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Classification cancelled or changed to'f~~ .. '.'~'" ., • ~/.
. ~r~y, ~ C IU~
by authGrl ~Y o1';7if.~.~.da.,,/,.~ ..•. J by.• •••••. , ..............

on .......~./. .. !,!~m:...... , 194.2...•

~.--- ". _.J"..+-..;....e..,.,.~...~
. '\­

77,6th Amph Tank~.
AFO 235
20 MarCh 1945'

This Standing Operating Procedure is the result of 'experienoe

acquired by the 776th Amphibian Tank Battal-ion durine its, attachment
. t,
to' the Seventh Infantry Division ~ the Leyte Cattpaign. I,'l
Its purpose is to make available for study those details of If ~T
,'\ ,I
procedure which are unlikely to change, and. thereby to enable the
unit to abbreviate its field orders. ' !f'~~ ,r
,. :~ ~
.f " .
Variations from Tables of Organization and Equipnent will be I' !!
noted herein. These have been authorized by higher headquarteFs
as necessary to the accorp.plishment of missiOns.'
~" j

, ':1
I wish to express appreciation as follows: I, ,,;

;' ~!
To Major. General A. V. ARNOLD" COllllIllll1ding Qeneral" I

Seventh Infantry Divi~ion and to the members ~f the h

Division Artillery and Staff for direction and k
guidan~e in.tqe formulation of doctrine. "

To Commander H. M. Ma.cKINNON" United States Navy ,I"

fOlP-: collaborating in the preparat:i,on of APPENDIX
I ,

},' ,'I," I
, "'~"//.;i/Il,.r I
, '//' (..,­ I,

I", ~ • •

K. Ki.NE I
, ,

LT. coi., CAVALRY i


,I ,

• ,J,I
. '"",,",,' '1',.,


• r .~ ­
. ;"'i

. ~': '

. . .. .
Introdu.ction. • • • • • • • • • • 1
s. o. P. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3
Annex 1 (Intelligence). . . • • • • • • • • • . .. . • • 6

Annex 2 (Administration) •• • • • • • • • • •
• ·. 9



.,.. IFDEPZi\;Dill:'T OPEr...... TIOi~S •• '20


Annex 3 Communications.. • •• • • • • • • • .. • • • •.• 22·,

Distribution list •••••••••••. · •• . .. . • .24·

Hq 776th i\mph Tank 16·

Aro 235

20 March 1945,


1. a. Seo annex 1 (Intelligence).

b. Division to which uttached normally furnishes this unit and

its. ships detachments with copies of Jivision and

field orders, special summaries, maps, ~eliefs, photograph8~

briefing kits and all necessary inf.'ormati,an.

c. Following publication of tlils SO? field ordors is'sued by this

unit will consist principally of reforences thereto and of
operation filapS. Companies will maintain ono file copy at ill
times, with changes up to date, and will report loss lJ1JII.ed­ II

a. (i) ,TIlis ba.ttalion is orgi.nized into a Headquarters and

Servioe Company and four letter- companiei'- of three platoons each.
Each platoon consists of four LvTs 114 (A) 4; \amtank), mounting the
75mm. howitzer~ company has in addition" two LVTs IoU (A) IJI
(amtank), mounting the 37mm glUl, which carry the compa.ny C.P.,
F.D.C., communications section and pioneer section. Each company
within its limitations of personnel strene;th,. is equipped and trained
to' flUlctian· as an artillery battalion. It has no lo'n-farO
Observers of its own and is dependent for fire control upon . ....

artille~J· FD.s and upon ~<,lJiti6nal r~dio ,equipment for

, communications with them~/
- (2) Each company has, in addition, one LVT 1\& IV (iuntrac)
with maintenance equipnent built in, one jeep, and one· 2! \',
ton truck. lJihcn company wheelGd vehicles are carried in
. a'ssault shipping they are normally centra..Lized un<ier battalion

(4) , All LVTs Uk IV IlrO "free" vehicles and land on order of

Bn C.C.

,.' -."
, '.

; .,"

3. T:..dicll cnp10;Y1ll..;;nt.;

a. CapabUit,ies:.-~

1. Heavy, acc'Jrate barrage f:i,res on beach aroo..s while anoat

and during lending. F:i.d.h~ b~g;;'ns when nD-val vessels have
cleared the front J <:Ind when 1<:;ad.i:1g wave is not th~l 500
yards from ... Ec.:h a.rli-i:,ar..k is r;o..pc..blc of firing 25 well
placed rounds ,)~? ve )r liS 1;),-,:-01'3 la.nding.

2. Fu.rni.shing inclir<:;'ct fiI'A s::.pp:)rt) the o quivo.lent of four

ba.ttalions of '75mll1 artillery, availnblo by tho time troops
reach mi..'1irTI.1.ll"l ~ange lino w

3. Soa-borne cnvelopwents.

4. Escort w..d firo sup;:x:>rt for tesk forces for r:ri.nor

a.mphib~ou.s opera.tions without na.vaJ. trnnsport or support.
Infnntry must be carried in Lelis or in amtro..cs of Amtrac .

5. Limited employment as lrmd tanks.

b. Limitations.

1. In SV"laGlpy ground tho ::t.:ltank has less mobility than the

me diUfLt tonk :I.f-4.

2. Its p01'lcr tl" is inadcqtlc?te for Irmd opurntion; which

if not kept to a,r1ininiU':l, will result in wholes0.lo breakdowns
and inl!llobilizatiol1 of tlle unit 0
,i, 3. Its armor will stop no projectiles larl30r thcn Cal.30.
I c. Employment

1. Nornt.'llly the battalion lands in line, constitutinethe

leading of 0.. division froi'lt, The companies are in
sup}X)rt of BLTs; not attached thc'iuto o

2. Following thoir barr~gs fi~e3 d11rine. C1.pproach and lo.nding

comp3.r..icl1 advnnce 1;)y tank and tank-infc.ntry o..ction until

firing poSitions 100-200 yar'ds il1_1aad arc !'€l.:l.chod.

Upon 1'0.' aching firing positions amtanks cease fire :'cnd

thG infc.ntry· advonces. Thereafter ardors forbid firine
. (dil'cct) of wCD.pons larger them carbine 0"-' TS.1iG except in
( case of·n general brc:alcthro'.leh.

\, 4.. Upon r~['.ching firing positions pL'.toon lo.::.dors dismount

and dispose their guns" parallolling pieces and conputing
olevation, Co. CO's <lis,:lOunt ond organize P.D.C.s •.
Pioneer t'..l1d C();::!:LUnicnti0::1s sections fell treoo masking fire,
lay wire fro"l Co to plo..toon, a.."1d open rad::'o firo r:lirection

./ nets.

