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., ,
Probe Road-Block
Melmore Girl, 4, Injured I PHILA, FIREMAN HURT LIP I H
oca" eop e urt
-Il vaatF-Ire I
81 Car on County Line Road IN CYNWYD CRASH
lo' _

$150 OOOVI anO

!'Marcelle K. Maher, four, of 27015
St; Mal'y's Rd, Ardmore sutTered
' ,
contusion and lacerations of
A Philadelphia .fireman was In-
jured Saturday afternoon when the
car in which he was ridIng crashf!d
Into two others at Merion Rd, and
In P'C k U'po
ennsy' rac·.' '

" l~~ forehead last Wednesday when
11,"0 left her parents' parked car II
City Line Ave" Cynwyd,
The fireman, William I, Singlser,

, . Check License Numbers

Of Sight-Seeing Motorists
Who Blocked Roads
iLtla darted out Into the
~" d
.w~llt County Line R ,
Far the first time since Its begln- ;:rhe girl was struck by a car driv-
traffic on 30, was a passenger In a cal' driven
by DI'. Adele M, Antry, 37, of Upper
Darby. The crash occurred when
Dr, Antry's car struck a car driven
I 0 DR TOWN Enuineer of

Commuter'. Train Killed


ning Fred Dannenhauer's "So YOll en by Rocco Dlnello, 70, of 2525 01- by George Schiele, of Philadelphia, In Collision
Police InveRtigation of Rpectator- Wadt to Be a Disc Jockey" show cQ~t Ave" Ardmore, Dlnello, a car- which In turn hit an automobile
, I]lenter, told Lower Merion pollce d I by M' Ruth R Green A W klPRESENTS
f R d' P Eight Bala-Cynwyd residents and
clogged highways followed a .$150- 'I will
t be held InI Ithe Ne.rbel'th
i The- hto,was driving west on County Lme
. r ven
Philadelphia IS, , ee y a 10 rogram
,0' one West Manayunk man were In.
000 fire In Villanova
. this week. II a er In athes.pee
After a mat
show, nee,runs from
which rd:l1d
"'I at 5.33 P, M., when he saW the Slnglster w·as' treated at Bryn At4: 30 P. M
• jured . last Thurllday afternoon,
FIremen attemptmg to fight the 12.30 to 3 P, M" and Is, broadcast ~~d da~t ~ut :f /~~ p~ked SCI~~ Mawr Hospital for concussion, The E Th d Af when the crowded Norristown 10-'
hlaze, whiCh began eal'1y Sunday lover radio station WPEN, refresh- .~lb'l· rtun t n rlontlo t m· v ~d~~ttlng- accident was Ij.ttrlbuted 'by Low.~r very urs ay temoon cal train on which they were pas-
~<:;. to braKc On WNAR. 1110 on Your Dial
morning at "High Clear"
, Vlllanovil
I home of John M. Taylor, found the
ment s fa I' all those attendIng wi1l
I, be serv.ed at Dlinnenhauer's store. Ir:;..·
1i~re 0 sop n me 0 a 0 fMerion
'1 ' 'J'()wnshlp
A t,Pollce
al ure In Dr. n ry scar. • •• news summar, or Illeal events
sengers, rammed into the tender of

'11'arberth Man
th • a steam engine backing down the
roadways Impeded by motorists I Entl'les for audItions. f~': e
Mrs- H- L• CIaney Appoint Rev. Clements
who eamc to watch, At one point show may be Rceul'ed by writing to.
.isame Pennsylvania Railroad track

