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We have with us a Retired Colonel Salem Mosbah Awad

praising those that have died and they would not be forgotten
is now reciting al fateh first surah of quarans
I am with my people and countery
i denouce the power and violence that has been
i denouce the force used against the youth
and the use of mercenaries
and volunteer my services to the people as a prev armyman I will
give what ever I have for the librtation of libya
enough is enough
42 year of oppression
Behghazi is where I grew up
where I learnt
where I was reared
where there is nobility
does benghazi need this
you say you built this brick by brick
how did u build this?
you actually destroyed this
in your 42 yrs of authorty
you broke all the means of civil authority
no law no constituition
you have had us live in the dark
you do not want the best for this county
be ashamed
all you did with your great achievement were built on the back of libya
your have been dreaming for the past 42 years
we are glad that u are still alive
you have killed us with all the ways that you have but we are still steadfast
against you we are united
what kind of a criminal are you?
the anger that is out there
is a the result of what you have done against the people
wake up
and be ashamed
your dreams are over
you are a coward
it is all over
you are a satan in disguise
be ashamed
you coward
this is our youth you are killing
wake up
you need to wake up
every oppressor will have an end
I am asking you to submit
you have too much blood on your hands
you actor
all the acting is done
we are waiting for your fall
you will see the day
god willing
every thing u throw at us we will throw back at you
an no way we will not be victorious
we will die before we submit
the price is blood
for all those that are dead are our martyrs
my advice
to you
why did they die
they only wanted their freedom
here the people are saying takbeer allah waakbar
this is a lesson that the youth are learning
it is their blood and it is costly and we are asking allah to give us the steng
th against the oppresor as you
Iam asking that the youth continue
for libya and our blood is worthy of the cause
I am waiting for all those in the west azawaya and other cities
also we greet the east benghazi and call
those that have not joined
us why did you not?
you are having doubts about the mercenaries
about the tanks
about the blood that has been spilled?
this is the youth that have been giving
their lives for this cause
their blood is for the people
stand with your sons, they are giving their blood for you for the country
read the quran and be pious and go align with those that have died for us
if we have all the tenants that was supposedly given to us
by the regime
the authority the fortune
and the arms
if we had this would we have taken this recourse?
no but our rights and dignity was being stolen by you
be ashamed
for your self and your tribe
the truth is clear and the lies are clearForThePeople: you go to others such as
and leave your people what kind of a mind do you have
if your father(Girdaffi) was alive he would have denounced you as a son
i hope this is clear and please use your head and be knowlegable and critical o
f the situation
we are on the side of the truth
do no think that the base in abazzaya will protect you
the acting and cheating will not protect
you any longer
we know that freedom will be achieved
you are the biggest oppressor in the world
you have been exposed
and shown us your true colours to the world
the cheating and lying has finished
you laughed at us for 42 years
we have learned lots from you
but god will give us the victory


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