\ 5. Eben in positi't! feX' inrhl'oct. :?ircs the battC'..J..ion reverts

to atto.chnont to Diy ,:.rt:r- c.nrl :::>:'()v~d(" initic.l supporting
fires l.rtv F\.:;c. (Sc2~·.nnex 3~ ~bnmunications)~

6. .~ftcl' l"'.ncl:Lr:g of "~rl..y Bn s ..:.o.tank Cos are attaohed thereto

fc"':' r'J.bforclnG firo2. :lrty Dns extend survoy rmd lay' 'wire to>"':c Co" F.D-C.s.

7.!.ti,)ll numbers and check points .from A.rty. Annex

to iJiv.. F.O.

6". Firin:T ~cstri:::ti-)ns; same as for Div. Arty.


• , t.
- ·<,..... "~~;..:..~~~W..iri..:,V *7'" :tMit>6i;&fiti~ir If' #'e; ..y;,.,.......-ililiiiilillil• • • •
d. Liaison.

1. Enroute to target S-3 with two radio operators and a

SCR 509 will accompany the Div. C.P. en" D-Day he will
transfer to the senior control vessel uhcre he will remain
until assault Vlaves are ashore, reporting thereafter to
the Bn. c.r.

2•• S-2 with t~ radio operators and an SCR 509 will embark
with Div Arty cr nnd remain therewith until attach:l1ent of
this unit thereto ceases."
. -.
4. See .Annex 2 (Administration)
5. a. See Annex 3 (Co..tlnunications)

b. c.r.s:


In LVT "BH 1" between 1st and 2nd waves.

Annouhced after landing.

.Aboard LST NO_ _ e


Lt. Col.




776th Junph Tank an.
Ar"V 235
20 March 1945
Annex 1 to SUP (Intelligence)

1. SUII1Il1ary of Enemy Situation.

Bn 8-2 will procure from higher Hq copies of all available
documents, maps and photographs in sufficient number to provide
one sot for each ships detachment of this unit. He will make
distribution as in par i below.

2. E.E.I. will normally'consist of extracts of those of viv to

w~ich Bn is attached, excluding those uwnifestly impossible

f5r this unit to secure.

a. Immediately upon landing, Cos will report URGENT, clear
text, the following:

(1) Reef conditions and underwater mines. '

(2) Cbstaclcs to landing.

(3) Lcmd mines, tank traps and obstacles inland.

(4) Degree and nature of enemy resistance.

b. Companies will prepare to furnish patrols of one plato'.Jn

or more for:

(1) Cffshore movement for observation beyond fia.n!<s of


(2) ~vator-borne decoys to at\r<lct enemy artillery fire,

r~vealing gun positions' to our artillery air ob­


a. Initially to nearest R.C.T. C.l....

b. Subsequent to RCTadvance,to En C.P. for delivery to Div. G-2.

c. Upon delivery furnish time and plD:ce, circumstance of

captUre, ~nd designation of capturinc unit.

d. Souvenirs.

(1) See current CinCPac-CinCP-O-A bulletins,-_.copios

on file ,this Hq, and· special instructions in Div.

(2) In order to return souvenirs to the U.S., either

by express or on the person, all personnel must
secure S-2 inspection stamp or tag for ollch item..·
iill souvenirs will be turned in to Bn He:., taGLed
plainly with owners·names. If-retention is per­
rnissable they will be returned, stamped or taeged,
to their owners.

5. W-US, Etc.
Bn. S-2 is responsible for procurement and distribution .of
orientation materials, mozaics, photographs, maps
sUlluaries, JivisiQn, RC'!' and BLT orders·~ J;.~~~
Each Dot. aboard an LST: shipboard sot.

Bn Hq Div F.O. 4
viv Adm (; :3
i l l HCT F.0. s 2

Complete set of maps ~d photos for ea,

staff scct., and for C.O. and Exec O~

Co Hq: Jiv F.e. 1

RCT F.C. 1

'BLT F.l. 1

Complete set of nnn photos.

Ea. platoon: Arty firing me.p 4

Large scale tactical map 4
He will package all such d:,·cumcnts in 5" n:wal :'.::~munition
CMS, seal ."lnd deliver thorn personally to ship,',3 detachment
cOmmEnders upon embarkation.


a. Make plons for e~rgency destruction of classified documents.

b. urgns below En will take ashore only those extrn.cts of,

classified docU1OOmts necessary for one cbys operations,

and pertainina to t~eir own imme diate zones of n.ction.

c. All docwnents not bo be taken ashore will be burned prior

to debarkation.

d. All distinctive insienia, W'lcodcd unit dcsi3Ilation, diaries,
letters and other iclentifying materir.l will be removed from
personnel and equipnent prior to debarkation. Remind all
personnel that if captured they will reveal only n['~, rank
and ASN.

e. Censorship. 5-2 will disseminate current re..,uations prior

to embarkation."

f. Countersir;ns. 5-2 will disseminate in 5 day blocks. Cos

wi~ disseminate daily the following day's countersign.

g. CIC. Crens will afford C.I.C. personnel evety courtesy QUd

complete coopera:tion regardle ss of rank.

h.. Fublic Relations. qorrespondents and photoeraphers will be

;given every consideration. Every effort will b3 to .
publicize the unit Cl.nd tho actions of individucl. enlisted
men and trulk crews.

7. a. Cos will subJ!p.t positive reports of enemy information when

received to include:

;.rtillery or mortar fires in our nrcas.

Crashed eno,Ay [>.ir'crtJ.ft.

pnemy troops rr..a.squor~Jint3 as civilinns.

Civuinns bo arin e arms.

.. •
• •
. \

b. Cos vdll ruport inunediately \lIly loss or compromise of
classified documents, countersign or S~I.

c. Avoid use of pllssive tense in reports. State V~HC , \"ilL'S, hHEN,

,~1lERE, ~IHY,
and HCV~.

Lt. Col.
('1.0£/" I ~n

ANNEX 1 to 8.0.1:'.


Hq 776th Amph Tank Bn
AI{; 235
20 March 1945
Annex 2 to SCP


1. Suppl:y

A Distribution, Cl I, III and V.

1. Initially from unit cargo and organic vehiclllar loads.
(See a:ppendix ABLE,
"Unit cargo and organic vehicular

2. Second phase, Unit distribution from shore party.

3. Third phase, Unit distribution from division.
B. Distribution, Cl II and IV.
1. Initial4r froI!l unit cargo and orgnnic vehicular loads
(See a:::,pendix ABLE).

