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Drying Technology
An International Journal
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Software for Design and Analysis of Drying Systems
Zhen-Xiang Gong a; Arun S. Mujumdar b
Simprotek Corporation, Cupertino, California
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mineral, Metal & Materials Technology
Centre (M3TC), National University of Singapore, Singapore

Online Publication Date: 01 July 2008

To cite this Article: Gong, Zhen-Xiang and Mujumdar, Arun S. (2008) 'Software for
Design and Analysis of Drying Systems', Drying Technology, 26:7, 884 — 894
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/07373930802142390


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Drying Technology, 26: 884–894, 2008
Copyright # 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
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DOI: 10.1080/07373930802142390

Software for Design and Analysis of Drying Systems

Zhen-Xiang Gong1 and Arun S. Mujumdar2
Simprotek Corporation, Cupertino, California
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mineral, Metal & Materials Technology Centre
(M3TC), National University of Singapore, Singapore

technologies will once again become a focal point for

Available commercial software to simulate flowsheets both industry and academia. Considering drying as a par-
incorporating drying is reviewed briefly. Such software can be very ticularly energy-consuming unit operation, user-friendly
cost effective in the design, analysis, trouble-shooting, as well as software is needed by industry and academia to improve
control and optimization of drying systems. A new comprehensive the energy efficiency of drying and reduce the carbon
drying software suite is proposed and analyzed. Key factors to the
success of drying software products are discussed. Motivation, footprint of drying products.
principles, and applications of the new drying software package,
Simprosys, which represents a major step toward development of
a comprehensive drying software suite, are presented. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF DRYING SYSTEMS
For thermal drying, the wet material and hot gas pass
Keywords Dryer design; Drying simulation; Drying suite; through a dryer to exchange heat and mass to dry the
Simprosys; Software wet material. Such direct dryers constitute over 90% of
industrial dryers in operation today according to some
INTRODUCTION estimates. When the exhaust gas comes out from the dryer,
Since the emergence of modern electronic computers in the entrained material in the exhaust gas must go through
early 1980s, knowledge developed in science and engine- suitable dust collectors such as cyclones and baghouses
ering has found a ready and effective way to be applied to collect the entrained product and to satisfy the exhaust
to industrial practice with the help of computers. Com- discharge regulations. The material, drying gas, and dryer
puter software made solutions to difficult and complex are the key components that need to be considered in a
problems readily available. In almost all industrial sectors, drying process.
engineers today use computer software every day to do After the required material properties, product require-
their calculations and design tasks instead of going through ments, and production scale are known, the appropriate
dozens of handbooks to look up the needed engineering dryer type is selected. Selection of a dryer must take many
data and do the calculations ‘‘manually’’ or using aspects into consideration. Numerous rules and methodol-
custom-designed programs. Properly designed computer ogies have been proposed in the literature on selection of
software can help increase significantly the efficiency and dryers based on material characteristics and product
productivity of not only industry but also academia as well. requirements.[5,6] Dryer selection is often the most chal-
Over the past 30 years, considerable effort has been lenging part for the drying system design and is also critical
devoted to the development of various software programs to the success of the dryer. It is also necessary to be sure
applicable to thermal drying.[1–4] However, few commercial that for the selected dryer type and operating conditions,
software packages related to drying and drying system the product quality meets customer specifications. This
design have been developed successfully or are well cannot be derived from the thermodynamic calculations
accepted by industry. of heat and mass balance equations.
In view of the necessity to reduce greenhouse gas To design a drying system for a material, lab-scale
emissions due to concerns over global climate change and experiments are generally needed to obtain the material
the rapidly escalating cost of energy, energy conservation properties and desirable operation conditions once the
dryer type is selected carefully. Once the design require-
Correspondence: Zhen-Xiang Gong, Simprotek Corporation, ments are specified, a drying flowsheet must be laid out
7375 Rollingdell Dr., Suite 41, Cupertino, California, 95014; to meet the design requirements. Next, heat and mass
E-mail: balances of the whole process need to be calculated to