awarded Honor SUoccumbs at 86

the hose, connected to a fireplug WPEN, 1528 Walnut st" Phlladel- :" near 30th Street Station.
two miles from the house, was t)ut phla 2, p a ' , l l " Head of "Presbyterian Life" The engineer of the four-car com·
when a passing motorist rode OV:I' The Rev. Rex, S, ClementR, pas- muter train, J. D. Kllngeman, of.
it, and almost an hour was lost be- J ' tor of the BrYn Mawr PI'esbyterlan Norristown, was crushed to death
I fore another connection could be '; Thomas J. Yhorra Narberth Great-Grandmother
Church, has been appointed dlrec- in his telescoped cab, and 17 other
made. I 'I 0 f 57' U S W G d f tor of "Presbyterian Life," new passengers were also Injured In the
The fire began shol t1y before mid- 'I .fop ne 0 ID.. 0 as ra uateI' magazine of the Presbyterian colllsion which took place at ',511
night Saturday night. It was 1.10 ~ Cied in 1947 Early Girls' College
Church, P. M. at the heIght of the golng~
A. M. before the fil'e companies of I -. Officials of the Presbyterian Gen- home subul'ban rush,
Bryn Mawr, Ardmore, Radnor and 57 Funel'al services were held Sun-! eraI Assembly have announc":t that The accident OCCUlTed on a wide
Viest Conshohocken wel'e able to day evening at the Stuard Funeral' more than 86,000 subscriptions have curve north of the Spring Garde&.
piece together enough hose to Home, AI'dmore, for Mrs. Hatlie L. already been obtained for ~he 32 Street Bridge west of the Schuyl.
reach from the nearcst fireplug. Claney, who died early Saturday page weekly, which will be In c1r- !'till, just 12 minutes after the com-
Fire Mar~hal Harvey Benson said morning after a long Illness, at the culallon about January 1, 1948. muter tl'aln left Broad Street Stl!--
the sItuation, which arou~ed wide- home of her daughter, Mrs. C, H, ion. Traffic on the line was delayed
CELE CON'VAY, fOlmer Oal(mont girl \\ho "made good" III the
field of hat deslg11lllg, IS shown above With her daughter, Jae-
queUen. She moved to Nal'berth last .TUlle.
spread alalm in the distrIct, was It
pollce matter, and must be settled
Nold, of 100 Wynnedale Rd., Nar-
berth. She was 86. Model's Husband more than a half-hour while the
wrecked cars were being removed.
by the Lower MerloI' police depart-
The police departmf'nt, followin!:
A resident of Narberth for 1M
past 20 years, Mrs. Claney was an
aclive member of the Nal'bel'th
HeId for Court The force of the collision obllter-
ated the first five feet of the stee1
leadIng car on the commuter train,
• Grade School Hobby Leads to a conferf'nce on Monday, saId that
car Iicf'n~e numbl'rR had heen taken
Presbyterian Church and be-
longed to the W~men's Guild of the Neighbor. Accuses King,
and crumpled the rest of the lead-
Ing end back to the first truck o.
Successful Hat Shop Career and would be checked thl'Ough Har-
rlsburg. I ed to six men in 1943, and at pres-
She was born In Plllsblll'gh and
W i d ed for Wife
ho Pea the car, which was jammed Into the
last wheels of the steam engine
B~' AXNF: B. !\feC(,ELf.AN flOm Main Linc womC'n, hut others, I "In many cases," a police spoke$- I el1t there are only 145 men in the was a graduate of the Pittsbmgn in Earlier Action tendel',
"Lo\'e that hat" nllght well. be thf' from as far away a~ Boston, New man saId, "the numbers will turn
I I country who have the right to use i Female College, one of the first The firllt Car was a combination
trademark of Cell' Hynson Conway, lout to be those Of volunteer fire- the Chartered propel.ty-Casualty " girls' schools In the country, which Bernard King, 24, of 124 Ardmore baggage-and-smoker. type. Other-
a local girl who has made good in York and 'Vashlllgton, malte spe- , men. They ride in their own car~ to Upderwrlter (CPCUl desIgnation. has since gone out of existence. Ave., Ardmore, whose blonde wlf~, wise the casualty hst would un-
... the field of hat deSIgn. c131 trips to her shop at 109 Forlest the Fcene, and then talte up their I Ybarra's 23-year-old son. Thomas, Besides Mrs. Nold, she Is sur- a model, was freed last month when doubtedly have been higher, rail-
Daughter of MI's. Frank \V, Hyn- Ave., Narberth.
son and the late 1fr. Hynson, Cele f.ea,e It to Cl'lc
duties WIth their various fll'e com- I
pames. So C'ach number will ha\'e to :
Is Narbel'lh's onlf polio case thIs vlved by two other daughters, Ml'S he told a Montgomel'y County court road officials said.
Y!!,al·. StrIcken July 27, the youth Is Aimee C. Ray, of PhIladelphia, and that he was responsible for her 'I'he Injured persons were taken
• is the owner of a t hnvlllg hat bu<i- be checked fil Rt With Hm llsburg I reported recovering In Fitzgelllld- Mrs. Albert Green, of POllghkeep- stealing, was himself arrested by to the Presbyterian, Philadelphia
npss In Narberth. Only 30 yeals 1)ld, Some of thl'm don't e\'en hot her i and then With all the local file eom-\ I Mercy Hospital, sie, N. Y.; two sonR, Charles A., of Lower MerIon police on Tuesday, Genel'al and Unlvel'slty Hospitals,
~he first hecame tntplesled In malting a PC'I sana! appl'aranee. panics, to find who had a legitImate I PiUsbUlgh, and Murdock P., of King, a formel' tree surgeon and and the 230 shaken but uninjured
dl'ess and hat desigmng while a They 'Imply \\'rlte. a short descrlp- reason for being on the scene, :ll1't I' l ..AY .l\IORRIS Lac a I Fi'sh erm en Brookline; one bl'otber, 'Vllllam house painter, was ehal'ged WI~:l as- passen,gers were transferred to otl1-