2. Second phase; Upon request by Bn 5-4 from shore party.

3. Third phase; From Corps dumps.

C. C,& E.
1. Individual. See appendix ABtE, Cos will mark and insect­
proof clothing as direct'od by higher headquarters.

2. !-linimum Crgn. Equipnent for operQtionaJ. requirements will

accompany assault shipping. At tLne unit is alerted Cos
will submit requirements to 8-4 for approval.

3. Individual will pack duffel bags with indiv'. C & E not

listed in appendix ABLE. Jecision as to vlhether or not
duffel bags accompany assault shipping or remain in
Iffi echelon comes from higher headquarters.

4. ('rg".nizations will furnish cots needed aboard 18Ts.

(See appendix BAKER). Mark cots so that unit code symbol
will be visible when cots are _folded. Ships Jot Cua
will ascertain needs fran !QU. S-4 is responsible for
collection and storage upon debarkation.

5. Cnly following tentage in assault shipping I

Ea. Co. 1 Tent CP, for F.J.C.
1 Tent pyra~dal for kitchen.
1 Latrine sceeen.

1 Shop tent.

Hed Sects 2 Tents CL'

Bn. Hq. 2 Tents cr for Cf.

1 Tent pyramidal for S-4.

6. Baggage: Cos will leave with RR echelon r.ll bau:aee not

listed above.

7. Kitchens: Unless otherwise ordered by higher Hq. all

stoves and v/Q.ter-heaters will accomp?ony assault ship~ing.

8. No-cessary records, offico supplies, and offico eq:uir:me~t

will be,completely water proofc~ and will acc~~
<.:.ssault shipj:ing. "
wz: u,.@\lMj$im;;t!''\l'Z,i·'i''l'''''·····- "',"'
2. . Evnoution:

A. Casunlties

1. On aid scctiuns will J..rx,U in ().m:t,rJ.cs ,".bout 6th wave

unless CL'..llcd a.~hcrc c<.r}.ior. rney vrLU on the
intcdor bOi.lrdo.rios 0:' fl~;{ Gon'P:mios, unlo.:>..d jeep
r!!ubula.nces and. set u.p .:> eJ~ ...t:iUns. 'They wiil usc
.:'Jutre.c for ev~cu[1.tio:J. to LSTs and will :;:>ick up casaul­
itios encountered enrouto.

2. After hospic.u is os'Cnblishod ashore L' stations will

c",:,Ll.cuC'.te ":.0 hospit,ll hy jeep.

3. Sicl;::::J1d vfOunded will c:>.rry with thOLl, when cV:J.cunt-3d"

only )i\lllir,tUr:t clothinG c.nd PJrsonnl belongings. Bn aid
sto.tions will return to Cos all erms, w:-.tchcs and other
U.S. propert.y. Cos are re5ponsiblc for collecting Md
safe gLt.:'.rdinc; this equipmcnt.

4. Secroc··te enomy wOl,mdod a.nd report U1tGEi~T to 5-2.

5. Tro~.tment of civili.:>..ns must not interfere.; with medical

attention to troops.

6. &ports~Twcnty-four hour c,<\sualty rcport- admissions and

disposition report, will be turned in daily at 0800 as of
2400 proccccn.nG day~ Dn .sur!3eon will' report dAily to En
CC Stc.tus of clothinc.;, mosquito end sr>.nito.ry discipline
and of any special JOOasure (a.tabrine etc.) ordered.

B. Cos notify 8-1 locat.i.on :.Jf all deceased imLlodiately.

Cos will prcnptly remnvo from dccGo.sed, ell arms,
oquip:lcnt Md persona]. l)roporty for so.fc[,uf.'.rd Wld proper

C. S.:>..lvaec.

1. FrionlUy equiPilen·:;'. JUl orcns. ""ill sGlv;··G()) clean and

protect friendly Qqu.iP:1l0l')t, rc:"'o:ctinC qUMtities on hand
de.ily to S-4 for r.ol10ct~.onc

2, Cos will rcy:ort enemy eq1..i;ll11cnt j:n.'ornptly to S-2 for

impaction end disposition in accordo.ncc with 0rders
from hi"l,hcr Hq..

3. :',hen situation is :i,nactiva Dn will oc.'f,l1nizc, in coord­

inntion with Jiv G-4, parties tv'collect aban­
doned stores and cqu:i.p:nent in r08.r [1J'(,:;,s, for turn-in
to Jivision dumps.

J. Inspections.

;i.s soen c.fter landin~ D.S the situLtion porraits En will

conduct shovldmm inspections of .:::ll C('s ••·.t this t:ime
all ir,di viduals will be roquirod to :rrcsent evidence
thc.t losses of C & E <'.:re the :result of onol~lY nction or
of circumstnnces bey::>nd their control. Those· unC1,ble to
do so will pay for l!)st or da.I!k".2ed equipment by State­
mcl".t of Charges or itcport of Survey.

E. liaintona.Dcc,

1. Afloat.

a.. en t.c.rr:,et c.fter dJ.",~r.,:'.:.·.~:c

from LSTs, amtracs
will Y',,:·.G'3~VCl"S :t cl.J3it;rw.tcd point :i.ntransport
o.l·O~. (.scr') o.PP..l!lJiX Cq.,R!.m) e


• •

• •

b. ilaint. runtracs go ashore only on authorization of Bn

llc-dnt o.

c. Se 0 aprendix Th"l.KER..

2. Ashore

n. Cos report to Bn lJaint C and ,S-4 nttrnbcr C'f whicles by

type 'Which arc (1) operating (2) dCD.dlined. Give reasons
for deadline. This report daily 2000 as of '1600. RepOrt
:Lanediately;my changes therein.

3.. COillfllUllicr,tion Equipment.

a. Cos rer-ort to Corom C and S-4 daily a.t 2000, as of 1400,
number of ro.dios, telephones, switchboards and other
equipl,lent by typo, which are (1) oper:>.ting (2) deadlincd.
Report any chan~ immediately.

S-4, Hnint C e.nd COllm (; will confer cbily on st,~tus of

deadlines ~d requisitions, for replacements and spare

a. Vepcndcnt on orders from higher Hq.

b. No LVTs on roads at any time.

c •. lihen
movine; in rear areas LVTs will be preceded by a
man on foot who will l::;ok for wire lines. Never drive
over wire lines. If line is broken inadvertently, stop,
check line,' call in and report 10c~tibn of break.

d. Cos carry supply of trip tickets for U3C when ordered.

a. Any vehicle of this unit will be made 2.vai1able to 5-4 at·

any time on call.

b. Amtracs of this tUlit equipment pcrmDl'lently installed

in cargo compartment ",nd are not'.blc to LVT pool.