obtain the necessary process parameters such as the air the same material model, drying gas model, equipment
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flow rate to the dryer, the capacity and power requirements model, and material database. Each unit in the suite
for the blower, the heat duty of the heater, the exhaust covers different aspects for design, analysis, trouble-
dust concentration of the cyclone or scrubber, etc. Finally, shooting, as well as control and optimization of drying
equipment and processing conditions can be selected systems.
according to the balance calculation results. Within such a drying suite, users can process their
For the design of some dryers, a scaling up calculation is experimental data. They can also select an appropriate
needed after the relevant lab experiment is completed. dryer or get a set of appropriate dryers recommended after
Computational analysis of inter gas material heat and material characteristics (such as moisture contents, particle
mass transfer, such as computational fluid dynamics distributions, and experimental drying curves) and product
(CFD) analysis of gas particle two-phase flow with coupled requirements (such as final moisture content, product
heat and mass transfer, may be required for better design quality requirements) are specified. They then can perform
and optimization of some specific dryers.[7] relevant heat=mass=pressure balance calculations for not
When drying is controlled by internal diffusion, drying only the dryer(s) but also the pre- and postprocessing
kinetics analysis (numerical methodology such as finite stages of the drying material and the ancillary unit opera-
element or finite difference solutions of governing tions. Users should be able to further carry out, on the
equations) of the transient coupled heat and mass transfer basis of the balance calculations, scoping, scaling up of
inside the material under different boundary conditions the dryer based on lab experiment results, or dryer rating.
can help to significantly reduce experimental cost in deter- Users should further be able to calculate the equipment
mining the drying time and optimal drying conditions. and operating cost for a drying system. They should also
Based on various aspects of design, analysis, trouble- be able to do advanced simulations for drying kinetics
shooting, as well as control and optimization of drying analysis and inter gas material heat and mass transfer
systems, computer software can be helpful in the analysis such as computational fluid dynamics simulation
following ways: of gas particle two-phase flow with coupled heat and mass
transfer, depending on the type of dryer.
1. Process simulation and control of drying-centered
The ideal drying suite should contain four essential units
process. A thermal dryer needs ancillary pieces of equip-
for design and process engineers and two advanced units
ment, e.g., heaters, fans, cyclones, etc., to carry out the
for researchers and R&D engineers. The four essential
drying operation. For spray drying of liquids, one may
units should include all the necessary tools needed for the
need evaporators to concentrate the liquid to a certain
design of dryers and drying systems by engineers. They are
degree before it is sent to a spray dryer. Simulation of
the drying operation as a system (or the whole drying 1. An experimental data processor that can be used to
plant) can lead to optimized design and operation. process experimental data.
2. Dryer design calculations, which include basic heat and 2. A dryer selector that can be used to get a list of
mass balance calculations, and related calculations such appropriate dryers recommended or appropriate dryer
as scoping and scaling up, can be used to specify the selected.
dryer equipment. 3. A process simulator that can be used to lay out drying
3. Drying kinetics simulation that predicts the transient flowsheets and carry out heat=mass balance calcula-
coupled heat and mass diffusion within the material. tions. With the dryer model of the process simulator,
This is mainly used to simulate different drying (heating) users should be able to further drill down, on the basis
conditions to determine the drying time. For example, of the balance calculations, to scoping, scaling up, and
this is particularly useful for optimization of major dryer rating. Since flows of air and material are involved,
materials such as monolithic and prefabricated refrac- it is typically necessary to estimate the air-handling
tory castings[8,9] and lumber. It can also be used to power requirements as well.
determine the drying time of a single drying particle 4. A flowsheet cost estimator that can be use to estimate
under the flow and heat conditions in a dryer. the equipment cost and operating cost based on the
4. Computational simulation of the inter gas material process simulation results.
heat and mass transfer. CFD simulation of the gas
particle two-phase flow with coupled heat and mass The two advanced units are
transfer is one of the examples of this type of simulation.
1. A set of simulators that can be used to simulate the
Such simulation is mainly used for detailed design of
coupled heat and mass transfer within the drying
some specific dryers such as spray and flash dryers.
material for drying controlled by internal diffusion.
Ideally, drying software should be a comprehensive 2. A set of simulators that can be used to simulate the inter
‘‘drying suite’’ consisting of interrelated units that share gas material heat and mass transfer.

