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2, FEBRUARY 2009 553

A Nonisolated Bidirectional ZVS-PWM Active Clamped DC–DC Converter

Pritam Das, Brian Laan, Seyed Ahmad Mousavi, and Gerry Moschopoulos, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Power electronic converter systems for applications

such as telecom, automotive, and space can have dc voltage buses
that are backed up with batteries or supercapacitors. These batter-
ies or supercapacitors are connected to the buses with bidirectional
dc–dc converters that allow them to be discharged or charged, de-
pending on the operating conditions. Bidirectional dc–dc convert-
ers may be isolated or nonisolated depending on the application. A
new soft-switched bidirectional dc–dc converter will be proposed
in this letter. The proposed converter can operate with soft switch-
ing, a continuous inductor current, fixed switching frequency, and
the switch stresses of a conventional pulsewidth modulation con-
verter regardless of the direction of power flow. These features
are due to a very simple auxiliary active clamp circuit that is op-
erational regardless of the direction of power flow. In the letter, Fig. 1. Standard boost/buck converter structure for bidirectional dc–dc power
the operation of the converter will be discussed and its feasibil-
ity will be confirmed with experimental results obtained from a
Index Terms—DC–DC power conversion, dc power systems, en- transformer. Previously proposed techniques to implement soft
ergy conversion, energy management, power conversion, power switching in nonisolated bidirectional dc–dc converter can be
electronics, switched-mode power supplies. categorized as follows.
1) Converters such as the ones proposed in [8] and [9] and
I. INTRODUCTION based on the topology in Fig. 1 that are made to operate
OWER electronic converter systems for applications such with an inductor (Lin ) current that flows in both direc-
P as telecom, automotive, and space can have dc voltage
buses that are backed up with batteries or supercapacitors. These
tions during each switching cycle. Both converter switches
are on (never simultaneously) sometime during each cy-
batteries or supercapacitors are connected to the buses with cle so that the energy stored in the inductor when one
bidirectional dc–dc converters that allow them to be discharged switch is on is used to turn on the other switch with zero-
or charged, depending on the operating conditions. Bidirec- voltage switching (ZVS) after the switch is turned off.
tional dc–dc converters may be isolated [1]–[6] or nonisolated The main drawback of this technique is that the induc-
[7]–[16], depending on the application. tor current has a lot of ripple with a very high peak as it
Nonisolated bidirectional dc–dc converters, which will be must flow in both directions during each switching cycle.
the main focus of the letter, are typically (but not always) based This results in very high turn-off losses that take away
on the boost/buck converter structure shown in Fig. 1. S1 op- from the improvement in efficiency due to the ZVS turn-
erates like a boost switch and S2 operates as a boost diode on and additional filtering is needed to reduce voltage
when energy is transferred from the low-side source Vlo to ripple.
the high-side source Vhi , and S1 operates like a buck diode 2) Another approach to implementing soft switching in a
and S2 like a boost diode when energy is transferred from Vhi nonisolated bidirectional dc–dc converter is to use quasi-
to Vlo . resonant or multiresonant techniques. Doing so, however,
It is not difficult to implement soft switching in isolated bidi- results in the converter having high peak voltage and/or
rectional dc–dc converters as they tend to be based on conven- current stresses, and forces the converter to be operated
tional half-bridge and full-bridge structures that can use induc- with variable-switching-frequency control, which compli-
tive energy stored in the main power transformer to discharge cates the design of the converter—especially the design of
the capacitance across the converter switches. It is more chal- the magnetic and filtering elements as the converter must
lenging to do so for nonisolated converters as there is no such be able to operate under a wide range of switching frequen-
cies. In the case of a converter such as the one proposed
in [10], the converter can be made to operate with con-
Manuscript received April 04, 2008; revised July 30, 2008. Current version stant switching frequency, but the switch stresses remain.
published February 6, 2009. This work was supported by the National Sciences A fixed-frequency resonant-type bidirectional converter
and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada. Recommended for pub-
lication by Associate Editor B. Tamyurek. was proposed in [11], but this converter was very costly
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and sophisticated as it required two half-bridge converters
University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B9, Canada. in series.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at 3) A third approach has been to use auxiliary circuits to assist
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2008.2006897 the switches to operate with soft switching as is done in
0885-8993/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