5. EmbarkatioIl'~ee appen~ &KEt1. and appendix CfWlLlE.

6. Logistic~ data for independent water-borne oporntions.

See ap::endix X>G.

Lt. Col.
5-4 a:. NFI;;lENTIAL
.i.NNEX 2 '1\. S.C.:.

I -11­
l.:'¥M:$¥)$&i-~~'_~:i:i·-·~ "' :~ ,.'
',' .... ;."

Hq 776th ~h Tanlc E'1.
APO 235
20 March 1945

ApPendix Able to Annex 2 to S.O.• P.


1. IndividuaJ. Clothing and Equipnent.

All individual equipnent, a.rms and BJIllmmition of crew members.

1 Roll per individual containing:.

1 Shelter half w/pins & poles

.1 Blanket
1 Bar, mosquito & head net
2 Underwear and sox
1 Extra HBT uniform
1 Pro shoes, service
1 Bag, waterproof
1 Bag, field, per indiVidual.

Mess Idt with Imife, fork & spoon

Toilet articles
2-pr socks
I-pr drawers
l-ea. Poncho

l-ea Bed Roll per officer

I-pc. Hand Luggage or dufile bag per officer.

2. Class I \

10 Gal. water per vehicle in 5-gal cans.

2 Filled canteens per crew member.

2 K rations per crew member.

1 ~Rat;Lonper crew member.

3. Class II
a. Normally companies 'carry a. 15 day supply of Ordnance

cleaning and preserving materials and also maximum

available spare parts and a.ccessories for all weapons.

. b. ,See appendix OOG, 10 day maint. supply of vehicular spare

parts. Small items ere carried in vehicles, large items

in unit cargo.;' .

c. All equipnent' as liste:d in T/O & E 17-ll5, 116,117,

da.ted 29 jan. 1944 • .3.nd Change I thereto dated 19 Jan.

1945 will bo ca~rie d by individua.l or stowed in vehiclos

exoept for thE) followihg items ar.e shipped as

impcdJ.monta, forward or rea.:q: echelon as indicated,

" , .
, • \'::• • t!A. ~h.h.-,
Chest, cleaning & Preserving materials, g,.'rr·l'.c:ks J i ton 4 x 4
Chest, spare parts _ 12·..'J'ruck<3 ,~ 2~-00n bxS
6-Trucks" t ton 4 x 4. (four in LVT Mk:::V;l-'l'r".lck~ 3/4 ton ~\G
4.Trucks, 2~-ton 6x6.
2-T!'11ck'. -:,//+ 0Gn r: & R
I-Truck, 10-ton wrecker.
6-'l'railer;', I-TJon
2-Carrier cargo M-29.
jUl flags
Tools Maint. Equipnent not carried
Tents Dnd cots as auth by
by Maint. tractors.
higher Hq
Tentage as' prescribed by higher hq,
Roll, commissary
sse par. 1,C,5, Annex 2.
Individual clothing not auth
All kitchen equipnent.
by higher Hq
Desk, field, Company & Hq.
Duffle bags, 1 per E.M.
Chest, record, fiber. '

.~ cans, water, 5-gal, not carried

in vehicles.

Machine, duplicating.

Safe, field.

Stencil Outfit •

•\11 typewriters.

Lanterns, gas, 2-mantlc conmercial.

d. Signal Equipnent in oxcess of T/E:

6 pro polo climbers w/bclts & straps

5 switchboards (4-BD71, I-BD72)
9 SCR 609 ra'dios borrowed from Div ;~rty
20 EE8 Telephones
5 Wire laying reels carrying 1 mi. oa
of wire, DR-5.

4. Class III

5 gal. oil, S~ 50, per vehicle.

Organic load gasoline (110 gal in LVTs (A)l or (A)4)
(140 gal. in LVT MkIV. )
1-ea 25 Ib Pail, Grease G.P. # 2 per LVT.

5. Class IV
I-Roll barbed wire per LVTo

Organic Engr. Tools as per LVT S}~ (axe, pick, shovel)

6. Class V

A. 75MM How, per LVT 4(A}4:

WP. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40
H.E. M-48 w/fusc PD ~-48 • • • • 60
H.E. M..48 w/f'uso PO M-5/+. • •• 80
HEAT. • • • • • • • • • • • •• 10
Cannister • • • • • • • • • • • 10
Total 200

B. 37MM per LVT 1(A)4:

HE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25
APC 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2f)
Cannister • • • • • • • • . . . . 30
Total 75
C. Cal .. 50'MG•• 0 ••••••••••••••••••• 1:;000 rds per MG
D. Cal ••30 LtG• • • • • • 0 •••• 0 1,000
•••••••••• rds per 11G
E. Grenades, offensive • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 10 per ,LVT
F. Flares, trip, •• '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 3 per LVT
G. Flllre s, para.chute, for Pro je ctor Signa.l Qromld. • •• 10 pe r pIlltoon


I;', .;{(, ..... .ki Lt. Col.


H·..4 -13­
• , ~
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. ..
,~-,< "­


• ...

Hq 776th Amph Tank In.

AFC 235
20 March 1945
Appendix BAKER to !mex 2 ( to S.~.F'.


fin LST can co..rry 17 LVTs C'n the tank deck. It is ir.tpractical to
carry assnult LVTs on weather decks becaus~ of tiao required
to unload. Four LSTs can carry the present unit strength of
68 LVTs with maximum comfort and convenience;. However assign­
. 'Dent of LSTs to cc.rry ~llt.:mks alone results in ovorcrowding
qrf infantry .:lboard other LSTs which would then c<'..rry only
amtracs and infantry. i~ typical compromise is shown in the
sample embc.rlrotion plan (see D.p:t:x;ndix CHARLIE to .Annex No.2).
this plan ~~ntnins tactical inteGrity with lnaximum ~spersion
of units a$ n s<'..fecu<'..rd ~go.inst lossc~.


A. As soon M ship:;ing space by code .umber h.:l.S been assigned

to units, the C.C.s of troops for ship will call a
meeting of .:-J.l troops d.etachment oc.mmanders from the various
units t·:) be represented, and with tile ships (army) 'lQlL
present, make plMs for:

1. Prepara.tion of consolidated ~sseneer lists.

2. Billeting of troops, btl.sea upen st..'l.l1cmrd LST ac":oModations

for 12 C'fficers and 168 E.M. (This fi~ nltly ~
considerably reduced' on Flag LSTs ::nd on LSTs cnrry­
:ine; Seabee ponto.:lns), upon reported prob able Navy- ~
loadinG (LeT on top deck, etc) if ship has no~ u~~ived»
and upon cargo space requirements of T.Q.M.s.

