 'ZipTo T.raffle '~Mike" To Build aNew
ials become . available. Supplee-
WUls-Jones . Milk Company w'Ul
build a new $2,000.000 central,
IlDtlled .. Recon4 clue matter October, 1938, at the PoRt otnoe . -
Narberth. 1'&" under the Aat of Marah 3. 1m.
District Total Sales
Abington ••..••...•••••••••••••... 726.352
Quota Percent
'And Plugs For Blood Donors $2,°9°,000 Plant milk processtng and distributing
A milk company's $3.000.000 plant in Phlladelhia. It was an-
Ambler ...............••.•.. '" '" postwar expansion program was nounced by Henderson Supplee.
-Foanded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic A.soc:iatioD Cheltenham Township ••.•..•••... 1.916,352 840.000 228 Phlllp Mtnnls. Lower Merion volunteer for a blood donation. revealed by the State Department I Jr.. president Of the company.
Collegevllle . ~ .............••••.•.• 312.815 201,600 155 patrolman. adds a bit of origin- They need it over there."
GEORGE A, WALKER, President and Editor Conshohocken ...•..•.••....••.••. 1.883.689 1,344,000 140 ality to his traffic. broadcast for Patrolman Minnis is snappy. of Commerce this week in its: The 1lrm also plans to modernize
HELEN FITZPATRICK. Buslnea Manaller 166,000 104 original. sometimes curt when weekly compilation of new and' an~ enlar~e its Pla,nt in West
S LEBSERAUX. AdvertlJllnll Manuer Harleysvllle .....•..• : ...f •••••••••• 173.230 Christmas shoppers.
Hatboro .................••.•.•••• 155.923 155.400 100 , Seated in the patrol car in danger threatens, but never too expanded industry. i PhiladelphIa and Its Chester.
PubllJlhe4 Even Thunda, Hatfield ............•..•..•....•.• 325.011 201,600 161 front of the Ardmore Theatre.' fresh. What is more. he is ~et­ As soon as construction mater-' Delaware County. branch.
DeeIUln. for ad\·ertlslnl and news copy-Wednuda, 9 A.... Huntingdon Valley ....•• : .•.....••• 222.893 193,200 115 he doesn't just hollar. throu~h tlng results and chalktng up an- ---"--'.~-"'---.---.--_.-.-._--

Subscription rate-S2 per year In advance Jenkintown , ...........•.••..•• 2.026.011 966.000 210 his mike amplifier. "Watch your other "first" for the Lower Mer-
ion in handling Christmas shop- EGYPTIAN THEATRE Preuer Bldl.
PuhlJcatlon Ol!lce-Ellht Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740
Lansdale : , .•.......•.•...•.•.. 1.037,630
Lower Merion-Narberth •..•....... 4.460,375
step lady." when he sees a shop-
per try to jay walk. pers.
Tues!lliy, WednesdaY. Dec. 26-27 CLARKE 1714 Chestnut It.
PhlladelDhla 3
Member of Buc1cll-~ontlomery Newspaper publishers A••oclatlOD Norristown-Bridgeport .....••.•.... 4.315,851
North Wales ...........•..•.•..... 135.330
He adds a little zip. puts in
a word for fathers in general HOUSEHOLD HINT "SNOW WHITE and ConservatorY 01
And Branchet
Pottstown " .......•.•............ 3.361,022
Royersford . 219.013
r "':1"1"11:' i .... ··,.

of bloOd donations in the bar-

un ." r'" "1~ To make the house smel1 sweet
and clean. and to eliminate cook- SEVEN nWA A~S" ' MUS IC Phone RIT. 0810

I EDITORIAL I Schwenksville , .........•.......... 113.013

SOUderton-Telford ........•.•...•. 634.053
Springfield . 51.325
For example, he may say:
"Careful you With the red tur-
ing' odors. colonial wives sprink-
led a few pinches of powdered
cloves on a small shovelfUl of
burntng coals' and carried it

Upper Perkiomen ............•..... 297.797 294.000 101 b~l' (: "plp' n' you'IL lose that
An Open Letter To Wome,i Of Willow Grove ....•..............•.
Worcester ............•.....•..•.•
pretty fur coat."
Once il1 awhile he adds a ~en­
around the. house.

Unalloca~ed .•.••..•...•..•.....•.•. 1,290,000 eral ,caution to all pedestrians.

L.M.-NarbertltG.O.P. Council --' "Remember. a jay walker to- YOI••• Sell
Let us give the Republican Party a Christmas present. Let us
show the citizens we have enough vision to read the writing on
the wall ot the last election. Let us start building wisely a strong
23,201,735 19,833.000 117 day and a dead duck tomorrow"
To the little tots he has been
N..~~"-' ' . ': .:.,',::', ,':,'.','<',,,,"' ,"",>, ','~:-:'\','~'<~s ,""/,\_':\>-'\;,\;;:~~:--:_~>,<,~,:'-'-;:'.~ x~:,:~~"X"'~~::...:,~\. 'S,:\:'::-,~:;:":: . . .~~~~;.,::-.,:,,;,~',:.;,.,,:>..';.,,,"S;.'::Z,,~~ I
heard to say:
"Heads up little one or papa
Prope.·ty Mr.. Raymond
foundation for the presidential election of 1948.
The Lower Merion-Narberth Council of Republican Women is
an important index to what other Republican women of the State
Here and' There By Betsy-Ann
may have to spank."
But. Wednesday. Patrohnan
Minnis hit a new high when be
started to plug for blood dona-
Narberth 2202
NOW'!· formerly with
may do. Mrs. John Y. Huber. Jr., with apologies to Roosevelt. has Said the patrolman to woman
pedestrian Who was weavin~
been this Council's president for a good many years. She has
given considerable time to the Council's work. But she has also
across Lancastel' Ave. during one
~~~~'X,\';\'~~:~<..~'...:.,~"",\,~:-:"~,,~:~,y.,,:-z.::.. ~'.\~\",,-:.:.~~: :,~':<~;."',:~~~'J\~~~~':-'..~;~.:.S:\.~~~"'-"~~. :..,;,':-.,':~~~,>,,:~\~$:~~,,,;,':.?,~</:,: ':\.'::\,::,,:,,~ ,~" ,~."
GOWLAND BROS. Will feature a New· Hair Cut that
Cmdr. Joseph Snyder is spend- man Badge for exemplary dut.ies of the busiest hours. 39 N. Narberth Ave.
controlled its direction. determined its policies and maintained a in" the Christma..<; holidaYf' in in the field. He is serving with 1 "Hold up, lady, why take a
certain clique in office. In addition. this charming little lady is Cynwyd with his wife and daugh- the Army's 40th Infantry Division chance on losing YOUI' blood in Narberth, Pa. encourages a natural wave on your Pamela. Cmdr. Snyder will in tlle Southwest Paciflc. He also the street? Better stay alive a~n~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
also president of the Pennsylvania Council of Republican Women,
The action and policy of the local council is a fairly good straw in
leave after Christmas for the West holds the Go.Od .con.duct Medal. ~w~:i~~~~~g~:i.lfl'~lAf"~. ~ hair. Good also for children.
Coast to take command of a new ~~. - ~
the wind of what may happen among Republican women in the ship. • Among the
books most requested are:- "For- ~ best sellers GIFTS OF DISTINCTION
and ~ is~
Mrs. Charles B. Stoudt .o! ever Amber" by Kathleen Winsor; ~ . i\
The first week of December we received one of the most en-
Woodside Ave.. Narberth. recelv- "Green Dolphin Street" by Eliza- ~ ~
couraging releases we have received as a newspaper. It came from ed a 'phone call from a friend of beth Gouge: "The Gr~en' Years" ~ . . ••• ~
your council. It reported a talk by Mrs. Edna R. Carroll, vice- her son, S/Sgt. John Stroudt. tell- by A. J, Cronin; "NIght Unto·~·· ~ HAIRDRESSING
chairman of the RepUblican State Committee, before the Council, ing her he had met Silt. Stroudt NiR'ht" by Philip Wylie; "Footnote ~ I WATCHES - JEWELRY _ STERLING ~~
in the Netherlands East Indies: to Life" by Eleanor Arnett Nsh:, \'\ .
~Figo~~~~~dh~n~l~~:.r~t~oe~~ 'i~~:~~~~~:~~:"t:YJ~~~ys~~~I;. ~
in which she 'quoted an article written by David Lawrence. Editor
of the United States News, Even though it was an indirect utter-
ance. we thOUght it significant as coming from a Council meeting.
joyed home great card ~ames to- I" NARBERTH JEWELERS '" I
Narberth 4270 Quality Cosmetica
Speaking of appealing to the people's confidence Lawrence ?ether there, Sgt, John B. McBride. 428 Wel1- M 236 H fdA' N b th 2204 ~
said: , Sgt. Stroudt recently spent his inR'ton Rd .. Narberth. has received, \1 aver or ve. , •• ar er ~
"They used to Ret it (confidence) in the days wheu theY (Re- two"'weeks leave in Sydney. Aus- the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air ~ I We Do Our Own Repsmng ~
tralia. Medal. He is stationed in Eng- ,~ ~ I
publicans) championed the child-labor amendment to the Con- Sgt, Charles F. (Chick) Stoudt. land. : 'I.J~~n-.-~~""~~1'-';~'}',;~Jlj;"';:O;'':''.:~Yn''fV.J'''"~~.
stitution. the anti-injunction labor laws, collective bargaining, another son. writes that the boys
statutes like the Railway Mediation Act, the Sherman Anti-Trust r.elebrated their Christmas 011
_ November 27 in LuxembourR: that
Law and other constructive laws such as the one creating the . they found ornaments to trim!
parcel post and when they offered a 'full dinner pail' for the their Christmas tree and li~hted!
working man." it with flashlight bulbs, Some of Narberth Presbyterian
Lawrence went on to say that the Republican Party to revive t.he .POys had received their"
Christmas boxes and they shared Church.
itself must have a legislative program that appeals to the average them as they would share the Wlnd.or and Gra)'ltn" A\'~.
man. boxes that arrived later. I,
Rev. Bryant M. Kirkland, Ps~tor
The next week what did the Council do?
Yeoman 2/C Ted Collins, son: S\lndA~'
According to your pUblicity release you had a speaker who of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collin~.' P.4.~ A. M.. 81JndA~' Schon!.
talked against proposed legislation to free7.e government-owned of Chestnut Ave.. Narberth. ha.' , 11 A. M.. Fe.tlval of Chrl.tmao. Muslo
been transferred from Washing- b)' Choir.
industries in 11 Northeastern states ,and another speaker who took 4 P. M.. Annual Wh1t~ Gift Sen1ce
a coy slap at the C, I, O.'s Political Action Committee. ton. D. C.. to Manhattan Beach: b~' 8undA~' School,.
and is spending Christmas with Chri!'t.mR.c: DA\'
Labor is interested in both these subjects. and Labor is his family. 10 A. M.. wor,hlp. •ermon, "Flndlnl
Our W,,~' to the Manll:er."
against the sentiment expressed at the Council's committee meet- . T /Sgi. Paul Goodyear. son of
Ing on both these subjects. MI'. and Mrs. C. J, Goodyear. Mer-
If David Lawrence's ideas merit quotation. surely they merit ion Garden Apartments. is home:
consideration in your plans to woo Labor's vote. Double-talk by for Christmas from Fort Ben-;
the Council can lead only to the kind of political graveyard that
ninR'. Ga.
• • •
I St. Margaret's Church
Narberth. Pa.
it did in November of this year. PCe. Robert Boxman. son of Mr.1
R~\·. JAmeo; F. Toner. Paetor
To Labor there can be only one interpretation: that the and Mrs. W. H. Boxman. 200
Merion Ave .. Narbert.h. is home Chri.qt.mR~ DRY
Councilis talk of its interest in Labor is only vote-getting window from Cherry Point for the hOli- : 6.30 A. M.. Solemn HI"h MA"'.
dressing; that the Council is not sinc~rely interested in the wel- days. Ln".. Ma.•o;eo; At. R A. M .. 9 A. M.. 10.1~
fare of Labor or the program that Labor has mapped out for it- • • • l A, M.. 11.1.~ A. M .. 12.15 P. M.
Conf~ ..lono;-8undA)' Aft~rnoon anti
David Billington: son of Mr. and: eventn" at rell:ular hours,
self. Mrs, Nelson Billington. 228 Avon
This, alone. would not be so discouraging. But. what is worse. Rd. and Graham Michael. of Cyn-
the. Council thus lays itself open to the charge that it is being
used as the mouthpiece of "big" business (not little business) 'and
is accepting, without reasonable examination. the pre-election
wyd. are home for the holiday-
from the , Hill School.
Miss Jean SchlipC, daughter of
.. Baptist Church of the
propaganda of "big business" that the PAC of the CIO is sub- MI'. and Mrs, Walter Schlipf. 520 Evangel
.versive, anti-American and Communistic. Merwyn Rd .. is home from State
Teachers School. West Chester. Narherth & Elmwood A\·~~.
Which is wrong. The PAC of the CIO may have some Com- for the holidays. R~\'.
R. G. Middleton. Pastor
munists in its ranks, but Communists do not dominate its organ- • • • Sunda)'
ization. Likewise any "Silver Shirt" tinge in the National Associa- Miss Charlotte Friehofer. Mer-
ion Garden Apart.ments. is home 9.45 A. M.. Chlll'ch School.
II A. M.. Mornlnll: Servlc~. o;peclAI
tion of Manufacturers is no proof that the manufacturers are for Christmas vacation fro m Chno;tmAo; n"I'lc by choir: "Thou Hal"
dominated by Fascists, If the Council is to make any progress in Stratford, Va. ,- Child," Elmore. and o;electlon, from
wooing the Labor vote, it will have to start from the premise that • • "Thp M~",lah." by Handel. Sprmon
"The Bp,t Thlngo; at t.hp Wor.•t Tlmeo;."
Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. MacDon- 4 P. M., cantatA. "B~lhleh~m.'· by
Labor has a right to organize politically. raise money for political ald. and their son. Harold Mac- M"und~r.•un" by the choir,
purposes and have political plans for the future. ManUfacturers Donald. Miller's Lane. Wynne-
and big business groups have done it for years. Now, why not wood, will leave Sunday for Rich-
Labor? mond. Va. to spend Christmas
With their son and brother. Pvl;.;
GeorRe MacDonald. at McGuire: BaJa"Cynwyd Methodist
General Hospital. pvt. MacDon-,
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING aid was wounded in Holland and
recently was 1lown from Paris to
Mitchell Field. and is now under-
Lp\'prlnll: Mill Rd. n~ar MOllt"omerJ' Pit.
25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Paper) going treatment at McGuire Gen- Rp\·. Franklin Duncombp. Minister
$1.40 FOR FOUR PAPERS eral Hospital in Hichmond. Va. SAturday. Decemb~r 23
• • • 4 P. M.. Candlellghtlng o;en-Icc rnr
OUR'TOWN, BALA-CYNWYD & MERION NEWS Sgt. Robert M. Taylor. son of little children. Bell:lnnen, PrimarY
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Taylor. and ,Junior chlldrpn Invlt.ed wlt.h par-
THE MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS 512 Brookhurst Ave.. Narberth, ellt... Jane TRylor, child ftut.lo;t. And
has earned the Expert Infantry- JAm" M, Armo;tronl': Ill. 15-~·ear·old
?ou msY .end moneY ord~r, stamp. or p~rl\()nal check Addr~S8 all oman In, will pIA)'. Mio;o; Dorot.hv Ha?p-
communIcatIons to Lower Merion Newspapers. Arcimore. Pa. let.t. will tell the st.ory or Chrlstma8
with the use of ftannel~raft.•.
