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Love Systems Insider

Date: February 21, 2010

In this issue:

 Live chat transcript!

 The New Audio Course is here!
 Coming Soon...The Game for 2011?
 We need YOU

Live Chat Transcript

A few days ago I did a live Q&A. With dozens of questions from guys about their dating life,
specific situations ("what do I do if she does such-and-such"), etc., it ended up being over 9,000
words of hard-core, news-you-can-use dating advice.

That's way too much to put in an email. It would fill about one month's worth of LSIs. So, I'll link
to it instead - click the link below to start reading it right away:

Here are some of the first questions:

1. "What was your "ah ha!" moment?"

2. "What was your most memorable pickup and why?"

3. "When approaching, I often feel very hesitant to open groups that seem very tight-knit,
especially if they are having a great conversation by themselves... am I entirely wrong?
How have you opened tight-knit groups?"

4. "Day game with cold approaches seems the hardest for me. Do you have any general
tips and tricks for these types of pickups beyond the 'be confident' and 'don't be boring?'
Also, any preferred location types?"

5. "Have you ever been able to apply these skills to making a long lasting relationship? If
so, what would you say has 'bridged' the best?"

6. "What happens if you move to a new city and don't know anyone; would you focus on
friends or girls first?"
7. "Was it intimidating to go on Dr. Phil and/or Tyra? Were you worried they were setting
you up or did you confirm ahead of time they were gonna be cordial?"

8. "What is the best way to combat approach anxiety? What is the best thing for beginners
to work on?"

9. "How do you go about choosing Love Systems instructors?"

10. "If you want to use Love Systems just to get one traditional girlfriend situation how would
you best go about doing this?"

11. "Any tips for online dating?"

Click the link below to read all the answers as well as dozens more:

And since this counts as a month's worth of LSi content, I'll see you in mid-March. I'm going on
vacation. No, just kidding. Carrying on...

The New Audio Course is here!

Once a year, Love Systems releases the last 10 information-packed audio recordings of the
advanced interview series - for almost 30% off.

(If you're a subscriber to the interview series, you're already getting a much bigger discount than
that as well as cool bonuses. Plus, you've already got all of these interviews and more. In other
words, click here to skip ahead to the next section.)

If you're new, you might be wondering what the interview series is. (If not, bear with me for a
couple paragraphs.) It's something unique to Love Systems. We pick a specific subject, like, say
"Attracting Women at Work" or "Breakups" and then get at least two of the world's experts
together to talk about it.

Why two? Because it works sooooo much better. Two experts talking lets them build on each
other's ideas. And even disagree sometimes. That's healthy. There's more than one path to get
what you want out of life, and sometimes it's really valuable to know the pros and cons of each

Plus, I don't know about you, but no matter how much I want to learn something, there's only so
much I can listen to of one guy talking and talking and talking. That's why radio shows often
have two hosts, or callers, or interviews to break it up.

Anyway, the interview series is pretty prestigious. Instructors compete for spots on it, and most
instructors credit the interview series above other products as being key to their success.
There's something about getting a few of the best people in the world to just sit around and talk
about a topic that they are experts on that is hard to duplicate in a book. We let them go for as
long as they want, and then boil it down to the best hour or two of the most important, practical
insights you can use right away.

And it's cheap as hell too. For subscribers, it's $24.99 per month. That's 80 cents per day to
listen to the best experts in the world talk about stuff you can use right away.

(If you're not a subscriber yet, take a moment now to check it out and decide if the Interview
Series is right for you. There's no obligation and no commitment, and you can cancel anytime.)

Alright, so what about this new audio course? Well, like I said, once per year we release the last
10 interview series volumes in a "bulk pack" at a huge discount. Each bulk pack is like a
complete audio home study course in itself. A lot of guys love these because you can listen in
the car, on your iPod at the gym, or just play it while you cook, do dishes, or whatever.

Bulk Pack 1 covered a lot of the foundations like approaching, attraction, basic qualification, etc.

Bulk Pack 2 is about the underlying concepts - what you're trying to accomplish in the first five
minutes, how value works, physical escalation/kino, and a fun one on threesomes.