• School.
pupil of the Ardmore A\'e. Gin']" tlOn of thC'lr outfh, sometimes In- who didn't. Aftel' that, we'lI ~ee
eluding a sample of the cloth, and what can be done."
In the three years since ~he lea\'e the lest to Cell',
Ray Morris- W-Ins :H ave N'Ice C a t Ch. • Patterson. of Pittsburgh; eight sault and ballery and larceny, by a er trainS,
gl'andchlldren and one great- neighbor, Mrs. noslne Donahue, The Injlll'ed Included t~e follo'v-

At Nar berth Nets Toss Bac k Big. 0 ne

. Taylor. preSident of thc Taylor I grandchild. who lives In the same apartment ing local residents: WIlliam W.
IItarted out on her own, she has Starting out as a d.ress deSigner, FIber Company, of Port Kennedy, Interment was in Homewood house. Smith, 43, 444 Conshohocken State
• huilt up her clientele to mOle than aft"I' a bllt'f c:,reer m the ~and~ Pa., was viRltmg hIS family at their
I' Cemetery, PIllsbilrgh, Mrs. Donahue told police she had Rd., Cynwyd, cut left eyebrow;
500 customers. and has Increased bU<lness. Cell' happened mto th" summer home in Tuckernllck" been visiting the Kings on Monday Walter Knipe, 39, 334 Llandrillo
her yearly Income by more thall hat bUSllless
1000 percent.
. about • se\'en . ve3rs
. , ago
. M ass. Th I' 3 Ial m was fi'IS t gl\l'n
and 111,ed It ~o \\ell she sta\ ed In It. a neIghbor, MISS Ann TltllS. :':;mee
. '<>Y De eats 1m Schnaars'
f J' Ra ymon dOE
' c a l sporting-goods store, enter-
S I'., of th e I0- ,.
evening. dhen she accused t h e Rd., Bala, several loose teeth an d
husband of taking $11 from he~' contusions of tbe lip; Edgar C, Bis-
"I had only a f,,\\' dollars," CelC' She, worltcd :01' Helenf pa.t~en;on It followed an electrical storm. Ben- Perchonock and Hoffman talned a fi~hlng party over the I SAVES GIRL, 3, 'WHO I purse he became abusive, she said, bee, 76, 34 Vanbt:rl'ls Rd" Bala·
" recalled this week, "and Iny friends and I'.lslC Spal ks. bot!1 a AI c mal e, san declal ed the hlaze might have T k D hi SWA"LOWED BOBBY PIN I and hit her ovel' the head with a Cynwyd, contusion and abrasion of
a e ,ou es week-en~, aboar~, his thirty-fa'll' 'I
• bUSiness Without money or ac ong. b I 1944 she
,... deCided
d 'dIt was "now
I "o\\'n or I
said I was foolish to try to go mto and for Rene. In Phlhdelpilla. In been set off hy a bolt of lightning.
'1'1 fi a
Ie ames app, 1 en ~ s < t1. tm Ie I
0'1 The finals of th" J{ .. "ston" f:tate foot Th CrUISeI',
t the Alice
h fi h d f. E." F' lUll' t .
I th' In 109 on he part 0, a "
k' t . ]
'I boltl..,
\.lng was h e Id'In,$500 b alar
the rIght eye; John Butler, II, 136
'1 f th e U pan I d D I'Ive,
' B a Ia-C ynwy d , cut
But 1 spent what I had On nwtenal I n,,\ eJ. a.n o~ene, up, leI 'the top fioO! of the three-stol \. Cla\' COlllt Men's Slllg1('~ and Dou- e g~es ,s, w a s e 10m 1'1- I 26-yeal'-0Id Ardmol'e mother saverl Septembel' tel m of caul t by Magi,;- and bruised over eyes; ElI:z;abeth
to make a couple of hats. Then I bUSllless In hel p31ents home In house, and worl,ed down into the ble~ Tournament helt! at 1he Nar- day unl11 Sunday. off Rock Had,: hel' young daughtel' from strangu- tmte Josepb B. Allen. Jr.
Poole, 34, 137 Union Ave" Bala, .,,
, /laid the hats and uscd half the Oakmont.
mone)' to. buy _e. few .more .haho.
. long end of the T-shaped structUl p. Il'erth Tennis Club, Satulday Rnd Md., included William Lloyd, ArJ-1 latlon this week
for ~h.~ J1ext )'ear !1?~ ~ half ~.1e Furmture was nloved to. s,a,fety on'I.sUl1da~., prove'} t(L.Qr a."I,lnt,~·"'l't· ~~ ,~VI,~l!:B:el: o.f :.tA~ ~l}9:nsygll.p,la
That's how I started out, and I've had no lime for anything b~t ~r the front lawn, some of It can'ied Ing- aR its oprning rounds,
r'" A month ago King's wife was al'- bl'uiRes of the body; H, D, MeLen-
~I,le chils!, 3-¥e~~J~!,l. ,!liJ;l1.t,~ton~... ~e~.l:,Jd '01')0' tbc,co~pla!r;.-~.3nelihol" Cl'bn,-'i4, 2-~hO'hoclt~ .. state R'c:!.;
The Co. for Bank~ng and Trusts; Wal- daughter or Mrs, vel'a 'White, ot 213 neighbor, who charged her with Bala-Cynwyd, lacerations of left