<Special Monthly Rates) SundRv, December 24

Buiider ••• General 10.30 A. M.. Bible School ancl Church
Sen'lcp t<l be hrld togeth~r ',Nlt.h An
old-fashIoned Chrlstma' pro~ram. Or-
Ardmore 5720 GREenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600 Repairs chest.ra and thrpe choirs. OfferIng for
th~ Cru,adp for Christ.

Anything in wood repaired If Its 4 P. M.. Vesper Servlc~ broRdcast, over
worth repalrlnlf. \ WDAS. The music w1l1 b~ furnished
LOST r GENERAL REPAIRS Stair Banisters b)' the Main Lln~ Y, M. C. A. Girl"
LADIES diamond set wrist watch. Re- ---;;H;;O;;M;;E~I;;M~P;:;;R;::-O;V;;EM~";EN~T::B~-- Cabinet Work Service Or~anlzatlon, Mr•. J. R. Mc-
LsulI:hlln, dlrect.or. Topic. "F I r. t
ward. Mrs. Rohert Locke, 349 MUI- Bt tid Wood Turning
bsnk Rd .• Brl'n Mawr. Call Bryn Mawr I I d er and general repaIring, ChalrA
I Complete Wood Work Shop Chrl,tmas Attltudeo;,"
11 P. M., Chrlst,mao; Eve CArol Service
0874. g Ue , rungs made. etc. Valances made SkJ1led Craftsmen
, Bring, Your patt~rn or we can make one with Candl~ll~htlnll:. Two choirs. Dr.
HELP WANTED-FEMALE ,It It Is wood I believe we cnn repair Gladstone Holm wlIl partielpAt~.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,most anythIng It It Is worth repairing.
WANTED-Women between 20 and 49 to Drop In and look our ~hnp over. Rob~rt
serve at Army campe and aIr flelds ,HHI·IIEtJllotlt. 2122 Darby Rd, So. Ardmore, 2122 Darby Rd., S. Ardmore
Oholce ot meny VItal jobs. food, cloth- . OP 026. Hilltop 1026
Inr••helter. recreational fac!lltles. med-,- FOR SALE
lcal and dental care turnl.hed. Good The Presbyterian Church
pay snd opportunity for advancement." ANTIQUE PLATES
Writ. to 312',2 Del. County Nat·] Bank napkIns.
vases Mad I
embrold~red bed .pr:a~a
B!dl'" Chester. Penna... or call Chester, tJ cadle sewing machine, wardrobe trunk'.
• of the Covenant
2 1140. Good condition. LAdy's black coat sIze
Lancaster County of Bal,,-C~'nwyd

" • • • tlte Lord

STENOGRAPHER - Unsually pleallant !8,-C~!....l!!!I..tll.~4481.
surroundln~. and working conditIone. ,BICYCLE - Man'S Enlltsh make thr~e
Plve day wepk. Good pay. Call HlJItOIl II .peed. h. a. nd brak~. Ph. 'HllItop 4S18-M
lS come, Mnnt.lI:ompry Rnd Bryn Mawr AVOlll\e.
The Rev. Herbert. WaltPr Bleh~r, D. D.
4~7n tor appolntment"'__. ~~t,210 Stanley Ave .. Manoa.
LADY wanted for fountain and general' "CARRIE"-room-iiumtdlil~r-p
. .-r!~C'i:
Fresh Killed Mlnlo;
Sermon o;Uhl"ct. "What Manner ot
drur etore work. da~·tlme. Bl'ookllne & condItion. used very Itttle Call Cyn-
vicinity. Phone HlIlt.op 9903. \Ud 3193-W.
let earth recelve her [(ing" MAn To 'fhlo;?"
EI,,·onr.\ A. Arnolr!. or.AIlI.I.: Aoprano.
Mr.. McQUilkin. Alma Belt,?: t~nor.
n.ntched Ch~lseR. Llmoll:es Demlt"..e Also FulI Line Of Lewl" LockhArt. ,John Crl.w~lI: alto.
YOUNG WOMAN with re8PDnelbliities ,et.., 24 mAtched Royal Worcest~r ser. Man' l'IRrnosk;·. B~Atrlc. RoAd: bass.
aeveral years experience In food sup~r~ ytce Plates lInd servers. H.avlland plate•. AI BlACk, John Harvey; harpist, Muriel
VISion. menUA, preparation. or aUditing. dtecoratlve & other fine Chllta, cutilall8,
account!! payable .nd receIvable, otrlce . ~ware,_~_a.s. Hliitop 5288-W,
detaJls. Dependable. affable personality. 'RADIO. vacuum-c-ieinersewtng~

cuter Ave.• Wayne. Penna. I

eOlUlclentlous. Write B. L. 238 East Lan-' In~, chr'lmc percolato; set, Stle" set.
china. steIns, andirons. clock, dolls. doll
furnIture, conch. violin. banjo, lAdY's
125 N. Narberth Ave.
The words of Handel's great hymn are once again ringing
' f\ll' 'Cont, electric heater. lamp", desk,
dinIng. 1I\'lng wh.t-not ~urlo cabln~t
other iumlt\ll'e. I
sUlt~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
out across the earth, proclaiming the glorious tidings of the St. John's Episcopal Church
Levering Mill ROAd and BallL Ave.
SDrlnl" of three-piece suits repaired. ~~l1!.~ellaneous. HlIItop 5288.W,
110.00; chairs recovered. $5.00, GO: HANDSOME COALSCUTTLE'--- -- t I - Messiah's birth-rejoicing, celebrating the m~ssage of peace on Bala c)'nw)'d
Anywhere. Call LEWIS. Wayne 14961 ladder back rocker VI to i ~ue1\1\
Rev. Melville B. Ourley. R~ctor
227 Eut La.ncaster Avenue. Wayne. ehall'. Vlctorlnn pador .~ab~e~n2 ~I'~~
MIRRORS & CLASS leaf tables, IsmPs. Cuckoo clock Palc earth, good will to men. Suuday
brass cand~labra, other brass, ~llver. 10 A. M .. Church School. Int~rm~dlate
·NOW Ja ~he time to rejuvenate Jour china and glass. Miscellaneous "ntlQue
home. OLASS SHOP. JOHN S. TAGYE. furnltu.'!. HIII~~Q:!,
. ~;.-" And ,JuniOr..
II A. M .. Momln" WOl'.•hlp. A Chri.t-
I· 7315 West Chester Pike. Upper Darby. DADIES Bulova wrl.t w:::a:-:'t-'ch::-,-g-o-o""'d-e-o-n-- mA' Fpd,I,"1. Special Music bY Chntr.
CUstom Med~ Mirrors restlverlnl. re- I dltlon, 825.00. 1 Imported Swiss bed A famil~' taste-treat as a bever- 11.30 P. M.. CAnrile-lIl1:ht Carol•. Holy
.1"'":. modellnl'. Pictures Framed. FurnIture spread dOUble size, hand· aPPItQued age. GO L DEN GUERNSEY Let us join with others singing-let us follow the exhorta- Communion.
TOIlll. Phon' 'Boulevard 3082. with "pple Ireen, tAffet.a foundation 3 Milk adds extra cnerg~'-value to ChrlSlmA' DA)'
.w~eth8art matching plJIows. Llk. new, 10.30 A. M.. Holy Communion.
PIA·NOS S20.00. LElrge sl?. sidewalk blcycl~. 2 .11 cooked dishes! Bellides. 'the tions of the song, worshipping with gladsome heart In renewed
~. • t~~1 whe~l berrows; also ot.hel' tOyo;, all
--------;G;;-r~a"::n~d-e-:&,-::OD~rlll:-h:-te,...!~_!I'O~ll.ndltlon. Call HlIItop 3117.
halt pint of cream which top•
each quart makes delicious
QUick Removal
Fair Prices
PUPPIES, 2-moiiitis'oi,CldeiiCChrlstriiiili
_111ft for ~hlldr~n. Call Hllltop 4610. "emergenc;v" butter. Try this: I faith in the Son of God.
Court.ous Men
STORM WINDOWS, 5-31'/. x 49\;'. 3-
milk stand 24 hours. Bring to Overbrook Presbyterian
I 31 \1. x 63'/• . Perfect condition. Also
P. SUGHES .. SON unu.ual line ot antiques C.1l H.Illtop room temperature. Beat with '
SMlI Market St..
AU 7450 West 51S4
I 0527 -J.
3 ETB LIonel train. O-gauge and fltan-
dard "auge. All In excellent condition.
electric mixer in shallow bowl
until butter 'separates from but-
L~ncAo;t~r Av~nue

and Clt~' LIne
_ _ _ _ _ _ _..:h=.;:::n.::In~I::::a..;G::;r:.:a::.
. ...:45=:2=9 i?I~rrtoSJ\0J:,r 135.00. Private Party. Call termilk. Knead out moisture. Rev. Emerson Barne.. D. D.•
Salt to taste! Pastor
Ia ezcBllmt clIJDIIlunltlea at at·
tract1ve prices.
LARGE dOUble furnlehed room, 2nd nr..
2 hlocks trom Ardmore buslnese eee-
tlon. Al!lO ,Ingle room. 151 Cricket Ave..
BROOKMEAD First Church of Christ
9.30 A. M., Sunday School. Chrlstmaa
11 A. M.. Chrlstma, service, sermon
by Dr. BArn~s. Music: choir, "On This
GOOd CbrlstmllS Morn." Cain: choir.
315 MOIltv.JIIery Avenu•• O:vnW3'd.
Ardmore, Call Ardmore 1131-R.
GUERNSEY DAIRIES You Are /-vlOted· to JOl"n 11/
nwood and Athens Ave., Ardmore
"Christmas Day." Hol"t: choir. "In the
Silence of th~ NllI;ht." arr. DickInson;
anth~m. "They Call Him Jesus," Yon;
D"f &
HOUSE In vicinity of Oakmont School.
References. Call Hilltop 3279.W.
"SerL'ing the Main Line
for over 21 ·years".
Your Fr"oen ds at S erv"ces
" Sunday
sc~oot: M,. MornIng Services. Sunday
choir. "While All Thin.. Were In
QuIet SIl~nce," Bishop; choir, "Glor,
to God." Perloles!.
W~~~PJ:'.t:::1~ ~. HOME FURNISHINGS 3 P. M.• Afternoon Services. 7.00 P, MoO CAndle·JIltht Chrl.tnlu

~ ~~~_~~~i~~,~,~~~I~~
E\'c Carol SerVice. Younp; People'. Fes-
ttval Choru.. the Junior Chorus anI!
the Bunday School Orehe.tra. OIl!
Ohrlllt~u carola wUI be sunl by the

• f J " - • I . , d - _ • .'" - • I • '~t' '."t"t

Decemher 21, 1944.
'~------------II be used aga!Jl by civilians. while

ir ~h~:i::rd [~! ~J~:§,:!)fi]§ '] ~~t~;::~::;:

Hedgerow Has Month servicemen w1I1 be required to pre-
Engagement in N. Y. Announcing... sent special military cards.·
New' AniVal5
--.. ~ .-..
The Hedgerow Theatre of Moy- :> .
Ian will move its actors and equip-
ment to New York for a four-
Wed Saturday Mrs. Abel Bottoms. Jr.. Maple Dr. and Mrs. Pen'y Le~ Talbot. The annual Ch~lstmasparty of
week engagement beginning Jan-
uary 16. The Company, under its
A boy. Born December 12. to Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Crysler. of 311

Penn Valley Girl

Hall. Merion. who has been con- Leayenworth.. Kansas. will spend Cl b 16 f the Narberth Junior
fined to her bed for the past four ChrIstmas WIth her daughter. Mrs. u ,0
months with polio. expects to be HURh Speed, ·Jr., Derwen Rd.. Women's Club, was held today at
up for Christmas. Cynwyd. Mr. and Mrs. HURh the .•home of the president, Mrs.
own management-the Hedgerow
Theatre Partnership-will present
a repertory of four Jllays at the
Cherry Lane Theatre. 38 Com-
·. .
conshohocken Rd.. GladwYne.
A boy. born December 12,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mellor,
Married in • • .. Speed, Sr:. Chestnut Avenue..Nar- Frederick M. Robb, Jr., of 131 merce St. in Greenwich Village:
Mr J Ben iamln Taylor 513 berth. WIll entertain at dlllner 257 Merion Rd., Merion.
Anth~'Yn' Rd .. 'will leave 'Saturday Saturday in honor of Dr. and Haverford Ave., Narberth. Mrs. "The Emperor':Jones," by Eugene
Military Ceremony for Miami. to spend Christmas Mrs. Talbot. Major Hug-h Speed is Victol' Carlson and Mrs. Edmund O'Nell1; "Thunder on the Left." * * •
A boy. born December 13. to Mr.
with his son, Ens. Robert Taylor. in France. Crocheron were co-hostesses. Jean Black's dramatization of
C h r is top her Morley's novel; and Mrs. John McConaghy. 'of
The marriage of Miss Sue Har- MI'. and MI~S. W·l'liiam M. Man-
rington Kinnard, daughter of Mrs.
Maurice M. Mathlews. of "Gate
House,''' Penn Valley. and Lt. John
who is .stationed at Miami. S 2/C
Mar.lone Taylor statl0n~d at
The Christmas party of the
Book Review Club, Mrs. Frank
Brooklyn WIll. have fOu~ days ion. Avon Rd.. Merion, announce Purcell chairman wiJI be held
le!l-ve over ChrIstmas. WhlC~ she the eng-alZement of their daug-h- December 28. at Uie home of Mrs.
"Quintin Quintana," by Ramon
Naya, and "Tomorrow's Yester-
day," by Jack Kinnard, a young
302 Powell Rd .. Wynnewood.
• • •
A golrl. born December 13. to MI'.
Uiristlas' eirer
R.. Challinor. U. S. N. R.. ~on of Dr. ' ':111 spend \\'Ith her mother and tel:' Miss Bemic~ M~nion. tOf MMI:- Carlos Bullock of 125 KenilwortIl Pennsylvanian. and Mrs. Joseph Hayes. of 216
and Mrs. George O. Challinor. of sIster Dorotlw WIlson M. Vogts. JI .. son 0 I. .'. '11 b Simpson Rd.. Ardmore.
. '.' • ... Wilson ·M. VOgts. of Montgomery Rd., Mer~o? Her ass~stants WI . e • • •
PH tsburgh, was solemnized in a fulI
mllltary ceremony Saturday. in AlI
Saints Church. Wynnewood.
Gwen Stose. of 701 Braeb~rn Courts Apts.. Narberth.
Rd Penn VaHey gave a chnst-I •. • •
IMrs.. WIlham Harlis and Mrs.
Challes Ross.
Autocar Man Is
Named Treasurer
A girl. born December 13. to Mr·1
and Mrs. Frank Sellers, of 926
To thank you for your cheerful
patronage and wish you Holiday
mas party for tl1e stUdents of her
The Rev. Gibson Bell officiated.
Mr. L. Richard Kinnard, of New
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ham-I The sewing group of ,the club
dancing class. their parents and den. Montgomery Court APart-I met at the home of MIs.. A. M.
friends. ments. Narberth. left Thurs~ay, Gordy. The group is, makmg. an Of Police Chiefs
Black Rock Rd .. Gladwyne.
A boy. born ·De~e~ber 17. to Mr. I United Shoe Repairing HAND LAUNDRY
York. gave his daughter in mar-
riage. . The students entertained the for Canton, N. C.. to spend Chl'lst-j afghan for Valley FOIge HosP1t~1.
guests with ballet and tap num- mas with their son-in-law and I The Junior Club held ItS
Detective Lt. James A. Kelly, and Mrs. John Bancroft. of 716 i
Philadelphia, was elected presi- Milbrook Lan;. l!av;rfdrd.