Bulk Pack 3 gets a little more advanced: now you're into cold reads, high end club game, how to
be the alpha male, and so on.

Bulk Pack 4 is your problem-solving kit: handling (shit) tests, older men and younger women,
female psychology, and how to get that cute girl out of the club and back to your place.

Bulk Pack 5 is my favorite: Braddock on takeaways is amazing, Cajun and Tenmagnet on

preventing flaking is crucial, Future on Approach Anxiety is both hilarious and practical, and so
on. I love these.

And now we're at Bulk Pack 6. It's pretty focused on inner game and special situations. Here's
what's on it (note that you can get individual volumes separately without getting the bulk pack;
just click on the link for each title). As a special bonus, click ANY of the links - ten minutes of the
interview will automatically start playing.

That One Special Girl (Daxx and Bonsai) - Your cure for "one-itis."

Thinking Like an Instructor (Mr. M and Dubbsy) - The secrets of 'expert level' game.

Pre-Selection (The Don and Bonsai) - Women like you when they see other women attracted to
you. Here's how to make this work (even if no one is attracted to you at the beginning of the

Dancing Monkey Syndrome (Bonsai and Dubbsy) - Being entertaining is sexy. Being an
entertainer is not. This interview shows the difference so you know when you're about to cross
the line and undo all of your good work with the woman you want.

Gaming on Public Transport (Future and Pendrixx) - You sit down on the bus, subway, or
airplane. And there she is. What next?

Retail Clerk Game (Braddock and Dubbsy) - Stores deliberately hire hot women so men keep
coming back. So take advantage!

On Breakups (Bonsai and Calabrese) - How to handle breakups from both sides of the fence,

Voice & Tonality (Vercetti and Keychain) - Vercetti, voted the #1 PUA in the world (with #6
Keychain), brings his years of acting training and voice coaching to bear on how to train your
voice specifically for pick up artists.

Gaming in the Workplace (Biskit and Bullet) - This is closer to social circle mastery than classic
"pickup" - the rules are all different.

Intro to Online Game (Cajun and Tenmagnet) - Internet dating, the best sites, how to write a
profile, how to respond to hers, and all the fun ballsy techniques you'd expect from Cajun and

Bulk Pack 6 will start playing automatically (no charge) when you click the link below:
Coming Soon... The Game for 2011?

This is pretty cool. I heard that respected journalist Adam Brown is gearing up to publish his
exposé of the dating science community sometime in the next few weeks. Supposedly, it's like
The Game but without the bias and self-promotion.

(Adam is a journalist with a professional reputation to uphold and is not trying to become a
dating coach.)

I don't have a copy, so I can only go by what people have told me, but here's what I've heard so

 Based on events of 2008-10 (The Game was about 2002-4).

 An outsider's view of "the community" - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
 A mix of revealing some of the techniques being taught along with a behind-the-scenes
look at various men improving their success with women.
 The narrative vehicle is Project Rockstar - the experiment of training 6 random guys for 6
weeks in London by a variety of PUAs, including Love Systems instructors.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted as I learn more. I'm probably not going to agree with the entire
book and I might write my own response to it, depending on what it says. But, as I did with the
ABC Nightline reporting, I'll send you the link regardless so you can make up your own mind.
We need YOU

As you've probably seen, the Love Systems community is growing and growing. We've been
approached (and accepted) by major research universities who want to study the Love Systems
approach and we are constantly getting requests to speak at conferences, contribute to books,
and, of course, share our secrets with more men like you.

The thing is, we can't just "grow." It takes about a year to train a new instructor, and another 1-2
years to reach the master instructor level where you can run bootcamps.

So, we're definitely recruiting and training new instructors now, but that won't really help us for
another few years.

If you're interested in becoming a Love Systems instructor one day, click here for more info:

So if we can't add instructors quickly, we can add more staff and interns to support the
instructors we do have and make things more efficient.

And that's where you (might) come in. We have a mix of jobs and internships available. Being
an intern is great if you have a few hours of free time and want to "earn" products and training
with your work instead of paying for them in cash. Most internships can be done from your

Click the link below AND BOOKMARK IT. It always has the most up-to-date listings, and they're
updated every week or so:

Until next week,

-Nick (Savoy)

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