... • e 'eUed It." bUSiness. She stalted in at 8 In the down ladders from the second flo.\[. winner, Roy :'>lol'l'is, University of ter E, I. II'\\'In, Ardmore manager E. I.ancaster: A~e., Ardmore, swal· stearn $1000 \ 'orth of J'ewell'\,. eye', Petro Salvo, 60, '3 Madison
ne,er r gl d f th Ph'l d I hi El t ' c lowed a baby pm used for holdln~' I g \ ,.
The bulk of her busine<s eomes.l <ContInued on Page Four) Taylor's valuable stamp collee- North Cal·olina. Reede No.6, de- 0 e I a epa ec I'll' 00l- UP I h t h" II h ... When the case came to tllal Judge Ave., West Manayunk, broken
' t h
I I'Y"f'd C II'" T" P d t ' I L'f I C
tion in a fil'eproof vault in the cel- f..ated JIm ~chnanrs, captain of pany. and Richard I(istlel', of the W leI' d all' w Ie 8, ng er nap WI'lllanl F Dannehowel' said I't ap-
ednes ay afternoon. . ' nose; Edwin C, Blair, 56, 12 Bala.
FUNERAL SERVICES TODAY Safety Council Plans \Iar, escaped injury. Valuable paint- Te";m :~~~~dolNO ~ °i~g;nreee;:~~s ru en la Ie nSUl'ance om- CoughIng and choltlng, the little peal'ed that MIS. Kmg's chief fault Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. contusions ot
ings and silver w('l'e transfelred to
.. "
6-? (j-3 1,-3
. '. . , pan~',
Th t h I I d d thO t
I "'it'l managed to gasp "bobbv pin" was "loving hel' husband too right leg, and Harvey C. Hodgens,
.. ,. '
FRO . SOPHIA CACCIA , Sch I SIog_an Contest
00 the Titus reSIdence, and a pollee -T' . " t d . tl e ca e nc u e
I . "
II' een when her mother ru"hed mto the much" and disl1llssC'd her With a 70, 34 Lodges Lane, Bala-Cynwyd,
MAWR RESIDENT MontgomC'ry County Safety Coun- guard was place O\'er d th f '1 wo upsp s OCCIlITC'
e urms 1- feurt h round and fl'om th"n on the .
gallery wa~ on edge.
11\ le Rlr'iped ba·s weighIng f 'om fiv t
s , . I e a room. Mrs. White immedIately un- fine of $1 and costs. King, who had contusions of nose,
Schnaars fifteen pounds. KIstler caugbt a I derstood what had happened, and testified that he plagued her for
BR ings, _
pulled the Sill prise of the tourna- 17'h-pOI~nd beauty, ?ut tossed It made
Funeral servIces for MrR. Sophia I'll last week announced plans for the YOl,mgster eat bl'ead money and was a "good-lime Char-
Caccia, of 48 N. Roberts Rd .. Bryn a safety slogan contest in public,
Mawr, widow nf GregolY CaccIa, palochlal and ]Jl'lvate schoolS, The, Blal-r Shl-ffed to ment by defeating Dan' Pf'I'chon- b~ck, since the fishing; laws pl'O- washe~ down With watel·.
ock, Logan Tennis Club, 6-2, (j-3. 1.lblt keepmg fish wClghmg over
~ lie," promised the caul t he would
~ hlend, Mrs. Betty Balt~, of 3. get another job and sttalghten hlm-
Perchonock wa~ seeded No. 1 in fifteen pounds, Cl'I~ltet Ave., who ~RS vlsltmg the Relf out as a condition of his wife's
were held this mornmg at the contest, open to chIldren from 6 to
Church of St. Thomas, Villanova. 16, Will close September 26. Serv-
... She died Monday nIght after a long Ice clUbs throughout the county LeXI-n (1fon Club the large field of 67 nlay~rs. :NIor-
ris d£'feated Harry Hofiman, Rifle BRYN MAWR PROFESSOR
WhItes, called a ta~cab an~rlls~t~ fl'eedon~
Janet to. Bryn. awl' OSPI ~ ,
On Berwyn List
illness. have contributed pllzes, the Coun- Cluh, seeded No.2, In two sets, whel'e offiCials said th~ bl'ead trea.- ROTARY TO HEAR TAI.K Civic Light Opera Co.
o ?_, 6-'. Rl:TURN TO POST
'n. ment had been sufficlcnt to avel t
A native of Naples, Italy, 11rs. I'll repOl ted at ItS August meetmg 6- ~ ., On Year Round Basis;
Caccia was mamed there when she m NorrIstown. Former. Main Line The semi-finalR blought a victory Dr. Roger H. Wells, of Bryn danger, ON PETROLEUM INDUSTRY
was 12. Two years later the couple Dr. Allen Harman. assistant League Southpaw for Schnaars against I{nute J"ras- Mawr, who served in the American H. 'V, Fif'ld, a representative of Mytsery This Week
came to PhlladC'lphl
~ they moved to Bryn Mawr,
'a and In 18!:", _ county superlll t en d en t a f sc I100 IS,
said that the school offiCials \\'111 in Training for A's
' i'enstein, 6-3. 6-3 and j'vforrlS agamst MII't' I alY G overnmen t 'In G ermany
~~;~ 1'~:sIU~:~d;;t ~~~ 8 ~1~~3~~~= for two years, was awarded th~
the Atlantic Refimng Company.
will be gue~t speal,el' at the Au- Plans to put tM Main Line Civlo