The data processor is used to establish a material simple mistakes. Users of this software require minimal
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model, which is needed by the dryer selector and process self-training and effort to use it effectively.
simulator. The equipment model is shared by the process Version 1.01 of Simprosys currently covers only the air–
simulator and the cost estimator. The material model, water system and is used mainly for heat and mass balance
drying gas model, and equipment model can be shared by calculations. Extension to other gas–organic liquid systems
the process simulator and the simulators in the two and to dryer scaling up is under development.
advanced units.
With the four essential units of the drying suite, design dryPAK
engineers should be able to design any drying system dryPAK is a DOS based dryer design software package
incorporating any typical dryer; process engineers should developed by the Technical University of Lodz.
be able to simulate any drying process or drying plant to dryPAK 3.6 does dryer design calculations including
optimize the drying operation. heat and mass balance and drying kinetics calculations.
With the two advanced units of the drying suite, The equilibrium method or the characteristic drying curve
researchers and R&D engineers can perform cost-effective method can be combined to model the process kinetics.
simulations for better design, optimization, and control. Mass transfer coefficients and other kinetic data can be
With simulation of the internal heat and mass transfer, entered to calculate the dryer length. Drying kinetics are
drying time under different operating conditions can be based on Fick’s diffusion equation for three basic geome-
predicted to help both process and dryer designs. With tries (plate, cylinder, and sphere) and two types of bound-
simulation of the inter gas material heat and mass transfer, ary conditions for isothermal or adiabatic case. It can also
geometry and details inside the dryer can be experimented do ancillary psychometric calculations. It covers not only
under different heat and flow conditions to optimize and air–water systems but also many other gas–solvent systems.
refine dryer geometry and drying conditions. Researchers Interested readers can refer to Pakowski[13] for details
can use the two advanced units to effectively develop about this software package.
innovative concepts and ideas in drying.[10–12] dryPAK is a good drying-specific software package.
However, it was developed on the DOS platform and has
not been upgraded to Windows yet.
Available commercial drying software is limited for vari-
ous reasons.[1] A search identified only three commercial
DrySel is an expert system marketed by Aspen Tech-
software packages specifically intended for drying. They
nology for dryer selection. It lists and compares many
are Simprosys, dryPAK, and DrySel. Here we will discuss
options for over 50 different types of dryer to perform a
these three packages very briefly with some emphasis on
chosen drying duty. It is a proprietary software package.
the latest one, Simprosys.
DrySel can provide a range of promising dryers with
their advantages and disadvantages. It is an expert system
Simprosys but also contains some numerical calculation capabilities.
Simprosys is a Windows-based process simulator After input data are obtained, major choices are then
developed by Simprotek Corporation (www.simprotek. addressed, such as batch or continuous mode, contact or
com). It can be used for flowsheet design and simulation convective heating, basic type of feed and options for feed
of drying and evaporation systems. It can also be used or product modification. In each case, the software tells
for the design of dryers. It is developed using the most users what factors should be considered when making the
advanced software technology, .Net and C#. choice and offers advice. Users may keep all options open
Simprosys 1.01 covers 19 unit operations (solids dryer; or concentrate on a selection. The software evaluates the
liquid dryer; cyclone; air filter; bag filter; electro-static pre- overall merit factors for the selected dryers, based on over
cipitator; wet scrubber; scrubber condenser; fan=blower; 50 rules covering material properties, specified throughput
compressor; steam jet ejector; pump; valve; heater; cooler; and moisture content, and safety and environmental
heat exchanger, which can also be used as an evaporator; factors. The output data are extensive and a number of
liquid–vapor separator; mixer; and tee. Users can construct options are provided. Dryers may be ranked in order of
any drying- and evaporation-related process to explore dif- merit score, and both graphical and numerical displays
ferent arrangements of unit operations and experiment are provided.
with different operating conditions. Simprosys 1.01 can As is well known, selection of dryers is more of an art
also simulate recycled exhaust gas stream and product and experience than engineering and science. Even top
material stream in the process. drying experts might make different choices for the same
Simprosys has a user-friendly and intuitive user interface material and design requirements since it relies much on
with maximum protection to prevent users from making the experience and gut feeling. Software application has