3. Cots required if ships una.ble to supply thom for

men not berthed.

4. GuD.rd, normally consistiIlt1 of ...L.-Posts as follows:

2 on tank dec k; one forw'ard ili'ld one aft.
(LVT personnel)
2 on we~therdeckj one ftarward ::md one aft.
1 per head used by troops (nolmilly 2).
1 to p~trol around deck house.

5. I(1tchon force, normally as follows:

1 Moss sergeant
3 Cooks
This is -normally a perm4llt9nt detail.

6. Gun watches (only wheri troops ' not required to

a.ttend instruction and orientation formntions) to
man ~un tubs prep~rod to ready Guns for firing ~t
QQ. This detail consists of 3 men PCI' 20 mm. I}.nd
40mm An. gw1 .:mel involves no firina.
7. PoliCG dOt£1.uS bnsed upon berthing plan and number of
honds assigned troops.

S. Procurement of P.l supplies.

9. Gl'i.dcdotails to lar..d troops to th&ir berths. ."­

.. ­ ­
I.: " , . , ' ,,~. it;1

. shipsond confer wi rot¢.rdinr;:

1. Concurronce with plansmndo

I ,
in nccor~nncc with ~ above.

2. Segregation of nrr.,y <:.nd nnvy personnel i:f desired.

3 • Shi
_ ,?:1 ' t'"!.(;!13:o
1'0 gu..D. ,.,. ;q'
J.l1.C-,.UCIDC ~

Trocp rXlrtid_p:J.tion in shi.ji-) stores. Usunlly permitted.

'L,ctions rt GQ an:J. 1'.t ubillldon ship C'ilJ fire drills.

Strict regulation oJ smoking.

4. ~unrterinG end !J.1eSSlne of officers.

kc:tlities for w".shine of Lioas kits. ;.stcrn of the deck /

houso ships nornmlly I'rovide two bnttcries of a.t leD-st
tV{O g.i. cens o.::;.ch, filled v,ith boiling vr..tcr.
. G
6. Schedule of calls. (eGO also~ bolow).

7. l"l.:m for ;llossinG, if trcops lO2.d c.t <:','Jout mealtime.

$. Normnl'l.icSS schcdulo> Trcops norr.nlly [,lOSS in four­
shifts, following ships company.

9. Ch<m[!:es in navy carGo loadinr froJ!1. th".t nnticipatod

. ,
before arrival.

10. (";fith 'l'QI>.I present) .~iTanecmont of crco to prJvidc

maximurn. dry be rthinr. , for troops. If othordutics permit
it is dosirable that C.Iw. of trot;ps sU.i.:crvixe T.Q.l.i.
f.'o insure satisf.:tctory' lOilcline, s ho1'in::: ''-uel. bracing
of cargo.

11. Comr.lunicc_ti\.lns and liaison durin::; loadinG ~md durine'

lonclin G oxercixes (if held).

12. Dllthine, l2.undry etc. Normally 8hi)6 shcull pr€ l vidc

solt wCltor showers dally o.nd fresh w<'.tor showers
evor,y- three dnys. l-ccnsional lo.undry ser'Vice is'
sOfJ.eti:nes available but clothes ['.re usuclly htU1~ over

13. Fuoling en.: maintenc.mco .::;.bonrd shipe :311i:)s cnrry

suffici0nt caso],ine (80 octnc) to rc~,l<:_co thC1t con­
SilllOd enr::>ute. Chock to see that it is o.board and that
thore o.rc me ':.n5 for hnncUing it.

c. LVT b[ttt.nlion C01':li'.1['nders sh:)Uld confer vnth LST croup end

Uotillc. cOlrununL.CrS roZr..rdine:

1. COnlmunicr.tions and 1i<:dson durin~ l:)a~linc [tnd d!.ltinf,·

lnndine exorcises (if held). ~.i tl: authority of Div.
C.G. tcnpornry rndio nets anrl brevi'!.,,, coue can bo
,established ;)etwccn LSTs (sen 508 or 608) c.nd LVT units.
With those nets m..1.ny needless dol.:'.ys much confusion
aan be avoided.

2. Usc" of sw:ll boats for nccess'.ry visits tu detachments

of their units.

3. Concurrence with the contents of this ::.ppendix.

4. Quo.rtcring of LVT battalion st<'.ffs. (It iD dcsir."ble
th::.t unit sto.ffs'sai1 abonrd c. ship of.lcrinG the lik'1.Xilnum
in spC!.co for officers nnd th{-1.t the unit commander s[",i1
with tho 1ST croup commanJer). F1C!.g LSTs usunlly he.vO
V0r<J feVI berths' for army officers •

, -

Ju If londing exercises ['.1'6 to tclte place, arrnngements must be
marie for re fueling while D.shore. Jepe_nding upon the extent' of
tm landing exercises and upon shore f!:l.cilitios, pIons must
be made to provide between 50 and 100 er,ls of fuol per LVT.
To expedite reloading L\~s aboard L8Ts nraple fuel should be
spott.edon landing beaches prior'to'the exercise.

D. L-mcling exorcise plans should contemplc.te the presence of <m

LVT unit con~dGr at each critique. From tho .viewpdint of
LVT 'un:its the principal faults in landine consist of the

1. GuiCle boats move too fast and require the LVTs to maintain
top speed to keep up. Je~ndine upon engine nours, stowage,
etc.,somo LVTS are slower than others o.nd will 'fail behind
, their waves. Guide must bv held on one LVT cruising at
1,800 r.p.m. in 3rd gear.
2. Insufficient time for fmal a.l.igrunent of waves at Li).
Unless D. time factor is ailo'Mld, LVTs o.rr~VJng late at
tho line of depa.rture cannot c~tch up and take their
proper position.

C. In order that arr~gcmonts can bo for pro~uromcnt

of he'1vy unit replacement ports for the repair of LVTs ,
disabled J.urine LEx" !t is desirable that LVT unit cOInnumdors
have, while ~floJ.t .:.:uring LEX close liaison with 0-4 and
supportinG Crdn:-nce.

J. Juring LEX, all, radio nets, both .~rriW' and Navy, should be
opened in order todiscovor and correct interference from
overlap in frequencies.

5. U:,ADING.
A. Infantry mc.y be loaded from docks, by JUK~'I-, c.1,irect into
beached IST, or aboard assigned amtra.cs. Cnee aboard they
will be euided to assigned borths ond kept thero until
ship is secured•

D. If LSTs are b,}achod high enough for LVTs to co:ck aboard with­
out becomil10 wntcr-borne this is tho simplest method of load­
ing. If they becQ!le water--borne <md surf is hiGh it is a
dangerous und~rtaking and should not be attempted.
c. In' modernte seas LITTs e<m be loaded at sea., NIlVY crows heavs
,,linos for LVT crews, 'who
cross'then IJl1d 3ecure ,them
to stern cle~ts. Ships detail then pulls LVT stern against
shj.p's ramp c:mdLVT backs aboard.

