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Proverbs 1 19 The wealth you get from crime

robs you of your life.

How Proverbs Can Be Used
Wisdom Speaks
1 These are the proverbs
of King Solomon of Israel, 20 Wisdom shouts in the streets
the son of David. wherever crowds gather.
2 Proverbs will teach you 21 She shouts in the marketplaces
wisdom and self-control and near the city gates
and how to understand as she says to the people,
sayings with deep meanings. 22 “How much longer
3 You will learn what is right will you enjoy
and honest and fair. being stupid fools?
4 From these, an ordinary person Won’t you ever stop sneering
can learn to be smart, and laughing at knowledge?
and young people can gain 23 Listen as I correct you
knowledge and good sense. and tell you what I think.
24 You completely ignored me
and refused to listen;
5 If you are already wise,
25 you rejected my advice
you will become even wiser.
and paid no attention
And if you are smart,
when I warned you.
you will learn to understand
6 proverbs and sayings,
as well as words of wisdom 26 “So when you are struck
and all kinds of riddles. by some terrible disaster,
7 Respect and obey the Lord! 27 or when trouble and distress
This is the beginning surround you like a whirlwind,
of knowledge. I will laugh and make fun.
Only a fool rejects wisdom 28 You will ask for my help,
and good advice. but I won’t listen;
you will search,
but you won’t find me.
Warnings against Bad Friends
29 No, you would not learn,
and you refused
8 My child, obey the teachings to respect the Lord.
of your parents, 30 You rejected my advice
9 and wear their teachings and paid no attention
as you would a lovely hat when I warned you.
or a pretty necklace.
10 Don’t be tempted by sinners
31 “Now you will eat the fruit
or listen 11 when they say,
of what you have done,
“Come on! Let’s gang up until you are stuffed full
and kill somebody, with your own schemes.
just for the fun of it! 32 Sin and self-satisfaction
12 They’re well and healthy now, bring destruction and death
but we’ll finish them off to stupid fools.
once and for all. 33 But if you listen to me,
13 We’ll take their valuables you will be safe and secure
and fill our homes without fear of disaster.”
with stolen goods.
14 If you join our gang,
you’ll get your share.”