Mrs. CaccIa was a membel' of the help mal,e the contest a success. H 'f Bl f 12 B I A Clun~ No 5 Medal of Freedom Saturday, by Dance I
partnel'R are urgently ;;:'IISt 21 meetir.g of the AI'dmore Light Opel a Company on a yeA I'-
T' • S d I't d of the ., 1 . t d th t 01'1 y " . all',. a a a \'C' , ..... "
Finals of thf' men s. slngle~. held
GIL' D Cl 'Iit I Rotary Cillb
A d'Il'ector' of the compa Il~.' and
round basl's, werf' dlsclos..d this
Vestal \ Irgm a a I y an DI.Hal man. a so
Bryn Mawr AmerICan Legion Aux- plans ha\'e been completed for a WllO ...
I epOl e
a I Bala-Cynwyd, southpaw pitcher,
sl'~ned IIp last "'eel,
n •
1he on Satm day, were Wltnes<ed by a govel·nor.
UCIUS . ay, ml ary needed for veterans of Valley FOI'ge
General Hospital, it was nnnounced assistant director of the Re~eal ell talented week by producer
actresses Nat Burns.Barry-
as Diana Such
lliary. d ht dn\'er school for teac h el s, to b e Ph'lladelph'la Athletl'cs-. Ila.S been as- large gallery. The tau: oamen. twas b t 1', e s, who waR deputy dlrec- thIs week by Mrs. \VltlJam P. Brad- LabOl atary operated hy AtlantIC, mOI'e and Clair" Luce "I''' among
She iR survived by onc aug 1'1', held in Nonlstown SenIOr High Signed to a dlffel ent Athletics farm interrupted by a heavy ram. ttl tOI' of the civil administration <llvi- field, chail'mnn of the Manoa Field wlll speak on "The Pet I'oleum those who will star 'in the winter
Mrs. Vincent D'Angelo, of Bryn School, Selltember 15 through Sep- cilib. the courts wei e rolled and dJlut fif In a sian in Gel'many, will sail for thc Branch, Amel'lcan Red CI·OSS. Industry." 'fhe meeting, which WIll presentatlo'1s cf the repertory com-
Mawr; two sons, Anthony, of Rose- tember 19.
mont, and Vincent, of Bryn Mawr;
Onginally scheduled for the Red co.nd:tion after an h~ur an t.e.en United States this week to resume
gprlngs. N. C., Club, Tobacco State mmutes and play resumed. M?I liS, his post Its chairman of the Depart-
At a recent date, she said, th .. re be held at 12:15 P, M.. will he undel pany, appearing In vehicles chosen
. t d the dl"ectlon of Joe Razel'. by pOpllllll' drmand of Main Line
t ' . . the v. inner, was pn!sellted Wit h a were 20 patients anxIOus 0 anc~,;; ,
five grandchIldren an d t .....o grea - J. HOWARD PEW BUYS League. he Will Instead receIve hiS I ' dl d the -unner.up Olent of Political Science at Bryn and no partners were available. Mollve determInes spiritual sue- aucllences.
pol grandchildren. tralnmg expcrienee at the Lexmg-I pO:tllO e la a and an e~ectric "a' Mawr College, A WAC sergeant, former dane cess. Burns empl'asized the need for
ON MILL CREEK RD. ton, N. C. Club, NOI ·th Cal'ol'lna I SC,lnaars, receIve • - TIle cI'tatl'on commended hl'm for ing Instructress for the Arthur When a man Is due for a tongue cOlnmun t '
y-wl,!e suppor t I'f the. play
G. M. NEIL NAMED I\~iers I zO~n conh'lbUtl~n Il~shln?, Imow~, ~U;:elSc~t~~~~ ~leea~;'o~~:' ~:~~
J. Howard Pew, of Ardmore, hns director of tIle Sunday, the finals of the! his significant .to the Murray studios, is conducting the he usually It before
TO INQUIRER POST Jllllehased 912 feet frontage on Mill minor J~ague clu'bs, said this we~lt I men's doubes took plae.e. Becall~e ~~undatlon Of democl'ahc Instltu- dancIng at the hospital as part of hiS Wife goes Into achon.-Wm. Line. He nnd Miss Alce Wellman,
creelt Rd, directly opposite IllS o\\'n th'lt he had \er" good lepor:s on of heavy rams the n l g ht befole, ons afnd processes In the U. S, the rehabilitatIon program for the Feather. mana""er cf the comn,any, have
George M. Neil, who Will s o o n . . ', ,0 the court was very sow l compa r - 7.0ne a Germany, d' bl d t ..
move to Cynwyd, has been npPo1l1t- estatl'. It was announced this week Blalr's pltclllng prowe.s, and that ." u ts IRa e ve erans, been urging theater-gael's to notify
ed business manager of the Phila- bv hiS real estate representative, the former West Man:1yunlt, Mam able to ~Iaymg on grass co 1 ' , A native of Quinc~', III., Dr, Wells Classes meet at the hospital Mon- DISTRIBUTORS LISTED the management as to the produc-
';'iIIiam II. Wilson & Co.
delphia Inquirer, it was announced' The land was purchased from I ~
this week by Walter H. Annenberg. Carl F, Welhman, represented by
Tine League pitcher had a "very
good chance of maltll1g good."
<Contmued on Pagc Four)