been proven very effective for engineering and science these process simulators also has difficulties in dealing with
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problems. It is less effective for problems featuring art such materials as food and agricultural products, which do
and experience due to its fuzzy and indetermination not have a well-defined molecular composition. Even if
characteristics. However, DrySel is still a useful software Hysys and Aspen Plus would be able to include reasonable
tool to help process engineers make good design decisions. dryer unit operations, they are not affordable for most, if
not all, of the drying audience since the licensing fees of
Other Drying-Related Software these software packages are rather steep.
Many authors have developed CFD-based models of It is worthwhile to mention that a Web-based online
dryers; e.g., spray, fluid bed, flash, impinging jet, etc. library, called Process Manual, includes drying as one of
Most are developed as parts of R&D projects in academia the 10 technical areas. Strictly speaking, Process Manual
and are not openly available and often not user-friendly. is an electronic library rather than a software package.
They are also of limited validity over parameter ranges Another effort worth mentioning is that Microsoft Excel
tested. Such models give detailed quantitative description combined with Visual Basic is used to model and simulate
of the flow, temperature and humidity fields, local particle dryer designs.[16] However, this cannot be regarded as
temperatures and moisture contents, etc. Such infor- mainstream drying software, although the approach may
mation is obtained by solution of the governing differen- have some potential.
tial equations of conservation of mass, energy, Although some software packages are available free on
momentum, and species along with equations describing the Internet for humidity and psychrometric calculations,
turbulence, particle motion, thermophysical property they all are of very limited value since real-world calcula-
variations, etc. For dryer scoping, such detail is often tions related to drying are much more complicated than
not needed. humidity and psychrometric calculations alone.
For spray dryer simulation, many research groups have
carried out CFD studies. For general purpose use, NIZO
Food Research (The Netherlands) has come up with a KEYS TO SUCCESS OF DRYING SOFTWARE
general-purpose spray dryer modeling software package It is well recognized that application of properly
called DrySPEC2 (DRYer System for Property and Energy designed drying software not only makes engineers much
Control), which models the processing conditions, energy more productive but also leads to better designs and
usage, powder properties, etc., for a two-stage spray drying optimized operations. However, few commercial drying
system.[14] This model uses heat and mass balance equa- software products have been developed that are well
tions, sorption equations, etc., and needs some calibration accepted by the drying community. Kemp[1,2] attributed
data before parametric studies can be carried out. This the lack of drying software to the following four reasons:
software has been successfully tested in spray drying of (1) complexity of calculations, (2) difficulties in modeling
milk, whey permeate, etc. It has been used to raise capacity solids, (3) limited market and lack of replicability, and
by up to 20% and hold product moisture content within (4) changes in operating system software.
0.05%. For a detailed model based on CFD, NIZO has In the authors’ opinion, this is due to one major reason.
also developed a software package entitled DrySim. Such The process of software development so far lacks the
a model can be very useful in examining effects of involvement of the global drying industry. If engineers’
geometry, flow conditions, etc., which can be useful for needs cannot be accurately captured, no matter how much
troubleshooting.[15] Models for agglomeration are also effort is devoted, development of drying software would be
included in this software. difficult to implement commercially.
In existing process simulators, Hysys does not include a Inappropriate requirement capture is the major reason
dryer unit. Aspen Plus includes a dryer unit that appears to for software project failures. Accurate requirements
be too simplistic to be of much practical use. Popular must come from those who need the software. Software
process simulators like Hysys, Aspen Plus, and ProSim developers can not always guess what users need. They
were designed mainly for materials of very well-defined need related domain experts and potential users actively
chemical compositions. Their fundamental calculations involved to know what they really need and to receive
are based on components’ liquid–vapor equilibrium, which valuable feedback. Getting drying industry involved in
is calculated according to gas state equation. Therefore, the the process of software development is the key to success
foundation of these process simulators, the stream model, of the resulting software.
is based on the flash calculations of pressure, temperature, Ease of use is an important factor for success of any
and enthalpy. Such a stream model is extremely difficult to drying software. An intuitive and easy-to-use interface will
deal with drying-related simulations which need specific make the user’s learning curve much shorter.
state variables such as absolute=relative humidity and Making the software affordable is another key
wet-bulb=dew point temperature. The stream model of to the success of any drying software product. Although