Judges 20
15 Don’t follow anyone like that
or do what they do. Israel Gets Ready for War
16 They are in a big hurry 1 The Israelites called a meeting of the
to commit some crime, nation. And since they were God’s people, the
perhaps even murder. meeting was held at the place of worship in
17 They are like a bird Mizpah. Men who could serve as soldiers came
that sees the bait, from everywhere in Israel—from Dan in the
but ignores the trap. north, Beersheba in the south, and Gilead east
18 They gang up to murder someone, of the Jordan River. Four hundred thousand of
but they are the victims. them came to Mizpah, and they each felt the
same about what those men from the tribe of
Benjamin had done.
News about the meeting at Mizpah reached the Lord, “Should we attack the people of
the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin again, even though they are our
As soon as the leaders of the tribes of Israel relatives?”
took their places, the Israelites said, “How could “Yes,” the Lord replied, “attack them again!”
such a horrible thing happen?” The Israelite soldiers encouraged each other
4 The husband of the murdered woman to be brave and to fight hard. Then the next day
answered: they went back to Gibeah and took up the same
My wife and I went into the town of positions as they had before.
Gibeah in Benjamin to spend the night. 25 That same day, Benjamin’s soldiers came
5 Later that night, the men of Gibeah out of Gibeah and attacked, leaving another
surrounded the house. They wanted to eighteen thousand Israelite soldiers dead on the
kill me, but instead they raped and battlefield.
killed my wife. 6 It was a terrible thing 26 The people of Israel went to the place of
for Israelites to do! So I cut up her worship at Bethel, where the sacred chest was
body and sent pieces everywhere in being kept. They sat on the ground, crying and
Israel. not eating for the rest of the day. Then about
7 You are the people of Israel, and sunset, they offered sacrifices to please the Lord
you must decide today what to do and to ask his blessing. Phinehas the priest then
about the men of Gibeah. prayed, “Our Lord, the people of Benjamin are
8 The whole army was in agreement, and our relatives. Should we stop fighting or attack
they said, “None of us will go home. 9 We’ll send them again?”
one tenth of the men from each tribe to get food “Attack!” the Lord answered. “Tomorrow I will
for the army. And we’ll ask God who should let you defeat them.”
attack Gibeah, because those men deserve to be 29 The Israelites surrounded Gibeah, but
punished for committing such a horrible crime in stayed where they could not be seen. 30 Then
Israel.” the next day, they took the same positions as
11 Everyone agreed that Gibeah had to be twice before, 31 but this time they had a
punished. different plan. They said, “When the men of
12 The tribes of Israel sent messengers to Benjamin attack, we will run off and let them
every town and village in Benjamin. And chase us away from the town and into the
wherever the messengers went, they said, “How country roads.”
could those worthless men in Gibeah do such a The soldiers of Benjamin attacked the
disgusting thing? 13 We can’t allow such a Israelite army and started pushing it back from
terrible crime to go unpunished in Israel! Hand the town. They killed about thirty Israelites in
the men over to us, and we will put them to the fields and along the road between Gibeah
death.” and Bethel. The men of Benjamin were thinking,
But the people of Benjamin refused to listen “We’re mowing them down like we did before.”
to the other Israelites. 14 Men from towns all The Israelites were running away, but they
over Benjamin’s territory went to Gibeah and headed for Baal-Tamar, where they regrouped.
got ready to fight Israel. 15 The Benjamin tribe They had set an ambush, and they were sure it
had twenty-six thousand soldiers, not counting would work. Ten thousand of Israel’s best
the seven hundred who were Gibeah’s best soldiers had been hiding west of Gibeah, and as
warriors. 16 In this army there were seven soon as the men of Benjamin chased the
hundred left-handed experts who could sling a Israelites into the countryside, these ten
rock at a target the size of a hair and hit it every thousand soldiers made a surprise attack on the
time. town gates. They dashed in and captured
17 The other Israelite tribes organized their Gibeah, killing everyone there. Then they set the
army and found they had four hundred thousand town on fire, because the smoke would be the
experienced soldiers. 18 So they went to the signal for the other Israelite soldiers to turn and
place of worship at Bethel and asked God, attack the soldiers of Benjamin.
“Which tribe should be the first to attack the The fighting had been so heavy around the
people of Benjamin?” soldiers of Benjamin, that they did not know the
“Judah,” the Lord answered. trouble they were in. But then they looked back
19 The next morning the Israelite army and saw clouds of smoke rising from the town.
moved its camp to a place near Gibeah. 20 Then They looked in front and saw the soldiers of
they left their camp and got into position to Israel turning to attack. This terrified them,
attack the army of Benjamin. because they realized that something horrible
was happening. And it was horrible—over
The War Between Israel and Benjamin twenty-five thousand soldiers of Benjamin died
that day, and those who were left alive knew
that the Lord had given Israel the victory.
21 Benjamin’s soldiers came out of Gibeah
42 The men of Benjamin headed down the
and attacked, and when the day was over,
road toward the desert, trying to escape from
twenty-two thousand Israelite soldiers lay dead
the Israelites. But the Israelites stayed right
on the ground.
behind them, keeping up their attack. Men even
22 The people of Israel went to the place of
came out of the nearby towns to help kill the
worship and cried until sunset. Then they asked
men of Benjamin, 43 who were having to fight
on all sides. The Israelite soldiers never let up
their attack. They chased and killed the warriors
of Benjamin as far as a place directly east of
Gibeah, 44 until eighteen thousand of these
warriors lay dead.
45 Some other warriors of Benjamin turned
and ran down the road toward Rimmon Rock in
the desert. The Israelites killed five thousand of
them on the road, then chased the rest until
they had killed two thousand more. 46 Twenty-
five thousand soldiers of Benjamin died that
day, all of them experienced warriors. 47 Only
six hundred of them finally made it into the
desert to Rimmon Rock, where they stayed for
four months.
48 The Israelites turned back and went to
every town in Benjamin’s territory, killing all the
people and animals, and setting the towns on

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