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give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors

Abdicate 12

2. abduct

take away to an undisclosed location against their will

Abduct 12

3. abhor

find repugnant

Abhor 13

4. absurd

inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense

Absurd 13

5. abyss

a bottomless gulf or pit

Abyss 13

6. accelerate

move faster

Accelerate 13

7. acclaim

enthusiastic approval

Acclaim 13

8. acute
ending in a sharp point

Acute 13

9. adage

a condensed but memorable saying embodying an important fact

Adage 13

10. adhere

stick to firmly

Adhere 13

11. adjourn

close at the end of a session

Adjourn 13

12. adjunct

something added to another thing but not essential to it

Adjunct 13

13. admonish

scold or reprimand; take to task

Admonish 13

14. adorn

make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

Adorn 13

15. adversary

someone who offers opposition

Adversary 13
16. affable

diffusing warmth and friendliness

Affable 14

17. affectation

a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display

Affectation 14

18. aghast

struck with fear, dread, or consternation

Aghast 14

19. agility

the gracefulness of a quick and nimble person or animal

Agility 14

20. agitate

move or cause to move back and forth

Agitate 14

21. alleviate

provide physical relief, as from pain

Alleviate 14

22. allure

the power to entice or attract

Allure 14

23. aloof

remote in manner
Aloof 14

24. altruistic

showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others

Altruistic 14

25. amateur

someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime

Amateur 14

26. amend

make revisions to

Amend 14

27. amorous

inclined toward or displaying love

Amorous 14

28. amorphous

having no definite form or distinct shape

Amorphous 14

29. amphibian

cold-blooded vertebrate living on land but breeding in water

Amphibian 15

30. angular

having straight lines and sharp points or corners

Angular 15

31. animosity
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

Animosity 15

32. annihilate

kill in large numbers

Annihilate 15

33. antidote

a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison

Antidote 15

34. aperture

a natural opening in something

Aperture 15

35. aqueous

similar to or containing or dissolved in water

Aqueous 15

36. ardent

characterized by intense emotion

Ardent 15

37. arid

lacking sufficient water or rainfall

Arid 15

38. aroma

any property detected by the sense of smell

Aroma 15
39. articulate

express or state clearly

Articulate 15

40. artifice

the use of deception or trickery

Artifice 15

41. ascertain

learn or discover with confidence

Ascertain 15

42. astound

affect with wonder

Astound 16

43. astute

marked by practical hardheaded intelligence

Astute 16

44. atrocity

an act of shocking cruelty

Atrocity 16

45. audacity

aggressive or outright boldness

Audacity 16

46. authoritative

of recognized power or excellence

Authoritative 16

47. banal

repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

Banal 16

48. banish

expel, as if by official decree

Banish 16

49. barrier

a structure or object that impedes free movement

Barrier 16

50. beguile

attract; cause to be enamored

Beguile 16

51. belligerence

hostile or warlike attitude or nature

Belligerence 16

52. benefactor

a person who helps people or institutions

Benefactor 16

53. beneficial

promoting or enhancing well-being

Beneficial 16

54. benevolence
disposition to do good

Benevolence 16

55. bewildered

perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements

Bewildered 16

56. bias

a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue

Bias 17

57. bile

a digestive juice secreted by the liver

Bile 17

58. bliss

a state of extreme happiness

Bliss 17

59. boisterous

full of rough and exuberant animal spirits

Boisterous 17

60. botanist

a biologist specializing in the study of plants

Botanist 17

61. bounty

the property of copious abundance

Bounty 17
62. bravado

a swaggering show of courage

Bravado 17

63. brevity

the attribute of being short or fleeting

Brevity 17

64. burnish

polish and make shiny

Burnish 17

65. cache

a hidden storage space

Cache 17

66. cajole

influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

Cajole 17

67. camouflage

an outward semblance misrepresenting the nature of something

Camouflage 17

68. candor

the quality of being honest and straightforward

Candor 17

69. canine

a dog or related mammal

Canine 18

70. cantankerous

stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate

Cantankerous 18

71. caprice

a sudden desire

Caprice 18

72. cascade

a small waterfall or series of small waterfalls

Cascade 18

73. catastrophe

a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

Catastrophe 18

74. celestial

relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven

Celestial 18

75. censor

a person authorized to suppress unacceptable material

Censor 18

76. chasm

a deep opening in the earth's surface

Chasm 18

77. choleric
characterized by anger

Choleric 18

78. chronic

long-lasting or characterized by long suffering

Chronic 18

79. circumscribe

draw a geometric figure around another figure

Circumscribe 18

80. collision

an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object

Collision 18

81. communicative

able or tending to transmit a message

Communicative 19

82. compassion

a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering

Compassion 19

83. compel

force somebody to do something

Compel 19

84. competent

properly or sufficiently qualified, capable, or efficient

Competent 19
85. concise

expressing much in few words

Concise 19

86. condone

excuse, overlook, or make allowances for

Condone 19

87. confidential

given in secret

Confidential 19

88. contemplation

a calm, lengthy, intent consideration

Contemplation 19

89. contend

compete for something

Contend 19

90. contentious

showing an inclination to disagree

Contentious 19

91. convene

meet formally

Convene 19

92. conventional

following accepted customs and proprieties

Conventional 19

93. copious

large in number or quantity

Copious 19

94. countenance

the appearance conveyed by a person's face

Countenance 20

95. couplet

a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse

Couplet 20

96. courier

a person who carries a message

Courier 20

97. cue

a reminder for some action or speech

Cue 20

98. dawdle

hang or fall in movement, progress, development, etc.