H R"
107 N. Narberth Ave.
I and at enovallng
The bride wore an ivory sat1l1
~own. with a fitted basque bodice. bel'S
" • •
daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Christmas Bazaar at the Com-
Owen.' .munity Building, December 7.
d(,.1t 0: the Police Chiefs' Associ- Narberth I
'long tight sleeves and a heart
shaped neck. A full skirt folded Mrs. L. H. HardawaY and her • • • IThe proceeds w111 be divided
aUon of Southeastern Pennsyl- A girl, born December 17. to I
vania at the organization'S an- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Graham. of I
Louis Evan/:Jos, I
nual meeting in the Lorraine HO- Merion Squar~ R;.d".Gladwyne. 11~~N~a~rb~e~rt~h~~~~~~~l'r~O~Jl~rl~ct~o~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
into a 10nlZ circular train. A son, John. 516 AnthwYn Rd .. Mer- Mrs. E. W. Heymann. Ott Rd.. :among the United War Chest
crushed satin band held her tulle ion. left Tuesday for Chicago to Cynwyd. will spend Christmas: Christmas .Stockings for the ser- tel, Philadelphia, Thursday night.
veil. which was edlZed with duchess
rose point lace. a family heirloom.
The bride carried a shower bou-
Haradaway's father, Mr. Bruder. at Pittsburgh. I
spend the holidays with Mrs. with her son. Lt. John Heymann, tvice men at Valley Forge Hos-
pital the Narberth EmergencY
Relief. and tubercUlosis relief. The
He succeeds Chief Frank A. Swee-
ney, of Jenkintown. Mr. and Mrs. John West, of 331 ~
Chief Lawrence H. Shores, UP- Kathmere Rd.. Brookline. \1
A boy. born December 14. to .~"~~~~~"~~~t'''"'''''~d~~~

Whiskey Rationing 1';11

quet of gardenias :1nd bouvardia. solo. the aria from Handel's "Mes-I higWi~ht of the bazaar" wa~ th~ pe: Moreland TwP.. was named •
Mrs. J. Montgomery Ballinger
was matron of honor and Miss
Sally P. Kinnard. sister of the
Narberth Club siah," "He Shall Feed His Flock: awar~mg of ;;, basket of l~ald-t~_
Like a' Shepherd." ,get-gloce1'les. ClU~ 16, MIS. Wal
, . The Trio continued with the i ren Benfield, ch~lrman, was in
First Vice .President. Other of-
ficers include Elliott Richardson,
Superintendent of police
• .
in . A~other two we~k whIskey ra- ,1 ,1
Hears Trio in Negro spiritual. "Go Tell It to the i charge of the affal~': Swarthmore, Second Vice Presi-I tlOn~ng penod, ,WhIch becam~ ef-l ii

bride acted as maid of honor. .
All the attendants were lZowned
in aches of rose taffeta. with full
Mountain," and the carol of the I The board of ?necto1s .l:Jlet at dent; Carl E. Svenson, of the fectlve Monday and contmues : :.1
Autocar Co.. Ardmore, Treasurer; through Dec. ?O. has the approvall'~
birds and animals. "Around the, the home of MIS. F!edeIlck M:
skirts and back panels of tiny
ruffles. forming a train. Their
tmy heart-shaped hats were trim-
X,nas Song·s Manger," followed by "Noel" and I Robb.. Jr., for theu' monthly
Franz Schubert':; "They Sang: meetmg.
that Night in Bethlehem." The - - _....' . _ - -
Harry J. Nebinger, of the' Penn- of the state Llqu~r Contr~1 Board. , ~
sylvania Company. Philadelphia, RegIstrants WIll receIVe on~-! \,
Secretary for the eigllth consecu- ?fth of a g~llon, th~ same ~s dU!. - : ~
med with ostrich lips. and each
carried matchinlZ muffs with blue
la ce flowers and maiden hair Women Have Sold
program ended with "Gloria in
List Engagement
Mrs. Isaac Monroe Church, of
Afterward Mrs. Wheeler re- 2944 Morris Rd.. Ardmore, has
tive year; Lewis F. RealeY, of the I~g the clllrent pellod whIch ex- \1
Keystone Division, Bell Telephone. pn'ed sat~rday. and quotas to li- ' \'f
Sel:geant-at-Arms, and Chi e f censees WIll. be retamed at 90 per ;1
I ,)
Mrs. Mathie\\'s. mother of the $183,275 Bonds Since turned to th'e piano and the audi- announced the engagement of her Sweeney, Chairman of the Execu- . cent of th«;u' former base sales.. l ~
tive cpmmittee. . War ratlOnmg book three WIll 1 ;1 I
bride. wore a fusht:? and ,Purple February, 1943 ence sang several of the popular daughter. Miss Margaret C.
crepe With a velvet hat tnml'1led
in shaded ostrich. YelIow orchids
Christmas carols. Church. to Mr. Samuel M.
The cIubr.oom was decorated Krauser son of Mrs. F. L. ---- Ii"''''"='''~~~"~'''"~~~
~ ,1
The Women's Community Club with Christmas greens un.der the Krauser' of 5522 North Mascher

K..~ · i~ ~ ...:\\~tH'NCJ, ~ ~
formed. her cOl·sage.
Lt. (jg.) William A. McCormisk of Narberth had its annual direction of the conservatIOn and st., Olney. I ~1 ~ '\f
was best man.
A reception followed at Haver-
ChI'istmas progl'llm Tuesday when gardens committee, Mrs. W. H.! -;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;
d1e Menarwyn Trio gave a musi- Boardman. Jr., chairman. At the II" I~\~ ~ I~
~I~ I-
ford Court. . cal dramatization of "Christmas candle-decked tea table were Mrs. '
After a weddil1ll: tJ'ip to the Lyrics and Legend:; of Many W. R. Knaur and Mrs. H. F., Christmll$ Greetings I

GJ,~ ' t; ~~'i- .-~z~_ ~ i

shore. Lt. and Mrs. Challinor will Lands," arranged by Mrs. C. Arley Dames, assisted by other mem- i
live in Vill?,nova.

Farmer. bel'S of the hospitality committee.
The Menarw~'n Trio. named for Mrs. H. C. Middleton, Jr., presi- i
:MErion, NARberth. and WYNne- dent of the club, presided.
wood-the towns where the ol'ig- Mrs. S. J. McCartney and Mrs.
inal members of the trio lived- Joseph MilIer. vice presidents of:
comprises Mrs. Katherine Reid the club. pOUl·ed. . i
i ~.
'4 • ~'I
',' :p~


Giles, soprano; Mrs. Marian Wal- During the War Bond Dnve:
ker. contralto. and Mrs. Hannah January 15 to March 1. the clUb's:
Wheeler. mezzo soprano and ac- goal is the purchase of at least:

~ ~
.. R
companist. one $25 bond b~' at least 90 per-:
At present rates of production. The program included "Derk cent of the club members. , ~ JOYOUS ~ i.\.Ol,ri~~i~~i~~i~~i~~i~~illl!S'lki~~i~"i"'''i''''':' .J!I!}{
~ ~ I''''''''';'''''':'''''''''';~''''''''''''I
.1944 wiJI be an all-time record the Halls with Holly," a Welsh Since February, 1943. when tl~e i
veal' in t.he Nation's output of bi- carol: "Bring YOUI' Torches," an club took over the bond booth 111;
tuminous coal. To t.he end of Sep- old French ca 1'01: t he descriptive the Borough of Narberth, bond i

Ilh.:;~:~Ip~~;~:~ III :J~~~~~JJ I

tember. bituminous produrtion Sla\'ic sclection. "Prayer of the sales 11ave totalled $183,275 and I'
had totaled more than 471.000.000 Slavic Children" (Just one small stamp sales. $12,425.90.
tons and the production of Penn- cake for Christmas).; "Carol of ----.----
bylvania ant.hracite had passed t.he Bells," a Russian c:1rol: "Hark, Spinach is probablY of Persian We've been thinking,
49.000.000 tons. BethleJ1em." a Polish round; origin. and was introduced into: folks, that you've been
Pennsylvania's output so wa,}' in
~ ~ifi1 ~--::-.....~ ~~~, ::;:~~.: (.,,:.~.,
"Bonnie Land of ScoUand." and Europe about the 15th century.
1944 represents one-fourth of the the Italian carol. "La, Ho\\' a Rose --,- - --- ,- - .---- --------. ver!! good to us durillg
bituminous production and 31 r;;, of 'ere Blooming," ElD'ptian Theatre Tuesday and Wed· we ex-tend our s1l1cere !I
the total coal production of the Mrs. Walker relat.ed the legend nesday "SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN l.94!F, alld rirtht 1101V l:'-
IfO~HRISTI\IAS Ii; I '''~~ /${;~
United States. These fi,mres do of St. Nicholas and S:1ng, as a DWARFS".-Advertisement. : 'il thanks to you and yours, If'; Il\:~ \.(\ \ ~, _"'.~x;::·

not fully reveal the great efforts
that have been made by tl1e coal
is the most appropriate
miners and producers of Pennsyl- lillie to thollk yOIl. So
vania to increase their output at "

this hour of the Nation's gTeatest thanks, Cl'cr!l'Jod!l, and

need for fuel energy.
In the first t.hree-quarters of al'cr!J happy Christ- ~ ~I~' ~
1944. PennSYlvania mined nearly
9.000.000 more tons of bituminous 111 (f:;! :1~4~ •.. MAY IT BE A VERY t'~ iIl\:~
Ii! ~
coal and 3,000.000 more t,ons of
anthracite than in t.he same per-
iod in 1943. This is t.l1e largest
rise in tonnalZe recordrd by any MAPES I\II~ ~!~
state and accounts for 34';;' of the
increase of the N:1t.ion's coal pro-
duction during t.he past mne FIVE & TEN OENT I~~ SHEA'S BUFFET ~'\ M~ ~
The Officers ((lid Stair of •
months. It has been accomplish-
ed despite a decline of some 36.- ·STORE ~~1 ~M!
~~; The National Ban kiN 0 ar berth Ji
000 in the number of coal mm-
er! in the Stat.e, since the out- ~ 243 Haverford Ave. ~ ~ JI!I.
HOBSON & 00. 228 Haverford Ave. ~ ~ Ii! M
break of the European war. Narberth MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE'SYSTEM
~ ~~. if.
Stars appear to have points be- ADELIZZI BROTHERS
, , . ' ~ P'..f'~::~~::~~::~~:~~'iiJ~~~ifl~~~ifl!iiifl~
,~~~~~~~~.~~~. . . ••
cause of imPerfections in the hu- 105 N. Narberth Ave.,
man eyeball. which cause the Tailors ••• Cleaners ••• Furriers ••• Dyers
point o'f light to spread out as it Narberth
reaches the eye. 228 BaJa Av., Cynwyd 0928-102 Forrest Av., Narberth 2602
of BoroUgh NOTICES
of NArberth. Deceased.
Letters of Admlnlstretlon on the
abOl'A eslate ha ,'P been ",ran t pel to the
underslgnpd. who t'C'Q.Uflf:t. all pf'l"sons
~sat~i~go~lat~~Sct~~p~~~~,a~~.\~~~~~n~~lO~~I~ i
~~: d~l~~~Pl~r~oalln~~~so;'~~'l~~~~l~~I~\~t~~ I
0Ut delay, to
Ma1n and Swedr StrpF"t~.
Norrtstown, Pa.
Or Its Attorney. J. Ern£.<t Nnchod. F,;Q .•
Northwestern NatIonal Bank BUIlding.
Glemlde. Pa.. OT.12,21-61.
Narberth. deceased.
Letters Te.stamentary on t.he above
estate have been granted to the under-
sIgned, who request all persons haVing
claims or demands against the estate
ot the decedent to make known the
same. and all persons Indebted to the "~' ..."..l
decedent to make pa~'1l1ent. Without
delay. to ;;;:~u:)
HOWARD E. D!\VIS. .' 1
224 Havertord Al'enue,
Narberth. Fa.
Or his Attorney. John E. Fh'nll, E.,qulrc,
40 E. AIry St., Norristown. Fa. j
________ _ ,_~Jc~2 '7~~
for Expenditures
of the Borough of Narberth

in 1945 Yes, We're Now Accepting

. '" '~'" . :

has been prepared by Council sub-

ject to consideration at the reg-
l-\DVANCE ORDERS -,-- '"~J,,.' ' '" ".

···L···~ ,I
ular Council Meeting on Monday,
January 8, 1945. at 8:00 P. M., In
Elm Hall.
It is on file in the Secret:1ry's
Office. Elm Hall, for inspection,
between the hours of eight o'clock
For ..~~
A. M.. and four o'clock P. M. !Not ""<."'" .~

. Jvots~.j
available after 12 o'clock noon on
Saturdays .01' at all on Sundays.)
Borough of Narberth.
ELECTRICAL From an origina' lithograph by J. VorJl

O.T. 12/21
Narberth. Pa.
The annual meetlng at the Stock-
holders ot
THE NATIONAL BANK OF NARBERTH By placing an advance order with us now you are assured of
tor the election of Directors. and tor
the trallsaction of any other business priority on the delivery of EI~ctrical Appliances as soon as

that may come before the meetlng-
will b~ held at said Bank au Tuesday.
the 9th day ot Jnnuar~', 1945. at .5 P. M.
they become available. This will save you much time and NOTE! The chill winds, low temperatures • •• Supplee Sealtest Homogenized next.time you see your milk man or
woman. Or ask for it at the neigh·
convenience. We notify you as soon as the appliances are ELECTRIC ALARM and batren lands that always take Vitamin D Milk.
received. You are assured of .the world's leading standard their toll of the winter milk supply If Dad and the children haven't borhood grocer's.

-:-10. * Buy
makes-those are the only kind we handle. You pay the have been met with an overpower- tried this "improved" milk yet ••• War Bonds and Stamps *
minimum fair prices according to quality. You will receive ing counter-attack on Supplee farms give them a treat. Get a bottle, and
honest and courteous treatment and the very best of service. ARE SLOWLY COM- this year. For Supplee farmers, bent watch them beam when they taste • ,SUPPLEE bring. T"U the ~ SHOW
ING IN FOR IMMED. ""or rtW, Tburodays lit 9130 P.M. TUNE INt
We are established electrical dealers and have long standing on meeting the tremendous war- the creamy richness. That's because

~.DIOMC contacts with leading manufacturers. IATE DELIVERY. made needs for milk, have worked
early and late, made wise use of
there's cream in every drop. You
see, when milk is homogenized, the SUPPLEE
IJlttllNGND All orders will be booked in tile exact order received.
their grains and stored feeds, and butter-fat particles are broken up
$.~I( First come first served. Come and place your order VOW I
won out with an unpr~cedented and mixed with the proteins. That
. . MocIel·A-2.A
high level of winter milk production. makes the milk easier to digest,
Earphone andCCll'd
NARBERTH ELECTRIC . This means that now there's a
generous supply of milk, of the
makes every bit of it equally
high in the vitamins, minerals

J.PAULSHEA A RADIO. CO. famous Supplee quality, and that

all your needs can be filled. What's
and proteins that are so essential
to health.
Pharmacy Cor. Haverford and,Forest Ave., Narberth mor~, we bring, you milk at its Remember to say "Supplee Seal-
At Narberth Station best, extra rich and extra nourishing test Homogenized Vitamin D Milk" HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN D MILK
Narberth 2838-2839 Narberth 41~2
.". '~ 4~.p~~ .•~~.:~~~,~~~~,~:~~~~~~~

11iP''''-'- ,--rr--;--'- ...
• - ''-'-~- ffr~- _. - • --

~ _.. . . .--.. . . .,. . , ._w. _ ,p:, 0fUA_' lAw
Beeember 21, 1944.



[The WAR and you] First-year students represent

sylvania State College.

In the continental United States.
more than one-third of the total the averaRe person consumes six
civilian enrollment at the Penn- pounds of rice annually. while in
Hawl\.11. the average i81 177 pounds.