LVTs (.'.) 1 end (.;~) 4 (at'tank) cannot be ioaded on L5,Ta ,whose tank
/~. d.ocks carry flat loading of cC'.rgo covered vlith dunnage. '
:~ E. 0hcc aboD.rc~, crevm vill secure Lv"Ts by chrons ,and turn­
bucklc/s connecting PO'Y1 .and stern tt?winC;' staple s to cloverleaves
on tank deck pla.tes. 'Undel"i1o cC>l1ditions 'will thoy be
sccured by chairing to tbeir tracks or by~passing chains over
top side. Shorcs~n,-: chocks will be used if Ilvailable.
LVT crcwslo this work. " ,
: },

F. hhilc it is dos~r!'.Llo to load'LVTS in .invor~e ordor' of

unloa,~:inG, M;Y~ I.Ifl'S he1: ashore for r,lClintonc..ncp Dnd .later
loe.dinc' con be 10:c'.c.lcJ, It:.St rilll cnn, upon ilcbl:'..rkation'" taka.
posts wi th;')ut con:fu,sion or c1elt;!.ye . ,
',' f .

. ...... ·

5. ENRUUTZ ru T .l1GET~
.th C.O. of troops w.UJ. c00rlino.tei:.r ':'~J1~j,1G anG. oriontation.)· He
will schedule rulC, D.~sign c.vailable fo!' the purpose,
Ci ving detachment COIJ'li.1~(4.ex·~ C'f fill ll11:h:.s ruprGsc.l.1tccl complete
leeway insof~I' ~s possil:le: j:nsvf..l,:: a8 s!,?-co permits he will
centrcl.izo cali.sthan:i.~p; a..."'ld instrt1.~tion of c. nature common to
all units. He wLl. I'.rra."lgofol' l'l!.:b·...eaancc l)(;rso.mcl anu
crows of LVT units to havo c.~ mllc11 tiJilc Q.S ma.y be nccossa.ry
for the ~rforllUlllce of ru.a.iritonance. He will drill LVT crews
and infc.ntrY in movement fE'Om. qUllrc,ers to assi01ed LVTs until
movement can be made rapidly end without confusion, even in
totnl d~.rlmess.

D•. Liainteru:ncc. LVT' officers and crow will:


Chock DJ.l LVTS dnily.
Have engines mnd cranked 100 turns dr:.ily.
3. Hun enGines for 20 minutes avery 140 d..1.ys nncl on 0-1.
4. Check clutches daily r'.gainst seizinc.
~.:,:~ r~(t ..~li~~· e.~i.a.ry-e;ernwator:fue}; tnnlg:;. and
~. r:::;.....~_... ~~.~~ .._\, ~-"" •
'V~.n:r';'~ J.1"ltI;!W-.--;r./
1. 6. Insr-cctrndios'daily for dampness one!. fungus, removing
them to a warm, dry pL.'1.ce if nccessartJ.
7. Remove w·'.ter proof bags frM, portc.blc radios to prevent
sweo.ting. Replace bar:;s evenine ofJ-l.
'". 8. .~t first opportunity carry topside for drying i l l equip
fOOnt drunpenad during loadinc or LE}:.

C. Fire prevention. Jurine mcintc~\nce and refuclin~ on the

'~~, Tank .Jack, at'least three fire, equipped nith C'v2
'",,:' extinguishGrs, will stand by. ~perc.tions involving the hand­
line of C:'.solinc will bepcrfomied on only one LVT a.t D.
tim, one! with the knowledee of the ships captci.n.
Fire guards will stand on top dee ks of c.djaccnt LV'IS. This is
in addition to any fire detail which the navy mo.y order for this
purpose. There must be no smokinc on tcmk cleck or near
casoline careo •

J. Security. i~o classified documents pertci.ning to t!-~· "'Iner:.tL:>n

will be opened until after finc.l departt1r~ lor 'target.

E. Inspections:

C.'v. of troops will hold forme.l Dhip' s inspection daily. Troop

.Jet C.~.• s will in addition, irlSpeCt their detachments
quarters bf.r:i:ce &il~r, once in the afternoon <md once at

6. Sample schedule of CD-lis for J ...Jay.

(H~n) - 2 hrs, 30 min Ilavcille

(H-n) - 2 hrs Drealifnst
(H-n) - 60 Final check on quarters,
personnel C'.nd cquipnoat.
(H-n) - 45 Crews aboo.rd L\i"Ts; _cast off
so curine chr'.ins; ST:,~ ~T LS T FJ.N S;
rriE-v~·Eii..·.TKN CHECKS~
(H-n) - 30 Load infmltry into amtrncs;
start LVT en~ines.
H-n JischarG6 LVfs.

n =no of minutes enroutc to beach.
1st wave kmds..­


Nothing in this SOP will be constI'UOd as an attempt to direct the

activ"ties of CCs of troops who anc not· members of this 1init. It

is, however, oxpected that they wijl offer no obstncle to COlll­

pliancc by detachments of this unit aboard thcir ships.

s. Reference for study: furt 3 Type CrG1:'nir.ation, i'1cgulations, and

Standard Cper~_ting Procedure, :i.llphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific

Fleet j 1944.

Lt. Col.




Rq 776th Ar.lph Trulk En.
AtC 235
~() I:O'U"ch 1945

i'l.ppondix CIL'JU.,IE to Annex ~C'~<.lmt) to 3.C P.