drying competes with distillation as one of the top energy- humid volume, humid heat, and humid enthalpy are based
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consuming unit operations, distillation-centered software on information found in Pakowski and Mujumdar.[20]
products such as ASPEN Plus and Hysys are very success- For an air–water system, the properties (including satu-
ful and well accepted by industry. Easy modeling of liquid ration pressure) of water as liquid and steam are calculated
and replicability[1] may be some of the reasons for their according to the 1967 ASME Steam Tables. The properties
success. However, the huge production scale of gasoline of dry air are based on Perry[19] (section 2, Physical and
and other chemical products to which these software Chemical Data). For other solvent–gas systems (which
packages are applied is the major reason. With such a huge are being developed) such as air–carbon tetrachloride,
production scale as gasoline for a refinery plant, any air–benzene, and air–toluene, the liquid and steam
improvements in energy efficiency through simulation can properties of the solvent are also based on Perry[19] (section
produce huge profits. Therefore, the refinery industry can 2, Physical and Chemical Data).
afford very expensive software such as ASPEN Plus and
Hysys. In contrast, drying products are so diversified and Dryer Models
there is not a single product whose production scale can
For a continuous convective dryer, the heat and mass
be comparable. Therefore, affordability of drying software
balance is as follows:
is very important to the drying community.
WG ðYO  YI Þ ¼ Wev ¼ WS ðXI  XO Þ ð1Þ
WG ðIGI  IGO Þ þ Qc þ W ¼ WS ðISO  ISI Þ þ Ql þ DQt þ Qm
Process simulators such as Hysys are very popular in
both industry and academia. Hysys has very good ð2Þ
philosophy to handle user interaction with the software. in which WG is the gas mass flow rate (dry basis); YO and
With Hysys it is easy for engineers to quickly lay out a YI are gas outlet and inlet absolute humidity, respectively;
flowsheet and do the necessary heat=mass=pressure WS is the solid throughput (mass flow rate dry basis); XI
balance calculations. They can easily study the effects of and XO are the inlet and outlet moisture content (dry basis)
input parameters on output parameters in a big flowsheet respectively; IGI and IGO are gas inlet and outlet specific
that contains dozens of unit operations. However, Hysys enthalpy; ISI and ISO are solid inlet and outlet specific
is oil and gas process centered. enthalpy, respectively; Qc is indirectly supplied heat to
Application of the Hysys philosophy to drying-centered the dryer; Ql is heat loss of the dryer; DQt is net heat carried
processes can generate an excellent software tool for hand- in by transport device; and Qm is mechanical energy input.
ling drying-related problems. However, such a tool was not In the Simprosys dryer model, you can specify the gas
available heretofore. This planted the seed for development inlet temperature and humidity and either the gas outlet
of Simprosys as a tool specifically geared to handle dryers temperature or outlet relative humidity or the outlet
and related ancillary equipment in complex flowsheets. humidity to calculate how much drying air is needed.
Since drying is a unit operation found in almost all indus- You can also specify the gas inlet flow rate, temperature,
trial sectors, we believe that it has lot of potential applica- and humidity to calculate the gas temperature and
tions to improve energy economics and emission control. humidity. Due to space limitations, we cannot list all the
Simprosys was developed using the most advanced functionalities of the dryer model. Interested readers can
software technology, Microsoft .Net and C#, to fill the go to to download a trial version of
void of process simulation for materials that do not have Simprosys 1.01 and try it out.
a clear definition of compositions. It started with drying In addition to the heat and mass balance calculations,
and evaporation as its typical target processes. However, the Simprosys dryer also has a simple scoping model based
this does not limit the software only to such processes. It on Kemp.[21] After heat and mass balance calculation you
is useful for academic as well as industrial use. can input the drying gas velocity in the dryer to get the size
of the dryer calculated.
The drying flowsheet model and dryer model of Material Property Model
Simprosys are based on extensive studies presented in some Current material model in Simprosys supports two types
of the most authoritative handbooks by Mujumdar,[17] of materials. One is generic material type and the other is
Masters,[18] and Perry.[19] generic food type.
For drying-related balance simulation of a generic
Drying Gas Model material you only need to provide the specific heat of the
The calculations of absolute humidity, relative bone-dry material. The specific heat of the material with
humidity, wet-bulb temperature, dew point temperature, moisture content is a weighted average of the bone dry