• • • • • •
EDWARD L. MILLER, '42, was graduated as a navigator and re-
l\4eats, Fats-Red Stamps AS through ZS and A5 through S5.
goOd indeflnitely. No new stamps until December 31.
ceived his commission as second lieutenant at the A. A. F. NaVigation Processed Foods-Blue ~tamps A8 through Z8; A5 through Z5,
School, HQt!(\o, New.Mexico, on Oct. 14, 1944. A2 and B2 remain valid indefinitely. No new blue stamps will be
NORMAN CURRY, '41, had a IS-day furlough in October, and val1da.ted until toe first of next month.
~. returned to the U. S. Coast Guard base at Belmar, N. J. on October Sugar-8ugar Stamps 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 each good for five
12th. ' pounds indefinitely. Stamp 40, good for five pounds of canning
sugar through February 28, 1945.
PFC. JOHN BERRY, '42, has heen wounded in France, and is Oasoline-A-13 coupons in new ration. book good for foul' gal-
confined to a hospital there. lons through December 21. A-14 coupons good for four gallons be-
MASTER SGT. SAM TEASE, '40, finally got his long-delaYed fur- ginning December 22.
lough in October and drove home from California. He served 18 Fuel Oil-East and Far West 1 and 2 coupons good for ten gal-
months with the Marines in the Marianas and Marshalls and last lons pel' unit. Mid-West and South 2 and 3 coupons good for ten
April was assigned to the Marine base at Sall Diego, Calif. He was
due back at San Diego, October 26th. gallons per unit.
Shoes-Airplane Stamps I, 2 a.nd 3 in Book Three, good in-
RICHARD BERRY, who left L. M. in 1941 before graduation, has definitely.
been commissioned a second lieutenant at the O. C. S. at Camp Le~
Full employment of civiUans in the first quarter of 1944, accord-
PVT. BILL ASHWELL was home last month on a 21-day fur~ ing to WPB's Office of C~v1lian Requirements, result in $281,100,000
laugh. Bill was fighting before Cassino When he was sent with re"en-
forcements to the Anzio beachhead. where he was wounded. He was being spent in that three months period by women for street dresses,
in the hospital in Naples for three months and then was sent home. $167,800,000 paid out by men for suits and $108.500,000 for men's
shirts. Women bought 23,500,000 house dresses while men invested iT'.
LT. JACK SCHENCK, '38, a bomber pilot. was reported missing
in the Southwest Pacific October 3. His Naval aviation training in- 4,500,000 suits, 24,500,000 business shirts, 20,500,000 work shirts and
cluded assignments at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and Atlanta, Ga. 4,000,000 fiannel shirts. Those house dresses average $10.03 each in
He received his wings at Jacksonville. Fla .. in September. 1942. Jack price while the men's suits cost an average of $37.57 a piece.... Self-
was home on short leave before he sailed in September. 1942. for the rationing of fiy screen has been requested of all dealers by WPB.•.•
South .Pacific. ·He has had no leave since that time. The day before
the Navy Department telegram arrived. his mother received a letter Razor blade production in the cUl'l'ent quarter is estimated as adequate GOOD JOBS
'from him in which he said he was bUSY and happy. He had just been to meet requirements in the opinion of the Safety Razor and Razor at
commissioned a full lieutenant in the regular Navy, "WHICH," he
said. "was the ambition of my life," ife also said he had met ENS.
TOM SAWYER, '39, of Narberth, now operating a PT boat in the Pa-
Blade Industry Advisory Committee of WPB.
cific. The two were stationed "a rock apart in the Pacific and had The intensified pace of military operations everywhere is re-
managed to meet several times. flected in continued firm controls of the civilian economy and fur-
ther official steps to concentrate needed manpower and materials into
in Vitali War Work • Open to
NELSON STRANG. '35. was a visitor at school on Oct. 17th. Back
in yearbook days he was known as "The Sailor," now he is in charge war production. Thus Americans, as they celebrate Christmas Day
of radar on a destroyer. 'MAJOR EUGENE A. FISCHER, assistant commander of the
Pennsylvania Military College at Chester, receiving the first 01
with appreciation of the fact that their fighting men have enabl(d
them to keep lighted the Christmas spirit, are aware that they are
Three members of. the Class of '44 finisped their boot training in the State, with which he intends to purchase a home in
October and were home for a few days-So l/C BILL CAMPBELL, about to open a new year of hard, incessant work with victory still
Media. Delaware. Major Fischer was a member of Troop A
from Great Lakes. Ill.; A/S JACK LONG, from Camp Peary, Va., and Pennsylvania National Guard, for 22 years. In 1940 he went to the to be earned. Steady work • Oean, safe work,. Ideal surround-
A/S' WALLY McLEAN, from Bainbridge, Md. cavalry school at Fort Riley, Kas., where he was assistant chief EUROPEAN NEEDS REPORTED
of the Department of Horsemanship. Major Fischer is a well ings • Good wages with regular ~nereases • Oppor-
The parents of LT. DON WHITE, '38, have received a letter from known polo player. The check is beiJ1,g presented to Major Fischer The demands on productive resources to keep the world of the
him from his German prison camp posted on August 9th. He said he tunity for advancement • Congenial associates •
by Myel' Feinstein, of the Penn Federal Savings and Loan Associa- United Nations going is pointed out by the urgent pleas for every-
had been playing trumpet in the camp orchestra since June. and that tion, as one of the .provlsions of the new Soldiers' Bill of Rights. thing from horseshoe nails for SicilY and fishing hooks for Greeks to No experience necessary • Considerate, helpful
at a recent concert the orchestra had plaYed a fugue which he had
composed. His parents hope that by now his ankle is healed and the . d d Ph D' D tl t S ·t· '. water-pumping mcahlnery for the Netherlands and raw cotton for .upervision while learning.
cast has been taken off his leg. of 318
. C0 lie ge g1 a s an . s. oes 1a 01'01'1 y pm mean anythmg ' . . .
serIOus? Alex also told us that his present camp site must have been the mills of France (to be made mto tent duck f01 AllIed fOlces).
HENRY A. FRYE• .TR.. '43, has reported to Carlsbad. N. M., A. A.
won by the Secr~~ary of the Navy in a crap g~me. and tJ:re food isn't I These pleas are being laid qefore the Central Relief Section for Re-
F., for advanced fiight training in high level bombardiering and navi- at all like tradItIonal Southern Cookmg! Will be looking for you I lief and Rehabilitation of the Combined Production and Resources
gation. He has been in the Air Corps since August. 1943. next month, Alex. I Board and WPB's Combined Raw Materials Board. .
Can ENTERPRISE 10100, or come in and talk it
S. llC THOMAS P. THORNTON, .TR.• '41. of Bryn Mawr. recently
_ LT. HARRY BRIGGS, APO 9. N. Y. Enjoyed your comparison of WAR BONDS ARE SAFE .
over with one of our friendly interviewers. Visit aft)'
completed a course as an A. M. M. at the N. A. T. T. Coo Memphis. par~s of France and Belgium. with parts of the U. S. Hop.e you will have About the safest and the surest thing in this world of uncertain-
mOle tIme on your next VISIt. We are proud of the imtlal speed you tl'es I'S a War Bond issued by the United States Government Here is
Tenn" and is now at Lakehurst. N. J., \vhere he will continue his fellows .f the five Bell Telephone Employment Oflicac
have made. ' investment worth as much in a depression as a boom. It is. backed.
ELTON C. WILUAMS. '43. is now a fiight officer in the Air Corps,
PV~. CHARLES DEL PIZZO, APO 403. N. Y. Charlie is with a by all.the wealth of America. If lost or destroyed in any way it can 45 Anderson Avenue, Ardmore
having graduated recently from bombardier school at San Angelo, mcchamzed cavalry outfit 10 a team as gunner and assistant radio always be replaced
Texas. ~:~~tol" Here's "Hello" to Vasallo. See sports notes about football', First of all is this matter of safety. A War Bond is as safe as the Room 315, McClatchy Building
___ dollar bill in your pocket. The same security guarantees payment of 89th & Market Sts., Upper Darby
PFC. CHARLES EUGENE CLAGHORN. 3RD. '29. spent 10 days . .PFC. BILL HENDRICKS. FPO. San Francisco. Caiif. Yes. our news both. At the end of 10 years you are certain to get 100 good solid 57.59 E. Penn St., Norristown
in October in Narberth with his mother. his wife and their three- l~ mce. and sometimes nasty as you said. Can imagine Pat Fair had a I American dollars for every 75 invested.
month-old son. Charles E. Claghorn. 4th. Eugene is stationed at San
Luis Obispo. Calif. His brothel'. CPL. DONALD S. CLAGHORN, '39, nght to be pretty salty. Have ___ you had any further word from him? I .
Next IS the guaran t ee d cas h re d emp t'Ion va1ues 0 f W' ar B on d s. I n
1831 Arch Street, Philadelphia

is at an air base in the South Pacific and has been overseas almost a . LT. A. J. SILVERIO. APO 38. N. Y. Hope the NL will catch up . any emergency the owner can always convert to cash without lo~s. 410 York Road, Jenkintown
year. Another brother. PFC. ALLAN CLAGHORN, '28, is a laboratory With you. CongratulatIons on your field promotion to 2nd Lt. and! You can look on your bonds now and see what they will be worth Rt
technician in the Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C. your award. of the Bronze ~tar. That's the old L. M'. fight. If you get j any future date These values will never be infiuenced by the ups and Bring birth.certificate or other proof of citiZenJhip.
all those pnzes home, you WIll have
___ to put them on display at L.M. I "of the financial market. A farmer With
downs .money
. mvested
' . the~e
From The Mailbag
M/SGT. T . .T. PARKS. '34. APO 5643. NY. Parks wants the boys PFC. ALBERT J. VASS.o\LLO. FPO. San Francisco, Calif. Received I bonds always has financial insurance against the "hazard year."
at home to know that they will find him in the hills of Italy on' the YO~lI·. letter ~rom the C~ntra~ ra~ific. ~e hope ~he Japs 8:re not diS-I Last, but not least, there is no danger of losing your money jf THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of PEN NSYLYlNfA
way to Berlin. Said he would rather spend the Winter in Ardmore. ~~~~'~e~~~l sleep no\\. Hele s Hello to Chaille Del PIZZO and to it's invested in Wat Bonds. These bonds are rp.gistered in the name
He is an Operations Sergeant.
___ I of the owner or co-owners. If stolen they are no good to the thief. If «~ Friendly Place to Work"
A/T BOB HEALEY. '44. Greenville. Miss. Glad to hear from you. ENS. DAVID KLOSS, P. M .. New York. N. Y. Dave reports gOod I stolen, burned or destroyed or lost in any way the Treasury will issue •
Bob. Bob reports being a Yard Bird ,workinR on the fiying line, gas- food and plenty of sleep. Hope ~'ou and your brother, Bob, will soon I duplicate bonds free of charge. •
sing ships. parking planes. and sleeping in planes when he gets a meet m Ardmore. Will send Na~s ad~ress.
chance. That discipline will pay you dividends some da~·. I'll bet some
1--------------;---------------------------------------__ -=0

day you really will get in some plane and fiy it. So keep your chin UP,
your eyes and ears open, and your mouth shut.
LAl!RA BELLE ~TALEY. An interesting !etter came from Nevada
from MISS Staley. MISS Staley loves everytl1mg pertammg to L. M... •
INeed Applicants For
and many names of our boys and girls are familiar to her. We hope Field DIrector In
L. G. BLAIR. '40. AMM.· 3/c. Ottumwa. ·Iowa. Grace reports that you get East real soon. Thanks for the newspaper clippings. Red Cross SerVIce
she is now an Aviation Machinist Mate 3/c. The Blairs surely are well
represented in this struggle. . PFC? BOB LAIRD, Camp Atterbury. Ind. Here's another Tony. 'With reserve lists depleted for
• r
NIce gomg. Bob. Glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear you ai'e in the. the posts of American Red Cross
LT. JOHN BARTLE. '38. McCook. Nebraska. First letter from the hC!sPltal. and hope It WIll. not be for long. You'll be ready for that field director and assistant field
Lt. O. K .. Lt. Since your wife is a L. M. girl. let her write to us for tl'lP to help brmg your p1'lsoner brother back from Germany. director at all battlefronts. new
you. Quite an itineraJ:3"- for your degree (commission). Florida to Yale candidates are being interviewed
University. to Seattle. to Dem'er. to Nebraska. John is B-29 Flight PFC. WALTER LINN. APO 635. N. Y. Glad to hear from you. Walt. in Philadelphia.
Engineer Instructor and quite sold on the B-29. The APO l1umb~r you requested will be sent to you. Hope you can Application may be made at
the Southeastern Pennsylvania
CADET M. E. HEPPARD. AMC. Philadelphia. Pa. Cadet repol.ts make some of the basketball games. Chapter. American Red Cross.
that his mother is a WAC. He is enjoying his training. We will for- SGT. BRUNNER HARDIE. APO 634. N. Y. Here:s Oae feHow Who BI'cad and Spring Garden Streets.
Van Horn Ely. Jr.. chairman of
ward the address to you. has received all 30 News Letters. Hope you win your furlough, fellOW. the personnel recruitment commit-
- - .. Good luck. tee. said tIle duties call for men
ROBERT REDMOND. S. 1/c. FPO. NY. Bob is no longer an En- and women of highce:llber. in good
gineer. but is now a yeoman and i~ glad for the training received CPL. ANTHONY DI FABIO. APO 503. San Francisco. Calif. Hope health. with plenty of initiative
from Mr. Fetter. you and ArchIe Blanco are enJoymg the new scenery and that you and sound judgement.
LARRY DRURY. S. 3/c. Norfolk. Va. Larry is \\'aitinll for an as- time to have a little fun in that faraway spot in the South month Pay is $225 a month. plus $50 a
maintenance. an initial
slgnment to a D. E. Seems as if you are not too fond of Norfolk from uinform allowance. and all travel-
the tone of ~'our letter. ling expenses. Field directors and
Siegle Named As erford Township, Samuel Siegle; assistants are stationed at all di-
New Hanover Township. William visional headauarters of the Army
SGT. J. W. KACY. San Diego. Calif. Jim drops a line from a new Disaster Coordinator H. Wagner; and WhitpRiin Town- and move with the troops into all
ship. James B. Long. Blue Bell. fightlnr;: zon~.
address. He had hopes of being in the States for Christmas. but now
it appears as if he will be on his way again. He has not had a birth-
day or Christmas In this country since 1939. Jim, the young lady you
mentioned is not attending LM.
ROBERT HARTNETT! S. I/C, FPO. San Francisco. Calif. Bob is
aboard a Navy Cargo ship m the Pacific Area. Bob reports his brother
Frank is now in France.
PVT. ROBERT H. ELLIOTT, Camp Wheeler. Ga. Here's a fellow
reporting for the first time. He left L. M. in '43 and went to Mercers-
burg, then to V. M. L and finally to Camp Wheeler. Come again, Bob.
F/O JAMES ROBERTS. '41. San Angelo. Texas. Jim Is an instruc-
tor, after high hopes of going to a Medium Bombardment School. He
met DA\'E l\IAYER, '43, a pilot. stationed at his field. ~
. I
Barbarians from across the
seas WOUld, if they COUld.
banish Christmas forever
VICTOR CAPELp. Brooklyn. N. Y. Here's a fellow reporting that
his commercial cOUl;se Is a big help to him. HoP~ yoU get your liberty,
and remember, don t startle your family too much.

I Use
Not to be broken
3/4 inch T. &
G. I
II f.rom the earth. But there'll
always be a Christmas! May
the Christmas season of
1944 find you in the midst
SGT. JOE BAKER. '33. APO 633. N. Y. Joe sends a. message' from ~. board or a lighter one of ~I of a good old-fashioned
England. He regrets that his brother is not attending L. M. this year.
