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NUC Recinto de Bayamón

4.2 Assignment

Christian Del Moral Bracero Prof: Jorge Acebal

Conversational English

Video games and their buying trend in children, adolescents, and adults. This is due to the
wide range of genres, graphics, and endless options, corresponding to many of these as
games, 2D and 3D games. Without mentioning that each year they improve both in
graphics and their performance.

In the video game industry, there are genders or age range. This is used to measure the
content for a specific user. These vary between letters and numbers that symbolize the
content and the age limit. [ CITATION ESB20 \l 1033 ] For example, "E" for its acronym in
English means "Everyone" means for everyone and "M" for its acronym in English
"Mature" which means mature and generally it is forbidden for those under 18 to buy it.
Another aspect to mention is that video games vary between 2D and 3D. 2D are retro
games, a classic of this example is the first Nintendo "Mario Bros" released in 1985, being
a resounding success. However, at the beginning of 2000 a new video game mechanic was
created where it could be seen in three dimensions what today is called 3D, this beginning
as a more interesting method of how to watch movies to later be taken to the television
screen . Currently we have the "VR" which for its acronym in English is "Virtual Reality"
but they are already working on the new and futuristic complete immersion that has simple
to the most complex games. This is coming to revolutionize the world with new controls
where you are the control and you are in the game. But getting closer, the launch of the
PlayStation 5 is expected, which provides a wide range of video games bringing what in its
past versions gave us, the memories and all the simple fun on a more innovative and
intelligent screen, with current graphics and the same playability from when they were
released will make play 5 a console desired by many.

In conclusion, this topic is about video games in general and how they have improved over
time. I chose this topic because the price and the release date of play 5 have recently been
taken out and personally I would like to have it, however I will stay with version 4 since it
was what I could afford. In this work I used many of what is still a hypothesis and that is
not yet completely complete, I enjoyed doing this work as much as if I were talking about
something personal.

ESBR. (13 de Febuary de 2020). Obtenido de ESBR:

My personal point of view

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