Fig. 2. Previously proposed bidirectional converters. (a) Converter proposed in [14]. (b) Converter proposed in [15].

confirm the feasibility of the proposed converter will be



The modes of converter operation that the proposed converter
goes through when it is operating as a boost or buck converter are
given next along with equivalent circuit diagrams in Figs. 4 and
5. Typical converter waveforms for the boost mode of operation
are shown in Fig. 6. The current flowing through S2 is shown
Fig. 3. Proposed soft-switched nonisolated dc–dc PWM converter. as a negative current waveform. It should be noted that the
waveforms in Fig. 6 also describe the buck mode of operation as
the waveforms for both modes are identical—the waveforms for
zero-voltage transition (ZVT) converters. This has been S1 in the boost mode are the waveforms of S2 in the buck mode
done with converters such as the ones proposed in [12]–[ and vice versa. Referring to Fig. 3, the inductor current IL r 1 is
16]. Although this approach is an improvement over the positive if it enters the inductor through its positive terminal, the
other two approaches, it can be costly and complex. This is currents through switches S1 and S2 are considered positive if
because a separate independent auxiliary circuit is needed they flow into a switch through its drain, and the current through
for each main power switch so that the converter must be Sa is considered positive if it flows through the switch source.
implemented with four active switches. Converters such Any current flowing into the positive terminal of the capacitor
as the ones shown in Fig. 2 do have a single auxiliary Cr is considered to be positive.
circuit, but require two auxiliary switches to make the
circuit bidirectional.
A. Boost Mode of Operation (Fig. 4)
Due to the problems associated with each of these
approaches—high stresses, variable-frequency control, cost, Mode 0 (t < t0 ): Before time t = t0 , the converter operates
and complexity—nonisolated ZVS bidirectional dc–dc convert- as a standard PWM boost converter with switch S1 on and the
ers are not as widely used as they might be. In this letter, a new current through Lin , IL i n IL i n , rising.
soft-switched bidirectional dc–dc converter with a simple ac- Mode 1 (t0 < t < t1 ): At t = t0 , switch S1 is turned off and
tive auxiliary circuit will be proposed. The proposed converter, the rise in voltage across it is limited by Cs 1 . The current through
shown in Fig. 3, is very similar to the conventional converter Lr 1 charges up Cs 1 and begins to flow through Cr . Also, during
in Fig. 1 except that auxiliary switch Sa , capacitor Cr , and in- this mode, input current begins to be diverted to Lr 2 and the
ductors Lr 1 and Lr 2 have been added. These four components capacitance across S2 , Cs 2 , begins to be discharged.
make up a simple circuit that is based on well-established active Mode 2 (t1 < t < t2 ): This mode is a continuation of Mode 1
clamp technology [17]–[19] and that can be used to ensure that except that Cs 2 is completely discharged at t = t1 and current
the main power switches S1 and S2 operate with ZVS regardless flows through the antiparallel diode across S2 .
of whether the converter is operating in a boost or buck mode. Mode 3 (t2 < t < t3 ): At t = t2 , current stops flowing
The proposed converter can operate with a continuous inductor through the auxiliary active clamp circuit and the converter
current, fixed switching frequency, and the switch stresses of operates as a standard PWM boost converter. The current
a conventional PWM converter regardless of the direction of through Lin decreases during this mode as a negative voltage is
power flow. impressed across Lin .
In this letter, the converter’s operation will be discussed Mode 4 (t3 < t < t4 ): Some time before switch S1 is to be
and experimental results, obtained from a prototype, that turned on, at t = t3 , switch Sa is turned on with zero-current

Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit diagrams for boost mode of operation. (a) Mode 0 (t < t0 ). (b) Mode 1 (t0 < 1 < t1 ). (c) Mode 2 (t1 < t < t2 ).
(d) Mode 3 (t2 < t < t3 ). (e) Mode 4 (t3 < t < t4 ). (f) Mode 5 (t4 < t < t5 ). (g) Mode 6 (t5 < t < t6 ). (h) Mode 7 (t6 < t < t7 ).

Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit diagrams for boost mode of operation. (a) Mode 0 (t < t0 ). (b) Mode 1 (t0 < 1 < t1 ). (c) Mode 2 (t1 < t < t2 ). (d) Mode 3
(t2 < t < t3 ). (e) Mode 4 (t3 < t < t4 ). (f) Mode 5 (t4 < t < t5 ). (g) Mode 6 (t5 < t < t6 ). (h) Mode 7 (t6 < t < t7 ).

switching (ZCS). Capacitor Cr begins to discharge through Lr 1

Lr 1 Lr 1 and Lr 2 , as IL i n continues to decrease.
Mode 5 (t4 < t < t5 ): At the beginning of this mode, switch
Sa is opened so that the current in the inductor Lr 1 starts flowing
through the output capacitor of switch S1 . The current through
S1 discharges the switch capacitor Cs 1 so that the voltage across
the switch drops to zero by the end of the mode.
Mode 6 (t5 < t < t6 ): At t = t5 , capacitor Cs 1 has been com-
pletely discharged and the antiparallel diode across S1 begins
to conduct. S1 can be turned on while this diode is conducting.
Mode 7 (t6 < t < t7 ): Some time after S1 has been turned
on, at t = t6 , the current through Lr 1 will begin to reverse
direction and the transfer of current from Lr 2 to S1 will begin.
This mode of operation will continue until current has been
completely transferred to S1 and the converter enters Mode 0 at
t = t7 .

B. Buck Mode of Operation (Fig. 5)

Mode 0 (t < t0 ): Before time t = t0 , the converter operates
as a standard PWM buck converter with switch S2 on and the
Fig. 6. Typical converter waveforms for boost mode operation. current through Lin , IL i n , rising.

Fig. 7. Experimental results. (a) Voltage and current waveforms for S2 with converter working in buck mode (V : 200 V/division, I: 1.25 A/division,
t: 2 µs/division). (b) Voltage and current waveforms for S1 with converter working in boost mode (V : 200 V/division, I: 5 A/divison, t: 2 µs/division).

Fig. 8. (a) Experimental gate voltages for switch S1 and switch S a in boost mode (V : 15 V/division and t: 2 µs/division). (b) Experimental gate voltages for
switch S 2 and switch S a in buck mode (V : 15 V/division and t: 2 µs/division)

operates as a standard PWM buck converter. The current through

Lin decreases during this mode as the converter is in a freewheel-
ing mode of operation.
Mode 4 (t3 < t < t4 ): Some time before switch S1 is to be
turned on, at t = t3 , switch Sa is turned on with ZCS. Capacitor
Cr begins to discharge through Lr 1 and Lr 2 , as IL i n continues
to decrease.
Mode 5 (t4 < t < t5 ): Switch Sa is turned off at t = t4 . The
current in Lr 2 is used to discharge Cs 2 .
Mode 6 (t5 < t < t6): At t = t5 , capacitor Cs 2 has been com-
pletely discharged and the antiparallel diode across S2 begins
to conduct. S2 can be turned on while this diode is conducting.
Fig. 9. Experimental voltage and current waveforms of auxiliary switch S a
in buck mode (V : 100 V/division, I: 5 A/division, t: 0.5 µs/division). Mode 7 (t6 < t < t7 ): Some time after S2 has been turned on,
at t = t6 , the current through Lr 2 will begin to reverse direction
and the transfer of current from Lr 1 to S2 will begin. This mode
of operation will continue until current has been completely
Mode 1 (t0 < t < t1 ): At t = t0 , switch S2 is turned off and
transferred to S2 and the converter enters Mode 0 at t = t7 .
the rise in voltage across it is limited by Cs 2 . The current through
Lr 2 charges up Cs 1 and begins to flow through Cr . Also, during
this mode, input current begins to be diverted to Lr 1 and the
capacitance across S1 , Cs 1 , begins to be discharged. An experimental prototype of the proposed converter was
Mode 2 (t1 < t < t2 ): This mode is a continuation of mode built to confirm its feasibility. The converter was designed in a
1 except that Cs 2 is completely charged at t = t1 . Some time manner similar to the converter proposed in [17], which is also
during this mode, Cs 1 may be completely discharged and/or an active clamp converter but one that can only operate unidirec-
current may stop flowing through Cr . tionally. The converter was built to operate with a low-side volt-
Mode 3 (t2 < t < t3 ): At t = t2 , current stops flowing age of Vlo = 100 V, a high-side voltage of Vhi = 400 V, maxi-
through the auxiliary active clamp circuit and the converter mum power of 500 W, and a switching frequency of 100 kHz.

