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Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.

No: 9441030645

Information System

Vardhaman College of Engineering 1

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.No: 9441030645
Library Information System

Scope:- Library Information System has been made a view to provide the members
,employee & students with better facilities to obtain Books, cd’s for educational purpose.

The main purpose is to provide easy and convenient way to the members & students to
get or issue books from library with inbuilt security features. The system provides
information about to be issued & returned status of the Books & Cd’s.and also provides
the information that which book is issued to which member or student. Different
members or students have different choices of books as per their requirement , this
system provides easy navigational features which provides a very user-friendly interface
which help the students & members to obtain books & cd’c easily.


• New user must be able to register him self.

• Existing user must be able to enter using valid password and user name.
• The user can view list of books available.
• The user should consist id details.

Vardhaman College of Engineering 2

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.No: 9441030645
Use Case Diagram for Library Information System


name in register

book rank
It is issue/reference
check the book
select the book

tak es
book using lib card issue
returns books


in time pay no fine

if it is issue then take the lib card

& issue the book
on/after time pay fine


Class Diagram for Library Information System

Vardhaman College of Engineering 3

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.No: 9441030645

Members Library
memberId deptId
memberName deptName

issue() buyBook()
return() bookBank()

Staff Student Class Catalog Materials

Librarian Class
staffID stud ID totalBooks materialName
staffName studName totalMembers material ID

read() read() refer() insert()


News Letters
name Books
Magazines Audio Books
dept NewsPapers
name bookName title
name bookID
read() type disk ID
language authorName
publications listen()
read() giveTest()

Sequence Diagram for Library Information System

Vardhaman College of Engineering 4

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.No: 9441030645

Collaboration Diagram for Library Information System

Vardhaman College of Engineering 5

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.No: 9441030645

Activity Diagram for Library Information System

Vardhaman College of Engineering 6

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Name: Venu Gopal.S H.T.No: 9441030645

L ib r a r y s ta ff

L ib r a ri a n c le r k
D a ta b a s e o f l i b r a r y

H e lp e r

B il l

Mem ber
R e fe r e n c m a g a z in e
e book s
tr a n s a c tio
F a c u l ty s tu d e n t
m eComponent n
m ber Diagram for Library Information System
Vardhaman College of Engineering
jo u rn a ls 7

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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