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Criterion Not Approaching Meets Exceeds

Informational Handout Met Criterion Criterion Criterion

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Accuracy and Depth of Handout shows Handout shows some Handout shows Handout shows
Research Presented minimal evidence of evidence of basic evidence of basic evidence of extensive
• Contains research research, lacks research, lacks research, one or two research, use of
from two sources. additional sources, reliable sources, sources, and some multiple sources, and
• Includes a reflection lacks reflection. lacks reflection. reflection. thoughtful reflection.
on why bullying is a
problem and what
needs to be done to
prevent it.
Layout/Formatting Formatting and/or Formatting and/or Formatting and Handout is well-
• Handout uses layout makes layout make the layout make the organized, uses
formatting and layout handout difficult to handout difficult to handout organized headings, bullets,
(columns, bullets, follow, titles and read in places. and easy to read. numbered lists, and
numbering, etc.) to headings are not columns to improve
make handout easy to used. layout.
Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics Handout contains Handout contains Handout contains Handout does not
• Handout does not spelling, grammar, three to six spelling, fewer than two contain any spelling,
contain any spelling, and/or spelling grammar, or spelling, grammar, or grammar, or
grammar, or mistakes throughout. mechanical mistakes. mechanical mistakes. mechanical mistakes.
mechanical mistakes.

Criterion Not Approaching Meets Exceeds

Presentation Met Criterion Criterion Criterion
(1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8)
Novel Summary Includes minimal Includes basic Includes characters, Includes in depth
• Includes characters, description of description of setting, plot description of
setting, plot summary, characters, setting, characters, setting, summary, and characters, setting,
and resolution. plot summary, and plot summary, and resolution. plot summary, and
• Selected quote or resolution. resolution. Selected quote or resolution.
passage highlights the No quote or passage Selected quote or passage highlights Selected quote or
central issue. is addressed. passage highlights the central issue. passage highlights
the central issue. the central issue.
Links to Bullying Issue Student does not Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to
• Student is able to identify issues of identify some issues identify issues of clearly identify issues
identify issues of bullying or of bullying or bullying or of bullying or
bullying or harassment in the harassment in the harassment in the harassment in the
harassment in the book. book. book. book. book.
• Student is able to Student is not able to Student is not able to Student is able to Student is able to
explain how the issue explain how the issue fully explain how the clearly explain how explain in detail how
of bullying affects the of bullying affects issue of bullying the issue of bullying the issue of bullying
characters in the story. the characters in the affects the characters affects the characters affects the characters
story. in the story. in the story. in the story.
Group Work Average Did not participate Participated in some Participated in group Led/participated in
• Average score based in group discussions, group discussions, discussions, was group discussions,
on peer evaluation. was not prepared for was prepared most prepared for honored others
group meetings. of the time, and meetings, and ideas/input, was
did not contribute to contributed to group contributed to group prepared, always
group work. work on occasion. work regularly. contributed to group
Skit/Presentation Skit depicts a scene Skit depicts a Skit depicts a Skit depicts a
• Skit depicts a from the novel. bullying/harassment bullying/harassment bullying/harassment
bullying/harassment No use of props, issue from the novel. issue from the novel. issue from the novel.
issue from the novel. minimal dialog, Use of some props, Use of props, dialog, Extensive use of
• Use of props, dialog, and lack planning basic dialog, and proper planning props, dialog,
and proper planning deter from but lacks planning. enhance and proper planning
enhance presentation. presentation. presentation. enhance

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