Dawdle 20

99. deadlock

a situation in which no progress can be made

Deadlock 20

100. dearth
an insufficient quantity or number

Dearth 20

101. debris

the remains of something that has been destroyed

Debris 20

102. decade

a period of 10 years

Decade 20

103. deceive

cause someone to believe an untruth

Deceive 20

104. deficient

inadequate in amount or degree

Deficient 20

105. dehydrate

remove water from

Dehydrate 21

106. delude

be dishonest with

Delude 21

107. deluge

a heavy rain

Deluge 21
108. deplore

express strong disapproval of

Deplore 21

109. desolation

sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned

Desolation 21

110. despicable

morally reprehensible

Despicable 21

111. despondent

without or almost without hope

Despondent 21

112. destitute

poor enough to need help from others

Destitute 21

113. devastate

cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

Devastate 21

114. devotee

an ardent follower and admirer

Devotee 21

115. devour

eat immoderately
Devour 21

116. dexterity

adroitness in using the hands

Dexterity 21

117. diminish

decrease in size, extent, or range

Diminish 22

118. din

a loud, harsh, or strident noise

Din 22

119. dingy

thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot

Dingy 22

120. diplomatic

relating to negotiation between nations

Diplomatic 22

121. disclaim

make a disavowal about

Disclaim 22

122. discursive

tending to cover a wide range of subjects

Discursive 22

123. dismal
causing dejection

Dismal 22

124. dispute

the act of coming into conflict

Dispute 22

125. disseminate

cause to become widely known

Disseminate 22

126. divert

turn aside; turn away from

Divert 22

127. doff


Doff 22

128. dogged

stubbornly unyielding

Dogged 22

129. dogmatic

pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative

Dogmatic 22

130. ebullient

joyously unrestrained

Ebullient 23
131. eccentric

conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

Eccentric 23

132. ecstatic

feeling great rapture or delight

Ecstatic 23

133. eddy

a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind

Eddy 23

134. effect

a phenomenon that is caused by some previous phenomenon

Effect 23

135. elusive

skillful at evading capture

Elusive 23

136. embellish

make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

Embellish 23

137. eminent

standing above others in quality or position

Eminent 23

138. emulate

strive to equal or match, especially by imitating

Emulate 23

139. enact

order by virtue of superior authority; decree

Enact 23

140. encompass

include in scope

Encompass 23

141. endorse

approve of

Endorse 23

142. enigma

something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained

Enigma 23

143. enigmatic

not clear to the understanding

Enigmatic 24

144. entice

provoke someone to do something through persuasion

Entice 24

145. entourage

the group following and attending to some important person

Entourage 24

146. era
a period marked by distinctive character

Era 24

147. err

make a mistake

Err 24

148. erudite

having or showing profound knowledge

Erudite 24

149. essential

basic and fundamental

Essential 24

150. etiquette

rules governing socially acceptable behavior

Etiquette 24

151. evacuate

move out of an unsafe location into safety

Evacuate 24

152. exotic

characteristic of another place or part of the world

Exotic 24

153. expand

extend in one or more directions

Expand 24
154. expunge

remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line

Expunge 24

155. extraction

taking out something 

Extraction 24

156. extricate

release from entanglement or difficulty

Extricate 25

157. extroverted

at ease in talking to others

Extroverted 25

158. fanatic

a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm

Fanatic 25

159. fatal

bringing death

Fatal 25

160. fatigue

temporary loss of strength and energy from hard work

Fatigue 25

161. fauna

all the animal life in a particular region or period

Fauna 25

162. felicity

pleasing and appropriate manner or style

Felicity 25

163. ferocious

marked by extreme and violent energy

Ferocious 25

164. fervent