John Speckman I Is a graduate of Nor~hwestern Un i- day through ThUl'sday from 1 to'

vers It y,. HI s wean If d t WO. d nU~h- P. M, Young women wishing flll-
~ers, LOIS and Elsa, were WIth him, ther Infol'matlon are asked to call
I lions In which they are Interested.
Among those fOI' which thel'e have
'I'he quarterly dish'Ibution of a been the Illost popular requests,
editor and publisher. In Germany 5 94 J state appropriation fl'om the Motor and which will be seen In the (lOrn-
Nell, who recen tl y b aug ht tlH' .T. Morgan Lister. and is part of I • Mrs, Bradfield at Hilltop 5 -, License Fund has b~en approved by Ing SEason. are "Junior Miss," "The
property at 107 Ledges Lane, is a "Tyn-Y-Coed," the fOlmel' reslden-
~raduate of the College and Law tlal property of Effingham B. Mor-
IN WYNNEWOOD APPROVED Dr-es at Merr-on SERVICES HELD SATURDAY ARDMORE MAN GRANTED Audltol' General G. HaJOld ,vagnel"l Student Pllnce," "Craig's Wife,"
it was announced this week. and "State of the Union."
" Lower Merion Township's request
School of the University of Penn- ns, deceased, to construct a new bridge acrOSR W FOR CLAYTON F. BANKS PATENT ON STOKER Haverford Township Is to receive Agatha Chl'istie's mystery thrlll-
flylvanla, and for the past year and Indian Creek on Bowman A\'e.. Veteran Attorney as Funeral serviceR fa I' Clayton Donald.t. Mosshal't, of 1317 Vol, $7118.49; Lower Mellon Township,' er, "Love Fro'll a Stranger," is tho
a half has been assistant to the- DR. PURSE NAMED 'Wvnnewood,
o was approved thIS Well-Known F renc h B an k s, 70 , 0 f 4 28 M ont- Wynnewood Rd., Al'dmol'e, was $12,814.62 ~830 '2 ' and Nalbel'lh Borough , cUITent though the ath'action
Hrst twoat Berwyn,
acts, durmg ~I.
general manager of the Trade Pun- CONVENTION DELEGATE week by the State Water and Pow- gomery Ave., Haverrol'd, who died granted a patent for a stoker :.p-.. .6, which suspense is cl'cated, are not
Ilcations DIvision of Triangl.. Pub- / er Resources Board. I Catholic Layman laRt Thursday, were !leld Saturday paratus, It was announced last as exciting, nor as surely perfol'Ol-
Ilcations, Inc., WIth headquarters In Dr. F. Munroe Purse, of 127 Elm- Walter L RosengaJ·ten, superin-! . afternoon at the Church of the weelt by the Unlt.rd Statt's Patent GOLF REPLACES MEETING cd. as mueh which has been seen
New York. wood Ave" Narberth, has been ap- tendcnt of hIghways, said yester-I' Solemn ReqUIem MasR was sung Good Shephel'd, Rosemont. I Office. this summer at the playhouse, the
He was formerly law secl'etaryof poInted a delegate to the 47th an- day the request was made hecause I in ,alii' La.d)\ Of. Lourdes. Church, A member of an old Philndel- Patent examiners ruled the liP- OF MAIN LINE KIWANIS third act Is terrifyingly Interesting