TABLE 1 the heat=mass=pressure balance of the whole plant and

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Specific heat of generic food components obtain the necessary process parameters such as the air
Carbohydrate Cp ¼ 1:5488 þ 1:9625  103 T  5:9399  106 T 2 flow rate to the dryer, the capacity and power requirements
Ash Cp ¼ 1:0926 þ 1:8896  103 T  3:6817  106 T 2 for the blower, the heat duty of the heater, the exhaust dust
Fibe Cp ¼ 1:8459 þ 1:8306  103 T  4:6509  106 T 2 concentration of the cyclone or scrubber, etc. They then
Fat Cp ¼ 1:9842 þ 1:4733  103 T  4:8008  106 T 2 can choose equipment according to the simulation results.
Protein Cp ¼ 2:0082 þ 1:2089  103 T  1:3129  106 T 2 Process engineers can simulate an existing plant by
easily laying out the plant on a flowsheet and inputting
the operating conditions to see how efficient the current
material and the moisture: operation is. They can try different operating conditions
CWetMat ¼ ð1:0  wÞCDryMat þ wCMoisture ð3Þ to optimize the operation. They can also use Simprosys
as an effective troubleshooting tool to find which unit is
where CWetMat, CDryMat, CMoisture represent specific heats of not working as designed.
wet material, bone-dry material, and liquid moisture, University instructors will find Simprosys an efficient
respectively, and w stands for the moisture content of the teaching tool for undergraduate and postgraduate students
material. working on design and research projects in chemical
When evaporation-related balance simulation is engineering unit operations, food process engineering,
involved, Duhring lines of the material solution to account agricultural engineering, etc. They can show students the
for boiling point rise are required as input in addition to effects of the input parameters on the output parameters
the specific heat of the bone-dry material. of a typical plant. With Simprosys, students can do what-
For a generic food material, the basic compositions of if analysis, which otherwise would take an unrealistically
the material need to be specified. Five basic components long time to accomplish.
constitute a generic food material in addition to its moist- Three examples are selected here to demonstrate
ure. They are carbohydrate, ash, fiber, fat, and protein. applications of Simprosys. The first example is a two-stage
The specific heat of a generic food material without drying flowsheet with the exhaust gas from the second
moisture content is a weighted average of each of the five dryer mixed with fresh air as the first dryer’s inlet gas.
basic components. The specific heat as a function of The second one is a typical drying flowsheet with a recycled
temperature for each of the five basic components is listed material stream. The third one is a combined two-effect
in Table 1.[22,23] The unit of temperature T is in C and that evaporation and two-stage drying flowsheet.
of Cp is kJ=kg C in Table 1. Readers can develop their own flowsheets in a short
For drying-related balance simulation you need to spe- time of self-training.
cify the mass fraction for each of the five basic components
to obtain the specific heat of the bone-dry material. The Example 1—A Drying Flowsheet with Recycled Exhaust
specific heat of a generic food material with moisture is a Gas Stream
weighted average of the bone-dry food material and the The drying material is liquid. Feed solids content ¼
moisture, which can be calculated by Eq. (3). 0.57 kg=kg wet basis. Feed temperature ¼ 100C. Feed
pressure ¼ 101.3 kPa. The material goes through a spray
Other Unit Operation Models dryer to be dried to a moisture content of 0.08 kg=kg
The heat exchanger model in Simprosys is based on wet basis. Then it goes through a vibrated fluidized bed
those found in the literature,[19,24–27] as is the cyclone dryer to get the product dried to the final moisture content
model,[19,28,29] the electrostatic precipitator model,[19,29] of 0.003 kg=kg wet basis. Specific heat of the bone dry
and the wet scrubber models.[19,30] All the other unit material ¼ 1.26 kJ=kgC. Mass flow rate of wet materi-
operation models of Simprosys are based on Perry.[19] al ¼ 2000 kg=h. Drying air: Initial pressure ¼ 101.3 kPa.
Initial temperature (dry-bulb) ¼ 20C. Initial absolute
SOME ILLUSTRATIVE APPLICATIONS OF SIMPROSYS humidity ¼ 0.009 kg=kg. Mass flow rate of humid air ¼
Using the unit operation modules provided by 15,000 kg=h.
Simprosys, one can readily construct any drying- and Drying air goes through an air filter with a pressure
evaporation-related process to model, design, and analyze. drop of 0.3 kPa. Assume dust volume concentration is
One can also readily explore different arrangements of unit 0.1 g=m3, collection efficiency of the air filter is 99.5%,
operations and experiment with different operating and filtration velocity is 2.5 m=s. Drying air then goes
conditions to optimize alternate designs and operations. through a blower (the efficiency is 0.73) to gain 4 kPa static
Design engineers can use Simprosys to design drying- pressure, then through a heater to be heated to 85C before
and evaporation-related plants. Based on design require- it is split into two streams; one goes directly to the vibrated
ments, they can quickly lay out the flowsheet and compute fluidized bed dryer, the other is further heated through a
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FIG. 1. Flowsheet with recycled exhaust gas stream.