characterized by intense emotion

Fervent 25

165. fickle

liable to sudden unpredictable change

Fickle 25

166. fidelity

the quality of being faithful

Fidelity 25

167. finale

the closing section of a musical composition

Finale 25

168. flagrant

conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

Flagrant 25

169. garrulous
full of trivial conversation

Garrulous 25

170. germinate

sprout; produce buds or branches

Germinate 26

171. glee

great merriment

Glee 26

172. glib

artfully persuasive in speech

Glib 26

173. gregarious

temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others

Gregarious 26

174. grotesque

distorted and unnatural in shape or size

Grotesque 26

175. grovel

show submission or fear

Grovel 26

176. gruesome

shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

Gruesome 26
177. hallowed

worthy of religious veneration

Hallowed 26

178. harbinger

something indicating the approach of something or someone

Harbinger 26

179. harsh

disagreeable to the senses

Harsh 26

180. hasty

excessively quick

Hasty 26

181. herbivorous

feeding only on plants

Herbivorous 26

182. heterogeneous

consisting of elements not of the same kind or nature

Heterogeneous 26

183. hexagon

a six-sided polygon

Hexagon 27

184. hibernate

be in an inactive or dormant state

Hibernate 27

185. hive

a structure that provides a natural habitation for bees

Hive 27

186. hovel

small crude shelter used as a dwelling

Hovel 27

187. humid

containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor

Humid 27

188. ignite

cause to start burning

Ignite 27

189. illiteracy

an inability to read

Illiteracy 27

190. immaculate

completely neat and clean

Immaculate 27

191. imminent

close in time; about to occur

Imminent 27

192. immortal
not subject to death

Immortal 27

193. impasse

a situation in which no progress can be made

Impasse 27

194. impervious

not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

Impervious 27 
impious 27

195. impious

lacking piety or reverence for a god

Impervious 27 
impious 27

196. imply

express or state indirectly

Imply 28

197. inadvertent

happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally

Inadvertent 28

198. incentive

a positive motivational influence

Incentive 28

199. incredulous

not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving

Incredulous 28

200. indicate

designate a place, direction, person, or thing

Indicate 28

201. inert

unable to move or resist motion

Inert 28

202. infectious

relating to the invasion of germs that cause disease

Infectious 28

203. ingenious

showing inventiveness and skill

Ingenious 28

204. ingenuity

the power of creative imagination

Ingenuity 28

205. inhabit

live in; be a resident of

Inhabit 28

206. innate

present at birth but not necessarily hereditary

Innate 28

207. innocent
free from sin

Innocent 28

208. insinuation

an indirect (and usually malicious) implication

Insinuation 28

209. insomnia

an inability to sleep

Insomnia 28

210. insurgent

in opposition to a civil authority or government

Insurgent 29

211. irate

feeling or showing extreme anger

Irate 29

212. jeer

laugh at with contempt and derision

Jeer 29

213. jubilant

full of high-spirited delight

Jubilant 29

214. judicious

marked by the exercise of common sense in practical matters

Judicious 29
215. kinetic

relating to the motion of material bodies and their forces

Kinetic 29

216. lagoon

a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef

Lagoon 29

217. lenient

inclined to be permissive or indulgent

Lenient 29

218. lethargy

inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy

Lethargy 29

219. limber

easily bent

Limber 29

220. lunge

the act of moving forward suddenly

Lunge 29

221. magnanimous

noble and generous in spirit

Magnanimous 29

222. malfunction

fail to work properly

Malfunction 29

223. malleable

capable of being shaped or bent

Malleable 29

224. mar

cause to become imperfect

Mar 30

225. marvel

be amazed at

Marvel 30

226. meager

deficient in amount or quality or extent

Meager 30

227. meek

humble in spirit or manner

Meek 30

228. melancholy