ChIef Justice .Tohn W, Kephart. of nual cOll('enllon of the Penns\'lva- I the culvert was entirely too small. I PhiladelphIa, thiS mornlOg, for phla family, Banlts was one of 1.1,1' paratus was different In one re-
the Pennsylvania Supr~me Court, nia OstC'opathie Association ~hieh ' The pre:,ent sixth foot width'of lhe John W. Speckman, Philadelphia founders of Clifford C. Collings S- speet from anything similar ever wanls Club, of Aldmorl'. purtlcl- Flench, a newcomer to the com-
and also served as secretary fOl' Will meet Septembel 1 to 6 in Pltl$- I blrdge IS not adequate. to handle. attorney and prominent Catholic Co., Investment bankel's, in the FI- pl'evlously patented 01' known. pat cd In a golf match August 19. pany, bl'lngs audlenceR to the edge
MemberR of the Main Lme Ki- and the cast, h!'aded by Paul

Justice William B. LInn and the h P the fiow of water d'll'lng storms layman who died Tuesday at his dellty Philadephla Building, He Mosshal't l!'l managel' of englueers inste3d of a regular meeting lI~t- of their seats fl'om the beginning
burg, a. . when the water fioods, he said, home io Merion Rd 1\1:erlon after was a director of the firm at the In the Stokel' Department of the ed for that date, The match waR of the stanza to the final, climactic
late Justice Edgar Barnes. Dr. Purse Will be one of four del- The new plans inelud'J II 20 foot .' ." lime of his death, In HII5 he I'oin Westinghouse Electric Corporation. under the dlrecllon l)f Walter 11'- clll·taln.
ega t es f 10m D'IS t··
Ill' t T wo a f th e span al eh and constructIon . , a bl'lef lI1ness, He was 79,
WIll .. ed the Guarantee Tl'ust Co., of New He has more than 2ri ·.>ther patents ,win and .Tames McIntyre. FI ench Is pel'haps a bit over-
S t ate AssaI' i a t Ion a t H ouse a f D e Ie- plobably start next ~'ear, Rosen- A graduate of the Umvel'slty
. of York, and later became a vice-pl'cs- to his credit, all uslgned to 'Vest- A meeting of the Youth f';el'vlce subtle in the cally stages of the
Peoria, III., Minister gates meetings, garten said, Pennsylvania Law 8<;,hool In 1889, Idel1t of the firm In Philadelphia. ing-house. Committee preceded the meeting. playas the killer, but does very
To Speak in Narberth _ _----~ ....:..______________ he was Immediately admitted to A membel' of the Philadelphia capably In the bulk of his role.
'the bar and was a practicing law- Stock Exchangf', he was educated Betty Luster, as his wife, display.
The Rev, Oscar Lowry, of Peoria,
I Ill., will be gl\est minister at the
Main Line Playhouse Follows yel' until his death, His otIlces were at Delancey School, S1. Paul's Montgomery Co. Judge Presides princlpal and $3781.63 In IncoOle or
Sunday mOl'Olng services In Nar-
berth PresbytN'ian Church. His ser-
In the Land Title Building. School, Concord, N, H., and in
He was first lay president of the Swlberland, He was It graduate of In D eIaware Co. Electlon
. Case hel' estate, was awal'ded to her sons
and daughters, -C, A. W.
mon topic wIll be "Through Jesus
Christ." That evenIng he will speak
Traditions of Narberth Players Catholic Historical Society, and for Princeton University, clas!\ of 1900.
many years headed the State Fed- He Is sUl'vlved by a son, Claylon T. BUTTIMER
:,V. A.
When the Main Line Playhouse I the fun and form a Llttlc Theah'e el'atlon of Catholic Charities, He French Banks, Jr:, of Villanova. Admitting that he had used ))olitlcal ambitions, \
'1 On "After Faith, What?"
opens Its 1947-48 season this fall, it STOUp, and thus the gl'OUp known also ser\'ed 50 years as counsel for County supplies, facilities and The action grew out of a Bill In TO ADDRESS METHODISTS
Guest speaker at Prayel' Meeting
Wednesday nIght was the Re,·. wll1 have behind it a long tradition as the Narberth Players was born, 81. Vincent's Ol'phan Asylum, of NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB pel'sonnel In furthering his own Equity Introduced by Mrs, Eleauo:- The Rev, Thomas A, Buttlmer,
Kenneth C. Stewart, pastor of "Old of successfUl shows presented by The Players opened their first which he was also a member of the
I PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN political campaign for re-eleetll)n, pastor of Tl'I'nlty Methodist Church,
Mar pIe Pl'esbyterian Church, its predecessor, the Nar b ert I1 PI ay- season 't on Frl'd ay, November, 13, board of managers, He was fOl'mer P res Id en t J u d ge Alb er t D u tt on Taylor ,Burke, of Rose Valley, who Philadelphia, w1ll be guest pastor
M D d Id $13083 t th t aslted 1hat an Injunction be Issuet!
..., Broomall, who wlll also speak at ers, and a qu I cIt look baekwar d a t 1 93,1 WI h seventy-one members, secretary of the Pennsylvania, NAMED BY PRESIDENT ac a e pa . 0 e coun y against MacDade, to restrain him at the Ardmore Methodist Church
the Players' achievements wou Id FroOl t h en until their final perlol'- Building and Loan League, eomm Iss Ioners II res tit u tl on thl s Sunday, His sermon topic will be
I next Wednesday's meeting.
therefore seem In order at this mance, In May, 1942, When the Surviving are a brother, Charle. Riehal'd S, Chew, president of week. fl'om the use of stamps, telephones, "The' Severity of the Christian
FRYE TO ADDRES time, group dIsbanded because of war- H, Speckman, PhiladelphIa heallnr I the Bala-Cynwyd Neighborhood MacDade, 76-year-old candidate statlonel'y and County personnel In Challenge," I

