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Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 1

Solar Eclipse Diagram

If you are in the path of totality the eclipse begins with a partial phase in which the Moon
gradually covers more and more of the Sun. This typically lasts for about an hour until
the Moon completely covers the Sun and the total eclipse begins. The duration of totality
can be as short as a fraction of a second, or as long as about 7.5 minutes. The longest total
eclipse in the 21st century is 6 minutes, 39 seconds. You will have to wait until the year
2150 to experience a total eclipse of more than 7 minutes.

Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 2

Solar Eclipse Path of Totality Diagram

A total solar eclipse requires the umbra of the Moon's shadow to touch the surface of the
Earth. Because of the relative sizes of the Moon and Sun and their relative distances from
Earth, the path of totality is usually very narrow (up to 270 kilometers across). The
following figure illustrates the path of totality produced by the umbra of the Moon's
shadow as the moon continues on in its orbit.
Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 3

Partial Eclipse

The period of totality begins when the motion of the Moon begins to cover the surface of
the Sun, and the eclipse proceeds through partial phases for approximately an hour until
the Sun is once again completely covered. A partial solar eclipse is interesting. In this
scene you can see some sun spots on the sun. You must never view the sun directly
without special glasses.

Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 4

Approaching Total Eclipse

As totality approaches the sky becomes dark and a twilight that can only be described as
eerie begins to descend. Just before totality waves of shadow rushing rapidly from
horizon to horizon may be visible. In the final instants before totality light shining
through valleys in the Moon's surface gives the impression of beads on the periphery of
the Moon (a phenomenon called Bailey's Beads). The last flash of light from the surface
of the Sun as it disappears from view behind the Moon gives the appearance of a
diamond ring.
Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 5

Partial Eclipse

The period of totality ends when the motion of the Moon begins to uncover the surface of
the Sun, and the eclipse proceeds through partial phases for approximately an hour until
the Sun is once again completely uncovered. A partial solar eclipse is interesting; a total
solar eclipse is awe-inspiring in the literal meaning of the phrase. If you have an
opportunity to observe a total solar eclipse, don't miss it! It is an experience that you will
never forget.

Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 6

Solar Totality and Sun Flares

As totality begins , the solar corona (extended outer atmosphere of the Sun) blazes into
view. The corona is a million times fainter than the surface of the Sun; thus only when
the eclipse is total can it be seen; if even a tiny fraction of the solar surface is still visible
it drowns out the light of the corona. At this point the sky is sufficiently dark that planets
and brighter stars are visible, and if the Sun is active one can typically see solar
prominences and flares around the limb of the Moon, even without a telescope.

Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 7

Sun Flares at Totality

The most violent events on the surface of the Sun are sudden eruptions called solar flares.
Flares typically last a few minutes and can release energies equivalent to millions of
hydrogen bombs. Flares become frequent near sunspot maximum, when smaller flares
can occur daily and large flares can occur about once a week.

Solar Eclipse Explanation - Page 8

Solar Totality Showing the Sun's Corona

During a total solar eclipse, the moon moves directly in front of the sun, blocking the
blinding orb to reveal the subtler corona and possibly solar flares. The moon always
appears as a black disk.

Dates for Future Eclipses of the Sun

Date Locations
Aug. 1, 2008 South Canada, Greenland, Siberia, Mongolia, China
Jan. 26, 2009 Sumatra, Java, Borneo
July 22, 2009 India, Nepal, Bhutan, China
Jan. 15, 2010 Zaire, Kenya, India, Ceylon, Burma, China
July 11, 2010 South Argentia, Chile

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