a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

Melancholy 30

229. mimic

imitate, especially for satirical effect

Mimic 30

230. minuscule
very small

Minuscule 30

231. mourn

feel sadness

Mourn 30

232. murky

clouded as with sediment

Murky 30

233. nauseous

causing a sick feeling

Nauseous 30

234. nebulous

lacking definite form or limits

Nebulous 30

235. nimble

moving quickly and lightly

Nimble 30

236. nomad

a member of a people who have no permanent home

Nomad 31

237. obese

excessively fat

Obese 31
238. obnoxious

causing disapproval or protest

Obnoxious 31

239. obscure

not clearly understood or expressed

Obscure 31

240. observation

the act of taking a patient look

Observation 31

241. obsolete

no longer in use

Obsolete 31

242. obstinate

marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

Obstinate 31

243. obstruct

block passage through

Obstruct 31

244. obtuse

of an angle, between 90 and 180 degrees

Obtuse 31

245. olfactory

of or relating to the sense of smell

Olfactory 31

246. ominous

threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

Ominous 31

247. opportune

suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose

Opportune 31

248. option

one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

Option 31

249. orbit

the path of a celestial body in its revolution about another

Orbit 32

250. ostentatious

intended to attract notice and impress others

Ostentatious 32

251. palatable

acceptable to the taste or mind

Palatable 32

252. paradox

a statement that contradicts itself

Paradox 32

253. passive
lacking in energy or will

Passive 32

254. peddle

sell or offer for sale from place to place

Peddle 32

255. pedestrian

a person who travels by foot

Pedestrian 32

256. perjury

criminal offense of making false statements under oath

Perjury 32

257. persevere

be persistent, refuse to stop

Persevere 32

258. petrify

change into stone

Petrify 32

259. pious

having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity

Pious 32

260. plagiarism

taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own

Plagiarism 32
261. plausible

apparently reasonable, valid, or truthful

Plausible 32

262. pompous

puffed up with vanity

Pompous 33

263. procrastinate

postpone doing what one should be doing

Procrastinate 33

264. profound

situated at or extending to great depth

Profound 33

265. prolific

intellectually productive

Prolific 33

266. propel

cause to move forward with force

Propel 33

267. prophesy

predict or reveal, as if through divine inspiration

Prophesy 33

268. pungent

strong and sharp to the sense of taste or smell

Pungent 33

269. pursue

follow in an effort to capture

Pursue 33

270. quell

suppress or crush completely

Quell 33

271. quench

satisfy, as thirst

Quench 33

272. rabid

marked by excessive enthusiasm for a cause or idea

Rabid 33

273. rancor

a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will

Rancor 33

274. random

lacking any definite plan or order or purpose

Random 33

275. ransack

search thoroughly

Ransack 34

276. ratify
approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation

Ratify 34

277. ravenous

extremely hungry

Ravenous 34

278. raze

tear down so as to make flat with the ground

Raze 34

279. recluse

one who lives in solitude

Recluse 34

280. recur

happen or occur again

Recur 34

281. refrain

resist doing something

Refrain 34

282. regal

belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler

Regal 34

283. reign

royal authority; the dominion of a monarch

Reign 34
284. reimburse

pay back for some expense incurred

Reimburse 34

285. reinforce

strengthen and support

Reinforce 34

286. reminiscence

a mental impression retained and recalled from the past

Reminiscence 34

287. renowned

widely known and esteemed

Renowned 35

288. repartee

adroitness and cleverness in reply

Repartee 35

289. repudiate

refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid

Repudiate 35

290. repugnant

offensive to the mind

Repugnant 35

291. residue

matter that remains after something has been removed

Residue 35

292. reveal

make visible

Reveal 35

293. revel

take delight in

Revel 35

