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#Edu402 #Finals

Integrated curriculum design ,

multiplicity of designed curriculum,
inductive thinking and deductive thinking
Three names of curriculum
Principal of designed curriculum
-Steps for organizing curriculum
-assessment through paper pencil test
-curriculum design
-tyler's theory
-evaluation procedure steps
-teachers involvemnet in curriculum development
-source plan

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq

Malik on September 12, 2020 at 8:14pm
Edu402 Final term Spring 2020
* Define and explain Cultural Core.
*What is attitude and how it develop.
*What do you know about judgement of Curriculum development.
*What is evaluation.
*Weite the process of evaluation.
*Writte the criteria for learning experience.
*Describe the Teacher inrollment for Curriculum development.
*What is curriculum design
*Role of Curriculum development
*Ends of CD
*Center of evaluation

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq
Malik on September 12, 2020 at 11:34pm
EDU402 Current Papers Final term Spring 2020

EDU402 current paper

reconstruction.Taylers model.Steps for organization.Importance of
continous evaluation.Principle of LE

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq

Malik on September 12, 2020 at 11:35pm
Mcques saary handouts my sy thy. Aik mcques quiz my sy tha
Define appreciation inquiry
Role of teacher in reflective practice.
Bhhtt tuff tha. Sariii stories khud sy bnaa kr likhyen thin
Q. Teachers behavior with its pupils
Q. Dialogue means in reflective practice.
Q. Competencies likhni thin...ab yaad nahi k kis ki
Q. Steps of dialogue btany thy.
Q. Reflective practioner ka role likhna tha.
Q. John's model k baary my btana tha.
Q. Critical thinking and reflection ka relation btana tha.
Q. Teacher k leay critical questions konsy bnty hain. Wo likhny thy.

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq

Malik on September 12, 2020 at 11:35pm
Time 5 PM
Question (2 Marks)
21. Focus Special Education.
22. Inductive And Deductive .
23. Instructional Object. 24. In which situation achieving Integration.
Question ( 3 Marks )
30. LEs Organization
29. Three ways evaluation evidence.
28. cognitive Domain
27. Alternative of Culture
Question ( 5 Marks )
31. Emphasis of Reconstructive curriculum.
32. Write a note psychomotor domain.
33. paper pencil Test.
34. Core. Curriculum Integration.
35. How can teachers manage diversity Among Student in Class

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq
Malik on September 12, 2020 at 11:35pm
Reflective practice leads to:
Higher quality practice and better outcome for learners
Awareness of value and beliefs
More likely to challenge and change practices
Leads to inclusive environment

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq

Malik on September 15, 2020 at 10:26pm
EDU402 Current Papers Final term Spring 2020

EDU402 current paper | 19-09-2020 | 02:30 PM

1. Some mcq from files & others handouts statements
2. All Questions from Handouts so prepare yourself according to
3. Two long Questions conceptual related to subjects for example
If you are a teacher. What is your framework for lesson plan by
curriculum development process?
Attitude def
Well stated objectives requirements
State learning theories
Development of Evaluation instruments
Structure of organising elements
Effect of community on curriculum deve
Cognitive domain
Characteristics of source plan
Which theory is based on the fact that behaviour is a result of
Cocurricular curriculum
Subject based curriculum design
Problem based curriculum

What is integrative needs? Marks 2
Difference between deductive and inductive thinking? Marks 2 
Brief note on small school steps in curriculum development? Marks 3 
According to Taylor's model, what is the goal of the education? Marks

What is the purpose of source plan? Marks 2
What are you know about the ways of keeping the records?Marks 2
What is the procedure for the conducting investigations about the
needs of the students? Marks 3
What are the characteristics of LEs are useful in gaining various types
of objectives? Marks 3
What is the primary function of the evaluation?3 
Note on the planning of the organizing of LEs in curriculum? Marks 5
What are the importance of psychology of learning? 5
How far it is possible for a learner to provide an educational experience
for a student? 5
Tylor model in the process of curriculum develop? 5
Need of evaluating the LES? 
Q#25 :
What are the factors that can be considered begin the process of
curriculum revision? 5 ....
 What is reconstruction
- teachers role in curriculum development
- steps for curriculum development
- Learning experience evaluation
- planning to organize learning experience
- learning experience in curriculum
- large school steps
- what is attitude
- cognitive theory? 
- teacher student planning
- why teachers are important in planning curriculum