heater to 240C and then goes to the spray dryer. Pressure The established flowsheet using Simprosys is displayed
drop of air in the first and second heater is 1.0 and 0.6 kPa, in Fig. 1. The simulated result is shown in Fig. 2.
respectively. Pressure drop of air in the spray dryer and the With Simprosys it is easy to specify the absolute
fluidized bed dryer is 1.2 and 1.0 kPa, respectively. The humidity of the fresh air instead of relative humidity or
exhaust air entrains 0.1% of the total material in both specify the heating duty of the heater rather than the air
dryers. Exhaust gas from the spray dryer goes through a inlet temperature of the dryer to simulate the flowsheet.
cyclone to collect 95% of the entrained dust material. One can also change the material inlet temperature and=or
Pressure drop of gas in this cyclone is 0.6 kPa. Exhaust moisture content to see how the air outlet temperature and
gas from the vibrated fluidized bed dryer also goes through humidity change.
a cyclone to collect 95% of the entrained dust material.
Pressure drop of gas in this cyclone is 0.6 kPa. Exhaust Example 2—A Drying Flowsheet with Recycled Material
gas coming out of the cyclone goes through a blower (the Stream
efficiency of the fan is 0.7) to be compressed to 103.4 kPa The material to be dried is in the form of solid particles.
and then is mixed with the fresh air coming out of heater Initial moisture content ¼ 0.25 kg=kg wet basis. Initial
1 and sent to the spray dryer inlet. temperature ¼ 20C. Product temperature ¼ 75C. Product

FIG. 2. Simulation results for example 1.

Downloaded By: [Gong, Zhen-Xiang] At: 00:04 26 June 2008

FIG. 3. Flowsheet with recycled material stream.

FIG. 4. Simulation results for example 2.


