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3 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

4 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

5 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

7 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din
8 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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*** Industrial Buildings Selection Guide, Heritage protection department, English
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*** Industrial Archaeology. Future Directions. Editori Eleanor CONLIN CASELLA &
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*** Vestiges of industry: twelve sites at risk; Research centre for industrial heritage of the
Czech Technical University in Prague, 2003
*** KOMBINAT. Ruine industriale ale epocii de aur, Igloo, Bucureşti, 2007
*** From Industrial Revolution to Consumer Revolution: international perspectives on the
archaeology of industrialisation, TICCIH 2000, AIA, Maney Publishing, Leeds, 2001
*** Subversive insertions – archeologia industriale e futuro della citta, USA Book, New
York, 2000
*** Archeologie industrielle - lancement de l’itineraire culturel du Conseil de l’Europe,
Eurocultures, Strassbourg, 1999
*** Industrial Heritage – Ecology&Economy, XIVth International TICCIH Congress
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*** Patrimoniul Industrial al Banatului Montan – nivel european şi potenţial de integrare,
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Ed. Fundaţia Transilvania Trust, 2010

Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

9 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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*** Royal Docks – A vision for the royal Docks prepared by the Mayor of London and the
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

10 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

11 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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14 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din
15 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija
KvZ Communications Team, 2008
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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din
16 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija

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Candidat: arh. Alexandra Din

17 Îndrumător: prof. dr. arh. Ana Maria Dabija

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