'-- \f composition material. !' J. PtUL 1111 Yule celebration. "Sorry.: chum-no ringside seats. You sit in· buy an extra suit or dress occasionafl:y. Bm fhfs
CPL.. 0. G. SIVERTSEN, '32 mutch No.1), APO 332. San Fran- ~ ~~ the mud, see? - war still has a long way to go. There are stiR 15
cisco, Cahf. Dutch No. 1 sends greetings to his '32 Classmates. He has ~
~ SHULL LUMBER ~ PM·A,.RIMA¢~ ~ou got'a floor show of lizards and I1lQsqui·
JlJillion laps who don't believe in surrendering.
,. had no wor~ from his ~'othel's, both in the service, somewhere. Better
write to "BIg Dutch." toes crawling over your face. So during this 6th War Loan, how about ptJ1:-
;'. .. A/C DAVID GOSSER, '43', Cochran Field. Macon. Ga. Dave checks
\f ,COMPANY I at Merry Ck1'istma8 from
"You got a nice little 4-piece orchestra of ting all that luxury money into something a
little more perManent-an ~ $100 War ~
~.' ~ u, (tll Ot/ you.
Baia all o,f us ]ap mortars, Zeros, machine guns, and your best
- ~ with word from Cochran Field. He is fiying AT-6's and is keeping B 25 C Ad·ve. N........ StatteB friend screaming in the next foxhole. at least-to help get this thing
hIS fingers crossed for P-51·s. Hope you make it, Dave.
'i 1
a a· ynwy ,Pa. i ~eally over and bring those

, "Come any time, pal. The show goes on all
JOSEPH W: BECTON. S. l/C, FPO, San Francisco. Calif. Joe is
a brother of Juhus, last year's star center on OUr great football team.
Joe .is a yeoman and is working in a Base Command Office on some ~
Cynwyd 0662
II night. For a long time. There's never a cover
. charge. Not even for the flag they put over you
boys of ours home?
It'll hurt. But not as much
Pacific Island. • ~ "'Closed Noon Saturday ~ when they carry you out." as the Jap bayonet in your
M • ~ BiB!:;; neighbor's stomach. You get
W. B. READING, SC 3/C, FPO. N. Y. Bill writes to tell us that he something back-in ten years
has left Trinidad after having been there over two years. His present We're all human. - $4 for every $3 invested. He
assignment put him on a DE, and he enjoyS it a whole lot.
We all like to go dancing or see il show .or doesn't,
, PVT. ~OMINIC DANIELS, APO 251. N. Y. Dam received the 30th
NL, but thmgs were hot and he did not have time to read it but ex-
p~cted t? get .to it soon. He wants to say "Hello," to Lew Oaspa1'l'i and
Vmce FlOochlO.
E. H. P~STER, MM S/C, USNR. FPC. San Francisco. Calif. Your
letter mentIoned being back in some place. but the censor cut that
spot ou.t. Met Lt. Lew Dond~·ea. who is a pilot on a Dauntless Dive
Bombel. The News Letters WIll go out to Mrs. Detwiler former Loi Our Christmas Greetings
Braun, '36. So long, "Yunker" and good luck. ' S
::. '
.PFC. ROCCO BURDO, APO 706. San Francisco. Calif. Rocco men-
which IIlbtened the heal't4 of MEN
around the WORLD may seem to be
.. Thil 11 an official V.s. TreasUl')' advertisement-prepared under the auspices ot Treasury Department
Advertising Councll. it
and War

~' tioned the fact that he has. been ~usy "Isli-nd Hopping." quite a game trall1cally out at pllLee In a. WORLD
.~" .,' these days. Rocco is a boxmg tramer and his prize pupil is Ted De ravaged by WAR. P'ettlvltle. maY be
deferred thla year. but we mwt realize
.~': Marco, a Philadelphia boy. - that the "SpmIT OF CHRISTMAS" Ia
~ .. > ,
needed more by "OUR WORLD" toda.y
(: PFC. ANGELO COSTENTI'N(),Apo 4. N. Y. Many: of the boys than It hlUl ever been before In the Publication of this is made possible throuirh the patriotism of the following sponsors.
have written home about Len Jones. He wlll be rememb~'ed by many
';i, •
hlatol'Y at MANKIND.
OffIce closed December 23, 24, 25th. 1944.
Mel'ionites. We surely agree with your roaction. I hope your wish to
see the basketball team play in the Palestra will soon come true Good F. E. Caballero & A8sociates
fluck to you and we really appreciated your letter. . REALTORS
Merion, Penna..

;. PVT. JACK HENESEY, APO 562. N. Y. Your' academic gripe wlll

';pe pased on to the English Department. .
Oaks, Montgomery Co., Pa.
18 W., Chelten Ave., Philadelphia
,c, I CPL. VERNON YOUNG, Kelly Field, Texas. In answer to your
UJ!Sdtions, school Is progressing nicely, the football teaf is doing well FOOD. MARKET BELL TELEPHONE OOMPANY
I am nursing a bad leg. How are thingS with yoU? Any pet gripes? 237 Haverford Ave. ROHM I HAAS COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA
.r A. H. HOLCOMBE, 8 llC, "Q;ill"~rt, Miss. A real newsy letter N b th
.:{~~:;::~:~f=~h?=i.:~t;l:'~~ ~-----.;.........---~
Waahlqton S I hIa
or or 3668 "' ... -; . ...... •• ,I J
l I
iiII \ilaIi• •iiIi• • • •~~lIiiW• •iiri1i.Mir.1lii.Ii....~~diii·"~,\>·ijt:,;"~·"i,\;,~"'iil··"'~"'riii"~':::~'i,Iilii·':"~·:,~,
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. I, ..• ,,:-:,.;;"""<:;:'_i.;;.<,;,.;M;,::c.'>.~";;;J, ..;.:,iIoj·'ti:J;.-._ _
. ,,.'

~ember 21, 1944.

Ernie Pyle's Slant on the War:
Main Liner Solves Problem Wins Xmas Dinner
~onttnued from Page 1
AMERICAN CREW RETURNS FROM Tnanksgivlng and the pre-Christ-
mas shoots this. year.
• Those who won capons in com-

THE DEAD IN MIRACLE FORTRESSES . Oakmont School brought the Incidentally. Laramy said that tel's to the 1944 football team and
petition at the traps were; Wil- atmosphere of the football field throwing tl~e pi~tures on the. the drum majorettes who led the!
lIam Chase of Conshohocken. By- into the school aUditorium last screen was a substitute for having band at the games Brown and
. ard F. Brogan of Green Hill Farms Friday when It awarded nearly 50 the boys scrabIlnr; through the WI't "0'" t t' A d Lar
and JOhn A. Miller. Sr., of Nar- letters and flashed larger-than- aUdience and coming to the plat- 11 e s wen 0 n y a-
• Crippled, Two Engines Missing, berth.· Ml1ler won twice at the life-size pictures of each player form for a bow. Letters were bee. Phil Bacon. Jim Adams. Jack'
Left Alone to Fight Nazi Air Hordes; strings of ten targets each.
traps. making perfect score oil two on a motion picture screen. handed out to bOYs at the end of Warnock. Barney Rothpletz. Jim
William J. Laramy. princlpai the prOI\Tam. he said. .
Those who won ·thelr Christmas and coach of the team. says he' "I think we had more of a re- McFeeters. Tech Gilbert. Andy
Plane Came.Through Not Over Mountains capons on still targets ·and spin- .lust "thought uP" the Idea of ~ponse fromdthe audience than If Snively. Chick Currie. David DQkS.
------ ....
l'1ing boards were: Evelyn Albrecht awardinJ{ letters as a novel fea- the boys ha I!'one UP to receive Bobby Melllnl!'er. Carlos Testa.
of Narberth; Gregg' Bowen of Up- ture of the prOl!'ram. their letters in the I l' street Dick Fowler. George Humphries
(Editor's Note): Pyle retells some 0/ /lis e:rperiences w/lile /Ie 1Va.~ pel' Dli.rby;·Ellen A. 'Dietrich of Laramy J{ave a minute's talk clothes." Laramy said. and Robert Stevens. Managers:
with the Doughbo1l.~ during .lIc North A/rica campaign. He is now on Upper Darby; Geore Floyd of Penn about the playinJ{ characteristics At the ceremony the .School's David Powell. Edd1e Hibbert and
J Valley; Ernest Jenkins of Nar- of each bOy and wltheld his name orchestra. directed by MISS Bev- Norman Klenske and Head Drum
/Iii way to tile Leyle Theatre 0/ War. berth; William Kaiser of Bala- until after the picture was shown. erly Stal'1'Y. J{ave the first concert Major Judy Faulhaber.
A FORWARD AIRDROME IN FRENCH NORTH AF- Cynwyd; Joel Rublncan'l, Jr., of I The head-and-shoulders picture. of its sixth year. Thirty-two boys A sPecial' award to the team's
RICA,- You read the official communiques a few days ago' Narberth; Owen Schmidt. Sr.. Nar. more than twice Its natural size, and girls from the ~rd. 4th..5th "most loyal rooter" was made to
berth; Charles E. Spencer. Sr.• of was projected from postal card and 6th grades. playmg a vanety Mrs. Henrv Gilbert.
about a de\'astating raid by our Flying Fortresses .011 a Upper Darby; Owen Schmidt, Jr.• pictures taken by Wyce Justis. of stringed. brass and woodWind 1 ..
huge German bomber airdrome near Tripoli. What you Narberth' Elmer Westmas of Ard- Haverfor9, Township neWs photo- instruments. took part. Special MOON GENDER
more; Robert Whartnaby of Upper I!;l·apher. musical numbers were given by In the English. French, Latin.
didn't read, at least in any detail, iil the story contained . Darby. . . . . .. . . . . The fact that the boy was J<,>an Else. violin: Mary Beth Dean. IGreek .. and It~!ian languages. the
in these next two columns. Er~s~~~~k~~~'~a1;~ew~~m~eJ~~~~:awarded a football letter and. at ~~~l~~' a~gdbYs~z~~ft: or~~~t:;;~:I~~O!}~~t~~f~~~g~.~::~1~risb~ta~
It was late aftel'l1oon at our ing the Fortresses. stuck by the and Joel Rubh'tcain: Sr.• of Nar- the same time. 'Was reproduced on tel's. Barney Rothpletz and An- culine.
:Iesert airdrome. The sun was Thunderbird and fought as .long
lazy. the air was warm. and a as they could. but finally they had
faint haze of propeller dust hung to leave or. they wouldn't have
berth was i·unner-up.
The Club's Trap Comniittee Is .. !:loldlng another
the football screen in his football
togs and helmet. added a great
deal of ill;terest to the program.
Idrew Snively. all .from
Follo~inJ;( the music!
the 6th:·· - - ---
: EKypt!;tn Theatre Tuesday and Wed-
program. nesday ,~~ow WHITE AND SEVEN
over the field. . had enough f~el .to ~ake it home. trap contes.t.liqm.e January. Laramv said. ' the prmclpal presented the let- I DWARFS .-;-Advertisement.
ness. it soft- '. -" . .". . .. . ..
.' . .'... The last fighter left. the crip-
It. waS' time for. . </,.,.,.,:, . ., ple.d Fortress about 40 miles from
the planes. to i.r. .·. ..·' ·. · . ·.'."..'..·.'i. .'...},··..
· '.·. ·. . ii i of Tnpol~. Fortunat~lY. tl.le swann

Main Line Store· OF

start comIng Gelman figl~tel s stal ted. 110me
b~ck from their ' t...... . ...,.';' ~l\ lat the same tIme. for thell' gas
mIssIon. and oneh .
by one they did <. '.-
come _ big Fly-i· . . \ 1 other 20 mIles. Then a smgle.
. .., Yi I was low too.
The ThUl~derblrd flew on. an- THE •
ing FortI' e sse s.. . ' " G,erman fighter appeared, a~d
and fiery little ~ <..
Li!(htnin~s. No- U
body paid a great u...:'.'M
deal of attention
i dIved at them. Its guns dId
gr~at damage to ~he already
c~IPpled pl:t ne • but SImply. could-
n t knock It out of the all'.
...,. .... .. \....... ,:...,:..:: .•.. -.

'FOR MEN ONLY' - Attention, men! When you buy lingerie

for this return:
ing is a daily routine thing.
Ernie Pyle Finally the fighter ran .out of
ammunition. and !eft. O.UI· boys
for the little woman's birthday, anniversary or Chl'istmas does
YOUI' face get red. Well, a gal has come to your rescue. She's
Finally they were alI in- all. were alone now w.lth their grave Mrs. Antoinette QuiIleret. who has opened a "for men only" shop
that is. except one. Operations troubles. Two engmes were gone. in New York City where you can do your shopping (see above) STORE HOURS-THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. 9.30 TO •
reported a Fortress missing. Re- m~s~ of the guns were out of com- without hearing giggles to the right and snickers to the left of
t.urning pilots said it had lagged mIssIon. and. they were stJ11 more . f M t C t ' M' r.,' FRIDAY, 12 NOON TO 9 P. M.
behind ·anei lost a.ltitude just af-I tha!l 400 mIles from home. The you. Mrs. Quilleret IS rom o~ gomery ~u_n-:v~ ~~_
tel' leaving the target. The last raC!1O was out. They ,~ere losmg
report said the Fortress couldn't altItude. 500 feet a. mmute. and .
Error Is Found se~ting and pIaclOg of tlaps.. best
I '.
stav in the ail' mOre than five min- now theY were down to 2.000. baIts to use. etc., are avaIlable
utes. Hours had pas!o"ed since! The pilot called ~IP his c,rew and Continued from Page 1 :-Vith the trap.s an~ an~one desir- /'
then. So it was I!'one. I held a .consultatIOn. DIC! they
Ten men were in that plane want to Jump? They all saId they ,coun~. It IS obvIOUS thatft~e dlocfl: may phone the Montgomery
. . --_.-.- - - mg traps for use In thIS program
The day'S accomplishments had would ride the plane as long as electIOn board merely aile o. County Game Warden. Ambrose /
been gre;t. but the thought of 10 it was i.n the air. He decided to I record the .1.05 v'?t~s for Ifye?'27 I Gerhart.. at Souderton 837. or
lost friends cast a pall over peo- I keep IWll1g. Of M,Yelds 205fflclfal htota to 1 write 111m-address: Souderton.
pIe.' I The ship was completely out of 11e ~'ecelve 4 0 . t e vo es on. Pa.
,. r
~'e had alrcad;" .seen death I angle. But they gradually got it
trim. cocked over at a terrible !otralght DemocratIc ballots. Rabbit trapping in the South-
The re-count boa~'d found four eastern part. of Pennsylvania this
th t a.rtern;on FOI o~e ~f the trimmed 50 that it stopped losing ballots WhIch. It VOIded. Two. of I Winter will be part of a State-
h nded \
~e t ur~Jng d i resses ~ fl r - ,altitude
~e t ~e .?~;er ~h e ld
t'l these were dIscarded because II1k ,vide program to remove bunn.ies
But now they were down to 900 had been used in making the "X" : from victory gardens nurserIes
~eath th ~;oa t "\ 1 0 a er~h e: feet. and a solid wall of moun- and erasures had occurred on two parks and other such' ~reas 'where
an.~ t s I e~ tains ahead barred the way home- others. On 14 of the ballots there they' are causing crop damage or
d~wnward s thr~~~h ~Iho • s~e~e ward. They flew along parallccl to was no vote whatever for U. S where they are not permitted t.o
• e e. a these mountall1s for a long tIme. Senator. bId d t 1 . th .
ha t ch onto a stretcher. but theY were now miraculously The re-count board also founel e mnte : an ..0 p. ace .em m
The faces of his crew were gaining' some altitUde. Finally four straight Democratic ballots h~tll1g
no tel~I;~~ wh~~li
°l?fr t~,If1
grave. and nobody talked very they got the thing up to 1.500 mixed in with the Republican pWI ·d d%~'~~al hun~fng for the
loud. One man clutched a leath- feet. straight Republican ballots. rovl e a I
er. cap with blood on it. The pil-: Maybe it's as the pilot said: The re-count was made in. small game season of 1945.
at 5 hRnds ,,'ere very whIte. I ··We didn't come over the moun- court Room A and President! -.---"--_.-
EverYb()dy knew the pilot. He' tains. we came through them." .Judge Harold G. Knight was on Ii MagIstrates Are
was so young. a co.uple of hours The co-pilot said: "I was blow- hand to witness the opening of Continued from Page 1
ago. The wa~' came I11slde us then. ing on the windshield trying to the ballot box and to swear In I --:_
and we felt I~ de.eply. push her alonll:. Once I almost members of the re-count, board., I fees to which they were legally
• wanted to reach a foot down and The $50 deposit of Democratic,. . .