moisture content ¼ 0.002 kg=kg wet basis. Specific heat TABLE 2

Downloaded By: [Gong, Zhen-Xiang] At: 00:04 26 June 2008

of the bone-dry material ¼ 1.26 kJ=kg  C. Mass flow Duhring lines
rate of wet material ¼ 1000 kg=h. Drying air has the Start boiling End boiling
following conditions: Initial pressure ¼ 101.3 kPa. Initial point (C) point (C)
temperature ¼ 20C. Initial relative humidity ¼ 0.3. Mass
flow rate of humid air ¼ 10,000 kg=h. Mass concentration
Drying air goes through an air filter. Pressure drop in (kg=kg) Solvent Solution Solvent Solution
the air filter is 0.3 kPa. Assume dust volume concentration 0.0 50 50 200 200
is 0.1 g=m3, collection efficiency of the air filter is 99.8%, 0.2 50 52 200 203
and filtration velocity is 2.5 m=s. Drying air then goes 0.4 50 55 200 207
through a fan (the efficiency of the fan is 0.7) to gain 0.6 50 59 200 212
3 kPa static pressure, then through a heater with a heating
duty of 246 kW. Pressure drop of air in the heater and
dryer is 0.8 kPa and 1.2 kPa, respectively. The exhaust air Concentrated liquid material is dried through a two-
of the dryer entrains 0.1% of the total material into the stage drying process. It first goes through a spray dryer
dryer’s gas outlet stream. The gas outlet stream needs to to be dried to a moisture content of 0.08 kg=kg (wet basis).
go through a bag filter to collect the entrained dust It then goes through a vibrated fluid bed dryer to be dried
material. Collection efficiency of the bag filter is 99%. to a moisture content of 0.03 kg=kg (wet basis). The drying
Pressure drop of air in the bag filter is 0.6 kPa. air of the spray dryer is at 103.2 kPa and 140C. The
The dryer requires that the feed moisture content (wet exhaust air of the spray dryer is at 68C. Dried material
basis) is less than 0.15 kg=kg. As is known, initial moisture from the spray dryer is at 55C. The drying air of the
content (wet basis) of the material is 0.25 kg=kg. One solu- vibrated fluid bed dryer is at 103.2 kPa and 85C. The
tion is to mix a portion of the dried material product with exhaust air of the vibrated fluid bed dryer is at 50C. Dried
the fresh material to decrease the moisture content to the material from the vibrated fluid bed dryer is at 52C. Part
required moisture content level and then feed the dryer. of the liquid-vapor seperator of the second effect is used to
A tee is required to split the product material into two preheat the drying air.
streams. One goes through a recycle and mixes with the Concentration of the liquid can be achieved by a two-
fresh material in a mixer and then is introduced into the effect falling film evaporation process. The initial liquid
dryer material inlet. The established flowsheet is displayed material is first preheated using part of the secondary
in Fig. 3. The simulated result is shown in Fig. 4. vapor from the second effect evaporation to about 85C.
Simulation results indicate that one half of the dry Then part of the thermally compressed secondary vapor
product from the dryer needs to be mixed with the original from the first effect is used to further heat the material to
material to satisfy the material inlet moisture content nearly the bubble point of the material. It then goes to
requirement. the first falling film evaporator operating at a pressure of
With Simprosys the designer can easily specify the 106 kPa. Water vapor of 265 kPa is used as the heating
absolute humidity of the fresh air instead of the relative steam for this evaporator. Vapor and liquid mixture
humidity or specify the air inlet temperature of the dryer coming out of the first evaporator goes to a liquid–vapor
rather than the heating duty of the heater to simulate the separator to separate the concentrated liquid with the
flowsheet. It is also possible to change the material inlet vapor. Secondary vapor coming out of the separator is
temperature and=or moisture content or the dry product compressed with fresh steam of 350 kPa using a steam jet
ratio recycled (e.g., 40 or 60% dry product to be recycled) ejector. A very small potion of the compressed secondary
to see how the air outlet temperature and humidity are vapor is used to preheat the feeding material from 85C
affected. to nearly the bubble point as indicated before. The
majority of the compressed secondary vapor is used as
Example 3—Combined Evaporation and Two-Stage Drying the heating steam of the second effect evaporator. The
Liquid material of 50,000 kg=h flow rate is initially at a second effect evaporator is operating at about 100 kPa.
mass concentration of 0.13 kg=kg and a temperature of Liquid–vapor mixture coming out of the second effect
3C. It needs to be concentrated to a mass concentration evaporator goes to another liquid–vapor separator to
of 0.57. Material density is 720 kg=m3 at room tempera- separate the concentrated liquid with the vapor. As is
ture. Concentration process needs to be performed at mentioned above, part of the secondary vapor is use to
around atmospheric pressure. Specific heat of the material preheat the feeding material.
without moisture is 1.26 kJ=kg  C. The boiling point rise The established flowsheet is displayed in Fig. 5. The
of the material solution can be described by the Duhring results of the calculations are shown in Fig. 6. Note that
lines expressed in Table 2. not all results are shown in the table due to space
Downloaded By: [Gong, Zhen-Xiang] At: 00:04 26 June 2008

FIG. 5. Combined evaporation and drying flowsheet.

limitations in Fig. 6. Interested readers may visit www. simulations for better design, optimization, and control; to download a trial version of Simprosys and researchers can develop innovative concepts and ideas.
1.01 and load Example 11 in the Tutorial to fully study this Simprosys is possibly the first step toward the compre-
example. hensive drying suite. It is an effort by the authors to pro-
vide affordable yet powerful and easy-to-use software to
CLOSING REMARKS benefit both drying industry and academia.
A comprehensive drying suite is an ideal solution for Drying is such a widely used unit operation and such a
drying software. With such a drying suite, design engineers huge energy consumer that the drying community must be
can do their designs of drying systems and dryers; process able to nourish and sustain properly designed drying
engineers can evaluate existing drying plants and optimize software. Software such as Simprosys can be widely used
their operations; R&D engineers can do cost-effective by academia for teaching and by industry. With concerns

FIG. 6. Simulation results for example 3.


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