edu402 final term paper
1. Pre Modern Doll's Paradigm
2. What is an attitude?
3. What is a source plan?
4. Domains of taxonomy
5. Two types of organization.
6. brief note on core curriculum and integration.
7. If a situation is difficult to handle, what is task for handle evaluation
topic 190
8. Alternatives of cultures.
9. Are all situations under control and accessible to evaluators to look
for desired change in student learning? topic 190
10. two dimensional graphic chart topic 134
11. Tyler's definition of education
12. Subject centered
13. subject specialist
14. humanism theory?
15. How teachers learning are important in planning curriculum?
16. Follow-up studies topic 183
Learning Experience
Answer: Learning experiences ( LE)is the interaction b/w learner and
external condition in the environment to which one can react.
Affective domain
Importance of 2 dimensional analysis
Source plan
Examples of methods of social investigation
Levels for analyze CL
Advantages and disadvantages of organizing structures
Large school steps... curriculum development
Problem solving Design
Which type of assessment can be done through paper pencil test

1. What is source plan

2. What is learning experience
3. What methods can b used in studying learners
4. how does learning take place
5. Levels of structural elements (topic 163)
6. why do appraise more than one time (topic 182)
7. developing evaluation instruments(192)
8. large school steps curriculum development (203)
9. important facts about subject specialist
10. what is humanistic curriculum (33
Difference b/w school and society 
teaching experience
paper pencil test
large school
subject specialist
total Question 26
Mcqs 10
Subjective type Questions 16
1-What is new definition of curriculum?2
2-What is include in instructional objectives?2
Behaviors - o observable
O measureable
• Condition under which behaviors will occur - o on an exam
o in a classroom
• a minimum / acceptable level of performance
3-What’s aspects of concept of evaluation?2
4-What is Low level of organizing the curriculum?2
5-What is philosophy of reconstraconism? 3
6-Importance of formulation in curriculum development?3
7-Learner centered curriculum?3
8-Steps of evolution procedures?3
9-Planning the organizing the LE in curriculum?3
10-Kind of information through the process of interview of the
students about social culture?3
11-Operationalzed the curriculum development?5
12-Note on subject centered curriculum development?5
13-What a type of assessment through paper pencil test?5
14-Steps of organization curriculum?5
15-How LE helpful developing interest ?5
EDU402 - Curriculum Development-
Q1. What are the level for analyzing CL ? 2marks
Q2. What is an attitude? 2
Answer: A tendency to react even though the reaction does not
actually takes place.
Q3. what types of evidence can be collected through the interview?
Q4. What is community record? 2 marks
Answer: Child mortality,
- Frequency of occurrence of any disease with reference to health
- Various types of social data by community etc
Q5.Define Gestalt theory? 2 marks
Q6. write down steps of Evaluation process? 3 marks
Q7. What is the demand of school program of curriculum
Q8. How does learning take place?
Q9. what are criteria against we check our LEs ? 3 marks
Q10. What is low level unit organizing the curriculum? 2 marks
Q11. write brief note on the steps of organizing the curriculum? 5
Q12. Write brief note on " psychomotor" domain? 5 marks
Q13. why do we seek suggestion from subject specialist? 5 marks
Q14. Write brief note on Operationalizing the curriculum development
process? 5 marks
Q15 How do attitude develop? 5 marks
Q16. Write a brief note on identifying the situation for LEs evaluation ?
What is an attitude?
A tendency to react even though the reaction does not actually takes

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Permalink Reply by +!!!
Admin on August 26, 2019 at 9:07pm
Edu 402 Final term
Principles of learning experience
Learner centered curriculum
Democratic values
Source plan
3 Types of curriculum
Evaluation procedure steps
Subject specialist
Tyler curriculum
Criteria for evaluation
Why there is need for evaluation in learning experience?
How can teacher can provide an educational experience?

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Permalink Reply by Iram on November 9, 2019 at

Sir kia question download nhi ho skty

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Permalink Reply by + M.Tariq

Malik on November 9, 2019 at 12:22pm
kia question download nhi ho skty

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Permalink Reply by Iram on November 15, 2019 at


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