The Players dIsbanded in 1942 time conditions, the Players gave engineer; a daughter, Mrs. Adele Club, has announced the appoint- who was repUdiated by the Dela- the pursuance of his political cnm· Mrs,.Mary Klsllel' will Bing "He
due to wartime conditions and it notable perfol'mancN' each year Callaghan, and two grandchildren. ment of Artcher E. Griffin, 333 Bala ware County Bal' Association onty palgn. Forestalllng the Introduc- That Dwelleth In the Secret Place,"
tlon Into evidence of listed misuses bl d d It I f th
... HeOl'y F rye wlll speak on "Re- was not until late last spl'lng that and built up an excellent reputa- Interment was In Holy Sepulchre A\'e" Bala-Cynwyd, as chah'man of recently, thus took action to fore- 'I'he COIll nc a u I' asses 0 1lI
eent Borough Legislation" at the they reorganlzcd as the Main Llu~ tlon along the Main Line, Cemetery, the club's pUblicity committee, stall a sutt brought by a. taxpayer, of County facilities, MacDade and church school w1ll meet at 9:415 A.
next meeting of the Montgomery Playhouse under the leadership of The Players gave thl'ee plays a The appointment ot Griffin com- to restrain him from using County his lawyer took ad"antage of the M., under the direction of John S.
County Boroughs' Association, to a -newly elected president, Paul season for one nIght only, during REGIMENT SECRETARY
b h Id in N b th Th d G d M I th fi t I A P W
pletes the roster 'of. committee facilities, In Media On Wednesday, legal vel'blage contained In the Douglass, Jr.
I I b' 1947-48 I 1 I t ith prayer for Injunction, to forestall Rev, Buttimer Is a graduate or
e e
September 25,
ar er all urs ay, 00 year, of er on, e I'S two years'lbut by the third
The group flt'st started In 1930 year the membcrsh p had gl'OWn to I was elected secretary of the new y son.
rch Hogue, of enn ynnle, cha rFmlen for thle I' u tS
rst meet ng Of he execu ve Judge
I Stela- I In a 'Wspellclla seFss on of chour w f further action, Judge Dannehower, West Chestel' State Teachers Col-

Frye, solicitor fOI' Narberth, will when members or the Narberth 163, malting It advisable to pl'esent 101'ganlzed 314th Regiment Assocla- hoard will be held September 9, and Montgomel'y Court, presiding, Mac- declaring that the letter of the how Seminary, He has also done post
explain several Jaws recently enact-I Women's Community ClUb gave a five plays a seasOn fOl' two nlgl ts tlon, at the reglment's 11rst reunion tne fil'st clUb meeting Is scheduled Dade's
a m . Danne ower, 0 lege and the Eastern Theological

lawyel', Robert Beatly, had been satlslled and that he graduate work at Drew Theologl-
ed by the St!lte Legislature which play and had a lot of fun doing It. [ each. held Saturday in the Bellevue- for October 28, when the annual promised in his behalf that he could see no further evidence of cal Seminal'y and at Temple Unl-
pertain to borough govel'nlng om. They decided If one play was that
c1a11. .••• •. mUch fUll they ought to go on with (Contlnued on Page Four). cently re-enllsted in the Armr. wUl be held.
SUch well-known pla~'s were pro-j Stratford Hotel. Hogue has just re-I Father and Bon Night observance would no longer use County sup- danger to the taxpayers, dlsmlsl5p.d verslty where he received the ~
plies to further his own persona! (Continued on Page SIX) gree of Master of BaCl'ed Theolou·
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