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Is Biodiesel The Answer To Unstable Diesel Fuel Prices ?

You were probably shocked when we had the record breaking fuel prices both on ga
soline and diesel in July 2008. What was more shocking was that at one point, di
esel prices become more expensive than gasoline.What happened next was completel
y unexpected. After a couple of months, fuel prices began to drop steeply. Specu
lator say that prices will reach as high as $200 per barrel but now, it is at $4
0 to $60 per barrel.
Still, the government took action by releasing funding on exploration of alterna
tive forms of energy and gave incentives on those who produce crops that will be
converted into fuel. While the government had been active in its campaign to be
come energy independent since time immemorial, it was just recently when crude p
rices were up, that the government had seriously taken it as a priority.
But is biodiesel the answer to unstable diesel fuel prices?
Originally, the diesel engine was designed to run on vegetable oil. But since pe
troleum diesel was cheaper then, vegetable oil was simply not an economical choi
ce. But now, pump prices have driven farmers to convert their lands into biodies
el plantations. On one hand, the production of alternative fuel like biodiesel i
s good since its use will reduce our demand for petroleum oil. And if the demand
is low, the prices will follow as well.
Since biodiesel comes from vegetable oil, it is 100% biodegradable. It does not
hurt the environment. Furthermore, a wide spread use of biodiesel in the future
will help solve air pollution in big cities because biodiesel help reduce carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases emissions. The decrease on petroleum consump
tion has a good environmental effect.
On the other hand, experts say that while converting farmlands into biodiesel wi
ll ease the demand on petroleum products, it will drive the food prices up and m
ay create food shortage. This is because lands that are supposed to be used in p
roducing food are now producing fuel. Many farmers are now focused on fuel produ
ction and not on food production. Early signs of food shortage were felt right a
fter farmers began planting more corn. It should be remembered that just recentl
y, corn prices began to rise because of the increasing demand for biodiesel. Pri
ces of other farm-produced fruits and vegetables rose as well.
There are other ways to get biodiesel. Recycled restaurant grease, vegetable oil
and animal fats can be used to drive your diesel engine vehicle. Other alternat
ive forms of energy that are both efficient and do not harm the environment incl
ude solar energy, electric and even water.
Gas prices are rising and you are feeling the pinch everytime you top up diesel
fuel at the station. The best way to get out of the increasing fuel price is to
look into alternative fuel. Visit http://Auto-Fuel.Blogspot.Com for Alternative
Fuel sources.

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