294. rout

an overwhelming defeat

Rout 35

295. satellite

any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star

Satellite 35

296. saturate

infuse or fill completely

Saturate 35

297. saucy

improperly forward or bold

Saucy 35

298. scald

burn with a hot liquid or steam

Scald 35

299. scarce
deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand

Scarce 35

300. scathing

marked by harshly abusive criticism

Scathing 36

301. schism

division of a group into opposing factions

Schism 36

302. scrupulous

characterized by extreme care and great effort

Scrupulous 36

303. secure

free from danger or risk

Secure 36

304. seethe

foam as if boiling

Seethe 36

305. sentry

a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event

Sentry 36

306. sequel

something that follows something else

Sequel 36
307. shrewd

marked by practical hardheaded intelligence

Shrewd 36

308. sinister

wicked, evil, or dishonorable

Sinister 36

309. slack

not tense or taut

Slack 36

310. solicit

request urgently or persistently

Solicit 36

311. splice

join the ends of

Splice 36

312. spurn

reject with contempt

Spurn 36

313. squalid

foul and run-down and repulsive

Squalid 36

314. squander

spend thoughtlessly; throw away

Squander 37

315. staunch

firm and dependable especially in loyalty

Staunch 37

316. stealthy

marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

Stealthy 37

317. subdue

put down by force or intimidation

Subdue 37

318. succeed

attain success or reach a desired goal

Succeed 37

319. succumb

give in or consent reluctantly

Succumb 37

320. suffice

be adequate, either in quality or quantity

Suffice 37

321. summit

the top or extreme point of something

Summit 37

322. superb
surpassingly good

Superb 37

323. suppress

put down by force or authority

Suppress 37 
surfeit 37

324. surmise

infer from incomplete evidence

Surmise 37

325. surrogate

someone or something that takes the place of another

Surrogate 37

326. susceptible

yielding readily to or capable of

Susceptible 37

327. synopsis

a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument

Synopsis 38

328. taciturn

habitually reserved and uncommunicative

Taciturn 38

329. tactful

having a sense of what is considerate in dealing with others

Tactful 38

330. tamper

alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly

Tamper 38

331. tangible

perceptible by the senses, especially the sense of touch

Tangible 38

332. taut

pulled or drawn tight

Taut 38

333. temperate

not extreme

Temperate 38

334. tenacious

stubbornly unyielding

Tenacious 38

335. tepid

moderately warm

Tepid 38

336. terminate

bring to an end or halt

Terminate 38

337. terse
brief and to the point

Terse 38

338. tether

restraint consisting of a rope or chain

Tether 38

339. torrid

characterized by intense emotion

Torrid 39

340. trepidation

a feeling of alarm or dread

Trepidation 39

341. trite

repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

Trite 39

342. tumult

a state of commotion and noise and confusion

Tumult 39

343. tyranny

government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator 

Tyranny 39

344. ultimate

furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme

Ultimate 39
345. unanimous

in complete agreement

Unanimous 39

346. unkempt

not properly maintained or cared for

Unkempt 39

347. usurp

seize and take control without authority

Usurp 39

348. vacate

leave behind empty; move out of

Vacate 39

349. vacuous

devoid of matter

Vacuous 39

350. vague

lacking clarity or distinctness

Vague 39

351. vehement

marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions

Vehement 39

352. vend

sell or offer for sale from place to place

Vend 39

353. vex

disturb, especially by minor irritations

Vex 40

354. vitalize

make more lively or vigorous

Vitalize 40

355. vivacious

vigorous and animated

Vivacious 40

356. wrath

intense anger

Wrath 40

357. wretched

deserving or inciting pity

Wretched 40

358. writhe

move in a twisting or contorted motion

Writhe 40

359. zealous

marked by active interest and enthusiasm

Zealous 40

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