GnEFl~ 1 GREElJ 2 " rmI'IE 2

, -1>-- ,+-- I-~-- - .:;..-- I-~-'-'A~-- )..-~-.)~~--

..,.. LST Nd_ ~'- 15T Nt , 1ST No I ,1ST No'
Code ~C~\le "'Code ---:' Code' ­
I ;u. 4 (A)4 Dl
I 4 (';')4 : C1 It. (A)4' , :;)1 4 (~~)4
I A Rq 2 (ll)l D Hq
I 2 (;~)1 I C2 4 (A)4 ~ J2 4 (;.)4

: A lfuint 1 1iK IV D 1fuirit 1 MK IV I En Mcint 1 UK IV I Med 2 1 MK IV

, lIed 1 1 UK IV: Bn Hunt 1 MK IV I Total LVT 9 I Total LVT 9

A DR 1 1 1.1K IY,Dn Comrn 1 MK IV 1~1 JUKW I Cfficers 3

: Totru. LVT
I Gfficers
""Total LVT
......C fficcrs
I,.. EM
I Total Pers 81
I E1I1 --..22 ,EU ..:i2. I Total PeBs 84 I
..... Total Fo'Bs% ,Toto.l iers 101 I .... -.L_
..: 1\- .. Y ....
, - - ... - ~, "- - - f 1- - ... )..
Y" \ 'r.- I
1ST No LST l'Jd LST No\ 1ST No_ __
Code --- Code ---- Code---- Code
.~2 4 (;.)4 ~2 4 (.~)4 C3 4 (.',,)4 D3 --4--(A-)4
A3 4 (A)4 D3 4 (ii.)4 C Hq 2 (A)l ) Rq 2 (1\)1
Total LVT 8 (:.)4 Totru. LVT 8 (A)4 ,C Uaint 1 HK IV D Maint 1 (J~) lfic 4
4 Trucks 2! Ton Cfficers 3 En Maint 1 W( IV DR 2 1 11K HI (A)
2 Trucks Ton t
Ell ..JJz...' Total LVT 8 Total LVT 8
2 M29c Truc Tot.."..l ?ers 77 Officers 4 Cfficers· 4
1 Kroeker 10 Ton EM..J.SL ELI --2.17
Total Voh 9 Totc'.! ?ors 74 Tot.:'J. Pers -1l7

Officer 4

EM lQi..

Tot::J. fers 109

Ucint. )
(Includes 5-4 Sect Rendezvous

and unloadine Jot.)

, Aron

On DO[l.rd ABA No
Ships Platoon: '-­
1 .i ........

28 E.M.
29 Total 1-'6 rs •

(..n Dot..rd ;.r-A No

Liaison Tee . 5-3 --
1 (;., 2 E.M.
im. Bche10n 14 E.!.!.
en Do<;rri AiA No
Liaison Tec~ S-2 1 G, 2 EM
uotted lines inclicate routes of LVTs in for!ulng waves.
Do~chos and LSTs shown in re1o.tivc ,~sitions in trrnsport area on
Sre.ce not shQ1A'l'l to be occupied cc,rries amtracs D.nd inf3Iltr-.r destined.
for corresron(~in[~ beaches.

Lt. Col.
}:';H,r:x.I ~~yCUf
\.., CK ; ...);'1.' / ' CCNFIJENTlilL
S-3 AJ.......2El'UIXCH."'"ioPifE- fu ANNEX 2 'ID s.o. P.
' "

, . '

- --
776th Amph. Tank. Bn.

20 March 1945
Appendix :Jog to ilmnex 2 to . SOP.

Logistic..'!.l Data for Independent liater C~r::'.tions.

Cruising speed, 5 1:fi?11 with LVT in 3rd gea.r at 1800 RRI.

Fuel consumption ~t cruising speed, 12 gal. per hr. ; 2.2 gal per mi.

Average oil consumption, 1 gal. per hr.

Grease consurnptiort, 3 Ibs. Fer da.y of water or-erdion.

Fuel and lube typos;

Gis •• 80 Gctano (Aviation)

0i1. .SiIE 50 ••• G.P.1Il & 2


Fuel: LVT (A) 1 ~c;l (A) 4•••. •110 Gal.

LVT :IK 4(A) •••••••••••••140 Gal.

Oil ,: Engine •••••••••••••• ~ • • • 6 Gal.

Transmission •••••••••••• 8 Gal.
Finn! !Jr:i.ves •••••••••••• 3/4 Gal. e D..
~dr Cleaners•••••••••••• ! Gal. ea.

Cruising ro.nge w/o refueling; 35 wi. ' ,

S~d of LVT MIe 4 (.i~) (omtrack) depends upon weight of c,;.rgo co.rri&d.
ErD.pty they cm1pxceed speed of amta.nks; loaded they ~re
sliGhtly slower. Under my conditions they CD.Il maintain spfed of
5 MPH.
LVTs cannot enter LOts.

LCMs C<:l.n tow LVTs at 5 lIT-'H with the

~, '. , . .
~~llowing prec.:l.utions:
LVTs Hk4 (A) (bmtr.".cks) must 00 towed stern foremost, 'snubbed

close to LCU with two 1ines to prevent swinBing. .

LVTs (A) l~nd <-.) 4 (84'1ltanks) Qust be towed bow on, snubbed ,,'

close to ~n with two tines passed under final drive sprockets

to prevent diving. '

To:trpaulins will be place dover bOVIS 1fnd turret to prevent

wa.ter from on toring. _..

Crews must ro&a.iLn ~ tcw."Eld LVTs to bail.

Equipnent $ould 10: removed trOm LVTs and trMsferred to LCU.

Unless these prccc..utions, arc observed towed LVTs will dive ~nd


LSUs ca.rry 5 LVTs.

'\, ,,:\
F' '::~; . untt pc.rts replacement s required for 10 days continuOus.

SNL G- 167 & 1~8

EnGines •••••••••••••••••••••• , 1 l~r 20 LVT's

Trcnsirnission ass~: ~." •..•••• ' 0 1 per 15 "

Cllx"t.:r..I' Ho.3tur [l.:,sy , .• J r • • ' • • 11 " 10


Flywhec;:l as sy. wi0 Fun ••••• ·, 0." II 20 II


Jr:i..V(': Fillal. ; in t. . . .• . . II II
<• • • • ' : '
Jrlvo, ' F:;'nJ2. , ext., •• 0 0 • > •• II
, • • (. II 10 II

Gasket;, Final Jr ......... ". ',. • •• II II

eo.. vrr
Gnsl(Gt, FL1,st C~)uplL."lg r u' ••• II II
0 •.' 5

Gona.rators. " " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• II II 5

Genefl!fl.tor belts •• ~ ••••••. ,. • •• 11 II
eo. LVT
liia.[71eto, assy ..•••••• ~ ••• < • • • II II 15 LVT' s

I'oint e.ssy .. llaGneto ............ II II 5 regulator, assy ....... " II 10 II


Re1c.y mci.n battery •••••••••••• II II 5

Jeflcctor, assy ••• ~ ••••• II 00. (1&11) per 10 LVT's


Mufflor e.ssy.............. "~~.o II r;er 30 LVT's


Hose, flex. J Ex. to muffler... II II 3 II

['in,. Track. It" •••• ,.

i) 8 q" • ~ •
5 "
• .. • • •

Pin tee, cottcr.o~.o •• ~ •• * •••
Grouser, Tl!{ .... ~ :0 e " •
0 • -• • • Ii • •
I'lnte j cross, track~~.Q •••• ··e 5

Screw, Cap,' for grouser •• ~ ••• • 100"II *
Link' trnck; inBi je '. .••• , • ~ '" • • • 2

Link,-track, cutside."G.~t ..... 2

1 en per 30 LVT'~"-
IcUCll, return, w/brackeb front o.nd rear
Sprocket; roar idler., ••••••• ··lII per
25 LVTs

Sprocket, ~rive.~ ••••••• ·•••••

Dracket, re :"r idler ••••• • • • • • • "II 15 11
" ;6 "
Fump, primer assy •••• \ •••••• •• "
farts for 75mm. Hm\f. are same ns for M...$ Assault Gun.