. As we stood on the tower look-I' sort of walk Us along over the electors, required for opening of' entItled. He saId.
mil down over thIS powerful scene. I pass." the box. will be returned as a re- "That magistrates are often
the day began foldm!/: Itself uP.,' And the navigator said: . suIt of the glaring enol' uncovered forced to turn to other sources to
FIghter planes. \\'hlch patrol the "If I had been on the wingtIp I by the re count board d t l'·n· of the
field all. day . were coming in. All' could have touched the ground . senatOl~-elect Myers' was repre- earn a ecen IVI. g. IS one
the soldIers III the ten cam1Js had with my hand when we went \sented at the re-count by Attor- thmgs that undelmmes the sta.n-
fimshed supper.. That nOlse!e~s through the pass," ney Leon H. Fox. Norristown. dards of the minor judiciary. In
peace that sometllnes comes .1t,lst ----.----- Senator Davis was not represem- m' belief townships and boroughs
before dusk hung over t.he all'- D
drome. Men talked in low r. orn alne tones leI' . N N d d B tl "
0·1 "tel~
.r t' tl r t ~
. t le I e-coun "as.gtl\en no Idce 1« should exercise
0 be ma e. . the privilege . . the.
ab~u~, .the dead PIlot and the lost
FOI tJ e~s..
Asst. Treasurer Of Members of the Narberth Local law pr~vld~s the~r Sl~tlng
Boaro and clerks who made the maglstl ates salalles. ThiS \\ ould For Your o.
We thought. we would '~'aJt a B M
few mlllutcs more to see If the
Business Assoc • •..
I miscount for Mvers were: Emma wipe out many of the madequa-
.• ! . M I ' . ci .. J M _ cies of the fee system."
Germans were ('01111111' tonight. Dr. DavJd WIlbur Horn. milk I k'1 ck~~ l~aj~~it~e{nsp~~~~" J~i~ Last Monday and TI1Ursday
• • • control officer for Narberth B~r-, GaS .... . t .. B t:' M'" nights of last weekmagistrat.e~
MISSING FORTRESS RETURNS ough. Haverford and Lower Menon' T' b qUll e· l11sJPec ol'E eAa Idlce . took written examinations at the
· tl' 1 To"n..' 'l'p
:11 s..I1~S b een I d a.'isl~~
la~~ . a or an d ane . n erson, minor JudiCIarY., . school con~uct.ed
An d th en an e Iec tnc . 1111>( lap- clerks.
pened. . tant tleasUlel ~f .t.he BI~n Ma\\! .____ in the Court House at Norl'lstown
Far off in the dusk a red flare ~usll1e~s ~ssO.cI~tlOn. Dr. Horner by PaUl Whistler from the State
1;hot into the sky. It made an IS a.rol~el Plesldent of the Asso- 500 Rabbit Traps
Department of Public Instruction.
arc against the dark background cia tlOn \\ luch ho~ds mon~hlY meet- I • If they pass they will be awarded
of the mountains and fell to the ~ngs m the \Val Memollal BIUld- Continued /rom Page 1 . e rtiflcates at March graduation
earth. mg Bryn Mawr ' --- .e . ' . . .
It couldn't, be anything' else. It Dr. Horn will' take over the du- released on ground that Is open e~erclse~ t<,> whIch pubhc offiCials
had to be. The 10 dead men were ties of Raymond B. Gray. treas- to hunting by the general public. WIll be<:n~vlt,ed. " .. .
comin I' home!
"Where's the flare gun? Gimme l'ecuperate fr~m an illness
an green flare!" yelled an officer.
mer who has gone to Florida to U d
n er a
CI .,.. .' Mag'l..tJates "Ill elect then offi-
ass B pel mIt. m~n. °ers at the ~anuary ~eetlng. They
women 01' boys who trap rabbIts ~ave renommated. WIthout oppo-
Gift-Delights Created by Bouriois
He ran to the edge of the tow- 2 M
Pl'. S'houted "Look out below!" and on tOld
say B b .may turn thE'm over to a game .ition. LOUis Hoffman for presi-
warden or to a deputy warden c;ent. Charles Gorman for "icll
fired a green rocket into the air. D· f Sift· ,and the Game Commission will pay prl'Si.dent. Geor~e W. Rittenhouse Sweet perfumes to enchant her ••. fine cosmetics to com-
Then we saw the plane-just leS oca 0 U IOn ,50 cents for each rabbit. for secretary and Nathan Brown
a tiny black speck, It seemed Timothy R. Yerger. aged two! _Pri~ted Instructi~~s l~elative~~_fo_r_tl_·e_a_su_I_·e_r_. _ pliment her loveline~s-ehoose the Bourjois aids suited
almost on the -ground, it ,,'as so Inonths. son of Mr. and Ml·S. D. ~111I11:1~I:lllllllllllll!lIllflllllltTlIltllllllll'lIl1ll1jlllrll!'illllllll'Jl1I111111111l11l~1I111t1l1ll1llltlllli!II!~llrlllllll1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1t!IIIIIII1'1I1:1I1111l1l1l1l1Wllllllltd;
~ most perfectly to her-present them' on Christmas morn
low. an din the first glance we
could sense that It was barely
moving. barely staying in the
R. Yerger. 800 Beechwood Drive.
Haverford Township. died of sUf- -
focation last Wednesday after-
N0 1~. t) PEN ~
~ CIS tokens of your affection. along with the gift that holds a
air. Crippled and alone. two noon While asleep in a coach on ~
hours behind a,1I the rest, it was the front porch of the parent's - ~
dragging itself home. home. Anll keady to Serve You ~ promise of a lovelier future for you both-a War Bond.
I am a layman. and no longer The baby was placed in the - NARBERTH'S NEWEST ~
of the fraternity that flies. but I coach at 1.30 P. M. and when " ' ~
can feel. And at that moment I
felt something close to human
Mrs. Yerger went to check 20 I ~
minutes later. the child was not ~
• I an d Rad10 S
a esi d
an S·
erYlce -, ~
love for that faithful battered ma- breat.hin~. The babY was pro- ~ - F", ~.M- ~/t.L!'~#---....
chine. that far dark speck strug- nounced dead at Bryn Mawr Hos- ~ Repair Specialists - All Appliances. All Makes Radios. Evening in Paris perfume-
Illlng- toward us w;th sucll pa- pita!. =~
thetic slowness.
All of us st.ood tense. hardly re-
membering anvone else was there.
Izaak Walton's "Complea.t. Ang- I ~
leI''', first pUblished in 1630. still I £
F.IIANK I. she'll feel very feminine, a little
mysterious $2.25*
With our nervous systems we remains the >(reatest book on the I ~ 37 N. NARBERTH AVE., NARBERTH. PA. Narbert.h 2784 -
seemed to pull the plane toward sport of fishing ever \vrit.ten. ~llltrlllllJltlltlHllllllIllIJIIHllllllllllrl;llllllllll;ilrll'.:tllll1I111ll.lllhll'llIIll!11I1I11111I1111I'UlltllllW'IIIIUll11IlI'llIlllljl1IIIIIIIIIlIIII,lllllll'lliTlIIIII;IIII,'-

us. I suspect a photograph would
have shown us all leaning ~light­
Iy to the left. 011- - _ ._ _. . . . . . ._ • • • •,
Not one of us thought the plane
would ever make the field but on

i ·
it came - 50 slowly that it was
cruel to watch.
It reached the war end of the
airdrome. still holding it.s pa-
thetic little altitUde. It skimmed
over the tops of parked planes,
and kept on. actually reaching
out-it seemed to us-for the run-
way. A few hundred yards more
now. Could it? Would it? Was
it truly possible.
They cleared the last plane. and IjSh: ~9'''r ... Mais
they were over the runwa.y. They
. settled slowly. The wheels touch- Oui, the frankly flirtatious per-
ed SOftly. And as the plane roll-
ed on down the runway the thol1- fume is for her. $5.50*
sands of men around that VASt
field suddenlY realized that. they
were weak and that they could
heal' their hearts pounding.
Iff&- ",.u- Si!Jt'
••• E:vening in Paris

, The last of the sunset. died. and
the sky turned Into blackness.
which would help the Germans i{
they came on schedule with their
dusting powder ••. soothing. sure to
keep her feeling fresh. ..:.$l*
bQJl1bs. But nobody cared. Our

.. .
10 dead men were miraculously
back from the grave.
'" and
The 10 men who brought their
Flyinj!; Fortress home from a raid
on Tripoli. after they had been
given UP for lost. undoubtedly will
get decorations. Nothing quite
like it has happened before in this
war. Here is the fulI storv:
The Tripoli airdrome was heav-
ily defended. by both fighter
planes and antiaircraft gUI~s. Fly-
Ing Into that hailstorm. as one
pilot said. was like a moUse at-
tackinl' a dozen cats.
The Thunderbird-for that was
the name of this "Fortress- was
first hit just as It dropped its
bomb load. One engine went out.
~ .rJ../",~ ~...1IJL ••• Courage
Then a few moments later the Duo lends itself to her fun time moods.
other engine on the same side
W~en both engines gO out on Perfume l and cologne boxed._$6.25* ·'t·
. I
the same side it is usually fa-
tal. And therein lies the dif-
ference of this feat from other
instances of bringing damaged ?; R.,p.4.,t.~~~, Mais Qui
bombers home.
The Thunderbird was forced to beauty box - with lipstick. cologne,
drop below the othel' Fortresses.
And the moment a Fortress drops ., powder, rouqe and perfume . $6.50*
.Aft ,rI. .
PIli 20% •• l.,..
down or lags behind. German
fighters are on it like VUltures. STRAWBRIDGE A: CI...OTHIER ,,::::41,,."-' 01 BIG!';. Fir" PluDr: A/aD III A,~!!o!. - '~Hsl'~
The boys don't know how many MtIi. Floor .
Germans 'were' in the air. but theY
thUlk there must have been 30.
0U1' ,LiahtninR fighters. escort- _.- L PlI R~$ • • • •1 IEtda."laul,s .. JMiItJImI'." _~ \r ", .
, ,I'

.,:. >;'1:~'~. ~':', _~~, ._: ".,: :.,'.~.:,~ " :'. ~ ,'" _,,:..,_ ~; :.,'~ ..,•. ~.".· ,.,.::.~.·u ~:'~ ~ ,~., ;'.:".~~:;=., 4,~" .,~:.~ ,." ., ., '1:.j~: .·ft•..' ·.,·. :. ··'~flt.~
• ~~IllIliiii:liiliiiilil~iiii&iilllll~••• ~'.ki~·'i!.i".;·~l£1·~· ·fu:"'-~-~; .i;:.~,. ,;:,. ~;~_,;;,~",,,,!!c';,,~.5~=',""~.
..••., . ,_::_
. '" . :.;.',; ..•...:••.:.",•. . ,-.•..,•. .,.;. . . .• •. ;.. ' •
..,!":,~~i±:ij.Wi!lyWAf~~~·;;;i.\i$~~;!tlri:~jIi;A:t2,~~~~h~;.;~'",,2i~~Jl~~~1 ....~~,\;,{/~~_k~,:~"'" •. ~"'i~~~t, .. .!Ii't~'~.'Il 'l!IiI.liiIilll:i..lli~
.' . . :.::" .. ' 'C'.r'" ," --:----.. : -,- . i· . '. ' .. " . , ._. \1 . .. . ' -.-' -----------....".., - - - - -
s~tl~T: LowerMerion Five S~ows Improliement in Beating-Chester, 35-18
Main Line League
Narberth's. Classy ~ourt _Team P.I.A.A. Approves
high school baseball "layers to
by L. M. FORD
By the way. fans. how do you
CO,ate'sville -"Boner" Helps Last Wednesday's Results
Participate with conununity teams
and the vote was 34 yes and 32 •
Ilke the sports page? If YOU want
it to be continued the editor
would like to know a.bout it. We're Maroon Win First Home Game
Narberth. 68: Brookline, 52.
Coatesville. 37; Chester, 32.
Last Thursday's Result
Narberth, 64; Wayne. 47.
ca ~ t u res The Rall ,W 4 New Proposals u",?ut no.
Other P J..A.A. dlstl'lcts have to
approve the proposals before they
are passed as amendments to the
attempting to provide more com-
plete. intimate coverage of local , Monday's Result
Sl'lgle Challenger In Slght, '- P.I.A.A. constitution.
sports than any other weekly
newspaPer on the Main Line, but
it will be cont.inued onlY if the
interest of fans warrant.~ same
In Two Extra Pe~iods,' 22-21 Wayne, 51: Coatesville, :J7.
Standing of the T('.ams
Narberth ...•• , ••••• ~. ~., ro~o ApPBJ'ently no one is going toi OLD SMOOTHIE
Norristown Principal
Re-elected Head Of
First iiifocals
Bifocals-with one portion a •"
" \Vayne ....••••••••.• 3 1 .750 I
and if the paper :;it.uation permlt.s

the use of an additional page. Hopeful Sign Is Bill Hutz's Rapid Development Brookline
1 2 .333
1 3 .250
0 3 .000
seriously chalIenr;te ',Narberth's un-I '
defeated pace-settmg team for ':~:~;~~,_::::_~-,~,~c":'~"l'~'~'>'~i'_~~:~~.~,~;"::::",,,~,'~:;i~:-,~'?;.;::-:~:-::·r::,"~.'~'
weeks to come in the Main Line E"";" ~ ,,>', ,I: > ,'" ' ..-:'<':i; .. >~-~
highers power than the remain-
der. are said to have been flrst
made for Benjamin Franklin
The object of the sports pa~e
is to develop and :;t1n1Ulate and At Center; Rookie Leads Team With 15chedule-No games until Pan-
ur.ry 3.
Basketball Lealnle.
At least that's the opinion most
-:' :~"; , ::' , '. './;c,," ,;
I ;, ,;:,..,\.; , A reorltanization meetin~ of. Dis- about 1760.
trict One of the Pennsylvania In-
----, ,-
maintain interest in high school
and community athletics of all
kinds and to sUPPort:; and help
18 Points in Two Games BOY'S CLUBS CONFERENCE
observers formed after' Manager
George (Jlggs) Torehiana's ciIas-
' /- .'"
: ,:, 51' ' terscl10lastlc Athlete Association
was held at Valley Forge Hotel last
direct every type of recreation in . H h l' b k b 11 b Monday's Results sy borou!th club trounced Brook- Ii"
Lower Menon ig Schoo s as et a team is ack on Friday night with Dr. RObert B. 1236 Montllome" Avenu.
I .. ~. the various communities.