Fig. 10. Experimental efficiency graphs. (a) Efficiency of ZVS and hard-switched converter operating in boost mode. (b) Efficiency of ZVS and hard-switched
converter operating in buck mode.

The selection of the main power circuit inductor Lin and the has a positive and a negative hump. The negative hump of the au-
main power switches S1 , S2 was done as if the converter was xiliary switch current signifies the discharging current of the
a regular PWM converter since the converter is a PWM con- active clamp capacitor through the auxiliary switch, while the
verter. For S1 and S2 , STP12NM50FP devices were used and a positive hump shows the charging of the active clamp capacitor
700-µH inductor was used for Lin . The selection of the ac- in resonance with resonant inductors Lr 1 and Lr 2 . The turn-on
tive clamp components was done by considering the high- and of the switch Sa is ZCS due to the presence of the resonant
low-side voltages and the load range (which affects the current inductors. Graphs of converter efficiency when the converter
flowing in the converter). It was determined that the ZVS oper- is operating in boost and buck modes are shown in Fig. 10. It
ation range is not dependent on whether the converter operates can be seen that the efficiency curves of the ZVS and the hard-
in the boost or buck mode of operation as the voltages and the switched converter diverge at heavier loads. This is because the
currents to be considered in the design of this range are the same. active clamp auxiliary circuit significantly improves converter
This is true as long as Lr 1 and Lr 2 are also the same so that the efficiency regardless of the direction of power flow as it reduces
symmetry of the two modes is kept. If the converter is designed the losses due to switching transitions, which still exist in the
to operate with ZVS for the boost mode, it can therefore operate hard-switched converter and become more dominant at heavier
with ZVS for the buck mode. loads.
In order to reduce the circulating current losses of the con-
verter under light-load conditions, it was decided to design the
ZVS range to be from 40% load to 100% load. With these guide-
lines, the active clamp components were selected in a manner A new nonisolated ZVS bidirectional PWM converter was
very similar to what is described in [17] as the proposed con- presented in this letter. The outstanding features of the pro-
verter working in the boost mode is almost identical to the boost posed converter are that it can operate with continuous inductor
converter described in [17] with some very small differences. current, fixed switching frequency, and the switch stresses of
The component values that were used are Lr 1 = Lr 2 = 12.5 µH a conventional PWM converter regardless of the direction of
and Cr = 68 nF. An IRC634 device was used as the auxiliary power flow. These features are due to a simple and inexpensive
switch. The control strategy that was used for the switch Sa was auxiliary circuit that is based on well-established active clamp
the same as the one used in [17]. The duty cycle of Sa was kept technology. The feasibility of the proposed converter was con-
fixed for all operating conditions. firmed with experimental results that showed the effectiveness
Typical converter waveforms are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7(a) of the auxiliary circuit in improving efficiency.
shows the voltage and current waveforms of S2 when it is turning
on and the converter is operating in buck mode. Fig. 7(b) shows REFERENCES
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