* Moderate estimo.te. c'n roueh coral requirements mc.y qun.druple.

** ~These estimates are for i-mtank Bn. BacD-use of Differences in vehicles

loads and employment they arc considerabl;T less the.n those for an
Amtrack Dn.

Lt. Col.



. ,



~"~~'~" .'~".


.r •

4 •

Hq 776th Ar.lyn To-11k Dn.

i"le. 235
20 Mnrch 1945

;JmEX 3 to S.L; .1. ,


1. Conmunicnti()ns Net for Firinc; by FA i.-bservers:

C5 , A·'.

--,..-_._.,' .J

-~ C) ill'ty LnO­

1 I
I I1 I

l---{ --~--" ! 1"

rC.~ ~_._J.
1-<-' D i :;':)i776 I "'Y" I r'
'11:- 0 C ..~_I 77 6
..... _ .... ~t /.

..__ _ (,...I D

-~:cs-)__ J '----'---r--··-" ­

Lo 8
II ! -.C" , i


The Scn. 609 sets of "A" ruld liD" Cos arc uuplicdos of tho _th Fl~
i.. bscrvors sets. Tho SCII. 609 sets of "c" .ind "..:.i IT COS .::1uplico.tcs of
the _ cd F;~ Observers sets. The lFimary ChD.nnol ahoi'm nb"vc is the "D"
Channel ::'l1d is cuc..rcled by cJ.l sots. set hM c. second:',ry "AI!
Channel. ~ rior to the l"'n<liu,g of tho Art~r Dn, Ft's vd.ll contact tho
AlllTk C·)' s direct on tho liD" Chrumel for fire. ~.hcn tho ":e" Ch:-:l1nol is
circo.dy busy i'irin:~' r. mission, the Ft; desirinG fire m.ll re(lUost, be­
tweon firo COI!llilM.ds, the Co not firing to switch to tho ".I~II Channel .md
conduct· tho fire r.1ission on the "A" Channel, On cOl:lplctivn \)f fire;.
luission, both K.. c,nd- Co will switch back to the "r~1 Clw..nncl. en lnnd:~nG
of Arty Dn conccrned, o.D. requests will be l'J.adc to i~:rty Dn NCS fJr
:;.ssi-:n;ncnt of char11cl. kU ro.clios shovm in this net are SCR 6998. /Not
opens immediately o.ftor lnnJinr, of ~rtio.;J c'.lllcorned. '
th F .A. Dn. (A) Mc.

- (D)'~-....__
--_-_-'" l1co

- - '....-.-. .......

, ··22··
2. EaCh 105 mm Arty Dn will be furnished m scn 5090 This !1Gt will h::-.-w
the Comnnnd Frequency or' the tW1'l Tk DIl ~ ___.• Jb.) L::~1d t ho C'Jm:~o.nd
Frequency of the 776th ..\r.\Tk 13n ( r.fc) ~ 'f hJ.s f;ut will b0 kept at i:.,
tho Dr-_ FJC Md v-rl.ll bo put into op~tion order of the Div Arty Hq. on


Any 105mu
i.rty I3n

Command Nets.

i (..:.J I 776th ;~I':lph

Each vcrticsl indicates ,C'., separdo SCi'" 50B frequency •
.----------r-.- -_.--..--'-' I
I I ~ ! I
I ~I ~ I
~~;:;.;: o~ -­o

11:;:0'" g, 0 I:,.;
p.: I'


)( x,
-_.. >1
X i

j ,

V~ ,-. .. ,
... ' .....


:I I I

l · T.
. I I
! A I··(~·:,:) 1776 ['~=?'I C f'~~-~ \776 jls:~] 776
B 776
.1 -j_~:1
.J,2<'r 11c
~n wiD. cucrd LVT contl!lon Channel (__ Hc) lifhile ;~fl)llto

4. :n COIilr:1 Socti.on will nonitor [111 nets [',nll 'will tclw :Lt' action
to corl."Oct violations of procedurG 2.nd security.

COf.1pan~{ rionccr anJ C0rrml1xnications crmfs will instc.ll w1.1'e to

platcons".to Inf TIn. j~rty).An.Gls and to '776th LHT:cnk Ln C.~· • V'are I"ill be strung not loss than 15 feet o.bovo crouml. and
will be . tc,":"od
. • ~ '-'

K. .lrE
Lt. Col.


I.... , ...

"f:~:;;~~~i' '.,'-,,~~

• •~~~;. ..,
..... .

Hq 776th Amph T3.Jlk Bn.

AfC 235

2(, Ml-i.rch 1945

CinCFba 3

COIlU'la:ldi~ . g (;eneral~ Tenth Army 3

Commandi'.1g Gcn:ra.l; XXIV C')rps 6

Commanding G6nr-;1'3.1; 'Ith in£', Div. 3

C0J11Il1d.r.dir gGencr:1.1:, 7th Inf. Div .. Arty. 3

Com,nanding OIf': s8r, 20th Armd Gp. 2

Comm'l.!ld· Uff ice)"; R C. T. 17 1

Corrul';n~':;.ng Of flC er: R, C.rr'. 32 1

Co.r.IJlundin Z Offjc eI', R. C' .'1'.' 1$4 1

32r.d Fie~:.d Arty Bn. 1

43th Fiel.d :~rty Bn. 1

49th Field i~rty 8n. 1

57th Field Arty Bn~ 1

Command1ng Officer, 711th Tank Bn. 1


A.G.F. 1

C & G.SS. 1

18th Armd. Gp. 1

19th Armd. Gp. 1

lhrine Corps School 1

Armored Sr~hoo1 1

776th Amr[!ibian Te.nk Battalion

S-l 1

S-2 1

S-3, 1

S-4 1

Corom. Ofi':i.cor: 1

1t~int. Officer: 1

Surgeon J.

Co '.'3 ( 1 ea.) 5

Commanc~r.g Officer 1

Executive Officer 1

S-l (For Opn. Heport and File) 11


Lt. Col.

..'" t' /'
1/1 (.-1.. (,It!.} ........





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c. D. 5 ECT'l\:>N
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