• - $
This pajt'e is here to serve its winning ways, but most, fans are now conyinced that
Berwyn. 34: Westgate Hills, 27. line, 68-52. and smothered Wayne"
NaI~[~~~i;:~ ~al~~1~;;~s 64N~I:b~~~~~etfavored to repeat
I Taylpr. principal of Rittenhouse
Junior Hlr;th SchOO!. re-elected,
Dinners Served Dally Except
you l' community and your Coach Bill Anderson hasn't been kidding, and that it will W 4. P.C. an earlier triumph and chalk up' Chairman. I Sunda~
sports organization. Keep us take a while before the Maroon is able to challenge any of
informed of your activities and Narberth ....•..•..•. l' 0 1000 ~reerft~f S~~~~~Vi~~ai~~cfn~~~~; •
Harvey W. FishbUln, of Norris- I
town. and Richard K. Smith. prin-
For Reservation..
Phone Narberth 9211I

we'll keep the public informed. t h e t opno'lc h ers t h'IS year,
This column will be used as a

Only for a visiting 'boner' Lower Merion would have

sounding board for conflicting lost its second straight game last Friday instead of nOf'I'11g
anoa ...........• ..
01 00 1000

Paoli .............•.. 0 0 .000 Ch t

"', "
00 (t00 1a t I' f

Hills ..•.. 0 0 .000 meets es erthe

orbPUi 'Ica tion ) 'In 1'ts
. 0 final game until after the holi-
Good Counsel ...•.... 0 0 .000 days. Narberth resumes play at
on lastanuary
place penn
w en 1
clpal of Sprinltfleld Township High
School in Delaware County. were
admitted as new directors of the
district committee. Howard B. I
views of any sports arguments
that mAY arise. We believe local out Coatesville
sports will profit by a harrl-hlt- home debut.
High, 22-21, after two extra periods in its Westgate Hills
, .. 0 1 .000 club.
0 1 .000 W .
ayne IS reRar e as
d d th t
I' eam
Keyser. principal of CoIlegeviUe- I
Trappe schools. was elected vice
chairman: MI'. FisHburn was nam-
I Jahl il 886;
ting column, that will at tempt to most likely to press the borough ed secretary and Richard Ream./
intepret iS~lIes in an impartial. This thrilling victory secmed to+ MAIN LINE JUNIOR LEAGUE In the stretch. provided bOth Steve principal of Springfield Township DURING TME MOllOnS
m.raight-from-shollider manner. be just what the doctor orderE'd Box Scores Tuesday's Results Juenger and Eddie Boyle are in High School in Montltomerv coun-
• • • because the Maroon looked m\lch
Don't. hesitate to flle your Sug- better AS it trounced a weak COATESVILLE LOWER MERION
Optimists. 56: Natalie A. C.. 19. Wayne's lineup when they clash.
Standing of, the Teams _ Juenger missed last week's game 1
ty. was named treasurer.
In a proposal to admit the Penn- j
Rel,x enr , lund me:
cooked as yoU like
gestions, criticism.~ anrl com- Chester High tea.m, 35-18, at Ches- G. F', P, G. F'. P. Won Lost P. C. and Boyle arrived late and played sylvania Soldiers' SchoOl to mem-l ••• psrfectlY .ery,d.
plaints with 1ft;, We thrive on
'em. teI~J~leM~Yo~~g~~'esn't see action ~~~irn~ ! g ~ ,1~ t~f~+ ~ ~ ~f;~m~;~I:
! g A',:: ~
i...' g l:ggg on¥h~~. t~e lt~:~~~~~~~d no dif-
bership of the state orl(anization.
the vole was 42 yes and 22 no. The
•• Again until January 2 when it H"rshock, g 0 1 I Wltson.!l 0 0 0 Eaglets ., ......•. 0
Frank- Osborne. secretarr of visit.~ AIlentown to tackle Birnie Milt, It 0 2 2 M'D'mott. II: 2 0 4 Clippers .....' 0
.000 ficulty leading bY 36-19 at the
.000 half. and merely coasting home.
Soldiers' School is not a public
schoo!. but seeks membership so
ill AII·mlmIWEI
the Main Line Boys Clubs Bas- Crum's Canaries in an eyeglas1'l O'Leary. gOO 0 ~,,"\rltll. f 0 0 0 Natalie A. C. .
0 1 .000 That Wayne can be tough with I
I that its basketbaII team w1l1 be
IVIIII&I alrl .
ketball Conference. wants It fund game. The next 110mI' game Tot"ls
known that his jt'roup eonsld- isn't until January 5 when Chel-
ered the possibility of bors play- tenham comes here for the first
Ing basketbaIl takin/:" too much league battle.
Ii 19 2i H~~~g,c g
H"Wley.! 0 1 1
Tot"l' 5 6 22
~ Week's Schedule
at Haverford High.
both Juenger and Boyle In the
TueSday-Eagles vs. Optimists lineup was indicated Monday night
when the Walshmen trounced one of the oldest players in
Thursday-Clippers vs. NatalIe Lukens Steel on tl'e Coatesville point of service in the Main tice begin three weeks before the
entitled to compete in the annual
elimination tournament.
In a move to have footbalI prac- lind CO~'dail Loung, II
time off from their studies. As H a d L e w An d erson. I 0 nelon,
a result no team Illa~'s more Coatesville veteran, decided not to Umpire: Derk.
ScOl'~ end of first l1"U: Lower Mer-
8; Co"t.~,vllte, 6, Referee: H~rzog. A. C. at Wynnewood Rd. School. H'Igl 1 cour,
t 51 - 37 , J uenloter h a d 11 L'me B as k etb a II League w h 0 IS .
points. starred on defense. while still going as strong as ever. the district vote was 39 yes and
start of the September semester,
MAil lllniln. P. I. I. SlinUI STATI..

than one nljt'ht a week. How- shoot a foul goal his team would
31'(1 Cates. of Manoa. was prl-
marlb' responsible for the con-
ha\'e won from L. M. in regUlation LOWER MERION
~I~~f~~lti~r~:eitt~~.ead of taking ~~'~~~\~I~' ~'g' P~ r:'~i;"CI~, ! ~'g' P~
CHESTER 0Pt-ImlS- tS Crush Boyle collected nine markers.
Herb Good's Brookline teams undefeated team.
He's the keyman of Narbeth's 27 no. The proposal to liberalize

f~~~~~~n:t~~~t~~~eI~U~yd:i~~~e1~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ter
the restrictions on athletics re-
turning to varsity competition af- LURCh frill SUe

• Dlllllr fRill 85e
ference adoptln/r this rule.
• • • It was a poorly played game Hutz, c
Eddie BOYle, the former Hazle- with neither team .showing to ad- M'O'mott. g 2 0 4 KleIn'". It 2 2 6
ton High and Temple :,;tAr whl) \·antage. Lower Merion managed ~~~~~. fg
5 0 10 Peirce, cOO 0
~ g : Johnson, g 1 0 2
Natalie',' 56 to 19 and for that reason no one is
counting the Brooks out of the
picture. but last Wednesday the
Narberth T·rlumphS and
sick leaves. the vote was 59 yes
7 no. The vote on the fourth I
prOPosal was close. It would enable ...---.-.--------- --_.I
COCKTAil HOUR. 3 to 6 P. M.

is CAPtain of WA~'ne's Main Line to gain an 8-6 lead in the first - - _ Tot"ls 7 4 18 Haverford Township team looked
In C·IreDI-t 0pener
League t,eam. was given his release half. but Coatesville moved ahead TotAls 16 3 35 far from a playoff possibility.
by Washington of the Amel'ican in the third period and was still Score by PerIods: Narberth dashed off to a 34-17
League last \\·eek. which meAns leading, 18-17. when Anderson was L. Merion ........ 8 10 10 7-35 Morsiki ,and Dwyer first half lead. and, completely Ig- I '

he'II be able to concentrate most ou e WI

of his effort.s in the local circuit. go.
t 1 d 'th' t
JUS seven secon s 0 d t Che_ster, .. ' '" .,. 5
Re!eree. Blitz. Umpire, KosI..
..__ _
6 3 4-18 Sart 'In O .
norlng d ef ense. spur t ed w h en ev eI'
necessary in the last half to win
• • • Inst.ead of waiving the free
Did yOll noti('e that Upper Dar- throw and taking the ball out of
V'll anova QUln
' e t t J r. Loop Game hands down.
The great improvement of Low-
Boys' Club 'Passers
!:'y High School accented the Su- bounds, Anderson decided there D Th . R er Merion HiRh's Hank Belber Rally to Upset
The Optimist.~ won hands down hig.hlighted N~rberth's ~'ece~t vic-
bUl"ban Big Six trophy offered by WAsn't anything to lose with only
the Upper Darb~' bank de,pite a few seconds to gO and went to
earlier prot.est.ations of athletic the foul line and dropped his toss
rops ree In ow
After winning four st i I t
I tones. He tallIed 30 POInts 1n the
ra g 1. from th.e N~talie A,. C.. 56:19. as two victories and was just as bril-
Malvern, 29 to 27 \.',
director Tom Milne that the neatly into the cords.
Royals weren't interested in cllAm-
Villanova College's basketball the Mam Lllle Jumor BasketbaII lIant in all-around playas any of Berwyn and Narberth off to fly-
In a tWinkling Lower Merion team ran into A .streak of bad League got undeI'way Tuesday hi:; more ex.perienced team.mates.
pionships Ilnd lcagues? You 'II Al- had the tossin at.. center court. 1uc k an d IS · b areIy b a OVE; .500 per night at Haverford High School I Bobby SUIter had 23 POints .an ding starts in the opening basket-
so find Upper DArby right in line Wilson flipped the ball down court cent tOday, having lost three in a ,., . lanky Art Spector. former VIlla- ball games of the newly organized
when the mythical loop is organ- to Bob McDermott. who tallied on row. The OPtImIst:; buned the Ard-' nova College star. had 26 pOints Main Line Boys ClUb Conference
ized officialIy. A neat SllOt. to tie the score at A talI Bucknell team hallde,j more club under a fiood of 26 field in the two games, Keyman and on Monday night
• • • 19-19 AS the game ended. the Wildcats their first setback at goals and had the game safelY playmaker of, the Narberth team Berwyn handed Westgate Hills
Haverford Hi::-h's hllPI' of be- When the smoke lifted on a home last WednesdaY, Bill Me- in tow at the halftime when they is the veteran. rotu~d Russ ~err- a 34-27 drubbing at Berwyn While
ing the first to snap Friends thrilIinp; three-minute extra per- Daniel looping in the winning goal held a 29-6 lead mann. who can stIll step lively Narberth nosed out Malvem. 29-
Central's two year strl'ak of iad the score was still deadlocked. in the last minute for a 43-42 de- John Morsiki . and Jim Dwyer ~ith th~ best ~f 'em. He. tallied 27. at Narberth.
seven straight was dashed whl'n 21-21. which meant that the team cision. led the winners with 17 and 15 elg~t pomts agamst Brooklme. five Al Canaglia's sharpshooting (he Fine Food and Excellent Bar!
Ridle~' Township's vetl'ran tram .scoring the fil'st points in the fol- This was a tough one to lose a~ points. respectively. Another big agamst Wayne, netted 13 points) and the all-
turned the tri('k Tuesday, 2i-19. lowing overtime period of "sudden Villanova set the earlY pace and gun was Forward WhitneY, Who BROOKI.INE NARBERTH ~igO~ndghf~~Yf~~eM~~~~yknan~cfai~'y~
• • • death" would win t.he game, led 30-.23 at ,halftIme. scored 11 pOints. ! i:i
«t.~. Spectnr. f «t.~. i:i City Line In Bala c. H. MUTZ, Prop.
Bill Hoeveler. ace centerman Fortunately. Lacey Gane drew Swal thmOl e College avenged an
and high s('orer of the last Hav- a foul And made good his toss for ea;'her defeat at. the hands of the ello, who made seven points. He Phipps, f
erford High teAm to beat Lower the much needed point.
Pacmg the losers was Pete TiI- F'~eneY.!
WIldcats by nO,sll1g out Vlllano\·a.1 also had the unique distinction of C""e. ,f
I 1 0 2 D'Campo, flO 2 KeIly and Dysert were out,standing
0 1 1 SuIter.! 5 I l l ' fur the scrappy Westgate Hill 3
0 0 EVAns,! ~ 0 2 quintet. scoring ten and nine
Merion 11940). was a .'iPe('tntor At II was a different story against 40-39. on Saturday at Swarth- giving t.he Optimist.~ two points ~:~~~o~I, / ~ gtg ~;kteC c 1 2 14 points. respectively.
Convention HaIl last Satmday Chester. with the Maroon moving !110re. The, Garnet swept into a When he caged a goal in th~ LtOYd, c' I I 1 2 4 Belber: g 4 g ~ Narberth was forced to come
when Temple upset the famed lihead. 8-5, in the first period and 32-21 halftime l,ead: but barely wrong basket. McShane, g 4 0 8 MAJ~r. I< 0 1 1 from behind to gain its hairline Open Every Day
g 2
Oklahoma Aggie,.;. 46-44. Bill WAS holding the upper hand
wearing :;hiny new bars as a re- wa~'. The score at halftime was half ral1:v.,
sult, of .iust completing Ilis offi- 18-11 And at the end Of three
all t.he stal1ed VIllanova s great.. second The Eagles-Bryn
rame. schedUled for Monday. was
Joe Walters, VIllanova veteran postponed because of failure to
Mawr A. A. ¥~t1e~'n
PP. g
g g
24 4 52
Herr ann, g 7 1 15 decision a:; Malvern gra.bbed an
31 668 early 10-2 lead and was ahead at
halftime, 16-10, and at the end of
Christmas Day
cers cAn<iidate course in tile MAr- Quarters. 28-14, who IS leading the dIstrict in secure A referee. Score br QU"rters: the third quarter. 20-19.
me Corps At Quantico, Va. He Bill Hut?. the 6-foot-3 rookie. is scoring. tal1ied 23 points again~;;
pla~'ed one year AS a fre,hman ce\"eloping ranidly under Coach Bucknel1. was held to seven by tertain
at Temple an<i starred as a Mar- Anderson'il capable tutulage and Swarthmore.
Next Tuesday the Optimist.~ en- Brookline.,..... 9 8 22 13-52
the Eaglets and next it~t~::;~D·'Am~ir·~.20 14 17 17-68
Thursday the Clippers clash with
?~. P2 McCleek, f ~'~' ~cj
Dysert, f 4 1 9Redmond, ! 0 0 0
;ne trAinee at BUcknell last, sea- is creating new hope for the fu- - - - -••- - - -' tlle Nat l' A C t Wynne '0 d WAYNF. NARBF.RTR Ketly, c 4 2 10McAdoo ! 0 2 2 CITY LINE & HAVERFORD ROAD
wn, So he'll have at. least tW\l ture. He tallied eight points I Ardmore H ouse S ld 0
R d S ~ Ie l ' . a
~\'l·AtS:Eo~ .. C.
. \\ 0 G, F, p. G. F. P, LeonRTd. g 2 0 4Morrl•. 'c
Ollllnl<er. f'5 010 Spector. f 6 113 Fender. g 0 2 2~~:ltAglla. c ~ ~ I~
0 0 0
more ye!\rs of varsity competition Against Coates\·ille. This earned OPTIMISTS
when 11e returns to school after him a starting role against Ches-
V day.
McMuIlin & McMulIin hav.e sold
tel' and he upheld AndY's confi- for Josephone T, Woolman her Ferr,·. f
G. F. P. G. F. P. ~~~:J~"l<e~" f ~ ~ ~ ~';IJ~;:
0 2 2 WhitneY. ! 5 1 11 Meng'ettl. f 2 0 4 L"w, c
i i 6 0 12
~ ~
Tot"Is 11 '5 27Bowin:n, gOO 0
Ten"glla, ,g 0 0 0
•• ' t ' ,
d enCe by CO II ectmg en POll1ts an PlOPI'I Y d · · t 121 GI d '
enn R ., Ar~more. M'N"mec. cOO 1'1 . SeffrPd, °
flO 2 Morslkl, f 8 1 17
O'Brien. c 1 1 3 C"lvert, e I 0 2 E""n8. c 2 0 4 R uppe ttl , g 1 1 •3
Dick Whiting And Phil Harman. plaYIng a s\\'ell game under the The purchaser IS Dr. DaVId M. TAYtor, It 1 1 3 Lelbfi "'. 3 0 156 Boucher, g 6 0 12 Belber. It 7 1 15
eo-captains at Lower Merion lAst boards. Steele who will lise the property TlleUo. '" 3 1 7 Dwyer. g 7 1 T"gue. I< 0 0 0 Herr,,'n, g 2 1 5
g~~~~t;~': gg g • LUNCHEONS ,. DINNERS • BANQUETS
ileAson. broke into big lea~ue col-
I Man' Reynolds. Anot.her ex-in- for his residence,
lE'ge basketbal1 a t the I'ame time tl'll-l11l11'al pla"eL is coming along' The improvements consist of a g~~~~~': ~ g ~ MGotd k, g 2 0 4 L"ng, g
C"rAon, '" 1 1 G\,Iden: I< 0 0 0 ~~r::il. gg ~ ~ ~ Hinkle. g 0 1 1
2 0 4 27 10 64 Referee-AI Severance.
Tot"ls 13 8 34 • WINES AND LIQUORS
last. Saturday but on. widely sepL niccl:f. ,He had six point.s against plaster residence, garage and one Webb. 'g 0 0 0 26 4 56 22 3 47 - - - - -••----,-
arated COUrts. Whit mg scored' CoateSVIlle and wound Up WIth half acre of land. The property Score b,' Quarters: New Member of
eight points t,o help Muhlenberg nine against Coatcs\·iIIe.· wa..~ sold for $19.000. H"lftlme A~or~/90PtlmIAt.o;, 29; Na.- Narberth 22 14 20 8--67 StudI·O Arts Club Beautiful Cockta,il Lonnge
rout St. Francis, ,56-18, in Madison
SqUare Garden while Harman WAS Y MAl
r. G to T I. 11 A C 6
a e . ~....:...-.____
WAYne , . " , .. 12 7 15 13-47
maki~g seven futile
Penn S losmg 50-35 game WIth II OUll,f}' ~
S. A. Sml·th RetI'res
S tOeS 01,V't Haverford •._ -
College The Studio Arts Club of Skid-
mol''' College sponsored an open

Dartmouth at Convention Hall. F or 2'-0 p. B B kZ· e As Secretary Of
Olltts ut roo J
Off To Fast Start house and Christmas tea in the
StUdio Ellhibition Gallery this
It oUjt'ht to be 1,0\\,(,1' Merion
nijt'ht when "'hitin~ and lIar- I W. 0 Zy · L Seo'
. d 49 47 Penn Mutual LI'fe lI't week to welcome the new mem-
Haverford College's basketball bel'S who have earned their mem-I,..- ,
man face each other in the I
l\Iuhlenberg-P('nn me~tinll' Sat-,
urday. December 30 at Conven-
. Hon HaIl. Temple and Ken-
It 'It It~t
I; ~ C ,t, · Sydney A. Smith, Montgomery team is carrying on from Where bership through 15 hours of ser-
Ave. and Edgewood Rd .• Ardmore. it left off last season. winning it& VIce to the Club, The new mem-
first two games and showing con- bel'S, recognized by the red car-
will retire at the end of the year siderable promise for the future. nations which they wore, indud-
tuck~', ranked in the country's AlthOUgh not one of the pace- that Bill Miller. the Carneg:e as Secretary of the Penn Mutual Haverford opened its season last edd Nancy Graham. '47, daughter RAINBOW TERRACE
first five. will clash on the same setters, the Brookline BAsketball Tech veteran. had been released Life Insurance Company it was Wednesday by ,defeating West of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gra-
. • • •
Cl b
u manAge
d and that John <Ripper) Collin~.
to. uphOld the a discharged Army veteran who announced thIS week by John A'I put the skids under Johns Hop-
. . Chester, 41-40, and on Monday han. of Overhill Rd.
Ablngt.on High won'\, be a push- prestige of the Main Line League was on Temple University's squad Stevenson. president.. He has' kins to the tune of 55-37. LULL BEFORE THE STORM Enjoy Splendid Food In a Delightful Atmosphere
, 0\'1'1' in the SUburbAn One LeagUe by nOSll11! out the strong Ascen- the later part of last season, has been with the Company more I Three field goals by Bob Clay- Censorship of domestic mail
for the fir:;!. time in many sea- sion Cat.holic Club, undefeated' been signed in hi.s stead. He al"o than 54 years. ton pUlled ~~verfor,d from .behind was Introduced into Denmark by The Covered Wagon Inn Is Under the Same
sons. judging from t.he eArb' re- leader of the Philadelnhia Cath~ Ievealed the sllmmg of JAck Born in Germantown Smith to ItS tnnlling VIC~O!'y ~n the Nazi authorities more than two
tUIns. The Galloping Ghost.s olic League, 49-47, in a thriJIe,' Mmogue, a former MUhlenberg ,va..~ graduated from Genl1antown opeenr., Clayton making hIS final months bef<:l\'e they seized control Management Of Mrs. William ]. Bachman.
handed Penn ChllrteJ"'s InteraC'a- at Haverford High School Mon- athlete who is a Naval trainee sta- Academy He took special COUl"es goal WIth ten seconds to go. of the Danish government..
ciemic League champs their first day night. tioned in the district. . '. . s, Bob Baker. freshman forward --- -- -- -'- --- ,-- Lancaster Ave. & Old Eagle Rd. in Strafford
defeat last FridAY. 29-21. And fol- A long range set shot by Bill ASCENSION BROOI'UNF. at the Blyant and Stl atton B~SI- set the early pace and took scor- Egyptian Theatre Tuesday and Wed-,
lowed up with an impressive 44- ~sh in the last second broke a Keehn. f ~. ~. A'h, f ii rri
~' ~.
28 victory o\'er Ben Franklin oi tIe and gave the Brooks then' GAllAgher, f 2 4 8 SpC'Um'n f 0 0 0 one ~ea~: wI~h Allen, ~ane. and field goals and a fOUl toss.
ness College. and after workmg ing honors with 17 point..~ on eight I' nesday "SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN,
DWARFS".-Advertlsement. ,"-
WAYNE 1169
the Public League Tuesday. third victory in four starts this Doup:he'tv, c 3 0 6 Collins, i 1 0 2 Scott. PI,mtels a.nd. pUbh~hels. he It was Haverford all the way I '-' ", I'
• • • :veal'. The ball was in the air Smith, g 6 3 15 Men/qU, ! 2 0 4 began ~IS aSSOCIatIOn WIth ~enn on Monday. with the Scarlet and ,.oc:::>oc:::>()c:;>()~o<:;;;::;>()<. I
Norri:;towlI. figured to be one and dropping toward the hoop Vlcker~, g 0 1 I Lloyd. e l l 3 Mutual ~n 1890. He was appomted Black leading at the half, 31-19 C
of the Suburban One League CO\1- when the whistle sounded ending Steven n. g ~ .! ~ ~~:;:ari, cg g ~ 1~ cas~ier m 1903 and has served as Veterans Frank Kennedy and Eri n SHEA'S BUFFET n C
tenders. was trounced by Allen- the ga!l1e, The ball dropped
town High. 59-25. on TuesdAY. neatly mto the cords, scarcely
19 947 Cameron. gIl 3 secleta.ry for almost a quarter Johnson led the 23-goal attack U
M'ShAne, g 2 0 4 century. , with, 19 and 15 points, respe\:- C 242 Haverford Ave., Narberth :::
which certainly didn't add to touching: the rim, for Ash's sev-
Coach Bill Anderson's ease of enth goal of t.he cont.est.
CAve. g 1 0 2 smith serves as trustee of Ger- tively.
20 949 mantown Academy as as treas-
~ n Try Our Giant Sandwiches 0
Haverford wllI be idle until U Leading Brands of Beer V If
here if you expect stuffed pheasant or rumed grouse for lunch.
yod DO like melt-Io-your-mouth home cooking and home
baked pies and cakes you should give this restaurant a try.
mind. Lower Merion"play:; At Al- Ash. a member of Haverford Score b,' QUArters- urer of the Germantown Hostori- January 6 when it will play Drexel C To Take Out ~
~~~?~r C~t~~nlcl,a,r~n~·tllAel~letnltltol'l~I'.~ High's varsity last year, also con- A'cenAlon 12 15 13 7-47 f~l SAotchiety. He iS a hll?lemb er of Tech at Haverford. .>o<==:>o<==:>o<::::::>o<::::::::>()<::::::>ooci
LUNCHEON 40e to 60c (noon 'til 2 P. M.l
., nected on six of seven free throws Brookl1ne ' 11 11 12 15-49 e enaeum 0 f P 1 ade1phia, DINNERS al'e i5c up (5 P. M. to 8 P. M.l
L. M. foe, has already defeated to pace his mates With 20 points, Re!eree-Johll Stevens. Saint George Society. the Life SUNDAY DINNERS are served 2 P. M. to 8 P. M•
Bartram High, last Year's cit\' his most noteworthy contribution - - -•••- - - Office Management Association • YE OlOE COLONIAL RESTAURANT
champion. and West Catholic.
perennial leader of the Catholic
a of the season.
AscE'l1sion, which won both the
Elect Jas. J. Skelly and the Philadelphia Association
of Life Underwriters. row~;I.I. I.ANE & MARKET ST. - AT 66th, UrPER DARBY. BLVD. 9799

League. ••• Catholic and city Older Boys Cluo Auto Club Director ----..-- -- 1
Pottstown Hil:"h. fa "orecl to tournAments last year. had a SUl'-, James J. Skelly. senior partner canada has a Loyal True Blue I
win the Suburban Three League. prisingly young team but. gave t.he of James J. SkeIly Company. Association with headquarters in
maintained its high raUn!:" b~' small crowd that braved the sea- MedIa. and president of the High- TOI·onto.
bowling -over Easton. 3i -30, at sC?n's firs~ s~ow storm the sn~ p- way Contractors' Di\'ision of the ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_
Pot t s tow n Tuesda,·. while mest exlllblllOn of sharpshootm;;( American Road Builders' Assoc'a- •
Coatesville added to lh'e 8ubur- seen here all ~·ear.
- ban Conference prcsti/re by
, tion. was elected to the dir~ct~r-
Led by Keen and. Smith. who, ate of Keystane Automobile Club
'-:-fIJ> BALA
outiastIn/:" Lancaster' of the accounted fOF 27 pomts between at the November meeting of the Mgm'nt CITY LINE AT BALA STATION
Central Penlls~'lvania. League, them..Ascenslon got off to a 12-11 board. '
35-31. lead. m the first quarter .and Skelly was born JUly 22 1882
• • • boosted it to 27-22 by halftIme. at Norristown the s n f' J h ' GENERAL CONTRACTING
Radnor. with' foul' veterans in The ~rooks st~rted. to pla~ much SkelIy and Elizabet~ ~CNi~h~ PROMPT SERVICE
the lineup, figures to repeat as bettel baIl With Iesumphon of SkeIly He 'attended N .' 1.
champion in the Sl1burban Two play but they still trailed, 40-34. and S~int Patrick's H' hO~It o~n
League. The Raiders have defeat- at the start of the las~ Quarter. graduating at the ag Igf 16coos.
ed Upper Darby, Yeadon and but they gradually wluttled the
_ Bridgeport to date and get the it' margin and drew on even terms est d'
SkelIy I a I g '.
l's a;B:Ys een mter-
I' Get Our Estimate RESTAURANT
big test In the Rotary Club tour- at 44-44 on Ash·s. ~fth ,goal with he els Igre~i~~n~ at~h Al pre.setnt , H. L. YOUNG I CO. SEAFOOD OUR SPECIALTY
d · th h I'd five mll1utes remamll1g, Pl" 0 I' ssocla ed EST. 1922 NARBERTH, PA. NAR. 9280
ney Yeadon
ford, Ul'mg and e 0Berwyn
1 ays. are
the A foul toss and fleld goal b." " A~ll~
I'eeentnols.y ovfanlta ec0Denstlructors:
h a C a di- 17 MYRTLE AVI:.
other tourney entrants. . sent the Brooks ahead, 47-44, but Chamber Of C .ware ounty Chatham Villale. Upper Dar'"
____•• Smith of the \'isitors ca~ed a free dent of M , ommelc~ and presi- Granite 7020, Hilltop 2384
WI·fe Named As throw and Doughel'ty scored on a :-;;;-;;;.;;.....',;;._~-_:;~:d:IB.~R;eP:u~b~I;Ic~a;n;C;I~u~b~.;;;1 ~;;;~~~~:::;;;::;;;;:;;;~~;:I
Chl·ef BeneficI'ary
one-Iland shot to make it all even'
a~ain at 47 with two minutes to
flO. The Brooks controlled the
r Bert The Finest Food at All Time'
In W. C. Wilson "TI'11 If
ball the rcmllinder of the time.
finall~' worked Ash free for the 'PREPARE DO.lo.ehue~~ STEAKS
WiI1!am C. Wilson, Bryn Mawr, shot that won jJle game. .
who died Dec, '7, named his wife It was the last home appeal'-
Elsie T" chief beneflciary of aI; ance of Brookline until January 8.
estate \'alued at $9,000 under terms when the Lukens Steel five of
of his will filed fol' probate In t.he Coatesville comes here fol' a Main
office of the Montgomery County Line League game. The Brooks
Register of Wills. traveled to Chester Wednesdllv
Executors of his estate are em- night (too late for pUblication) to'
AMBLER 9911 •
Have your car looked after
powdered to retain alI securities play Penn Steel In a league game. now. It's the best insurance SKIPPACK AND BUTLER PUKES EveT1/thlng the
and investments 'with the excep- They resume play after the holi- Frog Le·g. Finest Steer Sirloin or Best and the
tion of 50 shares of stock of the days. visiting NaVal Hospital on you can buy. Remember-' ~ Scallops.., Tenderloin Steaks Best 01 EVeTl/"
Wilson Laundry. Co. Jan. 2 and challenging Coates- it's the only car you'll have IGNITION SPECIALISTS Broiled Maine Lobstel'l Loin or Lamb Chops thing
Dividends from the 50 shares of ville In a league game at Coates- MOTOR REPAIRS DeViled Home K1l1ed Sprlna Chicken_
stock are to be paid Mrs. Wilson ville on Jan. 3.
during her life. In the event she Brookline was no match for the'
for a long time.. ' BATTERY CIIARGING Please help keep LONG DISTANCE.
predeceased her husband. the 50 pace-setting Narberth team a . When Your Car Fails to Start-Don't Fail to Call VB
Shares are given' his three sons, week ago Wednesday. losing to the
i<.:;" Wllllam C., Joan E., and Richard borough by 68-52 before a large
Itt J1lIN LI aT ~
circuits clear for necessary calls on
~ 1~ ~
",;:, E Wilson. I crowd at Bala-Cynwyd Junior
~~1 , ' Further pI'ovlslons for distribu- High. Thus. the locals needed a BATIERY AND ELECTRIC STATION DeCember 24, 25 and 26.
' tion of the 50 shares of stock are victory at Chester to hold undls- THE PLACE TO MEET FOB.
',Jnade at the death of Mrs. Wll· puted ,possession of first place. , 304 W, Lancaster Ave. Ardmore. 182.5
. ,Manager Herb Good announced·I "'7_....;,, ....._....;'_.J I THE IELL TELEPHONI COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 63 6 WALNUT STS. can ALL. 9500 open SUJlW_ •

S-ar putea să vă placă și